i -viv timdMlHtm ' mxm ,-, -. ,. I :. CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1892. fi Nup-y- i If V'r i-l I 5, 1 l , I H t sV Bni;ki1j U- - - '" .- ' ' J " - y j) POPULATION OF L1MC0LH 65i00. ntpg irNfip 5 0mr 10th and P trtMf. DRY -GOODS onrry a largo lino of Woolen Dress Gooc 1 s lid ChntiKcablo Silks, Hosiery, Chimin. Underwear, (Moves, llutluni. Linens, etc. Agents for Butterick's Patterns TAKE NOTICEI The Courikr will not lc responsible for ay dolit niado by nny one In iu iintiu, ini- written order accomiianle tlio same, to nppenf before llio ciirliiln, mill il llui con elusion pf nnollicr tint the n ullt-iire became almost ufmi.trlou Tins ronllstlt! feature In troduced. I highly cllootlvc." Soul i noon mill' ut tlio ti'Kiilntlon jirlec nfthu Funkc .Thursday mornlog. i Hpoelnl Coiikikh Cnirimnilciice. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. art, IMrj. Tho present In irolmtily llui best week dining tlio theatrical HuiMiii mill llui lut'tropnlltnti piny houses linvu nil ilotm well. Hut Tow, nt least in (lotlmm, enro for tlio ceremonial Thanks giving of our fathers, who hnvo taken with them nil their fast nml rigid custom ntul ohsorvnuco. It U no longer n religious tiny nml ltd churchly connection linn Ih'oii snnpped asunder. In fnct, tlioThnnk-glvliig if Thursday resemble no morn that of tlio mt tlmu tlm nlry splendor of thu butterfly resemble tho dull worm-llko chrysalis from winch it has hurst and iKm. Aud still In quite nnothor wny l It worthy of thanks giving to tlio profession, for on Hint itny tho army of uucmpto.yod Mint work, In n giont ninny rases, tho II rut thin season. Up to date It hniJioen n haid season for n grcnt tunny who hnvo looked for work In vulu, for In tho Iniiguugu of thu toot, who ilmll ho nameless, Millinery Slaughter Sale. Too ninny Trimmed lint, ' Ttx) mnny Unttlmmcd lints, Too mnny Fancy Feathers, Too many Ostrich Tips, Too mnny Mllllnnry Good For thin season of the year, so linve marked them down to ONE HALF OF FORMER PRICE. Opera Home Cor. ta and O Sts. The Courier Cnu tie round At Hotrl Lincoln News Htatid. Windsor Hotrl NowsHtnnd. Capital Hotrl New Hliinil. KeU Dude Clear Kioto, WM O Htrcol Kd. Young, tan o Htrcct. Clsson, Klctohf r A Co., MM O Hired. Moore's News Stand, US Bouth llth Htrcct Fall Hats anj Furnishing Goods W. R. DENNIS & CO. 137 O Street JLacol unit Person!. . Whltebrvnit Coal and Lime Company. XJuesteCassflEMMftlftftlth and O sta. Try Geneva's Columbia High Patent flour. Ik Bsrr, jeweler, tiniovcd to IIU.IO street Lincoln Frame & Art Co., SCO Bouth 11 st. Cowle, undertaker, Funke Opera House blk New location, L. Barr, jeweler, 1133 O 8t. Trester sells 10 kinds of coal, 1U0 O street. Ask your grocer for Columbia High Pat ent, David P. Slavs, dentist, rooms 43 and 43 Burr block. Dr. Ruth M. Wood, Draco building, rooms 410, 411 and 418. MO-tf Mnn want hut llttlo hero ImiIow And lio won't lx Imppy till ho Kitn It. In tho MetrojioUs Inst weak was filled with mi much newness that tho ilninmtlo editor Ih Kind enough thnl nothing mom th.in tho usual companies tlmt hwIii uroiiiid tho iliuumtlo inch hnvo coidh to town. Hut nouiti of them hnvo bwii Import in tiinil hII worthy of iiotlcn, At tho Miir Mr. K. H. Wllhird, tho Ik'hI actor Kiiulnud linn H0"t iih for n very Iouk tluio, wiihukiiIiim'oii In "Tlio .Miiiiiii'iunn" in wiiicii ho miiiio IiIn Aiiiorlcun debut at Palmt'r'K, mid thu oi'foriiiitnco wns in every wny iixrlor. The two Now Kiir. land plnK, "Tho County Fair" mid '!Tho Country Chens," werunlvi luoiiKht to town nml both urn booked for loun inn. At tho Cimhio "Tho FuiicIhk Master" In doing n i iifliltie liiminrM. J. K. Kuuuot iiIko iihiiIu hln reiippeiiuiiH'u ut tho Columbia Theutro In llui loin mid tlio clover young actor did whnt It vevma ho hns been dolm; nil tho hi'ii son, lllled eery sent nt wvery icrforiiiiictf. On Tueiilny Mr. Ileriimd-lleeiu chmiKed her piny nml npiieurtil In "Arlnue," n drnumtiuitlnii of Mm, Campbell Prnod'ii