Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 19, 1892, Image 8

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mi ! mua
. - -- - - --
0mtr I Oth and P ttrets.
onrry a Inrgu linn (if Woolt n
Dress Goods
niulClmnneililo Mills, Hosiery, Corsets,
Underwear, (llntes, llullnus.
lillH'HK, I'll'.
Agents for Huttcrick's Patterns
The Couiukii will not lie nsKmslblo for
any debt made ly nny onu In It inline, tin
a written order nivoniiunle tho same,
AVtrr Tiling, Xrxfi Cmuii,',
,liiv.i'.i on iho Alril.
1i si our patrons the Gimtrtl anil
(ramtrtt 1'nhu.t to lie found In any part of
UiU Ureal Country. Courteous Trent
mctit, I'niinpt nml Kll'iclcnt Service, Uc
liable Merchandise, Truthful Ucpicsenta
tlon, with tlie Iuwel PoniNe J'n'crs, cause
thin rciit business to urovv from month to
Opera House Cor. la nml O Sts
Thn Cnurlnr Can 1m Found
Hotel l.luroln Now Hlmiil.
Windsor llolul Now Htniul.
Capital Motel Now Hlnml.
ItiHl Undo Uleur Wore. UM O Htrccl
ltd. Younit, 1807 O HI reel .
Glaaoh, Fletcher A CO.. IliO () Htreet.
Moore's Now Bland, IIS Poutli lllli HI root.
Fall Hats
ana Furnishing
O Street
l.aeal aad Personal.
Whltcbrrast Coal and Lime Company.
Lincoln Coiil Co., i.w. cor. 11th and O at.
Try Geneva1 Columbia High Patent flour.
K Barr, jcwelfr, irmovi il lo 11330 Btroot
Lincoln Frame & Ait Co., 1K0 South 11 at.
Cowle, undertaker, Funko Opera House blk
Mew location, L. Barr, jeweler, 1133 O St,
Trcster sells 10 kinds of coal, 1140 O street.
Ask your grocer for Columbia High 1'nt-
David T. Blms, dentist, room ) and 43
Bwrr block.
Dr. Ruth M. Wood, Ilraco building, rooms
410. 411 and 413. (MO-tf
New line of pattern liata just received by
XiuJ.A. nialr.
Cbaa. 8. McKenny, thn East Lincoln drug
gist, 8719 O street.
Mrs. 8. F. Ryan, fashionable dress makiug,
soon 78 Burr block.
Oaaon City Coal at the Whltebreast
Deal aad Lime Co.
M. L. Tretter, lumber, lumber, lumber,
asaber, 1140 O street.
Mrs. Kate B. Cheney, teacher of 'singing,
rewa tut, Brace block.
like Chapln has re opened be'r studio,
r. w, MoMurtry block.
Ifr '
fluHBeon Bisters, artlstio dress-maklng,
llpB H street, over Dorsey V
Prof, Johnson's hall is beautifully tirrnug
mi for club parties and banquet.
K C Baking l'owder, 25 ounces for 25 cents.
Absolutely Pure. Uave you tried itt
Miasea Boggs & CatTyn, drtws inuking par
Ion. Fine stamping. lilUMBt., 'phone &1V.
Misa Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. Uth & Psu,
ver Lincaln Bavings bank, entrance on Pst.
'American Beauty," "rawlonla" and
YoseHBiU" are the latest perfumes at IUo
tort Pharmacy.
The Whitebreast Cool and Lime company
is always at the front supplying the finest
grade of all kinds of coal
Mia O.J. Quilmette, modiste, Browne)!
Block, over Miller & Paine. Complote line of
4res trimmings and linings. y Take elevator.
Why have your horaes feet butchered, havo
lasae horse and have them suffer I Take
them to Charlie BlaUery1 ,oew shop, 410
outa Eleventh street, and such will never
ke the case.
.Society ladles and children are respectful!
.- lavltedo attend Prof. Johnson dancing
ojsjssay Saturday afternoon. Private in-
jrtnwtloa can be had by calling at theacad
exiajr atany Ubm.
