Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 03, 1892, Image 6
& H". ' 7 r h. V IdR, HBMftT A. MARTIN'S Hedicallnstitute KOHTIIKOUHKOK Chronic Diseases SPECIALTIES: Disciucs ol We ircn Cntnfrh, Morphine and Opium Habits. CurcGunrnntccd. ConMiltotlon Free. Ofliccs, 141 South 12th Street IllllSIi COISERYATORT of MUSIC fttttiilc School for Girls, Nebraska. aii ranenee or Mask, Ait, llecatloa, , Literature, aad Languages, IJBfal7 a Faculty of Hlxteen Instructor. f Kaot Teacher an anna 1 ahu sfuuiAUiST. i ORIF uonaervatorv it of Ilnatnn nvn. jfewa uiiaini ana rurnUhliiM. Are. i ajse for lady students. Tultl Hob ftom wmm per term or 10 wrok. catalogue sad general inlbrmatKm. O. B. UOWatiU Director. Ltdies' and Children's lib i Cutting and Shampooing I ' 1 Specialty, SAM. WEST ERFI ELD'S RR BLOCK. Fe Route ! AtcbisoD, Topeka & Santa Fe R, R Tfc Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. y Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers 1 Kantat Cltr and SAN DIEGO. LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Traln Service Between Kamau Cltr and PUEBLO.COLORADO iPRINGS, and DENVER. Short LIm to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route f)M Tralat Between Kaniai Cltjr and Oalveeten. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallat, Auitln, Temple, 8aa Antonio, Houtton, and all Principal Point In Texas. 11m Only Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. Tha Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Map and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates 'and Routes Call on or Address S. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent, 19t$Farnm Stmt, ox&jlezjl.. it: mcyjuinifwitiwitnu wnro tHtoowtvtnLoiti I A ITUOV WIKI MM U TKC (!Mcago)RockIsland&PaciiicRu Tlie DTttBCT BOTJTB3 to and from CltTCACQ UOCX ESUtWU. DAVENPORT. DBS MOIMUa cjuhcii. UMBJfta, watkbtown, oioux Cvxvua.- MnnrsAPous. bt. 1'aul, ot. ; iair, ATciraooN. usavenwohtii, kanoa CITY TOPKXA. DKMVEB, CCCOHAUO aVXQi tud PUiUUXX SOLID VESTMULE EXPRESS TfifllNS it Throve!) Ooacbea, Bloepere, Freo Xtccllnlnir Chair Cnra iuuI Dlntae dm dally bctwean till. cAoot dss) xoutiei. council, nmrro ad OMAJfA. and between OJIICAOO atnt DKNVXK, COLORADO aPBIKOa and PUECLO vli Ot. Viacp'z, cr aTaniaa City uul 7opcka. Via Th Albert Lea Route, Vast Trains dolly between Chlccirc imd XiaaoapoUs and Bt. Paul, with T1UIQUOH lUellala QmSt Otus HfUKK) to and tVom tltow olota pad Xanana Olty. Through Clin I r Oar and Meepe betweon Prorln, Spirit IsiUs and Sloua i"ulta t! Bock Island. For Ttckata. Vap Voider, or ('..sired Informs Kan, upply ut any Coupon Tlckot Omce, or odlrMi E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gcu'lJlaaacar. Qan'l TSt. dr Pais. AaU. cmcAnq IJ.Tv $3000 M. VaTTA.TTl I m.1iiaka lo trltrl leach t-ajr fairly (tut itru wiunof rlllif 1 wi, vtlQ ru r iutl wrlia.auJ tako tlrr istructlvi.,m work liidualilouil, . . .. L.. 1taiiJ UallaM . i ' . ' ,, . HilsM.wiif iwttr llx II wJ I" ' furw!h Int HtltS)lluBa viiii. a.i .!.! It tLuruniam lLal amount. rftsiMlcMaurcrMUU., Mallil quick! HtniiA. I hWkjf. t,tt sh workr iroM fttsLiUa.mtwn.uui. J laZ. M,,t ,M W ''iy"'i iai s. Sama nrHmMtncxnoi llu'J0,., ! , t'llir r a3.Ai.i.r:.x. C aae, atikv "" ftwkUg nyt ! ; n rt aT. v JB)VS c'"iirMiii)if ui iii miiimt TWO GOOD aAIOTTOKS. "MUM'S THE OR wono" AND 8HUT UP." "PAY UP Mr. Frank lll Wrllrn on Homo l.'nli i talnliiK Tlinnrn An CpUniln nf lit- t ' vntiri Itallrnad llflilnil llio Nit in. Thti Nrrltlr f l.lfr. ICopyrlKliI, IWr.', ,y Ainrrlcnii Vtenn Wm lion. All rlulila rrKcuril.l OIN(l lininn very llrwl oni) liiy liy tlio I'luviitcil nillroiui my ilrcnvtty I'nr wan cniiKlit Ity tlio fresli, cli'iir vlc of h yituiiK lrl