Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 26, 1892, Image 3

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    Mrs. J. C BELL
Has just received something en
tlrclv new and novel lor Indies'
henii nttlre. It l the
Borden Bang
Having no network
whatever, the hnlr being fast
ened together by a newly pat
ented idea which does not
heat the head, in others do.
Hair ornament, and hair gooiU.
As usual, wc load in artistic hnlr
dressing and manicuring. Call
and see us
1 1 4 North Fourteenth St.
Indies dcslrltiK sty llsli ilrcsoH at moderate
prices call on
fltissjeijijie ii)i)y,
Hoom 12 I'otvln lllock, 13th nnd O.
TI10 Perfection and Taylor .
-te&ldjU5tabl 81705
expand with every motion of tho foot. Don't
burn or blister. A very narrow shoo can bo
worn. Mst comfortablo known Try tlicin
mil sco for yourself.
Koranic-only by A. L.GEIOKR, 1137 It Ht.
Mpcclal orders taken. Cheaper than others.
PPPC1 Tuition! Fall term, In seven dltter
x nLb cni courses. Only high (jrodo In
dependent Normal In tho state. The Finest
ltulldltiKs, Equipments, nnd Ablest N'ormal
Kaculty. No experiment, hut tin established
mamiKemcnt. 40 courses, Xi tcacherx ami lec
urers v vo school for tho masses. Wrlto
or catalogue, to K. K. ItOUSK, Manager.
Lincoln, Neb.
& BRO. CO.
Kell'iblo L'ralcrs In First-Class
Pianos & Organs
Wo carry tho larcest and best selected stock
to bo found In any house In tliu west, and sell
at manufacturers' prices, for cash or on easy
StciiiKay it
Sons Win. Kiinbc
ttchr Uro.
Vose &
Sterling Orvans it bed Itock prices and on
easy terms.
Second Hand Oryani, $ 10 up.
Second Hand I'Unwt, J?.5 tip.
InstrumentH rented and lent allowed If pur
chased. Cheap Htenclllcd trash so ofton Irn
posod upon buyers wo do not handle nor rec
ommend. A Kood standard mnko second-hand
Instrument Is to be preferred to much of the
now cheap trash sold. Call nnd sco us or
wrlto for catalogues and prices. Your patron
ago solicited anil highly appreciated.
Max Meyer & Bro. Co.,
16th and Farnam, Omaha.
(Hucceiior to Dr. Charles Sunrise.)
Cures Cancers Tumors
Went and Fistulas without Miouso of Knlte
Chloroform or Kther.
Otllce lfOo O Street-Owen block,
"Tho past rises beforo mo llko n
tlrcum," ns Dob IngerBoll paid. Wo uro
back in tho good old times beforo the
Wnr, in tbo middlo section of tho Wa
bash vnlloy. Tho glorious, mellow, yel
low, late nutuintml days luivo cento. In
dlim Btuntnor is past, it Is true, but ita
aroma still lingers on tho brown mead
ows anil in tho gloriously varicolored
Woods. At least ono year in three wo
liavo "Into springs and Into falls," as the
fanners say, and this is one of the yearn.
Tho frost is on tho imtniikln, but lightly
ns yet, and tho fodder is in tho shock,
though tho cnttlo still browso a littlo
and uro fattening lu tho stall: Holds, from
which tho yellow coni has just been
"This is tho timo of year when every
thing tastes good," tho boys say. "This
is the season when tho game is at its
best," Bay tho hunters. "And this is tho
season when our bones hurt us tho least,"
tho old folks say. Tho milk 1h cool and
rich. All tho vegetables are at their
best, perfectly ripe, but not yot withored
the uxsurpectino aonui.nit.
by weeks of lying in tho cellar. And
tho small boy how ho docs enjoy this
season! Theso uro tho days when ho
"slips off at afternoon recess," gives tho
school house tho "cold shako" nnd hur
ries to tho south woods, thoro to gnther
tho big green walnuts in piles: pounds
tho boft hulls off and picks out tho nuts,
pausing occasionally to crush ono with
a convenient stono for immediate con
sumption. His lips are stained; his
hands aro dyed nnd dull brown; ho
knows "it will never como off till it
wears off," nnd that tho chnnccs aro
oven thnt ho will get whaled, but still
ho does it as ho did it Inst year, and us
ho will do it again. Wo all did it.
