8 CMPITKL CITV COURIIR, POPULATION OF LIMCOLH 60,000. rnf 10th and P . DRY -GOODS earor a larie Una of Woolte Dress Ooods a4 Okanmbl Bllki, HmImt, Ceneta, uafttrwtari tilofts, UatloM, Mbhi, elo. Agents for Buttcrick's Patterns Tlie Courlar Can ! rotiml At otal Lincoln Newi Hlaml. Wlndaor Hot) New Hlaml. Capital Hotel Nawa Htanit. lUd Dum Clf ar Hiiir, l(U0 o Htrtet Sd. Youn, vn O Htrcet. Claaon. rielohur A Co., MM O Htrcet. Moore's NowiHtaml. lift Houtli 11th Htroct. UOUHIRM Oltlco, 1131 O Htwt. Htray Notion, Taken up on or ntwrnt Urn flral of Novem ber, onn dnrk brown pony about ilx yenra old. WclBli about iiIiio luiiulrcil pouiuli Mid li about tlilrlron ImtiiU hlfli. Owner can barn aamo by proving properly and pur ine cliartei by cnlflui at my plncc, John It. Clark (arm, one and onehnlrinlloniouth-eiMt cf Normal College, r 1). DkLonu, SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- ur (JarTnts are now being offcted by W. R. DENNIS & CO. 137 ... O Street ... 1137 lcal and Personal. WhltobroftHt Coal and Ltnio Co. Lincoln Coal Co., aw cor 11th and O St. L. Darr, Jewolor, romovod to 1201 0 St. Lluooln Framo & Art Co., 225 S. 11th. Cowlc, undertaker, Funko 110 S. 12th. Canon City coal at tho Whltobroast Coal and Llmo Co. Chas. S. MoKonny, tho East Lincoln drugglit, 2712 O Btroot. Mm. Wilson for flno dressmaking at felerpolshelmbr & Co. Book Springs Coal at tho Lincoln Coal Co. 'Phone 440. .W. A. Coffin & Co., grooers, 143 South Eleventh atreoi. Sampson Slstors, artlstlo dress mak ing, 1123 N street, over Dorsoy's. For Sunday dinner supplloa call at Haltor'a market, 210 N 10th at. Phoho 100. K. O. Baking Powdor, 25 ounces for 25 cents. Absolutely Puro. Havo you tried it? Mlseos Boggs and CafTyn, dross mak ing parlors. Flno Btamplng. 1311 M atroot, 'phono 510. All orders via tolophono 308 will .reach W. A. Coffin As Co. and receive prompt and careful attention. Why pay ovorbltant prices for stand ard works when you can buy thorn so cheap at the Exposition book storo. Tho Whltobroast Coal and Llmo oompany is always at tho front supply ng the flnost grade of all kinds of ooal. The only entirely fresh stock of gro ceries in town has Just been opened by Miller & Gilford, at 1200 O street, op posite Burr block. All' kinds of Imported chooses, flnost and largest assortment over seen in tho city, at Bumhold & Mosor's, 043 O atroot. 'Phono 728. Whon you want fresh, nlco poultry, game, butter and eggs, call at Bumhold Ac Modor'a now store, 310 South Elovonth stroot. 'Phono 728. MUw O. J. Guilmotto, modlato, Brownell Block, over Miller & Paine. Complete lino of dress trimmings and llalngs. Tako elevator. Ladles mako big monoy canvassing for tho Capital City Courier. If you want nlco, profitable work call at tho offlco, 1134 O stroot. Mrs. Wilson, tho modiste at Horpol shelmor's, is now showing tho now spring fashion plates and ladies will do well to como and soo them. Miller & Gffford's now grocery, 1200 O street, is now open and ready for business. Don't forgot tho location, formerly tho Loadpr store, opposite Burr building. Why havo your horses foot butch ered, have lamo horaeq and havo thom writer? Tako them to Charlie Slat- atery's new shop, 043 O street, and , such will never bo tho case. . Save all bother of borrowing chairs mmA tables from vour neiarhbora. Olvo Hardy & Pitchor orders to have somo of their new onos with you for your Best party. Thoy deliver and call and feVthem Chat. Slattery, professional horso akloer and farrier. Diseases of tho feet treated by the latest scientific modes, ones oallei for im& returned. New JttPi 411 ateuth Eleventh street, be weeaK aadL. MUw, triamlatt, 4reaaood, cloaks, JwU wrap tarfeet Uaea Mt4 rarest pat tomet