Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 07, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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business ornoi:, im o STamir,
TcU'lioiuM-Oinco. "At. lli-iliIi'iico.S3rt.
HulinrliMniS ltilc. tu Ailvitiui,
Vcrnnmim Tlirc(moiiili. ...,ftv.
Hlx inmiilii .... H)IiikIu (.'oploi V:
Kntiwri it the pr.stiillleti of l.lliculu
m ht-ooml el mnttcr.
N ..
It luw boon HUKKi'ittod buforo by
other but will Item roitlttlim, tluit
tbu lli'o riopiit'tiuuiit could obvliitu a
grout dcul of unniH'ONmry mixloty on
tho part of ovory oItlv.un by adopting
mul pronnilnuting u uodo nf uhiriiH by
which ovoryonu would bo nl oneo ap
prized of tbo loOutlon of a Hit). Such
Hyutoiim prevail In many oltloii and
provo a comfort ami I'oiivccloucu that
none who liavo onjoyod would iMiiiociit
to forego A it ta, when a lira alarm
houiuIh uvoryoao tromhlcn for tbu
mifuty of bomo and family, and bo who
Hv6s In thooppoHltu end of tho city 1m
ax much portiirliod ua tbo man In
wboho bomo tbo hnvoo Ih boinjr
wrought. Tlio only wuy in which ono
can rollovo IiIh auxloty Ih to Rot out
and obuMo around aftor thu, muohliio,
rh It Ih tdtnply impoislblu to loarn
within any adequate tlmo by iuouiih of
tho tolopbono. Thoro aro about 800
telephones in uho in Lincoln, and iih
noon an n tiro alarm In toundod 00
anxlouM NubwrlburH grub tholr 'phono
and ohunor in ono gruud ohorutt for
information as to tbo location of tbo
flro. Of courwo nil cannot bo tmtlnlkd.
It would Im) a vory tdmplo inuttor to
Hound alarum by iuiiuImu-h, as la dono
In othor oHIch, ho that all might, by
becoming familiar with tho numboi-H of
boxen or districts, know iilnnit tho loca
tion of tho tiro. Chief Malono can in
augurato n norviceablu reform In thin
matter, and tho Hoonor tbo bettor,
And now our gonial friend Munngor
Church' of tbo Lansing will )e In for it.
On ono Hido tho woods will ring wild
with tho joy of tho multitude, while
on tho othor band our, fair dnmsuls
with large roomy huts will vent their
toolings by calling Mr. Churuh nil
otts of mean mimes. ''Oh, ho's
horrid." or "I alwuyx liked Mr. Church
but now I think ho'tt too mean for any
thlrig." Theso; I' imagine, I can hoar
coining from tho mouths of miiuu of
ulnooln's dear ones. But then, girls,
nowhonoHtly,Un!t;ltrlht? Think of
tbo dozen of mon thai are constantly
kicking to tho manager about thoco
Mff bats and then Imagine yourself in
hlii potation and1 boo What you would do'
If you had charge oft the destinies of
tho Lansing. But there's ono place
whoro tho ladlo huvo got Mr. Church;
ho.dld not say what would bo contdd
ored a big hat or a little one and ho
tho doar girls will have, to, "e their
own judgment RHto whore tbo lino Is
to bo drawn between tho two. How
ever It Is a movo that I think will
within a Bhort tlmo bo happily ac
cepted by all and although a llttlo
sudden 'and severe on Home, yet I up-
firohond that Mr. Church will bo given
ho praises and thanks of tho ontlro
community for tbo stand ho has taken.
Probably you woro not at tbo play last
night and did not hoo a program. Tho
following appears thereon and will re
main tholr indoflultuly:
Malice totha Ladle.
Ladles wearing largo hats will bo
kind onough to remove them during
tho performance. I have sold the
right of tho stage to tho players and
am anxious to deliver tho goods. Miss
Wolloughby in ladles parlor and cloak
room will be pleased to take charge of
of all apparel free of expense.
