Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 28, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Oemer 10th antf P 9UU.
carry a lr Una of Woolen
Dress Goods
and ChntcM! Pllki, Hoelery, CorteU,
Underwear, (llovr, llullont, '
I.Iimiii, ft.
Agents for Butterick's Patterns
Tin INiurlrr Onii lin Fiimiil At
Hold Lincoln New Htntul.
WlmtMT llotrl Nt'MnHinml.
r.nlliil llotrl New Hlniul.
Ilril tunic CUnr Hlurc, KUI U Htrcol
Kit. YihimKi l'.W O Hired .
CIumiii. Fletcher A Co.. HVOO Hired.
MonrcVNrur.Ktnnil.llil Foutli lllli HlrccU
Couhikii Onlec, llfllUHtrcit.
flo. 1134 0 Street.
Mirny Notice,
Tnkcn uponorulxmt Hie. flrnt of Novem
ber, one tlurk brown pony iitxHlt nix yi'iim
old. WcIkIi ntiout nlno hundred poundi
ami In r bou I tlilrtM'ii hand liliih. Owner
enn Imve hhiuo by iirovhiR property nnd pnv
Iiik elmritef, by culling nt my pluce, John It.
Clnrk fnrm, one nnd onchnlr inllo mmth-ciut
of Normal CoIIcko, V, I). DkUinii.
ore now being offcicd by
O Strccl
Lcal anil Penon.l.
A 'BF BnKuBBDH B'w m bbbbbbBbbbVbm
The mnterl.l or the gown oa the led I elder wool pUIJ, with vttt of eurah, Jicket of
benMiif, anil forearniiof velvet; Jacket and aklrt are trimmed with fur or featker edging.
On (lie rijiht la a handaotne coatutnc of velvet, plain and ribbed, trimmed with outline fur
liamlt, and with Upela In Dlrectolre alyla; crepe collar and Jabot,
MoHilmncH O M Thompson, D K
Thompson. F W Baldwin, Patrick,
Cowdery, IIiilTmun, Oliver, S K Moore,
CillTon, Stoni-ns, Myron Whoolor,
ItudU'". Holilundor. '1 iii 1 1, J nil Burlier,
u u'Noiu, lilKMull, u W Wolwlor,
Murk Tlltuii.
'I'lio Swedish society nnvo n lurjjo
and lirllllunt dii 1100 In Temple Hull
Mtintliiy evening for tho lionollt of tbu
North Slur Belief society. A luimiiut
wiih llt'Ht jrlvon at which Huvuritl (ohm fa
woro rendered iiiuoui? thu rospon
HOfH lwlnif Hon. Krlo Johnson, clilof
clerk of tlio htiiim) of representatives.
About two huiulrotl quests woro la
ntti)iitluti(!u. Tlio orchestru furnished
excellent music and everyone seemed
to lie enjoying tlio oocrsion. The
alTiilr wus skillfully mnnittfod by Messrs
C L Flodeon, CIiiih llomun and U W
A vory tlonniint whist party was that'
von ny Mr. and Mrs. . it. ism
on lust Friday ovonlnu at tholr
A dunelng patty was Riven
)lo nail lust ovonlng
younir ladles who ho
leup yeur party hoiiio weeks ituo.
Gcuriru West bad tlio alTalr In eh
..s'avj mammmt wjvj
Vfc IH m&
1 (Si & pjm
0 ESaP u
fr. .".K
WhltobroiiHt Coal and LI mo Co.
Lincoln Coal Co., hw cor 11th and O St.
L. Darr, jowolcr, romovod to 1201 0 St.
Lincoln Framo & Art Co., 225 S. 11th.
Cowlo, undertaker, Funko 110 S. 12th.
Canon City coal at tho Whltobreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Dr. Ruth M. Wood, Brace building,
rooms 410, 411 nnd 412. 0-10-tf
Chas. S. McKonny, tho East Lincoln
druggUt, 2712 O Htroot.
