Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 18, 1893, Image 1

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    rTCHnVul. jrf TWn J. 77
1 I 1 11
Tlio moro tlio subject 1m discussed,
tho iiidio do people protest nguliist tlio
rot u ni of tlio hoopsklrt of mi urtlclo of
fashionable foiiilnino attire. There is
ii strong movement on foot among some
of tlio brainiest woimsn of tho old
world to head olT tho efforts of manu
suotures to bring tho erinollno again
Into use. Those men who mako Ilrst
tho goods, thou tho fashions to milt
thoin, and still inter tho money out
of those fashions, u ro overstepping tho
llinltn of human patience in this crino
line campaign. Thin hoopsklrt episode
furnishes to students an apt lllustru
tlon of tho oruulticri of fashion. In
most Instance for tho past, two decades
tho decrees of fashion havo not Im'oh
altogether distasteful. .Many wonnor
ful things in tho way of femliiliio ap
parel havo been brought forth by tho
designers of tho modes that have ox
cited endless unfavornlilo criticism,
but few of tin in have not possessed
more or les beauty, comfort or con
venience. There has not been for
yours a garment decreed by fashion to
be tho proper tiling that has not had
its admirers anions those who were
destined to wear it and oven among
tho hypercritical sterner sox. Hut
hero is a garment which no one ad
mires and which many of tlio more
pronounced among the ladles declare
to be absolutely vulgar, which Is
brought to us after it has become a
ludicrous reminiscence and designers
of tho fashions have the unlimited
check to ask tho ladies to undergo the
mortlllcatlou of wearing it. It looks
as if tho designers of fashions havo
been enjoying a vacation when they
should havo been at work preparing
something now and attractive for their
follow ers, and aro now forced to fall
back on shelf worn Ideas to '..-over up
their neglect. There is rank rebellion
therefore among their followers, and
well tlioro may be. Unless the ladies
take a decisive stand at once in oppo
sition to this decree the makers of the
fashions will bo reviving the chignon
soon to keep the crinoline company
that ungainly article of headgear vul
garly known a score of years since as
tho "waterfall." American women
should join the movement on foot
among the ladies of F.nglund and or
ganize to protest against the crinoline.
Shore should be an nntl-oriiioliuo club
in Lincoln and at once and let It
include the umbrellu skirt.
Gatowood, tho decidedly fiosh young
man who managed the Beatrice state
league team during its brief career
last year, lias located in St. .Joseph and
is organizing a team with tho view of
getting into a league which he and
Homo of his ilk tire endeavoring to or
ganize. Lincoln is ono of tho towns
that they have their designing optics
upon, but it won't work. Lincoln has
undoubtedly had all tho oxpensivo
huso ball slio want and it would bo
mighty dlfllcult to raise a paltry hun
dred dollurs to put n team ut work
here, especially such a team as would
necessarily bo enrolled in such a
league. , If Lincoln ever does Invest
again in tho luxury of a Iwiso ball team
it will not bo an amateur team. It
will bo a hummer or none. No more
bum ball is wanted. And wore Lin
coln disposed to go Into any amateur
ball playing speculation, it would not
bo In a league with which Harry Gate
wood has anything to do, as ho Is
known too well. His llrst act when
ho took hold of the Heatrieo team was
t Ignore tho salary limit, tho ono
chief essential to the success of tho
state league, in collecting alxmt him a
team of high-salaried whlskoy-gulzlors
who bled tho liberal backers of tho
Heatrieo team to a finish. It is very
likely that tho state university ball
team will bo about all that Lincoln
will need and want tho coming season.
