Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 26, 1892, Image 4

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CSSS.1 '" f
r y imiv tfcymiMiifc fHKOTD
x m x
SBS VVy vlrk.
Jfr. Jftivtsl JT. Jordan
ol Edmcstmi, N. Y.
Colorless, Emacjatod, Holploss
A Complete Cure by UOODa
This Is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, n rc
tired farmer, nnd ono of tlic most re
spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y.
"I'ourtccn your bro I hail mi attack of Uio
cn.Tol,and havo slnco been troubled wltti my
Liver and Kidneys
gradually Browing- worse. Three years ago I
cot down o low tliat I could aearcelr !.
I looked more llko n coro than a H-Iiir belnjf.
I liiu no appetite nnd for llvo weeks I mm
imImk ant artsrl. I was badly emaciated
nnd hud no more color than sarblti i",M,:
Hood's Harsnnarlllnwas recommended and I
thoiiRht 1 would try lb Hefora I liad nnlilieil
the ffr" tVJtlVe I noticed that I felt bettor, nut.
fered less, tlio laflnttiitaallfai t l blad.
r luut subsided, thorolor bciran to return to
my fnce. ami I rnm la feel "?, . ftyj'
1 had taken llirco bottles I could cat ntrvthlnij
without tuirtliift me. Why, I got so hmwry
that I had to cat n limes n day. I have now
fully recovered, thanks to
Hood's Sarsaparllla
I ful well ami am well. All who know
mo marvol to scemosowoH." H. M.JunnAK.
HOOD'S PILLB r tin beat f teritlnnar nils,
assist dlf Mtlon, our naadaoha aud blUouinaas.
1039 O Street.' -
Tin: coming m:i:k is
cloak wlt.k - 1
We cannot quote prices '
On our entire stock,
Hut call your attention to
Our great leader,
35 Heavy niack Melton,
3ilnchetlong,r ,
Y Mnnufttcturcil to order (or) t J
' V-S and cheap at that..
Our price thin week, ffy -Beginning
Mondayl.Nov. aut,f
v 1 JL $
S3.Q8. .
Corresponding reductions; j .
On nil cloaks- -r - li
JmPspcclal sales An J7
Every department, to make- -Room
for Holiday Goods.
O Xhe Ladies'
' Furnishers,
1039 O Street.
Get the Genuine only at
P. BARTON. Manager ,
11 Block, cor. 12th and O Sts. Tel, 716
V - S -
fjm.m ' ,,, ,
n''J WpsM.Tabulos ouro tho blues.
Kipsas Tabules cure torpid liver,
f ftJpNW Tabulei t gonUo atthutlo. '
" Xlfftm Tabulot euro indigestion.
aaVBaVBaaw v
Ra. r
L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor.
wi:M8i:iisri:'nNH piuni-ino co.,
,1111 N Hlrcot.
Teh'phnnesi-Otrieo. UM. Uoiino, 'III.
Hiil)rrliruii' Itate. In Adiiiuri.
Vft annum, . ,.li.mrihrei months ... duo.
HlXIUOIItl l()HlMUlO COpll'H fa!
Kulcrrd at tho pr,atolllcj of Lincoln, Nob,,
ns second class mutter.
IVoplo opt In the Innocent wild of No
biiisku ho iimil of Tiininmny 111 u factor 011
imtlonnl hi1Ich ilnu't iifliu eiiroiintor mi
opportunity to uitnrim nn exninplo of IIh
fiMtlly to Its hiillvliliml ineinlH'rs, hut one of
thoio Instances ivcently ooctircil In Lincoln.