Mrs. Kato D. Chonoy, toaohor of
singing, room 50.") Draco block.
Go to Henry Pfolff, 314 South 11th
troota for oholco raoatn.
Sampson Sisters, artUtlc dress mak
ing, 1123 N street, over Doreoy's.
Pfolff soils moat as ohoap as any mar
ket in Lincoln. Try him and soo.
Prof. Johnson's hall is beautifully ar
ranged for club parties and banquets.
Miss Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. 11th
and P sts., over Lincoln Savings bank.
Get first choice of tho now figured
China Silk at Horpolsholmor & Co's at
all prices.
K. C. Baking Powdor, 25 ouncos for
25 cents. Absolutely Pure. Havo you
tried it?
Misses Boggs and Cuffyn, dress mak
ing parlors. Flno stamping. 1311 M
stroet, 'phono 510.
"Amorlcan Boauty" "Pawlonla,"
and "Yosomltl" aro tho latest per
fumos at Rector's Pharmacy.
All orders via telephono 303 will
reach W. A. Collin & Co. and rocolvo
prompt and careful attention.
Tho Whltobrcost Coal and Llmo
company is always at tho front supply
ng tho finest grades of all kinds of
Miss C. J. Gullmotto, modtsto,
Brownoll Block, over Mlllor Si Paine.
Comploto lino of dress trimmings and
linings. Take olevutor.
When you want fresh, nlco poultry,
game, butter and eggs, call at Rumhold
& Moeer's new store, 310 South Eleventh
street. 'Phono 728.
Why have your horses foot butch
ered, havo larao horses and havo thorn
suffer? Tako them to Charllo Slat-
tory's now shop, 410 South Eleventh
street, and such will novor bo tho cose,.
Society ladios and children aro ro
spoctfully invited to attend Prof.' John
son's dauclng academy Saturday after
noon. Private instruction can bo hud
at the academy at any time.
Save all bother of borrowing chairs
and tables from your neighbors. Glvo
Hardy ic Pitcher orders to have some
of their sew ones with you for your
next party. They deliver and call and
get them.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ewlnj; kvo two
vory dollghtful parties this weok.
Tticsduy evening thoy celebrated the
seventh anniversary of their wedding
by giving a largo high live party.
Tlio pretty rooms of the home, 417
South Fourteenth street, were taste
fully decorated with cut (lowers and
smllax that woro strewn on tho mantels
and tables. Elegant refreshments
were served ut the card tuhlcs which
offered a pleattant diversion from tho
rush of progressive high live. Tho
first royal prizes were souvenir spoons
from Lolmnon, Pennsylvania, thu place
where Mr. and Mrs. Ewlng woro
married. They were won by Mrs. C.
T. Brown and Air. Sewell. The sec
ond royals, a luisket of English violet
and a bunch of cigars were carried
homo by Mrs. Nlssloy and Mr. Coltroth.
Mrs. ColTroth very ably assisted Mrs.
Ewlng In entertaining the guests.
The Invited list Included Messrs and
Mesdamus lluldwln, Stearns, llonklo,
Little, O R Oakley, R II Oakley. Up
ham, Holmes, E E Drown, Yates,
Phillips. Kelt-, Slzor, Shcphard, Fos
ter, O M Thompson, B E Thompson,
Sutton. Travis, Sanders, C T Brown,
McFarland, Nlssloy. F W Brown, Far
well, Tllton, Sewell, S E Moore, Har-
greavos, Uuld, Perry, Wright, Cof
froth, C HutTman, Mrs Burgess, Mrs
Cheney, Mrs Wades of Omaha, Miss
Kaufman, Miss Lathom, Miss Daniels
of Oxford, Mr II J Walsh and Mr C D
Van Duyn,
Mrs. Ewlutr auutn entertained u num
ber of ladios on Wednesday afternoon
at a thimble party. The ladies brought
their fancy work and chatted over
their laces, embroldory and crocheting.
