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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1893)
CKPITHL CITY COURIER. Wis . fc ftt' Vifa?VJ.. , nuayi TfcW.. UjLi. ?' T " (TTt"J FANNV There was ii full house mil at the ' Lansing Wednesday evening to wit-1 ness l'aullne Hall's elegant production of "Erinlnlo." This in the opera in which Miss Hall won the biggest hit of her stage career, she having piosont (! the original character at the Now York Casino during Its wonderful run of ovor two years. Miss Hall has decidedly pleasing stage appcarauco and dresses loely. Hhe is In possession of u sweet and winsome voice, which, while not strung, is nevertheless well modulated and this, together with the Use of it pair of pretty and oxpiosslvo eyes accounts for her popularity. One thing was noticeable in this engage ment and that was the change in her Htyle of stago carriage. Slit is not the poetry of motion by any means, neither has she the easy gait that formerly characterized her stago presence. Fact is, she has been playing male roles so much of late yearn Unit sho seems to have acquired more the walk of a man than of one of her own sex. Sho seems to forget that in Erininlc sho appears an a retined lady but after her solos turns and struts olT like a proud man who has uchehed success. Miss Hull othervi-o appeared to ex cellent advantage and her company is one that does credit to the star. Harry Maedouough and Frank l).i id as the two thieves wore excellent characters and carried on the comedy roles equal to their predecessors In the original cast, which was perfection Itself. .Jacques Kruger, whom old timo theatre goers will yet remember as having Marred In "Photographs," made a clever Chevalier. Cerise Marcel was well sung by Miss Helen Dunber and Miss Kva Davonpoit creditably done the l'rlncess. The scenic elleets, carried by tho company, add much to the realism of tho piece' It was a large and fitshli liable audience and the applause at proper times attested the appreciation shown for tho work. Evans & Ilooy closed a most success ful two nights engagement at the Lan sing last night, their Series It of A Parlor Mutch being the old familiar, yet funny and interesting bill. The house was completely lllled Thursday night, and another largo audience was present last night. Series !), like all the other series of Kvans & Hoey's work, Is riplutu fun frolic and general festiv ities. There is of course a plot to tho piece, but when one gets though laugh ing at three acts of tho absurdities and enjoying the several musical numbers, thuj mm no time to keep ti tick of a story. The company Is large and each member is put to some practical test of merit which generally is well sus tained. There are several excellent specialties Introduced all of which tho audience never falls to appreciate. Mr. Ilooy, as usual, won thunders of applause on his topical song "I'm tho man that broke the bank at Monte Carlo," In which ho Introduced a local bit referring to tho collapsed Capital National of this city. A novel, striking feature is introduced in the second act. To the rear of tho center i of the stage stands a conjurors cabi net large enough to hold one or two portions. Comedian Kvans sings a verso which alludes to his skill as a I conjurer and Mopping to tho cabinet' touches a button and alternately, one I at it time, it or mote chauictors appear, and slug national songs. Kneh ! representing a dillerent country, the ' whole tending to show who wo will! have at tho World's Fair. Last to up-1 pear 1h Undo Ham and Columbia who, ' iu song, bid them all welcome. Of course the patriotic sentiment always provelent with American audiences, exerts Itself and the applause that follows lu almost deafening. It is an excellent feature and particularly at this time takes exceedingly well", it demonstrates that Messrs. Kvans ,t lloey are always 'bcratehing' for nine- KgsjMSfc .. Mf i wwkw:- J i . ril V t IRBwr: .'-'.... ...ia - a&f RICE thing new mid that they generally ll ml and produce it wax evident lust night. It Is a good show aiid meeting with the success It is certainly entitled to. .11 .liiili Colin Tonight. The week's festivities at the Lansing will close tonight with Walter San ford's gi eat scenic pi eduction of "My .lack." Much has been written in coiuiueudatioii of this attraction, but as it lias neer before been seen here, the following from the Cincinnati Com mercial Gazette will serve as an excel lent recommendation: "Walter Sun foid's 'My .lack' was well received by the patrons of Havlin's yesterday, and the indications are favorable for a good week's business. The piece was superbly ununited, its many elaborate and real istic scenes being set with a complete ness as to detail most surprising, as well as admirable. 