Two well ilreiieil Jouiir MrniiKers wl o gno
their minion nn IIiiiiIh nnd Clark wcro nr
lifted for tho theft of 11 lot of elolliliirf fiiitu
throe or four of lluilfiiillnj,' clothing hounoi'
hole, Tho M0I011 clotlilnj; nn fount! In
their poHMwIon nml Ideutllled. When tho
time mi Ivixl for their preliiuluaiy exnuilna
tlon 11 hiMjer nil the ny fioin New York
City ciiuioou to iipienr for them, or lather
for ouuof tliiiu, tlio oiinu 1111111 who nmo
Ills niuueiiH II111 1 Ih. Ho niiiile 11 vIkoioun
ilefoliHO nt the exiiiiiliiatlou hut both of them
weio hound ovtr In heavy bonds to uwiilt
trial. Then tho attorney devoted IiIm nt
tout Ion to an endeavor to get otiuw ball
audiultoi nuuiboi' of lirmpanHihlo men
who rriko In a ilqliar now mid then an ntniw
iKindMiieil woro pnru'led beforo the county
court to no purpoi-e. hcclnj? that ho could
not work that com t the kIiiuvmI New Yoik
attorney went Ufoio a higher couit and
theioMiccoeded In liuvlng hit man lliurlt
llbcrntod on bond nml poriulttetl him to go
home to New Yoik, Alniut that time the
Htrnw tioudamiiu exhlbltid to one of the
ollleeiaof the law a roll of bllH which he
said contained (1300 aud which ho further
Intimated he had secured fur becoming
bomUmaii. Youiik H1111U never returned
for trial, his partner was convicted and the
county nttornoy has lnc brought suit
iigaliiKt the straw bondsman. It dcvoloped
nt that time that llnrrln belonged to Tain
many, nnd that tho profcuMonn! aud iluun
clnl aid rocelved by Lint wns furnished fiom
n heavy fund kept by that organ'ratioit for
that caprru purioso. Tho readiness ot tho
nttornoy to cnd monoy is aald to have met
with one very unexpected rebuff. In ro
inorlng tho rase from the. county to tho
district court ha agreed to pay the coats in
the lower court. Inveigling- the court into
lu Inner sanctum he threw down $100
bill, remarking "That's near enough, never
mind the change." The coats were 0 and
fhe court, 'with come decided ahaw"of In
digimtlou, lnaiitedupon paying back the
little mnttor ot 0I change. Few people
realize tho magnificent opportunities en
joyed by court ofllclals now and then in
such cases for pocketing lubitnutlal "tiiko
olTa," nnd cue can Imagine that court work
Is profitable In Tammany's Immediate
V luggeated tl-at If it is proven that
Congreaamau Dryan ia to bo iiermittcd to
aaalst l'ltsldeht Cleveland lu dlatributimr
democratic patronage in this atnte, tho
capacity of tho elevator in Hurr block will
have to bo increased or It will prove In
adequate. It Is suspected, however, that
Mr. tiryan will be very fortunate if he
secure tho favor ot tho president in the
distribution of patronage In his congres
sional diatrict, as it gentleman by the name
of Boyd Is supposed to have hold ot tho
presidential ear with both hands and 'may
be expected to get there, In the allotment ot
the plums, with both feet. There Is a
rumor afloat, however, that a peace con
ference of leading democrats will bo held
soon to look aftet the distribution ot post
offices and other fedeial odd Jobs, including
Mr. Gere's snap. Mr, Gere has been n faith
ful and conscientious public servant, but
his merits will count for naught, not oven
when It Is remembered that he has always
advocated , n I reform Its the 'service that
would meet with the approval ot tho public
his scheme to reduce tho surplus was to
establish a stamp Ucker lu each poat-ofllce.
and keep her in gum. Of course this was
opposed by partisan democrats 011 the
ground that their platform opposed sumptu
ary laws and especially anything bearing
on the Ucker traftlc. Mr. Oero's pernicious
activity In this Ucker affair Is excuse sutll
cleut for his dismissals Since the recent
election every democrat feels that demo
crats are pretty good tickers llientselves.
The consolidation, of the -time-honored
State National with, the American Exchange
National bank, which occurred last Monday
evening, U another achievement, that be
speaks ;the vigor of young blood. The
American Exchange is but an, infant, but
in it brief career it has twice doubled IU
original capital ot 150,000 and finally found
Itself big enough to swallow a bank that bos
been dying business for. ,twenty years, Al
though it was termed a consolidation, the
terra la a misnomer. Th nl,l lonlr nf n
oUr exUjUjiqa andtnejAmerlcan Exchange
nauonarnas.a.iaMpitsous tot, ot reatbera
clinging t4.lta? . Tfre Steers of the
Americas 'Exeaoage will oosUaas Jhe bust,
ness, at least unMlesWi-'oBsjual faction.
The v capital slock will ,creas4' to
250,009. It ia said that the' joint 'deposits
reach 000,060. All. of' the employes
of Mw State' National -ank. go to
the new bank xotpt.Mossrt. Hayden and
Freeman,-, cashier atKt assistant' who have
entered the eniploy of the First National
CoL Calhoan of -the Herald assumes en
tirely toofniaay BreroKatlves In. IiU pro.
