Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 25, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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    OKPIXI- -,py.T,V -QQVJPR,
T. C. K9RN, D. D. S.
Rooms 35 and 26, tlurr Illock,
Tho Perfection aud Taylor
naml wlili cvorv motion of tha foot. Don't
burn or blister. A very nnrrow shoo oan bo
worn. Most comrortabio known Try mom
nd 100 for yourself.
ForiitoonlybyA. Ii.OKIQKH, 1137 U Ht.
Hpcclul orders taken. Cheaper tfinn othora.
iad PUK11LO.
cf Through Conchas, Sleepers, Froo Ilocllnln
Chair Cnrs and Dining Cars daily betwton CIIJ
OMAHA, nnd between CHICAQO and DKNVI'll
Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka.
Via Tho Albert Lea Route.
Fast Express Trains dally between Chlccir
und Mlnnenpolls nnd Bt. 1'nul. with TIIIIOUU1
declining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from thee
rolnU and Kansas City. Through Chair Cu
and Bleeper between Peoria, Spirit Xako an
8loux Falls via Rock Island.
For Tickets, Maps Folders, or desired Inform,
tlon, apply at any Coupon Ticket Offlce, or n;tdre.
Qen'l Manager, Oon'l TSt. 6 I'm". Art,,
Santa Fe Route!
atcMsonJopeka 4 Santa Fe R. R.
Tkt Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and
Tourist . Sleepers
Between Kansas City and San Diego,
CISCO. Short Line Rates to
Double Daily Train Service between
Kansas City .and Pueblo, .Colo
rado Springs and Denver.
Short Line to Salt
Lake City.
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains Between Kansas City an)
Galveston. The Short Line betwetr
Kansas City and Gainesville. Ft
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Tem
ple, San Antonio, Hous
ton, and all principal
points In Texas.
The only line running through the Okla
homa Country. The only direct line
to the Texas Pan-Handle. For
Maps and Time Tables and
Information regarding ,
-atesand routes, call
on or address,
Passenger Agent,
1316 Femam Street, Omaha, Nebraska,
17D1717 Tutllonl Fall term, In seven differ.
rnCid ent courses. Only high grade In
dependent Normal In the state. The Finest
fundings, Equipments, and Ablest Normal
acuity. No experiment, but an established
management. 4u courtes, 35 teachers arid lec
turers live school for the masses. Write
fbr catalogue. F. K. Rons. Mgr, Wncotn.Neb.
at once to handle the farmers' trade on Seeds
and Hoed I'oUtoeBof known merit. Our men
havo prlvllego of tailing our warranted, well
known nursery Otoek also. Ill wages to no
made this season. Apply quick, staling nge.
L. L. MAY & CO.,
t'wt Nurserymen, Flnrlslsiind Seedsmen.
This houso Is ntponstiile. rt I'. PAUU MINN
5l?e Quarterly Register of
Slaifle Copies, 60c
I'rrYear, .. $1.M
Bound Volume!, 8.00
' It ought to be rcftd ft, s Utt book In CTtry common
tndhlgh uhoal, ti well ir tcttleniv tnd college."
G1IO. 1'. FISIIIlK, Trunin l)p , Wtlhlnrlon
" It I, unguis tint I jiiUe biMt and onnol fttfiid
to do olihom.-A. H, WINSHIf, tTditoi lounitl of fctlu.
"A tmM, tlmly tnd hlfh-clftH publication. I m
muth itriuk lthih vuUty of solid Inlmmftilon tou mftn
IX iimdcriK.Uto to until ft coraiKtl.' fllES. I. 0.
bCiiURMAW.Coift.UUolteitllr, jduct.N. V.
