Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 26, 1892, Image 5

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paajgaaiaaiaisaaaaasBa i , I,, , ,
Tbo Pleasant Hour club gave It second
party Thanksgiving evening nt the Hotel i
Lincoln. Thu wiiiiu degree of success mid
congeniality tluit characterized thu Hint
Iun y wum ii iiouceuuiu lemuio ui nun uvitl .. ,. ,, ,, tf tl ,. .. ...'. ...
i.i.. ti... i i...,i.. u ....b..,..i.i.i , u, Drown, C E llnll, Hurry Hall, II 1) Mulr, O
party wus n naticeiiblo fenture ot mis oe
.i.- ' ..i 'i.. .i... w., t .i
party and on Thursday evening tho apart'
truest. Thu snncious dliilnir room furnished
amplo room for duuriug, while thu
conies wero used for promniindlug. A
grand march In which some fifty couples
participated preceded thu dunces. Dainty
programmes consisting of twelve number)
were distributed and prized as souvenirs.
Irvine's Orchestra furnished inspiring music
tor the happy duncers. many of the
tlons being new and very beautiful.
ladles wore evening dress and tho number
of lovely whlto and delicate colored gowns
worn contributed in a great degree towards
making it tho prettiest party of the season.
Tho coetumeJ were as follows;
MIssOllroLuttn, red china silk, trimmed
profusely In black passumonterle, red slip
pcis, fan and gloves. She carried an Immcnso
bouquet of roses.
Mrs 0 F Ladd, lemon colored crcpo do
cueno with black velvet trimmings, gloves
and shoes to correspond.
Miss Martha Funko, black lace, with lav
ender sllppors, fan, dccolctle and en tralne.
Miss Alice Cowdery, palo blue creo do
chono, trimmed ptofusely lu whlto lace,round
neck, white Dowers with shoes and (lowers to
Miss Fay Marshall, whlto brocaded sntln,
trimmed In gold spuugles, round neck, white
fun and kIovcs.
Miss Fannlo Iluwley, puro white crcpo do
cheno, en trnlno, decolctte, whlto gloves,
slippers, yellow chrysnnthenmns.
Miss Mario Hoover, palo hluo silk with
bluo satin slippers and fan, pearl ornaments;
carried a Inrite bouquet of red roses.
Miss Hnlllo Hooper, white dotted mull,
whlto fan, shoos and gloves, yellow chrysun
thonums. Miss llcrtlo llurr, whlto cblniisllle with lnco
trimmings, slippers and gloves to match, red
Miss Anno Funko, pink crepo do chono
with dcllcuto pink trimmings, pink slippers
gloves and tlowcrs.
p.MIss Munsllekl, whlto silk crepe, derotletio,
whlto slippers and gloves, red roses und red
Miss Nellie Haum, bluo cropo with wide
blue satin ribbon trimmings, bluo slippers,
fun, red rose.
Miss Jcanotto Wilson, , pretty costume of
black lace, diamond ornaments, white chrys-
ntiilin m nitkn
....... v..
Miss llesslo Hale, pink cropo do cheno, w)th
pink slippers, fan nnd roses. '
MUaUlaruWiiWh, white ohlnn silk with
ilnty whlto luce trlniiiilugs, deoolettc, en
tralne, whlto (lowers.
Miss KtMo Cowdery, Jlghtyollow silk, yel
low sllppors and gloves, white bead trim
mings, docollotto,
Miss Nellie While, whlto luco over whlto
chlnu silk, decolletlo and on tralne. cream)
gloves una slippers.
Miss Mullen, yellow nnd black silk, decol
letlo, gloves uiul slippers to match.
Miss Maud Hammond, pink silk with pink
chiffon trimmings, on tralne', pink gloves nnd
Miss Murphy, blue silk with white luco
trimmings, decolletlo, diamonds, white roses.
Miss Carson, heavy crenm silk with bluo
and pink stripe, made Kinptro style, whlto
hoes nnd gloves., ,
Miss Klkenbary, beautiful combination of
Nile greenand whlto lac, White sllppora
nnd white gloves, pink and whlto roses.
Mrs. D; B, Thompson, white crepe, trimmed
profusoly In point lace nnd steal beads, slip
pers nnd gloves to match, diamonds.
Mrs. V, W. Ilrowu, whlto silk, white gloves
shoes, fan and flnwors, diamonds. '
Mrs. Nlssley, lavender silk with black lace
trimmings, black satin slipper', lurgo boquct
of chrysanthemums',
Mrs. Klngsley, crushed strawberry silk,
decoltette, diamond ornaments.
Mrs. Uuckstuh. handsome combination 'of
pink china silk and light green crepo. Light
sllppors nnd diamonds.
