CKPITHL CITY COURIER 8 POPULATION OP LINCOLN 66,000, 0rnr I Oth and f Street. DRY-GOODS carry it Inrgo lino of Woolen Dress Goods and ChnnsMtitn M1k, llonlerr, ConcU, Underwrnr, (Uotm, IliilUmt, litiieii, do. Agents for Buttcrick's Patterns The Courier Ohm Ii. Vutinil At Hotel Lincoln Now Htiuiil. Windier Hold Now Himul. CmiiIII Hotel NcwHHInnil. lieu Dude Clf r Hiorr, UU) O Htrcot Kd. Young, I8W O Hlrnil. OImoii, Flelolmr A Co., MM O Hlrrol. Monro' New. ttlnnil, llrt Hotttli Mill Htrcot, uouiiiKH ontee, iniuHimt. K N eu Courier Offie o. 1134 0 Street PHONE 253 c HI my Nittlrn, Taken upouor iiIhiiiI tlio Unit of Novem ber, nno ilurk lirown pony nlxnil nix yenr old. VVi'lKln 'tlxnil ulnu hundred pound nnd In about tlilrtin hand IiIkIi. Owner can Imve miiiiio by Proving property and pur liiK rlmrtre,by cnllliii; lit my pliico, John It, Clark farm, one nnd oiie-lmli inllot Honth-eimt of Normal Colleue. !'. 1). I)kUN(1, SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- are now being offcicil by HANDSOME HOU8E QOWN8. The lUlnty priitceue tcarown on the left li of plmli nnd clilnn bIIIc In hnrtnonlilnn 11 rioiKina. tin me ngni ( rhlle the llilril irown In fur n oiitiee with pinked plnlting of .Ilk of darker ilmde thin the nincriul of the ilrcu. mtnr.. irArtiUliril with fur mill rltitKtni. mere or ulllc with blnck lice, white the third rowii On the rlEtil U nn eflcctUe treatment of caah- Is for n ouiiKcr womnn and ii trimmed W. R. DENNIS & CO. 137 O Street "37 Local nnd leronl. Whltobroust Coul uml Lltno Co. Llnooln Coal Co. , aw cor 1 1th uml O St. L. Burr, jeweler, removed to 1201 0 St. Lincoln Frame & Art Co., 225 S. 11th. Cowlo, untlortakor, Punko 110 S. 12th. Canon City coul ut tho Whltobroust 'Coal and Llmo Co. Dr. Ruth M. Wood, Druco building, Tooins 410, 411 and 412. IMO-tf Chan. S. McKonny, tho Eust Lincoln druggist, 2712 O Htroot. Mrs. Kato I). Chonoy, tcaohor of .lnglng, room 505 Draco block. Go to Honry Pfolff, 314 South 11th ' troots for ohoico moats, Sampson Sisters, artistic dross uiuk 4ng, 1123 N Htroot, over Dorsoy's. Pfelff sells moat an cheap as any mar ket in Lincoln. Try him and bco. Prof. Johnson's hall is beautifully nr ranged for club luirtloa and banquets. Miss Anna Dick, Modlsto, cor. 11th and P sto., over Lincoln Savings bunk. Got first ohoico of tho now figured China Silk ut Herpolsholmcr & Co's at all prices. K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounces for 25 cents. Absolutely Pure. Havo you tried it? Misses Boggs and Cuffyn, dress mak ing parlors. Fine stamping. 1311 M Btreet, 'phono 510. "Amor lean Beauty" "Puwlonlu," and "Yosomltl" are tho latest per fumes at Rector's Pharmacy. ' All orders via telephone 308 will roach W. A. Coffin & Co. and receive prompt uud careful attention. Tho Whitobrcast Coul und Limo company is always at tho front supply ng tho finest grades of all kinds of coal. Miss C. J. Oullmotto, modisto, Brownoll Block, over Miller & Pulno, Complete lino of dross trimmings and linings. Take olovutor. When you want fresh, nice poultry, ' gamo, butter and oggs,jull at Rumhold ii Mosor's now store, 310 South Eleventh street. 'Phono 728. Why huvo your horsos foot butch ered, havo lame horsos and huvo thorn suffer? Tuko them to Churllo Slut tory's new shop, 410 South Elovonth street, and such' will nover bo tho caso. Society ladles and ehildron uro re spectfully Invited to attond Prof. John son's dancing academy Saturday after noon. Prlvato instruction can bo had t the academy at any time. Save all bother of borrowing chairs nd tables from your neighbors. Give ' Hardy ic Pitcher orders to have somo uof their now ones with you for your .text party. They deliver and call und . thorn . .. . - Tho pleasant homo of Mrs. W. B. HiirgrcuvcH, 028 C street, wits the scone of two churnilng parties this week. One wus mi afternoon curd party for ladies on Wednesday, nnd tho second was In tho evening when the gentlemen purttclputed. Yellow predominated In everything. Tito windows wore draped In yellow silk; yellow portieres adorned tho doors; the plitno wus dressed in yellow; the gus