Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 18, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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An liK'uiiiplnta l'lc.
jjOu ifi Tjln
trntr lth and l atrMt.
Mrnr a Urge line of Woolen
Dress Goods
aaj OjUMiiMbte eilks, Hosiery, Comli,
UaUrwr, UIotm, Hutlons.
Linens, etc.
Agents for Buttcrick's Patterns
T1i Courier Can ha round At
Hotel Mnoolu Now Htand.
Windsor Hotel Now Hlnml.
Capital Hotel Now HIiiikI.
Red Umle Clear more HWOO HI root
Kd. Young, I'JtnOHtrcet.
OlMon, KlotcherA Co.. liai () Htrco .
Moore's News Htand, II Hotith Illli Hlrcct.
Couiukr Oitleo, ll:ll O Hlrcct,
ftlrny Nntlrn,
Taken up on or about the first of Novem
ber, ono dark brown pony utioiit six years
old. Weighs about utiiti hundred pounds
and U nbotit tlilrticii hands IiIkIi. Owner
can linve inmo by proving properly and pay
ing charges, by CHlllug nt my place, John II.
Clark num. ono nnd onc'luilf lnllo south-east
or normal coiicgu.
I-. 1). DkUiNii,
tir (Jarppts
nrc now being offciud ly
O Street
t,cnl hiiiI rcrsonal.
Whltobroust Coal and Llmo Co.
Lincoln Cowl Co., sw cor 11th ami O St.
L. Burr, Jowolor, removed to 1201 0 St.
Lincoln Frnmo fc Art Co., i!i"i S. lltli.
Cowlo, undertaker, Kunko 110 S. 12th.
Canon City conl at tho Whltobrcust
Coal and Llmo Co.
CIirh. S. MoKonny, tho East Lincoln
druggist, 2712 O street.
Sampson Sisters, artistic dross mak
ing, 112.1 N stroot, ovor Dorsoy's.
K. C. Bilking Powder, 2.i ounces for
25 cents. Absolutely Pure. Havo you
tried It?
Misses Boggs nnd CalTyn, dross mak
ing parlors. Pino stamping. 1311 M
Btreet, 'phono 51U.
All orders via telephone 309 will
reach W. A. Collin & Co. and receive
prompt nnd careful attention.
Why pay ovorbltant prices for stand
ard work whon you can buy them ho
cheap nt tho Exposition lxx)k Htoro.
Tho Whltobronst Coal nnd Llmo
company In always at tho front supply
ng tho finest grades of nil kinds of
Tho only entirely fresh Htock of gro
ceries in town has just been oponod by
Miller & Gtfford, nt 1201) O street, op
poelto Burr block. '
All kinds of imported chooses, finest
and largest assortment over seen in tho
city, at Rumhold & Moser's, 043 O
stroot. 'Phono 728.
When you want fresh, nico poultry,
game, butter and eggs, call at Rumhold
& Mosor's now store, 310 South Elovonth
Btroot. 'Phono 728.
Mies G. J. Gullmetto, ,modisto,
Brownoir Block, 6vfcr Itflllor &' Palnb.
Complete lino of dross, trimmings and
linings. Tako elevator.
Ladles mako big money canvassing
for tho Capital City Coukibk. If
, you want nice, profltablo work call at
tho ofllco, 1134 O stroot.
Mrs. 'Wilson, tho modlsto at Horpol
sholmor's, Is now showing tho now
pring fashion plate and ladles will do
' well'to cbrao and see 'them.
Mtllor & Giftord's now grocery, 1209
O street, is now open and ready for
business. Don't forgot the location,
formerly tho Leader store, opposite
Burr building.
-Why havo your horses foot butch
ered, have larao horses and havo thorn
suffer? Tako them to Charllo Slat
Aery's now ( shop, 943 O street, and
uoh will novor bo tho case.
Savo all bother of borrowing chairs
and tables from your neighbors. Give
Hardy Ic Pitohor orders to havo somo
of -their now onos with you for your
axt party. Thoy deliver and call and
gist them.
"Chas. Slattory, professional horse
shoor and farrior. Dlsoases ot tho foot
treated by tho latest scIentlSo modes.
