f55? Hfvrr - TNH1 "!, "-' i!5Jw4Bta8 ntNiiw vn I iT53 .' f - vaJ KSSSS V WSa M v ,-cv ' 4 W" Hebajia's elite family Sewspaper. ytfi EEJfel E ' . Vi 5 '(. B. NO. S. LINCOLN, NEBRKSKPC. SHTURDRY, JHNUKRY 7, 1393. PRICB PIUB C9NTS w"B-HlfflBBIt' i$ 1 uless tho legislature gets ft move fi Itself during tlo coming webk tho ibors uro likely to havo to atiswer Ivdr constituency .for tho aims of idnn much more fluently and lapel- 'Jeally tlmn lor tho sins of con It is to bb sincerely regit ml tied i tho mombirs, through pollitieul land so-callou foully to lmrty, lliuvo ng porinltukl themselves to block U heels of legislation, and yot tljioy I iprobably currying out tho wIhIvoh Pic majority s It relates to tho cpii lienoy of oucti. Tho musses of to jo uio so wooded to their polltleal tthat thoy will Biinctlon almost rai tisan cottrso that 1h ealculutoi ftniiintnln thfc supremacy of their It, even thohgh they bo grout sul- t,horoby "otherwise. Woro It iyjt o everlasting nd ovor-lnerea3lng icst for political spoils and tho noss of .legislators to rowurd Jp ' friends, tho present legislature 11 qualified to perform a great of serviceable work for tho people, I I 71 taught to esteem as a traitor and pol troon any public olllelal who does not stand with his party, bo It right or wrong. Treason In Its most Insidious and dangerous form Is grow lug to bo esteemed as a virturo In tho statesman of this day, and men must vote at tho beck and call of their party rather than for wisdom, right and justice. As the populists and republicans neither have a majority in either house, tho balance of power, It lies within tho power of tho democrats to bo tho golden mean between tho two extremes, and tlioy will bo justly hold responsible for tho wrongs and creditable with the virtues of tho entire legislation of tho session. That some of them will bo mean enough there Is no reason to doubt, and as tho lobby Is already in tho Held some of them will likely achieve tho golden attribute as well. To tho thoughtful student who looks upon iMilltlcul methods with tho dis dain they too often merit, tho situation during tho past week, when not exas perating, bus been amusing. Tho ad herents and representatives of three political parties, who, three months since were quarrelling like pirates and roundly condemlng tho personal char the bad man. If tho interests of their party demands thai a good measure 1r defeated or a bad one enacted, the In terests of tho party aro destined to win. Tho members of tho house are to Ihj congratulated upon tho fact that an organization was effected without any conslderoblo delay by a union of tho forces of populists and democrats, so cleverly engineered by Populist Porter and Democrat Casper, that Congress man Bryan and Kern were called upon to vie with each other In extending to them assurances of tho admlulsti ution of their respective parties, accompany ing their complimentary lemarks In each Instance with a gold knoblmd walking stick. As an evidence of tho brotherly nlToctlon engendered by this consolidation of forces, Congressman llryan, democrat, presented the eano to Populist Porter, and Congressman Kom. populist, did a like agreeable service for Democrat Casper. Another evidence of tho lovo engendered by this union Is tho following list of per manent olllcors chosen: Speaker, J. N. Gullln, Saunders county; clerk, Frio Johnson of lloldrego; first assistant ! clerk, Kd J. Hall of Grand Island, sec- back'nnd without his knowledge and consent. It was worth going miles to hco and was readily tccognlablo by Its serene expression of Innocence. Senator Clark of Douglas, sou of 11. T. Clarke Is tho youngest and tho best dressed senator on tho lloor, and des tlno(t lo bo among tho most popular with, the gallery. Ho Is said to bo tho youngest senator yet elected In the stato,fund has alteady given promise oi louworsiup. a Tho, Couitir.lt expects to form the ac quaintance of every member and to bo of service to each one of thorn when over tho occasion presents. It will de vote considerable space each week to legislative gossip, and believes that no mcunhor who is onto his job can very well get along without It. ICwlls not until tho decisive ballot was cast that republicans, Inuicd to a long course of triumphs, could believe that tlioy could be beaten In tho or ganisation of the house. Tho leaders woro nil sure that they would win, but nonoof them could toll why. Tlioy aro Htlll sanguine, though not quite so much so, that tlioy will elect the United States senator, and are equally explicit in dlagiammlng their reasons for so bollovlng. Hut unless they JSaa- Tho llurllngton amt Union Paclllo