Caae. Mattery, prof esalonal horaeshoer aud
farrier. Diseases of the feet treated by the
latest ctBtiao aaodes. Horses called for and
ratwsed. New ahop 410 'South Eleventh
treat, between K and L.
Aakyour grooeryman for the "Wllber
SoHer MiUs" flour. Chaa. Harvey pro.
prletor. Enquire for
. VLittle Hatchet." ,
VBaker Constance."
Every sack warranted.
r, Geo. O. W. Faruhaiu,
klmvama chronic dibkahes,
,''(.' UOWEI, DlHKAtl',
JUchard Block, Lincoln, Neb.
Thn Hen HiirpiiKiiKfiucnt nnilcr thn mm
lce nf tlm local branch of thn Wntiinii'a
ClirMlan AfiMteinlloii, oNncl at thn Ijns.
Ing thentie WiKliiesilay nvriilng liefom an
nppri'clntlvunm! rullnreil nuillencn and nun
Hint did not fall to deiiionMriitii tlirir plenr.
nrnnt frriiuci.t lutri vnln. No hnmu talent
eiilritiilnnieiit hns eer been no Miiuptuntiidy
"tnKtd, thn K-enlo rffecta being fully na
innmilllcrtitanil peilinpneven Kinmler, llmtl
ImseU'l- Ixeli rxhlhlled by nny nttliirtlnu
I'M IllO lccill dliiL'e. Tim linlntlnm nri, wurL.
f nrf, Knch pltco of caiivn hem lug a
fnlllifiilly drphtid lepMMiilntlou Hint Is
IiiIkIiI nnd new. Ihn liniun mixlllnry
wineli iicIh tlm pnulouilun Iuin been inont
ixcellently drllhd, Hut iIiiucIuk helng
linn kil by a llukh nml ginco mIiIoiii Been
iiiikiiiK nnintiiiis, hlln thn ponlng In thn
Int.linnx wii, It might hnrnld, xlmply ier
flit. 1linifin hlimif liniun Kilng calls
for pielnl uientlou. t hila thn uinrchen
iiinniifC thrin, being ccu'inl new nnd In
lllrnlo inminelivets, fully deeied thn np
p)iiue I hue wns temlend eneh rhiiiigr. 1 tut
thn bcwllilerlng nml inoht hunting of nil
l thn iiingullUeut tttiiifrii uititloii m-eliu
wllh whidi the evening's bill .rime. Noth
Hint (tin llnnlnimnr KeinlfjN hnvu dovlnil
run extell it nml hIicii Hint Is mid, It meHim
The singe iimiinKtiiiiiit whs certnlnly In
elllcient liimiN nml tmllKo nut Ikiiiiu talent
airnliM mroihliig iikicI Miioothly, thero
being no liltili nml wnlt of nny coiiMquencc,
nt nny time. Tlnrenrnii urent number of
clintigc of K-eiies, but inch vn iniiilu with
nliucst fiiultlisM riguluiity, Miimlng con
clusively that MemrH Clark anil Cox urn
any thing but noxloes In their linn of hind
neiH. Thtiriilny night I ho houu- was ngnln
well llllid nnd hut night thu largest nnd
leucnof the enjrugeinent wltnemd thn third
piiNliii'tlmi, iiiiuiy lint night' fnee U'lnir
I ngnln liun-lll. Thn ini!iii7iiiiiiiit. l.i.a
tonight nnd thiNw that limn not Keen lien
llur should niuko It u point to
'attend. At the umtlnrn Hilt afternoon the
prices will pi, 7r, Ml and !W rent nnd If In
dicatloimiiiuiit for iin thing, thu hou-o will
ho cionded. Tho production Ih certainly
deserving of thn must llntteilng suci-vm
Yon Yonson enmn to town Bntuidnyand
appeared nt Hie Ijinslng lforo a crowded
house, which gin to prove that thu quality
or amusement wa lint clan. You Youson
has been given many time Injfore In Lin
coin, nnd thu ploy with a few alterations Is,
in substance tho same laughable comedy of
the past. It was tho causn of much mirth
nnd merriment. Tho plot is not deep, and
easily followed, hence giving much oiipor
tunlty for fun. Ous Ueego, who take the
part of Yon Yonson, a Swede from North
Dakota, is funny and doesn't know it. He
can travel from the ridlculoua to the aub
Imo with tho greatest of ease, and carry his
hearers with him, A notlcablo feature of
the play la Ita naturalness. Every character
la free from a stagy air. Bomo of the scenic
effect are truly magnlllcent. Tho log jam
and timber camp la of a mammoth order
and pifsentedin it compjMe maimer, with
every attention to detail. Selections from
the lumbeimau'i aunrtut vnw-liiiiv mi.ii
the audience, so that they weie compelled to nuvvriuexiiu pieces. Tliu company
U u capable one In eveiy respect, nnd suc
ceeded In keeping the audience in n itate of
laughter from the time of the rise to the fall
Prof. Bristol will be in Lincoln soon at (he
Lansing thentie. Aside from giving the
public amusement aud instruction, Prof.