lU'toii, "Tho llonil of Wedlock." AUIioukIi nioinlly clouih'il. It Inn n hi murky nt moxphero tlmu ''leim DoHptud." Thoktory In of tho daughter of n knnvfoh ml ventmer and wltoof u drunkim), Ih piVHSivl by tliem to wheello money out of u wenlthy ndimrcr and when sho rofiiKon to do their bidding tho father plou with tho rich lovor to give her to him by mennx of n divorce. Mrs, Deere lip men through this fuveilnh plot with great dUtlnctloii nml snows heisolf to lieu competent actiesH, A new ami not nt all deeirn'olo uclilovumeiit nt Konter & lUnl'n Music Hall this week, ii a Fin do Sircle Quartette ot Indecent French womoii altli ml In pink ami yellow aklrts, that hung straight from tho shoulders to a little Mow the knees, and black stockings. After a minute or so of high kicking exercino there comeH mi Interval of milder steps, which gives tho women an opportunity to regain their biuth. Then follow individual elforts in indecorum, which include freiment nml arduous straddling down to thu floor by two of thu women, ami n somersault by anotherkThesu French women nro not sntUfleSHieimlt nil occasional glimpse of white ru files ami flounces nboVo their black stockings os they elewito their feet, but lift their skirts deliberately. IJUNLor. "37 droit under twelve yenrs will bo rIvoii a free Miny ride. Prhvi for nil performances, mat Inci! or nllit, Iiiin boon jdneed nl'ii, .1) iindWI cents. TWO .NKIIITH AT TIIH I.A.NHINII. Dnnlol Hully, tho Irhh-Aiueiiciin conio dlnu, who always Miccced In winning n warm place In popular approval, will appear at the Lansing theatre for two ulnlits, com meucltig Momtny oveuhiK In two of his orl Innl coiuiKlles. "Tho Mllllouiilro," which will bo given Monday, Is not nu IrMi ilrniun, but has an Iiishinnn for Its hero. It is the story of ono from tho tlrecn Isle, who is proud tlmt ho Is n citizen of our great and glorious country, who bellovos In tho hero ism of Inbor mid tlmt of being mi hnuornbln limn. Mr, Hully's JnmiisOMIrleu Is pluynl with n renl brogue. Ho Inn selfuiiulo iniiii, a i allroad contractor who In tho end makes every Imdy Imppy anil tho nudieucu pirtlcu Inrly so. It Is In n different vein fioui any chnrncter Mr. Hully hits ever nMiiiuod nml mnkiHii now nml niiioIv nucoesHfulileiiiirturo In his enrcer. Tho liullillug of tho railroad Is a lovolntlou In thu thentricnl line, iih tlio i ullroad is Inid complete to tho smallest do lull, And when the Inst spiko is driven nml ti genuine locoiiintlvo under a full head of steam makes Its nplH-nrnuce thu nudlenco Is ftlrioduptou pitch of eiitlimliiMiii which tn k oh Muveral lUlngi cf tho curtain toratisfy. Tuesdny ovoning tho Irish doiueUlo com ily "Daddy Nolan" will bo put on. The story of Daddy Nolan is simple mid inge nious. Tho plot Inums on the fact that a wild ton Iiiih forged his father's iiniiiu to notes for a largo amount of money. Tho old man moots tho notes, but is reduced to Hivi,rty. Ho ill i vim tlio sou f i otn his homo, telling him to remain away until ho can '.come back nu honest until. Daddy Nolan, however, io ceives tho son's wife and child Into his homo. Ho has been Ignorant ot their cxlstcuco until tho ci lino nan committed There Is hnppl iiohh In tho huinbhi home, notwithstanding tho Hiveity. until old Nolnu has to make his last pay moots. Then ho falls Into tho clutchei of a pretended fi lend, and Is only saved by tho timely m rival of Tom, wliu has inado u foituuu In thu west. Thu pnlu of splits is now iu progress nt thu Ltui n c box olllco. "THK 11 KAMA OR IIUAMNITV." Broad's Department Store New line of pattern haU jutt received by Mrs. J.A.Blair.' ' Cuaa. a McKeuny, the East Lincoln drug gtot, 371!) O street. Mra.8.F. Ryan, fashionable dress making, room TB Barr block. Csusoa City Coal at the Wbttebreast Coal and Llrae Co. .'; ... II. L. Tretter, lumber, lumber clumber, lumber, 1140 O street. If r. Kate B. Cheney, teacher, of singing, room 005, Brace block. Go to Henry Thelff, 314 Bouth Eleventh air oft for choice meats. Misa Chapln has re opencil her studio, reorr ao, McMurtry block. Bampson Bisters, artistic dnws-makiug, 1188 N street, over Dorsey's. Pfelff sSiksmeatss cheap as any market is) Lincoln. Try him and see. Prof. Johnson's balljs beautifully nrrang d for club parties and banquets. K, G Baking Powder, fcrounoas for 05 oeuU. AbsolttUly Puie. Have you trlo!r4tr Mlasia Boggs & Caffyn, dress tBaklug'par lors. Flue stamping. 