CXPITKL CITY COURI BR. ftJ! 4 - 11 w III 111 win. T" 2r M- tPJT5tMh C HLJWESSEUJRiEDITORi I8RUKI) KT.UY SATI'llDAY KVI'.NINO BuaiNras orn in, 1134 u htui:i:t, lyiopiinnrm-omof aw. liivMui. vail, Kntrri'd t thi" prslnllle of Lincoln, Nnlt., a spcoml cl iiiiiIIit. THC FCDHUAnY MAGAZINES. There will n)Hur In the North American Hovlow for February, iitidoi tlio title of "Hoons mill Hnncs of Free Coinage," tluvo articles! tht) first, by Hon. It. I'. Mlnnd. will ho entitled "In tlio Interest of Hliyloi'k"; the second will ho hy .Inhn llursen Ithnudes, pres ident of thn fJreenwIeh Savings hunk, who Ih to write "A Warning to Hav ings Hunk Depositors"; ami tlio third, hy a doiHwItoi In a savings hank, who will ooinlder the qiiostlon from "A Depositor's Point of View." Those subjects will ho tho more interesting to Llncolnltos since tho recent hunk full tiro hero. Admirers nnd enemies of Mr. Hluluo will allko 00 interested lit tlio vory complete article which appears In tho February Cosmopolitan, reviewing his characteristics an a mini and statesman. A nnnihor of lino portraits 1110 printed with tho article, .lullim lluwthorno novor moro distinctly showed himself to ho tlio sou of his distinguished fathur than in tho vory bright hit of fnnoy whlnh nimoars In thlHiiiunhor. ".Iiiiio, lSD.'l," ninety yours aftor tho Invontlon of successful' aorial machinery, In sketched In a witty anil philosophical way. Mr. Hoglimhl lo Koyon, tho com poser of "Itohln Hood" and other oouilo oponiH, who Ih now attracting ho innuli attontton In tho musical world, has wrltton his first not of Indopondont waltzes, which tho Ladle' Homo Journal will publish in itn February Issue. Among tho score of other good tilings In the Fohruary Atlantic: Travel Ih represented hy Mrs. Wig gin's clover sketches, "Penelopes English Fxporlonoos," and hor sar casms on English lodgings and Kng IIhIi Itemized hills aro specially atnus I n j,'. Two more paper of tho name elans aro "Under the Far-Went Green wood Tree" anil "Tho English Cutn bridgo In Winter." Llpplucott's of Fohruary will contain "Tho First Flight," hy Julian Gordon, a complete story that deals satirically with our munitions daughter of wealthy tmronts, not quite "to tho weather liorn" socially. It 's hand somely Illustrated. Herman WollT nlso gives 11 vivid account of "Mesty" In tho athletic sorles. Tho oonlng article In tho February Scrlbnor in "From Venice to tho Grow Vonodoyor," an ably wrltton, thor oughly, liitoruatliuc. work from tlio pen of Honry van Dyke. "A Regular Trainer" Ih tho subject of n beautiful frontispiece, drawn by A. H. Frost, be ing an illustration from Hurry Los King's "Stories of u Wosturn Town." Tho illustrntloiiH aro particularly ex cellent untl there aro several very clover articles In this issue. Among tho contributors are: Marquis do Chamhruu, T. H. Sullivan, Alfred Jerome Weston, Louise Chandler Moultou, and Frances Hodgson Hur-nott. (Ctintiiiiinlfiom Slh I'tige.) Tho Washington Htar of tho l.'lth Inst, prints a vory accurate and llfo-llku picture of the Hon. (J. M. Lambert sou of this city, who succeeded fira, A. H. Nettleton as assistant secretary of the United states treasury. Tluwu who know Mr. Lumbortson and huvo studied and admired tho unaccountuhlo Ins and outH of his fcaturen will readily conclude that his plcturo,prlnted alone In a prominent position, must have hid to a sale of papers that duv that cre ated qulto a stir among Washington nowshovH. lint, seriously, those who kiwiu' Mr. Lumbortson best can f 1 ml In his features a great deal to ailinlro, al though they are not modeled upon tho pattern most approved among siiporll clal observers. No one can study his face for a moment without discovering tho outward evidences It presents of deep Intellectuality. Tho expression upon his face Is always one of kindness and thoughtfiillncss. Ho Is one of the few men one meets Into whoso eyes an oliservor can look and seem to fathom his thoughts. One can easily lmaglno tbni liU ihoiiL'htH are rollected In his eyes, especially when ho Is engaged In tfio trial of Homo great lawsuit. Tho picture Is accompanied by an extended sketch of his professional life concluding with the statement; "Ho Is a man of commanding ainicar- unco, being over six feet In height, hut Is vory gentle and pleasing In his man ners. Ho Is