Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 04, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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Mkhi AZdk
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1 "IrH KMMHusSl?vie"34HH I 'LHuUi'l Alx x. AAA
The iniwti of llic ncnlol dRiire I. of Mnck KtoKrnln IIk or catlimeir. with epniileUri.
licit nml culft of del lilue tiliiVol fnlllc, the ctMiilrttm foriiilni; novel Jacket t fleet u
fiont. A trlicl iwpllii form the mntriinl of the kiiwii of tlic ecmil joiiiitf Imly. witli
i!i.mrcvoVenn.U.')ttomorklttorinrkMlknM.liliortllhoii. A nent cliol or home
llic of jilulil for a chlhl It nlio ulumii.
Tho following uroount, HOiiiowhut nl
brovlutod, of u Chloiujo wedding will
Intorost iniuiy Llneolnitos, tho hrldo
linvini? formorly rusldod horo, whoro
ho whs h noolul ftivorlto. Following 1h
pom Vodnoduy'8 Chicago Hornld:
"Tho niurrlugo of MIhh Mao Montpo-o,
dnughtorof Mr. untl Mr, .luokson E.
Montroeo, of Hook Itdund, imtl Goorgo
Fhllln Hlnn wiih oolohrutod in tho
Unity church last evening tit S o'olook,
Rov. T. G. MUhUmI oluotutlng. Tho
church was fllloil with Ktiorttrt iml Iii1mi
patoly decorated with givoni. Tito
idalfonn was hanked high with palniM
and fonts and tho organ loft was hung
with Hinllax and nptirui;ut. Promptly
at tho appointed hour tho bridal party
entered tho vhmvli tothontrulns of tho
"Lohengrin" maivh. Two little llowor
girls led tho way. Tlion canto tho
maid of honor. Tito brldo ouino last
nnd wan mot at tho altar by tho groom
and hit liost man. Sho woro n prince
gown of whlto poan do nolo, mado with
high Ixxllce, long full alcoves and Im
mense train. The onlj trimming wiih
a deep bertlm of duclien-o point luce.
Sho woro a diamond pendant, tho gift
of tho groom, uml hor long tnllo voll
was conllnod by a npray of llllos of tho
valley. Tho bridal cluster was of tho
tuuno blossoms. Four gentlemen friends
noted as ushers. A reception to "DO
guests followed tho ceremony at tho
homo of tho bride's aunt, Mrs. Kdward
O'Brien, 21 Bollovuo place. A mando
lin otohestra was screened by a iiium of
foliage in tho hall. The table In the
dining room was strewn with rosebuds
and a wreath of lilies of tho valley en
circled tho bride's cako. A banquet
lamp shaded In green, and crystal can
delabra, with green tnors, further or
namented tho table. Mr. and Mrs.
Hlnn have gone t-outh and will lw at
homo during the month of March at '21
Bollovuo place."
Temple Hall was tho tceno of a very
charming dancing party Friday eve
ning. Tho occasion being given by a
number of tho prominent young gentle
men in return to the young ladies who
ro charmingly entertained thorn at a
leap year party alwttt two month ago.
Mr Goorgo West managed tho nlTnlr
and did It oxeoedingly woll. Excellent
orchortra muslo was furnished which
gave a duo amount of Inspiration to tho
'Trippers of tho light fantastic too."
The program consisted of seventeen
numbors which passed unusually fast.
At eleven o'eliek tho company repair
ed to Sutton and Hollowbush's where
nn oyster Mtppor was hugely enjoyed.
Tho ladles were all In evening attlro
nnd tho gentlemen In conventional full
dress. Tho dancers were Misses Mil
lor of Nobraska City, Bohn, of Gales
burg Moohlor, West, Peters, Blake,
Ilyno, Brown, Clarkson, Watson, Grif
fith, Eaton, Hector, Buford, Fryman,
Fnllor, West, Wallace, Paddock. K'elly,
Bronfaugh, Kolno, Portor, Stlre, Ham
soy, MoWhinnlo, Hoover, Hale, Vlv-
yan, Messers Geo. West,
Hutchlns, Parks, Shador, Hotlloy,
Small, Overstroot, Ward, Woodward,
Suuuncrladd, Barnes, Ames, Blsho),
Robinson, C. Jeckol, Will Jeekol,
Marsh, Nightengale, Peters, Meadows,
Gusthorn, Curtis, VanSmlth, Stltz,
TioJtor, Alex Hooo, II. F. Hose, Dunnt
eon, Kolno, Halo, Coffin, Doenior, Nug-
liart, Ellis.
