CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1892 ! DR. HENRY A. MARTIN'S Medicallnstitute fohtiu: uuiu: OK Chronic Diseases SPECIALTIES: Discuses of Women, A Cntnrrh, "Morphine and Opium Habits. Cure (itmrnnlced. ConMiltntlou Free. Z Offices, 141 South 12th Street HBR1SKA CONSERVATORY of MUSIC nil ictdemlc School for Girls, Nebraska. All llranehtaof Art, Elocution, Literature, nd Languages, iky a Faculty of RIiImii Instructors. Kach Teacher an ARTIST AND SPECIALIST. oaly Ooimervatory writ of llonton own- own Duiiuini ami iiirnisniiiKi. a re- ne ror lady aiuueitia. tuiiiob rrom O.W per term of 10 week. Catalogue and Banei-itl Infarmattoa, O. B. HOWMliU Dlreotor. Ladies' and Children's air Catting and Shampooing a Specialty, SAM. WESTERFI ELD'S BURR BLOCK. Santa Fe Route ! . . ItchisoD, Topfika ft Ssnta Fe R. R Peyolar Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers mmmuu Kama City and SAN DIEGO, IrOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN. CISCO. Short Line Rate to PORTLAND, Oregon. Owable Dally Train Service Between KapBM City and PUEBLO, COLORADO MINGS, and DENVER. Short to SALT L.AK.IS (Jl'JL'Y. She Direct Texas Route JU Trains Oamaton. Between Kansas City and The Short, Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, 8aa Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Points fn Texas. IW Only Line Running Through wM OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. Tha Only Direct Line to theTaxaa Pan-Handle. For Maps and TIbm Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call or or Address . &X PALMER., Passenger Agvejl, 131$ Far Afreet ara WHO WITH THff Of OtyiAPMV C 1HC OOUNTRVWUAOS1 MUCH tmtmUMtOr tOM A tTUOV Or 1H MAP or INC (iimillAMMTIIOM. THCY AflE THRICE WELCOME AND APPOOPHIATE FOR CHP.I3TMA8. Toltrn of KnIwiii Ailnpli'il In All Arm nml for KrlclnU of llrry Hrgrriri Ilitnr to Miika a rtcrn f liit'rniri, Useful nml Attrnrllrn Artlrltt. tCVipXTtitlit, IMt!, by Amrrlran I 'mis Akmk'Ih Hum.) Now Hint tlio clilil of niittiiuii In tho air makes Indoors nnd lamplight in-durnbltHm-nligH our thoughts ln-gln to go forth into tlin "shadowy future," nml vlhiotm of coining festivals Hit before iih. TliniilcPKivIiiK hiy I'll" i 'y ot caring for iintl piovldlng tor Itself, no wo con cern ourselves but littlo about tlio tur keys that am fattening unil "tlio front thutV on tlio rind," ripening and mellow liiH Its frtilt, for well wo know tlio barn yard will supply tlio one, wliilotlin other will gtneo tlio feast for iuo.t of iih. Hnt Christmas linn itH own peculiar claims, nud eiich of uh feels Unit loved ones n ro not only ilenr to our henrtH, hut that wo want to ilimionHtrnto thnt loto by giving some evidence of Its existence. Ami what moio convincing remimler tlmii to offer tliti work of our IiiuiiIh, each stitch jiroclalinitiK tlio loving caro that fashioned tlio gift for tlio otio whoso wants it Ih intended to supply? Tlio following articles can all lw man ufautureil at homo with tillllng ex pense, while all will bo found useful and attractive: Ouo of tlio prettiest knlttliiK bags I over phw wan mailoof an mill nary sloovo pro tector, such us tho clerk nt tlio soda fountain usually wears nnd tho butcher always affects. It may bo ornamented with it spray of flowers In crow els, done in long, irregular stitch- KNITTINO I1AO. eS, li font loaf ill bronzo gteen similes, with 11 few wliltoor yellow daisies, or n lilt of rhyme outlined in Hillc being pretty. If tho latter, When tiny Isfmlluu lu tlm.eky '1 liun u ninko tho needles II)-, would bo appropriate. Mnko n bag of slilk twice rH deep as, tho cuff, turning a hem at ouo end mid running a case for ribbons to draw. Gather tho other end, atd after covering u round picco of card- board wit It silk neatly overcast tho gath ered edges to It. Slip tho cuff over and fasten to tho ban with horrumbone stitch. t J) J F On? ww Jfrm . 