already vory popular In the department and will undoubtedly prove a valuable aid to Secretary Fos ter In tho udmlnlstratloii of Its Impor tant and complicated functions." In detailing his professional work tho paperglves amongothorlnte resting facts tho following; "Ho has had a number of cases before the Interstate commerce commission and In July, 181)0, ho argued before that commission on behalf of the farmers' ulllauco of the state of Nebraska through tho authority of the governor, tho question of reducing tho rates on corn and other nrndiicta transported from tho state of Nebraska to the seaboard. His argument In that case was printed and widely circulated. Hulnomiontlv ho act'd as attorney for the Interstate commerce commission at Chicago In conne-.tlon with tho viola tion of tho interstate commerce law. Out of this arose the somewhat noted Counsolman case, which Mr. Lambort Kon argued In the Supremo Court of tho Uinted States, and which was de cided by that court about a year ago. Subsoutyintly tho president was strongly urged to appoint Mr. Lamlwrt sou iw a tnoinlwr of tho interstate com merce commission at the time thut Commissioner MoDlll received his ujh polntinent." U to lw hoped that tho school board will continue tho schools to thu limit of tho year. John C. Watson Is evidently In ear nest In advocating a measure to pro vide for the health of prisoners by re quiring tlio raising of jail Hours above the HiirVo of the ground. This Is designed to do away with that relic of feudal cruelty, the stono lloor of tho dungeon, and Is not. as might ho sup posed, with the design of assisting prisoners t ) escape. Ho Iiiih made tho law apply only to rountloH having more than il.lKK) Inhabitant, an it Is palpably so much more unhealthy for a prisoner in a hlg county to sleep on a ground lloor than it Is In a small and sparsely settled county. If you know of anything that will Interest the ladles, wrlto It on a postal card and address It to "Tub, City." Society news, personals, and all kinds of news notes that aro of In terest to the fair sex are always wel come at thin olllce and thankfully re eel veil. If you have not time to wrlto slop in wiien passing inn omco mow located at Hill C) staeet) or call up telephone 'j.;i anil give us the news in that miiuner. l)ions of ladles assist us overv week in this way and we cer tainly appreciate It. Why can't wo hear from you as well. Director Irvine has his hands pretty well filled these days. Hesldes lllling numerous engagements with his line orchestra, ho lias been engaged by the Western Normal College to take charge of all Instructions on orchestral and band Instruments. Ho has. therefore, resigned his position at the Lincoln College of Music. Renders of the aro again reminded that tho business olllco is no longer on N street hut Is now lo cated at Mill O street, occunying tho front east half of Mr. S. !,. Moore's wall paper store whore all business for the paper Is transacted. Tho tele phono number, sumo as for pa X eight years, remains tho same iVI. Tim New City lUrrctoij. Lincoln's now city directory for 181K1 Ih now being delivered to sulsorllors. It Ih a thorough creditable piece of work, more compact than previous issues and tho easier to handle. It contains several thousand additional names and typographically Ih as neat a book as has over boon Issued In thu city. Tho binding Is of cloth with russlu leather back and gold lettering. Tho compiling has been carefully at tended to and uh u whole thu work has boon vory satisfactorily dono. Parties that have not secured a copy of the book may yet secure one by culling at Claou & Fletcher's, 1120 O street. Th Tettlnionlftt Published on behalf of Hood's Sursa-parllla- are an reliable and aa worthy .your confidence as If they came froro Your beat and most trusted nolghtor. 