6 Mrs. J. C BELL Has Just received something en tirely new nnd nocl for Indies head nttlrc. It l the Borden Bang llnvlng no net work about It whntcxer, the hnlr being it cned together by a newly pat ented Idea which docs not hent the hcnil, ns othcri ilo. A FULL EINE OF COSMETICS llnlr ornaments, nml hnlr goods. As t.sual, wc loml In nrtlstlc lmlr dressing niul manicuring. Cnll nml sec n. 1 14 North Fourteenth St. c HNON 1TV OKI- 5 Gel tho Genuine P. BARTON Manager Burr Mock, cor. nth and O Sts, Tel, 71 COLUMBIA National Bank Lincoln, : Nebraska Capital, - $250,000 OJtctrt mnd Dirttiort; MtaB, Wright, Pres. T. K. JSaneHra, V.-P. JH. McClay, Cashlsr. aTaWahasoa, HI'Uu, The Cochran. K Ts aHssr, T W txtwery, W U Dayton al Banking Dutlneii Transacted .Collections a. Specialty. German National Bank UNCOLtf, NSB. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 , 20,000.00 Boehmer, President, Ifaraan K. Schiberg, Vlca Prest Chns. E Watte, Caihler. Geo. II, Schwake, Aut. Cashier. The First National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. tafttll, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000 orrwxnas f . 1. tUnWOOD, President. (MAS. A.. n.iNXA, Yict-rruUUnt. F. if. COOK, Cashier. 0. 8. UPPlNCOTT, AM't Cart Ur R. D. MlLLSll. Am't Cashier. American Exchange National Bank I. M. ltAYMON n, President D.K. Tiiomi'hon. Vic-President 8. II. BUKNHAM. Cashier D. O. WiMo, Asst. Cnsliler I Richard's )llock, Cor. Elavent hand OBta. ' LINCOLN, NEDR. . ' 1 oapital 9250,000 DIREOTORBI . M. JJnimond. Letrt Qrifjoru, S. It. Ilunihnm, X. IK. LovrtViC, . Dawet, tt U. MorHU, A, . J. Sawyer, B. K. lirvtni, R 11'. UttU, S, II. Dumfuim, a. W Lamixrttvn, V. K. Thompson. LOIMRD IIVETMEM CO,, Farm and City Loans AT LOW RATES. Jf Monty furnished promptly on ap yraved security i ' ' E.C.JONES, Manager liy O Street, Lincoln, Neb EEAIk estate loans Ob sterna In aastarn Nebraska and Improved BtSMtjr la Unoolar a term of year. Lowest Current Rates R. E. et'j.1 MOORE.' RICHARDS BLOCK, nar litis 4 O'fltreeta, MneolsuV 5 par cent on Dcpoaita Paid at the JjncolnSaving&Bank AKB Sin DEPOSIT COMPiMY Corner P and Elevonth Bu. t Mr sp hrit vVavIt in.Untln rtfff' I M Halarstood.i. "" H lw Hathaway. fi olrort. J Briscoe, rv WAViltoelii H W Hrnwa, KO runups, , ERBIsyr.t Henry Velth. Henry E Lewis, aiklaa. Wlllkusw, itiS kgl DEAUTY AND CN1HUSIA8M. HlCroMrtirrH).illi1 Possesses ThesS Atlrnrllvit Attributes. Donuty nnd Journalism do not ntwnyi travel togothor in fact, thuro nro uoint very clover newspaper writers who nre not altogether fair to look upon. Now York, howovor, l exceptionally fortu nnto In having nonrly n score of really bountiful aorllicH whom work tlnda iU way daily, into tho public prim fltlACR UfAIKIAtlKT notn.n. Miss Grnco Mnrgnrot Gould, fonnorly of. Albany, but for tho past your 11 resi dent of busy Ifow York, limy lay clniin to being 0110 of them Miss Gould is tail, dark ntul vory winning in manner, with oyoa of nzuro brown. But it is not of hor nppenrnnco nlone that MIm Gould may bo justly proud, for sho is ono of. n busy stall of hustling reporters, nml hor daily work is both ar duous nnd varied. All sorts of topics como from hor facilo cn. Blio writes child's stories, (loos' fashions in dress and In furnlturo, rpports commlttco meet ings nnd writes up balls, weddings nnd food exhibits. Tho lifo of a Now York nowspapci Woman Is n busy ono, and, as MUs Gould doclnros, a woman must put nil hor time, her Intelloct nnd hor character into hot work, or alio will not bo n success. Augusta Piiescott. WOMAN'S WORLD IN PARAGRAPHS. This rriurph Is Written Kipvelally Foi Voung Men to Head. Among my frlonds la a young woman who has latoly rofuoetl