A number of publishers of western
high class weeklies meet at Hotel Lin
coln Monday evening to perfect an
organization for mutual benefit, en
titled "Western Association of High
Class Weeklies." The papers repre
sented are of tho class usually termed
"society papers" of which tho CouitlKK
Is ono. Tlio general Idea of eastern
adveotlsors who send considerable bus
iness to western papers is that all
weekly publications are alike, making
no distinction between tho ordinary
crossroad country weekly that caters
only to farmer readers and a paper the
stylo of the CouitlKK which Is hand
somely gotten up especially for city
circulation and reaches a ulust, of trade
that Is most desirable for nearly all
tho largo inhorttsors. This Mate of
affairs lias been financially detrimental
to tho luttor class of journals, hence
tho mooting and Its results. Tho now
organization will embrace twenty
papers published in all the largo cities
between Chicago and Denver and be
tween St. Louis and St. Paul, tho plan
being to secure tho services of an able
representative to look up advertising
patronage and other matters In Chi
cago (and later on in New York) for
the syndicate and the publishers think
they will havo little dlllloulty in con
vincing advertisers of the merit of
their mediums.
At tho meeting an executive coin-1
mltteo of three was appointed In whose
hands the work done was placed with
power to arrange for another meeting
March 20th when a pcrmununt organ
ization will bo elTeeted and a full sot of
olllcers elected. This committee was
selected from three states, viz: Hugeno
Smith of The Laneo, Topeka, Kas.,
L. K. LuHurnn of Kvory Saturday,
Klgln, 111., and Lou Wessel of the
COUJUKK. Lincoln. Nebr.. who decided
In i. nil tin, f 'ItftHiirii tiw.iiftlitr mi f It .
evening of the date abiive set, at tho
Auditorium hotel, when It is hoped a
full representation of tho twenty
papers will bo present. Letters of
regret from several publishers wore
read, each commending the idea and
offering substantial support. Follow
ing Is a partial list of the interested
papers: Review, Dos Moines, Chat,
Cedar Haplds, Iowa, The Mail. Musca
tine. Iowa, Kvorj Suturdaj, Klgln, 111 ,
The Mall-Times, Des Moines, Specta
tor, Minneapolis, The Lance. Topokn,
Tho Mall, Clinton, Iowa, The Kyo,
Hloomington, 111., The Excelsior, Oma
ha. Capital City Couiunu, Lincoln,
Societio, St. .Toshoph, Mo., Mirror,
Wichita, Kas., and several others.
Publishers of all high class weeklies in
tho territory abovo mentioned are in
vited to be present at tho Chicago
meeting and take active part in the
permanent organization.
The manufacturers of Lincoln have
shown commendable enterprise in
pushing tho movement recently inaug
urated looking to the holding of a
carnival In this city from the 20th Inst
to the i'lth Inclusive. Tho design of
tho proposed exposition is to acquaint
the people of Lincoln and surrounding
townn with tho city's accomplishments
and capabilities in the line of manu
factured goods. The projectors of this
enterprise have every confidence that
Lincoln-made goods will not suffer any
from bolng brought to the attention
and more careful Inspection of Lincoln
people, and there Is every reason to
believe that such a showing as will be
made will awaken consumers of this
section of tho state to the advantages
to accrue from tlu bestowal of liberal
patronage upon home enterprises in
preference to thoo which support
their employes and pay their taxes in
distant cities and states. Tho Ne
braska Manufacturers' Association,
under the auspices of which this carni
val Is to bo given, Is primarily an
exponent of the benefits to accrue from
patronizing home industry, and It
hopes to bo able to show that dealers
and consumers can secure as good
goods at as advantageous prices hero
I at home as- elsewhere, and that, this
being the case, their llrst. allegiance
! Is due to their neighbors and fellow
! ntf lmtu tltik Ittiitt ttltit llkjlul lit iini'lmr
the homo taxes and furnish 'employ
ment to those who mako up tho com
munity. Lincoln consumers liue not
recognl."d their duty In this respect
with that degree of accuracy that pre
vails In many neighboring cities, but
It is hoped that the coming exposition
will lead to tangible results In the
discouragement of a tendency to go
away from Home tor wiiat can no pur-
chased at as good advantage here.
The carnival will be held in the
llovey building, -M and 2.' ft North
Tenth street, covering three lloors. Lo
cal exhibits have been secured sulllclent
to till every foot of the available space.