Bristol has done imirh in iillt u ...ii
of kindness In those who have the cam of
the horse, and for hts effort in this direc
tion be ha be 11 tlm I'.'i-mlnnr ..r .......... i
handsome medals and other ttwtiimmlnU
from humane societies.
The play which Margaret Mather will
present ou her engagement in this city, week
Iter next, has not yet been selected and
there is some divenlty of opinion aa to which
one ct her repertory will prove the most
interesting to the greatest number.
Monday evening at the Lansing , theatre,
Jamn Whitconib Riley, who has been styled
by the itosfcm Pilot as "the Burns of Amer
ica," will make his appearance in an entirely
new program of character sketches and
poems. No living poet ha a stronger hold
upon the heart of his readei than Riley.
To thoroughly enjoy the Hoosier Poet'
veries one needs to hear them given by him
self. To say that he endows them with feel
ing, docs not express the truth of his delinea
tion. He enters them, breathe them, tie
come a part of them, so Hint in Hie "Rag
gedy Man," "Jonesy," "The Llitowu
Humorist," and "Good Bye Jim," you see
not tho jioet reading his llmnj.,.lu,ltlujeliar.T.
neter Itself lieforo you. The program will be
made up ot Riley's lamouw worjes, eluding
I'Aniial of the Poor," Rhyme of Child
hood, Hookier verses, diameter sketches,
etc. Toallloveis of literary ability and
admlren of clever verse, this will lie an ap
preciated treat. The box sheet Is now open.
The Corse Paytou Company holds the
hcaidaatthoFunke for all of next week.
Monday night they will have the pleasure
of presenting the great comedy drama in
flvo acts entitled "My Country." Thl Is a
sM-ong comedy drama, bright nnd sparkling.
n. mj mat readies me nearw of the Ameri
can people who love their country. Mr.
Corse Payton In his own original crettlon of
"Dlckoy Doodle" with new songs and dances
which will be introduced throughout the
Piece. In Mlsa Etta H!. tin. i,i,.. i..i..
you will find a strong emotional actresa of
o-v.nuuoi nuimy. Monday night one
lady and gentleman or two ladiea will be
admitted on ous iimM rni..! . .ii...
Thursday a grand Thanksgiving matinee
will be given. Price 10 and 30 cente.
Seats on salo for Momlav niniif n. n.i-
Loven of tho tnelodramatln. wlm ivniiu.
thltc with the unfortnnali.. rnlnl- olll. r.