'My .lack' is tho master of all scenic productions, and all the scenery used iu the play Is car ried by Mr. Sanfr.rd iu his own special cars." 'filor'iiim'' Monilii.v i:cnliii;. Charles Frohinun's brilliant farce comedy "Gloriuna" will be presented at the Lansing, Monday evening for the second time in this city thlsseason, the first presentation having been seen by a crowded house last .Inly. Tho new comedy Is an adaption from tho I'lench. by .lames Mortimer, and en joyed much favor recently iu Paris and London, It made an instantaneous hit In New York where it enjoyed a most protitable run of nearly l.V) nights. fvtift) -' -J th "2&. IS .'.',! vl f ' There is not a dull moment in the play. Its characters are natural, itssituatious ludicrous, and its dialogue full of Inter est. The performance Is a sparkling li..Ing triumph from end to end and is a triumph of laughter. Tho company is one of conspicuous excellence, sueli artists as George W. Hurnuni, William Norrls, Charles Drake, John Allen, G. C. Phillips, Jacques Martin, I). Sher wood, Kiigeno K. Kboiie, Charles K. Warren, Misses Kleaner Morron, Helen Holland, Tillie Hurnuni, and others. The sale of seats Is now lu progress at regular prices. 'I lin .l it'll ll n Kfiiililll lit tint I'milii'. Opening with Monday night the above company will inaugurate a week's engagement at Kunke's, during which season a series of seven attractive plays will be produced as follows: Monday, "The Streets of New York;" Tuesday, "Tho Golden Giant Mine;" Wednesday, "The Octoroon;" Thursdaj, "The Wentworth Case;" Friday, "The Police Inspector;" Matinee, "Two Orphans;" Hiituiday, "The Clemenceau Case." Of tho company, In, way of introduc tion' It might be said to those that do not lecognie the name McCaiiu, that he Is the gentleman who formerly played loading roles with such noted ci medians as W J Sca'ilnu Poland ' ' " 7 T. "BJil Jfc,. n m "j Li . V Heed mid literly with Kunlce Goetl rich. He was seen bete last wit i the latter company, which, greatly through his popularity, found milllelent induce ments hero to play several return dates. Mr. MeCiiuu Is it comedian of rare ability, unconventional on the stage and always full of fun. Tho leading lady, Miss Llzlo Kendall, Is an actress of no mean ability and gen erallj shares the honors of the livening with Mr. McCann. Prices for the en tire week will bo 10, "0, and 510 cents and on Monday evening one lady and it gentleman or two Indies" will he ad mitted on a !I0 cent ticket. Iti'l urn or Tin-Spider nmt Fly. Karly In the present season M. 11. Loitvltt's novelty burlesque, "The Spi der and Fly," was seen at the Lansing, tho house being completely lllled with mi audience that laughed and roared by turns at the frolics of a big list of clever absurdities. There was lots of sua) ami novelty to the performance, and when one was not applauding some thing decidedly now In a specialty act they were laughing at some untie of the comedian and snuhrctto. There is lots of dancing and singing In the piece and tho burlesque features are such as to bo Irresistibly funny. This com pany, after playing the Paclllo coast since leaving here last summer, two months of which was at the Hush street theatre. San Francisco, Is now eiiroute east again and will stopover one night next Wednesday to play a return date at the Lansing. Seats go on sale Mondnj morning. 'Ilin Slur nl "liwnis " Mr. Charles Dickson and his com pany of comedians will present Mrs. It. Pachcco's funny comedy "Incog" at the Lansing Tuesday evening. Of Mr. Dickson himself there Is tittle to ho said, for theatre goers from Maine to California know of his ability, and any one who has over seen him lu his crea tion of Jack Dexter, the college boy lu "The Wife," the Correspondent' in "Held by the Kneiny," or Jack Weeks lu "A Possible Case, "will never forgot him. Dickson was for 11 long time leading man of Knhson & Crane, and critics say that besides his own per sonality ho resembles tho latter and the elder Sothern rolled Into one. His company, contrary to the usual custom of stars, is an exceptionally strong one, and has been pronounced by tho eastern press as tho strongest comedy organization in the United States. It consists of tho Messrs Kd. J. Connelly, Keddiek Anderson, Franklin Garland, Gustavo York, Carton Hancroft, Louis L, Mason, Edgar Allen and tho Misses Maud Iluslam, Louise Muldenor, Lillian Uurkhart, Anita Hridgor, and Virginia Koss. Considerable stir has been created concerning this engagement, not only on account of tho star and company, and the favorable reports which have reached us from the East, but also on account of the prominence of the authoress, Mrs. Pacheco, and the fact of her being a California!!. A sketch of tho play and plot has already been given, showing how all sorts (if complications were caused by it gentle man "making up" to resemble another who hud a twin brother that looked exactly like him. Three men looking alike, one married and two making love, are caleu luted to make a good deal of trouble for one another when t'u. all lslt t ie same Ii.ium Tli. .,.1.,.. -V". t.