eiiyliiK "Muhi'h tliu wool." "AliHtit wlmt?" itHkvil an oltli-r ami woarlur woman's volco. "Oil ovorytliliiKi" rttjilli'd tlio afit-1 with a tlnldliiK llttlo IiiukIi, and iih If tlio ithniMi Ucklftl luir fancy hIio rcjM-at-iil It hllll nuro ItHtlii'ly. "Yes. iimiu'h tlio word. Tlmt'fl tlio best rulu of llfo I know of." "TIiito'm auotlior that tlioy iibo a Kimd dual In tlio iiiiiiitiKtliHtrlctH,"tuildniimii'n volco, with h 'llttlo IuiikIi. "ami tliutV 'Pay up or filmt up.' Don't you think tliat'H hotter advice, MIbh Lotty'r" "1 don't jimt wo what it means," nv plk'd Lotty coiiiuttiAlily "Why, If 0110 follow Iiiih ilono another follow an iily turn Hy got his money nt curda and tlio flrat man thinks lie didn't play on tlio mmaro" "Oh, dour, I don't know anything about Mich droudful iooilo," interposed Lotty, and tlio older woman added, "And 1 hopoyou don't dthur, William." "Conrwo I don't, mother, and of uuiinut you don't." returni'd William, with 11 choked laugh HtriiKKling under liis voice, "only I'vo licnrd it, you Beo.aml it peoiii' to mo a hotter rule to work by than jimt to keop mum, no matter what anybody does to you." "liat you didn't II11IM1 explaining wlmt It nieaiiH," inlerposod Lotty. "Supposo 0110 of theso horrid men oheaU another horrid man at cards, for I mipposo that's wlmt you niennV" "That's about the nizo of it, ms Lotty," replied William cheorlly. "Well, then, you boo the fellow flint conies to grief feels mad and wants to pay up." "Why, bo's got to pay up If ho's lost tlio money, hasn't he?" "Oh, well, it doesn't mean Unit kind of paying up. If the other follow curried n couplo of aces up his slcovo, why you want to pay him up for chonting, don't you?" "Want to l revenged on hiin'r" "Well, If you put It that way. Any how, If he's it plucky fellow he'll go for him lists or six shootor.or liowio, hoiho how or other and pay lilni up for liclnjr such it sneak, don't you see? But if ho isn't plucky, and feels as if the other 0110 hud got heavier ilstsfor it quicker aim, or it handler knifo, he sort of cruwla uwuy and goes around scolding and Blinding nnd blowing." "William, whntsortof associates hnvo you been among in tho west?" put in tlio mother in it tono of dismay. But Lotty, with her little, tinkling laugh, suggested; "So, then, tho other man tolls him if ho liusn't tho courage to pay up his grudge ho hud better shut up and not talk nbout it. Is that it?" "Yes, MIssLottyjitlmt' jratM and. I think it'll pretty, good ndvico, isn't it? If somebody's dono you tt ineitn turn, why, pay him up for it. And jf you can't pay It up, why, shut up till you can, but don't tako it out in swearing." Tho cure stopped, and when they went on tho voices hud ceasod. Evidently my frionds hud got off, and 1 nover had seen them but tho net result of tho little overheard discussion crystallized in my mind into tho question: Is it better to pay up or shut up, or is "Mum's tho word" tho better rule of life better thun either to pay up or shut up? All of us, especially women, hnvo plenty to coiiipl.iiu of us wo go through tho world. Islimael's children, whose hands wore against every man and every mun'H hands against thorn, are nover hard to liud; indeed it sometimes seems as if ,itiirn or less disguised, they pervaded sbcivty In nil its grades and nil Its relations and wero impossible to avoid, even though tlio. exterior seems to promisa betSsjhiiigs. Sometimes iiidTc'i it "woman's foes nro those of her own household jtjidb. juseiionitoitjjuw(- of wjifit to tho hoinifa system irugg'J is carried pects.V unless In- mini the closed doors world seems a happy it to (ho of iersecutloii or of strugg on which nobodv susnects deed tho victim, rinding it iiniossiblo to "emu up uny longer, tiesperatoiy re solves to "pay up" by exposing icr ty rant to tho vengeunco of the publio. Do you doubt tlio existence of silent sufferers? If so yon nro not ono of those persons endowed, to their own misfortune, with wlmt is known ns it sympathetic nature, persons to whom everybody tells their htory almost at sight, often ending it with souin such remark ns this: "I don't know why I have told you all this. I hnvo nover spoken or it outside of my own homo to a living creature. But tliero is toinothing about you that seems to open my heart and assure 1110 that I may place confidence both in your sympathy and your discretion." Of course 0110 enn but ussuro theo jioor wounded ones of both tho sympathy nnd tho discretion, and finish by admin istoring ouch ndvico or comfort as sug gests itself, though often with m dreary suiiMi that neither tlio 0110 nor tho other will do any real good. Still tho telling of tho story does seem to do good to such lHituons, and often enough tlioy linisl tho Interview by avowing Hut they feel happier than .Mi .a III CAPITAL CITY COURI IjEK, they hnvo for weeks or yours ot ns llinv imiv tiliriifln it. for one res ngPH, 1 ref 1 iiitoiiso worry is, ns I have fiTqr,1l-,' noticed, to ulvo tho object of ltllii-,t of having suffered for a length of'M'Il,u beyond tho power of computation, k yl,ie phruno, "un eternity of woe," is 1 'l''lu mentis a mere jKieticnl trope, but n 'v ', real experience, as 1 fear too iiiaii'(,r' you who road these lines know fro' ' bitter experience, while, on the my " hand, the hours or days of real lniiV,'!' ness ilotttd along through a life seej'' so brief and so far away when once tliel11 nro passed that wo almost doubt if W ever actunllv uxtHirleiiced them, or if In deed they wero no more than one nf those morning dreams apparently cov-' erlng hours, but which waking lea-on tells us only (Hied tho half minutes be tween tho servant's first mid second knock us)ii the bedroom door. Again, tho poets have, us Indeed they generally do, seized upon tlio true in wardness of the situation when they speak of it "dream of delight," it "vision of joy." Just think of it I "An eternity of woo" nnd a "dieaiii of delight," and yet both ovetits may, by tlio measure of the clock, have occupied tho sumo length of time. But to return it llttlo to our muttoui.. Tako tho case of it girl at home and 1 dure say some girl reading this will think I menu her, ami somebody not a girl will immediately fit tho cup to (lie head of some friend of their own, hut really I menu no girl in particular, but, alas, u great many girls in general u girl, wo will say, whoso parents are In very moderate circumstances, iimr yet not poor enough to allow their daughter to go out into tho world to earn her own living. She must stay at homo mid "bo subject unto her parents." She must do tho work which if it wero dono for it nt ranger would bring her in it solid income, while nt homo she is paid in food, not such us nlio could fancy perhaps; in clothes, each garment of which represents it separate pang of mortification and disappointment, and In it good ileal of scolding and fretting at from a sickly or overworked mother and it harassed father. The girl feels, bitterly feels, thut tho dnys of her youth nnd good looks nro passing by; that she Is losing those chances of untold pros perity and joy which every girl believes oh, sweet delusion I lio within her reach if only she could get her hands free to grasp at them. Sho knows thrt unless some new opportunity Is offered to her before long tho day will coino when she, too, will bo peevish and sickly nnd fretted Into wrinkles and sallow ness us her mother is now, and it may well bo