Mrs Geo Ilrowu, old rnso china silk with
gloves and shoos to match, decolletlo, en
Mrs. Vun Duscu, lavender crepo, lavender
slippers, fun, nnd gloves.
Mrs. Mulr, light bluo silk with whlto lace
trimmings, bluo satin sllppors, fun, diamond
Mrs OK Hall, steel gray silk trimmed In
steel ornaments gray sllppors.
Mrs Wheeler, light blue crepo, beautifully
trimmed with beads, bluo satin slippers and
blue ran, pink roses uud diamonds.
Mrs Dennett, black silk with red silk trim
lugs, en trnlno nnd docollotte,
Mrs Ltpplncntt, whlto luce overdress with
pluk chlnu silk under, lull sleeves, decol
Icltc. Mrs Honkle, combination of black ami yel
low silk.
Tin KiittitH of tho ovonluir wero Hon Pat
rick Egnn, Messrs iiikI Mc'ihimcs I) It
Wheeler, Jr. Hcnnott; MM Nellie Untun, Mr
Arthur flulle. Miss Cnrrlo Wnsmor nil of
Omnhii, Mr Frank Seltz of Hi. Louis, Miss
Murphy autl Mr Prank I'lnttof Grand Island,
Mr und Miss Mansfield of lVorlit, Mr and
Mrs Chambers of Jacksonville, III, MIhs lies
slo Hull of OiiimIim, Miss Allco Elkcnlmry
of PlnttMiiouth. Thnso present from thu city
worn Messrs mid Me-diunes C P Ladd. (1 K
,,,-iRMpplncott, BK Honklu, F W Hrown, H H
""V- ,J A, ""ek-tnir, K
C Van
Fu" JI,V0 Lnttn. Anna Funke, Mnudo
Hammond, Maine Cursou, Clara Walsh,
Kauiile Iluwley, Hallie Hooper, Fay Mar
shall, Nellie White, Jcumiuttu Wilson, Mul
len, Marie Hoover, Kittle und Alice Cow
dery, Ilerthn lturr. Messrs, I'ryor Markell,
Fred Howo, Clwis llurr, Ediliu FitGerald, T
E Kelley, Clias Hawloy, Ed Fitzgerald, Os-
cnr 1'11,lk0 Ernest ruuke, Mutt Iluldwlti,
Joyce, run wing, nan vtiug, n r wesier-
-... n n 1I..II... . r.. t r
man, C D Mullen, Horry Krug, Low Mar
shall, John Dorgan, W Morton Smith.
Among the many visitors wore noticed Mes
srs. and Madames L O Durr, Whlto, McFar
land, Hathaway, Harry Hall, Mrs 11 rock,
Ms Varney, Mr Will-Meyer, Mr-'Andrluno.
A complimentary banquet was given' Hon.
Patrick Egau, United States minister to
Chile, Monday evening at Hotel Lincoln, by
his friends and prominent citizens of the city.
Tho affair was one of the most elaborate
ever given In the city and wan certainly a
great compliment to a deserving and popular
servant of the people. Mr. Eguu must huve
felt highly honored with the llow of elegant
language and eloquent addresses that greet
ed his ear for the toast list contained some
of our most prominent and gifted utter din
ner talkers. Hon. A. W. Field presided as
toast muster and tho following program was
curried out, to the delight and interest of all.
Our Quest "Wo Honor u Citizen Who Has
FuIUIIcd Ills Dulles." 11 M Ilushnel
Hcsponse by Mr 10 nan.
The Diplomatic Hervlce "Clvls Anicrlcauus
Hum" General Victor Vlfrruiiln
Thu Irish-American Citizen "On Fame's
Ktornul Camping Ground"
, Hon M V Gannon
Nebrasku "Our Liberties Wo 1'rlzu; Our
ItlghtsWo Will Maintain"
TM Murquelt
Lincoln, 'I ho Athens of the West
Chancellor Jutnes II Canileld
The Ladles ''At Once Our Torment and Our
Joy" Hon WHHommers
Tho banquet was served In ten courses,
Landlord Shears giving the service his per
sonal attention, making it n spread "lit for
tho gods." Irvine's orchestra furnished mu-
t H1U till IUO UUHUVII IHUI 1 l(Hb lUjmilJ VTUn.
received. After nearly every number the,
large gathering, numbering ISO, encored the
via for the occadou nnd right royally was it
work bo tlmt numerous oxtra selections wele
played. When tho Irish or American melo
dies were wufted upon the spacious hull the
applause was alniost'deafenlng. Mrz-Irvino's
cornet solo was likewise received. The
guests Included many from abr oad uud the
assembly was In every way ono of Boclal in
terest lather than political, all hands Joining
to render deserved honor-to Lincoln's well
known diplomat. Tlie'comnilttec of arrange
ments, whu also tilled the function of recep
tlou committee, was) U, M. Dusbnell, J, D.
