Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 26, 1892, Image 1

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    CI T I i t.iliMt.c,.,i f lajjjer-TTrTyym." l-i-i .!Vlri i .-v. .. ' ' -
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'A- RbPi! 1R miDER op A9PERN -TIMES "
Vol. 1 No Gl
aw sgsfKAvpSi-, ffl&rei
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nirr Tories.
A htylo of in UUlo ncvillo work very fah
Inimlilo In tlieviist to lay N wli'it U termed
as tlio Jani'lmnlirolilery. Ux politicly rich
nml In llllnntJ-iru'innru nmtto In tliU mrtlc
nlur wiy: lint one limit Imrinuiilo tliu
JdhdIs and lirllllitiiuhii'd silks In artistic
(NittiriM, il KiiiidlncM will Ili-Ht uliiim tlio
oyo mid lenvo no iimiu Tor uiilit huvo
Kiirlilmosi. Tim Ilidliui lii'iiillii N u
iliwcrlinK mode of Uiih (how) iiuvv joi'l work,
Hut wo Imvu iiiiulo liuinovuiiiuiits In tliu
fnnnncr of treatment, theso oryctiln uwd
in hnrinony with tliu bright mid lirlllimit
rnlnbow-lituil silks to ucccutiinto n high
Unlit mid lirliiK forth n I'lmnnlilK vmivty
mid tiro sown on hero nnd tliero, Sonii' of
tlnfW protty bright pli-cot of colonsl sinus
luivo foil at tlio hack of them to initku thorn
lltifth hack tlieir own KlIntliiK lay nud hi
croaso thvlrowu billliancy.
Nancy recently ns shown u moat beauti
ful oriental Hproad, in this rich and utidunt
Htylo of needlowork. Much hi Ight colored
Rilk was used In n heavy thrown up pittern,
henond thero iniiigled in coptoun prof union
.were the gay jewels to accent f n xpoclal hlnh
llRlit'nnd mixed in with them in nbundnnco
wero spangle of platinum and hi ass mid
Homo pretty little forms of mother of pearl.
The Irradescent b'ea'l nnd crystals tiro nlso
... 1 f.. 1.. (.. .II. 41... ..1.1 !..... A...
UM.SI 111 ruiljuiiunuil nil mu um hiiiu nui-
sonoaiid Clienlllu u. imko pretty JCmus
gifts, a novelty beside - hoiiio of the stylos
now in Toguo. Take & bright piece of
heavy satin damask and for hoiiio friend or
loved one, design a wall pocket, book cover,
portfolio, lotion le, scrap book, catch all, etc.
then sketch on thomtlclo some nrtUlo little
spray and proceed to cm ry out this most
pleasing change from thu other ohseletc and
well worn methods.
Now when chrysanthemums uru m pro
fuse, I will otror suggeHtlons for n chiys
nnthemum luucheou,.dlunei' or party. If a
large dinner table Is used, choose u largo
,'llat dish, Uaj, or basket for centro-piece.
. If the maroon nnd pink (lowers uru to bo
used In preference to the yellows mid orange
tints, llll the utensil or receiver with the
tlowurs, being careful to put the darker
(maroon or orange) at tlio bottom of this
receptacle and gtaduato thu tints until thu
centra is reached with the lightest shade of
pink or lemon yellow down through darker
sliadfs to the deep red brown. After this
centre piece is arranged then rhooso i fow
ot tliu desired (lowers in prefered hue and
tie with broad, Mtbi rlhhon, to cor
respond with ' color of flowers chosen
and place oiio at each guest's plate. Make
some lorgei clusters of the chrysanthemums
and tie witli immeuso bows of ribbon and
put up thu bunches on thu wall in Htiapo ot
floral pinels hero ami tlioro. Fill llro pluco
wltli potted plant In bloom, loop back
curtains and draperies with bunches of the
sumolloweis. Now if vou lmo on hand
any bright old Japetieso fans or parusols
put them up in odd corners nnd nooks and
stick them full of flowem in between thu
sticks. The mantels may bo banked up
with cut doners nnd menu or score cards
may bo hand decorated with tlio Japanese
symbolic Howeis. Rooms nro to tie lighted
with colored lanterns or caudles uud fairy
lamps. The hostess will prexuut it churiuing
ami unlipie npjienrauce if she will request
hor guests to wear typical Japanese cos
tumes, or she may carry out tliu Idea by
wearing a dress, made from some of thu
many beautiful hues to liu found in theso
brilliant and harmonious flowers.
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plato comploto this beautiful novelty for
llvuo clock tciitatnu now In vono.
