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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1893)
ts CRPITKL CITY COURIER I . n I, I Si Mrs. J. C BELL lU.jimt received something en tirely new and novel tor ladle head nttlro. It It the Borden Bang Having no network about It whatever, the hair being last ened together by a newly pat ented Idea which iloci not heat the head, an other do. A FULL LINE OF COSMETICS Hair ornament, and hair Rood. A imial, we lead In artistic hair dressing and manicuring. Call and cc u. 1 14 North Fourteenth St. c HNON ITV Get tho Genuine only at P. BARTON Manager Durr Block, cor. nth and O Sts. Tel, 71 COLUMBIA National Bank Lincoln, : Nebraska Capital, - $250,000 OJSctri and Dim tort: Mm . Wright Pre. T. 1C. Banders, V.-P. J. H. MoClay. Cashier. VBIeJaaioa, HPLau, Tho Cochran. K Kser, T W Lowery, W I. Dayton al Banking Butlnett Transacted Collection a Specialty. German National Bank LINCOLN NSB. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 , 20,000.00 Jseish Boehmer, President, Merman H. Sehaberg, Vice Prett Cht.E Walt, Cashier. Geo. II. Schroake, Att. Cashier, The First National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. CQttH, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000 orrictnst JT. a. BAHWOOD, Pmidtnt. 0BA8. A. BANNA, ViM-PmUnU. F. M. COOK, OMAter. 0. 8. LIPPiNCOTT, Au't Gunbr H. D. MILLKtt, Au't OunUr. z HPITHL W NATIONAL BANK W $300,000. LIHCOLM MUR .W.MoeaiB, B.J.WAtas President Vtoe-Prest R. 0. Outoalt, Cashier. LOMBARD 1MVBSTHBMT CO., Farm and City Loans AT LOW RATKS. fJB-Money furnished promptly on ap- proved iccurity. E.C.JONES, Manager lljo O Street, Lincoln, Neb REAL ESTATE LOANS Oft tanas in eastern Nebraska and Improved property In Uneotn for term of year. Lowest Current Rates R. E. & d. MOORE. RICHARDS BLOCK, terser llth A O Streets, Lincoln. American Exchange National Bank I, M. Ravmonr. I'realdent I) K. Thompson, Vlc-ireldent 8. II. DUHNHAM. Coihler D. O. W'iko, Aut. Cashier Richard's Block, Cor. Eleventh and O HI. LINCOLN, NEBR. CAPITAL. $350,000 DIBEOTOBSi 7 If. Raymond. ImvU Qnootv, 8. H. Ournaam, 8. rVrBurnfiam. . H" l.amlrlpn, it fc'. Ttumfiti, STORIES BV JUDGE ROWLAND. They Will It Found Ito "Kqualed by Few and Hurpawed tijr None." Ex-Judgo Henry M Howland, of New York, In a famous story teller. In nbun dnncontul variety Ida collect Ion la "equaled by few and surpassed by none." Mr. How land la rMcntlnlly an After dinner atory teller. He AIM hi after dinner speeches with new and eke with old. Hero nro aomonnmphaof hi atorlc! TIIK DIONITAIIV AN1 TIIK HUM. Onco there was a very Important ntnto official of California who thought every body knew him or ought to know him. Ono day ho was walking through a Meld wheu a bull addressed him In nn nndertono mid mmlo for him with It head down and horns In a poKltlon to nil ho him. He waw n statu ofllclal, n man of dignity and political power and of natnnd oinposlly. lint ho ran. Ho ran surprisingly well. Ho ran even better than ho did for oil Ice, tul ho got tothofencoflrst Huclumlcrcd over, out of breath nnd dignity, nnd found the owner of tho bull calmly contemplating the operation. "What do yon mean, air," asked tho Irato ofllclal, "by having nn Infuriated aiilnml like that roaming over tho flcldf" "Well, I guess thu bull hat somo right In the field," said tho fanner. "Itlghtf Do you know who I am, slrf" gasped tho ofllclal. The farmer shook his head. "I am General Hlank." "Well, why In thunder didn't you tell tho bullf" TIIK MAN AND TIIK TOMATO CAN. A certain tunn's wlfu lieunl him in tho adjoining pantry mnklug exploslvo ru innrkK. "What nro you doing, inydenrr" alio asked. "Opening a can of tomatoes," be An swered. "What nro you opening It wlthf" alio naked sweetly. "With n knife," ho replied