Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 28, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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T. C. K6RN, D. D. S.
Room 35 and 26, Uurr lllock,
.- - c- rvr.svvSS'0
Tlio Perfection ntul Tuylor
-tegdjustabl Styot
xpntid Willi every motion of tlio foot. Don't
burn orblUtor. A very nnrrow hIioo enn bo
worn. Moot comfortable known Try them
ml see for yourself.
Kormilo only by A. h. OKICJKU, 1137 II HI .
Bpcclul orders taken. Cheaper thnii others.
& $&&&
Cliicago,Rock Island & Pacific Ry
Tho DIItECT nOTJTR to and from CinCACOl
ind l'UEHLO.
ct Throutrh Conches, Sleepers, Trco llccllnlnK
r 'mlr Cars Dmii ir Cirs dilly between CHI
OMAHA, nmt 1 otwen OIIICAOO nnil DENVKK,
lubopU or Kansas city and Topulcu.
Via Tho Albert Loa Routo.
Fast Express Trains dally between Chlcr.xc
nnd Mlnnonpohs a- d St p-iul. with TIIUOUOH
Lecllnlmr Chair C ip 1 UEK1 to nnd irom thost
points nnd Kansas City. Through Chnlr Car
nnd Steeper between Peoria, Spirit Lnko nnC
Bjoux Falls via J.orlt Island.
For Tickets, Maps I-mdors, or desired Informn
Hon, npply at nny Coupon Ticket Omco, or addrosi
Qon'l Manager, Oen'l Tilt, fir Pass. AltC.
Santa Fe Route I
Atcblson.Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and
Tourist . Sleepers
Between Kansas City and San Diego,
CISCO. Short Line Rates to
Double Daily Train Service between
Kansas City and Pueblo, Colo
rado Springs and Denver,
Short Line to Salt
Lake City.
The Direct Texas Route
8olld Trains Between Kansas City ana
Galveston. The Short Line betweer
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft
Worth, Dallas, Atutln, Tern
nle, San Antonio, Hous
ton, nnd all principal
points In Texas
The only line running through the Okla
homa Country. '1 he only direct line
to the Texas Pan-Handle. For
Maps and Time Tables and
Information regarding
-atesand routes, call
on or address,
Passenger Agent,
1316 Fcrnnm Street, Omaha, Nebraska
I7RPT7 Tuition! Fall term, In seven differ
sliuu ent coursos. Only lilKh grade In
dependent Normal In tlio stiito. The Finest
Ilulldlngs, Equipments, nnd Ablest Normal
Faculty. No experiment, but nn established
management. 40 courses, :V teachers and lec
turers v live school for Ihe minutes Write
for catalogue F, F. Koohk, Mgr, Lincoln, Neb,
nt once lo bundle Din formers' trade nn Seeds
and fond Potatoes of known niorlt. Our mon
have privilege of selling our warranted, well
known nursery Mock also. 111k wages to bo
made this Benson, Apply quick, slating age.
L. L. MAY & CO ,
Nurserymen, Florists and Hood men,
This liouso Is rjsponslhlu. HI'. I v UL, MiNN
5I?e9uarterly Agister of
Sinn!? Conies, . fiOc
I'erVfur, . . $1.50
Ileum! Volumes, 2,00
iJJV. ''.'t rKT5, ..(W 'fit.
...i Vi i. 'E1 '. " " ' ' '"' book ' e"OT common
tna hlKh nhoni. (t well ,, tvti), ,cdroy snd college -
.I. i. 1,La 1l'ISIIbK.TiMiur lf4 . Withlncion
"lli,nji,liie llul j.ilie hlAly ind csnnol ilf..i4
o do .lihoui.'C.A. 11. WlNSIIII'. tfallil JournU of I du.
-, k UH l"l nd Mgh-cliit publication, I am
much viiu, k lih ihe orletr ol 0lld Ini'nnaiion iou man.
If-Vi'ii.I'.. f.nM ,"", '" eomii '-PilCS J C.
V... .'i'I'V'.'1"?1 ,0," 10 tl. fuilal Union on
K.'J '-J '!" '."'i '"' lnS' "T nd Iwund volume,,
roieign huUnlpiloni, $i 5, A.tlitu
TJ nl 411 Methods F.tnplojerf lu Trnrliln
Needlework lu flirts.
Ill tho heart of tho oast sltlo of Now
Yotlc city Is a big, plain building, ovei
whoso door Is tho sign, "Wilson Indus
trial School for Girls." Hero Miss Ktnll)
Huntington's fatuous kitchon garden
tho system of teaching housework bt
means of toys, was first put Into opora
tion. Utit In a room up one (light frou
whoro theso alluring housework gainei
nro played Is nn apartment whoro tin
girls meet to Irani to sow.