Culhouu, L, Wussel, jr., John Fitzgerald,
Jos. Kelley, J. P. Sutton, Bum McCluy, J, D.
Wright and W.U. Howard. . "
A thoroughly enjoyable and tiiost'dellght
ful affair was the -'Hurvest Hunt" party
given Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Mary
E. uud Mrs. It. T, Vair Brunt. The bonse
was darkened and brilliantly -Jllgbtod. Thai
rooms were tastefully decorated with grains,
sprigs of ripe wheat und ots. nritoches, to
which wera 'attached' bun6ha copi grapes
adorned the walls. 'The mantel Jw' (ho par
lor was banked wlthlprettytgraisfi, grains,
and autumn foliage. Above the double
doors was effectively draped festoons of
nutuinu leaves 4Mb : spears of dllferoutj
varieties of grasses, ii side board lu'tliq
dining room was 'literally f, coveted with
uutumn fruits apples, grus, nuts, and
pumpkins. As soon us all the guasts hud
arrival they wero seated nt small tables uud
nn elegant lunch was splendidly served. A
pretty llttlu book called Harvest Hunt" wus
furnished encli gaest, th butiido of which
wus appropriately decorated In water-colors
with u spray of grains, uud Inside of which
wero written u number of short verses uud
each one contained tho utiuio of one or
more autumn products, The company
labored long uud hurd to discern these
names, and many eucnuutureL not it little
ditllciilty. For example. "Wo Iioki a
clmugu will soon tuku place " In which Is
foiiud the word peach; ''Tell John a tornado
bus struck tlm tow n," tomato, Mr. J, II.
Wright und Miss Hill proved themselves the
most skillful lu working out these answers
nnd received for their prttiu n lurgo yellow
pumpkin, the centra of which prftved to bo
tilled with candled fruits Tho aft-rnooiv
was a most plonwiht ono and tljo liostwe
may enjoy the hiuiwledgv o(-knowing thai
their arty was, one of tlm prettiest and
most successful of thu season. The Invited
list comprises Meedauiioi Wright. Webster.
Patrick, llewlck, Lecklo, Wolcott, Wllllums,
Welch, Turner, Prcdbn, Winger, Turner,
Klrkvr, Hall, Cnrtls, Hazard, lljovMiell,,
Hartley, Crloy, Link. Vutes, Clmlfunt,
Hill, 8lmw, Illllmoyer, Owwn, Plank, Hut
ton, I). Camliell, (libsoti, Joiim, Frank
Uampbell, Hayre, MuUmery, Heotl, llubcivk,
Ulurk, Utt, Daws, Crlm nnd Hkluner,
MIch Kato Ktoldard, Gertie Hill, llattle
Hitchcock Hlchanlsoii and Joluitun,
A delightful iwejdlon was given Wcdues
dnyuveulug by Mr. nnd Mm, D. Newmiin In
honor or his son mill his wire .Mr, nnd .Mis.
II. II. Newman, or New Vork oily. As the
Newmnu residence is being lebullt, Mr. and
Mrs. W, H, Hardy Undl extended thu hos
pitality of their new and commodious house
1S'J.' M street. Thu house Is Uiaullfully fur
nlslicd nnd on this occasion wus piofusely
oriiaiiiented with Chiysiinthemums, Much
Kllcst i ecelved n souvenir Mower (in coining
fiom the dining room where splendid i of rush
menls were served. The list of gueils in
cludes Messrs and MesdnuiesU t Lipplucott,
J II Wright, Kd Uieen, Will Green, Gene
Dorr, Ladd, L'rlin, Nuwt Abbott, Hudson
linhoir, Wnller Davis, Love, Wilsin, Will
Turner, N H liar wood. My run Whwler, 0
It Gere, M .1 Lapdf. il II Oakley, Henry
lluillty, ThomasSewell, A V. Klektitts, Kl
mcr Hemple, It 11 Tow nley, L V llurr, Hev
lusby, Willnrd Stewart, I II Cunulugiium,
HA Andrews, 1) Manner, K K llrown, Murk
Tlllou, Klm-r IViklus, Hut ry Llppiucotl,
Frnuk Hall, U W buns, A S llayinoitil, W
it Ogdeu, Curl Fiinke, it A Perry, Jos llig
ger, II Vun Hruut, Mrs K II Cheney and Mis
Dr Itlcliurds, Mrs 0 1) Pilcher, Mudumu Hun
dull, Mrs Croppy, MbweiUllve Latta, Clara
Walsh, (leitiulo Laws, Anna llarr, Hllva
Sheuis, Uo-o Cursou, .Maine Cursou, (lei lie
Hui i is, Anna Funku, Hnlliy Hooper, Cm rle
Hill, llertlu llurr, Siiiiih Cox, Almnnu
Pinker, Funny I.itlmiu, Mevrs C'lias lluir,
Hurry Krug, Win. Htull, IVimk Everts,
Frank Iluthuwny, Lieut Peishltii;, A N Au
driann, C 1. Alger, Oi.eur Fiinke, (J D Million ,
W Morton Smilh, Frank llurr, U ill llaidy,
A II Law. T V Kennuril, Mr. Ibtlxjit ltiohter
of St. Joseph, Mo., Judge and Mrs Thurs
ton of Omaha, uud Mr Georgu Spin lock
of Pluttsiuiiuth.
