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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1893)
CKPITRL CITY COURIBR. FROM QUEENSLAND. OUTH 8EA SAVAQCS TO VISIT THE WORLD'S FAIR. A Corraspomtrnt Interviews thi. Delega tion alLoa Angeles ami l.iartia.Sniiial'ar tlettlara of Their Savage Habits ami Can- i In doing want llttli work Is nocrwuvrjr in preparing tho gamo, reptiles, digging up roots, killing Btinkcn, bootlos, etc., for tholr daily spread. Snnkoa nro doomed n raro dish, but thoy oschow poisonous annkos, Tho kangaroo ami tho uiuu nro their most favored articles of diot. Tho kangaroo la hunted with tho boomornng, nml wlillo ho thttika ho l.i snfo in n jun gle and pokes his long head bohlnd n trco in fancied security tho boomornng thrower lntrln his shnrp pointed iiiIhsIIo almost througli its bond. Tho oinu has a vory long nock, and when ho lengthens It out taking observations ttio bushmnn from bohlml a treo twirls tho curved in- ; Btruiueut, tho shnrp odgo cutting oft tho head of tho iiinl. Of lato tho btiHhuicn havo been "spoar ing" tho cattlo of tho 'squnttora," and tho "squatters" took tho warpath with Winchester rifles, whlck will Hhoot far ther than n lxiomorang can 1m) thrown, nnd ns n result tho population of tho can- alballstlfl Practices. (8icclil Cornvtiotnlcnre.! Los ANtiKi.iy, Jan. 88. Mr. 11, A. gtnnlnghnm, forinorly connected with o "greatest show on earth,' recently g rived from Australia with n small oop of aborigines which ho proposes to tnko to tho Chicago fair its noon u wnrm weather nets in, for thcso can nibals cannot thrlvo in cold weather, yon with any quantity of clothing, which they nbhor. Thoso tattooed cannibals uro tho low- Mt spocluions of humanity on earth, not I ulbals hftH boun H01uuwhat diminished. . ,1 ,,V Tho boomerang ordinarily is thrown tli o California 000 ()r 800 f(;oti It j convox ,, tho up Dlgger Indian. I )cr 1(lo ftn(1 ,jt boi,)W ntl(1 um0 0f In mi Intcrv ow Australian wood. It has iilwnd oranglo uioiuniiiigiTHini- ed that theso can' nllmls nro from North QiioonB-1 MIL BLAINE'S CAREER HE SURVIVED MOST OF HIS EARLIER CONTEMPORARIES. An Intarcstlhg lucrltlnn of IlUlne Writ ten Tvfantyllve. Years Ago, When 11a IVm flurrniiiiilril by Himin of tho llrlght it Statesmen of Mnilnru Times. land, near tho Gulf of Curiam tarla, it country of jungles nnd or nooui -in negroes, i Ib hard, utmost as solid its iron. Tho cuds nro ns pointed ns it dagger, and tho inner Hide is ns sharp ns n razor blade. Thcso savages cannot oxpluln how thoy caino Into imwsoshIoh of an art which civilization has not yet dlscov-j ered. Thoy havo n tradition thnt whilo (Hpvolnl CorrcKiKitutciico.) Wabiiinoton, Fob. a. Mr. Ulalno out lived nearly all tho tnuii who woro prom inent in public II fo when ho first attract ed national attention, That was just n quarter of a century ago. Ho was then I serving his third term In tho house, had I already mado many striking Hitc-culic, ' had becomo very iopulnr and was n can- J didnto for tho Bpeakershlp, which ho nft erwurd reached. Mr. Dlnino ut this timo j was only 118 years old, nnd his must thou ! havo boon one of tho most nt tractive fig-1 ures over Been in our congress. In an old newspaper tho other day I camo upon a pi(iiant deseriptiou of Mr. Dlalno as it Btatesiuan in his young man- t ...! ....! lit 1.1 ....l 1...1. " " , noun, itiiii iin reiui ii t cuuiti nui iiuij 1 Australian wood contrilHtlnK thoHlainoof 25 years ago with tho Dlnino wo havo known in Wash ington during tho last two months tho Dlalno whoso arterial system was clogged by fatty degeneration till every organ, In cluding tho brain, was doprived of blood nourishment, Inducing Bleep 20 hours out or every 21 nnd continuous uncon CABTINd TI1K nOOMKIt-ANQ. wild i'.tLla rm ! i ?", of h?lr ,nzy, k,llt? ,ny ,1,ro,ll,l,l8 ' Bclousness, except nt raro lutervals-tho ;; - ' . nun iiwiiKU, iiiiuur in tiles and iiuinor- B,mtlo of ,, eucalyptus una uaiiiiH oi iui Wn i,Hni..,l lv was curvellko nnd in its descont wns borno hither and thither upon tho broozo, nnd finally after innny curves and re bounds tho leaf fell upon tho buy dream er. Ho examined it and tossed it to tho aborigines of I from fiO to 100 ' in ench trlbo or I band. Thoro is n law against tho nboriginos leav ing tholr conn- t o Tin brieou8 T8"T' T1 i." I Wllllain II. Soward w.i is treo s Utc ' J"",111,0 W,,(,8 c,osl" e'Tn ,u ,,,,;1,.. ,ifo state. Ho is dead. It wi is treo ins nuui .m been mnrked by failure of thoso '.,,, M ni.,1,,,, Bi "l0" tn :""! " wondrous Intollectuaf powers which for I "7iS'B " SS breeze. Again nnd ngain ho oxieriinent cd, nnd finally ho mndo this instrument nqunrter of it century lind mirprisod nnd dollghted nil beholders tho Ulalno whoso ill nourished brain at times lost not , only its wonted brilliancy, but its co horoncy tho Ulaiuo whoso valuablo 11 fo try, hut tho English authorities, liko I of ,mtivo w0(i n8 a toy for ninusoinent. thoso in this country, do not enro to oo a great tunny things. A largo number of Chlncso woro ro ocntly imported into thnt Hcction ns rail road Inborors, but tho railroad scliemo was abandoned and bo wero tho Chinese Tho bushwhacking war between tho Chi soso invaders and tho bushmen is deci mating tho ranks of both. Tho bush won fight for n doublo purpose- to drivo awny tlio invaders nnd to got food. Tho cannibals relish tho dead body of a Chi- namnn much hotter than thnt of it Can Dut later it becamo warfaro its well. nn instrument of I , wns being gradually choked out of htm by suffocation of tho circulatory sys tem. It wns of this Dlnino, so long well ntfrlt tiwittltlfian ft tltn tili1lrt nvnnn flint UIHil IllUlViilltilO III IIIU I'ttlJitW tttllll kllllV rarfiiro ns well. . . . U Washington correspondent wroto 25 (Jrdiunrily tlio uoomernng in wikoii yC(ira ,ig0: from tho forks of limbs nnd roughly Mr. Ulalno U mi InitofntlKnblo worker, nunc dressed with crude instruments. It is'curnla statistician, n lonlcM rensonor and n then charred in tho flro nnd tho burned flacnt micnkcr. Ho .w8o tlinrmiuh knojyl- . .,!.. ....... i ...t.i..t. u Ij a.,l. coco of iiarlmmoiitnry lnw. Ills tnot In dls- conting removed, nf tor which it is l- cimrln tl.o duties of i.rcsl.llnn oiilrer has jected to tho Binoko of cucaO'ptus lcavos 0fttm i,Kon tc.tetl by bin temporary occniwncy to innko It tilinulo and to glvo H tlio , of tlio iicnkir'H cimir. iictimr la tlio inair or on inunooroi mo nouno no niwayn inuin- pllablo projtor lateral tihnpo. Exiwrt throwers Bend it 200 feet on it straight lino, when it bounds into tho air, turns "end over I end," then flattens out like n phtto spin- .. .. .. . 1 --, . .V.U.... ,-.. ....w .. ......w CMinn, uocauso tno celestial nas not bo lnKi nna nftcr ,nuklng n circuit of 700 mnch salt in his composition. Thoy can or 800 feot roturn9 t0 tho foot of tho toinnch opium Indou meat, but nbhor thrower. Many of tho throwers aro left HIk Tho civilized English nnd AmerleanJ who dwoll nlong tho seacoast havo intro duced tobacco, whisky nnd othor vices of civilization, nnd tho cannibals, wear ing only n small cloth around tholr loins, oomo in from their j and beg tobacco nml weir ooomorangs ami Bpeara ana par- thoir corroborreo, or paltl, a nntlvo ohaaothcBO civilizing Inlluoncos. Thoy Al flro ,8 bulu nround havo 1 ttio idea of tlioyaluoof money, I ho Amcm crclo wltll0Ut nny """""" !. noumiH iu uiu oiiu ui uiu lntl.lni. -.. .. collt breast nnd llmlm. coin, and will glvo ono coin, big or lit tie, for a ploco of tobacco. Tholr only bnggngo nnd property aro tho boomornng, spear and shield, nnd thoy