Most beautiful colors, nnd a'l tlio dullcito
tints in fact aru now reproduce I in tliu new
stationery. What win oncu couriered thu
proper thing, white not j paer, Is now oc
cupied by tho light hues to bo found with
nil fashiotinulo stationery dealers The
colors will usurp our cieam mid white for
thu present. Its n fnd and wu must follow
For IhoMj who wish to niako thoir own
Xiims gifts mid show their handiwork, I
would say it is long hlncu the time when you
should huvo your plans completed and your
work under headway. After September
uud October la.y days nm on, then comes on
npaco Thanksgiving day and wu aro uwuio
Xuins, thu happiest day ot thu year, is with
us nil too soon for wu us usual uru uupru
wired. For those who havu learned to
decorutu chiun or Imvu It in their power to
creatosomo pretty llttlu Ideals in oil or
water colors it is u much easier tusk to
helect u pretty muveulr or gift than for
thosu inexperienced hi thu arts at till.
Thcio oroto ninny bountiful sliapus In tliu
odd pieces of chluu now (l.iys to bo decor
nttsl, onucuu roadlly llml u sultabiu gift
nud miit really bo hard to please if they
could not tiud a desirable olferliig to suit
both purse and (wrson. Any friend you
limy cliosu to ivnimiibur, be they youug or
old, ludy oi' gentleman, uu urpropriuto
Xuins reiueuibruuco is over suilublu in uu
exquisite llttlu piece of china .decoration.
Ifjoudo not paint now go to some well
known artist and make mi effort to do
something yourself, for any friend will
appreciate your own manipulations, even if
not quite as good as some one olso and you
muy surpiiso yourself In the speedy dovolop
inent of your hitherto unknown talents; for
if there ba any genius in you a good teacher
will early discover and cultivate it. If you
have not the time or wish to devoto to art
yourself, then go to some good studio at
once und for.tha same or less than you could
purchase a shop ai ticlo, you may havu dune
, to order a pretty remembrance for your-l toty ine It is to bo at Xuias gift
lovou one ana just what your taste calls for;
aiid'inolley catmot find in a store. How
over If you intend to give any Xmas orde rs
you must gut thorn in at once, for in all the
studios at this time you will And them full
of workers nnd orders too even now.
An unusually pretty uud attractive thing
shown iu, chinn noyeltles to be decorated is
the tray in its vaiious nnd unique styles.
A pretty conceit is thu trinket tray, consist
ingof tray, pulf box, pin tiay, match safe
and rouge box, with centre of tray for
inanlcuru set. This whou prettily done is a
most charming and cleanly dresser adorn
ment, A tute a tetu set conqiosed of beau
tiful little tcupot, creamer nnd sugur busket,
two odd cups and suueers and pretty wafer
Ruedo leutber Is n delightful change in thu
novelties now in um. It is used us u ma
terial fcr trimming druss und Imts and
occuplos n derided prominence iu fancy
work this season. Ofton forming tliu imck
grouud for umbroidery or painting uud
afterward niailo up In various shapes as
rotacules, work bags, sllppjr holdurs, sofa
pillows, chair cushions, broom holders,
handkerchief, uecktloaiid veil c.ism. With
a moderata amount of Ingeiiultv and good
taste one may flhapo and form many beau
tiful gifts nut of this many colored soft
pllablo leather.
Miss Hlloy tolls me sho bus quite u bright
class in the public hchool in drawing tills
It is currently rejiorted that Mrs. Ixni K.
ltlggs will creditably llll the placu ns chluu
artist front now on at Wesloynn University.
I bespeak for her a successful class
Mrs. Will Wittmaii has Just started n
beautiful llttlo landscape.. A wee little bird
Who is to-
be the fortunate receiver, I wonder. v
Mrs. May McCandiess has been woi king in
oil recently and has done somo churiuing
bits of work as proof of the many hours of
labor expended in this lino and occupation.
Mrs. Chancellor Cnnlleld has buuu doing an
excellent likeness and ideal of a baby und
child, in oil lecently. Mrs. Cunlield is n
thorough success when it comos to a por
trait and this is up to the usual standard.
It is astonishing how the fad for chluu
painting inci, uud, as a salesman in this
lino recently told "Nancy" it is not only in
Lincoln but u wave seems sweeping nil over
our count i y Increasing daily this love of
China prizes for two inoro swell paiths
are being prepared now ut Btudio Huvein
and h;t mu whisper finm what I spied Iu my
quick view, they were all worthy of trial
to win and the fortuuato leceivers of same
will ti uly be iu luck.