Some of the exhibitors will remove
their complete manufacturing plants
to the carnival hall and the people will
bo given an opportunloy to see how
much of the work Is done In manufac
ttirclmr some of the commonest, articles
of trade. The.-o nlants will bo decided i
novelties to the public. f course tho
exhlbstors will all have their very
bust goods displayed In the most at
tractive form possible, as all have
evinced a determination to excel at
any cist. Tno ladles of the Women's
Christian Association have joined the
Manufacturers' Association and wtil
do all in their power to make the af
fair profitable and entertaining. Thfy,
will look after the decoration of xfio
hall, give a creditable entertainment
each evening servo refreshments, Am
that all aro made welcome and wijll
cared for and will receive the protltto
devote to the maintenance of thjftr
benevolent enterprises. Tuesday, Ijio
21st Inst, has been set apart as schttol
children's day, when all pupils of the
city schools will bo admitted free- dur
ing the day. College students can W
cure admission any day at reduced
rates. The ladies are preparing a
special programme for Washington's
birthday. Invitations will bo issued
to the people of all nolghloring towns
ly be
It is
iu niimi in iiiiii enjov llio great
and some of them will probably
peruuiieii 10 iniiKo exiiloits. IV Is
Lincoln's llrst effort In this lino luid
no pains or expense will bo spared to
make It a gratifying success.
TllK CouitlKK has frequently directed
attention to tho disgraceful condition
of tho broad stono walks that traverse
the capltol grounds. They have been
literally out of sight nil whiter. Dur
ing the deiqi snow they were selected
by the winds as the most available
spots in which to deposit
drifts, and as the janitors aro not-apparently
Inclined to interfere very
persistently with the cou.i-o of nature
these drifts were permitted to remain the patronage they have been build
all during the cold weather. Finally j '? 1' other cities where the pav
a few days since there came a thaw ' ltf brick are a necessity. The Messrs.'
and the drifts wore disolvod. This Huckstatf hae exhibited wonderful
did not free tho walks, however, but ''""''I!)', enterprise and business tact iu
simply made them worse bj converting t,l establishment ahd successful con
thorn into walled- up channels, Into Continued oh Page Eight.
which the water ran from all over the
grounds. For some Inexplicable
reason these walks were not built so
that water would run off them, and us
a coiiseuuence, during tho recent thaw
there was two and three Inches of
wafer walled up In them along their
entire length. They appear to havo
been built to catch and hold the water
so.thut mp'i might walk iipnn tho
adjoining mv.ird T'l -i Pi" water
froo again and a skat ug ' :ik f 1 1 m
inviting Htrotches and graMful oivo.
was tho result. These walks are al
ways Hooded in wet weather, and tho
present legislature would not be doing
anything amiss wore It to provide for
dfgglug them up and establishing
tlicm above as least low wafer mark.
Tlio walks In tho postolllco square aro
Injtho snnio disgraceful condition and
the grounds In b:ith Instances will
show the effects of It whun the grass
begins to coniu up. Neither will much
nWinblo the public park it Is designed
to w.
tho 1.7th lust
the bids for the
tho mammoth Iron
Viuduet on West P street, across the
mil road tracks, will bo opened and the
contract will probably bo let thereon
soon afterwards. Here Is a matter
hi which citizens cannot manifest too
zealous an Interest. They should see
It that the council insist t on the
?ivctlon of the very best viaduct ob
aiuable. As the railroad companies
o bo benefited aro to pay tho cost of
building this structure, no trivial
Questions of economy need actuate tho
on noil in tho selection of the lucky
ldder. Of course, In justice to the
allroad companies, due regard should
si mild to tho matter of ocoiiomv In
Lost, but no such care should be exer
cised iu securing the lowest bidder as
ought to be exercised iu securing the
Jicst, most attractive and most durable
viaduct. Were the railroads per
mitted to let the contract they would
doubtless, consulting their own inter
mits,, select the one that would cost
&y& Mui.,easiw.inoiiey,,4iftfujhe4i
viuuucMsonco up ami accepted
are no longer lluauclallv concerned.
