Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 25, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. 5 4- MO. 12
1 1 1 ill
Tho rocont doplornblo flro nt tlio
brick yards has Htartod tho lnovltiiblu
discussion iw to the oxcollonco of tho
work dono by tho llro dopartmont, or
tho lack thoroof, and ovory man who,
while at a safe diHtanuo removed from
u llro, always esteems himself to bo a
valiant and saplont warrior against tho
flro demon, Is now talking tho loudest.
It Is always amusing to noto tho num
ber of ldlors standing around ovory
flro who feci themselves qunllflod to
do much better work than tho dromon
and do much hotter In bossing tho job
than tho chief if they could only got a
Ittlo olosor to It without gottlng thoir
boots muddy or thoir chocks scorched.
No one has pointed out a slnglo pnrtlc In which Chief Malono and his
mon cou.d ha 'o linprov d upon tin Ir
ck, but tho croak j s havo Blmi y
satUflcd thomso'ves ) raising objee
tiou ,onorally lliey havo pointed
to tho Novrbur Am nlstrntlon in tho
dopartmont as r m idol. It U doing
ox Chlof Nowbjry jo injustlco to say
tht tho dopartraant is just as pro
ficient now as it over was under his
direction. Tho o is no necessity of
bringing Mr N jwborry furthor than
this Into tl o (. mtiovorsy. Tho dro
mon lid as ortJctlvo work at tho llutk
staff fltc as It vould, under tho circum
stances, havo ooon posslblo for nnyono
to do 1 no trouble lay, not with the
work of tho flromon, but with that ol
othorj It iay chiotly In tho lack of
watar pro sure, whereby they wcro
onablcd to throw only half ui many
trcamejB thoy should havo thrown,
anl thor only to a distance of perhaps
tA'onty cot. This was duo to tho fact
that a fix-Inch main that runs down
.listr s ot from Ninth to tho scono of tho
firs attached to tho twolvo-lnch
nut on Ninth stroot only by a four
no - pipe. It is oosy to soo that there
01 not be much pressure In a six-Inch
I po that Is fed by a four-inch con
cction. This situation of ufUlrs had
ong existed and was known to tho
water comrnkslonor. Why it was per
mitted to remain bo has not boon ex
plained, nor why it is now so per
mitted to romain, jeopardizing othor
valuable intoro6ts in that vicinity.
Moantlmo tho water commissioner who
over permitted such a connection to bo
put in ought to bo awardod a leather
modal. Anothor thing that'provonted
offectlvo work on tho part of tho flro
mon was tho fact that tho pino drying
kilns, whoroln tho flro started, wore
as dry as tlndor, and wore so con
structed that It took tho mon fully
ton minutes In which to And tho
flames and train access to thorn. And
when thoy did, tho water from tho
hose wouldn't reach thorn.
Tho manufacturers' carnival has
proven a success beyond ovory opxec
tatlon. Tho exposition halls havo boon
crowded nightly during tho past wook
and all who havo attended havo boon
amused and instructed. Tho exhibits
mado by many of Lincoln's manufactur
ers havo boon not only tastoful and at
tractive but of a surprlstng dogrco of
morlt, revealing to unknown peoplo, as
thoy did, tho magnitude of homo re
sources and tho oxcollonco of homo
mado goods. Hundreds of people
learned for tho first time what it was
posslblo for thorn to havo dono, if thoy
so wished, right here at homo, and tho
publicity thus given local manufac
turers and tho character of their work
and products, cannot fall to be reflected
in their pntroungo in tho immediate
future. People have been awakened to
a realization of tho fact that there are
worthy enterprises horo nt homo to
which they owo their flrst allegiance
and their patronage. Many peoplo saw
articles turned out in carnival hall that
thoy never dreamed could be made In
Lincoln. Now that tho carnival is over
and peoplo havo been apprised of thoir
homo manufacturing resources, u gen
eral campaign In favor of homo indus
try may bo profitably begun. Tho com
mittee, and tho ladles of tho W. C. A.,
who had chargo of all features of tho
carnival outside of the actual exhibits,
are to bo commended upon its entire
success in accomplishing tho work for
which it was designed. Meantime
manufacturers may iwgin plunnlug
more striking exhibits for tho noxt
winter carnival. Hundreds of visitors
from Omaha and other adjacent cities
uvullcd themselves of tho op)ortunlty
to soo and admire and commend what
Lincoln manufacturers can and do pro