mvngely. "Did you supposu I wna opening It with my teethf" "No. From tho languago which you used I thoiiKht you were opening It with prayer." A man thick ron conviction. Conkling had defended a man who wan on trial for arson. Ho had been convicted below, and on appeal tho conviction wait affirmed and Conkling rendered his bill, which was questioned by tho man's friends. Conkling was rather now nt tho bar. Ho called upon Mr. O'Conor. Ho anld: "There la Johnson, now, whom I defended In a bard fought trial and argued tho cam on appeal nt thn general term. To bo suro ho was convicted, and tho conviction woh af firmed. But I hud a great deal of trouble, gavo my beat services in thu matter, nnd I only charged him 1000, nnd his friends de cline to pay my bill. Don't you thluk tho chargo Is reuHonnhlo nnd falrr' Mr. O'Conor turned In his chair nndaald; "Well, Conkling, I liavo no doubt that you did tho best you could. You had a suvero trial. You exercised your best efforts In the higher court and tOOO is not a largo bill, but I havo no doubt he could have been convicted for n great deal less money." TIIK LOUD AND TIIK DAISY. A Sunday school teacher was trying to Impress upon his pupils tho caro of tho Deity for all living things, great or small, and, getting to tho peroration of his ad dress, ho said: "Tho Ixnd, who made- tho mountain, niado the little blade of grass. The Lord, who made the1 ocean, niado the pebblo on tho shore. The Lord, who mmlo me, made a daisy." tiik BAOAciotm nor. You never can catch a Yankee boy. You never can corner him. A gentleman trav eling lu tho country at 8toddard, N. H., where It la all rocks and bowlders and abandoned farms tho old farmhouses go lug to ruin saw n lwy of twelvo or four teen hoeing In n cornfield on tho side of what would be pasture land on anybody else's farm. The corn was rather poor looking. Tho traveler reined in his horse and spoke to the boy. Heisald to him, "Your corn looks rather smalv" "Well," sold tho boy, "wo planted dwarf com." "Well, It looka yellow, poor nnd thin." "Well, wo planted yellow corn." "Well," said tho traveler, "I don't mean that. It doi.'t look as If you would get more than half a crop." "I don't expect to. I planted it on shares." A DEMAND roll QUICK ACTION. A man waa working In a field with two of his sons. Ono of them wna nt work in ono part of tho field and tho old man, with tho other, was working down In a marsh. Allot a sudden tho youth who had boon with his father ran up to tho other and cried! "Como down and help tho old man out Ho baa got mired lu the bog." "How deep Is ho Inr" "Up to his ankles." "Well, there's no hurry." "Yes, there la. Hu's in head first." AND 1IK C1IOSK DEATH. A certain artistic immigrant on arriving In tho harbor of New York saw tho statue of Liberty. Heaskcdoneof tho crew, "la that thoatatuo of Liberty f" "Yea, that Is Liberty." "Then give mo death I" and ho plunged overboard. TIIK rOWKll or DISCIPLINE. Tula la historical and Illustrates the devo tion of Sheridan to Graut, Sheridan and Grant were traveling on a steamboat together with other officers. Among the passcugors was a young Eng lishman who used to tako a hand nt poker with them. Tho usual limit was llity cents. The Eugllshmnu one day wanted to go out and light n cigar and asked Gen eral Sheridan to play his baud while ho was gone. It was four Jacks pat. Tho EnglUhmnn when hu returned asked Gen eral Sheridan how It hnd punned out. "Oh, tho general bet mo fifty cents," sold Sheridan, "and I called him and won the pot" Tho Englishman looked In amazement "Well," he ald, "I have heard of military discipline, but I never heard of It going that far." Mr. Howland has a knack of hinting at a story by giving tho point of one, leaving the hearer to fill out tho rest Somo exam ples of that