Of courso sowing Is not ns attract I vi
as playing with tiny ilishpiuis ntul wash
tubs nnd dishes, but hero, as below, tin
work is mnilo ns pleasant its possible
A class of children from eight to tor
years is just entering. Tltoy rapidly seal
themselves In low chairs around low
broad tables, and monitors bring mil
bundles of work. Each butidlo is miirkec
with n tiny thiinhlo bng pinned to It, ot
which Is the owner's immo. Thimbles
needles, thread nnil material nro fur
nished, nnd the children pay tho penult)
for nny loss of their suwing apparatus
How? By murks, to bo suro. It woulc
not do to imposo money tines on thest
poorly dressed youngsters, whoso braiih
nro often tied with rags.
But marks nro serious things to thorn,
because their credits earn tho clothing
thoy sow on, whllo demerits cancel cred
its. It takes a good many credits to oart
a dress, but it is often done. Next ic
prieo Is a queer gicut designed tc
utilize tho pntchwoi a calico with whlct
overbuilding hns been taught. A lot ol
tho blocks aro sowed together to form n
double skirt, which Is lined with cotton I
wadding, quilted and given astoutwaisl
or baud. I hoy aro not pretty, of courso. I
but aro very warm.
Miss Klrkwood, tho head of tho sow-,
Ing classes, hns dovlsed u way to tench
Bowing by copy. It is called the school
sewing practice cloth, and is intended
for this puriKiso as it copybook is intend
cd to teach writing. About a yard ol
white cotton cloth is stamped with nil
the plain stitches, hemming, running,
felling, even buttonholo work, and one
or two fancy stitches. When n child
has, lesson by lesson, sowed over these
copy stitches she is allowed to set them
without u copy in plain garments. A
Bowing primer, which lies on Miss Kirk
wood'H tnblo, Iuih lessons In question and
answer about their work nnd its mate
rials. Occasionally between questions and
liiHiH'ction of work tho teacher breaks
out Into some song of which tho prime!
is full. Instantly all tho childish voices
strike in, and how they enjoy it while
their fingers fly! One is inclined to bo-1
Hove that there novor would havo been
bo many rebellious hours spent in learn
ing to sew if tho children of tho past had
known such jolly songs as theso or had '
sung those thoy know. Could any one
bow slowly while rendering "Stitching a
Robo for Baby?"
Oh, swift llyliiR needle, stltchlntf to song,
Thrnuifh muslin and linen speed you along.
Bo much Is to do quick must you be;
Work shall be well done by you and me.
The prime favorito is ono sung to tin
tuno of "Oh, Susannah." always givon
with great enthusiasm. Its chorus is:
Oh, my sewing--that's the work for inc.
I Just cun have the nicest time with sewing on
my knee.
Annik Isabel Willis.
A Companion I'leoo to Professor Itlnlkle't
"How tu Get Strong."
Thero Is only one thing which plensci
a woman more than to tell her thnt she
does not look as old as sho is, and that is
to know thut you aro tolling her the
truth. Somo one lately spoko in print
of seeing so great a crowd of womon
one afternoon pouring out of a public I pected to bo memorable days in tho mat
hall that the writer supposed thoro must I tor of total attendance Theso aro tho
havo been n matinee in progress. He
learned that it was only n lecturo upon
the care of tho complexion and tho pre
vention of wrinkles.
In the consideration of this intorosting
question threo different classes of womon
have been interviewed. Their repre
sentatives uro u society favorito, a grand
mother who is seriously thought to look
as young ns hor daughters, and a ner
vous, overworked literary "hack."
First tho society woman, who is a
well known leader in motropolitnn clr
cles. Although her children nre in their
twenties, tho most searching gazo of
another woman fails to discover trace of
more than thirty years In tho beautiful
calm of her taee. Her socrot lies in that
word "calm." Sho says that sljo never,
penults iierselt to grow oxclteu nor
enthusiastic. Sho will not bo exaltod
nor depressed whatever happensbe
cause she will not. Feeling always
leaves its trace, so sho schools herself
not to feel. Tho truth of her theory Is
manifest whon ono watches tho couiito
nances of nino out of ten womon nnd
notices into how many expressions thoy
chango In as many moments. Each of
thoso changes leaves soino autograph be
hind. Tho young old lady Insists that hor
provontivo for wrinkles is tho simplo
rulo never to wash hor faco in cold
water. This reminds ono of tho much
used bathing of tho temples, sides of tho
faco and back of tho neck with hot
water after fatigue which has loft those
nerves tired too.