Mr. Will Dounahuo has completed und
turned over u most satisfactory crayon
portrait of Miss Ilosu Hudd Foster, dailghU-r
of H. 1. Foster. To say th's Is u ihu piece
of wink mid true to life Is commendation of
which Mr. D. Is worthy.
Mm. Fred Kelly celebrated her fifth wed
ding nunlveisary by giving a party to her
fi lends. Cm ds were thu order of the oven
ing and beautiful chluu odd pieces decorated
by .Mis. Kelly heinelf wuru bustowud on the
four most skillful players.
If any of our artists wish u most complete
aitli;e, illubtiuted imloUill, on tliu World's
Fair, I would suggest thut they take n look
nt thu October number of Scrlbnei's Mngu
zbiu. A most lelinblu plecu of work, I deem
it, from peisonnl observation.
Little Miss Mary Chnpln Is as busy us a
lieu theso short days dividing her time bu
tneen Lincoln Normil mid her cheerful
little studio iu the MoMurtry block. Miss
Chupiii did not get thu old room back but
bus found ouu which uuswurs all purpose!
fully ns well.
Miss llessio Tuttlu Is very enthusiastic
over her nuw homo and thu brilliant class of
workers she Is now chaperoning through
souiu of thu mysteries of the pnlettu, Miss
llesstu works priuclpilly Iu oil fiom life und
endeavors to instill thu sumu principle into
her pupils at Husuville, Neb,
Miss Nellie llauin, now ot Omaha but will
known toull our young people, hasjust
gnuq to i'lilladelphlii to finish her .coup Jn
wnter colors. Miss Nellie has done irit
deal of good work hfthis specialty ' and
seems to hive ileTBlopod quite n talent for
It. tShe will remain iu tlio art school all
tills winter.
II. "W. Mesdag; the famons mariiiu painter
of the Haguo und commissioner for thu
Netherlands lino art demrtment at Colum
bian World's Fair, ivpirts to Chief Inw of
thu arrangement of their national exhibit.
It will bu email but complete and will em
brace thu bet woi k of the Dutch ousters
for thu past decade.
Tliu llaydon Art Club had a very success
ful meeting in University chapel last week.
Homo entertaining papers were read and
nmtUrs xrteudlng fo thu sumu discussed
by thu membors. If some moru new work
ers could bu iuiKirted liUu soinovi' thu recent
mkiii bu euniigli
ineiubeis to In-
unthuslusts thero would
warmth to Incltothu totpid
teiest mid action.
Mrs. Cadman makes n nlco showing of oil
work in the window of Lincoln F. & A. Co.
Mis. C. A. Kleth guvu ko.iio exquisite
pleow of china us pikes Friday ovoulug last
when shu enU-rtuined tha Honhumlu club.
Lady's royal, u beautiful cieninur nnd hujjar
decorated iu corn tlowert und thu gent's
of so popular n concern. Mr Collin's wide
acipiiiiiitut to Iu the country will give him u
decided advantage In hecurlng tlit freslust
eggs, the finest of butter uud other fat in
Tin new firm will cuter to thu best
city trade and hopui by carrying u nloj llnu
of goods to merit u luigu pitrouage. Tliu
business will hu conducted at thu old stanil
una Messis ('ofllu & Co. hope to bo utile to
continue rust pleasant relations that have
i ov ul u clear bag encircled by golden con! , l,een extended thu retiring! merch'iiit. All
null dainty dresdon pattern scattered over its oi tiers over telephone !fiH will, us heretofore,
Kiirfiie.,. Mrs. A. O. Hi hiieyer wus tlio le
cijiient of tlio lady's souvenir uud Mr. T. 11.
Henton was thu geiitlemm rowardud for
incst skillful playing.
Miss Nancv
Tlio now lino ot silverware just ncelved
for thu holiday trudo ut F U. Harris is the
u.ost iiitlstic and handsomest in the
city. Also u lino lino of watches, clocks,
nu 1 Jewelry, Call and inspect.
The candy sold ut thu New York bakeiy Is
till Hindu oiithepiemlscsmid is guarnntetsl
pure anil fresh.
Thu excellent products of thu celebrute
Oeiievu Hollar Mlllln;c Co., nruou salu ut nil I
first class grocery stores.
Full lino of fancy feutbers just rccoiveil,
Mrs. J. H. Hlair, 117 Bouth Eleventh street.
receive prompt and fateful attention Wo
besp-jak for thu nuw llnu success uud con
tinned prosjH ilty.