go from plnco to plnco aa tho spirit of hunger moves them. They generally flock in tribes of CO or 100, electing a king. Thoy romnin in n section of coun try bo long as tho game lasts, unless n rival tribo drives them nwny. If it is a section abounding in gnmo nnd Btreams whero thoro is good fishing, thoy must fight to maintain it. When food is scant, tulnnhla self oominMon, dlunlty nml uood liu- nior. Air. uinino is niviiiiur; you cannot con echo how n allot elioulJ jilurco blm, for llioro room no Joints to bis Imnii'sn. Ito li n man who kmms what llio weather wns ycitenlay niornlnit la Dakota, what tho omitoror's jxillcy will bo touching Moxlco, on wbnt day of thu week tho 10th of December iirox. will fall, who hnilded. I '" t,u) cbnlnnun of tho hcIiooi conunltteo In Tlun nlinrlirfnna nrn n illHtnit nwn of Kcnnomnk, whnt Is tho best way of nmnuu'ltiK lliesoitDorigincs nro it distinct raco or tlie tiuttunal dobt, toKctlier wliti nil tho othor people, black 113 tho negro, but tho fore- interests of todny, which anybody olso would head docs not recede; neither does tho stnmtur under. How bo docs it nobody knows. In. ,.l..,.f Tl..,li.linlr luof fli Ikt. I Ho la always In Ills scut. Ho must absorb do- " t. .. . "" .......- I l.ll. I.v nulliitliillmi at liU flnirnr ntiila An I nr metal. Ills features nro In a attitudes aro thoso of a bronze flguro, and, as you know, ho bits Ideas llxeu as brass. Mr. Dlnino survived, ns I havo said, noarly nil tho imjiortnut men with whom lio mensured swords in tho arena of do- Znck Chandler wns tho ltopublican leador of tho senate, Ho died just nftor making a campaign speech for Dluine in Chicago. Wllllnm Wlndom was tho most Important man from Minnesota. Ho and Ulalno snrvod togothor in two presidential cabinets, but Dlalno out lived his friend. When Ulalno first becamo promlnont, Frodorick T. Frelinghuyson wns Bonator from Now Jersey. IIo Bucceoded Dlalno ns secretary of stitto On tho death oi Garfield nnd tho accession of Arthur, but ho did not llvo to seo Ulalno tnko hU old place under n now president. In Dlaino's early days ns n congress man Charles Stunner nnd Henry Wilson wero senators from Massachusetts. Doth died long ngo, Den Dutler wns in tho house. Ho died n few day ngo. Na thnnlel P. Dunks, just n quarter of a century older than Dlnino, still lives. Oi tho Massachusetts delegation of that timo only Henry W. Dawes remains in congress, nnd ho will rotlro from tho sen ato noxt mouth to glvo plnco to young Cabot Lodgo, who for novoral years has been ono of Mr. Dlaino's most intimate; friends. Thon Kentucky had in congress such mon ns Garrett Davis, tho gifted but ec centric Thomas C. McCreary, Proctot Knott nnd .Inmes D. Deck. Knott only survives. In tho time of which wo speak Androw Johnson was president. IIo, us well iu his successors Grant, Hnycs nnd Gar- flold has gono tho way of nil mortals. as secretary ot as in tho house long lay in tho val ley of tho shadow that tho attempt was mado to nsHiisstnato Mr. Soward. Hugh McCulloch was secretary of tho treasury. Ho died only recently. Gonernl Spinner, then treasurer of tho United States, is also doad. Drowning, Bocretnry of the interior; Randall, postmaster general, and Gideon Welles, secretary of tho nnvy, nro nil dead. Of tho nine men who then sat on tho supremo court bench Chnso, Nelson, Grler, Clifford, Swayno, Miller, Davis nnd Field tho last named only sur vives. Tills rapid rovlow of tho noted names of 25 years ngo shows how Mr. Dlalno survived nearly all tho important men of his earlier career, yet day before yesterday was only tho 03d anniversary of Mr. Dlnlno's birth. Wr.LI.MAN. SPRING MILLINERY. A BONNET OF BEAUTY FOREVER. IS A JOY OIW Harper Discourses on the Satisfac tion Wo mi n Feel In the Possession ot llecomlng