throo dllToront of fers of marrlago. Sho ia n atrong, beau tiful, queenly girl, who aunporta lioraeli hatulaomely by a work aho hoa choson. Bho ia attractive in aocioty, and imoplo wonder why alio doea not marry, She herself has no antipathy to iiiarrlngc and would mako ono of tho awootcat, noblest of wives. Why doon alio not marry? When askod that question by tntltnato frionda, alio nuswors simply, "I don't know nnybcnly 1 would havo." With admirers in plenty aho tolls tho literal truth. Tho young men who offer themselves to hor aro of a typo which I lamentably common in all cities just tho ordinary, well droasod, undorMzod, crawny, cigarotto smoking, alcohol drinking youth who is proud of going on Saturday night "toara" or "tares," whichever way you would rather spell it Ouo of tho throo my young lady liked almost woll enough to marry. But tho tainted atmosphoro of his past lifo followod him and clung to him in spito of himself, barring him out forever from tho puro homo ho sought to enter. Tho ordinary typo of city youth whom girls moot 1b npt to bo of tho kind I mention. Thoro is another typo, somowhat rarer, thick nocked, red faced, rather resem bling th.o prizefighter kind. From these two classes the atrong, beautiful, queen ly girl whom our tirao is developing must chooso a husband,' If aho takes one at all. Tho number of thoso who do not tako any Is increasing. Whoro is tho Ideal .lover that all women dream of, tho lithe, erect, manly, broad shouldered youth, with cheeks rose tinted by health and a clean lifo, with brilliant eyes and flushing white tooth, tho boy of frank, merry aoul, with heart and brain full of noble aspirations? Undoubtedly thoro aro such royal lovers still for our young American queens, but whoro aro they? Answer mo that. Dring thorn on the aceno and tako away these Boml-inva-lided young weaklings with their mud dy complexions, discolored teeth and moan little. foxy ambitions! Tho 20th century woman ria aweary of tho sight of them. Mra. Lyndo Craig has been admitted to practico aa a lawyer In all tho courts of California. A irreat atop hoa been inodo In the higher education of women in Germany. Nino liberal minded professors of tho University of Qottingon offor private courses" to women students. In Various branches, ranging from church history; to experimental psychology, ...That so many German professors in ono uni versity favor woman's education Is en couraging indeed. "Bachelor girls" aro very much the fashion now. There is a great difference between a bachelor girl and nn old maid, An old maid is a woman who missed matrimony and had no other re source to which to turn. A bachelor, girl is an unmnrneu woman wno earns nor living in a merry, independent way and feels that alio will never bo loft, whethor aho marries or not Ttyero aro uot mauy oici mama now. Tho first woman to bo elected anslst-, ant sergeant-at-artuB in a legislature ia Mrs. M. A Anderson of Little Rock, who -was placed In her office by the 'Arkansas legislature. Iler .duties' mostly cpnsist In distributing' mull amoug-the. 'mem bers and aending their letters to tho post Permit me to suggest tho following aa a question .for discussion by women's clubs: What effect will learning the carpenter trado havo on a man'a career as a husband and father? ThefMas&iiehasetCa farmon at thek. coBveation in Boston voted unanimously Ul IUVUT VI !UUIIIlllf BUUIUftV IU vtuM en. They'did more. They passod a res olution asking the legialaturo to enact a law enabling women, to vote for echoo, commltteea on the aame terms that men do. Euza Akcqahd Conmul OKRIT'KX. 