1, Til I r -l fil'ECTACI.K OA8E. Ono yard of 4-inch ribbon; fringe the ends; tuni just above tho fringe and baste; tuni ono end tip six .inches, tho other four, ovorca-sting tho edges to form pockets. Run ono end through n braus crescent nftor having etchod in irregular loiters "Spectacles" on ono pocket, "Eyo glasses" on tho other. Finish with small plush balls or brass scqnlus. A pair of spectacles and eyeglasses may bo otohed On tho pockets if preferred. If thero is a big brother who goes to evening parties or to tho opera, certainly ho yill bo pleased wlth.n perfutued pad for tho drawer in' which ho keeps his tlrosa shirts, gloves and ties. If a very handsomo ono is desired, china silk may bo used, though tho bt-st Jpinlity 'of cheesecloth in delicate pink or bluo Is extremely pretty. Measure tho length of the drawer and got n half yard nioro than its length. Two sheets of wadding Most of my rmieiii huvo tliiiihtlcsri seen tho pt'itty baiiuorrt that are no fre quently hung on tho head of tho bed lu guest chamber, hut if not they will Hud pleasure in sending ono to mhiio ft lend recently visited, or ill placing one in their own spare room. Hiuco fresh flowers cannot always gieet a friend, this pretty conceit jnay bo nubstltutcd. Three-eighths of u yard of sash ribbon mid a brass rod nto tho Snatoiials needed, with a bottle of liquid silver or gold, as will compuro best with tho rlbloti so looted, and u very lino camel's hair brush. Truro these words of welcome on thorll liou, leaving suflltieiit margin at tho top to turn under and fasten to tho rings on tho rod, Ftiugo tho lower odgn; Hlt't'p sweetly In this quiet room, O tliou, wlmo'cr thou art, Ami lit no mourn ful )fatcrila)s la-iirt. '1 ht CUcagOiRocklsland & Pacific Ru Vka.BniBOT ROtJTB to and from CirJCACO, BOCX HUtWD. DAVBWPOUT. DKO 110 1 NEB, fuoacn. r.uw. wathutoww; bioox VAIXB. MXMMKAVOUB. ST. PAUL, BT. JOS PK. ATOKaOif, XJCAVXMWOUTK. JCAIIBAi etTT, vopanCA, dwvxb. Colorado ar-Noa aadFUaBIXX SKID VESTItVU EXPRSS TRAINS Thraaah iloaaasa. aiMpon, rren ItacUolnii aUr Gam and Slalntr Can daily botwren CHI fiaacvxuBBiiconfas, council, amirs and BfeUU. and baMtaan OBIDAOO nnd DENVER, CCOABADO BPBIMSa jnd OKULO via St. upU, or Kaaaaa Ottr,CLod Topeka. VlfrtwtelaWrfLf) Route z9m-&Ktrm aTialaa lUlly batwaen CUccec ad atlasaapaUa and afTTnuL trim TMKOUUJl aacUaln Oaalr Cars ontXX) to und from them yalnta and Knniaa OMr. Tbrovirh Chair Car rot Tleksla. Hum Toldara. or dmtred lufornia- Stes, apply at uiy boupoa Ticket C.ttco, ofttddreir K. ST.4QHN, . JOHN SEBASTIAN, OKIOAOO ILL A rKUKUMBO PAD. laid on tho cloth, turning in tho sel vages and, doubling tho uupndtbNi Mo over brings .tho edges together Wr treating tho ends tho saiuo way, solo favorite perfumed iwwder having Ivtyn sprlnkletl between tho wadding. A piece of daisy ribbon will bo wanted to tio tho pad, and three ynrds of 2-inch ribbon tho samo shade for bows on tho pockets. Theso aro turned over on each euu, ono ten tho other seven inches, for gloves and ties. Palo bluo with pink is particularly pretty. A gold colorod silk ono with whito nooons uoiigntea a undo or my quaintance. ac- &l.i(ti,lrtlltl,to 0 - li, I, . U .J I. . 1 ,ll. -,!,. it,,, M. Ililti hii l,'l , lll W , h I. tin kV Tl -i . Ii, I. li,, i H ., I,,i v.Ii,ii l,i II il- I-. l-'lt ', I ., M, I. .l I 1 H ., tl ,tl,l T' II,M',.. I, , I, tlfi ,,v Of,,. tt,U n Ik' Nor ll tomorrow el thy rust With itrcams of coinliiK III. Thy .Maker Is thy ahanitelnss friend; IIIloviisiirromil thro still. k'nritut thyself nml nil tho world: I'ut out rue 1 1 ulnrlnu lluhti Thosturn nro MittchliiKoprhcml; Hlrci nwrvtly then. (IimhI nlKhtt Fasten u tiumbor of single sheets of nolo paper to tho hack of tho banner with daisy ribbon tied in tho und rings on tl-o tod, On theso guests will inscribe nates oi visits aim any t they may wish toox- 'bbW. p4. BW three Inches, inn ;t cao for the arm rib bon, mid gather