Horses called for and returned. -Now
hop, 416 South Eleventh street, bo
'ween K and L. ,
tA juvonilo books Including chatter
beikos, Grandma's Favorite, Daisy
Kitten, Young Folks' Tour of tho
iWorld aro being sold now at cut prices
it tho book department in tho Exposi
tion building,, .
PFor Sunday dinner 'supplies call at
Halter's market, 210 N 10th st. Phoho
'33: : : r
New lino of ploturo mouldings at
Cowle's, 110 south Twelfth street.
Tho elegant tlino given tho Infantry
boys by tho Guards of Omaha at their
reception Saturday night will never bo
forgotten. It was a brilliant alTalr and
enjoyed by nil present. Tho Guards
deserve great prntsu for tho manner In
which tho alTalr was arranged and
managed. ,
Tho Light Infantry has been Invited
to give several exhibition drills at the
Manufacturers' Carnival which takes
place next week. Captain Campbell
lias tho matter under consideration
and It Is likely, however, that at least
two drills will bo given during tho car
nival. Tho now menthol's, elected at tho
last regular mooting havo all boon
measured and unlsorms ordered. Thoy
will arrive isiforo tho 11th so tho en
tire company of llfty members will go
to Umaha In full uniform tho night of
tho minstrels.
Thero are many friends of tho com
pany who wish to go to Omaha to see
tho show and In order that they may
havo this privilege there will lie spe
cial arrangements mado possibly a
speofal train coming homo the night of
the show.
At Boyd's opera house, March 11,
the Lincoln Light Infantry minstrels
will ho produced. Tho Omaha Guards
will see that tickets enough are sold to
Insure a largo house. Anything these
gentlemen undertake usually ends in
Captain Campbell told the boys
when thoy visited Omaha that they
would havo n good time If thoy wont.
Ho hud formerly been a member of the
Guards and knew what ho was talking
alKiut. Wo quite agree with him.
Lieutenant Hlekey was absent from
drill Monday night owing to a severe
cold. Ho was out again yesterday,
When tho weather becomes more
"sumiuerlsh" tho company expect to
give an occasional out-door drill.
Tho now monibeiM seem to tako
hold with u vim and energy that Is
eharaclerlstle of Lincoln blood.
Tho drills are progressing nicely and
Lincoln will always have cause to feel
proud of her L. L. I.
John V. lloauhloy has jKisted an ap
plication for momlKirshlp.
Doctor Victor is in Chicago. ,
When you want prompt service and
fair treatment and tho selection from
tho largest stock of groceries In Lin
coln call on W. A. Coftln fc Co., suc
cessors to J. Miller, 143 South Elovonth
A Newspaper Premium.
Tho man hud Informed a number of his
friends that ho was going down nnd glvo
the editor a thumping, nnd his friends, who
know tho editor, tried to dissuade him, be
cause they had seen a few wrecks who had
escaped. Hut It was no use; he was bound
to go, and they couldn't prevent him. They
waited Herons the street, however, with an
ambulance to receive htm when tho call
wna finished. In about 15 minutes ho came
out without oven his necktie mussed and
not a scratch visible.
"Hello," they said In surprise, "he wasn't
there, was hef" .
"Yea, ho was."
"But you didn't see hlmf"
"Yea, I did, and I slapped his Jaws and
walked all over him."
"Come ofT; whut are you giving usf"
"Straight goods."
"Didn't ho make any reslstaneer"
"Not a bit."
"What whs the matter with hlmf"
"Nothing. I had one of hi papers la my
pocket containing an Insurance policy good
for 11,000 if I were killed, and for WO a week
If I were injured. I showed It to him. and
then I went for him, and he didn't raise a
"Now is the tune to subscribe!" shouted
the crowd, and they all went in behind a
green shutter. Exchange.
A Lady Who Was Balaed la the tenth.
Held CSV
"I tell you tho power of the will it some
thing enormous."
"That's so. I remember at the battle of
Gettysburg seeing a 'man with both legs
shot off running like a blue streak for the
rear. It was nothing but bis will that held
him up." Harper's liazar.
Awkward Youths. ,
Little Dick Seems to me the older folks
grow the more awkwanl they get.