'CI FOllELDEltliY WOMEN THE APPAF1EL THAT LOOK3 BEST WITH SILVER HAIR. Illnrk Hllk nnd .tnwoK Liirna, millions nnd Ilulnty Trllli- Comlorlnliln Wrnppar and Coninmr, Hemi) HIiom Color Tlntt Old Lndlxn llnvn C'lnlini'il KorTlielrOnrn. IHpn lil CiirrrstHindnnen.l NrwYoiik, Feb. 211. When ago haa acized with relontlcw fingers upon a wo man, she must wk a now stylo of ap parel, for if sho dares to dress as her (lauguterrt do slid looks ridiculous and as if sho were trying to deceive tho publiu and not succeeding. Sograuilummuit gel her n rich and heavy lusterless Mlk annum or ribbed or moiro, and lmvu it made jiluiu and full in tho hIcIiL and rather long in tho back, as length adds dignity. Bho wants a wrap of b 1 a r r 1 1 z, ulys cloth or some similar material, or velvet, if sho 1V preiers aim can VnlTordlt. Tho dif ferent fur trim mings nro all suit- Tint dkau or,i) aiiAND- ablp, and when MOTilutt." fur is. not in sea- aon feather, or pretty moss trimming adds its softness to break tho nngulnr outlines of ago. A velvet bonnet that covors tho head pretty woll and comes down over tho sides, with ribbon bowa or plumes, is tho kind moot liked. Tho matter of gloves, veils and jowols can bo left to her preference, but black or gray dressed kid makes tho most suit able gloves, and blnck brussels not veils aro best. Thoro is no limit sot when a lady must lay asirto her diamonds, and ono of tho loveliest sights in tho world Is nn old lady, her work dono in this world, sitting with hands folded In her lap, nnd thoso dear old hands covered with shining rings. Tho soft tulle gath ered across her bosom seems more suita ble If jewels Bparklo among its folds. There aro boiuo colors that old ladles havo nccepted as belonf" irttculnrly to them drab, gray, 1 a, prune and heliotrope Laco also belongs to them. by right, and they should havo plenty of it, nnd tho better it is tho moro it becomes tho wearer. There nro in somo of our best stores rooms devoted entirely to furnishings for elderly Indies. Thero nro fleece lined atockings for thoso who suffer from cold and exquisitely fino ribbed merino un derwent clustlo and soft and madoin tho daintiest manner. There aro aprons of Bilk, Of muslin and alpaca. Thoro aro caps of all kinds, bonnets nnd veils and kerchiefs nnd "tuckers," and all sorts of laco jabots and neckwear. Thoro aro knit wool catws, and sacks In oldor down ilaunol trimmed with knitted woolen laco and mauy ribbons, that nro comfortably warm nnd pretty. I saw n Lumber of flannel wrappers lined with tho. eider down flannel, nnd thoy look doliciously warm. I thought tho designer must bo a truo genius, for every ono had an enormous pocket, just such as grandmothers mako storing places of to hold tho things that chil dren always want. Tho patterns this year seem to pleaso mo more than usual. There aro ninny of tho pretty but almost forgotten palm leaf designs in tho colors thnt nro most suitable. I noticed ono with a dnrk purplish brown ground, with a border around t" bottom nnd on the sleeves of palm leaves in rich oriental colors. Among tho pretty things prodded for tho old lady nro a laco jabot of black chantilly nnd a vest front of white chif fon, with a deep frill of white Valen ciennes. Tho collar is of the samo mate rial, nnd a belt goes around tho waist and fastens behind under a rosette. , TRIFI.ES UOHT AS AIR. 1 This vest front Is calculated to bo worn with a black silk or satin gown to givo it a moro dressy effect. The black jabot can bo worn at any tlmo, Thoro aro bIioob mndo particularly for elderly ladies who prefer comfort to looks, broad, of soft material and with low common sense heel, but for thoso who Hko'dnintyslippers thero nro somo as pretty ns their granddaughters wear, with rather lower and wider heels. Pru- nella, pateut-leather and soft kid aro tho pretty buckles and beaded bows. Few ladies past CO havo not hod to wear mourning, and it may bo said that 00 women out of 100 over that age wear black only. When thnt is tho case, tho doublo shawl is tho most elegant and comfbrtablo wrap". When black only is worn? it leaves littlo liralt for choice in- fashion, but thero aro .endless combina- t-v.