in the middle so as to foint what looks very like butterlllew with their wings spread for Might. Any llowet design may bo painted on tho en so, Vlolots on yellow, forgetmenots on pink, npplo blossoms or wild roses on blue being especially pretty, llun nar row llblxiim in tho rases. ninno.v cahe roit riiOTOOitArns. Ono and a half ynrds of two con trasting shades of -l-iucli ribbon, ono quarter yard china silk to match either i ihliou, wadding und sachet powder form this dainty caso. Hem each riln bou; .overqist tlio edges together for eighteen inches, turning up nine inches and overcasting tho outer edges. Mako n bag of ,tlio silk, lino with wadding, porfumo and slip into tho riblwn bag. Fringe tho ends four inches, knot onco, und II vo inohes nliove tho margin of the bag tio a long looped bow, folding it over so tho fringed ends will meet tho bottom of the bag. Another useful nnd pretty trillo for a spare chamber is a shoo button basket. Tho ouo Illustrated is 0 inches long, 4 wido and 2 deep, lined with gray china silk nnd pink rib bon trimmings. Two yards of rib bon, H spool or wwwKPg- black llax. small fffTflffi pair of scissors, hhor mrrroN iiasket. some buttons on ribbon, a thimblo nnd silver plnted hook complete the furnish ings. Tho scissors aro tied to tho end of tho ribbon on which tho llax Is strung, bows being iied whoro thoy nro fastened to opposite comers. A tiny bag of wider ribbon contains tho thimble, and tho hut tons aro secured to tho foui th corner. Across the basket is laid tho hook, nbow tied on tho handle. A card may bo ndded conveying this littlo rhyme: Ilvro'a something you'll find rlnlit handy A xxr Christinas present, 'tis true, Uutnt loimt joucsn never more tell mo I don't caro a button for jgu! 1'IIKTTY HOOK COVKK. This is recommended for piqwrod cov ered books or magazines only, the blot ting paper of which It Is composed being scarcely durable enough to supplant board covers. Take a sheet of buff blotting paper and cut two pieces a trillo larger than the iwok It la to cover, lllnd both ends and ono sido with brown ribbon that "Hhndes In" with tho paper, pasting It oti with powdered gnm tragacanth dis solved in it littlo eiilnainon water. Cut two pieces of ribbon a fraction longer than tho covers, turning down und past ing tho Qiids to prevent fraying. Uum tho unbound edges and lay on ouo rib bon, let It dry, then paste tho other rib bon directly over tho Hrst. A sketch in sepia of a pretty spot described, a fn vorlto pnssngo quoted or "Old Friends Aro Best Friends" on tho cover will glvo plrnsuro to tho owner of tho treasured volume. A simple and pretty rattle for tho littlo "stranger that is within our gates" is mado of n 7-lnch embroidery hoop, wrapped in rib bon, crossed sons to meet In tho center, where it bow is tied. Fas ten silvered slolgh bolls on tho ends of tho bows and nt intervals A wattle. on tho crossed ribbons. Two ynrds of ribbon and fifteen bells nro wanted. Tho uariow red, whito and bluo riblion makes a particularly pretty and gay rattle. Mary Hosh Banks. SUI JjEruikfi t aMiBmilTi Jaa A Vi 90 A 4TKJ ."- T X wet any n XI I unrlrrUkt to briefly rlf 1mI lrVjlra4iioftilliil wfcQ ten rvaxi nJ vtritr, n4 ho. sUi lutlnicUoat.Mlll wik Induiiriou). lr'lwniM,kN(lhr ll.c.l Mill tlM ranillk artluM( turi,iir.nilli.tuiDuBt. wtf ftftmtlnt ft c(ul lo. k-.,lly tud quliklr NmS. 1 4Nlr tut worker hw Mtli ilUlrUl orrbuuljr, 1 fft li 'a ewlUalan rHKI , Ada,... i ..4 aiiiiGfl, aaax mm, At im, Mala OABE FOR WASHCLOTH JJiDKW, Almost any little girl of ton, or twelve years who is oxpert with hor ueedlq,ean mako this case, with perhaps' Httlo.os slstanco in transferring a design to be outlined, A strip of pillowcnso linen, U by 0 inches, ono end rounded, has a slmplo spray of flowers on tho square end not oxceedlng flvo inches in height. Lino wjth whlo enameled cloth, bind with llnou tnpo, nnd on tho flap outline