Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 11, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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numbers w.t.. n.K..itiMl In order,
give the revelers In tlio mn-..y wnltz ' ami "Also but too true." time, progress-
Oil ("Veil iiihiit lllllll uir gnmi" I""'
Mr. C. 1. IJurrgnvi'U hirgr mil hrll
llmii party Thurhi evening "l hi
now jmluilal home. t:o:i II street, coin
plluieiitiirv Mlf '-'' t."l' "f
Oxford, anil Miss Jessie (Murk, of mu
1m The Invitation- nnd. "A I'lilted
stutiM Parly." ami a mioii a tho-i- for
tunate enough to lie Invited had n
reived tliolr rimK tho.v liraii nicking
their brains for some unlnue ripro'n
tut t.m. Ami tnsn.v that tli-.v were all
successful would bo to express it tnlldl,.
for tin' representations nnd de-dgns of
the guests displayed an orlglnullltyuiid
novelty milium "''n mi mu-Ii mi nini
Ion The house wii" handsomely dceo
rut i'il wllli tin- I'liUt'd Static Hug and
tin- colors, hmI. wlilto and Mm'. Tin'
dining fooin whore refreshment" wore
served throughout llu' entire evening.
A 1 t.. .. l...n.iin (til II (ill fi !!
vvti a tiling '" ''.' "" j'v "
lotighbv furnishing tlio music. Tin
Invlted'Ust Included Mlssos Elite Myers.
Ilattli' Henderson, of O-eoohi, Nolir..
Sadlo lliiniliain. Gertie lliihlnvlro, Em
ma Oiitciilt. Maud Tyler. Ellen Gore.
Frunels Gore. Altlu'a Huberts. Muriel
Gore. Clara Gulklns. Ada lleuton, Mln
nl. Mlllor. Ljdlu Mlllor. Gertie D -un.
Kitty Agor, Clara llnekstalT. Ethel
.Harding. Myrtli' Stevenson. Frunkio
Hector. Fny Thompson, Ourrlo D.illy.
Nellie Zohrlng. Ni'lllo Ankorson. lMtt
Droiise. Messrs. Kvaux, Mickey. I-Vniilc,
Mills, of Ocim'oIu. Nobr.,
'I'niMilay evening at tliolr ologiin
lionu' on K street Messrs. Arthur and
Edgar Morrill entertained a large mini-
i h.r of tliolr frli'inlH In honor of a visit
lug .voting huly. Miss Klllo Myers of
i Om'i'oIii, Nob. Tlio llrst part of tho
I ...I.i.r .. llH .1ilfl.fl.ll tfl hl.rli tlvi. Illlfl
,.,i " Large silk lings wore iirapi'.i uft(i, (tKt(.,.11 ,,. llll(1 MM. VV
artistically along the four sides oM ho ,,.,, Wl h(.,.v.mI In tho dnlntost
room. Mr. Www' sword that ho had m11u(,. imilllf ,.,.. Wim woll rooolvod.
In military ocliooi .Hviip.x uii a n.ns , ,- ,lji(t ,.,,,,,.,. llf ,1(. ,.v,.u Wlls on-
Jovod In danclm,' to tho ploanlnr iiiiihIo
furnlshod by Ml Wllloui,'li,. Tho In
ltoil LMii'sts woro MoHsiw. A Hazard,
llllllH IXHlUOII 111 llll' liril iliiH'
hiuiiNoino sldo board whloh U built In
tho shlo of tin" loom was oomploti'ly
banUi'd with rloli. red ro-os. and small
IhiK's. whllo tho I'handollors woroalso
OMjulsltoly fostoonod with llujr-- H'
froshnu'ittH woro sorvod In tlio dining
room by wallop woarhijr rod, whlto
and bluo ajirous and oaps. tho Amorl
pan colors also pivilnmlimtlnir l tho
rofp'sliuionts. I.arno boiiots of rod
rosos adorm'd tho imiiitolsand windows
throughout tho hniiso. Kaoh iw was
bidden to couto roprosontlnu a stato,
olthor by sonio artlrlo of dross, draw
ing or in any othur way. Sonio of tho
roprosontutions iiotli'od woro, a small
ham and a pair of shoars siispondoil by
ribbons worn by Mrs. Dr. I.add. whloh
was lntorirotod as Now Hampshire.