And It Is for that very Identical reason
that the council, looking out for tho
city's probable expense hereafter to
maintain the same, should select the
very best, the cost thereof being a
secondary cousidetlition. Let this con
tract bo so let that the generations
hereafter 10 be charged with the per
petual, maintenance of that viaduct
shall have the least possible cause for
reproaching the memory of tho men
who contracted for its erection and
perpetuation. Keep iu close touch
with your councilman on this matter
und see that ho looks after tho city's
The ground hog is not alone iu his
subterranean refuge this winter, If
lion. Joe Hums' solemn assurance may
bo relied upon. The Hurlington
Hcach company has a pot cinnamon
boar that has huntnd a rendezvous
below the frost line. When winter
canio on a nolo or cave four feet square
was dug for him and lined with nice,
freshtraw. Into this Bruin crawled
when cold weather fastened Its blight
ing clutches upon the land and filled
tho coul vender's heart with glee.
And there that bear has remained all
winter, never onco venturing out of
his warm retreat. "He has never
been outside of that cave," said .Too a
day or two since, "during tho whole
blessed winter." No ono lias ever scon
him since and there lias not Ih'cii a
lcur toack pcrceptable in the snow at
any time. If we stuck a stick Into tho
hole he would grab It and growl, prob
ably to assbre us that he was still iu it
and alive, but he absolutely declined
to show himself. And what Is more
ho has not eaten a mouthful nor taken
a drink of water since before Thanks
giving. We have taken food to him,
such as ho was wont to enjoy before,
but it remained untouched." It has
been suggested that Hruin is doing
penance for the sins of his master since
the latter was sentenced to tho legisla
ture. "Hoforo Thanksgiving" was
about tho timo that Joe went astray.
One of tho most lamentable tires that
has occurred iu Lincoln for years was
that In the Huckstalf Hros. immense
brick plant on Thursday, entailing a
loss of upwards of $100,000, of which
less than half is covered by insurance.
ITIio calamity throws alsnit 12." men
(ait of employment. Its total loss to
I the owners can hardly be estimated as
j it may seriously Interfere with the
economical fulfillment of some of their
paving work and may divert much of
Another Invcstlgnd n intuitu h ',
seized hold of the leglslnt ire. It will
amount to nothing and will neithui
prove that b.'lbery has or has not been
attempted In the election of United
Sta'es senator. Certain it Is that if
, and bribery was attempted It was not ,
successful unless It can be claimed that
democrats were bribed to vote for
, .,, ,l . ..I
Judge Allen. It Is suspected that cor-,
naln promises were made them con-
corning threatened legislation against
the Omaha s nek yards, and if theses.
slon closes without- some pretty strln -
gent legislation concerning that lin -
portant interest, It may be Inkon in
confirmatory of such suspicion. Mean -
time some of the republican members
are beginning to think that, the stock
yards need regulating somewhat, und
that legislative faction may see lit to
precipitate what may be presumed to
have silenced from the populists.
I here a good many conservative i
pie who do not as a rule favor placing
any radical restrictions upon such great
enterprises as the stock yards who are
inclined to resent the audacity of such
corporation In sending Its own man
agordown to the legislature. If any
thing Is calculated t i lend to the plac
ing of damaging restrictions upon such
an enterprise it is such an undue exhi
bition of zeal to prevent Its regulation.
The sense of justice and liberality that
usually actuates the people--in fact,
always may be relied upon to work no
severe injustice, and when a corpoui
t ion sends down one of its own members
to trade away the interests of the peo
ple In other important matters the
people will sooner or later make up
their minds that they will not stand it.