-, ,.," s.s..jri i fr.vii ,ir5JiJrf . . - . .,.".-- -. '"jam f iftf --' 1'la Is full of action. The sale of seats N now In progress. 'mill) It In. ("ii in In Ntirn Tliln Time. Fuiiiij Hlce and her company will ho seen nl Iho Lansing theatre Thursday and Friday evenings In it grand double bill, comprising OITenbaeli's one act opeiettn, "The Little Hronm Seller," and Arthur Wallack's convulsive coin ed). "A Jolly Surprise." Miss Hlco has made a most pronounced hit In San y afir l-w ? 'WflMV 1 $SL x '. Francisco. There was not a perform ance at which hundreds were not turned away unable to get seats. The news papers h ie been most enthusiastic In her praise. The Kuiuinor ptonouuees Miss Hlcc and her entertainment a Miie ccss from beginning to end. The Chionicle says Miss Itlce has shown greater versatility than any other ac tress on the stage. The lliilletiu sa,s It is without doubt the best entertain ment with the best aggregation of tal ent that has been seen in Sun Francisco for a long time. The Post speaks of 7X VISION PR07V? "INCOG." the entertainment as creating genuine , enthusiasm. When all this is taken Into consideration, together with tho fact that Fanny Hlco is conceded to be one of the most winsome, versatile and vivacious artistes on the stage, and tho claim that she presents a clean and re fined entertainment, teeming with nov elties, mirth and music, there is little wonder that sho has made the success she has. Of the company supporting Miss Hlce, Charles It. llradshaw as the Hurried and frivolous husband, and It. 1cMiitwmirli tiki (In, tin, wt1.11r1t.111u 111... I v..V ....... ...t ..,,.- utrlciil manager, deserve special com mendation for their conscientious work. Tho other members of tho company are I quite equal to the parts they are called upon to 111 1. The same bill will be pie sontod both nights and it is sure to attract good audiences by its popularity and genuine fun. In Miin liigi" i Fuller!' The Fuiike presents an attractive bill tonight, the new and successful play of "Is Marriage a I allure,' being on the boards. It is a prctt three act coin-1 edy especially written lor and adapted to the talents of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lo Itrandt and their clever little daughter, the renowned child actress Irene. The play deals with pure and wholesome comedy and has a clear, concise story that is faithfully por trayed, songs and dances adding mate rially to an otherwise excellent per formance. The engagement is for to night only and seats are now on sale at regular prices, 2.1, .M) and "" cents. Ilntu Vim ,ii)tlilii; In Tritilii for Hastings real estate? 1 have two blocks well located In Spencer ltros'. Park addition ami 1 will consider prop ositions to trade fm' almost anything. Address L. Wes.el, .1 r., cm e of COUUIKH. Fifteen kinds of Imported and domes tic cheeses at Kumhold V Moser's. 'Phono 72s. K. C. linking Powder, 2.1 ounces for 2.) cents. Absolutely pure. Have you tried It? l.lltt Itlltl". Ill I'lllllllll lll'll tlll Slllllll-t'llat, Tho It ,t M is now selling round trip tickets at er, low rates to Jackson ville, Ht, Augustine, Tampa, Suther land. Fla. As'nille. N. C. Hum ng hatii a d Vi 1 a. (' nil 1 st iv n. u mj) vw 'dim IVs IJ S. (J., Augusta and Hiivniinali, (la., and other points in the south, oast, good for return until June 1st, IH1CI. Persons contemplating a trip south will llud It to their advantage to call at either II iV M depot or oily olllce, cor. () and 10th streets, where full Information as to routes, rates, etc., will be furnished. Iti'iil IXilln l"nr NuIk nr Truilc. What have you to olTor In exchange for a lot lu Klmwood addition, near Western Normal college, and lot A, Spencer's addition, adjoining the M street ball park. Will sell or trade both for good residence lot. Call on or Address Lou Wessel, at this olllce. The only entirely fresh stock of gro ceries lu town has Just been opened by Miller . GIITord, at ILHMI () street, op posite llurr block. Ladles make big money canvassing for the CAPITA!. OlTV COUItllJIt. If you want nice, prollliiblo work call at tho olllce, ll.'ll O street. All kinds of Imported chooses, llnest and largest assoitmeiit overseen In tho city, at Itumhold ,V Minor's, 210 South Kleveuth street. 