A V ftf T4 b4. rifiafJE! Ada Ilonton, 1100 KHtrcot,Kvo tIonH,unl nn,l',,,"'odfM1llte y olmrmlnir imrllon Wotlmwlnyimt evening TonWit tho Lincoln L. ?.i Z (r. Tim dv Imltitf Llirht Infantry will entertain thu v In- MIm twii vnr afternoon iiml ovoning. Tho day Iwlnjf ono of national foHtlvltloi was duly paid honor to by Minn Hcaton. Thu hoiwo van )w(uiriy adorned with tho national uolorN.d'ho walk of tho paelonn roonw wore crtjuplotoly covorod with draping of lUg. T&ychandulkr.4 woro gracefully ontwlnoilwUh ling and mntlax. From tho olmndoltoiu to tho -.. i rr im I'lutniM vnvca.butiU in.r if wi.l. whlto and blue. Tho hote was brilliantly illuminated, tho light boing Bhut out from tho window by draping of largo ling. Tho hMo board In tho dining room wan orna mented with a bank of potted plant, In tho mlddlo of which rowo a tower of lighted candle. Whlto hyaelntliH and rod rones mlornod tho mantloH. Tho ga hIioiio through globe of rod, white and bluo, giving a dainty olTcct to tho whole. Tho afternoon' entertainment may bo characterized as a "novel" pn-ty. Tho hoflUai bnd adroitly arranged representation of book with which Hbo adorned hor guoHt oh thoy camo. Some of tho mont notlco ablo woro "Mlddlomarch," ropreHentod by a largo "R?" "Den Hit"," by tho let ters n K N pinned on a young lady. Miss J. Webster obtalnod tho distinc tion of being ablo to guo tho greatest number of novel representations and ro ooived as a monument to hor Bklll a largo boquet of rod rosos. Chocolate was sorved In tho library during tho afternoon and at half-past five dainty refreshments woro Borved at small tables in tho dining room. Those pres ent woro Misses Maud Oakley, Ethel Hooper, Floronco Putnam, Sadlo liurn ham, Joy Webster, Maud Lyon, Mlnnlo Plshor, Edith Parish, Etta Parish, Henrietta Hawloy, Clara Watklns, Edith Flsko, Alice Maltland, liosslo Turnor, Daisy Bonnoll, Graco Ashton, Amy Losoh, Carrie Stearns, Vlnnlo Beach, Ireno Byam. In tho evening tho book form was also observed. Tho ladles each, represented a book, tho ones guessing the groatost numbor ro. eolving prizes. Miss Cochrano carried home an elegant bunoh of rosos and Mr. Harley gatnod allke distinction among tho gentlemen. The floor was canvassed for dancing, and tho selec tion ot partners was certainly aovel. The library was used as tho place for putting tho books, and tho gentlemen colling tor some book had that book charged on his library ticket and rooolved tho lady representing that book, which ho was to return promptly after oho dance. This caused a great deal of amusement and much excitement among tho goutlemon. A aplondid supper was nerved in tho mld dlo otjkho evening, in which tho colors rod, wliite and bluo woro predominant. Thow jCJresont woro Misses Grace Huntsitffer, Blanche Garten, Fannlo Rector, MdRathburn, May Mooro, jessier LulmaVNolla Cochrane, Mary Tholl, EmoralWGjoneB, Dora Hurley, En Rlokott", Georgia Camp, Graco Dales, Lottlo Whodon, Ida Friend, May XUldwoll, ot Croto; Mossrs. Guy Hurl but, Harry Evans, Arthur Morrill, Edgar Reagan, Wilson Wlngor, Hurry Harley, George Cullen, Foster Beuch, Arthur Walsh, Park Garoutto, Arda Chapman, Georgo Johnson, Georgo Btolnor, Frank Kitchen, Fred Cooloy, Ernest Folsom. Tho past woek has boon frought with considerable work and activity on tho part of many society leaders and which, wMlle It was somewhat laborious, was not unattended" by some social pleasan tries Tho entertainment of thu Mid winter Carnival of tho Nebraska Homo Patronage Association was placed in the 2, 'everwllUng and faithful hands of tho local ?WA C. A., and that they havo f 'TJ l'-fSWaV ii B,inu Ti. .Mn l.n - '.fWreVeek hundreds of sumptous moals wiwnntillir v iliA lttflloa ami fmm W.v. rr:T.T.r . r :.,. .:rr