1Thoy state only tho slmplo facts In re g&ra. to what Hood's Sursaparlllu has dono, always within truth and reason. Constipation, and all troubled with the digestive organs and tho liver, are i cured by hoods l'lixs. unequalled an a dinner pill. Rand McNally St. Co., 1M Adams St., Chicago, 111., deslro a local manager to tako tho management of the sale of their now Unlvorsal Atloa. Any one desiring a pleasant and profitable pol l.on would do well to write them. Tho sketch concludes: " Ills friends toll a good ittury in connection, with hid advent Into public life. Ho was a dele gate to a republican congressional con vention, ami as a special compliment to his oratorical powers was chosen to put In nomination thu iiamo of Judge Lorenzo Crouusu. Standing in his pluce, ho launched forth in tho most eloquent terms In laudation of tho man whoso selection to a seat in tho national legislature, ho said, would not only rolled uulKiuiided credit upon the state, hut would also add such a decided lus ter to the country's dladum that it would fairly da.lo tho other nations of tho world. Ho soared way ii1hvo tho empyrean heights and metaphorically brushed tho cobwebs from the skies, hut tantalllngly withheld the name of his Ideal candidate. That was to bo the climax of bin peroration. It wait a long address ami some of tho delegates lo came Impatient. One of thu number, who was waiting to put In a nomina tion and was not fully aware of Mr. LamborUson's position, finally turned to one of his colleagues and. said: 'Who In thunder Is that follow talking about, anyhow?' 'Well, I don't know,' was tho measured response, 'I at judg ing from his remarks I think ho Ih going to nominate tho Holy Savior. I don't know of any one olso whoso vir tues meet Lumbortsou's vivid descrip tion.' Notwithstanding those Irrev erent comments on the Hiteech, Crounsu wuh nominated by tho convention and was duly elected. Some illnatured jeopW Hay this was accomplished in spite of l-uiubortson'h speech. A coin cidf.nto in the case is that Judge Cwjiir.t-0, who is now governor of NeljriJiKii, resigned the omco ot assist ant ivorotary of tho treasury a fow ulihiliH only before Mr. Lumbortson was uppointod to his present position." Hum' TIiUI We olTor one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not ho cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CllKNKV & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last lf years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made hy their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O., Waldlng, Klnnan k Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tiojontom.. Price, "5u per boUte. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. "Handsomer than over" tho spring ginghams In thu windows ot the lion Marcho, I'JIHI O street. All tho first families of Lincoln buy their meat of Henry PhoilT, .114 Sluth Eleventh street. Where do you buy yours? Beautiful souvenir spoons aro now iwlng given to now subscrllwrs to thu CouuiKlt. Present subscribers may also secure one of those handsome pre miums by paying a year in advance and arrears, if any. These aro not cheap trashy spoons,, but just tho same as jowolors sell for 2 or Inoro. This department is becoming of gen eral Interest to the L. L. I. boys and tho nubile as well, ami as it Ih to be a regular feature of tho CoUKlKlt It Ih to ho hoped that every member of the com pany will add his name to the subscrip tion list of this paper. Mr. Wessol extends us tho free use of this Himco ouch week wherein to publish notices, Items of news, etc., ami thu least ap preciation that each of tho Ixtys can show would ho for every man to sub scribe. Over half of the boys aro al ready on the list -aro you? Drop Wessol a card, stop at tho olllco, 11.'! I O street, or call up 'phono 2.VI. Thoso In charge of tho minstrel show have been requested by a great many to repeat It but for the present they have decided to let the matter drop though no doubt they will within the next three months glvo It their at tention and the show will again be put on with several changes and new features. The first open drill of the company will bo given next Friday. Tho com pany respectfully Invites any one In terested In such matters to bo present. Hereafter the first regular drill night of each mouth will lie open to the public. Captain Campbell bus iiirchased a dog that Is moro of a curiousity than St. John's goat. Tho dog can whistle. Chris Camp fooled around It oho day not long ago ami got hit -and ho hasn't boon near it since. Many Lincoln people wore surprised to learn that Tom Hickoy could dance. Tom at one time was a member of a song ami dance team known as Hickoy mid Ward, and traveled for two yours with tho old Dupre. and Benedicts Minstrels. Hilly McClay has dono moro thnn any othor member