Those Invited being Mesdames Rewlok,
Leckle, Laws, Caulfaut, Bailey, B. F.
Bailey, Applogat, Cowdery, H H
Wheeler, Daniels, Wilson, Falkner,
Rlckotta, Patrick, Webster, Goo Clark.
MoWhlnnlo, Richardson, Li llbrldgo,
Lyman, Wood, McCroory, Hewitt,
W C Mlllor, Horton, Guthrlo, Pea
body, Rlghtor, Billings, Dawes, Curtis.
Madame Randall, Mrs. Putnam of
Grand Viow, Misses Balloy, Mlllor,
uicnaruson, ana sanaors.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. Spolor,
Seventeenth and K streets, was tho
scone of a morry card party Wednes
day evening, which celebrated tho fif
teenth anniversary of tholr wedding.
This, however, was not known until all
tho guesU hod arrived. The royal
prizes woro won by Mrs. Sum Wessel
and Mr. Opponhofmor, while tho booby
consoled Airs. Willie Moyor and Mr.
Well. blogunl reireshmonu woro
served about midnight. The guests
were Messrs and Mesdames Simon
Mayor, Charlie Mayer, Sum Wessel,
Lou Wessel, Ksonsky, Aokorman,
Newmurk, Brucks, Mux Kohn, Morris
won, Willie iMeyor, upponnoimor, u
Elllnger of Haddam, Kansas, B Simon
oi Washington, Kansas, Mr Lou Hots-
nlillil i9 f HilnuiMi flou T?.ia liVunlr
Mr Kahn. The affair was a dolighttul
one In every respect and proved u fes
tive one to commemorate tho happy
anniversary of so popular a couple us
the host and hostess proved themselves
to bo. It was after a new day hud been
ushered in tlmt tho guests bade their
entertainers good night and hearty
woll wishes for a happy future.
Tho Pleasant Hour Club gavo an
other bno of tholr genial dances Friday
evening ut Hotel Lincoln. The visit
ors.woro numerous and seemingly on
joyod tho occasion very much. As
usual Irvlno's orchestra furnished the
manic and so well is tho excellency of
(lis uiunic ktiown that it rioods no com
ment. On this occasion nearly half of
tho numbers woro encored. Tho gowns
worn by tho ladles woro unusually
handsomo, tho empire stylo being gen
erally prevalent. Tho harmonious
shades und vivid 'contrasts in colors
made up u vision which appealed to
tho osmotic sonso. una nouood the
bright light falling upon tho clear
whites ana yellows, soft greens, pale
light blues and occasionally a more
brilliant color was obrorvod. A splen
did luncheon was served during tho
uvenlng, after which, with waltzes and
other dances, old tlmo sped on quite
fast and ore tlio participants realized
the fact tho evening had passed.
The dancers were: Messrs and Mob
dames J D McFarland, II R Nlsslo,
W R Dennis. C II Llnnincott. E
llonklo, J A BuckstalT, C F Ladd, G K
Brown. Misses Daniels of Dos Moines,
Lena Daniels of Oxford, Nellie nnd
Jennie Flshur of Denver. Naomi Weav
er, Ruby Jones, Ollvo Luttu, Martha
Funko, Minnie und Rose Carson, Lulu
Clark, Maud Hammond, Annie Funko,
Lllllo Hoover, Maud Burr, Jcannotto
Wilson, Kittle Cowdery, Lulu Shears,
Nellie Kolley, Randall. Messrs F C
Zohrung, Canllold of Nebraska City,
Dan Wing, Will Hammand, Joyce
Burr, Will Johnson, Krug, Keating,
Morrison, Marshall, Phil Wing, An1
driano, Dorgan, Fitzgerald, Markell,
Dawes, Smith.
The East Lincoln Social club was
royally entertained at Tomplo hall
on Tuesday evening. Thoso who
Suvo tho party wore Mr. and Mrs.
has. McKonnoy, Mr. and Mrs. V. II.
