CHPITRL CITY COURIBR. Mrs. J. C BELL IIrk Jut received on;ct1ilnn en tirely new niul novel (or ladles head nttlrc. It l the Borden Bang Having no net work about It whatever, the hair bclnit fast ened together by a newly pat ented Idea which does not heat the hend, as othem ilo. A FULL LINE OF COSMETICS Hnlr oinnments, nml hnlr goods. A v.ounl, we load In nrlUtlc hnlr dressing nml manicuring. Cull niul sec us. 1 14 North Fourteenth St. c PCNON ITV ORL 5 Get the Genuine only nt P. BARTON Manager Burr Illock, cor. nth niul O Sts. Tel, 71 COLUMBIA National Bank Lincoln, : Nebraska Capital, - $250,000 Ofictrt and Direttors: eha B. Wrtght, Fret. T. R. Hsnders, V.-P. J. II. McOlay, Cashier. VBJohason, II I Lau, Thoi Coohrnn. K BBInr, T.WLowery, W I. Dayton General Banking Uuslncst Transacted Collection a Specialty. German National Bank LINCOLN) NEB. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 , 20,000.00 Joseph Boehmer, President, Htrman II. Schaberg, Vice Preit. Chas. B, Wnlte, Cashier, O. J. Wilcox, Ait. Cashier The First National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. ftfttil, $400,000 Surplus, $100,000 OFFICERS! JT. . HARWOOS, Prt$UUnt. OMAS. A. HANNA, VkPraUUnt. F.U COOK, CtuMtr. O S. LWPlNCOTT, Au't Cathltr R. D. UU.LKR. Au't CaiMtr. 7 PITH I- VfcV NATIONAL BANK lay fa $300,000. LINCOLN NEtR .W.Moihbk, H.J. Walsh Vrssldsnt. Vlce-l'res't. K. 0. Outoalt, Cashier. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Farm and City Loans AT LOW RATES. tJfMoncy furnished promptly on ap proved security. E.C.JONES, Manager 1130 O Street, Lincoln, Neb REAL ESTATE LOANS On forms In eastern Nebraska ami Improved Btoeerty la Lincoln for a tern, of year. Lowest Current Rates R. E. A J. MOORE. RIOHAIIDS BLOCK, t in O BtraeU, Lincoln. American Exchange National Bank I.M. Raymond. President LBWia dHKOoHY, Vlc-l'reldenl 8. H. BORNnAM, Cashier D. O. Wiito, " Aast. Cashier LINCOLN, NEBR. CAPITAL 9200,000 Nortaeaat eoraer Eleventh aad O atrteU &m WOKK FOR WOMEN. HOW NCW FIELDS OF EMPLOYMENT HAVE BEEN OPENED. The Veteran Vlriilnln I'emijr Itnlntrs llr Ktprrlrncr. In Hrrhlyu Occupation for Women Hlin Devoti-dl'lnm mill fortune to AmLi Women to Hiippnrt Themselves. ICopyrlulil, WX, liy American Proas Aisootn. Hon. I hud been n teacher for ovor tilno jrcnrs, mostly In tho western states. Wlillo touching my health fulled, nud I thought I would go at sometliiiiK oIhu. But when I eamo to study tho mutter carefully I found no other iivunuo wns ojion to mo. I nuked mysolf why it wna tlmt mou had bo many occupations nud Women no fow. I could not solvo tho problem, nud tho moro I studied it tho moro I was puzzled. Bo when I caino in possession of my littlo patrimony I de termined to lcnru tho cnuso, if Micro win ono, and sco Mint justico wan dono to womou. Tito information 1 gained of women' work nnd mnttors pertaining thoruto cost mo MioumtudH of dollars and year of tltno ami labor and tho en tiro loss of boulth for a long period. i": riffix && "yj) MROINIA PENNY IN IS."!!). I rend works on political economy, la bor nnd capital and Bimllar objects. 1 bought every book to bo had on women's doportmont, duties nnd spheres. But no whero could 1 gain information of pur suits that women could cuter nud earn a livelihood, for no such printed informa tion had been given to tho world. 80 1 determined to learn by observation and from personal inquiry what I wanted. To do so I must go to tho places where tnon nnd women wero nt work. I usual ly rodo and walked from 8 o'clock in tho morning until places of business closed and reached my boarding placo about dark. Thero wero then no elovators in buildings, and I ami my hired compan ion, for I always employed ono, climbed up stairs, generally to tho ninth, tenth and eleventh floors, all day long, week after week, month af tor month nnd year after year. I visited between 5,000 and 0,000 places in Philadelphia, Now York city, Boston and tho surrounding towns. My object was to seo tho modo of operating, ascer tain tho wages