Mamma Why sof
Little Dick X can fix on sister's skates In.
two minutes, but it takes Mr. Nicefello
'bout half an hour. Good News.
Ilctter Than Nothing.
'Her. Mr. Pryor to Rev. Mr. Reticent
And how, much doee your congregation pay
Tea a Tear, uiiv dear brother? ' " i
Rev. Mr. Reticent to Rev. Mr. Pryor'
About half my salary, my dear brother,-
Klmlra Gazette.
Quean f the Realm.
Sbadbolt(tn the crowded car) McStab,
this i tho first time I ever saw you rise and
give your seat to a woman.
'MefiUb(of the suburbs, in an awestruck
w4per-8hl That's oar hired girll-Cfel-oaffo
" 'Kre. 'Arty, you wnlt till I collars the
"Mow ma, aomebodjr coming. Must do
a suenk."
Tho Lover I have tho honor, madam, to
venture Into your presence with a view to
my future happiness,
A fierce attack and general consteniatlonl
orvl 1 1
-Pick Me Up.
A Weather Indication. '
"They must have been having wotj weath
er in the Sandwich IhIiiiuIh," ventured ths
snnko editor.
"On whnt do you bono your presump
tlonf" asked tho horso editor.
"On the fact that the people arc iinxloili
to come in out of the reign." PittHburg
Friend of Maninm (to little girl) Lottie,
If you drink so much tea, you will bo au
old mnid.
Lottie Ob, 1 don't believe that nt nil,
Mr. Harold. Mamma drinks tea and she
1ms been married twice, and she isn't an old
timid yet, Harper's liaiar.
CUu In Geography.
Teacher For whnt is Switzerland noted J
Pupil (after a pause) Sweitxer kase,
"Yes, but for something much more
grand, awe Inspiring and majestic. Try
(Making another effort) Llmburger.
Chicago Tribune.
Counted Out.
"I understand Hobby Fenton has been
snubbed by the swells."
"What for?"
"lie went to dinner the other night and
got his forks mixed." Pittsburg Dispatch.
,- . - - Btpartee.
At the Rumboat club's ball:
He Does I get de nex' wals If I asks fur
She Well, I guess yes. T'anks.
He-Well, Jus' wait till I asks fur it
Chicago News-Record.
Domestic Peace Assured.
Wife And bo you got your life Insured
fM.rr.0 lianoAM 'I'Knf. Involtrl
Husband Yes, my dear, but Just remem
ber, If you drive me to suicide you won't
get a cent. New York Weekly.
Ilurllnrtun Itoute 1'laylng Card.
Now design, round cornel's floxiblo
linen stock, permunont colors, worth
50 cents. Wo soil them at If, cents.
Good scheme to buy u fow packs; might
need them this winter; ouchro, whist
high-five, etc.
A. C. ZlEMElt, City Pass. Agt.
The Exposition book store has now
tho lurcrest and most comploto lino of
Bibles und Hvmnols to bo found in tho
west and at prices that defy all com
W. A. Coftln it Co., grocers, 143
South Eleventh streot. r
91m Mly Pure Craaaa of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Uied in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Continual From Ptige One.
duct of numerous heavy manufacturing I
plants mat nave given employment, to
hundreds of laboring men. They are
exceptional men In tho matter of In
vestment, one ot their chief alms being
to so plant their money as to glvo
work to tho greatest number of men
while yielding n fair prolli. A few
such men can build a big city. It is
hoped that thoy may see a way to t-oon
retrieve their dh-couraglng losn and
that thoy will rebuild at once. '
A local writer has Inaugurated a
campaign to require tho churches to
set upai't suitable rooms for cloak
rooms. It Is very probable that tho
only reason ho has no cloak this cold
winter Is because there Is no church in
Lincoln with a cloak room in which to
put It. It would bo almost frightful
to think that this glib writer on the
burning question of tho hour may be
kept away from tho fountains of sal
vation beciuiho Its internal economy
comprises no recoptlon room for his
cloak, hut no one need bo frightened
on Unit account, as he probably has no
cloak, and no room would probably bo
required for It in tho churches if ho
Tho new city directory is a remark
nblo book. It hns within Its pages tho
names of hlgh-inluded and ambitious
people. Nearly all of them are can
didates for mayor, and tho few who
aro not uro riveting their aspirations
upon somo other city ofllco.