For til by Utdlsf Dookicllen tnd Htn DttWrt
ill 1 aftUfililMfrf, tp tit rjt l Um f
11(11 but)Kllptl"tl, $ 75. Addirit
iumiioui Ifi woilil. ha wUI ftlai rtcclf
ho UI ftlx) rtclf tubciltlu.
t hi rfum jit
ft fiiits
S-WCOl j)
la thsro no tymbol of tho land to be
A floating weed, noma broken, struggling
Nothing to break tho solemn round expanse
Of this unending, deep hucd, awful Ma?
Brave ihlp to sail tton tha unknown track!
llravo (xmls that dart', bravo hearts that longing:
Though storm and wind assail) Ship, tarn not
Let us bo on. with faith o'crtopptng fate.
How fearful Is this scene) Yet many ft time
In Ixiiulon town I've known an hour more drca?
Amid starved souls and faces dark with crime;
Havo felt such heartache as one knows not hero.
What loneliness nkln to that white staro
Of hungry faces, hurrying Ood knows where?
William Ordwny Partridge.
1 observed a locomotlvo In tho railroad yards
ono dny.
It was waiting In tho roundhouse, whero tha
locomotives stay;
It was panting for tho Journey) It was coaled
and fully manned,
And it had a box tho fireman was filling full of
It appear that locomotives cannot always got
a (trip
On their slender Iron pavement, 'causo the
wheels aro apt to slip.
And when they reach a slippery spot tholr too
tles they command,
And to got a grip upon tho rail tlioy sprlnklo It
with sand.
If your track Is stoop and hilly, nnd you havo a
heavy grade,
And If thoso who'vo gone beforo you havo tho
rails (ulto slippery made,
If you over reach tho summit of tho upper table
land, You'll find ydn'll havo to do It with a liberal uso
of sandi
If you strike somo frigid weather nnd dlscovi r
to your cost
That you'ro llablo to slip on ft heavy coat of
Then somo prompt, decided action will bo called
Into demand,
And you'll slip away to tho bottom It you haven't
any sand.
You can get to any station that Is on life's
schedule seen
If them's fire beneath tho boiler of ambition's
strong machine,
And you'll reach a place called Flushtown at ft
rate of sjiccd Hint's grand
If for nil tho slippery places you've ft good sup
ply of sand.
Tho Unfiled Pessimist.
I sat mo down to write a rhymo of gloom.
All was In Hi no for It; my temples throbbed)
In semldnrkuess was my cheerless room,
And through tho trees tho sad hroczo soughed
. and sobbed;
My heart was burning with a fancied woo;
Digestion waited not on nptietltc;
My spirits rainu In dull and sluggish flow;
Naught was there In tho world that pleased
my sight.
My pen Itself would not putdown tho thought
Tho pessimistic thought that held my mind.
Try as I would tho fancy Hew uncnught,
Uncatchablo as any truant wind.
Yet I wrote, on, and when tho rhymo complete
Stared boldly at 11111 from tho saffron page
I found myself n victim to defeat
I'd written this a truly happy age!
I'd said that In this llfo wero more of good
Than wicked things; dosplto tho heavy mist
Of present trial, those who understood
Life ns It really Is could hot resist
The truo conclusion, tried nnd guaranteed,
That wo havo many blessings; and no grief,
Ilowover much because of It tho heart may
lias over been without some sweet relief.
Alasl that I, disciple, truo of gloom,
Philosopher of woe, should o'er confess
That Joy upon this earth hath any room,
That mortals find hero aught of happiness!
And yet, though I scorn faithless to my creed
In writing then that optimistic song,
I am not so. It proves Its truth, Indeed,
When even I, Its follower, go wrong.
John'Kondrlck Bangs.
If ow to Vote.
Let everv man who has a vote
Vote for "Irogressl"
Not for party, Teaca or pleasure)
Not for favor, fame or treasure;
Voto for every honest measure
Voto for 'I'rogrcssI"
Voto as If our voto might enrry
Voto for "ITogrcssI"
Franchise Is a gift from heaven,
Eacrcd trust to manhood given;
Be not llko dumb cattle. driven
Vote for "I'rogrcssI"
Vote for men above suspicion
Men of "Progress!"