paid, tho timo of learn ing, tho effects of occupations on the health nnd many other things of n kin dred nature. Tho ono and only aim in viow was to gain a Icnowledgo of what employments wero feasiblo to women, tho qualifications needed and tho pur suits to which thoy wero best adapted; also tho likelihood of gaining a footing in various occupations, tho probablo result pecuniarily, tho length of timo to pro puro and tho expenso of living while do ing bo, with somo Inquiry into tho cost of tools or tho capital required for car rying on tho business, if carried on Inde pendently. I found tho majority of pur suits followed by men wero capablo of being performed by women. Thoslzonnd character of tho places visited ranged from tho mammoth build ings of tho Harpers to tho lono attio, whero a maker of spcctnclo frames worked nlono nnd lived with his mother less two-year-old child. 1 liavo gono to places ranging in variety from a shot tower to 11 cobbler's workbench in 11 basement. 1 hero tnko this opportunity to ac knowledge tho uniform kindness nnd courtesy 1 received from cmployors and employed wherever I went. Not n mtlo word, not a coarso look, did 1 over have from ono of tho thousands of men nnd womou I saw. Perhaps such changes havo taken placo that none will remem ber ma But my picturo as 1 then was may recall mo to tho minds of a fow em ployers or employees. How well i succeeded in my efforts may bo judged from tho fact that when I commenced only nbouttsix occupations wero generally engaged in by women, and they wero such as our women an cestors had worked in from timo imme morial. Of course there wero a fow in n small number of others, mostly of tho higher nnd better class of work, as jour nalists, authors and artists. A woman preacher, doctor or lecturer was a curi osity. Now womou aro occupied in about 400 pursuits. Somo of these, aro now occupations that timo and circum stances havo developed, and which wero not then invented and consequently uot named by me when I first studied the matter, from 1850 to 18ftA The results of my four years' labor were embodied in a volume entitled "Tho Employments of Women," after ward published as "Five Hundred Em ployments Adapted to Women," and still later as "How Women Can Mako Money." The second book, kindred la nature, but not statistical, was called "Think and Act." My first active work was commenced to Philadelphia. I recall with pleasure my trips through many of, the largo es tablishment in that cityi I 'was shown through Power & Weightman's labora tory and permitted to talk with the em loyees. I remember my walk through lowells' wall caper factory, through JrWr ML dbAi ww m i a -r a jul " i at" n fc&SF , . . . Llpplticott'rt In.di. ma.. in, ciUiihliriliiuciit and n pleasant dint with Mr. Lippiucott. Bomo friends and myself inado a vIhU to Iti'inhraiuH I'enlo's homo, whoro wo found tho artist working on tho sixty first original portrait of Washington. Ail intelligent guide conducted ua through tho mint, I had n delightful talk with Gcorgo W CIiIIiIh, who wrote to mo in IHSd us follows! "It might bo found that in tho numerous magazines devoting hoiiio columns to woninn's In terests tho contributions of such a pio neer us yourself In tho statistical and Mig (festive histories of employments would bo welcome. Tho sketch in 'Allibono'j Dictionary' does only justice to you in tho Hist encyclopedist on tho subject of women's occupations." From Philadelphia I wont to Now Yorli city. Tlmro most business struots havo each tlielr peculiar lino of work Many I imminent men I there had occasion to alk with liavo gono to their long homes, Greeley, Raymond. Bryant, Leslie nml tho Brooks, among editors. With u noto from Miss Kmily Howland I called ujioii Cyrus Field, who greatly favored women as telegraph operators, and whose parlors, dining room and hall wuro Ires coed by u woman artist. Among tho many places of tliu book making kind that coiiie to mind ur Harper's, tho Appletons. tliu llible Iioubo, tho Methodist Boole concern