Vory cordially
Ed A. Chuhch.
Barr' Jewelry more Keutoveil.
L, Barr. the Q street jeweler is now
moving to now quarters, corner O and,
Twolfth street, Missouri Pacific's
old stand opposite Burr block. Mr.
Barr having but a Bhort lease at MM
Ostroot, had a cbanoo to secure a
leaao of. several years at his now locu
tion, considers It a good move.
Fifteen kinds of imported and domes
tic ohoorios at Rumhold & Mosor's.
'Phono 728.
K, C, Baking Powder, 25 ounces for.
15 cents. Absolutely pure. Have you
tried it?
Genuine Canon City Coal at tbo
Lincoln Coal Co., southwest corner of
Eleventh and O streets.
Hardy and Pitcher have received a
new lot of chairs and tables for rental
purposes at card parties, otc. Call and
see them or call up 'phono 521.
All tho first famllios of Lincoln buy
tholr meat of Henry Phelff, 314 Slutb
Eleventh street. Whoro do you buy
Beautiful souvenir spoons, aro now
being'glvon to ,now subscribers to the
Courikk. Present subscribers may
also socuro.ono of those handsome pre
miums by paying a year In advance and
arrears, if any. Thoso are not cheap
trashy (spoons,, but just 'the same as
Jewelers sell for 82 or more.
Hf W, Cowle, funoral director, suc
cessor to Fred Thomas. Embalming u
specialty, 110 South Twolfth street.
v, When you give the next party at
-yur house leave your orders for table
t Hardy It Pitchers. They havo a
new, supply just in that they rental
r doable prices delivered to and taken
from your residences.
It ! HphIbiicmI In tlio Intrri'.t nf Kootv
omy, ttitt It ltenlo NnvnrlliclPM.
flullnlile Coaliimrii for (Ironing (llrl.
Onirrnl FHnhlnn Noti-i.
Hpcclnl Corrcwti'lcnco,
New Yoiik, Jan. 0. Wo aro told Jtmt
now that wo nre in an economical period
an regnrds.drcss, ni)d that tho lady who
can invent bow ways tp wenr a few
clothes no that alio shall seem to bavo
unlimited quantities la tho heroine of
her not.
Wo nrd gravely counseled by tbo
dressmaker to bo economically elegant,
and bow? Well, she says that fashion
changes so rapidly that, basques being
out, we must take those basques, which
really aro but elongated waists nfter all,
and drape them around with a sort cf
sash in tho Louis XIII stylo, or If it is
preferred wo can miilto tho skirt como
up on tho outbide of tho waist, thus mak
ing it round. In that caso a llttlo sash
drapery la necessary.
Ono dressmaker, who makes for tho
very brownest part of tbo upper crust of
society, has evolved what she calls thu
available gown. Tbu Bkirt is cut plain
gored and trimmed nround tho bottom
aa suits tho owner; It is dcsirnblu-that
it should have somo perpendicular trim
ming, which on tho sides raises to
let tho adjustable train button on and
hido tho buttons nfter. Tho train is
trimmed in n different manner from the
front. Under the train is a plain full
plaited back of tlio paino material, so
that when tho train is off the dress h
walking length. Tbo train fastens juct
between tho shoulders, so ns to hiuvj
Watteau fashion, and bos a llttlo rosette,
under which aro two etout hoops, which
fasten to strong eyelets.
The corsage is so arranged thnt it can
bo low or high in tbo neck, ns ono may
or may not remove tho chiffon pimp.
If this plan wcro to bo dovclqped ,for.n
married lady, it, would bo better to havo
tho corsago of tho ftumo material ns tho
skirt and trimmed to correspond. Ad
justable trains bavo always bad a useful
placo in a lady's toilet, nnd it seems to
mo that this Is a good plan to work by.
It would ro.iuiro rather rich nnd stately
looking material to look well for this
With this gown a long wrap of Bhot
velvet or velours du uord or of brocade
would bo suitable, but no jacket, coat
or short wrap. So taking it nil nround,
unless tbo lndy hns n selection of velvet
or brocado wraja on hand to chooso from.
it wouldn t m such nn economy.