No, not wirepullers! nay, forsooth!
But men who from their enrly youth
Lov'd Justice, honor, Ood and truth
Fought for "Progress!"
That man who sells his voto for gold
Should be a slave!
What! sell thy birthright for a bribe.
And kinship claim with Ksau's trlbeT
Buch meanness sesreo can wo describe,
Uoth fool and knave!
Tot for your country, Ood and boms.
And for "Progressl"
Don't say, "Let well enough alone,"
But kick aside each stumbling stone
As If this land were all your own
Vote for "Progress!"
-John Imrle.
Ah, what is llfeT. so brief at best
A waking between rest and rest;
An Insect's trail along the sand;
A gem's bright Hash upon tho hand;
A wave line traced on ocean's Bhore,
Just rippled them, then seen no more;
A breath ujion a frosted pane,
A moment warmed, then chilled again;
The shadow of a cloud that stays
Until obscured by passing haze.
Canst think of aught more brief, more fleet,
To imago forth Time's flying feet?
Yet in tho "shadow," In the "breath,"
Our love awakes, which knows no death.
And life, which seems so brief to )o,
Isurowned by Immortality!
Murgaret May.
Death to the virtuous no terror brings.
But inthe tyrant's ear there ever rings
A knell Imaginary, which cants a 'fear
Throughout his soul; he thinks the tlmo Is near
When shall pass from him nil his 111 gotower,
And, as he thtnkson death, ho dreads the hour.
For him no heaven unbars its golden gate.
But in his bosom burns tho hell of hate.
Strange that a man, who knows how short is
Should waste his hours lu most Ignoble strife
Instead of cultivating heavenly love
The only passport to the realms above;
riio only way to erring mortals given
to make this beauteous eai th resemble heaven.
George Mnrklmtn Twcddoll
A Prayer.
I ask not for wealth, but poviT to take
And uso.tho things.! have aright;
Not years, but wisdom thatsiiall make
My llfo a prollt and delight. - '
I do sot ask for love below.
That friends shall neier ItetBtrangcd,
Dut for tho ixiwer of lining, si
My heart may keep Its outh unchanged.
Youth, Joy, wealth-Kate, I gli-e thee these.
Ieavo faith and hope till llfo is past,
'And lenie my hcurl'n lest Impulses
FrcBhnnd unfullliig to tjje, lAi't. ,. .
' - I'htebo Cary,
N'pS'HTK lii'l!il.uosirlliigtirfndeaMir- - , v
Hut ninruiie'thrini(;h the futum's open door.
" RMlTiy f Boa!aff.
Al she ooAl TaiSl the other day a mw
driver was hired, and ho went off to ilellvei
his first load. Ho failed to return, and s
search was Instituted. The missing mat
wait found nt tho house, whore he had tiul
tha coal In tho cellnrnnd had then taken u
his quarter in tho kttchon,
Tho cook said alio could not (ret him U
leave, and the driver wits asked wlint ht
meant by audi conduct.
"Why," ho replied, "I thouu.htI was wild
with tho coal, for I wus clnhed with It.'
-PltUburK Chronicle,
A Necessary Condition.
"Don't yon think yon could love me
little If you knewthnt I woulddtoforyouf"
"Possibly, If you will give proof satisfac
tory to a coroner's Jury." Life,
Fixing Hannah.
The circuit rider for ft mountain district
In West Virginia was stopping for a "day ot
two nt the pluco whore he wan to pronoh on
Sunday, nnd to him a mountaineer cam
with a buxom mountain tnnld nnd wanted
to bo mnrrled then nnd thcro.
"Where's your licensor" aiiked the min
ister. The man was nurtiriRed.
"Ain't got nono," ho said. "We dont
nave to hnvu no license, do wof We alu'l
agoln to soil liquor."
That won all the llconso ho know about.