r::z ".;... ( i'C ;a stage eatortilnnient was given which jA the crowds ana amuseu overyono. neauay evening a wasiungton 'am was put on undor tho ulroo- Miss Almena Parkor, MUs Eva Lh and Mrs. J. W. Wlugor. On occasion a collection of tableaux weraglyen representing various pic tures, as follows: "Alone at Last," by Mr.Frank Zehrung and Miss Olive Lat ta; "Tho Batchelor's Dream," by Miss Katie Miller, a visiting young lady, and Mr. Will Moyer; "Tho Mondonltta," by Miss Floronco Adams, also a visitor; "Tho Gossips," by Misses Steon, Cor mody and Talbot; "Yea or No," by Miss Talbot; oonluding with a ploturo of "Columbia Defending hor Horoes," in which Miss Almena Parker, Mr. Lowo, Mr. Meyer and a colored man named Isaao Williams appeared. Tho garden aoene was a pretty feature, and showed the heads of eight young ladles, each protruding through a flowor of a differ ent kind, while Mr. Will Moyor, as tho gardnr with sprinkler in hand, re peatedly watered the protty buds. Irvine's suporb orchestra discoursed appropriate music for tho occasion, fol lowed by a well arranged concert bill. Last alght tho program was Mrs. Dr. Ladd and Miss Lulu Clark, and was composed of pictures from "Scones from Life," In which the following young people appeared: Misses Latta, Stoen, Anna Funke, Underwood and Anna Barr; Messrs. Sam Lowe, Ed Fltzgor ald7TaoT"Killey7 Will Moyor and Ben Dawea. A feature of the occasion was Mr. Lipplaoott'a elegant vocal aeleo- itors to the carnival with drills and In other ways, and It will nlono lw worth thu nrlcu of admission to boo tho fun and tactics that will bu produced. A new card gamo Is just being sprung on tho Lincoln publlo.and It Is, so to speak, catching on gnuanuy. it Is called progressive High Five Hall way and along one side Is a list of 14 stations, being the prlnulpal ones on tho Jiurllngtou irom unicorn 10 union go. With each advance, from ono table to the next, tho player, receive n punch until he rcuches .thaVorld's Fair uud therefor uttuins'ihe ,;iMaU. At tho top is a space for Car Nd.'ailMo Woston, OUvo Latta U., M.. tl.tu tn In.llxnt.t til.. aVilrfl X.. at which to Htart. Following uro some ...'.'. n .. . .1 of tho rules printed on back ot tho rail road ticket; "This ticket will bo void If It shows uny alterations or erasures. A light lunch served at nomo station, ut convenience of company. No liquors served in Nobruskn got them in Iowa Pussongors must bo civil and polite for tho company will not bo roon8l bio fur tho uctlons of Its employees. Passengers must not change seats while tho car(d)s aro in motion. When tho bell rings tho train oomes to u full stop. This ticket not good unions properly stampod." This unique score card has been copyrighted by Mr. John Mclntooh, tho printer, who will doubt less And a big sale for them. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Patrick very u groeubly entertained tho An Fait curd club this with wook.t number of Invited guosts. Twolvo tables woro filled with high tlvo players. Refreshments, wore served at the card uiblos. Tho prizes whloh woro souvenir spoons woro won by Mrs. Carabrldgo, Mr. S. E. Mooro and Mr. and Mrs. Cowdory. Tho in vited list inoludo Mossrs. and Mes dames. Mark Tilton, Dr. Diyton, B F Cowdory, F W Baldwin, W S Huffman O W Webstor, Heury Oliver, O M Thompson, D E Thompson, Dr. Glttln, S E Mooro, R E Moire, Chas, Koufer, G H Clark, A G Bllllngor, Goo. Cooke, C W Hoxio, H P Foster, Hurlburt, Goo. Brown, N O Abbott, T E Sandors, V C Cambridge W S Turnor, F W Brown, J J Glllllan, J Millor, Mr. T P Kenard, Miss Bosslo Turnor, Miss Roso Foster. Tho noxt mooting of tho club will bo In two woeks with Mr. and Mrs. F W Baldwin. Mrs. P. W. Plank gave a brilliant piano recital last ovcnlng at hor