Mr. und Mra Will Loonnrd lmvo re
turned from their sojourn south und
west and nro now tomj)orarlly at homo
in tho Lyman torrolls on II street. It
Is to bo hoped that Mr. and Mrs. Leo
nard will conclude to remain residents
of Lincoln. Among tho many literary
societies, for which our fair city Is no
tod, porhnpsnotono is doing more solid,
systematic work, than tho "Society
of tho Hall In tho Grove" -0. L. S. O.
Graduates. Tholr course of reading this
year Is tho "Columbian Conine" com
bined with a study and discussion of
tho economic questions of tho present
day. Prominent among tho active mem
hers are Mr. and Mrs. T 11 Loiivltt. Mr.
and Mrs. A L Metcalf, How and Mrs.
FS Stein. Mr. .lames Allen, Mr. W K
Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. M H I'honoy.
Mesditmes Dr. Garten. A M D.ivls. C L
Hall, EP Smith, L F Markell, M I)
Welsh, C A Atkinson, F K Suwoll, .1
Johnson, 1) L Anderson, Lara Wilson,
Sarah Everts, KW Allan and Dr. Sabln.
Tholr next meeting will bo held at tho
homo of Mrs. O E Gordoll Friday eve
ning. Tho program will lie under tho sit
porvlslon of Dr. Subln. An Interesting
opening uxorolso Is announced followed
by u resume of tho Military Operation
of tho Revolution led by Mrs. F S
Stein. Life of Patrick Henry led by
Mrs. C A Atkinson closing with a D'hcus
slon of "Problems of Today" to bo led by
Hev. F L Stein.
On Thursdav evening, February 2,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wheeler and A.
H. Samson entertained their friends In
a delightful manner at tho residence of
tho latter, IMO South Nineteenth
stroot. High Five was tho absorbing
subject of tho evening, according to
railroad schedule, tho main point to
strive for Iwlng to reach tho World's
Fair grounds over tho Burlington
route from Lincoln, and stopping at
thirteen stations. Four prizes were
given as follows: First ladies' prl.e, a
finely worked match receiver, In tho
shape of a miniature balloon, with bas
ket attachment, obtained by Mrs. F.
W. Stevens; second Indies' prlo, a
beautiful ratchet bag. Mrs. W. E.
Welles; tlrst gentleman's prize, a fine
fountain pen, A. It. Humphrey; second
gentleman's prlzo, a beautiful butterlly
calendar, obtained by F. W. Stevens.
i Elegant refreshments were solved, und
tile entertainers succeeded In giving
their guests a very enjoyable evening.
Those present were: Mr and Mrs
Clark, Mr and Mrs Humphrey, Mr and
Mrs Garoutto, Messrs Frank Van Horn,
M II Van Horn, Wilson, Bllsh, Welles,
Fradonburg and Stevens, Dr and Mrs
Kelso, Mcsdames Allen and Koyes, Mi
ami Miss Simons.
Rev. Norman Plass wns given a
hearty farowoll reception Monday oven-
by his charge, tho member of Ply
mouth Congregational church. Tho
popular divine has accepted a position
to take chargo of state religious work
with hoaduurtors at Cleveland, Ohio,
. nnd this oceuslon was given to show
J tho eiteem In which ho Is hold by tho
! members of his llock.A token that will
not soon bo forgotten or tno persons
Unit extended It, was given to Mr. and
Mrs. Plass. It was a ltoautlful silver
tea set, tho presentation speech being
eloquently delivered by Hon. W. A.
Lane on Iwhalf of tho congregation.
Tho Infant Sunday school elass also
wishing to bo remembered pro-.onted
Mrs. Plass with a token that will al
ways recall them to memory. Tho en
tertainment was a pleasant one and tho
slncoro regrets expressed ut parting
Hhowed full woll how both pmtor and
p oplo were ailed to each other in tho
tloi of friendship. Rev. Plass has
made many friend In l ncoln. both .u
his church and throughout tho city.