I feseloual work)- In ftalast Issue the Coukikh
Intlnmtod that that young cougresloiinl
hercules, V. J. llrynti. nwid 11 HitoMI:n
inch ton number of newspaper men heie
nbotita for their nulntnnco In his recent
gallant nnd sueeofu! fight. Mr, Calhoun
mw tit to reproduce the article lu iiln paper
lu it k I'leil form by expunging that por
tion relating to his own valuable work nnd
effective: wrvlco. If It were dono through
miMlosty It would bo oxruiable, but tlio man
who ncxiiHrs t'al of nitHlt-ity Impugns his
Hunllllcntlonsnsniiowsjinppr man, If Oil
don't want tho pmtolllco ho ought to say so
and obviate tho necenilty of bloodshed, as
there Is 11 movement, yclept n young mini's
movement, to do blm up. The young men
who would llknn jiost onion or two apiece
themarlvot mn nil in It, nnd scarcely n-iyotm
ele, If Cnl wants it, hohould not lie too
modcfit to any an, and by the horn po6u
theio It not 11 man lu this bailiwick, young
or old, who ought to be nblo tobenthlm out
of It, Calhoun's democincy has cost him
tliun nnd money, nud lots of both. If there
Is n rieoniponso for hmd work In night it
should bo his without question.
It begins to look very much us if base ball
has permanently withdiawii fiom public
favor to make loom for football. There
have been many things urged agaluit b'no
ball us a wise or commciulaiilo sport, mid
thesevoieat thing was that It wns rinught
with gnat dniiger. lu this iv-pect however
it beats no npjiiechible coiuimilsoii with
football, In other iCHpccta Inimi ball, to Its
admirers, enjoys advautagen over lt hutky
rival, It Is not nearly so much n oontent of
nggieslvo nud unmerciful bruto sttoiigth.
Weight, imiolo mid Hieoil did not count for
so much in base ball us skill, nccutaoy and
bialuwoik. It In pelhaps the olemout of
danger in foot ball that has won for It the
favor of 11 coqucltlxh public. Whatever
may bo the causo, It Ih certain that tho
beefy game Is stiidlug to tho front, nud xo
pie 111 n learning tho lutilcacles of the game
with euthusiastlo solicitude.
Theio Ih 11 strange fatality about novva
paier work in this city," lemniked an ob
servant cltleu ucintly. "No ono appear
to bo In it long without tailing 11 victim to
Cupid. Just think ot the long list or the
ixist two years who have thus fallen by the
wayside long enough to shift halt of their
burdens to willing but weaker shouldeis.
V. Morton Huiltli of the Aciei nppems to
havo escaped, however, but he ia evidently
cut out for 11 buchelor ns be Is so very shy
of tho fulr sex, Aud Hugh MoVlckor, night
editor of tlio Joimutl, begins to realize since
Thompson, Alexander, nnd Sencrutt fell,
that there are only a few ot him left. Aud
ho envies himself the lonesome happiness
that Fiauk Iluthnway shares with him ho
gracefully us a matter of economy nud
Tho Western Normal collcgo opened Its
second term Tuesday morning lost. Dur
ing its tint term tho enrollment reached Tii
nnd when It closed. In spite of tho discom
forts encountered at tho beginning because
of delay in completing the, building," the
puplla wero all so well pleased that nearly
every ono of them "re-enlisted" and a com
mitteo selected for tho purpose-..dratted ,ros
olutlons attesting their thorough apprecia
tion ot the excellence ot tho school, Its un
rivalled comforts aud conveniences and the
uniform courtesy and kiudneao. of tho man
agement. The attendance this term is
materially Increased and pupils are present
from almost every state in tho Union and
ono from Mexico.
Hardy & Pitcher havo received a now lot
ot chairs nud tobies for rental purposes at
caul parties, etc Call aud ne them or call
up phone 6-1.
Dr. ao. O. W. Farnhaiu Cures
chronic, blood, heart, liver, lung, rectal,
akin, male, female nnd nervous diseases.
Hlchaid block, Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs, 8. F. Byan, fashionable dross making
room 78 Burr block.
Mrs. Qoapor's Is a popular place for tho
ladles. They get their nobby headwenr
thera and likewise have their beads nobblly
embellished there. Seel
New lino of picture mouldings at Cowlo's,
110 South Twelfth streot.
Hock Si'HI.nos
Co. Phone 440.