homo, U20 South Sovontoonth street, assisted by Mr. J. G. Wadsworth, soprano; Miss Clara Richardson, soprano, and Mrs. Will Owen Jones, accompanylst. Tho homo was fUlod with a largo and en thusiastic audlonco who showed their appreciation by thoir hearty encores. Mrs. Plank, who is bo woll known in Lincoln as a pianist, rendered eight selections all of which woro of an ar tistic and difficult sort, but which proved her masterly degree of execu tion and precision. Mrs. Wadsworth, who is no longer a resldont ot tho city, but whoso volco has mado a lasting impression upon Lincoln people, de lighted hor listeners with hor rendi tion ot a selection from "Norma," and so groat was hor applause that she win compollod to render a second selection. Miss Richardson sang "O. Had I Ju bal's Lyre" by Handel aud "The Hour of Dawn" by Mendelssohn In her uaual clear rioh soprano volco. Mrs. Jones ifr Je - ' CHPITXU accoaipauiud tho slngors In a delicate roOnod way which added much to tholr merit. Tho recital wan indood a most praiseworthy ono, but tho reputation of all tho performers Is so well estab lished that It needs no further com mont. Miss Jonnlo Underwood, 1024 K street, was at homo Friday afternoon to n largo numbor of lady friends In honor of Miss Cathorlno Adams and Mrs. Floronco Miller of La Foyotto, Indiana. Tho houso wan darkened and brilliantly Illuminated with gas, and mantels woro gorgeously decorated with boquoU ot rod roses. Tho doors and windows were draped in rod cur tains. Tho refreshments, whloh formed a chief feature of tho uftornoon's on turtnlnmunt, woro red, tho Icos, bon bons, oto., being red. Cards absorbed tho attention of tho gucstB. Those present woro Mesdnmos R J Groono, A G Booson, C F Ladd, J II Bigger, 11 S Thoranson. A B Coffroth, J B ir&Pten. E P Ewlng, II R Nlssloy, E L Holyoke, W A Preston, O E Hull, MUhos Adams, Miller,. Roso Carson, Mnmo Curson. Gortlo Hill, Holllo Hooper, Carrlo Warmer, Jcannotto Wilson, Anna Funko, Clara Richard son, Graco GrlHlth, Nellie Whlto, Klt- Wwno1ntr iitinnlnir Ml, nnil Mm. A. i... ...-... . Hi iMHiiiond entertained tno momoors of tho 'whist elttbv composed principally of North Llncom society and a low n vlted iruests. at tholr rosldenco on R street. There woro no prlzos, yet tho Interim of years of strife and practice has cultivated all the sciences ot tho gamo and a sharp contest was tho re sult. Tho following members and guests were present: Mossrs. and Mes dnmos J D MoFarlund, E P Holmes, Will Croon, Ed Croon, Frank Hall, Dr GlHin, A W Janson, Harry Lippincott, Prof Little, Mrs D D Mulr, Mossrs I M Raymond, S H Burnham, Rep. T W Crain of Omaha. Refreshments woro served in thoir usual order and tho members and guosts scoro anothor happy event In tho organization of this popular club. Thu meetings are 'usit ully hold ovory two weoks, on Wodnos- day evenings, but as tholr noxt moot ing will bo with Prof, aud Mrs. C. N. Dlttlo, Friday, March 10, is tho date. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo K. Brown gave a very pleasant informal dancing party in tho parlors and dining room of tho Coftman Thursday evening. Tho guests woro received in tho parlors and danc ing was imdulged in in tho dining room until a luto hour. Tho CofTman is a now building and Is a vory pleasant placo to givo u small dancing party as tho ono Thursday evening proved. Tho floor of tho dining room is smooth and olegant and in ovory way conduc ive to a splendid dance. Miss Wll loughby furnished tho music. Refresh ments woro served throughout tho ovenlng. Those present woro Mr and MrsE E Honklo, Mr and MrsRD Mulr, Misses OUvo Latta, Maud Burr, Carson, Ruby Jonos, Nolllo White, Carrlo Wasmor, Anna Funko, Nellie Kolloy, Martha Funko, Breckcnrldgo