without Iter mother's solace of having fulfilled a woman's destiny and taken rank as wife and mother. Porhapsit Is oven worse than tlila: perhaps the girl is actually ill used; per haps the father drinks, and the mother is u vixen, and the rough boy brothers are allowed to tease and tyrannize and bully tholr sister as only rough lioys can. In cither enso hero Is a life being spoiled nnd crushed, and yet capable of being saved by tho Intervention of some strong hand and masterful will. But if this good girl is of Lotty's way of thinking, and considers that "Mum's the word" is tho best rule of life, sho will simply refrain from trying to summon that hand and will to her rescue, and will, nfter somo years of desperate strug gle, go under the waves and add one nioro to "tho noblo army of martyrs," each ono of whom adds her little item to tho account mankind is scoring up against fato an account probably to bo repudiated in tho end, since it can nover bo paid off. But perhaps the girl, having stuck to her motto of "Mum's tho word," finds her release comes through somo William or Thomas or Jack or Joseph, who offers hor mnrrluge. Nuturally tho poor child grasps at uuymenus of escape from her; dreary life nnd does not too closely scrutinize what it offers instead. She marries in hasto nnd, nlasl repents ut leisure. Jack or Joseph turns out to bo different from the father from whoso grumbling she has escaped, but not, on tho whole, any better. He does not grumblo or. growl so much cortainly, but ho luughs and sneers, which is worse. Tho father dealt out his monoy sparingly for tho now gown that could not bo refused, but the husband, if urged too far, swears angrily that ho tins uono to give and bids hor mnko over her old things or buy them out of the magnificent dowry sho brought him, when, poor child, sho knows that ho knows tho price of her wedding gown is not yet scrimped out of tho poor house hold she has left. Perhaps, on the other hand, Jack or Joseph Is foolishly careless of money, spends what ho can got as soon as it comes to hand, and lives for tho rest of the mouth on credit, as she is also wel come to do If sho can get anybody to ,f1v-o If tn nor fnp m .TiwU nr ,i -Trw. f flili kind had as lief bo in debt for it lain- dred dollars as for ten, since ho nover intends to pay either. Wo all know t end of this career debt, failure, p cesses at law, bankruptcy, ruin, inlbi.y of every sort. The children come, nnd their mother remembers in shame and vain regret her resentment against her own ioor mother, now that sho finds her- solf also growing peevish and complain ing and ailing and lachrymose. Sho at last learns to understand, now it is too late, the causes of that poor mother's infirmities of body and temper, and re solves that as her own daughter grows to womanhood she will make her see the mutter more truly thnn over sho did herself. Sho won't do it, however, and for two reasons the first, that it is impossible, one of tho malicious provisions of fato be ing that experience in "not to Imj trans ferred," every traveler upon fate's Iron toad having to buy his or her own ticket, and not ono of thorn privileged to enjoy it without paying the whole cost out of his own pocket, and tho second reason being that tho motto of "Minn's the word" is n righteous and a decent one when a mother's di-4'oiitent with her husband is the topic and his own child tho auditor. Few women, I think, would deliberately transgress this unwiitteu law, although tlio impatient woul, und SATURDAY, DECEMBER tliu eloquent silence, and tho glnnce of the eye, and tho toss of the head gener ally sulllco to give tho children at least an Inkling of what tho mother thinks sho is so honorably