railway companies have submitted to tho council a proposition that amply attests tho sincerity of local olllcials when they prolTcred assurances some time since that the coiilpaules were anxious to proceed to tho construction of a west ) street viaduct. They have offered to donate to tho city, ah the same Is needed to carry on tho con struction of the viaduct, a sum equal to the entire cost of building the same and the payment of abutting damages. This proffer Is attached to tho condi tion that the city shall wholly vacate O street from Seventh lo Fourtli street, within which limits tho street Is crossed by thirty-four tracks belong ing to the two companies, and further condition that tho city shall foiever afterwords maintain tho viaduct as a public street without expense to tho railroad company. Tho Union Paclllo also reserves tho right to construct suitable approaches thereto from Its freight and passenger depots, and tho express stipulation is made that no triads, ills to bo built of Iron and Is to rest on four stotio piers and about eight lion columns. Its approaches will carry Its length far beyond that specified In tho limits above named, as Its height above tho tracks at Seventh and Fourth streets must bo almost twenty feet In tho clear, Tho under taking Is ono that Involves a heavy ex penditure of money and privileges and cltlensmay well undertake to direct the council Into Intelligent action for tho gcuuial good. The striking printers have boon assuicd by tho executive council of the International typographical union that they will be upheld In their do maud for higher wages In Lincoln. The council, after an examination of the situation In Lincoln as presented by lstth sides, and tho prices paid for composition In neighboring similarly situated, has sanctioned tho recent strike and declared tho strikers un titled to financial aid from tho treasury of tho International. Tho Interna tional nrgnulntlhu numbers .'10,000 men In tho United States and Canada, and all will, If found necessary, contribute of their personal means to hco tho local union win Its point. Upon ro- rtl -. (' si S--- -V .. - ,n'...'Wlu k vrzzzi mm mZa?v SJ -A ?&' & m m WfZ V43 ltf "rtr- :a m WA V V ni 'TH'liFITi ""in 'Ull It is Humored that Some of our Oldest Fiimilirs are a'wit to give it f.oin Et'nhit'o i male of the I'oituu't of 7'iiir Aueettor. We wonder if it wjuld liwk an thing like ',' but instead tho peoplo, who "pay tho freight," will bo expected to smilingly settle tho bill now accumulating at alKHit tho rate of $1,000 per day and ap plaud and ro-olcct to ofllco tho men who aro reaping tho proceeds of thnt exix'iullturo that thoy muy do tho same again. Tho present loglslaturo Is in a posi tion to do valuable sorvlco for tho state Mioh as no similar body over boforo oc cupied in Nebraska. No ono political party Is In a position to control legisla tion and It lies within tho power of any one of tho threo parties represented to d'lcc't legislation unto tho most do hIiiiMo and most serviceable channels. Ivqw'tally have tho few domocrats In caelili""o a magnificent and unpreco dont'd opportunity of making for theiiM'lves and their party a record for wise mid just legislation that will re dounl m tho years to come to tho con fuaioJ of tbolr political enemies. In (uctiitlior puny may, by putting ashlo porsuial and partisan considerations and hilling support to tho causo of justh" nd wisdom In tho enactment of good lW8 Bui neither purty will avail IHolf of tho opportunity. Such tm.tii-.ioristltuto no part of modern statct.lnBMPi and peoplo havo been actor and principles of each other, have boon conducting a very spirited three-cornered courtship, a mercenary courtship, with tho political spoils as its object. No two of them hated each other so badly that thoy woro prepared to spurn a union to mako the spoils a common causo. In tho houso tho pop ulists and democrats effected such a union and tho populists secured tho spoils. In tho senate tho week was wasted In flirtations, then tho republi cans and domocrats and then the popu lists and republicans. Threo months slnco if it had boon suggested that a member of either parly would ofTor to form a friondly relation with either of tho opposing parties, that member could not havo been elected. If men could Ikj taught to lay aside party .cal In tho transaction of olllelal duties, huw much better and safer it would bo to select legislative olllcials omployes upon a standard of honesty and ability than upon any jMilltloal standard. Iiut such a reflection Is sim ply doleful, for men will not lay aside party zeal or even allow it to bo sub servient to their duty to