-i- iiu...i.n ...ii r IIDU tin DUWK T4M Tt IIIIO IUIIU.. UUU laces. Olive Haupjcr. Individuality is indicated by a promi nence of tha forehead jurt above tho eyebrows. WMMmm VjMMm MmwMMtm Mfariovi rtif P-- -vj - r &i TYi CTOURIBR.' MWWriMMiMaMMlHMHHI A WOMAN OF AFFAIRS. th Wife of Mnnniier I'ntmer line Remark nlilo KsrriitUn AlillHy. Mrs. Laura A. Palmer, wlfoof tho well known theatrical managor, Is n romnrka blo example of feminine oxecntivo abili ty. Tho lady Is of English birth, but enmo to this country when a tiny child, and whllo some family tics still endear tho oldor country to her heart hor tastes, interests nnd sentiments proclaim her loyalty to American customs and Insti tutions. In addition to her porsonnl supervision of hor homo nt tho cornor of Madison avonuo and Sixty-fifth street, Now York, whoro four children roceivo hor affoo- LAURA A. PALMER. tionnto caro, sho is an nctivo worker In tho charities connected with Holy Trin ity church, of which sho is n member, n director of tho Hahnemann hospital, tho Woman's guild, tho Ladies' Health Pro tective association, tho Littlo Mothers' and tho Dluo Anchor societies. Mrs. Palmor also tills tho chair of philanthropy of Borosis, and her cordinl spirit nnd breezy wolcomo to now members in tho Goethe society, of which her husband is president, has breathed now lifo into thnt Intellectual club, which was languishing from suffocating conservatism. Her lit erary gifts nro of an uncommon order, ami her fncllo pon haa been employed with signnl success in translating and dramatizing plnyB presented nt her hus band's theaters. To hor ability to plan nnd exocuto, to drill and command a legion of workers. ia largely duo tho trophy of $175,000 not tcd by tho Actors' Fund fair to tho treas ury of tho association. Tho latest proje of her busy brain, an idea concolv during tho progress of tho fair, is tho i ccntly orgnnized Professional Woman leaguo, n benevolent, protcctivonnd phi anthropio society that is designod 1 throw its sheltering arms nbout gir1 and women engaged in professional pu suits, Mrs. Palmer was elected to tb ' presidency of this organization by unan imous acclamation, and it may bo noted that hor oxecntivo abilities havo been moro widoly recognized when it is stated that to hor was tondorcd spaco, with the chargo and control of a dramatic ex hibit, at tho World's fair, nn honor Bhe was compelled to regrotfully declino for want of tiino and strength to dovoto to bo vast an undertaking. Ada Crisp Marsh. Infant's Crib Set. Tho Infant's crib sot horo illustrated is mndo of that now nnd oxquisito fabric, china linen, which is soft nnd fino as ailk. Tho pillow Is about 15 Inches wido THE rilAOW. and SO long nnd is stuffed with eider down. Tho edgo is daintily flnishod with a full frill of silk laco. Tho designs worked upon tho pillow nro closo wroaths of forgotmonots, tied with loops of very narrow bluo ribbon. Tho flowers aro dono In two shades of filo floss in satin stitch, and tho ribbon In bluo filo floss in short and long buttonholo stitch. ; Tho cover is about 85 by 45, nnd the top is turned over about fivo Inches to form a sham. This sham Is edged with TIIR COVKR. silk loco frilled on to correspond with tho pillow. Tho design on tho cover is worked In tho samo uw.nnur ns tho pil low. India