The woman journalist has hor own
mothod, not so much ns a bonutifier at
that sho mny compose herself bofoio
Booking what would otherwise bo a sloop
less pillow. She goes alono into u dark
room, seats herself in an easy chair, drops
hor hands in her lap, rests her feet upon
a stool (this is nn important part, to got
nil hor weight from her feet), leans her
head back, with closed oyes, and reso
lutely makes und keeps her mind a blank
for tho spaco of fivo minutes. During
this tlmo sho drives away every vestige
of thought as completely as though sho
wero wlint sho tries to bo for tho nonce
completely obliterated. This sho does
ovoiy evening of her life. All but the
dark room part she attempts as often as
bIio can snatch fivo consecutive minutes
throughout her busy day three or four
times perhaps. The result is shown no
less on her temper than oti her forehead.
The one is us upmfllcd us tho other.
IU'Tll Hall.
Preparations for Statu Day at the Colom
bian K.iposltlon.
tSjH-clnl Cnrrcsixiinlenco.
CiucAtio, Jan. 10. Wo nro to hnvo ro
unions gnloro during thoprogrtss of tho
World's fair reunions of stales, nnd of
cities, and of nationalities, nnd of fami
lies, and of societies and organizations
in fact, reunions of about overylwdy nnd
everything that desires torenulto. Some
thing of this kind was attempted on n
small scale at the Centennial in tho way of
state dnyn, nnd the idea proved n success
ful one, for tho state reunions brought
out some of tho biggest crowds of tho
season Pennsylvania's dny, if my mem
ory serves mo aright, drawing to Fnlr
iiiouut park tho banner throng of tho
entire Centennial period.
Tho efforts of tho Centennial manngo
xnent in this direction, however, wero
spasmodic, whllo thoso of tho World's
Columbian exposition nro to bo well or
ganized, well ciuipic(l and well directed.
Some tlino ugo tho national commission
ndopted n resolution turning over tho
entire matter of stato and society dnyH
to tho department nn ceremonies, and of
late, ns n natural result, tho duties of
Secretary Culp nro about quadrupled.
And yet, according to tho secretary, only
n beginning hns been mndo.
Wero it not for tho fact that so many
Btalo executives luivo been going out
during tho past few weeks, and ho many
now oncscotulugin, it is probable that
by this tiino every common wealth would
linvo hnd n definito day of its own selec
tion entered. Now that tho brand new
governors, however, have gotten oft their
little inaugural siieeches and in u mens-
uro rid themselves of tho hordo of ofllco
Beckers It Is expected that thoy will loso
no time in designating ndatoupou which
Jio peoplo of their region may rally In
their tens nnd hundreds of thousands
upon tho bunks of Lake Michigan.
Many of theso reunions will havo n
wider nnd more fnrrenching significance
than tho mere coming together of largo
numbers of peoplo who nro ono family
by reason of geographical lines. North
Carolina, for instance, through Governor
Holt, nsks thnt tho 18th day of August
may bo sot aside as Nortfi Carolina Day
becauso it is tho anniversary of tho birth
of Virginia Dare, tho first whito child
thnt aw tho light in America. Tho
Badger Stato nsks for nnd has been
granted tho 2Sld of May, upon which day
Wisconsin celebrates tho forty-fifth anni
versary of her statehood, whilo Nevada
Is pnrtial to Oct. ill beeatibo it also re
ceived its commission ns n state on that
ditto. Utah will celobrnto on July 84,
Washington on May 21.
Altogether fourteen states havo def
initely given their assent to tho Idea of a
stato day, in many cases loavlng tho ox-
act ditto to tho discretion of tho ccro-
monies committee Tho other states, ro-
gnrding which definito action has been
delayed by tho advent of now executives,
include Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri nnd
Kansas. All of thorn will bo heard from
in duo season. Tho Buckeyes havo gono
so far as to fonnulato thoir programme
They proposo to bring a half or moro of
tho regimonts composing tho stato mili
tia, nil their members of congress, tho
stnto sonnto and assembly entire, und
representative citizens of every ono of
its municipalities. A featuro of tlio day
will bo tho dedication of a monument to
tho men of Ohio whoso names nro en
graved on tho war history of tho nation,
nnd which, at tho conclusion of tho fair,
will bo removed to Columbus nnd re
created within tho statehouso grounds.