of Omaha, Mossrs 8 T St. John, Wing, Funko, Fred Howe, Frank Burr, Low Marshall, Frank Hathaway, Ed Fitz gerald, Will Myor, Matt Baldwin, Tom Kolley, W F Kolloy, Markoll, Haydon. At tho rosldenco of Capt. E. Snydor on the corner of Clinton and Twenty eighth streets, a numbor ot tho friends of Leslie B. Snydor mot and took him by surprise Thursday evening. Loslio has boon cashier for Raymond Bros. St Co. during tho past year and leaves noxt Monday for South Dakota whore ho has a good position. His frionds could nut show tholr appreciation in a b jttor way and tho good will and well wishes of all go with him to his now home. Tho following wore present: Mlssos. Phelps, Stewart, DoWijt, Cawklns, Van Duyn, Ccsmor, Rems borg, Witmer, Do Witt, Snydor. Mossrs. St jwart, Phelps, Millor, Sny dor, Olnoy, count snsssffiswessss Tho Misses Allen and Tlllle Friend, residing on Nineteenth near L, enter tained a company of friends Friday evening complimentary to tholr visit ing cousin, Miss AmoIIa Sarbach of Holton. Cards woro tho feature of tho entertainment and nil hands entered Into tho excitement attendant with pro gressive high flvo. Tho prlzos woro won an follows: Royals by Mr. Ed. Friend and Miss Stelnler, whilo the boobies woro allotod to MlHsSplcsborgor and Mr. Moyor. Elegant refreshments woro served at eleven and ovory facil ity for a good time, in general, was at hand. Tho participants woro Misses Gunnison, Stelnler, Sollgsohn, Spies borgor, Barr, Ida Friend, Frank, Tilllo Berkson; Messrs. Aachs of Burr Oak, Kas., Rich, Gugonholm, J. C. Oppen holmor, Kahn, Ed Friend, Sarbach of Holton, Kas., L. Moyor, Eisnor, Gunni son, Berkson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wos sel and Mr. and Mrs. M. Woll. Mrs. II. P. Foster was tho victim of a very happy surprise Thursday ovon Ing in honor of hor birthday anniver sary. Tho affair was gotten up by Mr. Foster, who was assisted by several of tho ladlos. Tho company assembled at tho homo of Mrs. MoMurtry, and at eight o'clock attacked tho Fostor man sion In a body. So cloyorly-had tho af fair boon arranged that Mrs. Fostor know nothing of It and was completely overwhelmed with surprise. Tho guosUi brought nn ologant cut glass fruit dish which was presented to Mrs. Fostor by Mr. MoMurtry. Progressive high llvo furnished tho dlvorslon for tho remalndor, nt which Mrs. Fostor and Mr. Greon, Dr. Ladd and Mrs. Mo Murtry woro tho most successful play ers who received ologant China cups and Baucors. Those present woro Mossrs. and Mosdames Dr. Lattu, Ladd, Patrick, MoMurtry, Llpplncott,Groono, Booson, Nosblt, Dennis and G. II. Clark. Miss Naomi Weaver gave a compli mentary party to tho "Crackers and Chooso" olub Tuesday afternoon in honor of hor visiting guosts Misses Jonnlo and Nolllo Fishor of Denver The' young ladlos of tho olub as cus tomary assembled at about throo o'clock and brought tholr fancy work. Thoy worked und chatted until flvo o'clock whon a numbor of young gontlomon dropped in and work coasod. Refresh monts of which crackers and ohucuo woro tho predominant Ingredients woro served. Those present woro Mrs. H P Foster, Mlssos OUvo Latta, Maud Burr, Nolllo Kelly, Mamo und Roso Carson, Thoo Laws, Martha Funko, Bortlo Burr, Mossrs F C Zohrung, Frank Polk, Georgo Woods, Matt Baldwin, Ed Fltzgorald, Will Jonnson, Fred Howo and Nutt. Tomplo Hull was tho scono of an ex ceedingly plonsunt and informal dunce Monday evening. Tho uffulr was got tod up by a number of prominent young mon who aro banded together for t! o purposo of enjoying thomselvos. Thoy expect to givo sovoral parties this spring. Everything was delightfully iniormai ana an present onjoyed thorn' solves immensely. Miss Willoughby furnishod tho music. Those dunelng were Misses