''""J1, "
I Ifl
ri 7
r '!:
VW f ww
row lth and P .
wry a Urge Una of Wooles
Dress Goods
M4Ckntbl MIM. Hotter, Comu,
UlUitwtir, UIotm, Hulloni. '
Iilntnc, lc.
geits for Buttcrick's Patterns
owe i . v ltimvc.
.T1 VI .! t IV I If IIU11U
i v FOK TUB-
f-Utlitbla forfunoy work. Over !.0K) plio to
aeteot from, ml nt rlcen thnt will picnic you
Opera House Cor.
' It
ia and O Sti.
are now being oftcicd by
O Street
Ths Courier Can b ("ouml At
sett Lincoln News HUml.
ftadaor Hotel Nawa Miami.
4WI how nawa niana.
I Dude Clear mow, 108U 0 Htreet
rouns, rn u mreei. .
i'iNewa8tnml,H8 Hontli Mill Htreet.
i. Firtannr uo,. naiu mrcei.
Iikh Oltlce, IISIUHtrott.
Laeal anil lS)raonal
JCCftnt Coal and Llmo Co.
Lincoln Coal Co., sw cor 11th and O St.
Ii Ban", jowolor, removed to 1 133 O St.
Lincoln Framo & Art Co., 225 S. 11th.
Cowlo, undortakor, Funko 110 S. 12tht
roatorBollal&klndaofooal, 1140 O St.
David P. Blmn, dontlst, rooms 42 and
43 Burr block. "
Dr. Ruth M. Wood, Draco building,
rooms 410, 411 and 412. 0-10-t(
Now lino of pattern hats just received
by Mrs. J. A. Blair.
Chas. S. MoKonny, the East Lincoln
druggist, 2712 O stroot.
Canon City coul nt tho Whltobroast
Coal and Llmo Co.
M, X. Trostorv lumber, lumbor, lum
ber, lumber, 1140 O street.
Mrs. Kato B. Ch'onoy, toaohor o(
Blnglng, room 505 Brace block.
Go to Henry PfoltY, 314 South 11th
troots for choice moats.
Sampson Sisters, artistic dross mak
ing, 1123 N street, over Dorsoy's.
, Pfolff sella moat as cheap as any mar
ket In Lincoln. Try him and seo.
Prof. Johnson's hall Is beautifully ar
ranged for club parties and banquets.
K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounces for
as cents. Absolutely Pure. Havo you
tried it?
Usees Boggs and Caffyn, dross mak
ing parlors. Fine stamping. 1311 M
street, 'phono 510.
MIm Anna ,Dlck, Modiste, cor. 11th
and P st., over Lincoln Savings bank.
'American Beauty" "Pawlonla,"
and "Yoaemltl" arc tho latest per
fumes t Rector's Pharmacy.
For ladles' superb hair dressing, hair
ornament, and hair goods go to head-
Quarters Mrs. Gosper s, 1114 O street.
The) Whltebreaat Coal and Lime
oompaay is always at the front supply
ng the finest grades of all kinds of
The largest and best selected stock
of xclualvo mllllnory goods can bo
fotwd at Mrs. J. H. Blair's, 117 South
Eleventh street.
MIm C. J. Gullmetto, modiste,
Brownell Block, over Miller & Paine.
Complete line of dress trimmings and
linings. Take elevator.
Why have your horses feet butch
ered, have lame horses and havo them
ufar? Take them, to Charlie Slat
tery'a new shop, 410 South Eleventh
,ttMt, and such will never bo tho case.
yftociety ladles and children are ro
MMttully invited to attend Prof. John
'M's dancing academy Saturday after
I'noon. Private instruction can be had
fet the academy at any time.
vM Okas. Slattery,' professional horse-
'sjioar and farrier. Diseases of tho feet
taasJtod by the latest sclentlflo modes.
Bnrass called for and returned. New
'jfcaje; 416 South Eleventh street, be
WwiKaadL. Aak your grooerymaa for the ' ' WUber
Itrtllrf MUJa'r Flour.-uaa. uarvey,
Enquire for
i '''I'vi"'''
jy MUM'iir.