Ilcadwear and Divulges Soma Beereta About Hprlng Clowns. ISoeclal Correspondence. New Yoiik, Feb. 2. Is it nny wondor thnt a woman in a pretty bonnet wears aBinlllng face? Do not men over fcol any satisfaction in a nhlny now hat? Aro mon bo callous to nil finer sentiments that a now hat is simply n head cover- bbbbbbibbbbbiJbWbbbI LLbV'V.bbbV Mr, David M. Jordan ot Edmeston, N. Y. fnlnrlaee Fmani.itnn. rlAlnlARS A. Complete Cur V IIOODM SARSAPAIITLLA. t This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re- tired farmer, and one of the most re j pected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y. I "Fourteen years ago I had an attack ot the (Travel, and havo since been troubled with my Liver and Kidneys gradually growing worse. Three years ago X ant itnwn in lnw thnt eamli Mareelr walka I looked mora like a corpse than a living being. 1 l una tkl and had Hood's Barsani thmiirht I wnlili the first bottle I noticed that 1 felt better, suf-, fared less, the laaaasaaatUBt f lha . , no appetite aim ior nvo wcoks i i kat crael. I was badly emaciated I no more color than asarkle atalae. 1 arlllat was recommrnuea ana i Before I had finished tnnrounu tnoirioins, turo. Incllnc.l to curl nnd nlwnys black. I " ds ?ZcZ tingles to tho ranches but l0t kinky,. ko thut of Ul0 nct?r0i . a;1,",,1, llieyBcll cannibal feast is celebrated with bis voice clinks. white to repr is paint"'1 ' white sl.itH) of paint runs down breast, ench leg and each arm, and lace is painted witu wmto Hinsnes. i ucir i THE FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOL. nt of paint on their . homeasureil Bwonls in tlio arena or ao Tlmv nro imintod in hato during tho first yenrs of his con t skeletons. Each rib gresslonnl career. It is interesting to h a striiw of whlto, n j B'anco over tno nsi oi icauorsoi inniiiny tllO bihibvu wii:uimYiA;tii.'iiiiiiiiu9iiimiuiiuiuiiK lx0 them. Twenty-flvo years ngo, when Ulalno s Bttn was lirst seen Binning clear, i.i,.nv i,n,n, i., iri,u,a f wi.ii,,. . aim tiny iy uay lugner 111 tno unnniiicui around tho cninptlro, gives n rather star-, of famo, both branches of congress con tllnir and somilchral effect, with tho tleon . Bnl an ""usually largo number of ' " " . 7 ' 1. .1111... .4 ... tho soughing trees for u "'""-. Ono of tho Bonntors from Now York wns tho great Roscoo Conkllng, whoso qttnrrcl with Dlalno in tho houso a few years before chnngod tho history of parties, drove ono into retirement nnd kept tlio other, possibly both, out of tho presidency. Tho othor Bonntor was E. D. Morgan. In tho houso woro Ferdi nand Wood, C. II. Van Wyck, John beaten K-eicnnm nnujoiin .niorrissoy, who nan against tho other, nnd they cull It music, a gawDiing csiaoiisimeni nero n mo Their feot nro firmly planted uimn tho rooms now occupied by tho Washington ground-tho "dancing" is dono with tho newspaper men ns a clubhouse. Of 0,lyt theso only Ketcham remains iu publlo Their bodios nro disngured with tho , iunnyiiiiuiuoinraurauemi. trademark of their tribo, ench tribo linv- Among tno representatives or I'enn ,.rr ,. ,ii(r.,n.tit. i,n..,iV Ti.nv nin "Awn. Bvlvniiia were Simon Cameron, Samuel and throw tho spear. Each warrior has ' nrnrn" tholr bndloa with srnm nftor tho J. Randall and William D. Kelley. All a bundlo of spears on tho ground at his ' ,,,r nt T..,nn..a ti,v aini. ti.oir nro dead. Only ono man of tho Penn right. Ab ho throws ono ho "hands wlth n BhnrpBtono and fill tho hlmsolf another by picking it upwithhis wouml witi, ciy, which forms a "ridgo right foot between tho toes nnd doubling " or mcot encircling tho arm, leg or body, his leg backward. With his right hand Tho cnnnlbol dttdo cuts a hole through ho roaches nround, takes tho Bpcar and hl. wlllo I1080i lu which llu WOftrs n i throws it. This is necessary, becnuso