silk, china silk or even smueiuop inexpensive material would mako o ery pretty crib set if mado in this way, Gerthijdk Willett Women as Huimtortul Cnutllilateo. It ia a signiiicaut fact that for tho first tlmo in tho history of the country wom en havo this winter received eoinplimen tary votes for United State senator Two wnmon have had this honor. When North Dakota was balloting fur United States senator. Air. M. L. McCormnek wlfo of ono the Democratic tjite ena tore, received UO Democratic and Popu list vote. In Wyoming tho legislature gave Mrs.. Mary C. .Dartlott'of Choy- enno 7 votea for senator. Vl sSkjflK bbbbbbbbI ''fcd&tfXL SBBBBBKSBBfisBBBV SBBBBBBBBBBsiBr BStsMaSBaPlwwl i i i 44f ; 4 ? M ill fOUN 17 A7 U71 Jnst Ibe Book I bave and. several thousand others, I advise all who would save time to go at once to H. W. BROWNS, 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET B UCKSTAFF BROS.' -Manufacturers of- HARNESS Whoto:nlo Dealers In BADDLES Vitrified Hrick and all Kinds Offices 786 to HAVING jut assumed personal tontrol of my handsome new stables, It will be my aim to conduct n flrst-cla.s establishment, ghlng best of care and attention to horses entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, and fine line of wcll-tralncd horscs.for It very use,' fur nlshcd, day or night. DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. ' FRANK RAMSEY, Foreman. Stablos 1639 and Telephone 225 K San Francisco Paper Would Form an Interesting Addition to Your Winter Reading. THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY . TII Weekly Examiner IS THE BEST PAPER IN THE WEST. 9,000 SPECIAL PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY It Is brimful of newt from all parti of the world, and Its Literary Department Is supplied by the foremost writers of the day. In addition to Its great news aud literary features, IT GIVES TO EVERY 8UDSCRIDER HI3 CHOICE FROM TWO MAGNIFICENT WORKS OF ART, The Examiner's Art Album, Conilitlngof eight beautiful reproductions from maMerplecet of the world's great est artists, the whole collection bound In a lianiUouie bamboo leatherette case; Or fi beautiful reproduction, la all of its original colors, of the famous historical paiutlug, 22x23 inches, Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. And besides sit this, THE EXAMINER will this year distribute anion? its subscribers 9,000 Pre miums, aggregstlug lo value the stupendous sum of $130,000. This is the fourth annual distribu tion, and the list of premiums is larger aud more valuable than ever before offered, Kcmemberthnt these premiums cntslt no additional expense to the subscriber v, hatever. They are absolutely free, Tba cost of the WEEKLY EXAMINER, together with these magnificent premium offers, U $1,50 ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR $,5Q Its regular subscription price. Get the full particulars of this grand offer from the EXAMINER'S Sixteen-rage Premium List, which we can supply lo you, or you can procure one Irom --our i'oi master or Newsdealer. Then, having considered the matter, call on us aud placcaco-'onitlnnstit)-tcrljitioa f0r XS WEEKLY EXAMINEE aud your home paper, aud so save rvssuiiug of the ct. .MsssiisssssssaaaaV Moving Household Goods-and Pianos a Specialty. 1 1 1 it', ix i erloncod in i otbor 2& Z been looking for 8vf'. ' MANUFACTURING GO. AND COLLARS. and Manufacturers of - -vfc of Straw and Wrapping Paper. 744 O street. Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLE Telephone. 550 1641 O Street. Canon City Bock Springs Vulcan Mendota Scranton Anthracite VALUE, $135,000 Telephone 176. Office, cos for moving machinery, rafes and heavy nrtlolei-a, , I si I uoysi.