Miss Hortlo Hurr rarrlod a tonnls rack
os. and wore plnod on hor dross a pupor
on which was drawn a nuislo scoro with
tlio noto C conspicuous, preceded by a
bljr I, which was hiiukosUvo of Tonnes.
hco. Mrs. L. C. Hurr carried a laruo
paper Iwui'lui: the letters, X I C -which
also roforod to Tennessoe. Miss Clark
woro a dried up lontoii tied with a largo
black 1, which suggested Missouri, sho
Iwlng tho Miss. Miss Anna Kiinko
wilro an Iiiiuumiso bunch of Mowers In
hor hair and the word Thursday printed
on lior gown, which meant I-lochia.
Miss Kelly carried a small sl.ed hoe
with tlio word "Ida" written on a card
ut tho top, whloh of course represented
Idaho. Mr. Markoll woro a largo sl.ed
drawing of Noah In tho ark with a can
nnd a saw beneath, which after much
thought and pu..ltng was found to ho
Arkansas. The other guests wore rep
resentations as unique and original as
those, but simco forbids a mention of all.
Irvine's orchestra stationed In the up
per hall discoursed a delightful concert
program, during which selections from
tho latest operas were given, some of
thorn being especially arranged by
Director Irvine for the occasion. A
list, of thoso present Is given herewith:
Messrs. Spalir, Lowe, .loyce, Wing,
Treeuian, C. Y. Hinltlt, Marshall. Smith,
'ehrung, Hawley, Pershing, Magoou,
Hurr, Dorgau, Ladd, Mulr, Hall, Ham
mond, Fitzgerald, Kolloy, Fitzgerald,
Andrlano, St. John, Markoll, Funke,
Hathaway, Howe. Misses Clarke, Mil
ler, Wilson, U. Hurr. Latta, Danlells,
Theo Laws, Laws, Walsh, Adams, Kol
loy, Hooper, Hammond, Smith, Jones,
Hawley, M. Hurr, O.Cowdery,C'owdery,
Shears, M. Funko. A Funke. It. Caon,
Cason, Wlilto, Wiismer. Mrs. Hall,
Ladd, Mulr, Henkle.
Siiturtluy from two to live Mrs. S. P.
Pound gave n reception and parlor lec
turo at hor resldoneo KW1 L. street In
honor of tho thirteenth anniversary of
tho Inglesldo club. Besides the mem
bers of tho Ingloslde, thoro woro pres
ont mombers of Sorosls,tho Century tho
Lotus, tho Itonutssanco, and tho Avon
clubs, together with a number of In
vited guests. Mrs. John L. McConnell,
president of tho Inglesldo presided and
introduced the speaker of tho after
noon. Mrs. II. C. Peterson, Instructor
In Kngllsh Lttcraturo, at tho Universi
ty of Nebraska who discussed "Ipsen
and the Realists." At tho close of tho
lecturo a short rccoptlon was held nnd
icon, calco, colToo and tea sorved. Tho
latter lwlng served by Misses Graco
and Plioiba Gerard of Columbus, Ne
braska. Miss Pound and Mrs. Menzen
dorf added much to tho pleasure of the
occasion by their rendition of "Hung
urlan Rhapsody, by LIsst. The hovso
throughout was profusely decorated
with roses, en, Miles, and siullax. On
tho hull mantel was placed a design
18S0 18l3, suggestlvo of tho organiza
tion os tho club. On tho parlor mantel
was a largo sized photograph of Mrs.
Falrflold, a ehrrtor memlwrof tho club,
framed in smllux and calu lllllos. In
tho opinion of Hie hearers tho lecturo
of Mrs. Fotorson was ono of the ablest
and most interesting of tho kind over
given in tho city.