ho iHi.o,i wi.ii,. iwinn r nr n l..M,n . ii.nirli. and slashes his body in various designs. Endttrauco of pain is held to bear cvi denco of bravery. In audition to throwing tho boomornng , darkness of lin nlririvMi 11 il Tlioy dnnco with 11 vibratory move-1 thoy kill and cat each other. Dut thta BtmulInK. or ruthor it is more of' a con-1 practice is not bo common of ato . sineo tort,0 Mcrc,80i A funernl dirgo is' Araoncunnmi iug isn "aquaiton navo clinntctl( cncll clinntcr ecompanyiug lng tlio best battlo tho economy Iu bnttlo they fight with tlio siiear. I which is about b feet in length, iminted with sharp bono iu tho slmpo of a fish-1 hnnk. Whmi tbn linli.t tl.n lwtiK- I it cannot bo drawn out without tearing tho flesh nnd increasing tho wound. Thoy stand ut a distance of 60 or 100 feet lilt.ioiilf r.. tlw.ll- f.,i1tr wt.ititl tili.,. lands. Ilowovnr. nftor n ' , . ........ . 5 . , , , . .. , : . ., . . ior music tno uoumo ooomeraug. a n .iui u. i.. uvmi, in tuyir boomerang is hold by tho left hand, un j of nature nothing goes to waste. othw , tuRkoa , thoJright( 0ll0 Ia ter I ai1iilt. 1ilitirii4trtti tinfi In nmitrrvtaa.. DJ 4 V tt Mvll-Ulll sa iivii at .rasfa wuw "Old Charloy" O'Neill remains. is busy watching tho movements of his enemy nnd looking out for coming jmoars, which ho dodges or turns aside with his shield, an oval shaped instnt-1 mont, which ho holds in his left hand, ' fitting over tho thumb ns nn artist's easel. Their small black eyes nro quick to ' boo, nnd nothing seems to escape their observation. Their uiothod of surpris ing nn enemy is to wndo into n sin nil stream nnd "ambush" themselves in tlio shallow lied among tho water lilies, inov can "inrow innir voinna. una soma i , are excellent ventriloquists. Thoir vo- tho day Knto cnbulary is confined to nbout 200 woids and us many grunts nnd gestures. Hav ing no hinguago of their own, only a gibberish, they nro very quick to leant other languages from pronunciation only. They aro tho most llllterato of all Ohio had among her representatives Den Wade, John Sherman, Robert Schonck, James A. Qarfiold. Only Sher man remains. Senators Anthony nnd Sprngtto, from Rhode Island, nro both gono ono to his grnvo, tho othor into a retirement bo lonely thnt it makes of tlio former dashing senntor, millionaire nnd husband of tho most brilliant woman of Chnso virtually a re el u so. Willard Saulsbury, thon sonntor from Delaware, has been succeeded by Ell, his brother, and both havo disappeared. James A. Dnynrd, then tho other sonn tor, gnvo way to his son Thomas, and ho, Sometimes thoy llo do in tho Btrenm, I eerviug a term ns secretary of breaking off tno water lily nt the root. ZlsZt entinS o aS h gl Z ' . Xft" ta retlroment TiZftL ! Ji!Lter.s::ri ! ? -o a wonderful fafuity fo, I SS21tol.l in Wash- A rlvnl tribo, on approaching tho stream for tho purpose of fishing, would sud denly bo surprised by seeing thoso float ing water lilies rlso up out of tho water, and with them thoy would also eco spears hurled nt thorn. Thoy can remain undor wntor two or thrco hours ut n timo, according to tho breathing capacity of tho stem. Thoy also uso this stratagem for tho abduction of women from nnothcr tribo, but tlio more common prnctlco is for tho man who wants a wifo to go nnd steal her whilo hor master sleeps. Tho Australian aborigine sleeps ns a stono. Tho abduc tor will take n ropomadoof native grass, creep stealthily to where eho lies sleep ing by tho sldo of her master and, cow boylike, throw tho loop of his ropo around her foot or head. Usually alio does not mako nn outcry or resistance, knowing doubtless that a chango in ownership cannot bo for tho worso. Should tho husband ovcrtako tho fleeing couplo a fight to tho death takes plnco, and tho survivor has tho woman. This