IlinlliiUluii Uoiilu- Winter Tourist llutt
.Special low louitd trip rates uuiv In
elTect to Austin, LI l'nso, Houston, I-iiiu-paus,
Corpus Cluisti, Oulvestop, lirislo,
Hockpui t, San Antonio and Velasco, Tixas,
also to Doming uud Kddy, N. M., uud to
New Orleans and l.ako Charles, Ija, Theso
tickets uru good for return until June 1,
1 ' i tickets uud f urther iiiforiiiutioti
upply to agent II. & M. depot, or city ollke,
i ot tier O uud Tenth streets.
A. C. ZlfcMKIl, City 1 Winger Agt.
it was to Ihi I'Riottoil thut somuof (hu
gentlemen who wero Invited to purtlelpitii In
the banquet to thu lion. I'atiiek ICngau at
thu Hotel Lincoln Monday setiiiid to Imugliiii
that they weiu at n charlvull, Tfio result
was must ndpalllng to till piesent whodi'sllud
to hear thu splendid nud ileelilnlly fellcltoiM
iiildieskoNiloliveiud. Oiilalduof tills one an
noying feature the banquet wus u supeib af
fair und In cveiy way enjoyable, (Juuslx.iil
liiiniiuet would do well to remember that
when It pomes their turn ft slniil tlio tout
master will notify thorn uud they will Und
their names nu thu bills
The we-.'kly publlo ball lia broken out
uficsh und bids fair to contlutti tliroiih tlio
whiter, Ouu of the lulling hulls of thuulty
Is given over to it now almost ovoiy Friday
evening und ns loutf as thu pi (Milling gunhis
pays his lent and icipes baiiig driven out of
town bylruluhushiiidiniid fathers, will con
tluuu to nsMenibln In dnngeioui social Inter
com su tlio questUimblu characUirs ot thn
oily "f both xoxes nnd such associates ninong
tlio young unit Imioci'iit us in ty nffor tlioin
Mutvtt as i I'crulls, Ouu of the to projiilMiuoui
dunces nt 'J u. m. nlwnys presents a pitiable
pletlltu a wliul sujituof abandon uud blasj
exhiiustlon.. The oominoiiost courtesies nro
unknown uud thu most siugestlvu familiarity
is uverj where upinrelit. They mu but a step
lenioved fiom thu rroiich balls of Unthnin,
tetiowiied for their "sinful Hmgiilllcemsi.
Mayor Weir onco did n coinmi'ii Initio act In
sitppietsliig u similar uttterprlsd. Ho might
honor thu precedent by suppressing this
"About the slulillotL fnku Unit any Lincoln
newspaper has uttumptol to spring upon a
well rend public," slid n paying patron of tin
news stands ns bu threw away In disgust a
copy of mi livening piqwr ho had Just pur
chased, "Is (his fairy story concerning tlio
my Merlons free In Ihe window of a Hehnont
church. That face is decidedly ubiquitous.
It bus been seou In n huudrel clllot slinvt
thu story was luvonU-d u few mouths siuco.
I havh ecounterisl thut story as often .ns I
have thu rubles told about mammoth sub
scriptions, but never Iteforo Imvu I seen n
p-iper that had thu hardihood to locnto thu
uncanny Hiectaclu In Its own town.
Them shall In no liquor sold on election
day. This is truu and the law, but the,1 law
is not always obeyed, nud such cerluinly won
uu olTenoo on-Tqosdiiy, Drunks nud disorder
lies by thu score Were to be seen on our streets
and th.i fact Is known that they ohtnlnrd
their fiery fluid nt local shops, nnd their
I yelping for their favorite candidate wan
something horrible to the ear. Election day
should bo obcivcd with till due respvet to
the law und man given thu entire freedom ot
Ills conscience to voto ns his better Judge
ment reus fit. Hu cannot do this with u brain
tiled with strong drink. Saloons in Lincoln,
ns well usdiiig stores havu been given too
much freedom, uud tlio sidu door rucket has
played altogether too imiioituut a roll. It
Is tlmu that thu venders of th-j flowing ImiwI
Uu compelled to roqtuct thu law, und it thlt
they cannot ilo they should quit tlio business.
And Now for Christmas.