light shone through yellow globes. The rooms were decorated profusely with large liomiots of yellow roses. Tito score curds wore covered with yel low cloth, mid a dainty luncheon in which yellow was prominent, was served on yellow china. Mrs. Hur greuves received her guests In a cos tume of yellow. In tho afternoon those successful ut curds wore Mrs Rlghtor and Mrs Hehluetuler. Mrs Rlghtor received u chlnu dish decorated with yellow flowers. Mrs. Rohlaondor cur ried away in monument to her skill, u yellow silk handkerchief. Tho guests of the afternoon wore: Mes dames O M Thompson, Zehrung, Rich ardson, Benton, Smith, Oliver, R E Moore, Hutnmond, Cambridge, Miller, Teeters, Rehluender. Mulr, 1) E-Thomp-son, Souorost, Foster, Ilenkle, Thomp son, Goo Brown, Miss Rlchtirdson, Miss Dunlels of Des Moines. In tho even ing, Dr und Mrs Ladd carried otT the first honors, und Mrs F W Brown und Mr Beeson tho second. Dr Ladd re ceived a large bunch of clgurs tied with a yellow ribbon. Mrs Ladd car ried home a out glans olive dish. Mrs Brown won u yellow china dish and Mr Beeson a china cup and saucer dec orated in yellow. Those at curds were: Messrs and Mesdames Bit 'kstaff, Lttdd, F W Llttlo, John Fawoll, F W Brown, Kd, Will und Jim Green, Beeson, C C nnd L C Burr, Ewlng, Dentils, Sutton, E P Holmes, Burnhum, A S Raymond, Tllton, Uphum, W C Wilson, Oakley, Morrill, I) E Thompson, A E Hai greaves, Ogdon, Curl Funke, Skip Dttndoy of Omaha, Miss Sarah Harris. The Capitol building wus tho scene of a largo and brlllluut reception Tues day ovonlng, which wus given In honor of tho now stuto officers. Every room In tho building was duz.lugly Illumina ted und presonted a sight so ublnzo with light that it could le scon for miles dlstunt. Tho receiving com mlttoo which consisted of all the stuto officers nnd their ladles wits stationed in tho Houso near the speakers stand. So great wus the company In attend ance, that although the recoptlon com mittee received for over two hours, there wero tunny who wore not nblo to pass down tho line, Hon. R. U. Oak ley, who acted as master of coromonles, Introduced tho guests. The ludles for tho most part, wore hundsomo street attire, but several elegant evening drcbsos wore observed. Two orches tra's wore In nttendunce and discoursed sweet music throughout tho evening, which could bo heard above tho hum of voices. Particular commendation Is duo to Mr. Irvine, who rendered In u pleasing manner u cornet solo, und so heartily was it received thut ho wus compelled to givo several extra select Ions. Dancing wus Indulged in by tho younger people ut u lute hour in the uenato chamber. Brown's orchestra furnished the music for dancing, W.leh lusted about two hours. Taking it all In all, this wus ono of the most success ful inaugural receptions that has over been hold, every feuture of It being skillfully prepared and managed, to Iketlug much credit on that untiring rustler Col. Hurry Hotchklss, aided by Htm. Joseph Burns und others. Mr. und Mrs. A. M. Holdermun, liv ing ut 21 1" K street, guvo tholr daugh ter Genlovo a very pleasant party Thursday afternoon from four to seven o'clock, In honor of hor seventh birth day. Tho llttlo ones who participated in having a good tlmo and cuuslng their llttlo hostess to remember tho duv wero tho Misses Huel Minos of Hustings, Gretchon Emery of Omaha and Maud Dll worth, Ethel MoFarluno, Puss Btirdutt, Edna King, Paulino Johnson, Millie and Josle MoMuhon, Suslo und Jesslo Cross, Ottlo Barn houso, Jonnotto Davis, Frances Evans, Myrtle Wills, Ida Hurtram, Ella Horm lnghotise, Gruco Thompson and Masters Dick Hormlnghouso Harry Noomun, Clark Evans, Clinton Thompson. Ella Hermlughouso captured ono of tho royal prizes during a series of very pleasant gutties thut predominated during tho afternoon. Not less merry wiw the gathering that assembled at the samo place at half past seven o'clock to enjoy high five. Mr. nnd Mrs. Holdermun being first chws on tortulnors It Is unnecessary to say u good tlmo was hud. Those who hold scuts ut tho tables wero Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Thompson, Mr. und Mrs. John L. Aron. Mrs. Ella Whedon, Mrs. Emory of Omaha, Miss May Thompson, uud Miss Hilda lloohm. carried nway by Miss Sura Schwab nnd Mr. I lech t. Those at curds wero Misses Romii Frank, Tllllo Friend, Ida Friend, Aileon Friend, Sunt Schwab, Amanda Ivohn, Anna Burr, Berkson, Paulino .Mayer nnd Splosborgor; Messrs Goldberg, Gugonholm, Kohn, Hell, Greonbaiun, Ilooht, Oppon holmcr, Brockholm, Mayer, Bouwit, Berkson, Eisner, Mr and Mrs Ksousky. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeoego McArthur on terlitlneil a small company of friends at a seven o'clock dinner at their homo, 1 131 II street, Thursday evening, tho occasion being complimentary to Miss Mablo Mall, who Is visiting Miss Huttle liOlaiid. The table was bountifully arrayed In snowy linen, bright silver and brilliant electric Illumination add ing to tho scene. Tho viands wero delteloiis and comprised all tho good things that money can buy. The hand iwork of "Ma" Brown was seen and u part of "Chic" cookery wus ulso pro vident. Those who sat about tho festive board were Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Brown, Mr and Mrs George McArthur, Miss Mablo Bull of Lyons, Iowa, Miss Hattlo Leland, Miss Carrie Lcluutl, und Mr Ed Keofer. Dinner being fully relished tho balance of tho evening was enjoyed by a visit to the Lansing theatre where tho Lincoln Light In fantry Minstrels hold forth. Mrs. A. 11. Mitchell very hand somely entertained a large number of lady friends at ono o'clock luncheon Saturday In honor of her aunt, Mrs. Lowmttn of McC'ook. Mrs. Mitchell was assisted In receiving by Mrs. and Miss Schwab, hor mother and sister. Tho rooms wero profusely decorated with llowers, white hyacinths being tho predominate llower. Tho luncheon wus served ut small tables arranged throughout tho apartments and con sisted of several courses. Those present wero Mesdames Ackormuu, Newmurk, Sum Wessel, Lou Wessol, Chits Mayor, S D Mayer, Seligsohn, Opponholmer, Friend and Ksousky, Miss Paulino Mayor of Now York, Miss Rosa Frank, Miss Ida Friend. Tho members of tho Puttiurch club wero tight royally entertained on Fri day evening by Mrs. A. S. Raymond und Mrs. I. M. Raymond. Tea was served at seven o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. A. S. Raymond, after which tho guests ropnlred to tho homo of Mrs. I. M. Raymond and Indulged in dancing until the wee small hours of morning. Tho Invited list Included Messrs and Mesdames D E Thompson, C II Gore, J D McFarland, N S Hurwood, W C Wilson, J A BuokstutT, R II Oukley, Frank Lewis, R O Phillips, S II Burn ham, L W Coates, R C Outculf, Miss Jcntmotto Wilson, Miss Surah Harris, Miss Lena Daniels of Oxford; Mr Frank Cook, Mr Vuu Dtiyn, Mr G P Fuucon. And now Mr. C. C. Qulgglo oomos to tho front and says; "Well, I guess I'm In It, too," and judging from tho fuct .that a brand now llttlo bunch of sweet ness came to bless his homo Suturdtiy, ho has cuttso for rejoicing. It's a girl and as bright and pretty as tho fulrest belle of Lincoln. Mother is resting easy and with good euro and closo at tention tho doctor hopes soon to havo Mr. Qulgglo In his usual norinul con dition again. Congratulations uro now in order. HEBPOLSHEIMER & GO. J fist' i tfftuii pr L Offer Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 75 Honeycomb Bed Spreads for 75c, were $1.00 60 Fine Honeycomb Bed Spreads for $1.10, were $1.45 95 Marseilles Counterpainesat $1.75, marked $2.75 73 Fine Marseilles Cotintcrpaines at $2.50, were $3.50 54 Fine Heavy Marseilles Cotintcrpaines, $3.25, marked $4.25 23 Finest Marseilles Counterpaines, $3-95 were $5.00 75 Colored Mitchelline Spreads, $i.oo, were $1.50 HERPOLSHEIMER & CO YATES' SHOE SALE FOR CASH. "A Big Dividend Paying Investment" For You. 000 pMBtfBsaagn i,ooo Regular $4.00 and $5.00 Goods to go in this sale at $3.00 PER PAIR. 1 500 PAIRS MENS' WELT SHOES. $5.00 Calf and Kangaroo to be Closed out at $3.75 PER PAIR JQfr'You Have Twenty Days in v. liieli to invest your money at these prices. 1 1 29 O Street. ED. G. YATES. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. E. Koyos, 183T Cherry street, celebrated tholr crystul anniversary Monduy ovonlng In a unique manner. Invitations which wero sent out a week boforohund, wero urtictlcully printed on thin sheets of gloss. Tho rooms wero very prettily decorated with cut llowors loosely ur rnnged und evergreen. Tho presents which wero loft by tho guosts us ro mombruncos wore many und pretty, including btic-u-bruc, chlnu und things that muke a home attractive. Pro gressive high five wus tho feature of tho ovonlng, ton tables being sur rounded by unlimited players. Elegant refreshments wero served at the closo of tho gamo. Tho list of guosts in cluded tho members of tho Novelty Club and friends. Those at curds wero; Messrs und Mesdames Allen, Alexan der, Scott, Wheeler, Humphrey, Wells, Sumpson, Kolso, Wilson, Kellum, Ste vens, Curtis, Guroutto, M II Nan Horn, Frank Van Horn, Miss Lasoh, Miss Peck of Chicago. Miss Bertha Sellgsohn gave u very pretty card party on Friday ovonlng ut homo In honor of Miss Paulino Mayer and Miss Splosborgor. Tho rooms wero very handsomely decorated with carnations of different colors. Tooth- somo refreshments wero served shortly before midnight at tho curd tables. Tho prizes, a bund decorated cup und saucer and u silver match safe, wero Tho nowly organized Emplro danc ing club hold u very pleasant party In tho Lansing academy on Saturday evening. Tho evening was delight fully Informal und very pleas antly spent by all. Thoso present wero Mossrs und Mesdames Curl Funke, D E Thompson, W B Hiirgravos, Will Green, Sutton, R E Outculf, Ed Greon, R O Phllllpps, N S Harwood, Mark Tllton, F M Hall, Miss Saruh Hurrls, Mr Frank Cooko, Mr Chus Hunnu. Miss Bollo Wurnor guvo a ploasunt blrthduy purty on Friday evening at hor homo on South Tenth street. Tho ovonlng passed very quickly und charmingly to Misses Anna Post, Mno Cmbtroo, Alice Furls, Kittle Warner, Gertie Brown, Maud Gray, Peuti Mc Futiund, Ella Kaufman; Messrs Fred Brown, Wlllnrd Burrow, Herman Look, Elmer Tyler, Arthur Gadd, Aran Colo man, Pllklngton, Stewart, Chus Kauf man, Mr and Mrs O C Smith. Tho Novelty club was very delight fully entertained on Suturduy ovonlng by Mr. und Mrs. Albert Snow, at tholr iirettv homo on D stroot. As usual tho ovonlng was devoted to cards and re freshments. Thoso ut curds woro Messrs und Mesdames C B Allen, Koyos, Fred Wilson, Frank Vun Horn, M U Van Horn, Humphrey, Stovons, Wheeler, Luke, Miss Lvsh, Mr. Town sun, Mr Kellum, Mrs Dr Kelso. Tho Adusu Tent, No. 0, K. O. T. M. hold tin open mooting Wednesduy evening In tho Brown Block to which the ludles were bidden. Lieutenant Chuties Fowlor, a retired otllcor of tho United States army, guvo somo per sonul recollections of the Indiun battle of Big Horn mountain in which ho took a prominent part. Tho reminis cence was not only Instructive but also exceedingly Interesting. Miss Pock, who bus boon visiting ut the homo of Mrs. D. E. Koyos for sev eral weeks, returned to hor homo In Chicago Wednesday. Additional Society oh 4th 'life) 5 Five Per Cent on Deposits 5 Lincoln Savings Bank and Sate Deposit Go. S. E. Cor- 1 Ith and P Streets Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults. HENHY E. LEWIH, I'enldent A. I'. H. STEWART, Vlco-Pm. II. WELCH. Treis. 11,, if 1 . . V DPRICE'S nnflfll Baking usrp owder. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. The Globe Clothing House Extends a hearty New Year's Greeting to its many friends and patrons, wishing them a very happy and prosperous New Year, and thanking them for their liberal patronage. It will be our constant aim to deserve a continuance of your good will. For the next sixty days we will sell all our Overcoats $ Winter Suits at a marked reduction from early season's prices. Those who have got to buy will benefit themselves by coming before purchasing, to the GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, Corner Tenth and O Streets. WELL FITTING SHOES GIVE THE CHILDREN HEALTH AND COMFORT 'XMzm .rV.t,anBia hi TfR-? SiSSs twdeftonS5hiigmafl 1 1 ni ft i i. HI i-,rtr" " izzo u arai. T datfis feSt&j j29"Tais j 1