1SU M 8t.js61l. Miss Anna Dick. Modiste, cor. llth &a. ever Lincoln Havings bank, entrance on si. "American Beauty," "Pawloula" and 'Yosemltl" are the latest iierfuinee at Rec tarVi Pharmacy. J The Whitebreast Coal and Lime company always at the front supplying the finest grades of all kinds of coal 'lllssCJ. Guilmette, modiste, Brownell Block, over Miller & Paine. Complete lino of dreta trimmings and linings. Tako elevator. Why have your horses feet butchered, have lame horses ami have them suffer) Take Uew to Charlie Blattery'a new shop, 410 Houtti Eleventh. street, and such will never Iw the case. ' (Eccltly lcdlcsendchlldnn aiereicctfu)l invited to, attend Prof. Johnson's dancing' academy' Saturday afternoon. Private In struction can be bad by calling at the acad amy at any time. Chas. Blattery, professional horseshoer aud farrier, Diseases of the feet treated by the - latest scleotlflo modes. Horace called for and ra tamed. New shop 410 Bouth Eleventh street, between K and L. Ask your grocery man for the "Wilber KaUer Mills" flour. Chas. Harvey pro. prlor. ' Kaqulra for Little Hatchet." Wickla Plato" and ker's Coustance.'' ery sack warranted, Hueh has tieen thu lltlu bestowed upon thu luimuital work or Mrs. Harriett lleechor Hlowe, entitled "Unelo Tom's Cabin," which wilt be presented nt Kunko's opura house two nlKhts next wcuk, Ik-kIiiiiIiik Tuesday even Iiik. Hpcaklng of thu production thu Nt. Joseph Ik mhl says 1 "I.lko the sunshine and shadow of nu April day; tenrsnud lauchtor played hldo and eck Willi each other at thu opera house last nlulit. While laughter and tears prevailed nml thu nudlenco was con vulsetl by the oddities of "lawyer Maries," thu tdumlors of "Oumpllon Cute" and tho fun making "Topsy," jot there was pathos and tears over tho trials of poor "Undo Tom" and tho death of ''Eva" tlmt bridge over thu spun of life thai llo between childhood mid and old nee." Snlo of seats opous Monday morning. . "JIMMY" 1'OWKItH MADIIAHOAIN. Tho most notnblo event In theatrical circles this week was that of Mnrgaiot Mather, which occurred at tho Lansing Tueday and Wednes day evenlmcs. That It was nu enjoyable sea son to all who wltuoscd thu two produuttuus, nil will nureo.und this, too, Is said, making duo allowance for an uuevonly balanced and In Nino respects weak, support. Hut to Miss Mnthcr. Hhe Is rhurmluu mid tier very stngo presenco Is In Itself IkiUi queenly and coin- inaiidliiK. Wu see a bountiful tlguro, a pair of lovely, expressive dark oyos, easy carrluKo and nbove nil else, she spanks her lluesclearly and effectively, without constraint, with pro clslou. Hhu bus a well modulated voice, which rises from thu sweetest notes of meek despair to thu most powerful climaxes of icmorsu nndl revenue. Her vesture Is gruco Itself, whUe htreusy manner Is faultless. In the I-ndv- of Lyons Miss Mather shows remark ubleVjict mid u clover conception of Uulwcr i-.)iion's ideal siory, una perunps imkiuiik uiiv her owa work at 'Juliet" could bu more pleasing5" As tho bitter, however, she un- rdouhtatlly proved the most satisfactory, and 1110 vestiiul or tliu crimes liuu sno is 1110 Kre.u est of alL-'Jullols" Is not without llrm founda tion. I'l'Luvo seen 'Mullets1' and "Juliets," Just as I hvo seen thu Itlehard of Kccno mid that of olhyrs, but there Is but ono of each. nndMIs MnUier Is that Juliet. There could be no more deUKhtful Ideal of Khukcspenro's tmmoitul chutucter than that which tholargu audience oiXiyed so tuoiouiihly Wednesday evening. Uer sweet simplicity at timet, compared