Ho Is a pleasant and miIIh1iim1 gentle
man and ono whom every aequalntauco
will wish success.
Tho Century club mot at tho homo
of Mr. Howofl, Sixteen und L streets
Tuesday afternoon, a full iitteudanco
being present. Tho llrst half hour was
spent on current events In a very Inter
esting and prolltuhlo manner. The
committee of three who woro appointed
two weeks previous to speak of special
Important events of the day added now
Interest to this part of the program.
Mrs. W Inzer commanded tho uttenllon
of every "o present by her pleasing
talk on' live of tho leading musicians
of the United States. Mrs. Walto was
equally Interesting In hor discussion of
live of the ablest literary olVorts of tho
day and Mrs. Kohn as she discussed the
leading artlstH of the day. Mrs. Wol
cott read an able paper on Adams ml
ministration nnd the trouble with
France. Mrs. VanBriint gave many
gooil thoughts about naturalization, and ledltlon iictM. Mrs. Jones
entered minutely Into tho details of
the Virginia ami Kentucky resolutions
and Mrs. Holm gave an animated talk
in the split on the political parties anil
the elTorts.
Mrs. M. Opjieiihelnier, Fifteenth and
N streets, was at homo to a company of
Invited friends Wednesday afternoon
cards being tho feature of the occas,
Moil. Sixteen ladles were seated a
round four tables and high live was
most Interestingly discussed during tho
afternoon. At live o'clock tho guests
were "checked up." Mrs, A. Kiitzon
stlen, It was found, had won tho largest
number of points, which entitled her
to a beautiful silver pin tray, ' lined
with gold. Mrs. Chas. Mayer coming In
second best was awarded the ootiA'uitn
tlou prlo, nn after dinner ci ITeo o
Ilaveland china. After tho dlstrlbu
'on of prizes the ladies woro asked In-
) tho dining room where a hanusoino
arranged table was In waiting to servo
the inner man. TIiom) present woro:
Me-dames Max Kohn, Chas. Mayor. A
Kat.ensteln, S Mayer, Nowntark,
Lou Wesscl, Opponholinor, L Borkson,
Brooks, Bloch. Dr. Mlttchell, Misses
Hosu Frank ami Carrie Stolnlor.
A pleasant social event In theatrical
circles took place Saturday night after
tho Spooner performance, at tho home
of Manager Martling. Eighteenth and
F. streets. Tho oceassion was ono com
plimentary to Miss Cecil Spooner, tho
clover child netrcssof the Spooner Com
edy Company. It Ik lug her fifteenth
birthday. The guests comprised
member of the company and a number
of Invited friends, nil of whom thor
oughly enjoyed tho genial hospitality
offered by the popular host and hostess.
Miss Spooner was made tho recipient
of several very valuable presents, ti
nning them liolng, a gold watch with
diamond settings, a solltalro diamond
ring, a set of Tliaekery' works.
Hlng academy, and some twenty Ike
couple enjoyed a dollghtiul evening ui
dancing to tho charming musical ac
companiment of Irvine' excellent or
chestra. The grand march wa headed
by Mr. Hugo Kahn and Mis Rosa
Frank, and the festlvltle woro under
full headway when the hour of ten ar
rived. Those present woro Messrs and
Mssdanies Speler, Kohn, Woll, Boohm,
S Mayor, Ackerinan, Lull, WoshoI,
Ksensky, Burr, Bloch, Misses, Ida
and Alien Friend, Sellgson, Stolnlor,
Frank, Amanda Kohn, Gunnison, Dora
and Tilllo Borkson, Messrs Ed and Leo
Gugonhelin, Grcenbauin, L H Meyer,
Sol Borkson, Kahn, Burr, Rich, Gun
nlson, Fisiie.-, John Bouwlt und J Op
ponliolnior. The next party of tho
club will bo hold at tho Masonic tem
ple. Mr. and Mrs. Keniiard very pleasant
ly entertained the Hob Fif card club at
their i'0.y homo on L street Thursday
evening. As usual progressive high
live ami refreshment woro tho order
of the evening. At the close of tho
game It was found that tho llrst royals
fell to the lot of Mr. O. M. Thompson
who received a very pretty hand
painted salad dlh, and to Mr. Cowdery
who carried Inline a silver tea spoon.