perhaps loads to a pitched battlo between the tribes, for if a woman is stolen or a man killed tlio tribo to which ho or sho belonged must rovengo that wrong. A man han as many wives as ho can get and keep and is continually fighting to hold thorn. Whilo tho "wives nro net ornamental they aro made to be useful learning languages of other peoples. .. . wmsmwk 'MfJlF'aflr1' 'toViaalRj R bb?W ot if A Dollar Duy Was I'll 111 For Teaching on "First Days." Sripclul Cora'simndonco. Pawttjckut, R. I., Feb. 2. It was in 1701, when Pawtuckot wnsn tiny village with no churches nnd almost no oppor tunities for education of nny kind, that Samuel Slater started tho first Sunday school in Now England nnd undoubt edly tho first in America. Thnt ho did bo is mentioned on tho mnrblo tablet iu St. Paul's church, which perpetuates his memory ns n matter of as great Imixir tanco ns his introduction of tho first cot ton mill. In this mill wero employed a number of children, nnd it was Mr. Slntor's idea to givo them tho rudiments of nn education on tho only day thoy bad to dovoto to study. Tho school was taught by a mnn named David Arnold, and in 180.") his daughter mado nn nflldavit concerning j this work, which wns published. She said: "I was born In 1783, ns npiioars by tlio family record. When n child 1 ' worked in tho factory of Almy, Drown & Sinter at Pawtuckot. My brother, Ttirpin II. Arnold, worked there at the Bamo timo. My father resided in tho houso a little enst of tho Dr. Man chester mansion houso nnd kept n week day school, nnd nt tho request of Mr. Samuel Sinter ho opened n Sunday school in tho year 1701 or 1702. I wits a pupil in said Sunday school." Children of the most prominent men in town worked in tho mills, both boys nnd girls. A prominent western mnn still living, who has accumulated wealth nnd who is ex-United States senator nnd ox-governor of his stnto, can remember his life in the mill in Pawtuckot and going to Sunday school. Tho old enshbooks of tho firm of Almy, Drown & Slater of "1707, fifth month," show tho amount of "two pounds fourteen shillings" pnid for "teaching n school first days." This record wns mndo in tho langtiugo of the Friends, who wero liberal supporters ot tho school. As now mills wero estab lished each ono contributed toward tht payment of expenses. Tho master re ceived a dollar n day for his services. Thero was somo doubt in tho minds ot tho peoplo about tho proprioty of giving 8cculnr instruction upon the Lord's tiny, and Mr. Sinter was nt times obliged to teach tho school himself on account ot thcso scruples. A Connecticut clergy man refused to nllow his son, a student at Drown university, Providence to tench, nnd nnothor student who was pro- paring for tho ministry would not nccopt tho position, although tho remuneration would bo a most ncceptablo addition to BruiNa milmnhry. lng nnd nothing more? Well, I don't bo liovo it, or, if I do, I nm sorry for them. I can affirm, nnd nil my sex feel tho same way, I know, that there is it lot of satis faction in tho knowledgo thnt you have a bonnet in which no ono can pick flaws, or n lint that is now, fresh and becom ing, nnd, more than that, somo profound thinker declares that thero is n great amount of moral courngo in good clothes. Look nt tho smiling fucoin tho pic ture. Why, sho dimples with joy nnd bubbles over with happiness. Is it not good to look nt hor? It is. Her bonnot is of rich bluo bcngalino, with n fringed out border of silk in tho name shade nnd strings of velvet n llttlo dnrker. On the back of tho crown Is n bunch of velvet primroses, nnd a splendid osprey plumo stands upwnrd. Tho crown nnd drapery nro mado of ono singlo squnro of bcn galino bordered with tho fringed out silk, nnd it is twisted, pinned nnd turned until it takes tho