Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 26, 1892, Image 2

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UPIT1L $200,000.00.
American 1 Exchange
National Bank.
Vie lr1dnl
D.Q.WInjt. ui
Ami. Owhls
titanic StiM
Lincoln, : Nebraska
Capital, 250,000
Ojfictrs Hud Dirtttorst
John II. Wright, I'ren. T. K. Handera, V.-1.
J. II. McUlny, Cmlilor.
FK Johnson, II l l.iui, TIiim Rooliron. K
KHIior, TWLowory, W I. liny (mi
General ItnnVInK Hlne Transacted
Collections n Specialty.
German National Bank
, 20,000.00
oscph Hochmcr, President,
Herman II. Schaborg, Vice Prcit.
Clins. E, Wnltc. Cathlcr,
O.J. Wilcox, Asm. Cashier
The Rrst National Bank
0 and Tenth Sts.
Capital, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000
N. 8. IMftirOOn. IVwMrtit.
OllAS. A. It ANNA, VlM-Hxrttlent,
F. M. COOK, ttwnfcr.
0.8, hUH'INCOTT.Au't duMer.
It. D. SHIjLKI). Au't Ckwhlrr.
CW.Mosiikh, It. J. Walsh,
I'rctlilont. Vlco-I'rci't.
It. a Outoai.t, Uiwhtcr.
Capital $300,000.
Lombard InvestmentoCo
ty Money furnished promptly on ap
proved security.
E. C.JONES, Manager.
1130 O Street, Lincoln, Neb,
On forms In eastern Nobrmka nrnl Improved
properly In Ltnooln for n torm of years.
Lowest Current Rates
R. E. & J. MOORE.
Corner llth A O Street, Lincoln.
Heal Estate and Loans
Br,nt,n Hawthorne, nnffertly
Havelock. tlow"i,o
w. m.ortit,
1888 OHt., room I
University Place
EAlmena Parker,
ramatic Scader
Teacher of Elocution,
T. C K6RN, D. D. S.
Room 35 and 26, llurr Block,
llm at great ex-
tvomo replaced lili
)I,U Instruments
with a now IJallB-
rnyer, dlreot from London, and It now belter
prepared than over to do fine work, from a
locket up to life alie. Open from 10 a. m. to 4
p. ro. Sundays,
Studio, 1314 O street.
Family Sauces.
Wttt India Hot Sauce. Wat Iiulia AiuVnl
Sauce, VlceaWU, Chill Sauce, Hon
lladUh, Mixed I'lchlce, Kte.
THESE HAU0E8 are really "home-made,"
put up exprely for family uie irom old
A put up exprely for family uie 1
well tried Wett India recipe, and
kaswledved to be "Htnndard" voimU v
'WAll iriMl 'WMl 111
are ao-
:r:- - " i . .-----.-- r - ----
tier are uieu. Aaareu iancuior r. u
r.Tiilutlon of 11 I'IkriiiiiiI Horlnt Ciulnm of
KngUml In Amerlrn How to fllva it
T In Town or Counlrjr A I'roinwliir
of Hospitality.
(Copyrlalit, lm, by American Press Assocls
tlon.l KOPKKLY a punk i hit,
thnro nro tliroo grades of
"teas" tho "fl o'clock
ton," tho "iiftornoon tea"
and tho "kettledrum." Orlglnnlly tho
S o'clock tea in England was tho light
breaking of tho fnnt botweon tho 2
o'clock luncheon and thu 8 o'clock din
ner. Society twoplo drovo in tho row or
INitil vinlta iu tho early iiftornoon, and on
returning felt tho need of n bit of nour
ishment boforo beginning tho serious
rllnnur tollot.
In country houses tho protoxt of ten
and biscuits 11 generic term for crack
ers in England similarly assomblod tho
household for n half hour'a cozy chut
boforo tho open lire, tho ladles in loose
gowns and tho men in Hhootlng jackets.
In town it was tho hour when tho chato
Initio was nuro to Iks nt homo mid tho
intimates of tho family "dropped in."