follow: To censorious critics wo reply In the lan guage of tho old verger of St. Mary's, Ox ford, who on being congratulated by his rector on his constant attention to duty replied, "I have heard every sermon that has been preached from this pulpit for fifty years, and, thank God, I am a Christian till." The comments and advice of outsiders we never particularly appreciated, nnd re mind one of tho toast given at a village firemen's ball by a crusty old bachelor, "Our brave firemen may they be llko our old maids, ever ready, yet novcr wanted." If I should assumo to Interpose my ideas I should be like the gentleman who met a friend and was asked what he had boeu do ing lately. "Lecturing In Boston," bo re plied. "I am glad of It," said his friend. "1 always did hate those Bostonlans." , We are here present in no vain spirit of boosting, though if our right to exalt our selves were questioned wo might reply in the words of the Americau ghl who was shown some cannon nt Woolwloh arsenal, the sergeant In chargo remarking, "You know wo took mem rroni you at Ilunkci Hill." "Yea," slio replied, "I sco you'vi got tho cannon, nut I guess wo'vo got the hill." Speaking of a temperance lecture: "It would have been a great success," said one of thu princluil workers, "if our chairman hadn't been so nbseiitininded." "Why, what did hu dor" "Well, hu tried to blow the foam off a glass of water." A small Iray'a beautiful slsti saw him standing on his head on tho lawn. "I wouldn't do that If I were you, Jimmy," said shoj "I wouldn't." "Wouldn'tf" he replied; "by Jocks, you couldn't" New York World. A (irvut Success. "I hear you took tho west by storm." "Well, I should say so. Why, tho first tlnio I got on n cnhlo car half thu men of fered their seats, tho other half tried to pay my fare, thu conductor gavu mo n pass, and tho tnotormnn camu In nnd proposed to ma"-Llfo. Old Tlnio 1'reroolty. French children of tho last century hnd no kindergarten schools. Perhaps If they had hnd them they would hnvo declined to attend them. Certainly it would hnvo been a daring teacher who would hnvo recom mended blocks, pink am) blue kindergarten papers and tho llko to tho notice of Mllo. Neckcr, even lu her early Infancy. This young lady, who nftorwnrd becntun tho fa mous Mmu. du Stael, composed tragodlua at tho mature ago of twelvu years. Tho aristocratic little French girls of tho period begnn writing their memoirs nt n tender ago becausu that was tho fashion of tho time. They were taught elaborate manners nnd thu nrt of conversation, nnd nt the ngu of eight or ten years they dressed and appeared very much llko their moth ers. Along with soclnl grace they were also taught how to bu excellent housekeep ers. Ono may conclude, that Mile. Rnmboutl let led tho ranks of brllllnut children, since her remark to an unappreclntlvo elder bo enmo famous. Tho subject of dolls or play or some trivial matter of that sort hod been Introduced for her benefit, nnd alio said: "Oh, no mntter about that, grnndma. Let us talk politics. I am seven years old now." Youth's Companion. A Few Hull. A Chicago paper tells of a young man who had Just returned from Europe and was showing his friends some photographs. He came to ono of tho tomb of Juliet, and after giving an account of it said, "Juliet's esophagus Is full of cards." This would bo a dogreo or two worse for poor Juliet than cold poison, to nay nothing of Its utter Im possibility at this lato date. Ho wound up with a glowing talk on Venice and the "Dratlc" sea. A pious old lndy of my ac quaintance happened In nt a Christian En deavor meeting, which is always held be fore tho regular night church service. Sho was much Impressed by tho youug ieoplo's earnestness nnd especially pleased with tho singing. Shu wild: "Oh, I do lovo to hear 'em