duce. Ono who loiters around tho criminal
courts very much sees u grout many
disgusting practices. One thing that
oausot. him to ubato somewhat of his
resoot for tho law and its oracles Is to
soo men arrested for alleged crimes
and discharged upon financial con
siderations, Very frequently men are
dragged Into court for thoft, beating
hotel bills and kindred evils, but upon
making satisfactory arrangements with
their accusers to compensate them for
such financial losses as tho wrongful
and unlawful acta entail, are liberated
and escape punishment. This species
of automation of crime is so very com
mon that ono is often led to tollovo
that many of tho criminal laws a to
simply mado to enforce tho collection
of such claims. Anothor detectable
feature is tho practice of allowing
prisoners who can command tho means
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to pay someone a sufficient sum to
become bondsman, so that tho prisoner
may disappear and oscapo punishment.
Another thing ono often soos that is
nauseating Is tho opon and baro-facod
competition among attorneys to socuro
tho coses of criminals. Often it is ac
companied by subtlo, underhanded
scheming that would excite tho envy
of tho criminal! thomsolvos. Worso
than all are tho transparent offorts of
a court to regulate Its decisions to
socuro personal or political friends.
Such efforts aro usually transparent,
and aro thoroforo only tho moro dis
gusting to tho disinterested spectator.
To tho unsuccessful litigant, however,
thoy musf bo painfully oxasporatlng.
It is such little matters as these that
aro alienating public conlldenco from
tho courts, nnd somo judgo who In
augurates a vigorous courso of honest
discipline some day will win tho over
lasting gratitude of a patient and long
suffering public.
At a mooting of tho board of trade
somo time since It was impossible to
bccui'o a quorum for tho annual elec
tion of officers, and a committee was
named to devise a schoino for a now
commercial organization to take its
pluco. It was suggested that If tho
now board woro to incorporate as a
joint stock company and exact a reve
nue from mombors, to bo dovoted to
tho erection of a chamber of commerce,
from which the organization might
hereafter expect some rovenuo and In
which it might tako somo prldo, It
might load mombors to moro faithful,
zealous and steadfast work In the tho
purMsos of such an organization.
With tho various plans proposed com
mitted to its keeping, tho committee
was authorized to call a mooting when
it was ready to roxit. It has not slnco
boon heard to "chirp, " and it may Ikj
presumed to bo as dead by this tlmo as
the board of trado appears to bo.
Meantime tho real estate exchange has
shown enough remaining animation to
hold Its annual election, hut has pro
vided nothing for its now officers to do.
If some ono oould only got up a little
sparring match between them it might
occasion an awakonlng of vitality that
would make both of them useful ser
viceable and perceptible. It would
tako a oloso Investigator of tho remote
fastnesses of Infinite space to tell, just
at present, where olther of them "is
at." And this Is no disparagement
upon tho officers cither, for both presi
dent and secretary havo dono much to
advanco the cause, but the members
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are dlrllcct In their
lies tho tale of woo.
duty and thoreln
Certain members of tho council in
particular, and tho council as a rule,
(with tho Inevitable exceptions) are,
directing their attention to tho Im
portance of taking steps to regulate
the planting of poles and tho stringing
Of electric wires along tho public
streets. If Lincoln may never bo ex
pected to grow, and If no Improved tie
vices for tho establishment of electric
wire lines might reasonably bo an-
t;cipatod, ovon then it is tlmo to con
sider that there aro many emergencies
In which theso polos and wires aro a
monuco to public safoty. But Lincoln
proposes to grow. Many eastern cities
have found overhead wires to bo an
an unmitigated nuisance and a sourco
of danger us well of unnoyanco and
inconvonlonco. In some cities thoy
havo boon strung so thickly that flro
departments aro sorely hampered in
thoir work. Thoro aro about enough
poles and wires already on somo of tho
streets of Lincoln, and it is woll to
bogin limiting tho additions thereto.