Messrs. Arther and Edgar Morrill,
017 E street, ontortainod a genlul com
pany of young jiooplo on Tuesday in
honor of a visiting friend, Miss Klllo
Myors, of Osceola, Nebraska. The
house was handsomely decorutod with
out tlowors, roses and cala lilies pro
dominating. Tho guests pluyed pro
gressive high live the Unit part of tho
evening, nftor which u delightful lunch
eon whh sorvod. No prizes woro given
at canlB. Aftor supper tho spacious
rooms woro oloarod of the card tubles
and dancing was indulged In until the
finiuU woo hours of morning, Miss Wil
liam- .ehrung. N Slpherd. Will
Tyler. It lllphord, (i Martlott. Chas
sipheid, L AtkliMin. Corwln Haggard,
Kd Reagan, Woodward. Hal Kveretts,
(ieo Stolner, K Mickey and Frank
Mills, Osceola, Nob., Frank Sanders,
Krl McCreery, (icoCiillen, MrCantlold,
KCFoNoin. J A Olson, Slronisburg,
Neb., L Strait, Mlssos Fanny Rector,
II OW llllire Slops HI llio sumn inim,
Tho beautiful largo hall at Hotel Lin
coln was fairly aglow with brilliant
Illuminations and every facility was
supplied to make the dniieors thor
oughly happy. Light refreshments
were served In the ordinary and the
alTalr came to a happy llnalo shortly
after midnight.
Mrs. M. A. Newark entertained a
small party of friends Thiisrduy after
noon complimentary to Miss Sara Lo
uiau, Miss Schwab's visiting relation.
Tho afternoon was most excellently
arranged for and as usual, tho accom
plished hostess acquitted herself with
credit. ,,Cone(Ueiicos" was a feature
of the occasslon and lefreslunoiits,
which were served at small taolos af
forded an afternoon of rare pleasure.
There wore twelve ladles present,
seated around three tables each be
ing designated by a dllleient How or.
Mrs. Sam Wes-ol won the prize of the
afternoon, a handsomely Illustrated
book. Those present wore Mosdainos
M. Aokerniun. S. Schwab. Dr. Mitchell,
Lou Wessol. Simon Mayer, Sain Wos-
sol, Chas. Mayer, .1. I trucks, A Katzon-
stein. Mlssos Rosa Frank. Sara Schwab,
and the honored u'UohI.
Mrs. C). A. Davis entertained a num
ber of friends Tuesday evening, the
owning occasion being a stiprlso upon
her lelgo lord. Mr. Davis was com
pletely taken by storm as he had ob
tained no Inkling of the alTalr before
baud. The evening was spout delight
fully In playing progressive high the
and the scoro cards wore both unique
and pretty, being something entirely
new. The ladles received red curds
in the shape of hearts and diamonds,
while the gentlemen kept a record of
their punches on black cards cut In
the shape of spades and clubs. The
partners found each other by match
ing Chinese llguros drawn on tho score
cards. It was a delightful alTalr in
Tli iliduty v.m fur oarly fmrinir wear hIkiu ii ulmvo U iimilo of ertxy molton cloth,
trimmt'd with liltt'liiie, tlio ribbon loop matclilni; tho cloth; tho liniiiK U of didiliit
mtln. Tho drvH' for yoitiiK Kit In art) oflVctivo ciml)iimtiuiu of silk oplin or ciuh
inert) mid K'lipuru laro, the ctmtnMt Iwtwet'ii fabrio anil lace, if not too pronounced,
dviiiK a wry rich ri'snlt. A prvtty arraiiKUiiifiit of fciithum anil bout In trimming a
felt hat for a young uir I ii aim) shown.
Sadio Durnham, Gertlo Haldwln, Nellie
Zehrung, Miss Dalloy, Hlaneh Har
gravos, Kmma Outcalt, Ina Knslgn,
Nellie Anderson, Maud Tyler, Gore,
Clara Watklns, Dean, Klttlo Agor,
Dott Druse, Kthol Harding, Myrtle
Stephenson, Fay Thompson, Carno
Castor, Hattle Henderson, Alria
Adams, Minnie Miller nnd Ltda Miller.
