Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 14, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Oerner I Oth and P atrt.
carry a In mo lino of Woolen
Dress Goods
and Changeable Mlka, Hosiery, CortcU,
Underwear, (llnvr, Muttons.
Mnrtis, etc.
Agents for Hutterick's Patterns
hultnule for fancy work. Ovir H.OW plcocn (o
elect from, ami nt price tluil will pleinoyou
Opera House Cor. ia and O Sts.
nrc now being oflcicd by
137 OStrccI .,. U37
Ntriljr Nulled.
Taken upnnor utout the first of Novem
ber, ono dark brown pony iilioiil six years
old. Weigh Hlxiut nine hundred pound!
anil li about tlilrlt-t'ti IikiiOh lilitn. owner
can hnvc same by proving properly nnd pay
ing rhniges, by calling at my place, John It.
Clark farm, ono and one-half mllo south-east
Ingchnigea, by cull
Clark farm, ono ant
of Normal CoIIpro.
Laval anil Personal.
Whltobroast Coal ami Lltno Co.
Lincoln Coal Co., hw cor 1 Uh nnd O St.
L. Barr, jowolor, removed to 1133 O St.
Lincoln Frame & Art Co., 22o S. 11th.
Cowlo, undortakor, Funko Hi) S. 12th.
David P. Slum, dontlHt, rooms 42 and
43 Burr block.
Canon City ooal nt tho Whltobroast
Coal and Ltmo Co.
Dr. Ruth M. Wool, Draco building,
rooms 410, 411 nnd 412. (MO-tf
Chaa. S. MoKonny, tho East Lincoln
druggist, 2712 O titroot.
Mrs. Kato B. Chonoy, tcachor of
singing, room 605 Brace block.
Go to Henry PfolfT, 314 South 11th
troota (or choice moats.
Sampson Sisters, artlstlo dross mak
ing, 1123 N street, ovor Dorsoy's.
PfelfT sells meat as cheap as any mar
kct in Lincoln. Try him nnd see.
Prof. Johnson's hall Is beautifully ar
ranged for olub parties and banquets.
Miss Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. 11th
and P sta., over Lincoln Savings bank.
K. C. Baking Powdor, 22 ounces for
25 cents. Absolutely Pure. Have you
tried it?
Misses Boggs and CatYyn, dross mak
ing parlors. Fine stamping. 1311 M
street, 'phono 511).
"Amorlcan Beauty" "Pawlonla,"
and "Yosomltl" aro tho latest por
f umos at Rector's Pharmacy.
All orders via telephone 308 will
roach W. A. Collin & Co. nnd receive
prompt and careful attention.
Tho Whltobroast Coal and Llmo
company Is always at tho front supply
ng tho finest grados of all kinds of
' Miss O. J. Gullmotto, modiste,
Brownoll Block, over MUlor & Palno.
Comploto lino of dress trimmings nnd
linings. Take elevator.
When you want fresh, nice poultry,
game, buttor nnd eggs, call at Rumhold
& Moeer's nowstoro, 310 South Eleventh
street. 'Phono 728.
Why have- your horses foot butch
ered, havo lamo horse's and havo thorn
suffer? Tako them to Charllo Slat
tery's now shop, 416 South Elovonth
stroot, and such will nover bo tho case.
Society ladles and children aro re
spectfully Invited to attend Prof. John
son's dancing academy Saturday after
noon. Private instruction can bo had
at tho academy at any tlmo.
Savo all bother of borrowing chairs
and tables from your neighbors. Glvo
Hardy & Pitcher orders to havo somo
of tholr now ones with you for your
next party. They deliver and call and
get them.
Chas. Slattory, professional horse
hoar and farrlor. Diseases of tho foot
treated by the latost sciontlflo modes.
Horses called for and roturnod. New
shop, 416 South Elovonth street, bo
tween K and L.
Ask your groceryman for the "Wllbor
Boiling Mills" Flour. Chas. Harvey,
proprietor. Enquire for
"Little Hatchet,"
"Nlokle Plate," ud
"Baker's Constance "
Ever sack warranted.
A Hiiiall hut very nppicolntlvo mull
unco listened to a (harming concert
program at tho Lansing Monday even
ing, given by tho well known Whitney
Mookrltlgu company. There wore ton
numbers on tho evening's bill and Imi
fnro the last ono was finished, nearly
as many onohoros wore responded to.
Tho first to appear wore Miss draco
Aliny and Mr. Flotehor Wyatt, who
rendered Meyer Hnlmund's "Musical
Dialogue" much to tho pleasure of all
present. Their voices blond nicely
and tho harmony was perfect. Mr.
