Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 25, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Iko Stono, treasurer?- and Will Ly
konH, manager oLtho-now Tootles at St.
Joseph, woro IJnpjiln visitors Thursday
and callers at Tjljs Collftlferi office Iko
la a groat rustier? clover flnanolor and
a most agreeable gontlomnn than whom
no bottor treasurer could havo boon bo
looted. Ah for Will Lykons, ho's thor
oughly onto tho business, knows ovory
manager In Amorlca, and what ho don't
know about booking and how to got tho
oroam of tho attractions wo d not do
anyono olso much good. Tho now
Tootlo will open Soptombcr first and
has already an excellent menu to offer.
Hopkins' Trans-oeoanlo's ho t o
boards at tho Lansing Thursday overl
ing and played to a largo and appreci
ative audlonco. As a meritorious high
class vaudovlllo porformanco tho at
traction was a big success and tho
sovoral artists woro liberally applaud
ed. Evory feature of tho prograraino
was well received and demands for
repetitions prolonged tho show to a
lato hour. Tho Dixon brothors, olovor
musical clowns; Mens. Nlzarras and
Mllo. Thorn, skillful French gymnasts;
James and Lucy Allison, sprightly
Englsh dancors and singers; Jano Mel
ville and Evil Stetson, original vocal
ists and dlaloct artists, all mado hits
and contributed somo taking novelties.
Trowoy, tho fantalslst humoristic, was
of course, an entertainment in himself.
Tho Roberta Zanfrotta Pantomime
troupo, in "Tho olopomont," brought
dono tho house. Tho other specialties
woro good. This attraction is on a par
with Mr. Hopkins' other enterprises
and compares favorably with his How
ard athuonum company. Ho travels
with tho oceunlcs and is making u big
card of tho company in all tho loading
theatres of tho country. It furnishes
a bright, clonn and clover porformanco
and deserves success.
Tho principal part of Herrmann's
entertainment, which was soon last
night at tho Lansing, consists of raro
and all-startling phenomena to which
his own original and colloctivo brain
has given existence HIb work seem
ingly sots at naught all natural laws.
It Is roplota with mysticism and thoso
occult deeds ordinarily ascribed to tho
redoubtable Princo of Darkness. Yet
ovorythlng is simply dono, and Horr
man frankly disclaims any superna
tural agoncics. Tho feats of legerde
main performed by Herrmann aro nono
of tho ordinary sleight of hand affairs
to which tho old lino of theatre-goers
aro accustomed. Herrmann stands
alono and supremo In thourtdiaboliquo
and no word description can do full
justico to tho mysteries of this romark
ablo porsonago. Ho charms you by a
graco of mannor, ho entrances by the
subtlo power which ho so greatly pos
sosses, and mystifies and bewilders you
by tho doftnoss and dexterity with
which ho executes his remarkable
feats. Two of Herrmann's most mys
terious tricks this year aro "Ta-ra-ra-boom-do-ay
dono to death" and tho
Chinese mystory "Yakoyo." Of tho
latter It canio said that it is a decided
novolty and ono knows about as much
how It was dono before, as ho does
aftorward. It Is a clever conceit and
Herrmann does it decidedly well. A
largo house witnessed the entertain
ment notwithstanding tho advanco in
prico of seats.
Burnes &. Summers havo put in five
nights quite profitably at Funko's this
week Including a largo Fontleroy matl
nco Wednesday. A vnrloty of plays
havo been given and all boomed
to please tho popular demand
for low priced stage amusement. Tho
Southern Rose, Ranch King, A Hun
dred Wives, Nobody's Child and Lady
Nell woro nil seon In tho order men
tioned, tho engagement closing last
night with tho latter. Little Edna
Remlng was a captivating featuro and
as a child artist does some very clover
work. Tho engagement was a vorj
fair success.
Tint Giat Mimical Ketit Thurmlajr.
As will bo soon by our advertising
colums, Nordica, Schalca and a grand
array of operatic talent will be in Lin
coln, at tho Lansing Thursday evening,
and an Interview published last month
In tho Boston Journal, where tho tour
began, might bo of guneral Interest:
"My first appearance In public In con
cert was in Bumstoud Hall in 1870. It
was a pupil's concert and I sang the en
trance aria of Leonora in 'II Trovatoro.'
I sang in tho Christmas ovo (1870) por
formanco of 'Tho Messiah,' and I di
vided tho soprano solos with Mrs. J. W.