Tho sixth meeting of the "Novelty
Club" was held at tho residence of Mr.
and Mrs, F. A. Wilson, corner Kuelld
avonuo and Nlnteonth street, Saturday
ovenlug, every member of tho club
being present. Tho novelty, which is
lmperltlve nt ovory meeting, presented
Itself in tho peculiar manner of select
ing partners for playing High Five.
Kuoh gentleman was handed a conun
drum card, containing a mysterious
alphulkit. Tho jumbling of letters
proved to lie tho nnino of some lady,
and as soon as a gentleman arranged
his alphabet to spell a lady's full name
he proceeded to claim her as a partner.
Aftor twenty games of high 11 vo wore
played In a spirited manner, refresh-
nionts woro served In a very unique
stylo. The seat of honor at tho table
was accorded to Mr. L. W. Garontto,
who was decorated with a "prize neck
lace." An impromptu hop wound up
an evening of unalloyed pleasure, and
tho host and hostess wore highly com
plimented on tliolr entertainment. Tho
next meeting of tho club will bo held
nt tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hum
phrey on Euclid avenue.
Last evening was another gala oc
cusslon of the Pleasant hour club and
tho momlwrs enjoyed a duplicate of
several of tho very huppy assemblies
that the club has been noted for during
tho season. There woro sovoral guests
present besides the regular uiinglers
in P. II. C. affairs. Nearly every ono
claims that the occasslon was the most
enjoyable ono that they have over at
tend 'd. Director Irvine and his
t-uporb orchestra was presont to enliv
en the occasslon and as usual several
which each participant camo in for a
liberal share.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dabauch enter
tained the East Lincoln Social Club
and a number of invited guests at their
residence Thursday evening. Tho
rooms woro proUlly decorated with
tlowors and at tho closo of tho game a
dlllelous lunch was served on tho card
tables. Those present woro Messrs. and
Mesdames Geo. A. Spencer, H. M.
Rico, C. A. Wlokorslinm, K. J. Tuttlo,
C. L. Katon, J. T. McDonald, M. D.
Tiffany, C. McKinnoy, K. L. Holyoko,
S. M. Mellck, V. II. Dyer. Alva Smith,
F. D. Woidonhnmor, L. F. Holgor, S.
K. Halo, Hatter, Johnson. Mlssos
Bertha Rice, Rosa Halo, Young, Vlv
van, Mollck, Tuttlo, Daubach, Messrs.
Hale, West, Kelno, II II. Rose, W. H.
Rose. Tho prizes woro captured by
Mrs. Mollek and Mr. S. K. Hale.
The pleasant homo of Mr. G. J. Hnrko
was the scone of a jolly surprise party
last Friday evening. A largo party of
friends Invaded the house about eight
o'clock and completely surprised tliolr
genial host. Tho evening hours until
long after midnight were whlled away
with cards and dancing. Tho party
comprised Misses Kato Moran, Mary
McGlave, Lllllo Krone, .Maggie liar
ton, Mamie Dally, Jennie Hughes,
ltlrd Hughes, Magglo Conway, Jonnto
O'Koefe, Joslo Hoolan, Lllllo Flynn,
May Flynn, May Malono, Nollio Vlf
qualn, Messrs. John Barton, Will Bar
ton, Geo. Finery, Nicholas Lnwlor, Van
Smith, Tom Kolloy, Bruhum, Roberts,
ChartroB, Fred Krone, A. B. Dobbins,
O. J. Vlfqualn, Ed Hnborlan, John
."i'.Mr. and Mm. Hill J. Turner 1527 L.
stroot, gave an exceedingly pleasant
card party on Tuesday evening. The
houso way very prettily decorated with
bouquets of nynolncts, roses and helio
trope. Tho ovor congonlal gamo of
high five was played. Mrs. Shaw and
Mr. Wills received the highest scoro.
than tin
grossed. The Invited list Included
Messrs. nnd MesdaiiU's Fred llutehiiis,
Ruilge. Austin. SdIiih. ltlgnell. Plank
Holm, Preston, Van Dusen, Patrick,
D.ivls, S. K. Moore, Tlblietts, Paine.