WlntornlU rendered a illlllciilt, yot
sweet and charming violin solo that
thoroughly caught tho house. Ho has
a graceful attitude, does his work with
delightful oaHo and thoroughly con
vinced his auditors of tho fact that ho
Is a thorough artist. Ho was compelled
to answer an enohoro. Of Oounod's
"Jewel Song," from Faust, which was
wing by Miss Marina Posta, it may ho
said that she Is a capable artist, hut on
this occassloii her work was not as well
received us was that of her compan
ions on tho program. She has a good
voleo hut her attitude on tho stage is
not easy, and her manner seems to be
somewhat strained, which always has
a telling olTect upon tho success other
wise, of a vocalist. Hut tho event of
tho evening was the appearance of that
popular tenor, Mr. Whitney Mockrldgo.
Ills rich, 'beautiful voice was never
sweeter, nor was ho over heard to let
ter advantage. Ho seemed at his best
and when "Murmuring Zephyrs," by
Jensen had Ikioii finished tho burst of
appreciation from tho audience demon
strated only too clearly tho apprecia
tion of every auditor hi tho house.
Euchores wore sung with llko result.
As a tenor Mr. Mockrldgo has fow
equals, and the only regret that can bo
ottered is that a full house did not hear
him. Ono of tho prettiest numbers of
tho evening was Miss Grace Almy's
"When I was a Child of Three." It
was gracefully sung, with good ex
pression and brought down tho house,
and an enohoro was the result. The
entire program was excellently carried
out and the concert was undoubtedly
one of tho nut enjoyable over listened
to In Nebraska. Manager Perslugor
may well lw credited with having a
most elegant aggregation of talent in
his company and they certainly deservo
united praise for their work. Lincoln,
howovor, is a poor music town, which
has of t .times been demonstrated, and
tho small audience that was present in
no mannor reflects upon tho merits of
tho company.
Madollno Morll, tho Italian notross,
played a two nights' engagement at
tho Lansing this week, appearing both
nights to poor business. The madame
Is not well enough known to draw largo
houses and her success throughout this
country, which is advertised as her
first American tour, will doubtless lo
hor last. That sho Is a very fair artist
wo will not deny, but when sho or her
manngor claims oxtravngant ability
for her, then tho lino must bo drawn.
Sho has tho appearance more of a
Spanianl than an Italian and her acting
will never set tho world on tiro unless
sho improves much hereafter. Hor
support wiw very poor In somo parts
and only fair at best. Camlllo was to
havo boon put on tho first night but
owing to tllnoss of ono of tho ladies
Frou Frou, tho second night's bill, was
staged both nights. The business done
hero was fully in accord with what tho
show merited.
Jolly, gonial, jovlnl Joo Murphy made
his bow to a Lincoln audience again
last night after an absonco of several
years. Korry Gow was tho bill and It
received amplo nnd pleasing attention
from a most excellent company of
artists. Mr. Murphy's olovor dlaloct Is
refreshing, pure and simple, while his
songs are such us to glvo cheer to the
most melancholy. In fact so rauoh was
his voice appreciated last night that
duplicate numbers woro found ncces
sary to satisfy tho audienco. Tonight
.Mr. Murphy will bo soon In his most
successful play, "Shnun Rhuo," and If
you haven't your seats secured yot, It's
tlmo you woro moving toward tho box
ottlco. Thoro will bo a big audience
present tonight.
Tho following attractions will bo
soon nt tho Lansing the week after
noxt, January 23d to 28th: Annlo
Lewis In A Nutmor Match. Frlomln.
Hole In tho Ground and Vesper Bolls.
Tlioso will 111! the entire woek.
In Omaha. Denvor and olsowhoro.
Clara Morris seat soil for $1.50, while
in Lincoln tho best soats aro soiling for
$1, and a crowdod house will greet hor
at mo Lansing .Monday evening, whon
"Arttclo 47" will bo glvon.
Clara Morrl In L'Ayrtlola 47 " Monday.
'An, engagement of moro than ordi
nary inorlt is tho ono bookod for Mon
day' Illtfht at tho Lanslnrr. und thn unln
of 'seats' for Clara Morris, which oponod
yesieruay, aircaay oospeaK a crowded
houso. Tho following brief criticisms
show the regard in which Clara Morris
Is hold in Now York: "Mosmorism
and hypnotism are strong words, but
perhaps tho best to use in speaking of
her power," Brooklyn Eagle. "The
Fourteenth Street theatre was crowded
with the admirers of this remarkable
actress, and f.-oin tho beginning to the
end of tho play, her Impersonation was
watched with breathless Interest. Hor
hiarvolous powers aro revealed In their
I'omplotoness." Hun. "In superb
health, sho assayed tho rolo last night,
and because of Its emotional require
ments, carried tho audience along with
hor iiM)n tho surface of hor passion."