Woston. Tho othor singers were Ma
thildo Philllpps, William Winch and
Myron Whitney. In 1878 I went with
Gllmoro's band toKuropo, and sang, for
instanco, ut Paris in tho Trocadoro,
which was hardly finished. I think I
was tho Jlrst to sing thoro. My soloo
tlon was 'Vunno, Vnnno,' from 'Roberto,
II Dlavolo.' I did not go with tho band
to Gormany, for thoy played In tho opon
air and, of courso, I did not wish to
thus exposo mysolf. I studied in Paris
with San Giovanni, and it was ho that
fitted mo for opera. I then sang In
'Faust' at tho lino opera house In Ge
noa, and in Novara I played Alice in
'Roberto.' Tho widow of Wagner in
vited Madamo Nordica to take tho part
of EllzalHith In 'Tnnnhtiousor' at tho
liict Bay ruth fo tlval, Mm n'cr
wbh tlrod out and noodod rost. When
she was in Paris lust summer Madamo
Nordica saw much of Gounod, and
studied with him tho great aria from
tho 'Rolno do Saba.' "Gounod is grow
ing fooblo,"snid Madamo Nordica, "but
his enthusiasm for Mozart Is not
quenched, aud wo spent hours in sing
ing tho music of that master.
I go undor tho management of Mr.
Ellis, as far wost as San Francisco, "and
i snau go oacK w ijonuon- in nine lor
tho oporntio season. I havcbQon'askod
to sing in Mascngl's 'ItaBtzu' In Lon
don, and I am to create tho soprano part
In a now cantata by Dr. McKonzle; this
cantata will afterwards bo given at
Chicago, I bollovo. I am engaged for
tho next Worcostor festival and under
stand Gado's 'Psycho' will bo then
sung. In October I expect to sing In
Chicago in opora, as a member of tho
Abboy, SchooiTol and tho Gran com
pany." Madamo XMoruica woro an ex
quisite tea gown. It was ovidontly of
Parisian invention, and a fantasy of
Worth; a cream broeado of violet pat
tern. Tho throat of tho slngor was on-
circled tondorly by a collar of point
laco, which onco adorned a golden
haired Venetian of trngio inomory.
And now lot tho slngor speak, noarly in
hor own words. Tho music of tho volco
that lont a charm to tho recital of pro
saic detail must bo imaginod by tho
rcador. Seats go on salo Monday
morning and thoro will doubtless bo a
rush. Tho prices havo been plucod
from 12.00 down to f0 cents.
Little Sank' llencllt.
Tho littlo dancer and actress who
comes from Denver, wlioro sno was
raised, but born in this olty, has al
ready during hor short stay horo mado
many friends. She is a very bright,
onorgotlo littlo body, and full of busi
ness, is a porfoct littlo lady, well edu
cated and very intelligent. Ono day
last wook she Introduced herself to tho
speaker of tho house, during a session
at tho capltol, who gavo hor tho free
dom of tho floor and announced in a
noat, olear littlo spocch who sho was,
hor mission in our city and that sho
wanted their attendance to a perform
ance sho would give thorn, displaying
hor skill and asked thorn to signify
thoir approval by saying ay. Tho ayos
and applauso wero tremendous. Her
friends havo arranged to glvo her a
benefit ut Lansing hall, in tho thcatro
building Monday night and thoro is
bound to be a big turnout of Lincoln's
best pooplo to seo and help this littlo
lady, who is suroly a truo representa
tive of westorn norvo and pluck, and
who is making a tour of hor natlvo
west to procure moans to reach Now
York City and train horsolf for a ca
reor unon tho stage. Tuesday evening
sho entertains our lawmakers, who are'
so well pleased with her that a resolu
tion has boon passed sotting apart,tho
uso of tho houso for tho occasion. rho
will 1)0 assisted by hor littlo brothor
and sister, littlo Helena, throo years
old ano Master Frankle, flvo years of
ago, and all throo littlo folks will glvo
sovoral dances, recitations and gun
A Unxy Urtjr.
"A Busy Day," which comes to tho
Funko Monday evening, is a really funny
farco comedy, and not ono of those
dreary nightmares which masquerade
under tho much-nbusod designation. It
will bo Iterproted by Crandall & Zooll
nor's Comedians, headed by Harry
Crandall, known from ono end of tho
United States to tho othor for his ex
cellent and univuo dialect work as tho
German grocoryman in "Pock's Bad
Boy," will enact tho loading rolo, which
involves tho very class of impersona
tion in which ho has becomo famous.