with tho ruvnires of mluu at others, and the elevorness with which each eirect was brotiKht out. showed only too plainly tho most excellent emotional capabilities of the urtlste. MUs Mather's "Juliet," never before seon Iu Lincoln, will not soon bo forKottcu. II was worthy all the appreciation that tho uudluncc demonstrated, mid likewise worthy or Ouur support, f Mr. .Fred Power-.' "Itonieo" was by n means In keeplmr, tho contrast being markeil nnrt too gn-aL He Is iloubtleoa a talented actor and would do well lor tho avcragu Juliet," but Ills work does not show that delicate love and passion that wero wont to to correspond to tho delineation of MUs Mather. Tho batanco of tbeenst U fair, some very good, but not opial to tho requirements of tho star. Next Wednesday evening the Lansing ttage will bo occuplivl by a comedian of national repute ami 0110 of the most popular of tho day. In "A Btnlght Tip" Mr. Powers undo h roaring imjeoss from Maine to Call fornla and it is said by compotaut authority that hU now piece "A Mad Hnrgnin" even exceeds that of his past work. The follow from the Chicago Jlemltl speakH of tho play and players: "Arthur Jones, portonated by Mr. Powers, meets Hose Robinson (Rachel Booth) hi the park, flirts, writes letters to her, makes her acquaintance nml proposes. The coquette refuses him and the young man becomes desperate. Ho wants to commit suicide, but lacking cour age ho asks his cousin, Alliert Jones, to kill him. as n recompense m-slgnlng to him his life insurance. No sooner is this mad hargnlu made than R080 reconsiders her determination, ami, naturally, Arthur does not wish to die. Al liert tries to accomplish his part of tho bar gain without succohE, nml finally cngnges Al Butts to commit tho murder, No sooner has he made tho bargain than ho receives word that a wealthy undo iu Engliiml has died and left Arthur i.'lUU.OOU, nml Albert himself .t'l.OOOayonr as longas Arthur lives. Tho hitter's life become a precloiM to his cousin as to himself aud the fear ot tho two nml their suspicion of ovcrybody cnuw many funny situations. Thu minor plots buvu a egltiiuatu relation with thu play. As Ar thur Jones Mr. Powers showed his powers In a new lUht. He restrained himself with in tho proper limits of fared and udded 10 his reputation ns u tru e .comedian". The sale of seats opens Monday morning at regu lar prices. "MIDMOIIT AI.AIIM" AT KirmCK'H. On Friday evening this well known drama will open 11 two iiIkIU's eUKaitement, Includ ing a Huturday inatlure. Its novel features and sturtllni; climaxes nru still urcou Iu tho memory of our theatru goers who have seen the play heretofore. Tho notion takes place In Now York, opculni; with n scene on Pier '.'I East lllver khowliiK Hrooklyu bridge, boats, forrles, etc. Of the play tho l'lttshuri: I'itu says: ''If continued applause and enthtulasm to tho point or embarrassment to those upon tho stage constitutes a measure of merit, 'Tho Midnight Alarm,1 presented at thu llljou last night for thu first tlmu In this city. Is, with tho present company, an oxcellont perform, aueu. At tho conclusion of tho second act each member or tho company was compelled (IHF.K.f IIOOM IIOSHll', Tho poet often struggles for Ideas without avail; Tho novelist gets sluggidi and Ills elforts often full; TJiu playwright llnds It very hard To think up something now; And the Journaliit gels weary ero 'Ills work l halt wny through; Hut there's ono whose thoughts can cover All tho foolscap on tho shelf He's too actor who Is writing up A notice of himself. Ithcn will bo tho !nulng'H Clirlstmns bill, The Empire Theatre In New York will open Juuuniy II. Henry (lnv Carletou Is writing n new piny for Uharles Frohmuu. Tho I.mi'lnK will bo open four nights next week and thu Kiinku four nights. "Llttlo Tippett" continues iw successful cm eel' nt Herman's theatre, Now York, A eiSMMNM mortgage mi the N. Y. Metro polltau Upern House has been foreclosed, Julius Calm was elected to the California Acvmbly dining thu late political land slide. Prof, llilslol will glvoit mntlnoo entertain incut today at tho Imusiug that will make every child Joyful. 