qulted honesty aud love and grow euthutlas-
tlo over the punishment ot villainy, will be
pleased to learn that "Ihe Stowaway" will
be seen nt the Lansing theatre, Thanksgiving
matinee and night. There Is something in
"The Stowaway" that touches a common
human chord. It is not that It I produced
with superb slngo Huttings, n strong comptuy
nml In n xiulnr house. It Is tho marrow of
the plot. Tlih Is not only of Intense lira,
mntloiulricsthut hns woven nbout It very
skillfully thn flesh nml sinews of nctunl llfn
nml by reflHon nf this (readily npienls to thn
ordinary hiimnu unilorstnnilltig nnd to thn
nppirchitloti of nil rlnsms. Therenro no Hue
sophistries, no tender subtleties of Mith(4 or
lllltnor to tnx tin, nniiwpiiiint. onkinir tnlinl
The inotlvn goes straight to tho coiiiprohen
sum una inn nciliin goes stinlglit to tlm
hemt. Without this von inluht nut mi lint
stngn n dnren heniitlful yachts nml gut n
wlioln gang of men from Hlng Hlng to blow
open wins every night ami yet never rench
popularity. Willi It tho sonic effect, tho
realism, thojncht nml burglnrs, etc., form
but tho clothes thn icnl thing Is benenth.
This Is why iidimuii llko "Tho Htownwny"
can go on yenr after yenr making money for
It mnnnger while huudrriis of thotifaniU of
dollar nioniimiiilly sunk In new ventures.
Them is nnother fi uliiru to this success nml
iuin. iniiiu Lfiiisi'ieiHious employment or n
giKid coinpmiv. Thn cast of till pleco h n
stiong now a when the piny wim first put
upon tho hoard.
"Viu't'v Isthusplcoof llfo," say an old
prove! h, mill Hie people want soinu of that
splee. Tlm rulj,ii of furco coxnly nml other
light mutter I seemingly at mi end nnd tho
public i now looking for Hoinelhlng moro
sulmtniitlnl, and a hotter opportunity to snt
Isfythnt craving could not occur than that
which will he offered local thentrn imiratinyt
Tuesday and Weilnemlay, when Tlioiun
Keelio. the urent tiniredlnn nml Ida r-n.ofnilv
selected compiuiy of players will begin n two
nigflt engagunient of tho BhnkcHncarcnii
diiimnattho Ionising, oiHtiilug in tho much
tnlkwl of Hcenla revival of Richard III. Tho
company that will sunnoit Mr. Kimm ,w.
Iiighlsioinlngengngement I probnbly the
sirongesi no ever linn. Tito roster lucluiles:
Freilerlck Pnuldlng, Frank Hennlcg, Julius
Hcott, Carl Ahriindt, Percy Linden, C W
mico. Mhse Henrietta Vnder. Mnliln
Crnlgen, Mrs S A linker, nml u number of
Whero do you buy your corsets? Next
week wo plnco on specinl sale our complete
line of corsets, Including all tho most popular
and well known makes,
J. W. Wincikh & Co.,
ltOtl O street.
For ladles' supei b hah di easing, hair ornn
nionta and hair goods a! way go to headquar
ten Mr. Gospen, 1114 O street.
The new Hue of sllverwaro Just received
for the holiday trade at F. B. Harris Is the
n.ost artlstio and handsomest In tho
city. Also a lino lino of watches, clocks,
anl jewelry. Call and inspect.
Rector's New Pharmacy.
Sunday hours: 0:80 to 12.30 a. in., a to 0 and
7:00 to 0:30 p.m.
Dr.Oen. O. W. Furnlmm Cure
chronio. blood, heart, llv.xv lumr 'rnti
akin, mole, feninlo and nervous disease.
Richard block, Lincoln, Neb.
A nice and useful present given to boy
nnd children with every garment bought at
hd Cerf & Co., Oil O stieut. Two hundred
overcoat just received, to lw sold at inaiiu
facturor'a price.
Kye anil JCar Surgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and nunst, 1203
O street, telephono 375, Lincoln, Nobr.
It ts a woll known fact that wo sell hosiory
and underwear cheaier than any other
house in Lincoln. Come Saturday and
Monday, November 10th aud 21st, If you
want to secure some big bargains.
J. W. WlNClKtt & Co.,
1100O street.
If you enjoy dancing goto your druggist
and get a bottle of Positive Corn Cure, which
Insure comfort.
Ladiea make big money canvassing for
The Capital City Coukwr. If you wan
nice profitable work call at the office, 1134 N
street for particulars.
Two hundred boya' and children' over
coat just reoelved-to be sold at manufac
ture's prloea. Ed Cerf & Co., 0J5 O street.