'Phono 7i!S. Miller .V GIlTord's now grocery, 12(1!) O street, Is now open and ready for business. Don't forget the location, formerly the Leader store, opposite llurr building. Chits. Slattery, professional horse sheer and farrier. Discuses of tho feet treated by the latest sclent llie modes. Dorses called for anil returned. Now shop, 110 South Kleveuth street, be ween K and L. Halter's market 210 North Tenth street, Lincoln's old reliable market, Is where ladies should call for their meat, orders. Telephone orders over No. 100 reecho ptompt attention. Miller t Gilford's now grocery, 12011 O street, is now open and ready for business. Don't forgot tho location, formerly the Leader store, opposite llurr building. Ited spreads cheap for three days at Horpolslioiinor Si Co's. V. A. Collin ,t Co. have just added the largest and llnest lino of fancy groceries to be found in tho city. He meinbor this when buying your holiday supply. "Handsomer than ever" tho spring ginghams In the windows of tho Hon Marche, 12.'10O street. All the llrst families of Lincoln buv their meat of Henry I'lioltf, .'11 1 Slutii Kleveuth street. Where do you buy jours? For Sunday dinner supplies call at Halter's market, 210 N Kith st. Phoho 10(1. Ask your groccryuian for the "Wilber Rolling Mills" Flour. Chas. Haroy, proprietor. Enquire for "Little Hatchet," "Nlcklo Plato." and "linker's Constance " Kor sack warranted . Wool dress goods remnants cheap at !'.. rjHiNliciiiHir ,t Co's. Now lino of picture mouldings at Cowlo's, 11!) south Twelfth street. Lincoln people can now buy any kind of cheese that they may call for, at Kumhold it Moser's,, 'till South Kloventh street. 'Phone 72s. When .sou want prompt service and fair treatment and the selection from tho largest stock of groceries in Lin coln call 011 W. A. Collin iV Co., suc cessors to J. Miller, li.'i South Ehnonth street. Hardy and Pitcher hue roeohed a new lot of chairs and tables for rental purposes at card parties, etc. Call and see tlieui or call up 'phono .V21, Gi'.nui.nm: Canon City Coai, at the Lincoln Coal (''.. southwest corner of E oonth iti.d o sr"e's. ; Th Hlioiilii Inttlnct. Tho Young Lady (In tho confectioner1 Mom) And your caranioN uru forty conU pound t Tho Clerk Yi'ssu in. The Young Uuly Tlmt'M eighty cent for twopmimlHr Clerk Yowuiin. Tint Young Lady And about two dollar font live pound box)' Clerk -Ycnsiiiii, Tho Young Lady Well, let mo Imvo flr cunts' worth In a hurry, pk'wc Chlcng NuWH-Heciird. A I'nvnrlln llreril. First Hoy Is I hat a good watulalotff Beceail Hoy No. "Good bird dogr" "Nllllll "Good for rulibltsf" I "Nopy." ' "Knows Homo tricks, nntybor" I "Nlxle." "What Is ho gixid forr" ".Van I hln, only to tako prlrcn at dog hows." Coed News. A Hiinlrrel' Mlntiilia. I. fe III. ?M nfL WA-SS - -Life. No such Hue of canned fruits in the city as shown by W. A. Collin it Co., 1 III South Eleventh street. Clearing sale of lino yarns mid zephyrs at Horpolslioiinor it Co's. Full line of artist's materials at Lin coln Frame ami Art company's, 220 South Kleveuth street. Ladies will bo interested iu the show windows of the Hon Marche, 12.'10 O street. "How beautiful" and "So reasonable the price" say all the ladles as tlioy gue upon the luces in the east window of the Hon Murcho, l2.'t()Ostieet. Horpolslioiinor .t Co. liegln their big muslin underwear sales Wednesday morning. A good opportunity to stock ii) for the season at low prices. Dr. Gitlln hits moved to rooms 8 and 0 Lansing theatre building. W. A. Collin it Co., grocers, 14,'t South Kloventh street. If you enjoy dancing go to your drug gist and got a bottle of Positive Corn Cure, which insures comfort. Hone Si'itlNOS Coai, at tho Lincoln Coal Co. 'Phone 440. 'F' W v v v IP ?F '"7l n M Jl! 'Hi : ai m i m: m m:m lw W;-:;!, w ,ia m..m:mm;m: ft SAFE, CLEAN, ECONOMICAL and SATISFACTORY i I'hU rclcm lo Gas whether tucd as nil fuel or .m Recent chance , n the hoini! plant enable the M Lincoln Gas Co. to furnUb the erv tinext gas nt the lowest lijurei ontain.ible anywhere In the Called Slates, tiiulcr similar con- (UtlOlls, Fuel Is sold at the eeeedlni;l low r.ite of $1 35 pei thousand feet, and Mhiminuting tms at Si 00 ner thoutaiu) feet. Call tin Telephone No. 7?. and nr-. range fin anl.d of ihl tin.ippro.ich.iblc jj fuel. House coanectl ns foi fuel gasjj made without (.lurcc tu llie eoiistnnrr.M There are over 2iH) gas stoes In Lin-j; i-nln, costing on an tit 1 rage lens than 5.3 per month each for fuel 5 mi ,:..'. 1 , aim m. m. m a 4 i.m .m,. m,mrm.mi w m ; t i lit ir i tit vh sir. sit-ii 7 fa jAA SZS IM II' .1 I -A Tj,I' . I'lfWFrr M: K IL T A -w'H