The minister explained to him, and h
rode away 10 mllos o tho county sent and
later in the dny appeared with tho license.
"That cost mo n dollar, mister," ho sold
ruefully. "Uo you chargo nnythlngr"
"You can pay mo whatever you please
but I never chargo less than n dollar."
Wnl1 I'vn mil V irtt lullf ft itnllnr ml
tcr, and won't git tho balance till afte,
Tho minister hesitated, because h.
thought tho mountalncor wan trying U
beat him, and whllo ho was willing to per
form the ceremony gratis ho didn't want
to out prices. All nt onco the mouutalueei
put lnt
"I'vo got it, mister," he exclaimed, shov
lng tho half dollnr nt htm. "Hero's hall
yer prlco. Now, you nmrry Ilnuncr to mo
They ain't nnylxxly llvln thnt 1 wnnt bill
Hftnner, and llauncr kinder hankers for
whole posslo of fellers that Is better lookir
than I am, but ain't ho well oft, so If yo
git her fixed you needu't worry about m
at alL Tnko your half dollar nn go ahead
on Hanner. You kin fix mo after harvest
an I'll give you t'other half when the Job'i
'Ilowover, the minister couldn't see hli
way clear to settling It that way, and hi
completed tho Job then and wnlted uutll
after harvest for his fee. Detroit Fre
Two Lawyers.
First Lawyer (angrily) I'vo a good mine
to suo you.
Second lawyer I shouldn't llko tiny
thing better. There's only one trottbl
about two lawyers going to law, A lawyei
can never do himself Justlco when ho pleodi
his own case.
First Lawyer That's easily fixed. I'll
plead your coso, and you plead mine, Nen
York Weekly.
A Test.
Mrs. McDrldo Before we were married
you often wished thcro was somo bravi
deed you could do for me to show youi
Mr. Mcllrldc Yes, dear, and I would dt
It now.
Mrs. McDride Then, love, go 'down InU
the kitchen and discharge Bridget. Har
per's Bazar.
A Dumb Doy.
Llttlo Johnuy That new boy In school li
awful dumb.
Mother Doesn't be know his lessons f
Llttlo Johnny Huh) There was 80 wordi
In the spellin lesson today, and he missed
very one of them. I only missed 18. Good
Not Oar Bis.
Jack I don't see why somebody doesat
give Miss Willing a diamond ring. Sb
constantly sighs for one,
Charley Humph) Something besides
aise Is to be considered In connection with
diamond rings. Jewelers' Weekly.
Urn Ignored the Sarcasm.
"This Is a nice time to come home," shi
"I am glad to hear you say so, dear," h
answered. "1 thought you might think 1
was rather late." New York Press.
A Plauslbla Derlvatloa.
Bobby What sort of a doctor is a spe
cialist, papa?
Pater One who devotes himself to tht
acquirement of specie. S. & Q.'s Monthly.
noston Philosophy.
She was a Boston maiden, and she'd scarcely
passed eighteen.
And as lovely as an hourl, but of grave and
sober mien;
A sweet encyclopedia of every kind of tore.
Though love looked coyly from behind the
glasses that she wore.
Bhe sat beside her lover with her elbow on his
And dreamily she gazed upon the slumbering
summer sea.
Until he broke tho silence, saying, "Pray, Mi
nerva, dear.
Inform me of the meaning of the thingness 01
the hcie.
"I know you're Just from Concord, where the
lights of wisdom be.
Your head crammed full to bursting, love, with
their philosophy,.
Those hoary headed sages and maids of hosiery
Then solve me the conundrum, love, that I have
put o you."
Bht smiled a dreamy Smile and aaldi "The
thingness of the hero
Is that which Is not paat and hasn't yet ar
rived, my dear,
Indeed," tho muld continued, with a calm, uu
ruffled brow, J
The thingness of the hero Is Just the thlsneas
of the now,"
A smile Illumed the lover's face, and without
any haste ,. ,' $ " '
Ue slid a manly arm around1 the maiden'
slender lM. " " j
And on her riieriv ItpHbupVefM-d awarm nnrt t J
loving k:. ' ,, j -a V '. la
Anil Mild, ", lM'lifH.H iMLHielttsliiMyl rj
til lie thlcC.