A day of reckoning must c unu sooner
or later for such,
Meantime let the promising Investi
gation go on. If tlnra has been, an
political parties n id nil iimhMdnul
members thereof that tlio facts be
made known and the guilty parties mi
T lUtl-llllirnilt 1i iillMMnil ! mini
,", "'f "'"' """ "'" "'V'
positions of resiM.nslblllty. The leg's- ''or ,l10 """iKiiratioii of Cleveland
latere shou'.d adopt strenuous mens- ''",(1 Stevenson at Washington on March
ares to cleanse Itself with the nauseat- N'-1' WH"" tickets reading via Hal
ing suspicion that always clings around "lninronnd Ohio railroad, "Tho .Pie
it. It Is as much as almost any mans I ',,,Ml" Houte," will bo placed on sale
reputation Is worth to bo associated !,lt lho ,i,,kot omVort of principal rall
with the legislature and yet no one!'!MU,H ,,f tho WCrtt ,lH woU ,w ,lt t""
will Intimate, or even suspect, that tno ll('k,,t " "' ,,f " "'iltlmoro.undOhio
largo majority of members are not !"!" I ho faro from Chicago will
honest. the odor of tlm dishoii- '' ,7,f'" U)V tho muml tr,P- 'I'lieso
esty of one or two, or an Insignificant j ,l,',", ' wU1 m m,m1 from i''ol'i"'y -Hth
proportion, will cling to and cast ,,..! -Mai-ch .'lHnelnslvii and wIUImj valid
proach upon all. Honest members ; for rctyl J'-"-" '-.. ltl' March 9th In-
i.imiint iitTiii'il t. ....f i,. I, ,. , ..'',.. ..'
suspicion and owe to tuenuehus to
ferret out corruption and Its agents
wherever they may lie found and
shame and disgrace may fall. Tl.o
republicans of Ijincaster county have
confidence In the Integrity of their
representing es and fear nothing from
a rigid investigation. If there is any
reason for them to fear the would
llko to know It as a safeguard for use
iu future elections.
Commissioner General Garucau, of
the world's fair commission, has made a
report of the tlnances of the concern.
It shows that n'l.OOO of tho WO.tXH) aji
preprinted two years since has been ex
pended, while it is apparent to all that
tho work has barely liegun. Alxiut
$18,000 of tho expenditures wore for
salaries and expenses. Mr. Garncau's
own expense bills show that, while ho i
was always awake on salary day, ho I
was nevertheless a great sleeor. It Is
hinted that Mr. Gale, who is tho secre
tary of the commissioner, could, If
called upon by tho world's fair com
uiitte of the legislature, throw some
Interesting llghtupon the character of
tho oxiKMidltores which that committee .
ought to have liefore making up an es -
timato of tho world's fair legislation
proposed. Mr. Galo is only waiting to ,
l)e asked to make this showin. i
If any proof wore necessary to show
that there is a woeful lack of statemau
ship in the present legislative body,
the miserably ioor game of penny ante
played recently by Representative
Slieridnn, of Red Willow, will carry
conviction. Were the muinliors alive
to tho exigencies of the occasion they
would see to it that no man betrays
thuiu by allowing himself to bo buncoed.
It is only natural that the gentleman
who was contldenccd should deny it.
but It will not avail him. The evidence
of a fellow-sufferer nails hint, and It is
continued by a truthful MiUtician. It
is said that the sharks have been har
pooning Shoiidun right along, and that
ho has evinced more piit than dlscru
ment or dlscreetlou.
While the legislature Is investiga
lug it might got iu a little job on the
I side liv iiki'iii'l'iliiltur wliiif Mi.. V..I. .......
kn building on tlio C.'uuinhliiu oxposl
t.on gruuniit really and mako it
lucid statement to tho people as to
what has really become of tho ."i(),000
appropriated two years slnou for tho
NVirail:.! oxhtYt. They might also
report lint, h.i 1 tho appropriation
I Iron ton Union a. much, It would all
I have been spent by this time and
, probably to no moro tangible effect.
i Tint U'fll'tf llf l.jw.iiimf Itur Mi.,
v, , ,, 0imtlintl,Mml amendments
Is likely to prove an expensive pastime.