Gradually Its function becanio en
larged. Tho "5 o'clock" was dropped,
and n "tea" becanio a certain day "at
homo" from II to 0 or 4 to 0, as tho hojt
om approved, nt which ten mid chocolate
and varied biscuits were served.
Finally by tho addition of cream mid
sorbets tho "kettledrum," or "drum,1'
aa it is usually called, was evolvod. One
moro form of tho satuo gonoral stylo of
entertainment is tho "high ton." This
corresponds to nn ordinary village ten
party. Guests enough to sit around tho
tnblo nro invited, tho tnblo is spread, and
hot broad lnufllns or waffles, broiled
chicken, croquettes or other warm
dishes served with fruits nnd small
cakes. Tho hostess pours ten and choeo
Into nt 0110 end of tho tablo.
From tho cities tho "afternoon tea"
has crept through the country. In town
nnd vilingo alike it is valued as nn easy
promoter of hospitality, nnd It still
wider adoption is n thing to bo urged.
To givo n "ten" n woman tnkos her
engrnved enrd nnd writes beneath hor
nnmo thus:
Mas. John Drown,
At Homo
Tuesday, December eighth.
Tea at three, o'clock.
Or in lieu of tho latter sentonoo may
bo written tho words,' "From 3 to fi
o'clock." This card inclosod in nn en
velope may bo sent by post or delivered
by inessongor, ns suits one's convenience.
In Inrgo communities whore social on
gagemouta nro upt to bo numerous nnd
conflicting n hostess may issno these
cards n fortnight in advanco of the date.
Throe or four days, or n week at most,
is nmplo notico for smaller places.
On tho designated day tho parlor floor
of tho Iioubo is put iu order, and bowls
nnd vases of flowers nro placed about. In
nn inner room adjoining, or nenr that
into which tho guests first enter, n small
tnblo is spread with n dainty tencloth
and sot out with tho ten and chocolate
service, or, if preferred, simply a teasorv
ice, which should include u kettlo swung
over n spirit lamp.
Pretty plntes or small trnys spread
with n fringed napkin and piled with
wafers, crackers or any of tho crisp,
toothsomo ten enkes nro added just bo
foro tho "tea" begins. At this tnblo nn
inttmnto friend is uskod to sit and dis
pense ten.
In a vilingo whoro tho guests ennnot
bo very numerous a singlo ten service
will suffice. At largo "teas" hostesses
place extra sugar bowls and cream'
pitchers on small tables through the
rooms. A maid is then needed to hand
the cups of tea around. Usually the
beverago is served in tho English fash
ion, with cream. Often, however, Rus
sian tea, clear, with a slice of lemon in
each cup, is offered. In either caso
lump sugar is indispensable
The hostess, with her daughters, if she
have any, or any friends who may bo
assisting, stands just inside tho parlor
door to recoivo her frionds. Tho guests
are gloved nnd bonneted, but in cold
weather a room should be ready whoro
heavy wraps may be laid aside. All
visitors drop their cards in n tray or
baskot provided for tho purpose in tho
hall. It is not necessary to send regrets
If you nro not able to nccept a "tea" in
vitation. A call afterward is, howover,
If you havo among your list a friend
who plays well or recites or sings, it is
a pleasant diversion to beg her contribu
tion to your afternoon." At formal
city affairs half an hour's stay is all that
society women, with perhaps tho neces
sity to show at half a dozon in an after
noon, can give. It is, howover, a com
pliment to one's hostess to spend nearly
the time designated on tho cards.
"Color" tens pink, yellow, hollotropo
and othor tints are easily managed
with tho introduction of color effects in
the decoration.
Mahqahet II. Welch.
Woman' Feychlo Faculties.
The world's psychlo congress, the
only one of the many at Chicago noxt
summer to place women on its advisory
council, is to have also a special wom
an's committee of arrangements. Mrs;
Mnry Bandy, of Chicago, is chairman of
this woman's committee. Women will
be able to assist greatly at the world's
psychio congress. Their psychic facul
ties aro usually moro highly developed
than thoso of men, and thoy take moro
Interest in tho subject.