It is tho day beforo Thanksgiving a
glorious, golden, sunshiny nnd stimulat
ing day and tho old farmyard is full of
life. Red Peto, as wo call last year's
gobbler, is strutting about in tho glory
of freshly attnincd adult gobblcrhood,
as proud and important ns if ho were
directing tho proceedings. lie is in a
seiiso, though ho little imagines the
senso. "Our riot dooms him to bleed to
day." ns Pope says, but not having our
reason ho can look on in tho happiness
of ignorance Tho chopping block,
stnked fast for the convenience of cut
ting kindling, is beforo his eyes, and just
beyond tho ax is on tho grindstone, but
ho littlo imagines that it nil has any ref
erence to him; thnt ho is tho central
flguro in tho coming proceedings, lie is
lovely in life, and in death he will bo
divided, tho preacher nnd tho poor get
ting their share.
Tho wife and mother takes stock of
ducks and chickens, but talks of tho so
cial features. Will tho boys got homo
from Asbury university? They will, for
tho "spondnlix," us collego boys iu
thoso days called tho remittance, was
sent in timo, and even now tho younger
brother has gone to tho country depot to
fetch them home in tho old farm wagon.
Thnuksgiviug morning tho light break
fast is soon dispatched, for that is a
small affair on such a day. Thero is a
gonerul brushing up, nnd nil nro off to
tho country church. Tho preacher and
his wifo return with tho family, nnd
about 1 o'clock tho grent event of tho
dny is on.
All nro thero tho two boys from
collego, tho hired mau nnd ono or two
cousins, tho oldest girl of the family nnd
tho rosy cheeked farmer she married a
year or so before. Tho baby is laid on
tho bed in tho nearest room, and thero is
always at least ono littlo girl so fond of
children thnt she volunteers to watch
him. Tho happy group is seated, tho
preacher has his dovotioual say and ac
tual business begins. Red Pete shines,
onco tnoro, in culinary beauty this time.'
but it is positively his last apjtearanco on
theso shores. And then tho long after
noon of social chat nnd innocent merri
ment, and tho evening iu which the
young pooplo tnko possession of tho
house! Buch was Thanksgiving in tho
good old times, such for tho most part
it still is, and such may it long continue
to be. Viao.
Ilefore the Dinner.
Major Pikestaff (at tho Tlmsksgivlug
reunion) Well, my littlo man, do you
know what you have to lo thankful for.'
Tho Littlo Man Yes, indeed, sir. I
am thankful that thero is some Jamaica
ginger in tho house.
ou&&fc&C& -rg'
C i. (ja.
N t" l'H
A iVcnWar IHnilly.
A Native- of llascoiiy-l have an unci
who lived to he I lit years old.
A Native of Marseilles That's tuMlilng.
I had a grandmother who was l.'D years
old when we hurled her.
A Parisian What are you two fellows
bragging nhotitr Why, my family Is so
new that there la not a single member of
It dead yet. European Exchange.
Hubslltuli' fur lee.
Hydropath-I don't think you havolutn
Imgo, my friend; the dlhttessls dtto totalis
eularlulhiiumatlou. A compressor packed
Iro on the hack will relievo thu trouble.
Patient Never mind the Ice, doctor. My
vlfu'a fot will do. Huston t'ourler
Old l-rleuiU:
Rosalie Why are thu waltera so atten
tive to Count Do Vulilr
(Jul (r lie used to lie ottuuf them, I guess,
-New York Herald.
Homo U'mrr Aihrrllseitirnts.