tho state. If tho interests of a party demand that a bad mun bo chosen, they will support ond assistant clerk. J. M. l-Mmlnson of Kcnrney; sergeant-at-arms, Duncan; as-slsUmt sergeant. L. A. Holehor; chaplain, Rev. G. Hall of Broken Boo. As tho senate's failure to olTeot an organization made it impossible for tho houso to proceed to business, tho army of clerks, typo-writers and pages is yot to bo drafted. MXH8I.ATIVK OOSSIP. Tho loglslaturo comprises two flno looking ladies of brainy men. Kven tho much abused populists lack tho haggard, suspicious and desperately determined mo In that characterized them just after tho drought. Up to within a day or two of tho opening session almost every ono In Lincoln believed thaLHon R. H. Oak loy of this city, would certainly Ikj tho speaker. Thoy had not figured out just why, other than that ho is an able and trustworthy man. Hon. John C. Watson will probably 1k3 moro attentive to tho gallery than heretofore. Two years slnco a local skoth artist., and a young lady at that, brought him into moro or less notoriety and disgrace by surreptitiously taking a charming likeness of tho back and crown of his head, taken behind his agreo among thepisolvcs even mnro thoroughly than they now appear to disagree, thoy aro dromon to dUnppolnt mont. Retiring Governor Boyd has been making hay while tho sun shone, and possibly when tho sun was not observ able. Ho Is in tho front in the race for senator, and it is said that he will get tho vote of republicans should they find their preferred candidate not In it. Governor Boyd has been aptly termed tho David B. Bill of Nebraska. Frank H. Wilson of Plattsmouth. the republican who fairly squlimcd his way into the temoorarv speiotarvshlii of the unorganized senate, pyosse qualifications for duties of that nature that would be hard to duplicate. He Is a clover fellow socially, and Tom M. Cook" need suffer no shagilnat hav ing been beaten by him. With that suavity so U'comlng to a tireless farmer Hon. (Munch Howe sits and waits patiently for an opportunit to discharge the sacred trust ropo-ed in htm by tho republicans of Nemaha countv vol for Church Howe for United Stat 's senator lie may 1k de pended tiiion to do oven though It may appear tniit his old and lielovcd friend and neighbor, Tom Majors could put It to bettor use. further sums shall ever bo required of either company than Its proportion do nated toward the original construction. It is further stipulated that no street railway shall Ikj permitted to cross the viaduct until it has paid to tho city an amount equal to the cost of paving be tween Its rails across tho samo. which sum shall lo turned over to tho rail roads. Tho proposition is ono that looks decidedly advantageous at first sight, but It has not been tboioughly demonstrated that it would pay the city to foi ever agree to maintain that viaduct as a source of revenue to tjio railroads, even though it woro orlgjn ally built free of cost to the city and given to it oughtrlght. MMie probable cost of malntenauco and the probable life of such structure must bo known before any Intelligent conclusion' 'c"an bo reaohedw to tho njorit o(tho prop osition. Forever Is aong, long time, Nobody can ever comprehend uvon a small fraction of forever. Thoro wore some members of tho council who fail ed to gi asp tho entire significance of the proposition at first glance and final consideration of it was deferred until next Tuesday. Tho proposed viaduct comprises u roadway twonty-flvo foot wldo and paved with cedar blocks, and a six foot walk on each side for pedes- ceipt of tho Intelligence that tho strike had boon sanctioned somo of tho printers who had remained in tho Journal ofllco after tho Btrikc was de clared came out and joined tho ranks of tho strikers. Tho news that thoy would bo tho recipients of weekly iRMiellts was not an unwelcomo now year announcement to tho strlkora, as some of thorn havo largo families and small means and a hard winter la no respector of jiersons. The law prohibiting tho sale of cigarettes to minors is a dead letter In this city, and more than likely In every other city whore there is not an active organization to secure tho en forcement of such wholesome meas ures, Hepco it is that an aroma of burning opium is peicoptlblo in tho vicinity of almost overj group of half- grown noys, ana eiuiuron ago wan. remarkablo rapidity There Is room for a society in Lincoln that would havo for Its object the Inculcution of a little respect for this law to prevent tho destruction of health in youth. Continued .m Piige Four, Dr. (11 til u has moved to rooms 8 and , 0 Landing theatre, building. il f"! -. 1