Pelerines of cloth bound with hand-
somo fur on each of their suicrpoed
capes are very dressy and handsome, and
mako a rich and elegant wrap for any one
from grandmother down to little peach
There are many varieties of tho peler
ine. One of tho most popular is that
stylo worn by tho young girl in tho cen
ter of tho picture. Tho capes como down
to tlio waist lino, and the collar and lap
els aro of fur, whilo tho rest of tho gar
ment is like nn ordinary loose coat.
8omo call theso capellncs nnd some pel
erines, but they nro equally warm and
stylish, called by either name.
During tho past decadomoro attention
has been paid to suitablo costumes for
girls from twelve, to sixteen than over
before. For plump llttlo ones there are
hundreds of different fancies, and for
older ones whose figures aro developed
there Is ho end to the designs, but until
lately tho growing girl was not provided
with raiment designed to hide her lack
of figure or to make tho most of the
lender grace of youth.
BTttra tor' votwo ontia.
Now thero is every iinn(rlnal)lo kind
of ganncnts that arc nultnblo for thorn.
Tho dress skirts havo an arrangement of
trimming that distracts tho eyo from un
due slitnness. and tho wnist is draped in
looso folds, with deep rallies or berthes;
ashes, bows, and full vest also nre de
voted to them. Tho Eton jacket is a
dainty and vorite style. The Fijjaro
jacket and aby waist over u guimpo
aro pretty u.. often worn. Phiid, with
lapels of velvet, with foot bands or ier
peudicnlor trimming, nro all suitabbfor
them for nlco homo or school gowns.
The colors most in vogue for young
(tirls are ureen, blno, brown and mix-
J. i MY -JU;
hftlk '
turcs, ns well mi I'imll checks in tho
colors mentioned, fled is worn some,
nnd no is light llauinn brown, nnd for
dressy occasions they wear tho samo
light nnd delicate shades hud nlco light
wools Mid silks that their elder sisters
do. But they nro made extremely girl
ish mid never low necked for American
girls. No American girl wears a low
dress nntll nbols really "out."
No younjj girl under sixteen over wears
a bonnet any where, or a Velvet or bro
cade wrap or cloak. Tho hats differ llt
tlo from thoso worn by ydung Indies and
children under twelve, partaking n little
of each.
Tho linir chonld bo woro in n long
braid uil'.il thairl i.i about fifteen and
then tied uki to form a entagan braid.
Tho front buir can bo simply banged
curled or combed plainly back.
tie I'urncil n New nuanet.
Enrlr yesterday morning very l
tinguo looking ludy camo down BixtoMi'
trrct, wnlklng very fiUt. Upon tier lir i'
aba worn n large, pink, funnel shaped him
bonnet. IlenlresH wniso well Hindu im )
fnhhlotmblo that every nnu tuku U'i,
or three looks to decide whether or not .-.'i'
was from thu country or whether shu ) .
a city belle in illxgulso. Sliu held her head
down so that no ouu could sou her face. A
young man stood lu 'thu doorway of Hi'
People's bank hiilldlng, nnd When h!ii
paused mU1:
"Go It, boimutsl" In a tout which lir
dldnt Intend for her to hem.
lint uhe did, and lnpJtu )f herself shr
looVr up f' n second ft his coiistuina
Mvulti recognized herns ono of thusociu,.
lrls way up In the social scale. 8liu n a
IgnlKed him at thu sumo time, nnd covered
with confusion she darted Into the door
way nud pulled off tho obnoxious head
genr. '
"Don't you dare, to tell any one. Call i
a cnrrlngu for mu and send mo home."
"What on earth"
"Papa madu mv,"shu said, nearly crylui;
"He said that girls were too proud nowa
days, nud that when mainina was a i:!rl
shu wore a nunhoiiiiet to church. He said
I couldn't havo another slnglu dress or (nil
until I came down to his offlco nil tho way
In n siiuliounot. I have done It, and he give
mu thirty dollars. I didn't expect to c"t'
any ono who would rccoimizo me, nnd If
you ever tull on me I'll never forglvo you.