MM. el' l)ie li iiiixii.
Nntlpe Is Imiwiit ftrlvnn llisl mi dm HtU ili
of December, 1 Mr), tho I'urlty Kxiract Com.
puny or Lincoln, Nebraska, adopted amended
Arueies or inonrpornuoti ami nieti tno siituo
on the office of tho t'onnty t'irrk nf I jinraster
County, Nebraska Which siuondetl Articles
pnjvuieti itsrollowsi
Hrnt. Tho iminn nf tho eortKirntlon shall
bo'Iho I'urlty Kxtrnol Company.
Heooinl Us principal placo of transacting
Its biisluers Is Lincoln, lincnstur County,
Thlnl, Tho general nature of tho business
lobe transnrlrd shall bo the manufacture nnd
selling of (x-rf nines, bitters, baking powder,
toilet nrllelei, flo., noil Iho procuring, crro
tlou imtl maliitnlnnuco of buildings, machin
ery, appliances, (ratio maras, palnifs, designs
and structures as may be deemed necessary
nml to purchase ami own real uMnto as n silo
therefore und such other purpose ns may bo
denned neot'ssnry.
Fourth. The amount of capital stock
ntitliorlretl nnd the tlmo nnd condition on
which II Is lo be paid In Is thereby llxetl nt
17.1(100.0) In shams of ll(XUK) each, Including
slock thcrctornrn Issued, No stock shall bo
Issued unless fully pnltl up ami n rompletn
record of Ihn Issuance and delivery of all stock
niacin shall bo kept by tho secretary In a book
lor that purpose,
Firth. Tho commencement of (he corpora
tion Is fixed at tho first dny of May, 181)1. and
tho termination of tho corporation In fixed
nt a iierlod of twoiity-flvn years from Iho
Iho data of this commencement If nut sooner
ilUxolvcd according to law.
Hlxih. The highest amount of Indebted,
ness or liability in which tho corimratlon Isat
any tlmo to subject llsetf shall not exceed
llfly per cent ofltscnpllal stock.
weventh. Theoniceni by which the affairs
of the corporation lire to bo conducted shall
bo a Hoard or Directors consli ting of not
more than tilno nor less than throe members
anil thu olllcers of this corporation tuny he
members of said board, which said board of
dl ectors shall lie chosen ami elected by tho
stockholders annually nt Iho niliunl meeting
nrsald stockholders. Maid board of directors
shall hold ofllce until their successors nro
duly elected and qunllllcd. Tho said board nf
directors shall ohooso and elect from their
number tue various officers of siihl ctiri-oric
tlon as soon ns prncllcnblo afttr tho
election of said board nmlsaltl iMiard of tllreo
lors shall fix tho coiiipi-nsntloii to bo paid
kiioIi olllcers. 'Iho said lioitnl of dlrectois
shall havo power to (III all vncnnoles In tho
iMinnl oroirlccs by appointment.
Elulilh. Tho Ixmrtl oftllrt'ctors of this cor
poration nro authorized to Increiiso thu cnnl-
lal stock of this corporation not to exceed an
amount total of 75,000.(i0 anil to Issuo stock
therefor from tlmo to tlmo as tho hoard of
directors may deem host In tho Interests of
Iho corporation, A. It. Tai.iiiit,
U. V, IIiiyan, President.
Notice Is horeby given, that bv virtue nf n
chattel mortgage, dninl Jan, 7. ItlM, and duly
filed In tho office of the County Clerk of l,nii.
enstor county, Nebr., on March 15, IHW. nnd
executed by win, Putnam to M. A.
secure the payment of tho sum of f:UT0, nml
on which thcro Is now duo the sum of flirt, anil
ny virtue or a lieu Tor Keeping, made by Win.