Dyer, Mr. II. F. Rose, und Mr. A. H.
Rose. Tho guests tripped tho light
fantustlu toe until a late hour- when
they all repaired to tho Paluco ros
taurant whore a splendid oyster sup
per was in waiting. Tho list of guests
included Messrs and Mesdames Chas
McKonnoy, V II Dyer, Zolzor, Hale,
Wlckersham, Rumsey, Daubuck,
McCandlcss, Tuttlu, Spencer, Out
calt, Woidonhumor, Mrs Eaton,
Mrs Lyman, Misses Graco Ramsoy,
Jennie Watson, Amber Barnaby, Car
rie Vlvvan, Florence Hale, Mattlo
Grinit, Kolloy, Katie Young, Mlnnlo
Molick, Bertha Rice, Messrs II FRoso,
A Rose, Goo West, Will Kolm, Guy
Halo, Barnes, Kob Deoiuor, liowoy,
and Prof Holmes.
Tho Ravola dancing Club gavo a
vory charming dancing party Friday
ovonlng. Tho club has glvon n number
of parties prior to this and all huvo
been marked with u congeniality and
ploturesquonoss that characterizes all
such happy gatherings of young peo
ple. Tho dancers of tho ovonlng wore:
Mlssos Adelo Simmons, Pearl Agoe,
Bortlo Poston. Jennie Stewart. Joe
Lottrldge, Mooter, Graco Ashton, Ada
Heaton, Honriettu Huwley, Jennie
Watson, Rector Stell Hoyt, Emerald
Jones, Hoton Hoover, Sadlo Graham,
Mossors Allen nurklsor, of Cincinnati,
Frank Kitchen, Arthur Wulsh, John
Lottridgo, Georgo Kelnkuuf, Wilson
Winger, Archie Vaughn, Roy Chap
man, Foster Beach, Dudly Cook, Hurry
Evans. Clatlo Shrador, Park Gurrouttc,
Oru Ward, Harry Hurley, Ross Curtis,
Momor Honeywell, Ernest Folsom.
Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Dayton entor-
uu nei mo au tun club Friday ovon
lng at their cozy homo und as usual
proved to lw most congoniul and suc
cessful host and nostoss. Cards were
the ordor of the ovonlng und a most
interesting time wus had by all. Re
freshments furnlshod u pleasing fouturo
of tho ovonlng. A list of tho onter-
tulnod guosts Is us follows: Messrs und
on 1) street. Sovon tables were sur
rounded by expert card manipulators
who progressed as they won. Tho
royal prizes were won by Mrs. Rlghtor
and Mr. Dawes. During thu evening
a dainty collation was served at the
card tables. The "whlstors" waii-o:
Messrs and Mesdames W C Wilson,
Dr Rlghtor. C G Dawes, F C Fisko, I
M Hayinoiiil, A S Raymond, C F Ladd,
E P Ilolmes, Huwley, Ed Bauiu of
Omaha, Mrs Atkinson and Mr Faucon.
In Tein-
In return to thu
pleasantly gave a
and it was vory much of a success.
Till'. CouitlKU would llko to glvo tho
alTalr a more extended notice, but as
our forms go to press early Friday
evening, It must of necessity bo post
poned until next weok.
Hal Nortliatn when seen by u re
porter Wednesday morning on O street,
had the appearance of a man that had
been out all night. Ho looked sleepy
and ubout.worn out. but nevertheless
ho was happy. It did not tako long to
ascertain tho reason. Hal had boon
up all night to welcome a now arrival
that came at 3 a. in. and it is of that
gender known In after years as "woman,
lovely woman." Mamma, papa and
daughter aro all well ami happy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Horrlck enter
tained a few friends at seven o'clock
tea in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Hill, who
have recently moved to tho city, and
Mrs. C. C. Valentino of Omaha. Tlio
Invited guosts woro Messrs and Mes
dames Hill. Valentino of Omaha, C W
Hoxlo. T C Munger, T II Benton, C M
Call. It D Stearns, WR Cambridge
and Wheeler.