Thu "Novelty Club" Is tho niinio of u new
high live society in the south pirtol the city.
which met lor thu llrst time Suiurduy even
ing ut the lesldeuco of Mr. uud Mrs. Frank
Vuu Hoi ii, on South Twentieth stieel, A
stringent l ulu of the club Is that ut each even
ing s entertainment mi oilgiuuUfoiituru shall
be llltioduced by the hostess Oil the even
ing in question there were two dishes provid
ed exactly similar, one for the gents and one
for tha ladles, so covered us not to le veal
their contents. At n given signal each line
took hold of u rlblsju that decorated the top
of the mysterious dish nnd nil pulled together.
When the other end of the ribbon wus exam
ined u candy toy was discovered nnd each
gentleman proceeded to seat ch out the lady
for u partner who had a mute for Ills prize.
This Is a description ot what Is called u "Jack
Horner's Pie." Twenty games constitute
thu evening's stent, when lefieshments arc
served. The party having the largest num
ber of points ut the end ut the season receives
n valuable prize. Tht llrst meeting ol thu'
club wus a pronounced success thu credit or
which was due, to the efforts of the host uud
hostess. Thu following are the names of the
members of tho club: Messrs. and'Mesdumes
C II Allen, D E Koyes, Frank Viui Horn, M
H Vuu Horn, L W Uunoutc, I. W Munw, b
A ilsou, A H HampHon, A II 'Humphrey
Webb Wheeler' P W Stevens, and A G KeL
luiu. Mr. uud Mrs. Stevens will entertain
the next party on the evening of December
The Cosmopolitan, u club newly formed In
this city under tho leadership uf Madam
Mario ltiindall, held its llrst uiuetiug in thu
parlors of tbo Conservatory of Mutij Wed
nesday afternoon. Madam ltiiudull discussed
Franco, her condition to-day, political, social
and religious, In an able address carefully
and studiously prepared. Shu touched also
upon many mutteis of current Interest here
and abroad In a conversational manner do.
lightful to her hearers und encouraging to a
general discussion amongst members or the,
rlub. Mudum ltnndull leudsu Cosmopolituu
in Omahu with great success uud wus unwill
ing to give bur time to it lieie unless theru
weru ten charter members. Moru than leu
ladles huve been enrolled as charter members,
while there promises to be a larger attend
ance of occasional commers who find it Im
possible to bo present every wiukbubwlio
desire when they cun to avail themselves of
this o)K)rtunlty. Madam Hand all's reputa
tion is ho well established in Lincoln as thu t
of a woman of rare cultiite and intellectual
power that It If uiiuecoskury to here make an
extemknl mention of her lltnets for thu work
sho has undertaken. From now until tliu
last Weiluesduy in April, the club meetings
will be held In the parlors of thu Conserva
tory of Music, the use o. which bus been ten
dered tlie club with that generosity always
shown by Mr. and Mrs. Howell when thuob
jfet Is culture.
An exceedingly gladsome ulTair wus the ten
'ami curd purty-'jpvoh by Mr., uud Mrs. It.
O'Nell, 'lm J streefWediiesduy evening. It
was the occasion of tho fifth anniversary of
their marriugo but no mention of this was
made, the guosts being simply hidden to a
7 o'clock tea and to play at cards afterwards.
However, it became known to a fsw people
and Mrs. O'Nell wastbe recipient of a hand
some clmlr from frieuds whu appreciate the
true worth of the popular young couule,
Tho rooms wero prettily decorated with
chrysanthemums nnd roses. Thochuudellors
and pictures were daintily festooned with
symlax. Tea was served on small tables
through the rooms and congeniality and meN
riment reigned supreme. When wxu-es was
clmnted it was found that Mr. uud Mrs.
;Van Diisen, received an ash tray uud
hair pin receiver. Mrs. Derrick for the sec
ond prize got a souvenir cup and saucer, uud.