alngt Thoy sing with such venoml" In No Hurry. Mra. O'F. Con I hnvo my husband put in Jail fcr slapping mo in tho mouthf Magistrate Certainly. That is assault and battery. "Well, I'll como around lnnboutnmonth and mako tho charge." "Why not havo him arrested at once?" "Well, you seo, when ho slapped mo I hit him in tho head with a rolllu pin and bo's now in tho hospital, nnd tho doctors says ho won't bo nblu to get out for a month yot" Life's Cnleudar. And Us Understood. Mr. Longstop (mnklmt an evening call By tho way, Miss Quickstep, did you get anything nlco for a Christmas glftf Miss Quickstep Indeed I did. I will show it to you with pleasure. It is on tho mantelpiece, Mr. Longstop looks In tho direction in dicated nnd sees n beautiful clock whose hands point to 11:30. Chicago Tribune, Where It Camo From. Tho Big Sister Tommy, what do you mean by sniffing nt Mr. Slopay's overcoat? Tho Llttlo Brother I'th tryln to thmcll thmoke. When pa thaw it he thald tho mutht abecn a flro thomewherc. Clothiers' and Haberdashers' Weekly. He Wanted Soma Experience. "Why did you arrest this monf" asked tho Judge, sternly. "lor practice," returned tho policeman, "I'm now on tho forco nnd I wanted to learn how, your honor." Harper's Bazar. A I'oet's Fancy. Wlfo of Ills Bosom What atouchlngdo acrlption of conjugal bliss you hnvo given in that last novel of yours, George, dearl I wonder where on earth you got it froml Monuigfaltigea. Her Only Chance. A. Why does Miss Elderly go on tho ioe every tltno there is skntlng? B. Because, that's her only chanco to MO a man at her feet Texas Sittings. Worse Still. She You will have to work hard If yon win her. Tho Pjut-I'll have to work harder If I don't. Life. 1 kjjiuffji HOW IT CAME THERI. trhet Her Moiled Collection Amount to After All. "Your nniBlol "taste. Miss Quickstep," observed tho youug professor, looking over thu piles of sheet music that lay on tho pi ano, "Is highly creditable to you." "I am glad you think so, professor," mur mured tho youug woman. "I am sure of It," ha rejoined positively. "It Is only tho trained musician, whose tasto has been carefully cultivated, nnd whoso ear Is attuned to tho diviner hap monies breathed forth from tho souls of the great masters, that Is capable of making so unerring n selection of purely classical mu slo as this. 'Schubert's Serenado,' " ho con tinued, looking tho nllo over again nnd rending thu titles, " 'Hhapsodlo Hongrolse No. 8,' 'Selections from Chopin' " "I do ho love Shopnng," Interrupted Miu Quickstep softly. "He Is mlorabla 'Gums from Mendols oIiii'h Songs Without Words, 'Beethoven's Symphony In A Minor,1 'Arias from Oluck'u Iphlgeulu on Taurldo,' 'Bach's Variations, from Vom Hlmmcl I loch' by tho way, havo you heard d'Albert In" "Doll bare Is wonderful, wonderfull" "Um yes. In tunny things ho Is Indeed admirable. Hero, I sue, are somo rare selec tions from Handel's 'Ulunldo,' from Haydn's 'Dlo Jnhruszclten,' 'Gems from Gratlli,' 'Beauties of Judas Maccabeus' everything classical purely classical I And yet I must not linger too long in mere an ticipation. You will favor me, I am sure, MIsh Quickstep, with something from" "Oh, professorl" "I shall not presumo to dictate your choice. Your own exquisite tasto, I nin persunded, will guide you fur bettor In the selection of" "Professor, I I don't piny." "You do not playl Do I understand you aright, Miss Quickstep'" "Indeed you do. I can't play a note. Tills Is a lot of music I got at the recom mendation of n friend." "You astound mel Then this this re markublo collection Is pardon mo Is Is merely a" "You are right professor," said Miss Quickstep, drumming carelessly on the tablo with her Angora, "It's merely a bluff." Chicago Tribune. The let Poodle and the Uloodhoand. L Fltegende Blatter. Ileal Cause of