Take mo" or 'H m ready," aa may bo preferred, A crash or linen wushcloth, scalloped or.frlnged, with udalntily iwr ftuned pieco of soap, completes tho uso f uland pretty trillo. TRAVEUSQ SIIAWL AND WRAP CASE. Ono yard of grass linen qud two largo bunches or stnr braid aro wanted. Cut two circles of the linoh nine inches In diameter, braid a largo initial on eacli, or threo rows of braid may lw put on, beginning half an inch from tho outer edge. A pleco it half yard wido by three quarters long will fit -tho circles, after taking hems an inch wido from the ends. Drald to match tho circles, adding a small pocket to ono side. Handles of doubled linen may bo ndded, or lcathei handles can bo bought at trilling ex pense. Closo with buttons nnd button holes. Herringbone stitch may bo sub stituted for braid. A more useful gift is hard to And, the "holding" capacity proving a charm on a family outing when numerous light wraps aro wanted. Tho list of gifts that a young man may offer to his young lady friend is so lim ited that n hint in that direction may not como amiss. Of courso books and flowers aro always permissible, but all girls aro not "bookish," while flowers retain their benuty and sweetness so short a time after being removed from the hothouse atmosphere ono scarcely feels repaid for sending it gift that will not survive the day it commemorates. No article of apparel can bo of fered, and 'Huy- lers" has ceased to bo a novolty. A fan Is the, ono articlo of1 uso liml adprnmont that can bo '.safely of fered , ' 'antl to tnnku tho gift complete ono of thoso protty rib bon cases to bo carried on tho arm may accom pany It. These Junnc-N fanoase. uro mado of oim.und a fourth ynrds of ribbon wide 7ionga te cover tho fan easily, tho edges overcast to within three inohes of ono cud und six of the other .ends. Cut in two lengths; fringe threo inches deep. Fold over the upper ends Sanitrav - Heater. the Howe Ventilator. llotnii(l only I'tiro Air Hontcr Mado. "Splendid" Oil Heaters. Steel Ranges. Furnaces Kitchen Utensils-. H. J. H1LUBR0., 1305 O STReeT. For tfte jVovefttei IN- LADIES SHOES watch our window. Ono Woman' Irr Album. A dress album Is now tho popular fad. 1 saw it most interesting ono lately, ouo that had lieou kept for years long before they beciuno fashionable Tho owner Is n young bookkeeper, with an artistic faculty, who is always ex quisitely dressed on a most mod orate Balary. Her album contains scraps of nearly every gown she ia worn, from tho dainty baby dresses to hor latest tailor made gown. "My grandmother taught mo when 1 was a littlo thing to string pieces of my dresses togothdr with thread and needlo," she salit, "und Iliad uhvuys kept up tho custom tillafow years ago, when tho idea of tacking, tho scraps into an album came into my mind, though I had nover heard of any one's doing so," nnd she opened a largo scrap album to tho first page, where aro pieces of tho whito baby dresses, with scrups of delicate laco and embroidery. "Of courso I cannot romomber thoso," sho said. "My recollection begins with this, which was a favorite dress when u child," pointing to a pretty pink Bprigged lawn. By an odd bine and whito plaid I written: "My Hrst silk. Eighth .birth day." Then follows an array of school girl dresses, each labeled with some brief rominiscenco or date. Ono page is given up to scraps from her wnrdrobo when sho first vwqnt to boarding school. Under a' light sum mer silk are tho words, "First trained dress." In, a palo bluo wool shohad hor "First proposal Declined." Tliesb sim ple and protty gowns culminate hi scrap of India ntull and loco, which bear tlio momentous date of "Graduation." Tho explanatory notes grow in inter est after this. There are ball drcsso with initials of senders of bouquets; a scrap from a riding habit with initials of escort; street and house dresses with some piquant suggestion of adventure or