Mr. ltehluoiider a silver bon boil dish. It wus
Into when with many exu'-esalons of the de
lightful eiiteitaiument the guets departed)
of the happy wedding day, The following
u iisi 01 guests: aieasni-rutKi Ncauamea tww,
tr, Camlrjtige, Otiile, Miller, Vult, Vaii
Dusen, Northanii Wheeler, U. Hhelundeif,
Absolutely Pdbe JustIKvIt.
Notion Department.
lions,1 worth 15c -
Horn Mono (superior to whalebone)'
Dress Stays, per set 5c
Mourning Pins per bo., - . . c
Brass Pins, tlo.en Papers, , - '5c
XX White Envelopes (worth 10c,) 2c
Elastic Web, worth ioc, 2lic
Crochet Cotton, per ball, - 2C
Silk Melting, worth 15c per yard, 5c
Casings to iiiil'teh, per yard, . 2c
1121-1123 N ST.
Seott.dnnlner, Teeters, Wright, Mulr, lidd,
Dayton, IW. O. Davis, Helwir, h't lib, Will
Itehlaeiider, Hurrlul', Kirby, Huttmi, lleutoi,
Trogdeii, Will MeC'ull, ChusMoCall, Lasch.
King, J. Duvls, Mrs. Italy und' Mr. Vnnder
piolot Denver, Miss Steams.
A very pleiisuut nlfair wus the ixw parly
given by MM Stlie ut her homy iKIlS Hul- ,
diego street Weiluesduv evening III honor of I
her cousin MisOrncu King, of Prulrloelty,
Illinois. The house was very prettily decor-
nled throughout with sniylux nnd chrys m
themuilis. Tho guests went till much en I
grossed In that very sociable game or high '
live. Splendid lunch wus served ut the eu id ,
tubles, Tlioso present were Misses Kiiiuia I
Mcljitiiile, Eiiuii'i Ulover. Stelln lloyt, Sirnh
(Jrnhum, .May Luirhig, Anna i'I'msiiii Clirn ,
Smilh. Louise 1'owler, Cnrrlo Vlvyuu, Flor i
enco Hale, Helen It tilt. Nellie Hyde. Nellie i
(lolllii, Jlinnlo Melick, Helen Hotivur,
Orucu Kim: nnd '..Stella McCllntoo
of Eagle; Messrs Will Collin, Al Spencer,
Cluis Clark, Clias Holmes, Fred Woodward,
Dudley Cook, Wood Jones, Kb Mockett. (luv
Hide, (leo West, Will Clark, Phil Summer
ludd, Will Kills, Frank Pattou, John lira
hum, Leslie Stire, Jim Tyler uud Arthur
The hixpltuble uud palatial homo of Mr.
und Mis. It. E. Moore was the tccuo of an
animated company Friday evening, the nt
traction being thu common uud well liked
high-live. Those present were Messrs uud
MesdaiiitM E E lliuwii, E P Holmes, O W
Webster, J 1' Mnille, J.l Ulllllan, Junsuii, J
II Wright, It A Perry, it II Oakley, J II Me
Farland, II It Nlsnluy, J W Winger, E O
Yntes, A Hulbtirt. O M Thompson, S E
Moore, N C Abbott, C II Oere, Hudson Im
liolT; Mrs. Anderson, of Knnsns City, and
Mr. M. If Altkeu. '
The hbn Ilonllo'corrklng tU held Its sec
ond ineeltug nt tliu home of Mrs. C. A.
Keith, Friday evening. An elegant seven
o'clock dinner wnf served by four of the
ladles of thu club; after which progressive
high-five ww pluywl. Mr. llontou and Mrs.
Ilillmeyer rend their titles plain as tho best
players of the evening. Thoso present wero
Messrs und McmIuhics Ilillmeyer, Denton,
Kiggs, Helwlg, Steurns, Duvls, Wheeler,
Shaw, Truphugeu, Leonard, Dayton, Cain-
bridge, Mr. T. P. Kenuurd.
The "Thanksgiving Hop" given by Lin
coln Council, No. T, Commercial Pilgrims, at
Masonic temple Thursday evening, wasu
very pleasant allalr. Although tho party
wus not large, it wus a elect company, uud
the vni Inns committees received many com
pliments on their maimer or entertaining.
Every one present wus miiile to feel nt home
nnd enjoyed themselves very much. Tho
Pilgrims lutvo established line reputation in
this line nnd u duplicate of Thursday even
ing will be anxiously looked for,
Mr. uud Mrs. Fied Kelley wero nt homo to
a merry company of hhth-tlve players Weil
uesduy evening ut their co.y little home on
Seventeenth street. The prizes wcro odd
pieces of china, prettily decorated by Mrs.