HU Grief. "Yes, I dabbled in futures onco," sold the man in thu mackintosh reflectively. "Whentf" Inquired tho man who had his feet on the table. "No. And it wasn't corn or oats or bar ley or mess pork or potatoes or chips or whetstones. It was broom corn. I thought there was money In broom corn." "Put much money tu It?" asked the man in tho shaggy ulster. "More money than Judgment," sighed the man in tho mackintosh gloomily. "How much did you losof" "I lost tAO.000 I had hoped to moke out of tho deal." "Was that aW" "All? No. I Iwt 118,000 1 had borrowed from friends" "Have thoy got it yetr" "And that wasn't alll" groaned tho man in the mackintosh, unheeding the Interrup tion and wiping his eye furtively with tho corner of his handkerchief; "I lost fo7.03 of my own monoyl" Chicago Tribuue, Crushed Hope. "And what answer do you make to my appeal f" he asked iu hu knelt nt her feet "James, I will be frank with you," sho murmured. "Oh, speak," bu Implored, "and relievo me from this agony of suspense." "Then let me tell you It cannot be," "Why or Oh, why notr" "Because, James, I do not feel able to support a husband." Texas Sifting All Settled. Llttlo Johnnie 1 guess sts has accepted Mr. Newcomer. Little Sister Why f Littlu Johnnie He hitsu'l given me any candy for a week, and yiwterduy he klckul tho dog. Good News. Ju.t the Thing. Clara Don't jou think thW cloak U ton longf Maude Oh, no You want it to cover u( your feet, don't ou.-1 . ,u l,iiw v'Ha XL nt IT. Established 186S. For Pure Ice Cream and i Delicious Fresh Oysters ! The Bon Ton Telephone 40T. 12 02 P Street. Geo. Meicfgirleirie, Propr, BHKERY & GONFCTIONeRYS Cofleo and Light Sewing machine and Gun Repairing We have just employed a skillful workman from the East, who Is fully competent to make all repair In the above line T. J. THORP &. CO., Ho South Eleventh street HEEEflEEEMBtw Ufhce, I OOI O HBHJEEEEEflEEj kaflEETBVBBBMaata .BaememesZL.BaaftaYaaaaaaasBMBk Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. Noncbut experienced men employed. Latest devices tor mtvlng Mi cli!nerr,.Bnfcn and othor Heavy Articles. DUCKSTAFF BROS.' HARNESS Wholesale Dealers In HADDLK8 Vitrified Brick and all Kinds Offlcee-TM &-& .rtfcJtfj&jr vft-rir itjAt i tl.: lRVinE'5-ORCutSM After ten year of active work with the Muilcal Union Oreheitra, of Omaha, a Director, during which time the above Orchettra rur n!hed mmlo for all the promlnenlevenU.roclcally, theatrically, etc, I haveloeated In Lincoln to entftie personally In oicheetra buifnes. r.allnvnnnnilnnt Hint I pan furnish tha but at miulfl at anv and all H time. For torms and Information, call at office of UAriTAl. Clr C'ouhikii, I13IO street, or call up telephone 263. iC. HAVING just assumed personal control of my handsome new Btnbles, It wilt be my aim to conduct a first-cln. establishment, giving beet of care and attention to horses entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, and a fine line of well-trained horses for livery use,'fur nlshcd, day or night. DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. FRANK RAMSEY, Foreman. Stables 1639 Telephone 225 ssOTfsHlafESalllwtfsmV FULL SET OE TEETH $5, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. NO CHLOROFORM! NO ETHER I NO GAS I All Filling! at Dr. H. K. KBRMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 06, Burr Ilk. 1134 O Street. Ll.Ii AT- Lunches at all Hours Telephone 176. Office, 1 00 1 St. MANUFACTURING GO. -Manufacturer of- AND COLLARS. and Manufacturer of - M- of Straw and Wrapping Paper. to 744 O street. ,s4uttj4u4u4c - s9z..x4i - xto - rr.sfx9r.iM MUMO re ooMOiarra aiotcrioMe DAHOtS,ITO Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLES. Telephone 550 and 1641 O Street. Oanon'Oity Bock Springs Vulcan Mendota Scranton Anthracite Lowest Rates.