Mr. Crandall, unlike most "dancing
and singing comedians," is really an
excellent satatorlal artist, and possesses
a line barltono voico of wondorful vol-
ume, surprising rosonanco and almost
indescribable sweetness. Thoro Is
really a plot, and an amusing ono, too,
in "A Busy Day," although, as a mat
ter of courso, tho specialties, whloh aro
tho necessary concomitants of evory
well-regulated farco-comedy, aro not
overlooked. In fact, thoy may bo said
to form the brightest features of this
"all-fenturo" aggregation. Tho entire
production is undor tho personal super
vision of Harry Crandall, and soats aro
now on salo at tho established prices of
tho Funko, 25, i0 und it) cents.
The Crunt of Society."
John Stetson's company of players
from tho Globo Thoatro, Boston, will
prosont for tho first time horo, "Tho
Crust of Society," an adaptation of
Dumas' celebrated comody, "Le Demi
Monde," which is ono of tho greatest
successes of tho year. Tho play deals
with a woman of remarkable nccumon,
of the keenest intellect. Sho aspires
to rise above tho position in society to
which she hns boon relegated, as it
woro, by hor villainous father, and, in
doing so, wins tho love of un honorable
ofllecr In tho army, whoso infatuation
for her induces him to givo up his
commission, and preparations are mado
to marry and fly to parts whoro thoy
aro unknown. Tho early friend of' tho
young onicer has orijoyod tho society
of Mrs. Eastlako Chapel, as tho hero
ino Is known, but sho has wearied of
hor old lover and sho has left him for
sovoral months, cultivating in tho
moan time tho acquaintance of Captain
Randall Noathcote. Oltvor St. Aubyn,
tho dln'ifdod lover, in ots Ms o'd
time friend. l o enptu'n, and t mak a
long story thort, ho gives him a full
hint that Mrs Eastlako Chapol is not
like Ctrsar's wifo. From this moment
thoro 1m plot and counter plot, onoh
side endeavoring to outwit tho othor.
Tho adventuress is ono of tho strongest
and most roinarknblo characters over
depleted by a dramatist. Sho is on
dowod with suporhuinan power and in
genuity and astounding complications
result." "Tho Crust of Society" will bo
seon by a full houso and tho Boat alo
will opon Monday morning.
Meuneriitt MynterlM.
Prof. John Reynolds, widely known
as tho groatost living mosmorlHt, has
boon giving a series of mesmeric enter
tainment in Association hall that havo
not failed to ploaso tho mostsodato.
That his oxperlmonts aro most wondor
ful and marvelous, no ono who has thor
oughly investigated them will quostlon.
His entertainment, lwsldos being a
scientific study, aro most amusing and
novor fall to please. Thoro is nothing
Jn tho way of puro fun that has so thor
oughly captured tho audlonco as his
exhibitions. Prof. Reynolds has boon
so successful that ho has doolded to re
main another wook and will glvo an
ontortnlnmont ovory ovonlng next
wook In Association hall. This after
noon a matlnoo for ladles only will bo
given nt 2:30 o'clock.
Allan Field' 8iirli Mlntll.
When this grand aggregation of
burned cork talent visited Lincoln last
Boason It was pronouncod by ovoryono
that bow tho entertainment to Imj tho
lnrgost, finest nnd best all around
mlnstrol company that was over soon
in this city. Field's minstrels are now
considered above par and tho more fact
of announcing that tho samo company
with additional brilliant? features, will
appear at Funko's noxt Saturday even
ing will bo amplo to fill tho houso to
overflowing. Tho high class of tho
musical ability, tho gonulno novoltlos
Mint Mr. Flold always introduces and
Mm nnMrn frnshnoBH and rollnomont of
each program prcBontod, makos it on
entertainment worthy tho most liberal
putronago and most fashlonablo audi
ences every whoro.
Real Kiitate For Sale or Trade.
What havo you to offer In oxchnngo
for a lot In Elmwood addition, near
Westorn Normal collogo, and lot A,
Spencer's addition, adjoining tho M
stroot ball park. Will soil or trado
both for good resldonco lot. Call on or
address Lou Wossol, at this ofllco.
Tho manufacturers of tho "Auxil
iary Homo Savings bank" for tho pur-
poso of introducing them in Lincoln,
havo authorized tho industrial savings
bank to offer &T5 In cash prizes to thoso
using thorn during tho noxt twolvo
months. Tho "Auxiliary bank" Is a
small brass, nlcklo-plated safe, which
depositors tako to their houses for tho
purposo of accumulating small sums
which thoy havo to sparo from to day,
to bo deposited in tho savings bank.