erpeiehelaw k Co. Of Inter t lo Mankind No nnnoitnconidiit that ThkCouhwu could mnko to ltd Rontloinon remltim would bo roculvud with raoro wtlliiftw tlon nnd ploanuro llinn to know that a now and aolld tallorlnpr ontnbUnhinont has boon oponod In this city. Huoh Ih tho ciiho and from UiIh on "Tlio llald win Company," mi lnoorwrnUd orunn Irntlon will, no to HjMjak, Ik) "titrlotly In It" when lino tailoring In in domain). Tlio Ualdwln comiiany whh organized liwt wcok and hn in Kh iiioiuWh hoiiio of our IwHt known nnd wonUhluat cltl oiiH. P, W. Uiihlwln In tho iiroHldoiit, W, L. Dayton, vlco (iroHldunl, MhMmou H. lialdwln noorolnry nnd troiiHiiror, and V. 8. ItulTniau iiinniiKor. Tlio company linn puroliuHod tho tttook, mol will nnd llxliirort of Mr. Gcoro W. Plxohor nod rotnlnud him for tho po rtion of lUwlKiior and cuttor. Tho company, llko lta prodocoHnor, oxpootH to cator to tho Uncut tnido Iwth horo and throughout tho hUUo, but will iiIbo Ik) equally woll prepared tohnndlo tho popular run of patronajjo that Hooka doHlrnblo uiiMtom mado trnrinuntM at a inudlum price. To moot thlx demand "Tho Ualdwln Company" will have an oxtctiHlvo lino of wooIciih that It will bo proparod to niako up at prlceH within tho reach of all. Thoy will recolvo tho namo particular caro and attention that Ih glvon tho hlghoHt priced work and will bo turned out with a Ming fit and othcrwlHO thoroughly in keeping with tho reputation otttubllHhod by Mr. Huff man and mttttnlnod by Mr. FUhcr. Tho company Ih tho tttrongont, llnnn dally, in tho ulnto nnd having amplo capital, combined with tho moat expe rienced tuiiniigomont and every facility at hand to conduct n nucccHstul tailor ing biidlnoHH, It gooa without wiylng that "Tho Ualdwln Company" will be como popular from tho Htiirt and Ih cor talnly worthy of every consideration of all Lincolnltofl. The Columbia Tallnrlnir Co. lleopened. Hundreds of people thnt frequent O Btrect woro Bomcwhnt surprlHod Tuos dny morning to find that tho well known Columbln Tailoring Co. had ro oponed. Tho windows had been hand somely rearranged and tho intorior of tho store was In as neat and artistic trim as over before A CouniKlt re porter somewhat Inquisitive oh to tho sudden ohungo in affairs stepped In nnd had u talk with Mnnngor Saundorson, who soon convinced tho writer thnt tho Columbia Tailoring Co. was by no moans a thing of tho past in Lincoln, but fully abreast of tho times with a largo and magnificent now lino of woolons on hand. "You can Bay to your renders, " Bald Mr. Saundorson, "that ovory inch of tho old stock has boon taken out and that all tho goods you soo horo arc onttroly now and of tho 1803 patterns. Besides this I am expecting, at tiny timo now, a largo lino of tho very finest worsteds and other superior grades of pantaloons and suitings and thoy ought to bo horo now. This lino when all in will represent tho nobbiest and most comploto lino of ar tlstlo patterns and materials over shown in Lincoln." Tho goods now in wore just being ar ranged an I from present indications tho Columbia pooplo will cortalnly continue to do a rushing buslnoss. Tho storo located at 1134-36 O stroot is tho largost of iU kind in tho city and with Buoh methods and prices as tho firm employs, will got a big Bharo of trade. A New Iry Gooda Ktnpotlum. Lincoln ladles aro over on tho nlort for something now and for anything that will bring them now nnd protty things to adorn their stylish figures. Thorofor tho announcement that an other now dry goods storo is about to open will bo of Bpoclal interest to each and every ono of tho readers of tho Courier's big feminine family. Tho namo of tho now applicant for tho pub lic's favors is Mr. E. C. Robertson