...... .... ..v...... .... l rutin. 1,1111 II I 111 IIIIIU-
fm. , llUoII,lulK.0 f the county
.),.,, (f , lljt colloH , t, J
;M,lltt)i Iimntf wh t,(J )mnf, lM,
( imw ,)f ,,,. n.MMJClVi, mtleH, will
lll(me fcrr0K.u ft iin,wIM, ,.
' Ali probably the .inly result will bo
: (o t!iiipluiHt.o tho lotuiiiH im heretofore
' mr.di!.
i no matter or compensation and mile-
The city has ls-eu lonesome for tho
past week, owing to the absence of tho
legislators at their homes. Tlio Lab
caster county dolu&.itlnn oug.Tt lb prii
cure tho passage of a measure doolnr-
dug Hint fifteen minutes alisence from
i ue cuy uuriiig tne session tortoltH ones
seat. This thing of prolonging" tno ses
sion by recesses Is Inflicting needless
expense upon the lobby.
The members, having enjoyed a
week's vacation after the tedium and
' strain of the long senatorial struggle,
may ho expected to do soinospiightllcr
work iu the making of good laws
, Some of the special watchmen, who
are paid by the state for playing high
live, ought to get Sheiidiin out and
drill him.
IIoimI'm Vim-,
in saying that Hood's Sarsaparllla
cures, Its proprietors make no idle or
extravagant claim. Statoinuuts from
' thojsuiiilH of reliable people of what
Hood's Sarsaparllla has done for them,
conclusively prove the fact HOODS
Sarsaparllla CUHKS.
H'mmIVj Pills n -t especially upon tho
li'vi") iyi.t."om.. torpidity to Its
natural dnvlr , e ire constipation and
assist digestion.
The Halt Im -ro ard Ohio Is tho short
est r nit" to Washington from nearly
all points west. Its trains are vcstl-
bulcd from end to end and carry Pul
niau sleeping cars.
No railroad In America is better
equipiied than the H. ii O. to transport
with dispatch, safety and comfort tho
large crowd which will visit Washing
ton to witness the Inauguration cere
monies. It long experience in trans
jsirtlng crowds to former inaugurations
G. A. H. encampments, Knights' Tem
plar Conclaves and similar gatherings
on an extensive scale, will prove most
valuable In arranging for the coining
For more dotuiled Information as to
rates, time of trains, etc., apply to L.
S. Allen, Asst. (Son! Passenger agent,
The Hookory, Chicago, or O. P. Mc
C'arty, Asst Cenl Passenger ugent,
Cincinnati, O. 2-18-2t
l.nw IUtr to riorhlu uiul the Soutli-aitt.
The H k M is now selling round trip
tickets at very low rates to Jackson
ville, St. Augustine, Tumpu, Suther
land, Fla., Ashvlllo, N. C, Hlnnlng
hain and Mobile, Ala., Charlestown,
S. C, Augusta and Savannah, Gu,, and
other points In the south.east, good for
. )
, '
eturn until Juno 1st, 1803. Persons
contemplating a trip south will find it
to their advantage to call at cither H
& M depot or city olllcc, cor. O and
10th street, whore full Information as
to routes, rates, etc., will be furnished.
Beautiful souvenir spoons are now
being given to now biibs-erlbors to tho
, Cot'HtKlt. Present subscribers
also secure one of those hand&omo pre
miums by paying a year in advance and
arrears, If any. These aro not cheap
i trashy spoons,, but just the same as
jewelers sell for W or more,
! Rand MeNally & Co., lt0 Adams St,,
I Chicago, 111., desire a local manager to
I take the management of the sale of
' their new Universal Atlas. Any one
i desiring a pleasant and profitable Hsl
Hon would do well to write them.
W. A. Co'tUuTCo. hnvojust uddod
the largest and finest Hue of fancy
groceries to be found lu the city. Re-
I member this when buying your holiday
' upply.