ami tho Tract society Many women were employed in them. 1 consumed much timo in visiting cotton, linen, woolen and silk manufactories, and others of metal nud glass wero gone through. Thoso of tho precious metals wero es pecially interesting, as watch chains, rings, and bracelets. Cameo cutters nml InpidariuM wero not passed by. I visited tho Cooper institute, whoro ipillo a number of ladies wero practicing tho nrt of wood engraving, nnd some wore painting portraits and landscapes. I talked with many salesladies. The hours wero long nnd tho pay poor of tho majority of thorn. Two of tho fow avo cations then open to women wero milll- ncry and dressmaking, and they wero stresses mado gentlemen's and ladies' v,v" vitvviHii tiiiiiMiviiii rt iv.tssa underwear nt starvation rates, UOOH I agents plied their vocation with ik.t Blstont zeal. Button factories employed a number of women, nml so did knitting fnctories. Thero wero immenso bread nnd cracker bakeries, but no women woro employed. Howovcr, ono womnn hnd grown rich making nnd selling pies. Tho hardest, filthiest ami worst paid labor in most occupations was usually dono by women. From Now York I went over to Bos ton nud visited numberless stores, fac tories and workshops. VmaiNiA. Penny. A S"ritor DntiRhter. Miss Lucy Aldrlch, daughter of United States Senator Aldrlch, is fully as well known in Washington society ns in Providence, as for two or threo years post most of her timo has boon spent at the nation's capital. MISS LCCY ALDUICH. Miss Aldrlch has a peculiar stylo of beauty light hair, clearest complexion, dreamy eyes and tho sweetest of disposi tions. Tall, stately nppcaring, Miss Aid rich is a familiar figure in tho gay socie ty of Washington, and presides over the household of Rhodo Island's distin guished senator with rnro grnco nnd tact Miss Aldrlch Is hut tweuty-threo years of ago and an accomplished cques trtonno. Her summers alio divides iiiuiiuu. iil'i DiiMiiuuio niiu un iiivo utr tween Providonco and Newport, nnd is i. always In her nativo citv about half of tho winter during tho gayest timo. C. S. Tho Decline of tho Toiint. I dou't mean the kind of toast you drink out of glasses, which may decline as vigorously as n Latin noun if it pleases, ' but tliu kind that is served on a plato, with beautiful "ombcr effects," liko some of tho winter dress goods, and plenty of butter. Really it is worthy of n sonnet But that's ouly when it's mndo by a per son of skill, taste, judgment nnd con scientiousness, almost n paragon in fact 1 Half tho icoplo who mako toast dou't know how, nnd half thoso who eat it don't know any better. 1 havo seen j lunchors nt a first class hotel nnd at n popular restaurant order toast and bo served with bread that had been scorched on a gridiron and looked liko a zebra I suppose ono reason of tho decline of toast is tho disappearance from com merco of tho old fashioned toasting fork of wiro with four prongs nnd tho sub stitution of a miniature gridiron. I went Into a Iioubo furnishing store onco nnd asked for a toasting fork. Tho proprie tor ran his cyo meditatively over the shelves nnd said: "Now let mo see What shall 1 sell you for a toasting fork?" 1 said a toasting fork would do, but ho hnd nono and seemed to consider this absurd, so I camo away without one. M. H. P. L. In Ontario all women who are prop erty owners are entitled to vote at munic ipal elections. In the town of London 930 ladies voted. An ordinance propos ing to limit the liberty of drinking sa loons brought out the full force of the feminine vols. 1 " PREPAHINU tO OIN THE FAIR. flrover Cletelnnri Will Touch tho llutta. Tim Peoplo Will Do the lltit. HH'lnl 'orrvflMiii(lenco. Chicago, .Ian. 12. Wliilo renewed ac tivity nnd energy are, with tho opening of tho new year, being manifested in nil do tMirtinents pertaining to tho World's Co umblan exposition, thuro is otiocommlt tco in particular that believes In taking time by tho forelock and Is carrying out tho belief in practice. This Is tho com tnltteo on