The Loveta Whist Club was very
pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
J. .1. Gllltlun on Monday ovonlng. As
usual tho scientific iramo of whist al-
sorlwd tho attention of all. Elegant
refreshments woro served during tho
evening. Thoso present woro: Messrs
and Mesdames F A Drown, A H Weir,
W A Llndloy, W E Klrkor, M Waugh,
A W Field, Lansing.
Mrs. Emma Seacrest, accompanied
by her nieco Miss Jo Winger, returned
homo Thursday after a visit of several
weoks to New York, Boston, Baltlmoro
und other points of Interest In tho
Mr. JohnCurtlss, of Owutonna, Minn.,
who has boon visiting his daughter
Mrs. W. N. Abbott. 1220 A street, for
tho past throo months, returned homo
The M. L. S. C. will glvo Its second
party of tho series of dances nt tlio
Lansing academy Thursday evening.
Irvlno's orchestra will furnish the
Mr. Will Abliott, of Omaha, with his
llttlo duughtor Beth, wus tho guests of
Mr. W. N. Abbott ut 1220 A stroot bov
oral duys this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mclntyro havo
returned homo after a visit of sevoral
months In Pennsylvania nnd tho oust.
United States district attornoy Baker
and wife, of Omaha, woro guests of Dr.
und Mrs. Hnggurd during tho wook.
Miss Ida Tlorny of Tocumsoh was a
guest of hor cousin, Miss Clara Cur
mody, during a pnrt of lust week.
Mrs. Puce and hor dauerhtor, Mrs.
M. II. Woods, loft Wednosduy for a
visit to Evunsvlllo, Indinnu.
Mitw Fay Marshall wont to Chicago
lust Thursday whero she will visit with
irlonds for two wooks.
Tho Novelty Club was ontortalnod
by Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Van Horn on
Saturday ovonlng.
Mrs. C. C. Valontlno has boon visit
ing Mrs. Myron C. Whoolor tho past
Tho Misses Carson of tho Lincoln
are entertaining Miss Quick of Dos
Mrs. F. D. Tuggurt of Choyonno, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Wol
cott. Mr. und Mrs. Ed Groon gavo a whist
party nt tholr homo Wednosduy ovonlng.
Tho Emolro Club duncoa at tho
Lunslng Acudomy this ovonlng.
Mr. E. Ilallott roturnod Mondny
from his southern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funko aro bo
journlng In Now York.
Mrs. Cal ThomwonMloft Monduy for
a visit In Chicago.
The Century Club moota with Mrs.
Howoll Tuosday.
Miss Belle Lavollo dopartod Monday
for Sioux City.
Offer Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
75 Honeycomb Bed Spreads for 75c, were $1.00
60 Fine Honeycomb Bed Spreads for $1.10, were $1.45
95 Marseilles Countcrpaincsat $1.75, marked $2.75
73 Fine Marseilles Countcrpaines at $2.50, were $3.50
54 Fine Heavy Marseilles Countcrpaines, $3.25, marked $4.25
23 Finest Marseilles Countcrpaines, $3.95, were $5.00
75 Colored Mitchelline Spreads, $i,oo, were $1,50
"A Big Dividend Paying Investment" For You.
Regular $4.00 and $5.00 Goods to go in this sale at
$3.00 PER PAIR.
$5.00 Calf and Kangaroo to be Closed out at
$3.75 PER PAIRx
ITYou Have Twenty Days in which to invest your money
at these prices.
1 129 O Street.
6 Five Per Cent on Deposits 5
Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go.
S. E. Cor. 1 1th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults.
BNRT E. LEWI8, resident A. P. H. STEWART, Vlce-Prn. K. WELCH, Treat.
-ON A-
Suit or Overcoat
if bought in the next thirty days at
Corner Tenth and O Streets.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
m 0 Street.
"aA 'kcj
wi wnwtf "-aav w..nt fvv-u