If yon aro a woman and have money
to give away, givo it to something that
will help you own sex. It is woman's
tarn now.
Fnrii Are Usui for Trimming- All Kinds
of (lurnieiits.
Strange looking jumbles of matorlal
nro put together nnd called mantles now,
and wo must wear them, yet now nnd
then thero will lo n glcnm of hoiiso
which ennbles tho wearers of womanly
garments to retain their reason. In I ho
Pols and on tho Champs Elysccs, ns well
us in carriages, one sees creations that
aro tMwItivoly hideous, nnd yet they nre
Iu vogue among those most daring,
A young American recently married
to a French duko wore a curious mantle
of biscuit colored folt cloth bordered
with n narrow curled band of black
ostrich feathers, called, for politeness,
maralmut. Tho innntlo was plaited on
n square yoko and hung free to tho
knees. An enormous olcrlno bcrtho of
deep red velvet, with gold flowers cm-
CLOAKH roil YOCNO ladies.
broldoiod along tho edgo, stuck out in
ugly nnglos over tho shouldors. Big
bishop sleeves, with falling rod velvet
cuffs, finished it off, and.strnngo to say,
thero nro many wraps all too nearly liko
this. Somu nre in chnngcablo velours,
somo in plush, some of mntelassco wool
and others iu bcnjnlino cord. All havo
fur about them somewhere
Fur mns riot 011 all kinds of garments
for outdoors nnd in, for young nnd old.
Sealskin sable and crmlno nro tho most
costly this winter. Mink comes next,
nnd military and cainail capes nro made
of it. Cnpes havo distinct Wntteau
plaits of fur, which is very splendid in
effect. Sealskin paletots which reach
tho foot nnd try to climb up over tho
head nro very chic. Tho collars nro cut
out in turret points, which make n be
coming frnmo to sot n pretty face iu.
Tho shnpoof paletots is distinctively for
tho youthful. A handsome nnd very
Frenchy surtout clonk for a young-lady
is mndo of lino militnry cloth, nnd con
sists of nn undercoat without sleovcs and
a camail capo lined with rod cloth nnd
bound with military braid, tho whole
tailor finished.
Forsortio du bal, thoator, etc., long
capos gnthered under n yoko, fur bor
dered, aro the stylo. But ns thoy say nt
Monte Carlo, everything goes, from
box coats to magnificent ermino lined
mantles, witli gold nnd jowoled clasps.
Astrakhan nnd Persian lnmb camails nnd
long mantles with short backs aro very
much in voguo.
Nile lliu the I.argt Wardrobe.
Mrs. William Lnytin, who has for the
past ilvo years lived with her husband
nt tho Murray Hill hotel, Now York
city, enjoys tho distinction of having tho
largest wardrobo of any woman in tho
Not only has Mrs. Lay tin n groat num
ber of dresses, but sho has also jewelry,
lints, parasols nnd othor appointments
of tho toilet in most remarkable and
reckless profusion. All aro of tho most
costly, and tho sum total spent yearly iu
keeping this immcuso wardrobe in
proper condition would surpriso tho wo
men who aro obliged to confine them
selves to half a dozou gowns yearly nnd
a hat or two per season.
Mrs. Lnytin horself is n pretty littlo
woman of blond typo, with reddish gold
hair and a pink and whlto comploxton,
Strango to say, sho is not particularly
fond of drcM, and often declares that
sho buys her immense wardrobo more to
please her husband than for her own
Last summer, 011 her travels to tho
different fashionable resorts, Mrs. Lay
tin took with her fifty-boveu pieces of
baggage. There were fourteeu largo
Saratogas, as many more skirt trunks, n
dozen hat boxes nnd many shawl straps.
"How many gowns have I?" said Mrs.'