Tho seconds a hand painted fruit dish
and a solid silver spoon condoled Mrs.
Blllinyeriiud Mr Benton. Those pre
sent were Mossors. and Mesdaines. E
E Brown, O M Thompson. Gal Thomp
son, B F Cowdery, Chas Kelfer, C A
Kent, Geo Cooko, A E Billlnger, II P
Foster, A. Ilulburt, T II Benton. Dr.
Laild, W A Preston, Chas. Allen, N M
Kehlander, Mr. T P Kenniird, and
Miss Faiiule Latham.
handsome engraved works, etc., all of
which attested the friendship that sho
harbor both horo and abroad. It wa
a delightful alTalr and Mr. and Mrs.
Martling havo tho full appreciation of
nil present.
Mr. und Mr. T. E. Sanders. 227
South Fifteenth street, entertained a
number of friends at cards Thursday
evening. The rooms woro prettily
decorated with smllax and cut llowor.
Progressive high live was the order of
tho evening und all the guest enjoyed
themselves, a characteristic which 1
noticeable of Lincoln society. The
nrlzes were won by Mrs. Patrick aid
Mr. Hargraves. The list of invited
guests Included Mehsrs. and Mcsdames
George Clarke, B F Cowdery, J II
Smith, R O Phillips. A B CotTreth. Ed
Ewlng. J P Muulo, .1 A BuckstatT, W
E Hargraves, R II Oakley, C E Yates,
II B Patrick, I M Raymond, Dr Apple
gate, Charles Kelfer, C II Lipplncott,
J H Bigger, Dr Leonhardt, F W
Brown, Mis Burgess, Mrs. Bennett,
Mrs Wade, Miss Lena Danlols, Mis
Jessie Clark of Omaha, Mr Will Stull,
Mr Charles Burr, Mr Henry King, Mr
Charles Holmes. Mr F W Cooko, Mr
J M Grlllith, bank oxumlnor.
Dr. and Mrs. II. M. Citsebeor enter
tained tho F street card club and a
largo number of friend last evening In
an exceedingly pleasant mannor. Tho
house was prettily decorated with cut
Unworn, and tho arrangement were
othorwlr-o deftly carried out. Mrs.
Casobeer was assisted In entertaining
by Misses Gracoand Gertto Altkensand
Miss Molllo Helwlg. Elegant refresh
ments were served during tho evening.
The Invited list included Messrs and
Mesdaines, FA Brown, Mills, Manning,
Sohus, Tippling, Warron, Hutchlns,
Sawyer, Swan. Clark, Hoi wig, Hlbner,
. . . n.t.A ,11.. ..1. TT..11......
AiiKons, xiiiou, iiiuiH, 11111111111,
Stonrns, W B Wilson, W C Wilson, E
E Barnes, Benton, Marquette, Talbot,
Blgnlll, R E Moore, Garoutto, Brinkor,
Klrkor, Llndloy, Laurence, Gray, Dr
Kolper of Plerco, Mis Samuel of Ken
tucky, Mr Weaver of Omaha, Mr
Cantlold. Mr M I Altkens, Mr Cnry, Mi
Frank Cooko, Dr Wonto.
An Intorostln,' and very pieman
sociable was given Monday evening at
tho rosldenco of Prof. Brunor, of tho
choir of tho tlrst Baptist church. The
occasion was a farowoll reception to
Prof. I). F. Eastorday, who has lieon
tholr organist and leader for tho past
four years and who now resigns to take
chargo of tho muslo of St. Mark's
Lutheran church. At tho oloso of tho
ovonlngs enjoyment a member of the
choir presented tho Profesoor with a
gold locket, bearing on ono sldo tho
Inscription, "Baptist t'lioir," una on
tho other sldo tho letter "E" sot In
diamonds. Many regrets woro ox
pressed on tho termination of tho pleas
ant rolations during tho four year of
his leadership. Tho professor Is an
ngroeablo gentleman and has mado
many friends for himself both In tho
choir and congregation.
Tho Mv L, S. C. hold their second
party Thursday evening at tho Lnn-
A very pretty party was the danco
by the Empire Club Saturday evening
ut the Lansing dancing iiondiiniy. The
ladles of tho club have all agreed to
dross In tho Empire stylo mid from
that the club has derived Its name.