interesting occurrence. Tho dresses 'for a particular season are grouped togother under a heading, "Summer (or winter) of 18." Then fol low the scraps with more elabornto notes. Bits1 of tho trimming accompany each gown', witli brjqr descriptions of tho style in which it is fashioned and numo of modisto. A violet strewn lawn has tho simple lino: "Juno 15, 18.' H. L. accopted." Under a soft golden brown wool Is writ ten, "Dearest of dresses, bocauso II loved It." Then comes a pago of mourning gar ments worn for tho man whoso wife she wns to havo been, utul for tho father whoso dourest pleasure hud been tho gratification of her every wish. Tho dresses becaiuo loss costly after this, for sho had been thrown upon her own resources, like many a petted child of luxury, nnd by n plain blue flannel is written, "First dress I bought with money I had earned mysolf ." Tho gowns begin, to bo mado over now. A seal brown .wool trimmed with velvet appears on tho next winter's pago in combination with a harmonizing stripo, while tho vel vet is useu as couar, cuns aim rovers on a lavender cassiincre tea gown; but tho dresses are as tasteful nnd dainty as .when hundreds of dollars wero Invested ih them. A cheviot dress dates from tho first trip to tho seashore; a pale i greonoyonlng gown bears dato of a grand "reception, while hero and there are noted 'names: ."Wore this' when introduced to Mrs. ; "This b a Soroslslinuer.v,j "This when 0. P. R,' called." Thero is more than ono gown, by which Is written the initials of fiomo tinfortu- nuto man with tho terse legend, "Re jected." "Aud when will you add the v;cddh;g dress?" I asked. "Nover," sho answered sadly, turning bark ten years to ",Tho dearest of dresses, bocauso II loved it." Jessie F, O'Donnbll. LEGGINS FOR BOYSlAND GIRLS 1225 V -".BBWr,BalBBBl'"- V J 3 Vnaj 'THU FOot it "T T J I a1. m M ft C 0 ST. 1225 0 rfiMI!IiEN!S Hlf.HfCUT SHOES. ST. Telephone 176. Office, mUSmfWilwBh. Office, 1001 O St. BlslBlLaBlBiBlBlBaOH7JRftn1H HtMrArVf l x "y Bvu BaVaVlKllll!a)tvIKBBVuNI' "!XH aWrl yaajhiaaj bt -v aH vmmw Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. Nono but experlcnccil innn employed. Latest ilnvleos for moving Maclilncry, Knfen, and other Heavy Articles. 51?e Burliito9,8 Serritory Alfll-yVrTOMU DANQI DMAtPHABTa. v.,'. t tultmtoHff TiuliMa Trmlut PaNir .Cart ,v. tear tafM otr Tratka Cto$$Conn$eiint $iaina .Cara Unlta Oaaata Steal Haila tanugh Coachem Quick Tima Chair Cara Air Brakaa n uNoevN ornoca, OOR.OANOIOTN, Mr B.aM.DKPOT. AVAOT, ATcnnpif , AixxoHBirr Aire Atnrrm. BALitkKMiB, aoaroK, bowalo akb tmuHarow. 'Obicaim pwjraL Lvrra, Cincinnati and clbyblasbv Qbaw , Bntortf DE8 M9W fa.AND ,rNVIU 'KvAifavru.B, aaia, klmira and bav claikb. Fall bivbb, riTciiDuao, roND su lac and vortwatnb QALVBBTON, 8E0R0BT0WK, GRAND RAKSS, OALBSBUR. HALtBAZ, HOUSTON, HOT SPRINOS AND HANNIBAL. I RONTON, INDIANAPOLIS, IOWA CITY AVB WDBrBMDBNM jbrsxy city, jackson, j0lirt and jacksonville. Kalamazoo, keokuk, kankakrb and Kansas rty. Lbadvillk, LITTLR rock, LOUISVILLB anb uncolbt. VlNNRArOLIS, MODILR, MILWAUKKB ANB MBMPMIS, NW ORLRANS, NANTUCKUT, NEW YORK AND N AH VILLB, Omaha, oshkosii, osweco and ooDRNsnuaa, pkoria, rttsdurg, pjliladblrhia amd portland. qfkrktako, qu1ncv, queubc and quitman. Rock island, Richmond, rockpord and rochbstsr. Sacramento, salt lake, san francisco anb bt. pabv "talijauabsue, tburk iiautp., toledo and taunton. Ulysses, vruana, unadilla and utica. Virginia city, vicksuuro, vincbnnes and vancouvbb. VlNNireO, WASHINGTON, WINONA AND WORCBSTR. X"NIA JUNCTION, XCUXHS, XENIA AND XENOPHON. YP81LANTI, YONKKrs, YANKTON AND YOUNOBTOWB. 2lON, ZUMIIROTA, ZACA1ECAS AND ZANKSVILLB. THERE CAN MS ffO MISTAKING TUR .BlALINGTON'S" POSITION "IN THE RAILROAD VORD IT IS LWAYS WAS ALWAYS WILL BE A LEADER.. . J.RRAN0I8. SafLrtASSENaER AQtNT, OMAHA, mm A. C. ZIEMEfr, CHTY PA88EN0BR AOCNTm LINOOLN. i "' LVU mt -. - -. m -