ceremonies. Tho recollections of tho glories of dedication week aro still with us. It seems but yesterday slnco that magnificent civic parado moved over our spacious thoroughfares; slnco Manu factures hall resounded with tho acclaim of tho greatest aiidioncoovcr gathered under n covered roof. Uut nit hough tho recollection still dwells with us. Dedication Day is a thing of tho past, Inauguration Day Is before us In tho near futuro. It matters not that ground has yet to bo broken for tho ornate structure in which it is pro posed Mint tho Inauguration ceremonies shall bo held. Such a littlo thing us that doesn't troublo anybody so long as the ground Itself Is actually there That the programme- should bo framed beforo tho building in which that prograuimo is to bo carried out has actually begun to rear its walls nnd only four months to spnro may bo regarded as simply another il lustration of tho goahcadatlvcness of the United States in general and of tho me tropolis of tho west in particular. Wind and weather, contractors nn4 walking delegates and various other concomitants permitting, thoccrcmonics that aro to signalize tho formal opuiiin( i of tho o.po. tlon to tho peoplo of tho uni verse will bo held In Festival hall. Tlit sitoof this structure when it is n struc turewill ho on tho west sldo of the lagoon east of tho Transportation build ing, near by tho Administration build ing, anil easy of access to tho Slxty-sov-enth street untranco. Just now tho ground Is occupied by d M M ,, d muyoften, I times bo found diligently engaged in tho Sllulr Mf It t9 l.t.w I ..tail t. I. tat. ...... nf Mn t. A nl ! l rntit III ..,,,.,10., nt ,,? .. I.,-....! .r .......1. ..1 uiuiifciu.i uut ui it uuh ui i!U'i;n luui soup or exploring with 11 fork tho mys teries of a dish of pork nnd beans, while on tho other sido of tho tablo Director General Ueorgo II. Davis or President T. W Palmer may bo cracking jokes or exchanging witticisms between mouth fuls of mush and milk or ham and eggs. Tho frame- restaurant, howovcr, has a limited lease of life. Within a few weeks It will bo razed to tho ground, and Festi val hall will riso upon tho ruins. It will havo 11 soating capacity of 0,000 souls, and, us its namo indicates, will bo avail bio for reunions, stato gatherings nud festivities of a general character. Should thero bo conditions, however, that mill Into against tho completion of this build ing on timo, tho inauguration exercise will bo hold in Music hall. This is lo cated between tho Agricultural and Man ufactures buildings, just about north east of tho latter building Its seating capacity will bo about 9,000. Possibly a good many people mny be Inclined to ask why tho exercises should not tako placo in tho open air, or why the Manufactures building, in which tho dedication exorcises wero held, can not bo utilized noxt Mny As to tho lat ter suggestion, tho building itself will be crowded with exhibits, and tho possibil ity of reserving sufficient space oven to construct n temporary auditorium is out of tho question. So far as 0cn air ex ercises aro concerned, nono of ns who havo lived in Chicago for oven a decade Is likely to bo entranced with tho idea. Wo dou't dunco about Mny poles hero- abouts with tho opening of tho month of flowers, nor as 11 general rnlo do wo be gin to wnrblo "Spring, spring, gentle spring." until wo aro well into Juno. It is not so many years ago einco trains wero snowbound within fifty miles of Chicago for two or three days in tho last Wock in April What hapjened then is likely to happen again. Open nir exer cises on tho tst of May might mean colds and catarrh and that fiendish mon ster, In grippe, and its consort, pneumo nia, and bronchitis nnd numberless other ills to thousands if not tens of thou sands of patriotic Americans. And so an open nir Inauguration has been ta booed nud very wisely tabooed. It would bo a profitable thing for tho med ical fraternity, but neither tho Illinois nor tho National Medical association has offered a percentago on