1-ew people icallzo just how near Chi 1st
mas uud the Joyous holidays aioat hand, but
tliu calendar Udls us thut within a short
month that much loved occasion will have
been here und gone. What hnvo you done,
iu way of in lunging for tokens for your
ti lends nud lelatlvesf They will, each ana
every one of them, expect something nud as
you still have plenty of tiiuu to make a solu
tion, why not stop iu nudrcoKilguuu Mullen's
new holiday line of llnu Jewelry, watchus,
clocks, diamonds, sllverwaie, etc. You muy
not now bulliiituuially piupartsl to Invest, but
that will be no tinnier for your making a
selection ns Mr. Hnllett, llku In former years,
wilt le-ervo anything in his slock on pay
ment of it portion of thu amount of pin chase.
Why not step In now before the rush, when
y uu can take your time uud get Hist plckout
ot u gliiild uuw stock I hui'll u line ot goods
us Mr. Hallett is now showing has never
been equaled In Lincoln, either in nrtistlo do
sign, atti active styles, novelties or price-).
A Itunutiful nuw llnu of novelties in chluu
weioru culy'd again this week, dliect from
Chicugo, for use of pupils and others In
terested in UjOdecoraUsi wuru nt !1.W Bouth
Twelfth street. )
Oieliestru Music,
Irvine's new oi chest ru funiUhes superior
music, uny numbt'r ot pieces, for concerts,
receptions, balls, parties, etc. Ix'uvo orders
ut CouuiKR ofllce, 1KW N street, telephone
K C linking Powder, 5 ounces for 35 cents.
Absolutely I'll re. Have you tiled It!
F. H. Hnrrit, tlie Jeweler, la shosvlug sonio
betMitlful uuw designs iu bllverwuie, just thu
thing tor presentations.
Cling) men, AttHiitlnit,
Tliu Ii. A. M. willisu for lb'.U, half fnru
iermits, gooil on till liiirliugtoii louto lines,
to legulaily otdllllul or licenseo ministers
or mlssiuiuilfs i.iigugu'l solely in religious
work. It is our desire thtt these iiertmts bu
iu the hands of clcigymen by thu lirst or thu
year Application should iherefoio Isj imulu
us early as poslhle either ut our dejiot or city
olllce, uiiner U una irulli streuu.
A. C. ZlKMKU, C 1. & T. A.
It is u well known fact that wu sell hosiery
nnd underwear cheaper thuu uny other
liuusu iu Lincoln. Come Saturday uud
Monday, November 10th nud '-'lit, if you
want to secure somo big bargains.
J. W. Wl.MiKK & Co.,
WW O street.
Ifyou enjoy dancing go to your druggist
and get a bottle of'osltlvo Corn.Curo, which
Insures comfort.
Uknuink Canom City Coal at thu Un
co I u Coal Qo,, southwest corner of Kleveuth
uud O streets.
Mrs. J. H. Hlair, the
Bouth Kleveuth street.
Liucoln milliner, 117
4Why not buy a bicycle from K. It. Outhrle
for u Christmas parent f Call and seo Ids
line, 1540 O street.
Fifteen kluds of inqiortil nnd domestic
cheeses at Huiihold & Mosor's. ' I'honu TJ8.
Mlller'sOrouery Chaiiitr lluiiiU,
What will doubtless' lie n surprise to all
will Is) the announcement that Meusrs. W,
A. Collin & Co. havu bought out the popu
lar and well wtahllshtxl grocery store ot J.
Miller, who recently moved into Hossol maus
old stuud on Kleveuth street ueur N. Mr. W,
II. Collin has been in the grocery business for
over twenty years, buvun ot which ho has
ufumt (,, l.itiif,lii wlmrii llA llflH 11111(1, IHHtlV
frlon.Uulw, will UiiiImim-I tnli,wpif liUnv.1 Oo to Heliry I'lll'ltf, 3U South KluVOIItll
einbiirknicnt Into buiimws again ns ninnuger) 6invi tor tuol(,,1 n-oiU.
When you give the next patty at your
house leave your onlers for tables and chairs
at Hardy fc i'itcher's. They have a uuw sup
ply Just in that they rent ut reasonable
prices delivered to uud taken from your
Ovei coats for boys und chllden from (1. 00
ii '.'00 just rtvlvtl, nt E1 Cerf & Co.,
Vi! O street, A nice present given wi'tli
every garment.
Full lino of nrtists materials at Lincoln
V'ritino and Art company's. ?i0 South Uth
street. .
K,C Ihikiug Tow tier, ' ounces f,or3& ceou
Absolutely l'ure. Havu you trfeil it!
Mrs. S. F. Hy an, fttshiouublu dross making,
room 78 liurr block.
11. W. Cowle, funeral director, uocussor
to Fred Thomas. Embalming ti sptvlaUy,
1 111 Bouth Tw elf th strict.