Julia Murlowo, gontlo, swcot nnd un
UHHUinlnr, yet grout In lior choneii lino,
fuulimtod one of tho lurUHt ami imwt
fashionable iuhIIciicok Tuowlay ovonlii
tliat luw over graced the LatiHlng
tlieatro. Sho oluwu tho ahnructor of
"Viola" In "Twelfth Nlj,'ht" to display
her wondurful gonltiH, ho wull fitted to
this part. In till tho beautiful charac
ters Sliakonpoaro has given un where
In tholr one more true to womanly na
ture or more faclnatlug and lovable
than "Viola"? MIhh Marlowo hiw such
quiet yet consclctictotiH demeanor
coupled with great talent that makes
her tho prltno favorite In tho theatre
going public's caloiiHcd yet alwuys
01H3H heart. Of courso tho oharuoter
of Viola does not roqulro tho norvo
racking work so truo to many Shako
spearonn pluys but It necessitates u
power of grout attraction to bo over
foremost In the charming pago. Miss
Marlowo Is of courso surrounded by an
almost faultless company which, I re
gret to say, Is not always truo of great
sturs, many having tho mlcguldcd
thought that It detracts from tholr
own brilliancy. Tho loading supporter
of this young queen of tho stage Is Mr.
Tabor, who Is especially clover, though
tho role of "Malvollo" somowhnt con
tracts his tibllUy and does not afford
him Hulllolent opportunity to appear nt
Ills best. Tho remaining member of
tho company were excellent In tholr
Individual parts and cspoolally good
aro tho four plotters, Sir Toby, Tester,
Sir Andrew Aguahup and Maria who
bring much misery upon tho unsus
plolous Mnlvollo. Tholr morrlmont
scone wns Immensely enjoyed by tho
audlenco. Tho numerous curtain culls
were testimonials of what kind of a re
ception Miss Murlowo will rocelvo on
her next visit.
"Fontonollo," tho now play In which
Mr. Jumos Onelll appeared Wednes
day and Thursday ovonlngs at tho
Lansing theatre is of n dllToront tyo
from any that has over been seen hero
boforo. It combines what might bo
styled a Shakespearean play with that
of n sonsutlonal drama. Tho ubduc
tlon scene, tho river hut, tho old hug,
etc., aro on tho order of Dungors of a
Great City, while the courtliness of tho
play shows ft spirit like unto
that In Shnkospcar's Twelfth Night
and others of genteel manner and
attire. Mr. Onelll is not us good in
Fontonollo as In Monto Christo ami
perhaps novor will bo soon in a char
acter that so well suits him ns does his
grout and familiar success. On tho
other hand It may bo an error on our
part in judging him thus, for utter
having seen him in Monto Christo and
having identified him for so long with
tho ploco as its pearless repre
sentative, it Is dtfllcult to imagine him
as good In this now undertaking. An
other view of tho situation as muy woll
bo looked at, and one on which many
eastern critics agree, Is tho fact that
ho has playod Monco Christo so long
that his pooullar stylo of acting, which
Is original with mm, has been so
familiarized In tho minds of tho poo
pie that his every action and movo
recalls somo of his work In either as
Edmund Dantes or tho Count. His
speech and gestures Ukowlso recall
passages therefrom and in fact Fon
tonollo, tho play itself, In somo In
stances resembles Monte Crlsto.
When on the raft with tho femalo form
In arm, holding up tho recovered dia
mond, the scene is much llko that of
"Tho world Is mlno." Mr. OnolU's
work howevor is cleverly brought out
and his refined manner given full scope
to display his talent. Tho supporting
company Is very good and tho several
parte are brought out strong and most
natural. The part of Louis XV was in
capablo hands anu Mr. William Pascoe
made a most graceful and dignified
king. His manner is easy and he
peaks his lines fluently, free from con
straint. Miss Emma Forsyth pre
sented a most pleasing dollnlatlon of
Madame de Pompadour. Boscar found
ablo presentation with Mr. Howard
Gould and the oharactorof an old hag
was. cleverly done by Miss ' Marie
Floyd. Fontonelle is full of excite
ment, roploto. with fine scenery,- beau
tiful costumes 'and a thrilling story.
Th Jlockrlda Conert Monday.