Kelley. Mr. T. P. Keimurd won tho greatest
number of punches among the gentlemen
ami received an nsli tray. Mrs. lliggs gained
a souvenir spoon. Mr. Chus. Allen curried
ulf the second prl.e, a china olive dish. Miss
Maud lluuiuiuud won u bou bondlsh.
Mrs. Hurry Hull euteitaine.1 her Sunday
school class very pleasantly Friday evening,
tho pastime being an amusement known as
hidden treuuio. Miss Jeniilu Pomfort found
tho greutest number of treasure and for her
exertions received n handsome prize. lie
freshiuetits were se.rved. Those present wero
Misseit Jennie Pomfort, Hazel Norton, Mnlwl
Wilcox, I)ttln nnd Iluttlo Yezur, Etlul Hur
ding and Peurl Luun,
Thu Switchmen's Mutual Aid association,
composed of n congenial lot of railroad men,
gavu their annual bull nt Masonlo temple
Thnnksgivlng Eve, and it proved to bo one
of the largest and most sticcessfurnlTslrH that
has been given in that popular hull this sea -
sou. Irvine's excellent orchestra furnished
tho musio, the decorations were unusually
attractive and a very thing was conducive to
a royal good time,'
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Summers entertained a
a party of friend).,nt their home Saturday
evening in honor of their sisters Misses Lulu
and Huttie Summers. Whist wus tbo game 1
of the evening, uuil, Messrs nnd Mcsdnme
C, VMI'on, lnils'Stull. D h Iove, Steveus,
H C Shephurd; .Messrs Will Stull MA Alt-
ken, Tom Crninje, of Omiiliu, Frank Cooke;
Isses Ellu Kuufinan, Oruco Eaton, Grace
ulOi-rtie Altkeu. ,, j
A paity coniosed of Mr.(and Mrs. T. II.
' Ilentou
MIsms Orace mid (Jertle Aitkeu I
that ARE
J2 inch Surahs,
line of colors,
22 inch uros
',"iitii)eh Faill
2 1 Much Armure,
2 inch Crystal,
Reduced from $1.25-$. 150
il nu
Wednesday noon for Des Moines,
Mrs. y.
II. Iliown, sister of the MMot
a large ill v In their liourti' Thanksgiving
uvenlug. The party cxptct'to lie gn'ue about
n week.
Mr. uml Mrs. lludy Itehlneudur,' ll'UI It.
sheet, chariiilugly eutertnlueilu company uf
f 1 lends Tuediiy evening. A plinutom p'ii t.V
was tlie'utlriictlon.und u delightful spirit of
Itifoi nullity pet veiled. 1 hi) guests nil up
I prated disguised III sheets and pillow enses
nitli inu-lis. The Moors of thu room weiu
' canvassed, und with the usilstnnce of Miss
' WlllouglibyN music, dancing was
I Indulged in until u lute hour. At ID o'clock
I the guests unmasked and miiile themsolve
reuogul.ilblu. Refreshments weru served
. dm lug the eiillio eve'nlng In a side room To
1 say that nil enjoyed themselves Is to expresr
I It mi ngerly. Those present werr, Messrs.
land Mcsluiiics C K Van Dusen, ltlcliiuil
i O'Nell, It (' Trog leu, Tom Ilentou, T W
Tall, John Ilarber, 'I' J I 'slier, James Miller,
II A Sutton, W it CiimhrnlKC, Chus Keith, II
F King, W C Duvls, Chus McCull, W II Kir
by, Wheeler, J L Teeters, Miss llrown uud
Mr Mr-Arthur.
The laities of the First Prodiytoriuu church
give u reception to tho elirorly Indies or nil
the chinches Wednesday afternoon. An
elaborate supper will bo served in their honor
and their biographies printed in liook I'oim,
with u band-painted cover, will boon sale.
Miss Malda Cralgeu, u member of Keeue's
company who played the part of Lady A line
In Itlchurd III,, Is nn old schoolmate uml
friend of Mrs. Dr. .Manning. They gradu
ated at the suiiiu time from tho sumo school
In Boston.
Mrs. L. M. Cohu leaves today for St. Jos
eph to attend the wedding of her brother,
Mr. 'Nathan Spelsberger, of Keokuk, la. , who
will on next WeilneMilay bu wod to Miss Dora
Schott, u handsome bruuetto of St. Joseph.
Tho lletn Literary club met Tuosday after
noon with Mrs. Paul Holm. An Interesting
program wus given. The club wus pleased
to welcome as new members Mrs. L. H. Cur
l's and Mrs. C. W. Campbell.