'A Kentucky Colonel" ami "L-irry the lird" have both inado successes iu Now Ul leans this week. Next week 'Mulligan (laiiiiN' Hull," one ot Edwatd Hairlgun's gM'ittcst Micccm-s will be tiivlved In Now York. "A Nutmeg Match" Is now playing In Nuw England. It will hnvo a Hist New Yorkprehcntutiou iu Febiuury and Inter In the season will bu seen iu this city ut the 1,'ttiftlng. Welngnrluer's new opein, "(leuesius," wns produced at thu Impel ial Opera House In lleillu lust week with gieat success, it lepreticuls chlilly thu funnies of Chiisllnu uiuityi'doui under Ilioclutiun, iSH A. D. Tho Oratorio Society will glvo 11 grand midwinter concert ut thu Ionising thentio next Fiidny, iu which will appear a lumilii-r! of noted artists. A llnu proginm has been1 arranged for the occkIoii. For further In ! formation sen article llr.-t page, hendeil "Thu Winter Concert." ' ' Daniel Frolimau'H stock couipiuy will pre , sent "Tho Charity Hall'' at thu Lansing next , atuiilay evening. If tho company can reach thu city iu tlmu Malinger Church will endeavor to huvu them play " Alalia ma"ut an extra miitlueu in thu afternoon. Tho Dinumtic editor of tlio CouillEH wns 011 Wednesday presented with a beautiful largo photograph, bearing her autograph, with' tho compliuieuU ot Miss Margaret Mather, tho queenly emotional actress. Thu gift is more appreciated owing to tho fact tlmt Miss Mather is to retire from tho stage next week. Tho picture nny bu seen in thu show windows ot this establishment. Lincoln lovers of thu drama and our legis lative visitors will bu given most royal enter tainment nt tho Lansing. Tho Coiiiukh Is not permitted to glvo 11 list of tho good things iu store Unlay, but will simply whisjier that during January Manager Church will present the gi undent and largest menu of attractions nml of tho most extra ordinary ability ever Introduced upon any stage in the west excepting none When tho Counimi says tills its readers have good can so to anticipate maguillceiit things and tho anticipation will In 110 wise be dis appointed. No ulcer present for Chi Utmas could bo inado than one of those beautiful lap robes that E. R. Uuthrfo Is now bellim; so cheap. 1124 U Street. Grand Clearing Sale in our Millinery Department NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. Queensware Dep'tment. Wc show the largest line of medium nml low priced Quccnwnrc In the City, lex) piece hctnl porcelain dinner sets. Including two colored dishes, $10.50. to piece toilet set $J 89; Mine. Ilrown nml Pink Decorations. 12 piece toilet set )S Hltic, Ilrown and Pink Decorations, We show 1111 ImniJiisc line of Fancv Cups and Snuccrs. Picture and Picture Frame Department Photo Brnvurcs .20x21, 5 Inch frame, $1.58; others nsk $2.75. I'nstcls 20 x 2 1, 5 Inch frame, $2.25; others nsk $3 75. Pastel Panels I2x 21, $1.25 Etchings uudnmed 09 cents; worth $1.25. Wo will s-nvc you money on frame. Get our prices. TOYS I TOYS! TOYS! TOYSI llrlng the children In, wc cnu please them. Illg stock of children's ten sets. Our stock of Plush nml Haul wood Toilet, Manicure nml Work Hexes, ex cels nil. CHAS. A. BROAD, Strictly Cash. . 1 1 24 O Street. We Stake our Reputation On, the merit of our And it's a perfectly sale thing to do. Measure their quality by the highest stand nrd that you know of, and you'll And them nt the top. Measure their cost by the low est standard that ou know of, and you'll find them at the bottom. Don't misunder stand us! There is no sacrifice of quality ; you can buy with the absolute assurance that whatever you pay. you can get no better. Pay as much elsewhere and you can not get as good; pay more elsewhere and If you get ns good you are fortunate. Call for nny kind of nn Overcoat and wc have them to show you, let it be Kcisey, Melton, Heaver, Chinchilla, Cheviot, in single