and tho now location is at 11th and N Btroots, in tho storo rooontly vacated by MoArthur h Son, druggists. Tho store, which is a largo and handsomo ono, will be tho lightest in tho city, whilo tho stock is ono of tho largest and most varlod that Lincoln now con tains. Tho oponlng occurs Monday and doubtless tho ladles will all bo' present. Notice. Tho undorslgncd hereby gives notlco that ho will not bo responsible for no pay, any dobt Incurred by employers, oxcopt thoso for which an order is glvon irarsonally signed by him. This rule Is imporatlvo. L. Wehsel, Jr. Lincoln, Neil, Fob. 20, 1893. It Is to bo rogrottod that tho capit alists of Lincoln cannot find confidence sufficient to enablo thom to put tho West Lincoln packing houses in active operation. Ono of thom has boon oper ated on a small scalo during tho past two years and tho gentlemen who havo conducted tho buslnoss havo made it profitable. Their investment hav realized a handsomo dlvldond. With greater capital tho proportion of profit would havo been oven greater. Tho ohancos aro, however, that unless thoro la material docroaso in tho prico of hogs, thoro will not bo so much pack ing done at west Lincoln during tho coming year as thoro was during last, as it will tako a much heavier capital to do tho same amount of work, and tho chances of realizing is not so great. It has novor yot boon oxplalnod so clearly that all con boo, why, whilo heavy pocking oporatlons can bo profit ably carried on at South Omaha, Sioux City, Kansas City and other adjocont points, two immoaso packing bouses and their adjoining stock yards, repre senting a heavy Investment of capital, can profitably bo allowed to remain Idle In West Lincoln. Mr. O. A. Mohrenstecher of H. Hor pohhelraer & Co., has just returned from New York where he secured a mostelegeat Use of drew gooda and Ilka for tbe popular Exposition stores. Mr. M. A. Nowmark, tho Globe olothler, has rotumed from St. Louis. Mrs. M. Woll, after spondlng a Bhort but delightful visit with Holton, Kns., relatives, returned Wednesday. Secretary Jordan of the Lincoln Printing Co. Is rejoicing over tho ad vent of a bright now baby at his homo Mrs. C. 1). Pitcher gives n dinner party this afternoon In honor of her sister Miss Mary Pitcher of lthlca, New York. Mr. Max Kohn of tho firm Block fc Kohn left Wednesday for Now York to purchase additional spring Block for tho Progressive dry goods emporium. Mr. 1). Goldberg, after spending a pleasant visit with Chicago relations, Is once more at home. Ho reports tho Chicago storo of tho firm of D. Wise tc Co. as prosjwrous and very busy. Miss Hell nnd Miss Clara Boll, who have been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Chidestor for tho past two weeds, re turned to their homo In Chicago, Mon day. Miss Boll has n book In print by Harper Hros. that will bo Issued about March 1, 1803. Misses Jennie nnd Nolllo Fisher, two young ladles of Denver who havo boon visiting Miss Naomi Weaver for tho past five weeks, left Wednesday for tho south, whore they will spend somo time visiting. Miss Woavor accompanied them as fnr as Omaha. Hnppy Harry Hall nnd nil on ac count of n visitor, an after dinner ora tor that arrived at his homo at 1 p. in. Tuesday. Its a female of tho hand somest typo, is halo and hearty nnd nil hands around tho Hull rosiuenco aro jubilant. Mrs. Hull and baby aro pros pering finely. About tho silliest thing tho council has attempted lately is tho rogulutton of tho financial affairs of city em ployes by requiring tho latter to pay their dobtu. It Is woll enough for tho council to Insist that, city employes shall bo honest and above suspicion, but ovon such a requirement Is often moro than tho pooplo havo