Tho publication In Tho Transcript about
n month ago of the advertisement of a
hotel In the Alps, printed In Kugllsh as she
Is spoke by no ono hut tho foreign compil
ers of phrase hooks, has brought from a
rentier In the city of Ditrnngo, Mexico, an
equally charming example of dislocated
Kugllsh. It Is again a hotel, which pro
claims Its iid"iiutngcM In terms that, after
nil, ntt iih clearly understood as though
tho Kugllsh v. ere purest Addisonian:
This Klegant llulldittg has been con
structed from Uh basis with the best ma
terial and solid rock. Therefore no danger
from Alacraiies (Kseorplans). Thu Hoof of
tho rooms nnd corridors all been elllitiged,
to thu must safety of persons.
Hates of Rooms From 7ft es. to 'JfiOpr.
night nccordlug tho number and commod
Ity of tho room; Persons who take localltes
by montly agree menst will ho discounted
one third part of tho price. Kach ono of
tho rooms has a bed, hut If the pnsciiKcr or
pascuvicr need some tnoro they have to
pay 50 cs. for each extra bed.
At present Hreakfast and supper the pas
engcrs will get iu the house; but soon the
dlnliiK-room will bo ready and then persons
will ohtiued al Kinds of meals at very rea
sonable rats.
Persons who have t ho Kindncs to honored
us wll ho attended with careful attention
activity nnd cleanllnes.
Knumsii Sl'OKKN.
Huston Transcript.
Hard Thinking.
Wife 1 don't think much of this
mince pie, do yon?
Husband Not now, but 1 expect to
all tho rest of the night.
Tliuiiksglvlli;; In India.
The native servants of India aro said
to bo courteous iu tho extreme, and when
they learn of any particular festival
which their masters desiro to observe
they always nmko it a point to offer
their congratulations, accompanied by
presents of flowers, fruits nnd sweats
tastefully arranged iu fantastic baskets.
They know all about Christinas and
Now Year, but it was tho United States
consul at Calcutta who first enlightened
them regarding Thanksgiving. There
after tho diplomat and his successors as
well have been appropriately honored
on tho "Yankeo holiday."
Oh, What o Dlflcrencii Iu tho Mumliigt
.l. . ji" ' ii .,
ii, riii .nil it
... fiO'iiW
Ho Dp you remember over skating
on Thanksgiving day?
She No, indeed. 1 haven't hud a
skato on for a long timo.
He I wish I could say tho samo thing.
I had ono on only last night.
TliHiikiglvIng (live Joy und Comfort.
Somo beautiful thoughts regarding
Thanksgiving are embodied in tho fob
lowing paragraph published by Huriwr'a
Bazar some timo ago: "When tho heart
is sorest, grief tho bitterest, Iocs tho
most extreme, tho giving of thanks brings
n rolief to tho spirit liko that of rain to
tho thirsty earth. To give thanks to
heaven that wo liavo had the lost to
love, that they are ours, Binco wo love
them still and wo cannot lovo what is
not; to give thanks that they over ex
isted, that wo knew them and had to do
with them, that wo hnd pride nnd joy in
them to do this is to put ourselves into
such close connection and conversation
with tho nil giving power ns to recelvo n
now joy almost us precious ns tho old.
It is like the breaking of sacramental
bread still with tho beloved; it is bliur
ing with henven still their possession.
It is lifting tho whole being to tho spir
itual piano whwro tho beloved aro. It is
without meaning it, without knowing
it, saying 'Thy will bo done.' It is en
tering into the clo!o intimacy ot that
power dark with excessive brightuci.8.
It makes heavenly joys real and all but
renews and rc.ivilies tho earthly."
I ras
pr-r-.""--1' i
i -" M til
. i ',-
iilif : 'i"i& W
He Tumid Out It llld Not .Alnnu No Much
After All.
It Is by tho seaside.
"I lovo you and I do not love you. It Is
hard to forgive!" he says moodily.
She rises and they saunter on together,
yet apart,
"If you cannot lm faithful to mu now,
how can you thenr" and tho man's vexed
eyes studied the sensitive face half hidden
beneath Its scarlet gati.e hat and blaring
"Then need I hi no 'then,' if you llkef"
the scarlet pouted lips made answer.