Coal nt the Lincoln Coal
M. L. Trestor makes coplo happy by sell
ing them lumber andjeoal at 1140 O street.
Card cases and Indies coin - aud 'specie
purses in morroco, Russian leather, dongolar
I kid and French calf at Rectoi's Pharmacy.
Trester haa tho prettiest display ot any
dealer In Lincoln at 1140 0treet.
Mrs. Gosper leads In millinery, m she oN
ways haa. The new Invoice of line pattern
hats just received convinces every one more
than ever of that fact.
WlienTyou""want real values1- for your
mouey, lu Jewelry, call onJF. ILjHarrUll.a
O street.
You can alwayi get fresh bread at the N.
Y. bakery. They bake twice dally.
-t4- J 1
M. L, Trester. building material and coal,
1140 O street. - ' - f.
. 1 - ; U
Hurllnatoa Itoute flaying Cards.
New daslgo, round corners, flexible linen
stock, penaonent colors, worth 6d cents. We
selbtbem at 10 cents.' Good achsme to buy a
few pttcka; snigbt need them this winter;
eucbre,.whlt, high five, etc .
A.' O. Zikmbrx City Pass. AgL
Rector's NewTharuii
u. .. i.A..k.. n.onin 40JU, . .
uuuuajr num., v.uv w imu iau
7-HnnO!UI, 1.1. '' if
pj;. a to
A nice and useful present given to boys
and children with every garment bought at
Ed Cerf & Co., ftU O stroet. Two hundred
overcoats just received, to be sold at manu
facturer's prices. rm
Eye and Kr Vurgooii.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurist, 11203
O street, telephone 375, Lincoln,' Nebr.
The Neliiusttn City Omul Mills llenltb
'fnottsil'iipnUrlty In Miiroln.
Few housekeepers in tlio Capital City nro
unacquainted' with the celebrated Quail
biHiids of hfnlth foods that have been so
K)pulnr In Lincoln during the put year.
Hut n short time ngo these gooiU worn un
known, to day they arn lu moat popular do.
maud nt nil grm-eiics. The Quail biaud of
parched rolled oats Is well known Hi tho
consumers of the delicious orridgu that is
rcllalied lu thousands of homes nt the bieak
fast incnl every morning.
Tho other pioducta that are noirir to the
Undo me tho Velvet Coin Meal which has
gained lu favor sltico Its first Intto Inutioii a
a shoi t time ago; Corn! Crisis, 11 healthy nud
delicious product for gems, etc., nnd Quail
baud Relf liaising diddle Cake Flour. This
latter is now In mot popular favor mid is
having nn Immenso sale. For grid- i
die cakes there has been nothing
luttodiicod horo that equali It In any way.
It l easily uuide. economical nml mutt mi
tritlous, theiefore Its poulaiity. It re
quites Iihs of this Hour to tiiaku inKef than
any other nud the particular piecautloii to
take lu mixing Is to have only a thlu batter.
This will insure bright mid wholesome re
sults. Tho Ceieal mills have hid 11 ili-play
this week nt tho Funnels' National
(Jong loss at the capltol and several
exhibition nt local stoiei. At each ot these
many new ft lends wore made for the Quail
brand of health foods, Lincoln ladles who
have not ucd thtso goods should not fail to
givu them a trial at the earlleit opportunity.
They are on sale at all grocery stores.
Iluvn Von AujtlilliKto Tniilo
for Hastings real estatot I have two blocks
well located lu Hpencer Bros.' Park addition
mid 1 will consider propositions to twide for
almost anything. Address ,. WihwI, Jr.,
cure hlsollhe.
NoimIIk Work Kxblliltlnit,
IjuIIcs wishing to purchaso emhroideieil
or stampixl llueiio can havo npiortuulty to
make selection from 11 display which will be
011 exhibition nt Mis. J. M. Kcott's, Hill O
htieol, Monday nud Tuesday, Nov. "JSth and
Moor I'or 1'aiiilly Ifsn.
For family trade tho John Clund Browing
Co. is now delivering a siqieriur grudeot ex
tin pale liecr lu either pint or quart bottles.