exacted of thom in thoir own behalf. It Is sad to reflect that somo of tho very men who aro so zealous to soo employes pay thoir debts are not always free from suspicion. A very pleasant surprlso wosarralng ed by Mrs. C. P. Barras at thoir resi dence, 1445 E stroot Tuesday ovonlng, tho occasion being in honor of Mr. Barras' birthday. As usual Mr.fDarras had boon invited out and a moro com ploto surprlso novor awaited man on an occasion of this character. Cards was tho Bourco of amusement of tho ov onlng, followed by a most delicious col lation served at tho card tables. Tho following frlonds and relatives woro presont: Messrs. and Mosdamos J. A. Conger, O J Wilcox, J J Walters, Lano Walters, John Leister, Dr. Chaso, and Misses Morlam Housoworth, Mary Mil burn, Eva Bonos, Mrs.- Auntlo'Uhl and Messrs. J. M. Elliott, E. I. Barras, Mas ter Chos. Barras. To let tke facta Regarding Hood's Sarsaparllla, ask tho people who tako this modlclno, or road tho testimonials often publlshod in this paper. Thoy will cortalnly convince you that Hood's Sarsaparllla possossos unequalled morit, and that Hood's cures. Have You Anything to Trad for Hastings real ostato? I havo two blocks woll located in Spencer Bros'. Park addition and I will consider prop osltlons to trado for almost anything. Address L. WobboI, Jr., caro of Courier. Tho Exposition book storo has now tho largost and most comploto lino of Bibles and Hymnols to bo found in tho west and at prices that dofy all com petition. Honry M. Loavitt, tho coal dealer does not havo to give chromos with his ooal. It sells itsolf. Phono 300. Of flco, 1133 O Btroot. No such lino of canned frulta in tho city as shown by W. A. Coffin & Co., 143 South Elovonth Btroot. K. C. Baking Powdor, 23 ounces for 25 conts. Absolutely puro. Havo you trlod it? Whon you wont prompt sorvico and fair treatment and tho selection from tho largest stock of groceries in Lin coln call on W. A. Collin & Co., suc cessors to J. Miller, 143 South Elovonth street. Beautiful souvenir spoons aro now being glvon to now subscribers to tho Courier. Presont subscribers may also socuro ono of thoso handsomo pre miums by paying a year In advanco and arrears, If uny. Thoso aro not cheap trashy spoons,, but just tho samo as jewelers sell for $2 or moro. David P. Sims, dontist, rooms 42 and 43 Burr block. W. A. Coffin Si Co. havo just addod tho largost und flnost lino of fancy groceries to bo found In tho city. Ro inombor this whon buying your holiday supply. PRICE'S the Mljr Fiire. Cream of Tartar Powder. No Aamoaia; No Alaa. Um4 in Million! of Homti 40 Years the StmncUdL CAN YOU RUN IN LARGE COLLECTION SILKS, DRESS GOODS AND WRAPS. We have never shown half as good a line before and have a specialty of single pat terns in styles unique and unusual. HERPOLSHEIMER A CO. NEBRASKA'S OWN FOOD PRODUCTS- The Quail llrnud or Cereal Take a Front Heat at the Manufacturer! Winter Car nival ThU 'Week. Tho throng of city and stato visitors at tho Manufacturers' nomo Patronago Carnival this wook havo had sufficient couso to fool proud of this groat Btato and of tho products of Its oxcollont soil. Tho goods turned out by tho Ne braska City Cereal mills wore exhib ited on tho lowor floor, whilo on tho third floor tho W. C. A. ladles woro froely dispensing tho sovoral dolloioua viands. Tho company has made a wondorful reputation in a compara tively short tlmo on thoir woll-known Quail brand of parched rolled oats, volvet meal, corn grits and solf-ralslng grlddlo-cako flour, tho morlts of each bolng woll established throughout tho west and as far cast as Chicago. Tho mills, located at Nebraska City, aro tho largest in tho stato and thoir dally output runs up into tho hundreds