"You oitld break our engagement r"
"Perhaps. It was a small crime for you
to make so great a fuss about. You leave
moforavifck. 1 meet n companionable
man In the Interval, wu grow n trllle
"A trllle ehuinmyl" he groans.
"Well, very chummy, If you like. We
walk, wo drive toKcthor. He vows he
loves mu madly. I allow him to vow. We
have a beautiful scene, worthy of Hhakn
spcare. He begs n lock of hair, llo wishes
to enshrine my memory, I have not tho
slightest objection. Hnlp. It Is his. He
disappears miimlillim and kissing It. You
return. I tell you all.' Yott Vago and spoil
n beautiful morning."
"You have destroyed my confidence In
you," he mutters.
"I will not tell him next time," she
whispers to herself.
"I loved your subtle nature, I loved your
very perverscness, loved your very name,"
he tesiimes. "I shall probably continue to
lovo you, hut never iignlu as beforo. A
lock of your hnlr to that end I The very
thoiiKht Is madness. 11 u possesses a part
of you thu woman lam to call my wlfel"
"Why, no, hu doesn't!"
"You yourself said Itl"
"You mistook me. I said a lock of hair."
"Why play with wordsr"
"Hut, love, look In my eyes. It was only
a lock of my switch,"
"Angel! So you aro not falser"
"Of course not only my hair."
"Angel! So you nro not. falsuf"
And tho great sea loses Its color, tho sky
waxes dim, while It takes tho whole ex
pauso of shore to hold his rupture. Huston
When ll "Knew It Alt."
Some old people who have strong nnd de
elded views as to the intense egotism of
youth are open to the charge of possessing
n good share, of thnt iiiallty, whleh years
do not always eliminate.
One old gentleman who Is well pui the
"threescore years and ten" allotted to
mortal man was reasoning not long ago
with a youthful friend who has yet to see
his twenty-fifth year.
"Why, my lny," remarked thu sago in n
tone of Inllnlteconilesi ensloii, "when I was
your age I thought I knew everything
everything! Hut did If Far from it. Why,
it was not until live years ago, my young
friend, t hat I got to u here I t hen thought
I was!" Youth's Companion.
A Horn Nport.
The reformed gambler had gone into le
gitimate business and had mailu a failure
of it.
"Great snakes, maul" wild tho expert
who was going overthe hooks, "how came
you togetoutsomunyworthlcsHuecnuntsf
You must have known fully two-thirds of
theso people were tho poorest kind of pay."
"Yes," admitted the "business man;"
"that's so. Hut just think of thu excite
meiit I had in wondering whether I would
ever get anything out of them or not."
Indianapolis .Journal.
(i-ttltig OH Cheap.
"Do you tblo1; you will bo acquitted!"
asked a New "J ork gentleman of a prom
inent man who was hidlcted for a serious
"Yes, I think so."
"Has your lawyer given you good
grounds to think sor"
"No," responded the hopeful client, "hut
I liavo given him grounds to think -
I've deeded him all my real estate as h'
fc." Texas Slftlngs.
How Nli-i-fellu Out Kven.
Irate Father 1 found my besteoiit hang
lug on the fence, with t lie tall torn all to
Daughter (quietly)-You shouldn't have
left it In thu hall.
"Why shouldn't If"
".Most likely -Mr. Nicefello put it on over
his other hist night. It was a little cool,
nnd er I presumu you forgot to tlu up
the dog. "-New York Weekly.
A Jlletloll.
Griffin (telling his ladylove tho latest
a very interesting yarn nhoutnn Illness
he once had) Yes, It was a hard time, I
assure you. Do you know, at one period I
thought I should loso my mind entirely!
Ladylove (meekly) And did you, '.Mr.
He didn't quite like her question, though
she did nsk it so prettily. Kxchiinge.
Time to I.euve.
Husband (nt the seashore) Don't you
think we had better stay a day or two
Wife Oil, no. Why, wo have been here
twenty days already.
Husband What of tout?
Wife I've only got twenty gowns.
Clonk Review.
Meeting thu Argument.