1 his beer for table use has 110 qu il nnd Is
meeting with Kpulnr favor with nil the best
trade of tho city. Prices as cheap as that
charged for Inferior beer. Leave orders nt
office, Sil 1 North Ninth street. Oscar Bou.-k,
agent. Once tried no other beer will bo used.
Why not order a sample case ot it.
All Kleg-iiit Souvenir.
Tho Western Resort Book, n finely Illus
trated publ iciitiou descriptive of all the west
ern resorts along the lines of tho Union Pa
cific system. Bent free upon receipt of six
cents lu stamps. J. T. Mastiu, C. T. A.,
1044 O street. E. A. Slosson, Oeneral Agent,
Lincoln, Nob.
Notice of Application for Pardon,
To whom It may concern:
1 ou u 111 ncrcuy taKo notice Hint on Mon
day, the mn any of December, 181M, Isldor
HusHOk will itiiiko application to Governor
James E lloya: of tho Btnte or Nebraska tar a
pardon for the otruiiBO of selling and disposing
of oilstone literature, of which he was con
vlotdd on tho 3rd day of Novomber, 1M).', bo
fore Charles It Koxvvorlby, Justice or tlio
pence lu and fjr Lancaster county, Neb rank a
IHIgucd) Ihidoh ItUMSKK
Notlco la hereby rI von, that by virtue of an
Execution Issued by tho Clerk of tho district
court of tho Third Judlctnl District of Ne
braska, within nnd for Lancaster Countv, In
an autlon wherein Frank L. Hboldon Is l'laln
tlir, and Jnmes V. Consaul, as principal, and
Charl-sC. Miinson, Palmer VVny, Klinar K.
llenklo and John Zohrung as surotlcs, defen
dants, I will nt 2 o'clock V M on the 'JOlh day
of December. A D 1SU., nt tho cast door of the
court tiouso, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraskn, offer for sale at publlo
uucUon tho following described real estate to
wUMoUfourM), live (51, and six (0), In J. O.
Young's cast Lincoln.
Ulven undor m v hand this 18th day of No
vomber, A. D WJ2,
Whereas, On the fourth (4) day of Juno,
1892. Charles A Atkinson commenced a suit
In tho district court of Ijiucaster county,
Nebrasku, against Mark Htornbcrgor, Morris
L. Htoinbonscr. James Chesnut, Charles F
Crclshton, Joseph J Imhotr and Irn A rttern
liergor, for tho purpose of oirectlnt; tho par
tition of the following roal estate hereinafter
described, and
Whereas, On tho ninth (U) day of November,
1892, tho couit found tint tho plalutltr
Charles A Atkinson, nnd tho defendants,
Charles F CrelKhtou and Joseph J Imhotr are
carh the owner tu fee simple of the undi
vided two-ninths part and tho defendant,
Mark HternberKer, . Morris L btornborger
and -James UiieniiLl IKVeaoli the owner In
feoalmplaoftheuivlll1)'Kl nu'-nlnth part or
tho said real iotal,i f, uld court rendered
tudgment Insula ottalsvitlriiilng said shuros
and uppolnted J ft MtK.'fvy, A D KIIcIion and
iouls llelnier refereew in inako partition of
said rent estate, and
Whorcus, The said refi'rnos an the seven
teenth (17) day ofNovomtrr, IHV2, made their
report In wrltl iik to tlio Hon Charles L Hall,
oneofttie liv)ts;i)Virtho dUtklct court of said
county, that p-tlwm on1 suit real estate
could not lM) niKiie 'Villi lULtrrtat.iireludloo to
ihoovne-s therrofrmd that Ju tb'lr opinion,
It Is for tho Interests or suld ovit-rs to have
said premtsos sold Atul the pxoceeda thereof
Wherena, On ttw 'went.sMiud (2J) day of
Novoinlier.lSW, th r -rrt otiviid referees waa
conrlriieil by tt- tiS, judge .! tho following'
order fiilfed of econl ''AMI It Is further
ordered thai aula referees r.ttoood to sell suld
freinUoHul public sale B-, upon execution nt
he oust front door of tho court house in' Lin
coln, Nebr, the terms bvlng. cash." Threloro,
wo. J ll McClar, A I) Kltoheu nnd Xiovlt