Herald. "Clara Morris gave convinc
ing proof last night that sho still pos
sesses that subtle force which makes
her unappronchablo and matchless In
tho rank of American actresses. Hor
art has won her a now triumph."
World. It Is to bo regretted that tho
ongngomont hero Is for but ono night
only, but under tho circumstance this
will lw none tho loss appreciated by a
large and elegant audience Monday
evening, whon "Article 47" will bo
I'ror. lliirlon'NTniliH'il A nt mill, ill I'linhe'i,
Tho first three nights of noxt woek
at Funko'H will bo filled by Prof. Hut-
ton St Co s cqulno and canine carnival.
This Is a novel and Interesting enter
tainment that is as thoroughly in
structing as It Is respectable and pleas
ing and caters to till classes of tastes
that delight In clean refreshing amuse
ments. It is said of Prof. Burton that
his powor of training ovor what Is sup
posed by somo to bo tho dumb brute, is
marvelous. His troupe of trained
ponies and dogs comprise n collection
wluwo value cannot bo estimated in
dollars and cents. Thoro aro trick
dogs and trick ponies that act like hu
mans and the drilling together with
other tnauueouvers Is such as to make
each act seem almost incredible.
Prices for this engagement will be 15,
25, 35 and 50 cent and seat will go on
sale today.
Yi'iittiTHon at I ho I.niinliig.
Tho first appearance of Henry Wat-
torson upon a Nebraska platform will
occur on Wednesday, January 18 at tho
Lansing theatre. Tho Palladlan so
ciety is to bo congratulated upon se
curing suuh an eminent American for
tholr lecture course. Mr. Wattorson's
lecture is on "Money and Morals." It
Is said to bo remarkably witty, brilliant
and thoughtful. Tho pros of tho
country Is enthusiastic In Its praise of
Mr. Wattorson. Tho oloquont Colum
bian Day orator has been groeted with
magnificent audionccs wherever ho has
appoarod. It will pay you to hoar this
lecture. Tho sale of reserved seats
opens Monday morning at tho Lansing
box ofltco at regular prices.
The V. M. C. A. Kntrrtalnntent.
Tho Adolphlan Quartette assisted by
Mrs. Von Waldan, tho Russian zither
soloist, will glvo tho first entertain
ment in the Y. M. C. A. course In
Association hall noxt Wednesday even
ing. Every ono in Lincoln knows tho
Adolphlan Quartette. Mrs. Von Wal
dan Is a stranger in tho city, but hor
zither solos charm all who hear thorn.
Don't fail to go. Admission 25 cent.
Tickets on sale at the hall.
The I.I Kb t Infantry Minstrel.
Tho mlnstrols which will bo pro
sontod by tho Lincoln Light Infantry
Thursday ovonlng at tho Lansing will
bo an entertainment that none should
miss. Tho entertainment will cor
talnly be first class. Tho profit will
go into tho uniform fund of tho com
pany, which Is an organization that
our city should encourage. Rehoarsals
have been going on nightly for tho
past two weeks. As near as can bo
learned tho program will bo about as
follows: A grand military spootneulur
first part, assisted by quartetto and
chorus of excellent voices and six ond
men. Tho ends will be filled by tho
following gentlemen: Bonos Frank
Burr, Yal Bostrom and Ray Loose;
tambos Forry Moore, S. T. St. John
and Will McCIay. Intorlooutor, Chic
Harrison. Tho quartette and chorus
Is composed of tho following: Messrs.
Seamark, Peters, Myers, Camp, Low,
Covert, Grlswold and Butler. Tho
olio of specialties will consist of feats of
magic by Will O'Shoa: parlor L'vmnas-
tlcs by tho celebrated Wortz Bros.;
oration by Sam Low; musical skotoh
by Moore, Burr and Curtlco: tho
gladiators Callahan and Meyer; songs
and dances by Hotloy, Burr and St.
John; nnd a drill of tho manual of
arms by eight picked men from tho
company. Tho show will bo far ahead
of anything of tho kind that has ovor
boon produced by local talent. Tho
prices will bo as usual, soats irolnir on
salo at tho box ollico Monday morning.
hi l'lunkaril nt Funko's.
A Ynnkoo comedy of tho above title
will bo at Funko's Thursday and Friday
ovonlngs of noxt weok. Tho comedy
is in four acts, tho scones of which is
laid in and around tho Now England
Tht only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Uttd in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
otinlry and Now York City. Tho cen
tral figure, of course, Is "SI IMunkard,"
a young Yankee notion peddler, which
part Is looked after by Mr. J. (.'. Lewis.