It is doubtful if tho measure recently
Introduced to prevent tho erec
tion of any moro was intro
duced in good faith but there aro
thousands of zealous friends of Lincoln
who wotdd liko to seo it enacted and
enforced boforo tho compatdes that uso
these polos and wires own und occupy
every business street in tho city.
Local bnso ball admirers will rogrot
the loss of Charlie Moshcr from among
tho willing supporters of tho game.
Ho was always at tho front In tho en
couragement of tho game in Lincoln,
und tho lovo he entertained for that
branch of Held sport is ono of tho things
by which ho camo honestly. Ho had
been a bnso ball player himself. Away
back in 187.1 or 187(1 there was a base
ball tournament at Peoria, 111., in which
some eight or nine teams from various
Illinois towns participated. Among
them was tho Socials of Chicago. It
was u model amateur aggregation and
put up good ball. Charlie Moshor was
its catcher and its best all-round man.
It was during that tournament that ho
met tho lady who soon afterwards Imj
camo his wife, the daughter of tho
wealthy Dr. Maustlcld of Peoria, and it
is little wonder that both of thorn have
over since been lovers of tho national
Tho failure of tho Capital National
bank did not puss off us lightly in its
effects as was anticipated just after tho
crash camo, as Is attested by tho three
or four business failures slnco that
event. One of these was traceable di
rectly to tho suspension of that bank.
Porhuprt the others might have oc
curred without the aid of a bunk fail
ure to arouse a spirit of financial dis
trust, but It may logically bo pre
sumed that it had its offect. Luckily
none of thorn were bad failures, and all
will undoubtedly pay out
New lino of picture mouldings
CowloV, 110 south Twelfth street
Representative Cooloy of Cass county
apparently having digested TllE Coutl
lFJl'8 protests against tho hoopsklrt,
has assumed tho towering rosionslpll
ity of introducing a bill to avert the
threatened Invasion, the much dis
cussed and dreaded crinoline calamity.
Tho provisions of Mr. Cooloy's bill
have not yot boon made public, but It
may bo assorted without foar of arous
ing any severe crtticlsm that it cannot
ljroioso uuy measures too harsh or so
v6ro on the crlnollno or Its wearers to
moot approval by tho general public.
Any bill oy nnyuotiy ror tno suppres
sion of tho hoopsklrt cannot fall to win
public sympathy und suport.
Tho legislature did a graceful ant in
acknowledging to Hon. Grovor Clevo
lind tho gratitude of tho peoplo of this
state for his selection of Hon. J. Sterl
ing Morton of Arbor Lodge as a mem
ber of his cabinet. Mr. Morton is a
democrat, but that fuct did not und
should not prevent u representative
body of Nebraskans, in which republi
cans and populists largely predomi
nated, from recognizing his ability and
fitness as a man and a statesman, and
tho honor conferred upon Nebrrskn In
establishing her representation for tho
first tlmo in tho president's cnblnot.
Ho mny differ just ns widely with tho
republicans on tho tariff as ho does
with tho populists on the silver issue,
but he Is a typical and a pioneer No
bijaakan whoso voice, though it cumo
frpm an unofficial sourco, bus had much
to do in regulating tho destinies of
this proud commonwealth. It is a mis-
taito to uupjKtso mat tnoro aro any
democrats who do not appreciate tho
honor more keenly and enthusiastically
than do any of thoir brothren of any
other political faith, and Mr. Morton
will carry with him into his work the
bf'urty sympathy and crood will'1br
ovOry true Nobraskan.