or double breasted; Ulsters that will keep you warm when It Is frciiny cold. Ask for them and we have them at the All thu 111 si families ot Lincoln buy their ineatof Henry Phellf, !1U .South Eleventh stieet. Where do you buy yours? The new line Of ntlverware just rtceived for the holiday trudu at F. H. Harris Is the most mtlstlo and handsomest iu tho city. Also a lino lino of watches, clocks, aui Jewelry. Call ami inspect. Tlio candy sold ut tlio Now York bakery Is all made on tho piemises und Is guaranteed puieuml frail. The excellent products of tho celebrate Geneva Roller Milling Co., uro on sale at all ilrst cluss grocery stores. Full lino of fancy feathers Just received, Mis. J. 11. Hluir, 117 South Eleventh stieot. Why not buy u bicycle from E. It. Guthrie for a Chilstums present? Call and see his llnu, 1M0 O street. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, Corner Tenth and O Streets. X Fifteen kinds of Impoitod and domestlo clieeous at Ruuihold & Moser's. 'Puouu 7'J-S. Oichvatlu .Music. Irvine's now orchestra furnhhes superior music, any number ot pieces, for concerts, reception, bulls, pintles, etc. 1 Alive orders at Couuieh otllcu, 11154 N street, telephone 'J3. K C Baking Powdur, iiH ounces for 25 cents, Absolutely Pure. Have you tried It? F. H. Harris, the jeweler, Is showing some beautiful new designs In silverwuie, just tho thing for presentations. Genuine Cannon Citv Coal at tho Lin coln Coal Co , bouihwust corner of Eleventh und O streets. -- $3.00 - SSI . g Br 'jssw Sv ' 1 9 KV. Mrs. J. II, Hlalr, thu South Eleventh street. Lincoln milliner, 117 When you glvo the next piuty nt your house leave your orders for tabled and chairs ut Hardy & Pitcher's, They lrio a now sup ply just iu that they rent ut reiibonable prices delivered to und tnken from your residence. Overcoats fur boys nml chlldeu from $1,00 U !.'00 Just received, nt Ed Corf & Co., IK'S O street. A nice present given with every gnrment. If $3.00 is the price The offering in Ladies' shoes will interest -WELTS, TURNS, McKAYS- Foot neatly dressed Service considered Street The buying place. Goods for cold weather wear! get me not" when the day of your need for such things come. -1 129 O t For- 11 29 O Street. ED. G. YATE Ml $3.00 I f I .4 SB- T Ir. . O. W. VjsMikaiii, evmHs otsaoaio wisaiwn, " usavova 11111111 amo owsb oiaiAHsw. the HtoUn Week, Tlnnols, Nab. Prof. Hrlitol's Equcscurrlculum-qulto u tltloforono breath, has been playing to ex cellent business nt tho Lansing the past two nights. His performance with the horse Is truly marvelous, some of tho leats uppcurlug almost Incredible. 'I hey Jo nil but talk, and It does not require tho usual weary maneu vers of tho Instructor to make them under stand, Thoro are some cute little ponies, too, that are worthy of mention, and (hoy go through a series of tricks and gymnastics and receive tho hearty applause or the audience, Then the trick snlmul Is there, too, In all bis glory, and furnishes no end or amusement. It Is wondorful whst control Prof. Hrlstol has over these so-called dumb brutes, and goes to show what kind andearelul treatment will accomplish with uature's most noble beast The entertainment Is worthy of liberal sup. stA-aft) Bift IsatPaaMi. liiisaaisi siKlilil AlisiPtanlt ItfJs J"W MIV iwwv WMWu vuaifr.niie-1 1 cloto or the engagement tbls afternoon! DPRICE'S oSKSsfs CJaad in -Ufllioni f Homct4oYctrftliSUndtni WHO? WHERE? WHAT? WHICH ? WHY? Qualities Always the Best. A "Haby Elephant" to every one buying 50c wortli this evening. THE bon mhrch: 1236 0 Street. The Bon March 1226 O Street. ' Dry Qood5 ai?d flot.0175 Holiday Ilnndkerchiefs, Mulllcrs, Gloves, Silk Mitts, Purses and Jewelry. PROPER PRICES. 1 aad (veiling. At the matluee today all cbll- 6 UCKSTAFF BROS.' MANOFACTDRING. 1 Manufacturers or HARNESS AND COLLARS. s Wholesale Dealers In HADDLEH and Msnuracturers or 4vK- Vitrified Brick and all Kinds of Straw and Wrapping Paper. Omces-78fl to 741 0 street. V ;