Saturday evening the ladle all wore
drosses cut a la Empire and to say that
the sight was novel ami pretty would
be expressing It but mildly. Tho club
Is decidedly informal ami tho members
always have a good time. The dancer
of the evening were Mossors and Mes
daines 1) E Thompson, R H Oakley, W
Hargraves, Mark Tilton, R O Phillips,
F M Hall, Sutton. H E Glllln A J Buck
statT. C (5 Dawes, Seacrest, W C Wil
son. A S Raymond. Ed Green. E P
Holmes. Miss Sarah Harris, Mr. Frank
Cook, Mr. Chas. Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zehrung very
handsomely entertained tho Cst. club
on Friday evening iiiHigh Five. The
pretty rooms wore tastefully decorated
with smllax carnations and ro-es. An
elegant luncheon was served during
the evening. The players were Mos
sors. and Mesdaines Paul Holm, W Q
Bell, Shophnrd, Wlrlck, F C Fiske,
Bllsh, T J Curtis. Davis, Vnrnoy,
Richardson, Moore, Kloate, Monger
Morrll, Buckley, of Omaha, Valentine,
of Washington, Miss Dalloy, of Ve.r
million, Partes, Miss Burgess, Mr. E
W Dalloy, Mr. Ed Morrill, and Dr.
troin woro ontortalnors of a high or
der. Card announcing the betrothal of
Miss Florence Levy of Now Orleans to
Mr. Goorgo Ketch lmvo been received
In Lincoln. Miss Ixivy 1 a nleco of
Mr. M. Ackornuin, whom ho visited
Inst summer. This will bo pleasant
now to tho many admiring friends sho
mado while hero.
Card are out announcing tho wed
ding of Mr. J. E. Pronger anil Mis
Suslo Mclnlyro which occurred Wed
nesday evening at tho bride's home.
Tho newly married couple will be at
homo to their friends nfter February
Hlh at South and Kith Street.
Mrs. E. R. Greene, 12(1 South Thir
teenth street entertained a number of
friends tho other evening In honor of
hor ltor, MIsh Katherlno Miller and
friend, Mis Florence Adams of La
Fayette, Indiana.
Mr. S. B. Pound will glvo a largo
reception till afternoon. During tho
afternoon, Mr. II. C. Peterson, In
Htructor In English Literature at tho
State University will lecture.
Mr. Ilulburt und son of Monmouth,
Illinois, arrived In tho city Thursday
evening and will spend several weeks
visiting with Mrs. Ilulburt' sister,
Mrs. Phelps Paine.
Miss Katherlno Miller and Miss
Florence Adams of Lu Fayette, Intl.,
are visiting with Mrs. E. H. Greene
und Mr. A. 10. Beeson. They will re
main several weeks.
Mrs. Ackerinan gave a very pretty
card party Monday afternoon at her
home, 1007 J street, lu honor of Mr.
Dr. Paddock of Dead wood.
W. M. Lowl, who has boon n resi
dent of Lincoln for tho past your, loft
Friday for hi former homo ntL-i Bollo,
Mo., to relocate.
Mr. and Mr. N. C. Abbitt ontor
tallied their friend at two delightful
parties at tholr homo on M and Seven
teenth streets.
Mrs. Tob Custer entertained frlond
at dinner Thursday evening In honor
of Mr. Dr. Paddock of Dead wood.
Hon. A. H. Talbot and wlfo returned
Sunday, from Chicago, after spnullng
a week in tho World's Fair city.
Miss Jessie Clark of Omaha Is visit
ing with Mis Lena D.iuiols at tho
homo of Mr. T. E. Sander.
When friends visit you or you visit
abroad, phono It to 2V1 or write on a
postal for the CouuiKC.
Mr. F. G. Richardson, of tho Wind
sor, Is entertaining her slstor Mr.
Hamilton, of Ohio.
Tho Ravolu dancing slub will glvo
a domino party in Temple hall next
Friday evening.
Mrs. J. A. BuckstatT entertained a
merry company of ladles Wednesday
Tho Leveta Whist club moots with
Mr. und Mrs. A. II. Weir on Monday
Mrs. F. M. Hail will entertain a
Whist club Wednesday evening.
llurlliiirlon Itonto riuyliiK CuriU.