Organizations of various kinds, socrot
as well as open, aro also entering into tho
idea with vim and enthusiasm. Two
events in particular havo already been
assigned to definito dates und uro ox-
commercial travelers' reunion on July
10 and tho rallying of the Ancient Order
of Forosters on tho 12th of tho snmo
month. Thoso who aro engineering tho
roundup of tho knights of tho grip nro
Banguino of being nblo to corrnl nny
whero from 100,000 to 150,000 members
of tho fraternity, and ns drummers nbovo
all peoplo know how to enjoy themselves
and to have n rip roaring good titno it
will bo worth travoling a long distanco
to bo inside of Jackson park on July Id.
Somebody has suggested that each
drummer should spin a characteristic
yarn, or each pair of them swap stories,
but if tills progrnmmo wero enrriod out
the reunion would havo to adjourn from
day to day, and might still bo far from
final dissolution when tho gates wero
closed nnu tlio mncinnery ceaseti to re
volve A single day seems altogether
too short for a hundred thousand drum
mers to got hi their work, but they will
perforce have to bo content to ndnpt
themselves to tho old adago nnent a
Bhort life (time) and a merry one
Tlio Foresters, too, beliovo thoy enn
roundup closo to n hundred thousand
strong, whllo tho Knights of Pythias, tho
Royal league, tho National uuion and
other of tho secret beneficial associa
tions, whoso ramifications extend pretty
well all over tho country, havo each de
termined to havo its own day of festivi
ty. Thero is talk also of a reunion of
old Centennial visitors, and especially of
the remnant of that gallnnt band of
women und men whoso pens and pencils
told tho story of tho first International
exhibition of the young republic to the
world. Tho grim renper has decimated
their ranks, but enough remain to recall
the memories and associations and ex
periences nnd adventures of soventeon
years ago.
Last, but not least for is not the
homo the very basis of American insti
tutions? wo must havo some family re
unions. The Johnsons, nnd tho Browns,
and tho Joneses, uad tho MeCartys, nnd
tho O'Briens, and tho Schneiders, each
and all tracing back to ono genealogical
root, but with their tens of thousands of
branches ramifying tho continent from
Cable Point to San Francisco bay, must
try to get together for onco in a lifetime.
And there will bo reunions of Johnny
Bulls and of fat, rotound, jolly sous of
tho fatherland, und of tho sons and
daughters of Erin's isle, and of the land
of Burns, and of tho descendants of Wil
liam Tell, and of mirthful natives nf
La Belle Fiance. HiiMtr M. Hi.vr.
moon, Maiden and Mas.
Ahl Holinlr, see the moonl
That (treat, round moonl
Hut )et how pale It seem,
And until
And linw It rolU and rolls and rolls
True, true, my nwnl
Of all IiIkSi riillera Umt I know
The moon's the hlnhest.
Yes. I 'ale nnd wan nnd rolling u.rfh.
Oli, moon,
Were I In Just tliu slino you nre tonight
I think I'd ho. a llttlo palo in) self.
And unit!
Ms) Imp.
And ould I roll?
Wtitl, )ou know met
Anaslnsla- loM'l
And )tm would bo the moon
Tlio Inrotistniil moon?
The moon thnt rolls nnd rolls and rolls
Bo far from me?
Not on )our life, my nwnl
The moon Is rotllnu lilh tonight.
Hut I rememher uheii
Tuns unlklnuoti It uppers, so to speak,
While I wns doing up tlio (own
In shuM- most elt'Knlitt
For I wo heeled, my love
Well lieeledl
And this then most tit linppy moon
Wits trim lln on Its loan lost quarter!
Whereat loiilitht
Ktich trick doth fortune play
As n the moon not long ago
So now am I:
And ns wns I Hint Joyous tliae
Ho Is tho moon tonight.
Hay, moon.
You're In It up to your neck, old maul
And does tho moon, Itobalr,
feel hi h nl w llh looks so palo?
And wllh (lint wnn, wan face?
Andilnetll like to roll?
My nwnl
I sen you lunen't slrud tlio fair moon ap
Just rluht,
Nor Just oxnetly got
On lo Its curves.
Ask jour rniuitnlrimm of tho wtnd that
To tho mini that's In tho moon,
And hlowrth oer through his whiskers.
For I
Will have to kIvo tliein up!
Hut If on imk tim why the moon hi pale
nnd wnn,
And rolls nloiig
As If It owned tho town,
I think I know enough nhout tlinsnnp
Toglxu U (lend nwuy.