Laytin in nnswer to n questioning re
porter, "Really I do not know. I bought
forty' now ones this summer. Besides1
tho gowns 1 havo ten, pairs of diamond
bracelet, four dlnmoud necklaces, mam
moth solitaires for earrings and moro
rings than I can count."
Mrs. Laytiu is one of tho few very
dressy women whoso purso strings nro
always loosened nt tho call of charity.
Lost summer alone sho gnvo away moro
than a thousand dollars in small sums
to various charitablo affairs.
q1' bIi'
Aro Thero Any Nmvinprr Women Wlin
Fitkn Interview?
It is said thero mo women correspond
ents who fnko ItitorviuwH. Thoy tor
haps go across tho water to EuroiKi.
Thoy send homo protended Interviews
with distinguished persons which con
tain not a word of truth. They nover
ivero invited to tho distinguished per
ton's honso: they nover spoko 11 word to
him in their lives. But tho faked inter
view is printed in American journals.
in course of tlino it floats back across
tho water. It comes under tho distin
guished person's eye. Thenceforwnrd
in his mind all American newspaper wo
men uro liars nnd unscrupulous hangers
on to thu ragged edgo of reputable so
ciety, not to 1h countenanced any whoro.
I havo been told that this thing has been
done on numerous occasions by women
tolerably well known iu journalistic cir
cles. 1 hopo for tho sake of journalism
nnd of honest women workers every
where that it is not true. Tho wickedest,
most disreputable thing 11 journalist can
do is to write n lie. Tho moro experience
I havo iu newspaper ranks tho moro that
truth is impressed on 1110. Tho 0110 who
writes a no discredits nil honest journal
ists and decent journalism, howover
trivial tho llo mny bo. Our real power
iu journalism, of whatsoever kind, do
(Hinds first 011 our ability to see tho
truth, noxt on our nbllity to tell it. VYo
weakon our powers in both directions
when we writo n singlo line that is false,
A thoroughly sincere person knows on
tho instant when anybody is telling him
n falsehood, and the journalistic fakir
must meet in timo tho fato of all liars.
Tho woman fakir, if there is any, may
swim bravely for awhile. Sho will bring
np nt length ruined in health nnd purso,
with not a shred of n journalistic repu
tation left and not n nowspapcr in thu
Union that will employ hor. Moro than
that, sho will do her sex almost irropar
ablo injury just at this moment when
we aro struggling so desperately to got
a worthy namo among tho world's work
ers. She will holp creato an Impression
that all newspaper women aro liars aud
It is a bravo and eloquent tributo
which W. T. Stead pays in Tho Roviow
of Roviows to Frances W'llard, whom
ho cnlls "tho uncrowned queen of Amer
ican domocrncy." Ho says that tho real
church militant in America is tho W. C.
T. U., and that tho women belonging to
it havo dono moro to advanco Christian
unity nnd brotherhood thnn nil tho men
who hnvo over tried to work nlong that
lino. Tho W. O. T. U., if it was n littlo
broader in somo respects nnd would ad
mit men ns members, might stand for
tho beginning of tho church of human
ity. Don't bo nn old fossil.
W. T. Stead says of Queen Victoria:
"Broadly speaking, it may bo fairly snlil
that tho queen would bo acknowledged
by nil her ministers Liboral or Con
servative to hnvo more knowledge of
tho business of governing nations than
any of her prime ministers; more experi
ence of tho mysteries and intricacies of
foreign affairs than any of her foreigu
Tho leading floral decorator of Clovo
land is n woman Mrs. C. II. Wilson,
Sho began the business on n small scale,
learning her way along ns sho wont.
Now sho bus 10,000 feet of greenhouses.
It is u pleasure to writo of a woman who
has head enough to conduct u largo busi
ness enterprise successfully. Floricul
ture is n work particularly ndapted to
women, if they aro willing to observo
tho conditions of success, tho first of
which is, ns u Now York florist declares,
"hnrd work nnd no Sundays."
Don't sleep n singlo night upon that
abomination, a draped and canopied
bed. Tear off tho curtains and lot tho
air in.