Miss Ida Friend leaves today for St. Jos
eph to visit with her friend, Miss Joso
Khrlleh.nudto nttend thoSpelsberger-Schott
nuptials, which will ho solemnized next
Mrs. Dr. Hillings gave mi elegant dinner
Wednesday evening. Covers wore laid for
twelve and tell courses were perfectly served.
The table was handsomely decorated with
cut (lowers.
Mr. mid Mrs. O. it. Oukley left Thursday
morning for Omuhu to spend Tlmiiksglving
with friends who guvo a largo dinner in their
honor. They will bo gone several days.
Mr. uud Mrs. Frank llrownell will enter
tain a number of little folks tills afternoon
in honor or thu sixth birthday anniversary
or their bright little daughter Lillian.
Mrs. J. C. llonnell and daughter Elizabeth,
fir Chicago, stelit a portion of the week lu
the city ns guests or Mrs. Jennie llonnell
Frost or Randolph street.
Miss Alice Klkeuberry, of Platumouth,
(-ami) up to spend Thiinksglvllig with her
cousin Miss Olive LutUt. Sua attended tho
I Pleasant Hour p.ii ty. '
I Mrs. M. K. Trescott, of Elmwood, III., nr-
f rived in tho city Tuesduy nnd will bo the
i Ruvst or her neice, Mrs. W. r. Abbott, ut
J l'l A. streot.
Mr. H. II. Dean nnd soil leave Monday for
Arapiihoe. After visiting relatives thero for
u sliort time Mrs. Demi will go to Denver for
a visit. H
Mrs. Walter, and Mrs. A. E. Hargrnves,
Miss Olive Lnttu uud Miss Murttui Funko
I weMt ., to Omnlta Wetlnemlay to attend lieu
1 urj
',,,,,. ..' i
I "' Maud ltelsier entflrUluod Hnuinlier
' of Mmds I ues-luy lu honoRof, Wlss. Snyder,
l vWtliiB friend from Mt. Pleasant, Iijwa.
Several Lincoln eople went up to Omaha
Thanksgiving to wituens the foot hall game
between tho Iowa and Nebraska toatn.
Mrs. Sheldon, of Holdredge, sjient Thanks
giving with her daughter, Mrs. Klenor Pcr
klni, ol East Llncolu.
Mr. Simon Mayer, nfter a two mouths
visit In New York, is exjectd to return to
duy. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ituckataff gives a com-
hillmentary ariy to "Tho Patriarchs" Thurs
Way. ;s '
ft&r. V. W . Browt. entertained a larg
uuluber of friends at dinner lost uvenlug
The popular Huvolu club 't:avu Its sts:oud
dancing puity ut Temple Hall last night.
MUs Hnttie MoMahau, of Kearney, spent
Tlmuksglvlu g with Mist Claru Cnriuoily.
I Mr. und Mrs. Mart Tiltou were at home to
' u company of friends Monday uvenlug.
Miss Martha Fiinke gives a Cotillion to n
! lurgo number of fiieuiM Fird.iy.
Miss Helena Laupeutthe week hi llMtrlee,
I the guest of Miss Mat tie llurks.
Mr. uud Mrs. Murk 11. Tiltou will give two
card parties during the week,
1 Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C Wilson were lu
1 lltatiicea part of the week.
Mis. Will lirctti will entertain u whist
, club to-night.
r V iU
: . i. k
t ii UiVl
Special Sale1 of Silk4
inch Black China Silk, Mtpff
Reduced from 50c per yard'.? 2i)s
Blaclc'ahd' complete A--
reduced from 60c, 3!9
Sale of Black Silks
1' raneaise,
, I i'ivwC
U2I-H23 'Mm sr.
Miss Alice Wing entertained a whist chili
Inst evening.
Mrs. F. W. Little is visiting friiudi in Chi-
; Mrs, A. IU- Huitjphrey Is visiting nt llroken
I Miss Then. I.hwh left Tilesdny foHCallfor
iila. Iteaullfiil touvenlr rjioiins ar now being
given to new Kiibsci Ibeiti b)"lli$0HJiiir.H.
Pietent silbscribeis may illfOi'siHIUl ono ot
Iheso hiinilsomn pieinlum's,tly'iity'lng a year
in udvuiicu uud urreiirs, If' 'nn)r,v These nru
not clump trusliy mnn,mif)itit thomnmo
in Joweleis null for f i or more. v h ('
Mr. J. A. Dorsoy's saqrilluoala of ladles'
iiuderwinu, udvertlsisUd'ii (this page, will
voituliily attract the, attviiHtui of our fair
renders. Tiy udertUyilisnt Is ceitullily
worth lending. ,', -, . t
U. -Y-. ,-i .:!..? ..1 i k, J- t
A failoftd'nf nut' L'iijo,riiloJ;iXU(6es Just
lecelvisl utCiMik iimiy uitiDeryroiiinpuny'H,
They won't lusloug. AUu.Ulcurli) ut ut lino
lowu potutoes,t4 ' . ( ,
Cook llilluy (Iroojry Liiiiipinyui-u licml
ipuuters tor delllcatessen and lino goods.