Tlio moon Is pnlc, (ho moon Is wnn,
And rot'.sniid rolls nnd mils
Hctnusn It runnel help Itself, my soul!
Tlio moon Is full tonight!
Kd Molt In New York Sun.
Notlco Is hereby given that on tho 27th dn
of December, IM2. Urn Purity Kxtrnet Com
pany of Lincoln, Nubriiskn, ndopted nmendeil
Articles of Incorporation nnil (lied tho Hiuue
nn tlio ofllco of tliu County C erk of liucnster
County, Nehrnskn Which amended Articles
provided iikfollows:
Hirst. Tlio mime of the rorporntlnn shall
bo The 1'urlty Kxtrnct Company.
Pcoonil, Its principal pluco of trnusnctlni;
Its htislnui Is Lincoln, Lancaster County,
Third. Tho goncrnt nature of tho hiislues
lo bo transacted shall bo tho iniitiufiicturuiiml
selling of perfumes, hitters, bnkliiK powder,
toilet articles, etc., and tho procuring, erec
tion und innlutuliiiinco of buildings, machin
ery, appliances, trade iiinrss, palm Is, di signs
unit structures ns may bo deemed necessary
und lo piirchnsu und own real o-tuto as u site
therefore und such other purpose, ns may be
deemed necessary.
Fourth. The amount of capital stock
authorized und tliu time und condition on
which It Is to be paid lu Is thereby tlxed nt
f7!i,(XX).0u In (diares of $1(10.00 each, Including
stock theretofore Issued, No stock shall be
Issued unless fully paid up utnl a complete,
record of the Issuance and delivery of nil stock
mndo shall bo kept by tliu secretary In n book
lor that purpose.
Fifth. Tho commencement of tho corpora
tion Is tlxed nt the llrst day of Mnv, IHtll, und
tlio termination of the unrorntlon Is flxeil
ut n Hrlod of twonty-llvo years from tho
tliu dale of this coiiimeiH.'ciiieol If not sooner
dlkxolvcd according to law.
ni.iui. j no iiikiicxi aoionni 01 imiooieu
nessor liability to which tho corporation Isnt
any I linn to subject llself shall not exceed
nny porceni in us enpnai siock. i
(seventh. Thooltlecrw by which the nrTiilr
of tliu corporation nro to lio conducted shall
be n Hoard of Directors conslitlng of not
mure than nine nor less than three members
and tliu olllcers of this corporation may he
members of Mild Ixmnl, which said hoard of f
directors shall bo cIiom'II nnd elec'ed by the i
stockholders nunuslly ut then iniiiil ineetlm;
of said stockholders. Suld board of directors '
shall hold olllcu until their successors nre
duly elected und qunllllcd. The snlil board irf
directors Khali choose und elect from their
number the various olllcers of mid corpora-1
Hon us soon us prnctlcaMii ufur tliu i
election of said board und snld board of dlrec
tors shall II x the compinsatlon to bo paid
such olllcers. Tho snld board of directors
shall havo power to till all vacancies In tho
Istard orolllces by appointment.
Kjiihth. The board of directors of this cor
poration nro authorized to Increase tho capi
tal stock of this coriHirntlou not to exceed on
iitnoiliit total of 7,'i(Vh1.() and to Issue stock
therefor from tlmo to tlmo us the board of
directors may deuin best lu the Interests of
the corporation. A. It. Tai.iiot,
C. W. IIiiyan, I'resldont.
Bond for the National Hcti.d-
KB, n monthly Journal ilototol
to building interests. Knrh
nuinlsir contains n comnleto
set of plans ready to build from. Print, !. per
. .1 1.. .:.uivn.u,..i.,..,i 11, .,.
Jl'nr J WI1IKII' -iii'H'n fc .. in, .j.-,o, .... innit ........
llfnl llouies, ' cimlnlnlngiM plans in colors, cvnil
for cntalouuo of plans, fn. Thk National
bl'il.HKii, Adams F.tprcn Huililhig, Chicago.
MBA. tiE
Why not
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dition put on the price of Tnu Coukikr,
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World's Columbian Exposition Spoon.
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Also Souvenirs of America's nationa
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and Rip Van Winkle on the Catskill
These Spoons are not cheap, trashy af
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tion. Address
LEW WESSEL, Publisher,
Capital City Coukikk,
Lincoln, Nebraska
AUhlson, Lea en worth, St. Joteph,KstuM
City, St. Louis and all Points South,
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The direct Hue to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal
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The only road to the Great Hot Springs
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Reclining Chair Cars on all trains.
City Ticket Agt. Gen'l Agnas,