Economical Father Huh! want a bi
cycle, do youf It ain't a week since a loy
dropped dead rldlug a bicycle.
Hoy Well, It would savo you nn nwfu!
lot o' money If I'd drop dead, but I haven't
SUy bicycle to drop from. Good News.
A Dilemma.
"HI, -.s.ltcr! Quick! Confound It! Shut
that window the wind's blowing these
pats of butter all over me." Jt.dy.
A I'niper llellnltlun,
Mrs. Jason-.lehlel, what is an agnostic
Mr. Jason Why, It is a feller that don't
hfllevo iu neither doctors nor pri'aclieu as
long as la Is iu good health. Iudiauapulis
150,000.00 TO LOAN
At six per cent, per annum nnd a cash commission
or at eight per cent, no commission', for periods of
three or live years on well located improved real esi
tate in Lincoln or Lancaster county.
Union Savings Bank,
1 1 1 South Tenth Street.
Industrial SavingsBank
Eleventh and N Streets.
Capital Stock, $250,000. Liability of Stockholcrs $500,00,
Wm. Stull, I'rcs. J. K. Hill, Vice-Prcs,
Louis Stull, Cashier,
Directors. D 15 Thompson, E Montgomery, Geo H.
Hastings, M II Shaberg, W II Mercery, J C Allen, T E San.
tiers, J E Hill, Win Stull, Louis Stull, Geo A Mohrenstccher
Tic 1.. avi m
Xfterten years of active work with thn .Mimical Union Orrhentra, t
of Otnnhii, as Director, during whleh time the ahovo Orchestra fur- L
u!shed muslu for all the prominent events, rtclcall , theatrically, etc. t
1 nunc, to l.lucnln to ciiiiiiko personally In oichrslra linslnepn, frelliiK V,
confident that I can furnish Its cltlrens with tho hest of music at any
and all times, I'or terms and Information, call at olllcuof UAI'ITAI. k.
ClTV Count Ki, lllll N street, or Telephone) 'iVl. K
tyrx 7r-z$r7$V7$v -;x-jnjt t7nr jx j$ jr-,t jrjrvit-zv jr-
rA Wa'
HAVING just assumed pcrsonul control of my handsome new tables, It will be
my aim to conduct a first-cla.. establishment, giving hot of care and attention to
horses entrusted to our keeping.
Single or double, and n fine line of well-trained horses for livery use, fur
nlslicd, day or night.
FRANK RAMSEY, Foreman. Telephone 550
Stables 1639 and 1641 O Street.
Lincoln, Neb
An Old School in a New Location
Ninth Year. 25 Departments. 30 Teachers
Ilcnutlful, healthy location, magnificent buildings, fine equipments, superior accom
inflations, strong faculty, comprehensive curriculum, thoiough work, high moral and
christian infiuences and low expenses make tills
A practical education without needless waMe of time or money it furnished by the
Western Normal Collego
You can Enter any Time and Choose Tour Studies
This great school is located in Hawthorne, three miles southwest of the poot office and
will be connected by electric street car line, YOUR CAR FAKE. I' AID. In order
that all may see our many advantages in the way ot buildings, equipments faculty, etc.
we will pav your car fare from your home to Lincoln provided you arc present on the
opening day of the fall term, Sept. iSoj. Write for particular.
ruler, thermometer or venr'n mitierlirtlim to
neuu name anu aiiuresHvii 01 iu joinix eiiu unu o win .uuujuu cuiuon ui nuc lo-iucn
'UUIHCUl.MtH, riiKK. Auurcu
1 Eh5ShPi3I
Muilo U
- ff
ion 0ON0IRT8
iRvinn-QRcntSTRn (
Finest in the City
our lllumratcil educational monthly, OATA
ivm. at. vkuan, rrei.or
Hecretary pm! Treasurer
Atchlton, Leavenworth, St. Jo4eph,Kan
City, St. Louit and all roinU South;
East and Went.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Panont.
Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal
points in Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
f Arkansas. Pullman Sleeper and Fro
Reclining Chair Cats on all trains.
City ticket Agt. Gen'l Agsat