When you wntitfrosli nice poultry, game,
butter uud eggs, cull ut llumhold & Moser'u
new store, MID Soulli Iilevoiith street. 'I'liouu
7'Jti. vWi.
All kinds of liiiporUsd '' cheeses, llneiit' and
largest assortmenC ever seen in the city, at
lOim'joM X Moser's, II1U
Phono 7S,
South Eleventh St.
Have nil bother of burrowing chairs
and tables from your neighbors. - Olvu
Hardy & Pitcher orders to havusouioot
their now ones with you for your next pirty.
They deliver and call uud get them.
Fine pictuiu frames made to order at IL
W. Cowlt-s, lit) uud lifj South Twelfth street.
MlvTLou Kommrd Higgs Is now prepared
to decorate uud furnish you elegant china,
prizes for the nominal price of t&.UO. (live
your orders early unoHrmbT'utr uuy ohooia
your own styles. m v u
'i I ' :
J. V. Wiiitier iV Co", UITJ O street, ara
going to have -tlie lnostuxteiislvosale of
holiday liuudkerciiefsj.iuid inulllern', cow
meiidng Monday, next, November Ulst. It
will pay you (o'Uy.ltt your Christmas
Just iccelved, a large assortment of felt
huts in tliu very latest, styles, at Mrs. J. IL
Illuii's, 117 South Eluveii(utrvt. O
- ' ' ' fc' ' ' tl' ''".'' i
To those wlio uio la ovarii) att novelties in
uudecorattsl chlnu, pall nid,e our line II no
of goods unlipiu und staple pieces ever la
stock. SUdJiMWvcra, illU South I'J'.li SU
The largest uud bust selected stock of ex
clusive millinery goals can te found nt Mrs.
J, II. ll'iilr's, 117 boutb Kleveutlistioet.
Fruulesfruu'ios, trames, of every descrip
tion, at Lincoln Frame and AiV tvj.npiiiy's,
y,Hl South Iltli. street. "
Xmus sals of Hue uud medium handker
chiefs uud inulllors commences next Monday
November '.'Ut, at
J. W. WiNOBIl & Co.,
HOU O street. .
Indies inuku big money cttuvusslng for
Tiik Uai'ITAL Citv Couiukiu If you wan
uico prulltable work cull ut thu otllco, 1134 N
ktu-et for purtluulani.
Two hundred boys' utid children's over
coats just received to bo sold at manufac
ture's prices. Ed Corf rt Co., 9.JS O street.
Miss Lou Kunuurd Hlggs, artist in oil and
china. Coma, and seo us at studio lie vera,
Ul'JS lL'thSu
Our coal is ell screened, full weight
guurautetsl mid delivery always prompt
Cull up IJncolu Coal Co. Phone 440.
Great holiday
w-eek ut
sale of handkerchiefs next
J. W. W inii eh & Co.,
UOUO street.
"' tf
,to vu
Wedding cake boxes,' wtkldiug invitations
uud announcements, the lie est for 18W-3,
are now being show)) by the W esse I titeven
Printing Coiuimiiy. Vf , , 4
Where do you buy yburo1rseU Next ,
week we place on special' salt our complete
Hue of corsets, includjutilUiiost isjijular
und well kuuwn wakes, ' 'A,J'
,J. W. Wi.oek;& Co., . ft'
ll09Ostrvt. ,
" ' ""I'
For ladle' superb rAi'rdrVjislng, hair orna
ments and hair gooilsaiways go to bvaoVpiar
ters Mrs. Uospers, 1114 O. street,
,i.i iii .I
Wo are. receiving uajf.linVortatloiis ot
gooits at StucU KVarai try week, Call
uud see us before you'buyyour Xunu novel
tlos. r , . VI
Geneva Milh-"Punty,urtour sold ovory
w hero,
I'lue riajlug-CMids.
Send tun (vols lu slump to Jolui Sjbls
tlnii, general ti'et uud HiSieiijer aeut C,
It. 1. v P. rulUuy, Chlotgo, for u pek of
tne"ltock Island'.1 playing caixK I'uey are
uckuuw lodged' the tiest, uud worth live inns
tliewst. send .money oilier or poutl uota
for titty cents, and wo will suud llvopclti
tiy expivss, pivpnid.
" 'W