Lulu Clurk, Josophlno wingor, uruco Urimth, Gortrudo Hill, Jonnlo Underwood, Amy Covort, Stella Klrkor, Graco Randull, Mr. and Mrs. J II Bigger, Mossrs. Hurry Freeman, Georgo Covort, W Morton, Smith, Sohus Phillips, Rolzon, Welch, Burt Howlo, Irwin Wingor, Will Moyor, Dan Wing, Sam Lowo, Andrlnno, Wil bur and Bodlucau of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Thompson, 2424 O street, entertained tho Hob Fit card olub Tuesday ovenlng, and a numbor of invited guests. As usual high flvo was tho order of tho. evening and a right good tlmo thoy all had. Prlzos woro awarded to Mr. Cowdory und Mrs. Benton, Mr. E. E. Brown and Mrs. Goorgo Brown. Tho mombors of tho club together with tho guosts woro Messrs and Mesdamos H P Foster, Chas Brown, Geo Brown, Ed" Ewlng, Murk Woods, O F Ladd, F W Brown, Tom Benton, O M Thompson, B F Cowdory, E E Brown, A Hurlbutt, A G Blllmoyor, G H Clork, A E Konnard, R E Mooro. Tho Lovata whist club was vory pleasantly ontortninod Monday ovoning by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Klrkor, 036 South Seventeenth street. Sovon ta bles woro occupied by valient whist players, oach violng with tho other for tho honors of tho gumo. Suppor was served at tho card tablos ut tho close of tho ovenlng. Miss Mary M. Pltchor of Ithlca, Now York arrived last Friday to spend sov oral weeks visiting hor slstor Mrs. C. D. Pitchor. Miss Pitohor lived in our city sorao years ago, and sho has many acquaintances and frionds who will groot hor. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. n. Burgosa, who wore so happily married last woek will boat homo to tholr frionds In tholr now homo, 1730 D street after March, tho first Tho mombors of tho Inglestdo Liter ary society mot with Mrs. J. L. Mc Connoll at tho corner of L and Four tocnthjBtroots, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Hurlbut I of Monmouth, Illinois, who has boon visiting hor slstor, Mrs. Phelps Paine, for Borao tlmo, roturnod to her homo Thursday. Mr. Roberts, and wno, tho gontle man who has opened tho now dry goods store in Montgomery block, are at homo to friends at tho Coffman. Tho Y. M. P. card club mot with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hall Wednesday ovoning, Mr. und Mrs O. C. Boll of Rod Cloud uro in tho city tho guests of Mrs. W. E. Gosper. Hood's Pills euro constipation by ro storing tho qorlstaltlo uotlon of tho alimentary canal. Thoy are tho best family cathartic. CITY mammaamsmsm NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING. Large new varieties are daily arriving and we are now prepared to show the ladies A MA&JOTICEIT LDIE -5 OP SN Latest Effectsin DressGoods Amongyhjch an endless variety of Spring Novelties wilfbc found, also a complete line of Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, ' ft Laces and Embroideries In each of these lines we have excelled all previous efforts and bought them to sell and theSjjL. prices put on them will soon start , j them on Come and See Us. We J. W. WINGER & CO. H. R. KRUG & CO. Just Arrived! A Large Assortment of Spring Styles in FANCY FIGUREDCHINASILKS LATEST NOVELTIES IN Silk and Wool Suit Patterns. Satin Striped Wool Challies. .Fancy Wool Serges. AT TEMPTING PRICES That will interest close lmvorc Wc'ofcho'ccfobfS""11 "ly Three DaS P. D. Corset for $1.25 , The usual price being $2 50 to $3.00, In alt sizes from 24 to 30. BLOCH St KOHN. Tbe Progress! Dry Goods Emporium, 1 141 and 1 143 () Street. SPECIAL SALE 03ST LINE)NS. We will place on sale this week all our Linen including Table Sets, Tray Covers, Linen Cloths, Table Scarfs, And ah our Stamped Goods at Q OIR J H. Mauritius & 0 1039 O Street. the run. ,rW3&' Can Save You Money. . flaaVHw The Ladies' Furnishers i ' ; u