keeping to herself. But thero are other women in other walks of llfo who may have uso for Lot ty's favorite motto, or who put to them selves tho cynical query: Is it liettor to shut up or pay up? Households are there whoro sordid questions of wnnt aro not raised, since money is abundant mid tho luxurhsof life assured. But few jH-oplo nowadays feel contented to follow Paul's edict, "Having food nnd raiment thorowlth bo content," not evon when houses nnd bankbooks aro added, for theso modern rebels, especially tho femalo hnlf of them, contend that the luxuries of ono igo nro tho necessities or the next, ana hat so far from being content with food iind raiment, houses and bankbooks ley count all those us naught and less l,f'aii imughtlf tlioy nro not accompanied i.JSv symiiathy. delicate consideration, nonolpony of temper and tnsto, and that foumU nn,l sweet content only to ho Theso!11 congenial companionship, hero ofwomt," having inairled an ideal .im.K. .A their own imagining, and sud- they havcM'" to tn0 consciousness that such n trlH'J"yod upon themselves just crowned an "I U'1 lltanlu when sho their "dream V" iV1 "il ', "T0' J0" resolves Itself W "' f. n M,l,,k'" naturally seek tJ1" "" "utwully of woe,' discovery by an o'"f t,u 8,,ook of ,tllu audible, and it Is vorU,tcry. """J. . uss Mliutilil. ,va natural that they Do you happen to krV t . A, geons aver the deadly JJthjit the sur- to bo very much inltlntlu.ct8 r. 1""" Ono of tho most dlabolicnl Vy ontcrlus? of torture in tho inquisition wnnonioiits tho victim so that ho roinni8 8"8 force mute. Men hnvo thus diortV'1 I)or suffering they might hnvo HUstniiH1" F tin! iitii liiiaiti tsllinil It nt ffat nttiunW Utile iittitiu ivt it iiui silu vsts oui And so with tho woman who thut life has become too complex too painful to bo governed by tho i motto of "Muni's tho word." Matters' have come to such it head with hor that the question now is, Can I pay up, and if I cannot, what then? Why, the al ternative Is, shut up, and most women some of them with full intention, and somo of them with the defensive in stinct that makes even it dovu peck at tho cruel hand that squeezes it will begin tho process of paying up by fell ing out their causes of complaint and putting their intimate enemy to an open shame. I say open, for it is sure to be come ho, even though at first tho secret is only breathed In tho ear of an inti mate friend or oven told in tho confes sional. Some cynic inquires, "Why should you expect your friend to keep your secret when you could not keep it your self?" And why, indeed? Perhaps it is not only told to one inti mate friend, perhaps it is to several to everybody, to tho newspapers, to tho divorce court. In either way or in nil ways it effects its purpose, and the unhappy and wronged wife weak mid timid though sho Is pays up hor tyrant hotter thun sho could with oven tho "six shooter or bowio" of Lotty's western friend. Do you bluino her? Having shut up as long ns she was able, is sho not right to pay up in the end? I think to. PARIS FASHIONS. Tlio I'lrit Kniulro Huge New (looda, i Kllka for Next Spring. Just now everythlng'is First Empire, us I predicted it would bo several months ago, but evon I did not foresee that it would become bo general it furor. Even tho flower girls havo enormous balloon sleeves und nil sorts of capelincs. I think the fuuey will endure until spring nt least, nnd whilo it does wo will each and ull imagine oursolves ox act pictures of the beautiful but unfor tunate Josephine. I hnvo told you whnt is; now lot me say it word about what Is to bo. There will bo a revolu tion In favor of full and wide skirts boforo long, and I think wo may booh en ter into a formid able