Two bills aro ponding looking to tho
ostablfshment of a much needed sys
tem of assessing property at its actual
value. It Is to bo sincerely honed that
tho most doslrablo ono shall become a
law. Ic woulo seem thut It ought to bo
tho runkist foolishness for any member
to think of going homo until ho bus
used his best endeavors to secure the
onuctmont of such a law. Tho peoplo
of Nobraska havo learned thut thoy are
ini)ovcrlshing themselves, ruining
their credit und preventing tho natural
development of tho state by tho maula
for dwarfed assessments that has pre
vailed so long. They do not need the
testimony of eastern bankers to con
vinco them that tho state, and the cities
of tho state, could bo much more pros
perous if assessed ut tho full vulue. In
fact such testimony is upt to retard re
fl Je---!. -5Sfv f jy$fy.fcg'.CTMCyfrsajsHSic- taaaB's-irMf
tavd relief. Western iooplo have n ( sltU a to tho bill upon business prlnct
sovoro distrust of tho eastern bankers ' V,,- but tho personal attacks made by
and, whou they soo him working fur members upon htm during his remarks
anything, they generally t,uwl. and
too often juMly, that if he wants any
economy measure adopted in the west
it may bo accepted us a pretty sure
sign that thoy don't want it. Hut in
this instance the zeal of the eastern
bankers may bo explained by tho knowl
edge that ho has in his vaults a big
bunch of Nebraska securities which
would 1)0 enhanced in value if tho actu
al worte of tho state bo once represen
ted In Hb assessment for taxation. Ono
Chicago banking firm, N. W. Harris k
Co., has recently written tho cltty of
flolals of Lincoln assuring them that
the enforcement of a law to ensure just
assessments would materially increase
tho price of Ismds of Nebraska cities
and enable vis to realize muoli moro
from tho Issues necessary in publlo Im
provements. Lot tho good law go Into
tho bookf and let there ho some unfail
ing method ostahll.hcd of punishing se
verely assessors who disregard Its pro
visions. It is to Ihj regretted that legislation
is not regulated entirely by tho needs
of tho state or tho wisdom and justice
of measures proposed or suggested. It
has grown to bo a rccoguled fact that
few measures nowadays become laws
unless thoy aro backed by a strong lob
by, and If this lobby has money and In
fluence at its command it is the more
apt to do olTcctlvo work. Excopt now
and then a lohy of ono or moro of tho
memlrars, few bills which are not
backed by a lobby over rocches enact
ment, nnd no community or corporate
body over thinks or expects to secure
tho passage of a measure, no matter
how just or necessary, without appoint
ing a commute to uso ovory offectlvo
endeavor ts got it through. Hence it
Is that when Lincoln needs a now city
city charter It is found necessary to np
point an ofllclont lobby from among tho
city's representatives to got It through,
If posslblo. Ilenco it Is, also, that bills
backed by such influences aro so mini
rcous that tho local sanitary commis
sion actually declined to outer tho list
of lobbyists in order to socuro nooded
and just legislation for tho straighten
ing of Salt crook and tho redemption
of state land. So many bills havo al
ready boon introduced, and so much
timo has been wasted, that only a small
proportion of tho bills pending can os
slbly bo considered within tho limit of
tho lifo of tho legislature, or at least
within tho tlmo for which members will
bo entitled to draw pay, and there will
probably bo little dono utter thnt timo
expires. It is to bo hoped that somo
day some party will elect a legislature
that will do its work honestly dovot
InglUttlHio to the" work of enacting
good laws promptly, and rojoting bad
laws just as promptly, without tho aid
of a corps of paid lobbyists.
House bill No. 212, introduced by
Hop. Llugonfeltor, found Its way
Into tho committee of tho whole
Thursday ufternoon. Tho gallery and
space about tho hull was woll filled with
those who felt un Interest in tho ques
tion of oquul suffrage. Tho discussion
was opened by Hop. Llngenfelter, tho
author of tho bill, wtio made a first
class siHjcch In defense of woman's
rights. Ho was followed by niggins of
Custer, who took enro of the constitu
tional feature of tho measure, scoring
a point, whoroln such an net, if passed,
might not agree with tho constitution
ality of those who woro opposed to it.
Ileal, ind., of Custer, and Shappell,
rep., of Puwnoo, ouch expressed their
views in cross-road fashion. Rep.