Jumping Into thu hack which had ar
rived, shu rolled away, shaking her head a
him through thu window.
Needless to say, hu told. Denver Sun.
A Hlmttrrnl Itltil.
Here Is Thaekcray's version of his flrsi
nutting with Charlotte llroute. The tiny
Intenne creature had Ideallr.ed Thackeray
personally unknown to her, with n passion
of Idealization. "Ileholtl, n lion cometh
up out of the north I" she quoted under her
breath m Thackeray entered the drawtnu
room. Sopte one repented I, to him. "Oh
l.(inl!"sal(l Thackeray, "nnd I am not h log
hut n poor devil of an' Kiit(lishniHn, rav
enono for my dinner!" At dinner .Miss
limine wits placed opMwite Thackeray, hy
lieniwn retiest. "And I nail," said lie,
"the miserable humiliation of seeing hei
Ideal of me dlsapiienrlng down my owu
throat, as everything went Into my mouth
nnd nothing cmiir nut of It, until at htl.
as I tixik my lift It iiotatn. shu leaned aero-w.
with cla-peil liaiiils and tears In her eyes,
nud breathed imploringly, 'Oh.Mr.Thuck
erny, don'tl'" Argonaut.
Sue our real ('D chess Loco" hand
kerchiefs from 7"o toT.i'O each.
J. W. WlNQEU & CO.
Xmas dress patterns at $2.00, 93.00,
fi.50, W.50 up to $15.00.
J. W. WlNQEU it CO.
W. A. Collin & Co., grocors, l-W
South Eleventh street.
StrH.v Notire,
Tskeli upnnnrillKilll llltf tlmt of N'ovVlll
iter, one d.trK imtmi vniy iiImxii six yeur
old. w i'lirli 'iIhiiii nine linndrnl poiK'il
iitnl Ik hI-ohi tlilrticii Ii.iiiU hltf it. nunc,
etui Imw h.iiiii' innvliiK properly ami i.i-
llllf lllllltV .ln t'lllllllll III III V lIICf, .lllllll ll
,'lnrk fur .iinimlitiie-liairinlle4iiiiuili-i'ai
of i'.iIIki-. K. I) HkI.iiN'I
Broad's Department Store
1 1 24 O Street.
Wc lave just finished inventory, and find a great many odds
we want to dispone ol, which means
BARGAINS for Bargain Seekers!
Usque finish Vase Lamp, decorated shade and fount," 10
inch shade, $1.59, with No. 3 burner.
Same Lamp, with centre draft, $3 25. worth S5.00.
I landing Lamps in, proportion.
A. D. Cups and Saucers, China, 19c. each.
Large size Japanese Cup and Saucer, 28c. each.
BNquc finish Peppers and salts, silver top, 13c. each.
Parties having pictures they want framed will do well to
get our prives.
Photograph Frames, silver finish, 16c. worth 25c.
We quote ridiculous!); low prices on 'J inware, Wooden
ware, Baskets, etc.
G tods delivered' to any part of the city.
trictly Cash.
Absolutely Pure JustTHyIt.
TImm- lii'timtt Tlnnn.
Theso nro great times in Lincoln and
things aro lively In general, This is
nowlioro more apparent than at Hu
gone Hallott's well known jowolry
house. Mr. Hallott's beautiful lno
of fine hllvorwui'o, watches, dlamgiuls.
and jowolry is now being offered at
prices that must win populnr favor
with bargain scokors. Every ono that
vislted'Hullott's store during thu holi
day trade was delighted with his
htoek and now all thoso pretty things
nro offered at cost prices in order to
reduce tho stock. Now then if you
want a watch, diamonds, opera glasses,
a clock, something In souvenir spoons,
silverware, oto., thuroV no tlmo llko
tho present. Everything that Hallett
recommends Is worth every represent
ation inado this has always boon an
established fact. N nv'n tho tlmo,
will you take advantage of It?