of barrels and thousands of packages. Tho coroals aro all homo grown and tho mills aro entirely owned and con trolled by homo capital, tho gentlemen interested having put all energy and faith in thoso goods and tho results havo oxcoodod their ovory anticipa tion. Quail brand coroals aro no longor an experiment, but a staple commodity in tho culinary department of ovory houso, homo, restaurant and hotol. Tho demand ovorywhoro has boon enormous and all grocers hav6 been compollod to koep a lino of "Quail" goods. Closing to a succosful week's exhibi tion tho oompany will exhibit thoir pro ducts today at tho popular now grocory of Mlllor & Glfford, 1217 O stroot, oppo site tho Burr block, nnd at C. H. Roh man's grocory,el032 O street, whore cooks will bo found to show tlio morit of tho goods, how thoy aro mado and how economical thoy aro usod. Lodlos of Lincoln aro all invited to call and soo a demonstration of Nebraska goods mado by Nebraska mon and cookod by Nobrasku lodlos. It is now stated for publication by no loss a poraonago than C. W. Moshor hlmsolfthat tho movement whoroby his rolatlvoB woro to put up $100,000 to socuro his reloaso has tallon through, and it looks as if Moshor must faoo his mlsdoods boforo tho bar of worldly jus tice Thoro was a sonsationol scare tho mlddlo of tho wook bocauso of a rumor that Moshor was likoly to quietly pull out Bomo dark night for Australia, which ho could easily do, as no ono ovor boos him outsldo his own ologant homo, and fow ovon thoro, and ho would not probably bo missed for somo tlmo. But Moshor donlos that ho has any such In tention, and says that ho has had plonty of opportunities to oscapo If ho so de sired. Ho doesn't want to go. Ho Is determined to faco tho muslo and tako his modlclno. All juvonllo books Including chattor boxos, Grandma's- Favorlto, Daisy Kltton, Young Folks' Tour of tho World aro bolng sold now ut cut prices at tho book dopartmont In tho Exposi tion building, Ilurllnclnn Itoute l'laylns Card. Now doslgn, round cornora floxlblo llnon stock, pormanont colors, worth 50 conts. Wo soil thom at 15 conts. Good schomo to buy a fow packs; migni nood thom this wlntor; ouohro, whist hlgh-flvo, etc A. C. Ziemer, City Pass. Agt. Have you soon tho beautiful collec tion of Silks, Dress Goods and Fancy Goods Novoltlos at H. Horpolsholraor &Co's. AND SEE OUR MILLER & GIFFOR . EXCLUSIVE CASH GROCERY OFFERS AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF Fancy Peeled Peaches 35c per lb. Fancy Prunells 25c " " Extra Fancy Head Rice 8 1-3 " Imported Sardines, 20c " can with kev A Full Line of Batavia Fruit and Vegetables Strictly Pure Maple Syrnp. Strictly Pure Buckwheat. HEALTH FOOD 5 Gluten Flour, 20 lb. in sack $1.00. Wheatna 2 1-2 lb. pack'gs ready in 2 n utes Oc Peerless Entree Wheat Food. Foulds Wheat Germ Meal. Good Teas and Coffees. Pure Spices 1211 0 STREET. Pff d& 74. YATES' SHO i SAL t FORGA: H. "A Big Dividend Payi . c msct.YorYou 1,000 PAIRS LA AND 3 Regular $4.00 and $5.00 Go ds to go in this mle $3.00 PER PAIR. 500 PAIRS MENS' WELT-SHOES. $5.00 Calf and Kangaroo to be Closed out at $3.75 PER PAIR. & You Have Twenty Days in which to invest your money at these prices. 1 129 O Street. D. G. YATES. YOU CAN SAVE $2.oo -ON Suit or if bought in the next thirty days at GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, Corner Tenth and O Streets. & 5fiattce for &tt A FULL SBT OF TEETH FOR $5,00' THE BEST faETS FOR ..' $8,00 Teeth Extracted) no chloroform cAll Fillings at. without Pain. ) no gas ( Lowest Prices. DR, H. K. KERMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Rooroi 94, 95nd 96, Burr Block, Open Daj and Night 1,000 RS, HOES FROM- $5.oo A- Overcoat Lincoln, Nebr