environment of steel in tho way of hoops. The first will bo in bell shapo, with no actual hoops above the knee, but later they will grow and swell and becomo as overwhelm ingly lnrgo as they wore boforo. In tho way of now (roods vn nro tub frtunutoonough to havo a renewal of soveral o'd favor ites in the shapo of brocaded woolens and tho ever lovely empress cloth. Tho unwieldy bedford cord hns lived out its usefulness. I saw somo uoxt spring and summer silks it fow daj- since under seal of se crecy, and like a dutiful chronicler I tell you all in strict confidence. There will lio plaids in faint tones ruthor than colors, mid over all is u chameleon effect also in very dolicitto shades. There will lie somo Miporb styles of "clioney" silk, with large but faint floral patterns with that hazy, indistinct outline that scorns to merge into tho groundwork. Over ull this will bo thrown a lattice work of satin. Tlio patterns for the chinas and pongees are to be mostly geometrical, with suowllukcs mid queer figures of overy Mirt. CuIk'm, rhomboids, parallel ogiams, triaigles linked, mid yet oth ers show stars, moons ami comets. I urn looking for one with the canals on tho planet Mars, mid do not doubt ono will yet bo found representing it. i, (ym m i ' y vtW - v, il f. 3, 1892 Sanitray 1305 .BBBRLS$fSSKsBBBV gEZ!fflBBBT uSaaVPaVaaaCaaaaa For tfte . jbatest Novelties Tl IN LADIES SHOES nnkuls rirlM!' tfntch our window. - 'jaa. ntt iWlNS FOR SMI Q61wj CblllW OHILDRENS BOYSMD jPpfef"0;rr'N HICHsCUT GIRLS srT SHOES. 1225 0. I2250ST. -A Telephone i"7jw a0rllBM)iyfMl!ErV Office, iooi Jgt: BilaWJs,vmi8y g& J3gte Moving Household &22 . , ssLM a Specialty. Nnno but experienced iiihii employed. Uttost iIovIcch for moving Machinery. Kafes, and oilier Heavy Articles. Stye BurlirtQrs Serritory AIRr-Wircutav Daroc deb Alphabets. Mill Pullman Slttptft wetvouit i rami Parlor Cart Low Ratot Doublt Track t, ClouConnecliont, Dining Can Union Dtpoto Stool Rail Through Coachoo Quick Timo Chair Can Air Brains ImOOtN OFFICES, OCJR.OANDIOTmJ I Me B. M. DEPOT liiHl TTTii THF.IiK CAX II r. NO MISTAKING 'Mil "BUJtLWGrON'H" I'i SV77.V 'V THE -ALWAYS WAS RAIL'ROAD 18- Vj J. FRANCIS, aiN'u pas8i:noeii AaeriT, OMAHA. lit i mm. - H eater. the Howe Ventilator. Hot and only.l'uro Air Ilrulcr Mudo. "Splendid" Oil Heaters. Steel Ranges. Furnaces Kitchen Utensils H. J. HALL & BRO., O STReST. Goods and Pianos! AUAMY, ATCHlSOlf, ALLKOIIKNY AND AUSTIN. baltimoas, boston, buffalo and burlington. Chicago, council bluffs, Cincinnati and clkvblaw d bad wood, detroit, dbs moines and denver, evansville, erik, elmira and bau claire. Fall river, fitchouro, fond du lac and fortwayhb qalveston, georgetown, grand rapids, oalesburo. Halifax, Houston, hot sprinos and hannibal. ronton, indianapolis, iowa city and independence Jersey city, jackson, joliet and Jacksonville. Kalamazoo, keokuk, kankakeb and Kansas city. l.badv1lle, little rock, louisville and lincoln. Minneapolis, momlb, Milwaukee and Memphis, new orleans, nantucket, new york and nashvills. OmAHA, OSIIKOSII, OSWKOO AND OGDENSUURO. Peoria, pittsuuiio, Philadelphia and Portland. querutauo, quincv.quicuec and quitman. Rock island, Richmond, rockford and Rochester. SACKAMKKTO, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO AND ST. PAUL. Tallahassrc, ticrrk iiauti:, Toledo and taunton. Ulysses, ukuana, unadilla and utica. Virgin" a citv, vicksiiuiu;, vincennes and ancouveb vw ink ip !'.('., washington. winona and worcester, xbnia junciion. xi'.uxo, xi'.nia and xenopiio.n. YrsiLASii, voNKi:rs yank-ion and voungstoww. 2lON, ZU.MUKUIA, ;;.L'.T LUAb ANU ZANUSVILLH. WORLD" ALVAYS WILL US A LEADER. A, C. ZICMER, CITY PAOSENOCM AOINT. LINCOLN. -r ' i f."