Tomorrow and on Monday, tho City
of Lincoln will be the host of Ameri
cans distinguished tenor Mr. Whitney
Mookrldge, and his charming oompany
of artiste, who are to give the musi
cal event of the season at the Lansing
on Monday evening. A brilliant pro
gram awaits the lovers of operatlo and
ballad music. Mr. and Mae, Mock
sTmP nmeWW"
Ralph, kites Hea-
Almy, Mr. Hyatt, and Mr. Wlntornlt,
will arrive at tho Lincoln tomorrow
evening from Omaha. Lincoln is tho
company's turning point or western
termlnuH, It having boon on a triumph
ant tour of Wisconsin, Minnesota and
Iowa cities, which makes tho return
route via St. Joseph, Kansas City,
Sedalln and St. Louis. Manager Ed
Church will publish tho program of
tho entertainment in tomorrow's dallies
and tho music lovers of Uio city aro In
keen anticipation of u trout. There Is
only one Mockrldgo. Tho snlo of souto
Is now open.
Tho bill at tho Lansing last evening
was Mark Murphy In "Odowd's Nolgh
Ijors" and It proved to bo a very nt
tractive ono In every respect. Mark
Murphy Is a comedian of no mean
ability and IiIh ontcrtulnlng qualifica
tions seem to Increase with vaoh suc
cessive visit. Mr. Murphy has ap
peared In no play that has done him
more credit than tho present produc
tion. Ills quaint and original Irish
brogue Is full of good ohoor and hilar
iously funny at all times. Ills com
pany Is pur excellent and many clover
Hpoolultlcs uro Introduced. Tho quar
totto comprising Messrs Reynolds,
Rlggs, RolxM'ts, and Ilolcombe furn
ished several beautiful numbers. Miss
Mario Cahlll is a potlto songstress and
docs somo neat and artistic dancing.
Miss Mumlo Taylor, who assumes tho
part of the loading lady, has a beauti
ful voleo that Is strong and clear and
does somo lino specialties. Of tho piny
tholr is llttlo to add to what has al
ready loon said In those columns. Mr.
Murphy established himself and his
"Neighbors" In Lincoln last season and
In this visit simply adds now laurols.
Tho play will havo Its flnul presenta
tion tonight. There will bo no mat
lnco today.
Froti Kroji nml Camilla Nrxt Week
Madeline Morll and her company
will rondor "FrouFrou" andi"Camlllo"
at tho Lansing houtro on Tuesday and
Wodnosduy ovonlngs. Miss Merit's
"Frou Frou" Is as clover n plcco of uot
Ing as has over been portrayed on tho
American stago, and although now to
American audiences sho wins hor wuy
Into tho hearts of tho people. At tho
tho close of tho third act when sho de
nounces her sister and accuses her of
loving her husband, loaves hor to
take hor place and flies from hor homo,
sho is generally encored to tho echo,
und brought boforo tho curtain. Miss
Morll is u pupil of tho lato Dion Bern-
cicuult. Last season sho wus with
Sullnl for ftvo months. Hor visit to
tho United States will tormlnuto In
Muy after which sho will return to
London to commonco un ongugomont
nt tho Surry theatre This will there
fore, bo hor only visit of Lincoln, but
will ntTord ample opportunity to our
lovers of the legitimate drama to wit
ness her two best productions; Frou
Frou und Camille. Prices for this on
gugomont will bo rotntnod nt tho usuul
figures und tho salo of will open Tues
day morning ut 0 o'clock.
The Clrrat Joih Murphy,
After un ubsenco of nourly five years
from Lincoln Mr. Joseph Murphy,
America's representative actor of tho
Irish tongue, will bo scon next week
ut tho Lansing In two of his host plays.
opening In that woll known und justly
K)pulur play, "Tho Kerry Gow." Al
though a long tlmo slneo this ploco
was played' here, few will forgot tho
Bwoet simplicity and Blncero devotion
to family, and friends as illustrated
therein. Joe Murphy as tho Kerry
I n A 1
L J LL J ill
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Uptd im Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
" w ,.- ".'-v
Gow presents a character that Is at
once strong and winning and his pure
Irish dialect Is such that few will over
forgot. There is also much to excite
tho interest of the auditor and many
will remember tho scono of tho pretty
carrier pigeons, tho luces, etc. Tills
will bo tho ellto engagement of next
week. Scuts will go lively. The wilo
opens Wednesday morning ut usual
Manager Murtllng will spend Sunday
with Col. L. M. Crawford at Tojwka.
Lottu Is said to bo tho wealthiest
actress in America. Joseph Murphy
is tho richest actor.
There has been ample amusement
at lxith houses this week und each has
hud a UImh'uI share of business.
Ono of tho most welcome bookings
for tho near future ut the Lansing is
Guru Morris who will bo with us
within a fortnight.