New design, round corners lloxlblo
linen stock, permanent colors, worth
T0 cents. We sell them at l." cent.
Good scheme to buy a few packs; might
need them this winter; euchre, whist
high-live, etc.
A. C. Zu:mi:k, City Pass. Agt.
Absolutely Pure JuarTkYlT.
Special Sale
Friday evening Mr. and Mr. Horton
were nt homo to friends. Tho scion
title gamo of duplicate whist com
manded the undivided attention of the
guests until the time when refresh
ments were served, when luncheon ab
sorbed the attention of the guests. The
whist players were Messrs. and Mes
daines CotTreth, Ewlng, Lipplncott,
Little, Selwlck, Cumplioll, Harbour,
Brown, Holm, Gray, Mr T II Baiifmau,
Mr Charles Gregory, Dr Barker, Miss
Helen Gregory, Miss Miller.
Mr. and Mr. W. R. Cambridge en
tertained tho Bon Hondo cooking club
Friday evening. Supper wiih served,
after which cards were the amusement
entered Into. Tho members of the
club present were Messrs. und Mes
daines Benton, Stearns, Helwlg, Ken
iiard, Wheeler, Dayton, Traphagen
and Keith, tho Invited guests being
Mossr. and Mesdaines Patrick, Van
dusen, Trogdon, Rohlnondor, O'Neill
and Miller.
Mr. Fred Hallott leaves Thursday
next for a trip oast and will not return
until after tho first of March. It 1
incidentally remarked by tho young
man's friends that while away ho will
see U) It that St. Valentines day will
have a chief attraction for him in a
certain Wisconsin city. But of course
we would not suggest tho fact that
before St. Patrick's day arrives Fred
and a certain charming lady will bo at
home to friends in this city.
Tho cozy homo of Mrs. John B. Hor
ton, F and Thirteenth streets, was the
scone of two exceedingly pleasant par
ties this week. Thursday Mrs. Horton
gave an afternoon tea to a niimlior of
lady friends In honor of Mrs. Franklsh.
Thoso present wore Mesdaines Web
ster, Buckingham, Franklsh, Leavltt,
Welch, Brace, Henry Lewis, Frank
Lewis, Guthrie, Stewart, Oakley,
Hewitt, Reynolds, MoMurtry, Kelr,
Miller, Klngsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oliver enter
tained a genial theater party at tho
Lansing Wednesday evening, tho at
traction liolng ono of tho most enjoy
able of the week, Paulino Hall in
"Erminlo." The party consisted of Mr.
and Mr. O M Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Shipmaii, Dr. and Mrs. Glllim Mr.
Gillespie, of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver. Boxes A and B and logo L
were occupied.
Tho Bon Homle Cooking Club wa
delightfully entertained by Mr and
Mrs. W. C. Cambridge Friday evening.
Supper wa served at toven, after
which curd were manipulated by Mes
sor and Mesdaines Helwlg, Benton,
Kent, Wheeler, Stearns, Trnphugan,
Miller, Dayton, Mr. T P Kennnrd.
Mr- and Mrs. F. W. Bostrom woro at
homo to a unmoor of friends Monday
evening, when High Five was tho
order of tho oceassion. Tho evening
was othorwlso pleasantly enjoyed. It
proved to all that Mr. and Mrs. Bos-
too Doen I. miles' HlncK Hose, nt 8c, worth 15c.
100 I'ol'ii Ladles' Fiist Black Hose, nt 10c, worth iSc.
100 Ladies' Fnst Black I lose, woith 25c, our price, 3 pairs for 50c.
150 Dozen Hoys' Indestructible Hose, can't be beat at 23c.
Every pair of I lose guaranteed fast lllaek.
Child) en's lloe, 5c, 8c, lie, iSc nnd 25c
Our Ladies' Hoe at 250, 50c, 75c niul'i.oo -guaranteed
best vnlue In the market. Knrlv lucky purchases
enable us to offer uusurpassachl values.
The Progressive Dry Goods Emporium,
1 141 and 1 143 O Street.
17 &7
Just (lie Book I have been looking; for go
and several thousand others.
I advise all who would save
time to go at once to
One-Half off on Cloaks.
This goes for next week at
J. H Mauritius &o.
1039 O Street.
The Ladles' Furnish