The candy sold nt the New York bakery is
all made on the pi dulses and is guaranteed
pure and fr?sh.
Miss Lou Kennnnl Rlggs, artist in oil and
China. Coma and mui m nt ..,..! i
313 S 12th St. " "" ",U'
,," ,. toi tcreened, full weleht
OlIMtAA.!. 1 II ....
guaranteed aiTJl delivery always prompt
Call up Lincoln Coal Co. Phono -HO.
Great holiday sale of handkerchief next
week at
J. W. Winokii & Co.,
1100 O street.
Wedding cako boxes, wedding invitations
and announcements, the newest for 1893-3,
are now being shown by the Weasel-Stevens
Printing Company.
u w- C01! funeral director, successor
w rrru 1 nomas. Embalm ng a specialty.
" w"' Jum iintei.
CJod in Jlfflions of Hornet
A llrotlifir's I,ip.
It wns IleveVly'a wedding ilny, nnd he
wa tcanlng his kid hrnthcr-lii-liiw. "Well,
Johnny," ho Mild solemnly, "I'm folng to
iiiRo jour BiHiur away oir umi imvn licr all
to myself, whero
you won't wu her nny
"No, really, nro youf" nnld tliu kid curi
ously. "Yes, I am. Wlint do you think of Itf"
"Nothln. I buom I can ntund It If you
cnn." Tcxn Sifting.
nail Foil nil Kuril Other Out.
Wife of Ten Yenr I rend n lot of your
old love letter today.
Husband of Ditto Did your Wlmt wa
tho effect r
Wife of Ten Yenra I could not help
wondering which wa thu greater fool
you for writing them or I for remllm;
thorn. New York Herald.
A Omul Kxeiise.
"Whnt do you mean," mild tho landlord
Indignantly, "by pounding n hole in my
"I'm Just n much mirprlscd iiayou nrc,"
replied tho guest. "I did It trying to break
thnt noap you Knvo mo to wunh with."
Waslilngton Star. ,
All ftlsjht.
Young Housekeeper (to butalier) You
may send tnu up thnt ling of hum, nnd er
bow I your liver this mornlngf
Ilutcher Fust rate, I've been taking
Sn-ntoga vichy for n month.-Epoch.
Pcnllta Did you klx him?
Pouelopo Not much. LI fc.
Au Aekiinwleilaiiiriit.
Parker Who was thnt tough I saw you
with today, Hlcknf
Hicks lie careful, Pnrkerl Thnt ninn
won my twin brother.
Parker lly Jovcl Forgive mo, old tnnn
I ought to huvo known. Hnrpcr'a Ilaar.
Ovcivonts fr boy and chlldon from $1.00
U 200 just roenlved, at Ed Corf fc Co.,
fli'i O strwt. A nlco present given with
every gnrment.
Miss Iou Konnnnl Rlggg I now prepared
to decorate and furnish you elegant china
prizes for tho nominal prlco of fS.OO. dlvo
your order early aud thou you may choose
your own style.
Full lino of fancy feathers just received,
Mn. J. II. Blair, 117 South Eleventh street.
J. W. Winger & Co., 1100 O street, are
going to have the most oxtenslve sale of
holiday, handkerchiefs and mufllcn, com
mencing Monday next, November 21st. It
will pay you to lay In your Christmas
Just iccelved, a largo assortment ot felt
hats In the very latest styles, at Mrs. J. II.
Bl all', 117 South Elev nt street
To thosa wild nro In uuirrli nf nnvnlf la. In
undecorattd china, call and see our lino line
of good unlquu and staple piece over in
stock. Studio Ruvera. 312 South 12th St.
Tho largest aud lest selocted stock of ex
clusive inllllllHrv fronds enn lut fnniwl nt Mm
J. 11. Il'ali's, 117 South Eleventh stroot.
Fi nines, fiunuw, frnmei, of every descrip
tion, at Lincoln Kramo and Art company's.