Ono of tho best plays of tho day is
"Friends," a grout Now York success
that Is heading this wuy mid will soon
bo seen nt tho Lansing. The company
Is in MlnncopollH this week and judg
ing from what tho papers of thut city
havo to say of tho plcco, Lincoln will
be given a rare treat Inter In tho
Not Hlnco Ed. Church relinquished
his theatrical management here years
ago has Joseph Murphy appeared in
Lincoln. It was while In Now York
last summer that tho two met and
after some convincing arguments on
tho part of Church, Mr. Murphy
agreed to glvo Lincoln u two night
engagement and In conscquenco will
lo seen nt tho Lansing next Friday
und Saturday.
W. A. Collin & Co. havo just added
tho largest and finest lino of fancy
groceries to bo found In tho city. Ro
mombor this when buying your holiday
Ladles do not fall to seo our Xmas
no of lino and medium handkerchiefs.
J. W. Winder & Co.
Ribbon salo this week nnd next at J.
W. Winger & Co.'s, 1100 O street.
No such lino of canned fruits in the
city us shown by W. A. Coffin & Co.,
143 South Elovonth street.
Dolls und celluloid novoltlos nt spo
ciul prices this week nnd noxt weok.
J. W. WlNQER & CO.
Sofu Pillows
very cheap at J. W.
Card cases and ladles' coin nnd spoclo
purses In morocco, Russlun leuther,
dongolakld and French culf ut Rector's
K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounces for
25 oonts. Absolutely pure. Huvo you
tried It?
All kinds of Imported cheeses, finest
nnd lnrgcst assortment over seen In tho
city, nt Rumhold & Mosor's, 210 South
Elovonth strcot. 'Phono 723.
Full lino of artist's materials nt Lin
coin Frumo nnd Art company's, 220
South Elovonth strcot.
Frames, frames, frames, of every
description ut Lincoln Frumo und Art
company's, 220 South Elovonth street.
Now lino of picture mouldings nt
Cowlo's, 110 south Twelfth stroot.
Dr. Geo. O, V. Farnhaut Cures
chronic, blood, henrt, liver, lung, rectal,
skin. mnlo. fomnl nnd nervous disonHOS
Rock Sprinos Coal nt tho Lincoln
Coul Co. 'Phono 440.
Lincoln peoplo enn now buy nny kind
of ohcoso thut thoy may call for, ut
Rumbold & Mosor's, 310 South Elovonth
stroot. 'Phono 728.
LndloB mako big money canvassing
for tho Capital City Courier. If
you wnnt nlco, profltnblo work cnll at
tho offlco, 1134 O street.
Have You Anything I o Trade
for Hastings real estate? I havo two
blocks woll located In Spencer Bros'.
Park addition and I will consider prop
ositions to trado for almost anything.
Address L. Wossol, Jr. , care of Courier.
Silk Uoilery.
Wo havo In stock a very largo lino of
ladlos' flno silk hoso which wo aro
offering at very reasonable prices.
J. W. Winger & Co.
liurllnemn Itante l'Uylng Card.
Now design, round corners flexible
linen stock, permanent colors, worth
50 cents. Wo sell them at 15 cents.
Good scheme to buy a few packs; might
nood them this wlntor; euchre, whist,
high-five, etc.
A. C. Ziemer, City Pass. Agt.
We Begin
our Great Clearing Sale of
Monday morning, and think we can save
you money,
Wednesday, our big Sales of Muslin Underwear
Best line at lowest prices ever shown in Lincoln.
New Lot Just in.
All kinds of warm goods Arctics, High
Button Gaiters, Alaskas, etc.
1 129 O Street.
6 Five Per Gent on Deposits 5
Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go.
S. E. Cor. 1 1th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults.
BENRY E. L.EWJH, resident A. P. H. STEWART, Vlce-Pre. R. WELCH, Tims.
The Globe Clothing House
Extends a hearty New Year's Greeting to its many friends
and patrons, wishing them a very happy and prosperous New
Year, and thanking them for their liberal patronage. It will
be our constant aim to deserve a continuance of your good
For the next sixty days we will sell all our
Overcoats! Winter Suits
at a marked reduction from early season's prices. Those who
have got to buy will benefit themselves by coming before
purchasing, to the '
Corner Tenth and O Streets.
Y OP- THnKTrTN i 1 'ft
0 Street.
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ICtes'Posioa. MIm
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