Rewlek. Hall. Tyler, llnrlhiirt. Keith,
Clark. Cook. Itlllineyer, Ronton, Mills,
Shaw, ItartrulT, Mr. Will Dmalnie,
Miss Hellen llarwood.
The pleasant home of Mrs. A. It.
t'olfroth, (i and Thirteenth streets, was
the scene of two charming afternoon
card parties this week, Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons. On both
occasions the decorations In the house
Were pink. Iteailtlfill bouquets of pink
roses adorned the side tables anil man
tels. The score cards were pink, ami
tho bon bolts were of dainty pink, and
the refreshments wore pink. When
the guests llrst i-iiuie down stairs, be
fore they began to play, each lady was
served with a cup of hot bouillon,
which was ver, palatable, as the weath
er outside was ohllllng. Tlio parly on
Wednesday afternoon was given In
honor of Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Bennett,
of Omaha. Four tables were surround
ed with animated high live players un
til late in the afternoon.
Miss Amanda Kohtiaud Mis-. Stoinlor
outertaiiied a company last night at
the home of tho former ls0!l P street.
Cards were the order of the program
and quite a spirited contest was kept
up. Klcguut refreshments were served
and each participant enjoyed an even
ing of uninterrupted pleasure. Thoe
seated around tho table were: Misses
Sollgsohn, (iuuiilsou, Splesberger, Ida
and Alien Friend, Sallle and Tlllle
Iterkson, Frank and llarr. Messrs
Rich, (iiigeiihelm, Klstier, Heeht. Sam
Illoeh, Koby Kohn. L Mayor. S Berk
son. .1 C Oppcuhclmcr. Hugo Kalui.
(ireeubaum, Brukohelin. Mr and Mrs.
Sam Wessol, ami Mr and Mrs Lou
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Aron. IKKM K
street, wore a i, home Tuesday evening
to a number of friends when high live
was thoroughly discussed. The llrst I
royal was won by Mr. Nutting, while
the booby prize was awarded Mr.
Clarke. Supper was served at lOi.'IO to
which all did ample justioo.aftor which
cards were resumed until midnight.
Those participating In the occasion
were: Messrs. and Mesdames A. M.
Halderman, M. I). Thompson, A. M.
Nutting. Mrs. Ella Wheedon, Mis-es
Ray Staley of Hastings. Mabel Barn
house and Mr. Custer Clarke.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. ColTroth
was at homo In honor of Misses Adams
and Miller, of Lafayette, Indiana. Miss
Miller and Miss Daniels won the hon
ors. Those at cards were Misses Kath
arine Mlllor, Florence Adams, Daniels,
Clark of Omaha. Cowdery, Martha
Funke, White, Wnsinor, Theo Laws.
Maude Burr, Ruby Jones. Jennie Un
derwood, Mamie Carson, Rose Cnr-on,
Olive Latta. Bertie Burr, Annie Funke.
Mrs. ColTroth was assisted In entertain
ing on both occasions by Mrs. E. P.
Ewlng, Mrs. R J. Greene, Mrs. A. (1.
Beeson and Miss Katharine Beeson.
Intending visitors to the Pneitlc
Coast will be delighted to learn that
the Union Pacific lias recently added
live new Pullman Sleepers to their
Chicago, Portland ami San Francisco
lines. These cars are all of the latest
pattern, and are sumptuously furnished
throughout. About March 1st ten
more of the siiino design will bo added
to the equipment for Pacific Coast busi
ness and it would appear that tho
Union Pacific was doing their best to
please tliolr patrons.
Sorosls held their regular bi-weekly
meeting at the homo of Mrs. W. J.
Bryan Monday afternoon. The meet
ing was led by Miss Richardson, who
discussed the life of Wagner and his
inlliicuce upon music. After giving a
short biographical sketch. Miss Rich
ardson dwelt particularly upon his
associations In music, his bei.rlng upon
others In his profession. Ills concerts,
especially thoso In Now York, formed
an interesting part in the talk.