At tho Episcopal convention in Balti
more thoy finished the revision of tho
prayer book, which had been hanging
fire for twelve years. They also favored
Christian unity when tho Christianity is
Episcopal and sottlod various other mat
ters. But 1 saw nover a lino about
striking that monstrous word "obey"
oat or tho marrlago service, now a
woman with a spark of brains or self
respect can bo a member of a church
that retains tho word "obey" in Its mar
riago ceremony is a mystery. It is too
much for mo this trying to understand
tho feminino nature.
Indians occupying farms in eovcralty
voted for presidont for tho first timo
this year. I commend to generul atten
tion and extended application tho follow
ing extract from an able editorial in the
New York Sun on the red man with a
voto: "It used to bo said that tho reason
why the Indian did not get his rights
was becauso ho had no voto. Possessed
of n voto, he will find champions enough
in congress nnd in his district."
Nearly all the temperance work that
can count real, pormnncut results has
been dono by tho W. C. T, U. nnd or
ganizations of women.
To me the brightest gleam of hopo
dnrlng the presidential campaign of 1802
was the interest women took in political
questions. They read, studied und in
vestigated. College girls formed debat
ing clubs nnd thought out nnd discussed
tariff, labor, silver and immigration far
more wisely and well than many an old
hunks who has been voting forty years
could do. Girls who tako interest in
subject likn this will keep their beads
On through life. They will never break
their hearts and commit suicide becauso
of a man.
Colonel Joseph M, Bonnott has given
two houses, vulued at 50,000, for wom
en students to livo in during their at
tendance nt tho University of Pennsyl
vania, To this gift he adds n check of
$10,000 for tho woman's university en
dowment fund. Mrs, 11 loom field Mooro
ndds also hor contribution, n check for
$10,000, to the woman's department of
Pennsylvania university,
Eliza Auchaiid Consul
26, 1897
PALL 1892
and Curtains
See our Leire Line.
1112 O STR66T,
flSTSpecial Inducements to Cash Buyers.
Recently opened in the new Y M. C. A. Building on N Street. Mr. Voclkcr Is
pleased to announce that his buhluess has steadily Increased since the first day he
opened, that his trade is of the very best character, and Is receiving the best of
workmanship aud standard values In 1'urs and Fur Goods of all kinds.
Tailor-Made Fur Garments
and satlsfactorv In every particular. Why, then, send out of town for SEALSKIN
sacques, Muffs, capes, houiZs, cloaks, etc., ETc.t
Repair Work of All Kinds
You arc invited to call and sec my stock of good, and get Information as to tailor
made older and repair work.
Practical Furrier
For Pure Ice Cream and
Delicious Fresh Oysters !
The Bon Ton
Telephone JG7. 1202 F Street.
Geo. Meicfeirleirie, Propr.
CoHeo and Light
143 S. 1 1th Street. ' Telephone 398.
has just received
Nabob Sweet Pickles, -Imported
Chow Chow,
Sweel Blossom Peas, -
Fancy Queen Olives, - -Fancy
Small Olives,
N. Y. Fall Cream Cheese,
Extra F'cy Sliced
Sewine Machine
and Gun
We have just employed a skillful workman from thc,ISnst, who is fully coiupntee
to make all repair In Uie above lines' T. J. THORP & CO.,
320 South Eleventh ftrce
Monday, Nov. 14th
and continuing for one week.
50 Upholstered Rockers at $a oo
50 " " " a 50
50 " " " 3 00
40 " " " 3 89
This Is only onc-hnlfof their orig
inal value. Come early and get
first choice.
Remember this price will only be
gcod for one week.
Rudge Sl Morris Co.
1118 to 1122 N Street.
It Supplies a
017$ pelt Uapt
Y. M. C. A- Bldg.
Lunches at all Hours
a lot of new
25c qt.
25c "
25c can
40c qt.
20c '
20c lb,
Pineapples, 26c can
Repairing !
r county, Nebraska,