l.uw I tilt t-n It, I lorlilil Hi-ll tilt, Koiltll-i-iol
The 11 & M Is now selling round trip
tickets at very low rates' to Jackson
ville, St. Augustine, Tampn, Suther
land, Fin., Ashvlllo, N. C, Birming
ham and Mobile, Ala., ChnrlcsUnvn,
S. C, Augusta and Savannah, On., and
other points in tho south, east, good foi
return until Juno lst 181)11. Persons
contemplating a trip south will Hud it
tothuir advantage to call at either II
it M doK)t or city olllco, cor. O and
10th streets, where full Information as
to routes, rates, etc., will be furnished.
A. C. XlKMEll.Clty Pass. Agt.
To l'r,v lit Thillrli.
Or nny other similar epidemic, the
blood and the whole system should bo
kept in healthy condition. If you feel
worn out or have "that tired feeling"
In tho morning, do not bo guilty of ne
glect. Give Immediate uttention to
yourself. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla to
give strength, purify the blood nud
prevent disease.
Hood'8 PlLLB cure liver Ills, jaun
dice, biliousness, sick headache, con
stipation. Mrs. M. Well wu-iut bonu Saturday
afternoon to a cuuguiiial company of
ladles and a oompllmontry card party
wna tho order of tho prog mm for
Misses Buckle Splesborgor of Keokuk,
Mayer of New York, Schwab and
Klirllch of St. Joseph.
nerpolsholmor& Co. begin tholr big
musliu undorweur snles- Wednesday
morning. A good opportunity to stock
up for the season at low prices.
If you enjoy dancing jo to your drug
gist ami get a bottle of Positive Corn
Cure, which insures comfort.
Wrhon yon want fresh, nice poultry,
gumo, butter nud eggs, call at Rumhold
& Mosor's new store, 31(1 South Eleventh
street. 'Phono 728.
When you want prompt sorvleo and
fair treatment nnd tbo selection from
tho largest stock of groceries In Lin
coln call on Wr. A. CifHn&Co., suc
c ssors to' J. Miller, 143 South Eleventh
street. ,
Save nil bother of borrowing chairs
nnd tables from your neighbors. Give
nardy & Pitcher orders to have somo
of their now ones with you for your
next party. Tluey deliver and call and
get them.
All orders, via telephone 3U3 will
roach W. A. Cotlln & Co. and receive
prompt and careful attention.
lll.irk lk.
During next week uud tbo weok
thorenftor wo will offer somo bargains
In silks that you cnuuot utTord to miss.
J. W. WlNdKIt & CO.
1 124 O Street.
The Elite Musical Event !
Lansing Theatre
, i -.,
Monday Even'g, Jan. 9
1 9
ine ronsn. rain
I Jt
Violin -Virtuo&o
Oraturio,.- Operatic -'and - Ballad
" There U nnthlng In America finer than the Whitney Mockrldge Concert
Company," Rw. Frank W. Gonuulu, Lhlcngo. '"
Seats on Sale to-day $1.00, 75c, and 50c.
f3Tvc Ibe llo.ird, Show Windons, and Newpnper lor fnither Advertising.
,. ...
Discovered Amerjca 400 years asjo, but buyers at
our store can discover the
and with every purchase of Ten Dollars, will receive, free, a
World's Fair Souvenir Coin.
Prices on all goods, low as anybodrs.
Quality always the BEST. 126 O Street.
cxi 25 per ct.
On all Winter Goods
Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, etc.
The Progressive Dry Goods Emporium,
1 141 and 1 143 O Street.
Oui Prices never so
COME TO'US-We have what you want.
J H Mauritius & 2,o
1039 O Street.
law r
M'lleMarinaPosta lNl
For the next ten days
we will give a discount of
' 1
was never so Complete
Cheap as this Season.
The Ladies' Furn isher
v -
--ts- KssxiattC