in tlio way of decor ating tlio company headquarters. Ho Is responsible for many or the nice pic tures that adorn tho walls of the head quarters. Uniforms for twenty new meinlwrs will Im ordered Immediately. This number, with tho thlrty-llvo already uniformed, will give tho boys u lino appearance when next they appear in puDitc. Tom Callanan is a ureut man with tho gloves. Sineo Tom's training for his act as one of the gladiators, not one of the members dure put them on with him. Tho drill of next week will take placo on Tuesday night Instead of Monday, tho hall being engaged for other pur poses on .Monday. Rudy Hohlaondor Is tho latest ap plicant for membership, his name hav ing been posted a few days ago. PRIOR TO OUR ANNUAL INVENTORY IN OKDKK TO REDUCE STOCK -WE GIVE A- Discount - of - 25 - per - Cent ON ALL Ladies will bo interested in tho show windows of the Bon Murche. 12315 O "street. ' II. W. Cowlo, funeral director, suc cessor to Fred Thomas. Kmhalmlug a Hpeolalt. Ill) South Twelfth street. When you give tho next party at your housu leuvo your orders for tables at Hardy k Pitchers. Thoy have u now supply just in thut thoy rent ut reasonable prices delivered to and tukon from your rosldoncos. lluvn You Anything to Trmle for HastlngH real ohUUo? I have two blocks well located in Spencer Bros'. Park addition and I will consider prop ositions to trade for almost anything. Address L. Wessol, Jr., caro of COUIUKK. Low Hilton to Klorlilu mill thn South-cunt. The B &, M Is now selling round trip tickets at very low rates to Jackson ville, St. Augustine, Tampa, Suther land, Fla., Ashvllle, N. C, Birming ham and Mobile, Ala., Charlestown, S. C, Augusta and Savannah, Ga., and other points in tho south, eust, good for return until Juno 1st, 18!llt. Porsons contemplating a trip ninth will find it to their advantage to call at either B & M depot or city olllco, cor. O and 10th streets, where full information as to routes, rates, etc., will bo furnished. A. C. ZlEMEH.Citv Ptws. Agt. Cloaks, Blankets and Comforters. Five 1 1 unci red Remnants of Ginghams, Prints, Dress Goods etc., at less than cost. BLOCH St KOHN, The Progressive Dry Goods Emporium, 1 141 and 1 1 43 O Street. THE BON MARCHE. 1236 O STREET, Is working more for a Lnrgc Huslnett than for Largo Profits. It will pay all contemplating the purchase of any Erij 2oods 0R Notions To Inspect Its varied lines nnd note the LOW, PROPER PRICES! SEE m Its beautiful windows Indicating the styles and fabrics found In every department. Quality always the best. THE BON MARCHE. 1:36 O Street. fOUND j5 v : "gfc Just the Book I have been looking for and several thousand others. I advise all who would save time to go at once to H. W. BROWNS, 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET David P. Sims, dentist, rooms 41! and 43 Burr block. Dr. Glftln has moved to rooms 8 um 0 Lansing theatre building. W. A. Coffin A; Co., grocors, 143 South Eleventh street. Honry M. Loavltt, tho coal dealer does not havo to glso ohroraos with his ooal. It sells itself. Phono 300. Of fice, 1133 O street For Sunday dlnnor supplies call at Haltor's market. 210 N 10th st. Phoho 100. If you onjoy dancing go to your drug gist and got a bottle of Posltlvo Corn Cure, which Insures comfort. Card cases and ladles' coin and spocio nurses in morocco, Russian leather, dongolakid and French calf ut Rector's Pharmacy. K. C. Baking Powdor, 25 ounces for 2.ri cents. Absolutely puro. Have you tried it? "Miller, tho Grocor," has associated himself with Mr. Gilford of Omaha, under the firm name of Miller Si Glf ford, who have just oponel a now gro cery store at 1209 O strjot, oppjiiti Burr block. All kinds of Imported chooses, finest and largest assortment evor seen In tho city, at Ruinhold Sc Mosor's, 210 South Eleventh streot. 