Itelmer referees liuald cauao do hereby glv e
liotlcatlmt In aitrdauce with tho order of
said Judge ,W7 -MM 011 Thursday, the tweuly
nlnth (Xfitiuy of Decombec, IS-, sell the fol
lowing described premlaes altuotod In the
county of Luncastor, and state or Nebraska,
Hlocks forty-nlno (40), fifty (GO), llfty-ono
(51),flrty-two (M), flfly-thrco (M, ntty-lour
(54), flfty-flvo (88), fifty-six (Sej.rtlly-seven (57)
fifty-elf ht (58), nfty-ulne (50), sixty (iW). sixty -oue
(61). sixty-two (02), sixty-three (03). sixty
Mur (j, sixty-six (60). sixty. sovon (07), sixty-els-ht
(88), slxtyBhao(fl8i, seventyaoi.soventy
one (7J), seventy-two (7i), aoviioty-Uitteirp),
saveiiiYMuur un ovunynve 70),
even ui) iHi.siiiy-uiKni imi, sareniy-iiwie
(7), eighty IH1. elahty-ooe (all, elahiytwo
l)j. eiKiiiy-suven B7i and eitfiiiy-citf
8M1. also lots pile. IIJ, two 'il,. throe lit, fmir
41, live 61, six b, seven 7), elKhteeu
ve ioj, si
eon I0K t
ntieteon 110). twenty (Saul,
twenty-two (2.)jtwenty-ltireo (21), and twenty-
luur ,li IU uw. ni.u-.nv iwi.i
fohr (.1), lu blok sixty-live (U5), also lots one
.1, . tn .1. Biln I Q f m. a,,, M..aIK1 ! f,l
seven (7, eight IB),nlno Ittf.und ten10tn block
elgbtynluo 1811. Allorsuldbloeka und lots
being stiuntotrj Atkinson's addition to Uni
versity Placet rAt the oast front door of the
court house, lu said county and slate, for ca-h
to tho blithest bidder, nnd suld sale to tako
plnco ?nt two (it) o'elock . m. on suld
lu vvltiiofs hereof wo bavoheroiintn set our
hands this SMIsduy of Novomb-r, IMtt.
j J. II. Me.Cl.AV,
IXltlltt ItKLMKII,
' A, D. KlTUltKN,
'Thanksgiving Day, now past, will soon be , 4
' followed by n
Merry GhWtftei-l
While vvc lind much to be thankful for, vvc ' 1
' nlso nntlclpatc tntich for the future. '"'
'' !' i .'iil.i JJOT A
to look tlnougli our magnificent stock nnd
select something suitable for our dear
ones for a
Goods selected can be left at our ttorc ttntil
wanted, thus giving you the advantage of
selecting from nn unbroken nssoitmcnt.
At Budge & Morris Company
msm warn msmim m:mmi m:
- Wants to buy her Gloves to match her
u .
' which vvc have the exclusive sale. This Is an article made of the
1 '. French Kid, without seams on cither tilde of the hand and conse
quently cannot rip where most objectionable. Please call and inspect
them and sec for yourselves that vvc can please everybody, whether you
wish to buy a pair for 98 cents or the most expensive one.
2 iq23 O Street
WK.W m 'si m m
Wliolosalp Dealera In rlADDLE.S and Manufacturers of
Vitrified Brick .and all Kinds
Five Per Gent, oil Deposits' . ,,
Lincoln Saving Bank and Safe Deposit Co.
S.'E.Cor, llthand PStresj" ' - v
Boxes tp Rent in afe Deposit Vaults.
HENIIY E. LEWIH, Pesldent a. P.J. BTEWAltT. Vtoo-Pres. t H.WELQir, Treasv
t tit, - ,i
All Fillings at Lawest Ratci.
Dr. H. K. KBRMA'N,
Surgeon Dentlat, Rooms 04, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.
v r Y
The Progressive Dry Goods Emporium,
H41 nnd 1143O ttrect.
You will Unci a full line of
Holiday Furniture,
' Rockers
Book Cases,
Leather Chairs, ; 1
and Settees.
1 122 N Street.
mmm msm,mimm-mmLW.,m i
dresses, witli tins object In view vvc have
- purchased n stock of Kid Gloves, which -
for Its variety of styles nnd shades, was
- never shown before. We ;an match --
every color, may It be dark or light.
We call special attention to a New Glove
MitwmiMLWzmmMi wan mn
- Manufacturers of
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of Straw and trapping I'aer.
to 741 0 street.
111 111 1 11
"Tr"rnin mian mim, i,t fc !-'.
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