Uorst of Polk, mado an effort in op)o-
ulxmt his being a bachelor, brought out
un impromptu speecn mat was a sur
prise to the house and he very omphnt
icallv stated that a man of his make-up
at this day and ago of tho world, found
It as much of a trick to escape matri
mony as those who had been caught,
and thnt they deserved credit for their
courago. After othor and more severe
questioning, Uorst took his seat and
turning around with his back to tho
house ho faced tho good-looking lobby
about him and finding no relief, walked
out to tho W. C. T. U. booth for re
freshments. But Dohson of Fllmore
mado the effort of his life in defense of
woman's rights and rocelvod his full
share of tho applause, whllo Suiter of
Autelopo took a gloomy view of tho
matter and questioned tho propriety
of his making a wet nurse of him
self whllo wife, mother and sister
woro exorcising tho right of tho ballot.
Hop. Goldsmith took exceptions
to tho remarks mado by Suitor
In reference to tho drift of certain for
eign classes to our country. Mr. Suitor
explained In tlmo to give Goldsmith an
opportunity to Interrupt anothor mem
ber who had obtained tho floor and was
swinging himself in trno Wobstor stylo,
but Goldsmith finally guvo up and took
his seat. Ono prominent lady who was
present remarked that "If such argu
ment us has boon presented hero today
Is all that there Is against us ns being
entitled to tho ballot, heaven knows
that tho tlmo is coming when yo will
share with tho men all privileges
If ono can judgo from expressions
hoard In down town gatherings of
statesmen, tho boot sugur bounty Is' a
dead duck that will novor bo resurrect
ed. Senator Stewart has Introduced a bill
to prohibit tho manufacture and snlo of
oleomargorlne. Pow peoplo realize
what such n measure means to tho pub
lic, not only denizens of tho cities but
tho farmers as well. Not ono person in
a hundred has any idea of tho genoral
ubo attained by oleomargorlne. Yhpn
ono goes into tho market now to buy
genuine butter ho finds It a mighty
scurco article. Ton to ono ho will go
homo with a nice roll of oloomargorino
undor his arm. "I wish I could got
some oloomtgorlno," remarked a pro
fessional man a few days since In an
Eleventh street meat market "I havo
never tasted any yet, and I havo, road
so much about it." Tno butcher smiled
knowingly as ho contemplated tho man
for a moment ore ho remarked: '-"Newf-v
look hero, Judgo, you havo eaten It.
I knew you tako your noon lunch at tho
samo restaurant as myself and I sol
thorn tho oleomargorlne that you mis
tako for butter. All tho hotels uso it,
and nearly overyono of tho restaurants."
Oloomargorino costs only about two
thirds as much as butter us n rule, and
ono encounters less oi it tlint Is nause
ating to tho taste or tho smoll. Tho
would has learned to appreciate oleo
margorlne and cannot do without it.
Ono well-posted gentleman has di
rected attention to tho fnct that tho
general use of this staple article of diet
is responsible In n measure for tho
present high price of pork, and accord
ing to that If it were suppressed by
legislation ono of tho most profltablo
uses of pork would bo gono. This phase
of tho question appeals to tho farmer.
The belief that oloomargorino is mado
of tatlow and cream Is snid by local
butchers to to bo erroneous, as mast of
it Is made from lard and cream. When
a legislature bus gone so fur as t ay
thnt oleomargorlne must bo plainly
marked so that tho purchaser may
know ho is not buying butter, It has
gono fur enough, us people want oleo
margorlne and should be permitted to
have it.
Whllo the legislature is on the sub
ject of "bucks und jukes," It may bo
well to give the chicken show a chance.
This U about tho only assoetatod work
In tho State that doesn't obtain eotno
financial recognition, and it doesn't ro
xuiro any grout umountof argument to
show that tho industry of chicken rais
ing sometimes needs encotrugement,
esjieclully while tho commonest eggs,
many of them being conslnorubly shelf
worn, ure selling at three cents uplco.