It costs nothing to compote for this
prizo. Every lady nnd nil children in
Lincoln should do It. Snfos may bo
Boon and full particulars obtained at
Industrial Savings bank, corner of N
and Elovonth streets.
Ask your grocoryman for tho "Wlllnir
Rolling Mills" Flour. Chas. Harvoy,
proprietor. Enqulro for
"Littlo Hatchet,"
"Nicklo Plato," and
"Bakor's Constance "
Evory sack warranted.
When you givo tho noxt party nt
your houso loavo your ordors for tablos
at Hardy it Pltchors. Thoy havo a
now supply just in that thoy ront ut
reasonable prices delivored to and taken
from your residences.
naltor's market 210 North Tenth
street, Lincoln's old reliable market, is
whoro ladles should call for thoir moat
orders-. Telephone ordors over No. 100
receive prompt attention.
Hardy and Pitcher havo rocolvod a
now lot of chairs and tables for rental
purposes at card parties, etc. Call and
see them or call up 'phone f21.
Lincoln pooplo can now buy any kind
of cheese that they may call for, at
Rumbold h Mosor's, IM3 O street.
Phono 728.
K. C. Baking Powdor, 25 ounces for
2T) cents. Absolutely puro. Havo you
tried It?
Genuine Canon City Coal at tho
Lincoln Conl Co., southwest cornor of
Eleventh and O streets.
n. W. Cowlo, funeral director, suc
cessor to Fred Thomas. Embalming a
specialty. 110 South Twelfth street.
Frames, frames, framos, of ovory
description at Lincoln Framo and Art
company's, 22(1 South Elovonth stroot.
Flftoon kinds of imported nnd domes
tic cheeses at Rumhold fc Mosor's.
'Phono 728.
Now Silks nnd Dress GoodB in tho
latest weaves und colorings just re
ceived at norpolsholmor Ac Co.
Full lino of artist's materials at Lin
coln Framo and Art company's, 220
South Elovonth street.
If you enjoy danolng go to your drug
gist and gok a bottle of Positive Corn
Curo, which insures comfort.
Miss Anna Dick, Modisto, cor. Uth
and P sU., over Lincoln Savings ba
Spring D'-es Goods aro already In nt
Il l) lllU III Vn,
Y. M. O. A. Building,
Tonight and ovory ovonlng
Matlnoo for Ladles only, at 2:30 ThursJ
day afternoon.
Prof. John Reynolds,
Widoly recognized as tho greatest
Will glvo n Borios of his Mirthful, Mvh
tlcnl Marvelous Entertainments.
Persons coming voluntarily from tho
audience, If found susceptible, will lo
mado to close their eyes without being
able to ojion them; thoy will lie. mado
to stammer, forgot their names, laugh,
dance and sing, their voluntary mo
tions will Ihj completely controlled, so
thoy cannot stand or sit. Water will
lie changed to wine, coffee, etc. They
will l)o shown tho Falls of Niagara,
tuko a ride in a baloou aud othor inter
esting illusions.
PRICES-25 and 60 Cents.
Soats on salo at Y. M. C, A. Ofllco.
Rand MoNally Si Co., 100 Adams St ,
Chicago, 111., desire a local manager to
take tho management of tho sale of
their now Universal Atlas. Any ono
desiring a pleasant and profitable posi
tion would do well to write them.
Operatie ?oi;ert ompapy
Under tho direction of C. A. ELLIS, supported by
including tho Groat Soxtettc from"Luoia,"and concluding with selections from
dono in concert form, and in Italian.
Prices, 50c, 75c, $1, Si. 50 and $2. Sale opens Monday morning.
MONDAY, FEB. 27th,
To the Ladies of 'Lincoln
Economy Dry Goods Store
' Monday, February 27th, 1893, when we shall place on sale an elegant line of
New Spring Dress Goods
Embracing all the leading styles from the largest New
with the latest novelties in
SPRING JACKETS AND CAPES, and a complete line
Lowest Cash.
Comer 1 1th
Advance Spring Styles
New Millinery
Are Now Being Shown at the Popular
rrm tu
a m a
tiX't V
13th andO.
Pinf fyncrf GJonr in 3iqeric&.
and Vicinity: You
opening of the
Patronage Solicited. Very Respectfully,'
C. Robertson,
N Strae's, L'nco'n, Nebraska.
isth and 0.
cordially invited to the
York importers,
v v---w-pTYyZyp