220 South Uth street.
Xinns sale of Hue and medium handker
chiefs aud mulUcr comiuonces noxt Monday,
Novembor 21st, at
J. W. WlNOER & CO.,
1100 O street.
Wo nro receiving new Importations of
goods at Studio Revera every week. Call
and see us before you buy your Xtnos novel
ties. The excellent products of the celebrated
Geneva Roller Milling Co., are on sale at all
lint class grocery stores.
Low Kates for Modern Woodmen Meeting.
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific rail
way sell tickets from point In Nebraska to
Omaha at low rate on the, certificate plan.
See ticket agent for partlcutan as to dates .
Jno. Skuahtian, O. T. & P. A.,
Chl6ago, U. S. A.
Vine l'Uylng Curds.
Bend ten cent in stamps to John Sebas
tian, general ticket and passenger agent C,
R. I. & P. railway, Chicago, for a pack of
tho "Rock Island" playing card. They are
acknowledged the best, and worth flvo times
tho cost. Send money order or iiostnl noto
for fifty cents, and We will send live packs
by express, prepaid.
Notlcd I hereby given, thnt by vlrtuo of an
Execution Issued by llio Clerk of tho district
court of Ihe Third Judicial District of Ne
braska, within mid for I ancustor Countv, In
an notion wherein Krnnk I Hheldon Is l'Inln
lilt, nml Jnines V. Consaul. as principal, and
Charles O. Munson. I'ulmer Way, Lliner B.
llenklu nml Jiilin y.plirntur ni fliiMil.. iinh.-
dant, I will at a o'clock 1PM on the SOlli day
of Deoombcr. A 1) 18, nt tho cust door of the
court house, in the city of Mncoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public
auction tho following described real estate to
wit: lot four H), llvo (8, nnd six (8). In J. O.
Young' east Lincoln
oungs east Lincoln ,
Given undor my hand this 18th day of No-
(liven under 1
vember, A. l. 1
40 Yeaw the Standard
aw l
Recognized - Headquarters
For Shrewd and Close Buyers.
In our Millinery Department wc have Just opened n lot of .M
r. tiers Mr .. Don't let Ko that nighty dollar until
the cheapest. tt'B CLAIM fu DO. Trv us and Jiulyc f.
Wake Up.
iwS.n !fP. nil,,c ?'"C 0i(.' F1- ,,ut " -u",r ,mt ,,1ul c'ak B0I"C mornliiB or after-
jrAHhS GVl ,,,c,r P'lcca. 'nnd when
you nrc in int. mnrkct, Wh know we will receive a share of our patronngc.
for tho'aSlvS "?' ni,pfiC,nl C(!,V ,n. ,ir. Q"'warc and Glassware Department
niece ennnnt ,! fT'.it ".i"" l,ln,,r'l,n,,"K ' PMichnse of Dinner wa.c l,v sc or single
piece cannot do better thnn give us a look.
The Largest Department Store on 0 Street
.. assssarM a.A spss
You'll not get a dollar easier than you can snvc one by buying a pair of
those Ladles' Welt Shoes at $3.00 offered this week. Patent Leather
Tips. Patent Leather Heel Foxed.
1 129 O Street.
e) 1236 0
Superior Qualities! Inferior Pribbs! Sec our Cash
mere, all wool, usual 50c quality, selling for 36c a yard.
All Filling at
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95'and 96, Burr Blk.
Five Per Cent,
Lincoln Saving Bank
S. E.Cor. 1 1th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in afe Deposit Vaults.
HENRY K. LEWIS, President A. P. B. STEWART, Vice-Pro. It.WELOH, T
j0 Pnioi7 IPr-f?. ff Joiifn
Oa&tisssHV. Bsl'W J
Courier Office,
1 134 n st. t Neatest, Newest,
'rw liffrch for winter
you have tested who
or yourself.
Street. (5,
Lowest Rates.
on Deposits
and Safe Deposit Go.
,2J N D other of the newest Newspapers nnd Periodicals of
a the day that we do not show first In our News Depart
and n full line of the Choicest Literature, Including the latest
works of the most popular novelists, Call and sec the
Nicest News-stand in Lincoln
7 1
l, I
'if .y