A whist club which was recently or
ganized In our city but which Is as yot
nameless, met with Miss Maud Hani
mend, Seventeenth and J streets, Fri
day ovonlng. The occasion was de
lightfully Informal, tho studious game
of whist being unusually attractive.
The club Is composed of Miss Sarah
Schwab, Laura Haggard, Nellie Mill
ion, Alice and Bessie Wing, George
Woods, Woodberry, Avery Haggard,
nnd Dawes.
Absolutely Pure Justify It.
r.r.JAoucc CO. K Ah JAS CITY, MO
5fiauc3 for Oft.
Teeth Extracted)
without Pain. )
(All Fillings at
( Lowest Prices.
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Surgeon Dentist,
Lincoln. Ncbr
Roomy 9, 95 nnd it. Hurr Mock,
Open Day nnd Night.
OI'-l'Il HUH
It. II. MdOlli;, I'rrslilciit
i: II. llllOWN.VIci-l'ruv.
I'. II IMIIOI'I'.CitKlilir
It i: Moore.
J I) Aliirrnrliitiil,
I: K llroutt,
.1 V Dowi-fsp,
J .1 Imlioll,
v i: Vuits,
A S Ituvinnnil,
John ritKcrnlil,
T h Culvert.
Liberal lr;tv?r?8t
Absolute Security
Intercut pnlil on Savings 1cohHh at I ho rati) of
Five pur rent per Annum.
1 1 1 South 10th St., Lincoln, Nobr.
EntirE Capital Invested in U, S. Hands
Special Sale
too Dozen Lndii-i,' Fact Mack Honc, at Se, worth 15c.
100 Doyen Ladles' Fast Mack Hose, at toe, worth iSc.
too Dozen Ladles' Fast Mack Hose, worth 25c, our prici:, 3 pairs for 50c.
150 Doen Hoys' Imlusti uctible Hose, can't he beat at 23c
Every pair of Hose guaranteed fast Mack,
Children' How, 5c, Se, 12c, iSc and 25c.
Our Ladles' I lose at 35c, 50c, 75c and '$1.00 -guaranteed
best value in the market. Early lucky purchases
enable lis to offer unsurpassaehl values.
The Progressive Dry Goods Emporium,
1 141 and 1 1 43 O Street.
A very pleasant social wa.s tflvon at
the i-OHldenco of Mr. and Mm. John V.
Hawkins last Friday ovonintf. Tho
evening wax npent in cards and dancing
and a Konoral ood time was enjoyed
by all. Those present wore Messrs.
and Mesdames Norrls Humphrey, Louie
Hanars, Lester Tlbbitts, Lorln Tlbbltts,
Miss Vli-ejio Cadwahidor, Miss Mabel
Doyle, Miss Grllllth and Mr. Will
Tho school children j?ot "P u surprise
party on Miss Etta Hawkins last Satur
day ovonintf. Tho youny; indies
brought refreshments and ovory ono
present had a lovely time. Those
presont were Misses Jennie McGraw,
Hhoda McGraw, Franklo Lawrence,
Florence Parks, Lila Hraeo, and Mr.
IIowoll McGraw, Clarence Iavvrenco,
Rufns Clark, Tom McCann and Chester
Ah The C'onitlKIt goes to press Tem
ple hall Is the hcoiio of a novel and
unique party, it Is given by tho popu
lar Itavolu club, and Is a domino party.
Tho ladles are in mask and their
Identity Is completely concealed. Wo
should like to give a more extended
notice of it, but us the time for unmask
ing has not yet arrived, it will be lm
Hisslblo until next week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Thompson gave a
delightful card party Friduy ovonlng,
C nilinued on ntxt J'nif,
Just the Book I bate been looking for g
and several thousand others,
I advise all who would save
time to go at once to
In order to make room for the
Large and Elegant line of
that our Buyer is at present selecting
.... in the eastern markets, we will
.... place on sale for this week our
. . . .entire stock of
at One-Fifth Off!
J H Mauritius & o.,
1039 O Street.
The Ladies' Furnishers