David P. Sims, dentist, rooms 42 and
43 Burr block.
Henry M. Leavltt, tho coal dealer
does not havo to glvo chromes with his
ooal. It sells Itself. Phono 3ii0. Of
llco, 1133 O street.
No such lino of canned fruits in tho
city as shown by W. A. Collin & Co.,
143 South Elovonth stroot.
K. C. Baking Powder, 2." ounces for
25 cents. Absolutely pure. Havo you
tried It?
Rock Springs Coal at tho Lincoln
Coal Co. 'Phono 440.
Have You Anything to Trade
for Hustings real estuto? I havo two
blocks well located In Sponcor Bros'.
Park addition nnd I will consldor prop
ositions to trado for almost unything.
Address L.Wcssol, Jr., enro of CouniKB.
?nH. i. Imrotiv vlvnn. Hint bv virtue of n
ehnllel inortirnRe, dstd Jan. 7. 18W. and duly
nted In the office of the County Clerk of Lan-
coslor county. eir.,on wni "i ". '""
txecuted by win. Putnam to M. A.
secure the payment of tho sum of Wa.0, and
on which there Is now due the sum of 135. and
by virtue of a lien Mr keeping, made by Win.
I'utiiAii) for J. II. Edson wlthllerinan llrown,
for tho loed of the two horses hereufter de
scribed, from MaySth. iMtt to Jan 9th, 1MB. at
n contract price of $1.00 per head per month
till Oct. I, mi and the reasonable vahio pf
feed to Jun. 9. 1893. at UtOiier nionlh each,
and which lion has been duly tiled with the
County Clerk Feb. I, IKlM, and duly assigned to
mlla I. Kdson, ami both of which are now as
sumed to J. II. Edson, and on which lien
!... I nn .Inn If 1.40. llefnult llftVlllK 1)0011
made In tho payment of said sums and no
suits or other proceedings at law having been
instituted to recover said debt or uny part
thereof, thcreforo I will sell tho property
horsln described: Ono gray mare four years
1. i urAii.t i mi nniitiflft. riillpil ret! one ililll
colored horso seven yours old. weight 900
pounds, called Wily, and ono brown cow five
years old. called llrown, ut publlo miction at
the houso of J. II. Kdson, In Garfield I precinct .
Lancaster County, Nebr,. on the lllh day of
March, IB03, at one o'clock pniof salddpy,
Datcd:Keb 17, INM, J II hnsON,
In Madras Cloth, Prccale, Cheviot', China Silks,
etc., at prices
FROM 25c TO $15.00.
This the Greatest Line and Largest Assortment
of Waists ever shown in the west. Have you
seen our beautiful new effects in
Our Dress Goods Department is fairly overflowing
with ricli new novelties.
Invite you to call and fee them nt their
KtEiW - gyFCPTR Ft
l'21'l' STREET
This Is the store thnt hns already attracted the attention of the Indies who want the best
In the grocery line for the least money, and is the
Only New Stock in Lincoln
A more complete line of Fine Canned Goods, Teas, Coffees. Spices, Fruits, etc., cannot
le found in the btate. Why not give us a trial order cither in
person or by
"A Big Dividend Paying Investment" For You.
000 DiKBK"8 1,000
Regular $4.00 and $5.00 Goods to go in this sale at
$3.00 PER PAIR.
$5.00 Calf and Kangaroo to be Closed out at
$3.75 PER PAIRx
JQiYou Have Twenty Days in which to invest your money
at these prices.
1 129 O Street.
Suit or
in the
Corner Tenth nnd O Streets.
3f.aiice for art
Teeth Extracted)
without Pain. )
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Surgeon Dentist,
Rooms 94, 95 nnd 96. ilurr lllock, r . .
Open Day and Nhjht. LlllCOln, Nobl',
N EJni-
& CO.
g $5.oo
next thirty days at
'OK , $5,00
( All Fillings at
( Lowest Prices.
g'lTgElMylM i
wwfc.xw.WMScSttJsac: -z