Somo of tho leading characters seen
may ho mentioned. Dora Page, a
young country lass, In love with Sir
Felix Sclnnardt, an Inventive Dutch
man; Robert Deunoy, a lsgu stock
Hpo-Miliitur; E.rn Page, an honest old
farmer who does not uudcrMaud specu
lation; Moses Wilton, a Hebrew money
lender, and numerous country friends
of tho Pago family. Tho performance
includes many specialties. Regular
house prices, 25, 50 and 75 cents, will
Thn 1'iiy Trull, Ik Coining.
A great realistic comedy drama that
will Interest all will bo seen at Funko's
Saturday ovonlng. It is tho "Pay
Train," and will bo presented by tho
potlto actress Miss Florence Blndly
and a great cast. Thoro aro numerous
climaxes and tho scenic olTect aro said
to bo most elegant and realistic. Tho
wreck of a train while running down
a stoop incline, a boiler explosion, the
(light of tho fast pay train across the
stago at full speed, n most natural coal
mine scone and other mechanical
effects shown aro such as to stir tho
audience to it highest pitch of enthus
iasm. Speaking of tho piece tho
Chicago Herald says: "Tho Pay
Train" Is easily at tho head of tho long
list of railroad dramas," Notwith
standing the high merit of this attrac
tion, prices for seats will bo tho same
as usual, 25, 50 and 75 cents.
W. A. Collin & Co. havo just added
tho largest and finest line of fancy
groceries to bo found In tho city. Ro
tnoinbor this whon buying your holiday
No such lino of canned fruit in tho
city as shown by W. A. Coflln it Co.,
1 13 South Elovonth street.
Card cases and ladies' coin and spcclo
Illll-Miw In Ilini'(M'(n. ItilMuInn limtlimv
dongoiakld and French calf at Rector's
K. C. Bnklnir Powder. 25 minerm for
rt , ....
25 cents. Absolutely pure. Havo you
tried li?
All kinds of imported cheeses, finest
and largest assortment over soon In tho
city, at Rumhold it Moaer's, 210 South
Elovonth street. 'Phono 728.
Full lino of artist's materials at Lin
coin Frnmo and Art company's, 220
South Elovonth street.
Frames, frames, frames, of ovory
description at Lincoln Framo and Art
company's, 22(1 South Elovonth street.
Now lino of picturo mouldings at
Cowlo's, 110 south Twelfth streot.
Rock Springs Coal at tho Lincoln
Coal Co. 'Phono 440.
Lincoln pooplo can now buy any kind
of chcoso that thoy may call for, at
Rumhold it Mosor's, 316 South Eleventh
stroot. 'Phono 728.
Ladles make big money canvassing
for tho Capital City Courier. If
you want nice, profitable work call at
tho ollico, 1134 O stroot.
Have You Anything; to Trade
for Hastings real estate? I havo two
blocks well located in Sponcor Bros'.
Park addition and I will consider prop
ositions to trade for almost anything.
Address L. Wossol, Jr., caroof CouiilKR.
Ilnrllnctnn Itoute Plnylng Card.
Now dosign, round cornors floxiblo
linon stock, permanent colors, worth
50 cents. Wo soil thorn at 15 cents.
Good schomo to buy a fow packs; might
need them this winter; ouchro, whist,
high-five, oto.
A. C. ZlEMER, City Pass. Agt.
flo. 1134 0 Street.
nt once to handle tho farmora' trade on Beods
and Hoed i otatoes of known merit. Our men
have privilege of swlllng our warranted, well
known nursery tUock iilim, Ilia wagon to tie
made tills scuwin. Apply quick, stating age.
L. L. MAY & CO ,
Nurserymen, I'lurlstsand Seedsmen,
This houso Is responsible. HI'. PAUL, MINN
Fine Hack Towels
Fine Table Damask Linens
These are our own importations, and we can save
you money.
New Lot Just in.
All kinds of warm goods Arctics, High
Button Gaiters, Alaskas, etc.
1 1 29 O Street.
5 Five Per Cent on Deposits5
Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go.
3. E. Cor. 1 1th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults.
MMftY E. LEWIS, resident A. P. 8. STEWART, Vice-Pro.. R. WELCH. TrMa.
The Globe Clothing House
Extends a hearty New Year's Greeting to its many friends
and patrons, wishing them a very happy and prosperous New
Year, and thanking them for their liberal patronage. It will
be our constant aim to deserve a continuance of your good
For the next sixty days we will sell all our
Overcoats! Winter Suits
at a marked reduction from early season's prices, Those who
have got to buy will benefit themselves by coming before
purchasing, to the
Corner Tenth and O Streets.
9 aicnrN 4t)
jPsotForC. IXn
' .-. '
7JC, 12c
19c, 33c, 45c, 69c, 83c
Sznkmt:- ' :3ia
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