1'utnnm by J, II. IMsou with llorman llrown,
for tho foed of the l wo horses hereafter de
scribed, from MnyAth. mrl to Jan Uth,
a contract prlco of Sl.UJ per head per mouth
till Oct. I, I81U ami tho reiinonnblo vuluu of
feed to Jim. I). IKia nt :i Miner monihoach,
ami which lion has boeu duly II led with the
Coo my Clerk Feb. I, I MM, nnd duly assigned to
Nittlo I,Kdsot'tnud ImiIIi ofwhlch nro now as
signed to J, II, Ktlson, and on which lien
there Is now duo 131,10. Default having been
liincloln tho paymout of said sums and no
nulls or other proceedings at law having been
Instituted to recover wild debt or any part
then of, therefore I will sell tho property
herein described: Olio gray mnro four yearn
nld, weight ,000 pounds, called Pel; ono dun
colored horse seven years old, weight WR)
pounds, called Hilly, nml one brown cow five
years old called llrown, at public, miction at
tho hoiiKoof J. 11. (Inrfleld nrccluct.
I ancnsler County, Nebr,, nn tho Uth day of
March, IKO, at one o'clock pin ofssldilny,
JJilledKeb 17, Ih'JIl, J II KliHON,
!M8 4l Mortgugco
,i; ""ran ik mvm:m m m, m,
This refers to Gn. whether ucd ns n
fuel or nn llhiinlnniit. Recent changes
rin the home plant cnnulc the
Lincoln Gas Co.
to furnish the very finest yns nt the
lowest figures obtainable any where in'
.the United States, under similar con
Ptii.l'fvnft I snbl nt tlif rvrppdlntflv
ktnuf rnln rt tit 1e nnr tlimierlilfl ff.t hnit
Llllumlnatlni' Gasnt$i.8o ner thousand
i . "
Call up Telephone No. 75. nnd nr-
krange (or a trial of this unapproachable
'fuel. House connections lor fuel gas
Pinadc without charge to the consumer,
.There are over 200 gas stoves in Lin-
coin, costing on nn average less than $3
Ppcr month each for iuel.
km iB wKmrnw, mm m- wm :,
k:ai;iV :; ::' iisWMr,
i a
Absolutely Ppbe Justify It
Why not
Pay Up
Your nrrcnrs on Tun CouniitK nnd a year In
advance, ami get one of our
TIiuho Sihniiih ulono nro worth 92.2TI, nml
you will admit itwliunyou nouoiioof tlioni.
1 JK
2 vm&miimiEmm
3 hi mwm
i miSIm
Vose & Sons Pianos
Pure Tone, Elegant Designs,
Superior Workmanship,
and Great Durability.
riAX flEYER & BRO. CO.,
1520 Farnham Street, -
Hundreds ' Ladies
have taken advantage of this offer why
don't you? And many of them have paid
subscriptions two years in advance, to get
two of these Spoons. We give either one
of the following Spoons with every yearly
subscription, paid in advance the only ad
dition put on the price of The Courier,
which is 82.00 per year, being 25c to de
fray express charges.
World's Columbian Exposition Spoon.
The Y. P. S. C. E. Souvenir Spoon.
The Epworth League " "
The Washington "
The Christopher Columbus "
Also Souvenirs of America's nationa
points of interest, viz: Bunker Hill, Ni
agara Falls, America, The United States,
and Rip Van Winkle on the Catskill
These Spoons arc not cheap, trashy af
fairs, but cut from fine dies. Orders by
mail will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Address
LEW WESSEL, Publisher,
Capital City Courier,
Lincoln, Nebraska
Omaha, Neb.
.., Ull..,v lld through lhtitr.entaujstl
sC'"I2Jlp,,TO.VJ.l M. .. a The life of all aU gobV kore.
.. TV.
' ' 4