flhaio you boo. Tho lovely girl below does not look qtiito so radiant. Still thero is n look of penco nnd gentlo reposo thnt betokens n heart at rest, and when you look at that hat you feel that it ought to bo, for it is beautiful. It is mndo of natural colored hempen string crocheted and thon pressed out in somo sort of stiffening that makes it hold its shape, so it is open work and handsomer than I can tell. Thoro aro rich black velvet bows and throo very porfect black ostrich tips, (natural) that nro not curled only ns na turo curls them. A small rhincstono bucklo gives n touch of brightness. Tho third happy lady has a closo bon net of ruby velvet, covered with white laco, whijn is dotted with jet bonds and has pendants of tho snino ut each scallop. In front is a llttlo bow mado of laco and throo black hen's feathers, with n small, black osprey aigret. Tho strings nro of ruby Bittin faced velvet. This is n pretty theater or church bonnot, nnd, in fact, bo is tlio upper ono, but tho big hat well, that were better left nt homo or worn in tho lady's lap. A couplo of days ngo I was nt n big "ten." Tho prettiest dress thoro was tho Bimplcst nnd is illustrated hero. Tlio Bklrt wns of "peach blow" silk of flno quality. Tho waist was tho same, nnd over thnt was n blouso of oriental lace tied nround tlio waist with grosgrain ribbon of tho Bamo shado. Tlio sleovos only camo to tho ulbow nnd wero puffed over tho silk. Thero was a Russian jacket of black vol vet edged with gold embroidery. Of courso this wns trans ferable Tho wholo gown wus much admired. A visitor, in tho sore nnd yellow lenf, woro a neat and vory tuking gown of tho flecked cashmere in dovo color, which is much liked tliis season. The aHr hd subsided, the color began to return ta y face, and I kai ta fael haaary. AlBer , I had taken three bottles I could eat anything without burtlne- me. Why, I got so hunjrf that I had to eat 6 times a day. I nave now fully recovered, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparllla f feal well mb well. AH who know Be marvel to see me so well." P.M. JonDAX. HOOD'S PILL are the belt after-dlanar Pill, ' assist dlfSitlon, isre aaaoaeae ana Buiuym, figfrr4gfcft; PHOTOGRAPHER 1 1 ns nt Rrcat ex iicnso replaced till 01.1) Instruments with u new Dalle myer, direct from London, snd Is now bolter prcpnred tbnn ever to do fine work, from a locket up tn life size. Open from lun. in. to 4 p. ui. Sundays. SttnUi., 1211 OSfeet. i EAlmona Parker, Dramatic Reader Teacher of Elocution 505 Brack Huildiko. NEBRASKA Conservatory of Musio ANI ACADEMIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Lincoln Nebraska. KIAt BnANCHE nrMiiMle. Art, Llteratu e and UintrnuKes, tnu Faoultr ofHIzteon Inotrurlur. Kao an Artist ami HpoolnlUt Tim only L'onserra- sott wesioi iH.Kion owtnne a runilMunc". A rcnnod homo foi ladx Tuition from h tn 30 for term el Klocntlea ant bv I Kach teacnaf Its own bulldlna rciinoii iinmo 101 iaai and furnlfhliiB students. 10 weeka. Wrlto for catalogue nnd uenoral lav lormauon. O. H. HOWELL, Director. Ladies' and Children's HAIR CUTTING SHAMPOOING A. Spoolalty AT SAH. TOERFIELD'S BLOCK. Illinois wns then represented in Wnsh. ington by Lymnn Trumbull, Richard Yates. E. D. Washburn, John A. Logan, Shelby M. Culloin, Green D. Rnuin and his incomo, until ho wns convinced that tno wurK wunui not uo it uesecration 01 tho Sabbath, but thochnnnel for dispens ing a widesprending good. Tlio library of tho school consisted nt ono timo of two Now Testaments nnd three Webster's spelling books. Reli gious instruction was gradually intro duced, nnd with tho nppenrnnco of week Samuel S. Marshall. Trumbull, thouch 1 nearly 20 years Dlaino's senior, still lives 1 nnd prnctices law nnd was n few years ' ngo married. Yntes is dead. So