tho profes- . . . " . elonal fees that such a programniowoud D.nn.K ,0"u- naa 0,lc ms no Pmco n tho list of concessions That energetic secretary of tho com mittee on ceremonies, Colonel E. O. Cnlp. to whom much of tho success of dedication week mny bo fairly attribu ted, expresses tho opinion that a quarter of a million peoplo will pass through tho gates of Jackson park on opening day Hence, if his cstimato comes any whero near being correct, It follows that 845.000 of them will got noithor within seeing nor hearing of tho special exercises, although that entiro number and as many moro may gather hi Machinery hall and tho other structures and look upon tho tiinuhiviry as it starts in motion from tho pressure upon tho electric button. Of the 5.000 moro fnrtunato individu als one-fifth will comprise tho otlicial guests of the national commission. These may be classified in this order: President nml members of the cabinet, the diplomatic corps, tho members of both brunches of congress, the members of tho supremo court, tho national com mission, the board of lady managers, the Ity council or Chicago, tho jxirk com missioners, tho hoard of managers of the government exhibit, nnd last, but not least, the representatives of tho press. Tho other 4.000 spectators will, accord ing to the present programme, put up five dollars apiece for tho privilege. It will bo cheap at that, for at tho Paris exposition tho price of tickets ranged from two to twelve dollars, amirdiiut to locution, and for days liefnre the inau guration they commanded a premium of 100 per "cent. The exercises will lie briof dignified and at the huuiv time impress ive. Gsover Cleveland -will press the button. The people will do the rest. Husky M. Hunt. Established 1 868. For Pure Ice Cream and Delicious Fresh Oysters ! OALL The Bon Ton Tolophono 4G7. 1202 P Street Geo. Meicfeirleine, Propr. BHKERY $ G0NFCT1ON8RYS ConYo ami I.tclit Sewing Machine and Gnn Repairing We have just employed a skillful workman from the East, who Is fully competent to make nil repair In the above lines T. J. THORP & CO., 220 South Eleventh street. I IKaWJKRIkn-iakmlsBBiHH f f V TaflP'11 ft -. VJLjLT- Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. Noncliut cxjicrlcnced iupii cinploycil. Latest devices lor moTlnir Mrclilncrr, Hnfes anil other Heavy Articles. B OCKSTAFF BROS.' HARNESS Wholoralo Dealers In SADDLES Vitrified lirick and all Kinds Omcea738 fiz-i? sitjvzjizjft v&jrf itjAt s4z&Jzrfiirvi rfts$rr .rft sff -KC M TKL. jwinn-OKiKTm Aftertcn years of active work Tilth tho Musical Union Orchestra, ofOmnlin, as Director, during which time tho aliovi Orchestra fur n'.Kht'd nniHlc for all the promlnentevonts, roclcnlly, tlientrlciilly.cto., I have located In Lincoln to encage personally In in cheat ra biiHlncss, reellnir confident. Hint I can furnlah tha hut of mittie nt unv and nil JJ times. For terms nnd Information, call nt ofllce of Uatital. CtY H, Couhikii, 1131 O street, or call up telephone. 25.'). FT Tn ? ' HAVING just assumed personnl Lontrol of my handsome new stables, it will bc my aim to conduct a first-chu establishment, giving bett of care and attention to. horses entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, and a fine line of well-trained horses for livery use, fur nlshccl, day or night. DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. FRANK RAMSEY, Foreman. Stables 1630 and Telephone 225 JHir1 TOLL SET OF TEETH $5, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. NO CHLOROFORM I NO ETHliRI NO GASl' All Fillings at Dr. H. K. KBRMAN,, argsea Dentist, Rooaa 94, 95 and 96, Burr Ilk. 1 134 O Street. AT- Lunches nt nil Hours Telephone 176. Office, MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of- AND COLLARS. and Manufacturers of - "of Straw and Wrapping Paper. to 744 O street. MUSIC rOR CONCERTS RECEPTIONS OANOES, (TO Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLES. Telephone 550 1641 O Street. Canon City Rock Springs Vulcan Mendota Scranton Anthracite Lawtat Rates.