'Phono 728. Unfurnished Booms Wanted. Wanted: By young married couple three unfurnished rooms with modern conveniences. Address J. J. caro "XJUIUKR office. The board of education has aston ished the public by the adoption of a resolution to closo tho public schools In April, thoroby cutting tho school year two months short. It Imsos Its action on tho shortness ot funds. The board will undoubtedly think bettor of this proposition when it hears more of tho wishes of tho public. Those who are fumlliur with the subject assert that funds could easily bo bocurud to tldo tho board over uny possible embarrass ment threatened by luck of funds, and It so tt siiouiu spare no pains 10 Keep tho schools in operation to the closo of tho year. True tho board Is subjected to some irKsomo restrictions or reason of tho fact that tho city council Is by luw given tho power to cut down tho aunual school levy, a power which it utilizes entirely too freely, but us long us the Ixmrd can borrow money or lloat warrants thut fuct will not saddle upon thu council resiMjnslbllity for closing tho schools hull us readily as it would saddle upon it responsibility for un necessary mueoieuness contrucieu. Fifteen kinds of imported and domes tic cheeses at Rumhold & Mosor's. 'Phono 728. K. C. Baking Powdor, 25 ounces for 25 conts. Absolutely puro. lluvo you tried It? 1 Heal KaUte for Sale or Trade. What have you to offer In exchange for a lot in Elmwood addition, near "Wostorn Normal collego, and lot A, Sponger's addition, adjoining tho M street ball park. Will soil or trado both for good residence lot. Call on or address Lou Wessol, at- this office. Gknuink Canon City Coal at tho Lincoln Coal Co., southwest corner of Eleventh and O streets. Frames, fromos, frames, of every description ut Lincoln Frumo and Art company's, 220 South Elovonth streot. Flaltor's markot 210 North Tenth streot, Lincoln's old rollablo markot, is whore ludlos should call for tholr moat ordors. Tolophono ordors over No. 100 receive prompt uttontlon. Hardy and Pltohur havo received a now lot of chairs and tables for rental purposes ut card parties, etc. Call and seo them or call up 'phono 521. Tho only entirely fresh stock of gro ceries in town has just been opened by Mlllor & Glfford, at 1209 O street, op jKjslto Burr block. Wool dress goods remnants ohoap at Herpolshelmor Si Co's. It 5upplie5 a s Coi?$ pelt Wapt VOELLiKHR'S NEW FOR STORE Recently opened In the newY. M. C A. Building on N Street. Mr. Voelker Is pleased to announce that his business has steadily Increased since the first day he opened, that his trade Is oi the very best character, and Is receiving the best of workmanship and standard values In Furs and Fur Goods of all kinds. Tailor-Made Fur Garments made on the premises fiom material all In stock, and guaranteed to be a perfect fit and satisfactory In every particular. Why, then, send out of town for SEALSKIN .SACQUES, MUFFS, CAPES, ROBES, CLOAKS, ETC., ETC. t Repair Work of All Kinds You are Invited to call and see my stock of goods, and get Information as to tailor made order and repair work. F. E. Practical Furrier VOELKER, Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Now lino of piuturo mouldings Cowlo's, 110 south Twelfth street. at I Lincoln pooplo can now buy any kind of cheese that thoy may call for, at Rumhold & Mosor's, 310 South Elovonth streot. 'Phone 728. IS Clearing sale of fine yarns zephyrs at Horpolsholmor & Co's. and Ask your grocerymun for tho "Wilbor .Rolling Mills" Flour. Chus. Harvoy, proprietor. Enquire for 'Littlo Hatchot," "Nloklo Plate," and "Baker's Cpnstanco Every Hack warranted. ssssssssK sssH C BAKING . POWDER 2&0ZS.F0R25? Absoluteiy Pure JwtTKy It. Whon you want prompt sorvlco und fair treatment nnd tho selection from tho largest stock of grocorlos In Lin coln cull on W. A. Collin Si Co., suo cossors to J. Miller, 143 South Eleventh streot. No such line of canned fruits in tho city as shown by W. A. Collin & Co., 143 South Eleventh streot. r.r.jAauo ftcaKAtuAS city. ho- VV A MTU II A KKlMtKsKNTATlVK for ItrtlMr.W. mir IWMIl.Y THKAKllltY thu Bmilrat Ihh iiver iiIIitoiI to the 1 iihJe. our coupon cjrti'in, uhloli c iihu In kuIIIiik tills kitmI work, 1'iiiihli j fiii'li imri'liiiiurti) uvt thu IhmiI KIU:i:,ko wcry 01.0 iniroluiBOM, Kor IiIk llrnt wi'uk'n work 0110 iikuiH'h tirotlt IhSIIIS.OO A not her l. Ml .00. Al..lYllSN IviHt cleiiri'il I '-'O.00 lor her llrsl wtrk's work. Woulvpynu xrliiKr territory, uul piiy liiryo roitililWuloiiH on tlio kiiK'm or mill iiiii'lilH. Wrlie iitonco for thu iiitnicy for jour county. Adtlrt'Mi all roiiimiuilnitlons to KAMI). MuXAM.Y &:, C1I1CAOO, MOWS THE ACCEPTED TIHE. ALL NEXT WEEK! One-Half off on Cloaks. ONE-FIFTH OFF ON WOOLEN AND MUSLIN AND UNDERWEAR. This goes for next week at J tt Mauritius & o, ICJ39 O Street. The Ladies' Furnisher!