is Washburn, who lived to help defeat Dlnino for tho presidential nomination. So is Logan, who also helped defeat Dlalno in 1880, who rnn on tho ticket BURR HOME T0H,r.T8. ! dress wns en princosso, lapping to tho loft A. 4 Ik n AAhflf. nml iltn s-h-imj7i a rtr.jl vu uiu tuiouu uiiu uiu iuuia latuu rwiu with him in 1884, and who would havo day schools and churches tho secular ( green faillo, Tho skirt was opon on tho DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Uuccosaor to Dr. Charles Bunrlso.) Cures Cancers Tumors Wena and Fistulas without Mio uso ot Kiillo Chloroform or Klhcr. OUlco JfOO O Strcot-Owcu block. LINOOLN NEB. THREE KINDLY CANN1DAIA Their nativo medlcino Is tho juico of the milkweed, which thoy squoozo nut of tho stem nnd drink. At tho funerals tho women do tho mourning, shouting and wailing until exhausted. Somo of tho tribes bury their dead by dropping tho bodies down Into hollow trees up right! others scoop holes into soft rocks; another tribo buries tho lnxly in a sit ting position, tho knees drawn up closo to tho chin, with tho hands clasped oyer tho knees. Sticks nnd leaves nro placed i over tho body. Sometimes tho body is placed in tho. fork of n treo and tied to tho limbs. J..M. Bcanland, . been elected instead of Hnrrison four yenrs ngo had ho lived. Marshall is dead, and only Cullom and Raum are Still in official harness. Indiana's delegation then contnlnod such great names as Morton, Hendricks, Kerr, Colfnx and Holmnn. Morton lived long enough to bo tho convention factor which prevented tho nomination of Dlalno nt Cincinnati, and which brought Hayes to tho front. Hendricks ran on tho ticket which dofoated Dlalno nnd Logan in 1884. Colfax was then speakor, Dlaluo being his successor, nnd Kerr suc ceeded Dluine, Tlio mnn from Mtiino outlived them nil. Only Holmnn re mains work was given up entirely, nnd Sunday schools becamo tho sjiecial property f tho different religious denominations. Amy Baldwin. left sido, with a kilt plaited panel of tho green faillo. Thero wus n sush of dovo ribbon nround tho wnist nnd tied to hung over tho panel. I know ono person who is Kolmr to havo n dress just liko it. Mar Hare KniiRaroo 8tnks. nml tlmt a ...yurif. onlv mino will bo Somo western nnd southwestern nows-' Brny, becauso I hnvo tho stuff in gray papers aro seriously discussing tlio do- ftn,i enn't afford to buy nnothcr. sirablllty and possibility of introducing I 0tico very many princess dresses tho knngnroo into thoso regions. Much ,nndo for spring nnd summer, both in is urged ns to its utility becnuso of its rich nn,i simple mnterial. I notice, too, economic valuo in "flesh, fur nnd foot-' that tho exaggerated balloon sleeves havo wear," nnd somo llttlo nbout tho novel m vna otuck into them, so thnt thoy sport it would nfford, taking in this par-' nro diminishing rnpidly In slzo. I nlso ticular tho plnco of tho defunct lmffnlo. j notice thnt thero isn sensible majority It is said tho kangaroo would do well in whoso tasto ia correct ns to coats nnd regions nltogethcr unfit for other stock. 'wrntia. nnd tho niulitc-owii horror is From Dlaino's own stnto wero Morrill , somo pay it would Do more prolltaDIo to rnreiy PCOn, whilo snug nnd neat fitting and Fesscndon. Both nro dead, and not , ruiso kangaroos thnn steers. Ostriches jackets, ulsters and nowmnrkets nro tho ono man nt that timo in congress from nro n bbj success in California; kanga- fnvorltes, with handsomo wraps for oven- Mnino remulua among tho living. i roos misht bo more widely profitable iK Mn cerotnoay. Olive DR. HENRY A. MARTIN'S Medicallnstitute KOH TIIK OUHE OK Chronic Diseases SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Worn, Catarrh, Morphine and Opium Habits. Cure Guaranteed. Consultation Free. Offices, 141 South 12th Street