CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY NOVEMBER iy 1892 m-socicn Tlio l'lomnut Hourcluli gave their opening; ' pnrty at Hotel Lincoln, Friday ovenlnp, nml ' whllo the lait week's CouittKH was being ' cround out on tlio piesws tliu merry nssein- tilnfrit urns mitiivlmr till! ihtlllflltf 111 PYprnttttt flf I ' tho entrancing terplchorem nrt. Tho Inl-1 u'hu .. .... j'j ..., -.." ...... ..-...--. -. - . . tlal party took the form of a reception to Mr. ' niul Mrs. Clinrles 1 Hill, Whose IIUMIIClOUtf ' ' . nuptials worn but recently announced. Shortly afterwlKht o'clock thouests begun to assemble; the dancing ball, parlors nml re ception roonu wero thrown open, nml with beautiful anil artistic costumes made brillliiut by numerous electric lights, a most dazzling scene of beauty wns presented to tho eye. The music of Irvine's crchestru coming from the south end of the large dining room, entrancing, and th dancing I unusually fast. About mid- was never more program passed unusually -iu .. ;.i - . ... i ,. .ini, all did full justice. The premiums, com. , Uaww. Geo Mehiwr, Lew Marshill, W Mor posed of twelve numbers, were dainty illiln, tail Smith, Mansfield, Phil Wing, Walsh, being whit emils edged with gold. Purtlc I 0ciir tunke, Harry Kruze. t rank Hatha ..i.n ,.., i- .i m Mr v. r. Zlr. . way. V C Howe, Matt Baldwin, Frank rung, the master of ceroinonles, who, ns usual, by his tact and skill made everything pass pleasantly and uffordeil everyone a most enjoyable evening, dancing beltix Indulged in until Saturn's day "stood tip-toe on the mountain top," when nil repaired happily to their homes. Tho costume wero handsome and many novel and uiiliiue. Mrs 0 K Ilnll, tlio honored guest, re ceived In n beautiful gown of white satin, cut ileeollctte, en tralna; dliiiiioml or nnmonts, white ltpioiri,glovuniind fan. Hho carried u largo bouipiet of whlto roses. Mrs. II f Hull, black lace over lihiulc silk, black slippers and ulovcs. Hod roxes. Mrs (ico llrowu, black Inco decolletto, red slippers, cloves nml fan. Mrs Frank Ilrown, black silk with laco trlmiiiliiKs, en traluo, yellow llowers, Mrs lluekstatf, pale gray wool, embroidered, en trnlno, with slippers anil gloves to corres- , "r. Iir Ladd, heavy white satin with court ! , ....i, ...T.u.. .ii.,.,r. .i .,!,. . diamond oruameiits. Mrs HWer.'wIilto silk, decolletto and en trnlno, white shoes and ulovcs, diamonds. Mrs Ilajileu, a beautiful combination of pink and gray silk, with shoes, fan nud glorcs to match. Mrs It I) Mulr, cream slllt with gold trlm mlngs, i;nld shoes and gloves, diamonds. Mrs Llpplni'ott, black silk with luce mid ribbon trimmings, gloves and hm to match;, diamonds, Mrs M W Folsoni.UvouUorsIlk trimmed In lavender, netting and ribbons, decolletto with diamonds. Mrs II K King, heavy cream satin, on traluo, 'with gloves, shoes and fan to match. Mrs Jas Cunnlnnliani, whlto wool with ullo green velvet trimmings, green gloves, fan iiuJ hoes. Mrs Van Dusou, lavender silk, en trnlno, whlto shoes, fan and gloves, whlto roses and ornaments, Mrs Llout. Ilounott, combination of hollo troposllk and velvet, with gloves and slippers to correspond. Miss Ollvo Lntta, pink silk trimmed In pnlo green brocaded satin, round neck, pink slip pers, fan nud gloves, carried pluk roses. iiiiiiii iuiiiiii iiukni niuiu nnniivi rt Mint hiui vni i Miss Anna Kunke, .white dotted mull, en i tralnc, whlto slippers and gloves, carried , largo bouquet of white chrysanthemums. I Miss Fay Marshall, an elegant gown of, heavy oream satin trimmed profusely In bends il'iirgcnt, decolletto, cream slippers, gloves anil fan, cream roses, Miss English, nllo green wool with Bulil liiiiiilmia itliminllil lllimtinillu trlmmlnus, diamond ornaments Miss Talbot, pale blue silk with whlto bon trimmings, whlto shoes, emeralds rib and pearls. MIks Mnud Hurr, pluk silk with black trim mings, black slippers nud gloves, pearl orna ments. MIks Martha Kunke, lavender silk, diamond ornnments,decolictto with gloves, shoes und lun to correspond. Miss Underwood, whlto China silk, docol lette, en trnlno, with whllo shoes nud gloves, Miss Dol'ue, white silk with hue trim minus, en trnlno. white uloves and slippers. Miss Huby Jones, a handsome gownotuoep pluk silk, decolletto, diamond ornaments, pink roses, Miss Hoover, pink silk, decolletto, en tralne, pink slippers mid gloves. Miss Hooper, dulleato lavender crepo do cheno, with red gloves, Ian, shoes and roses. Miss Covwlery, Unlit blue silk with whlto laco trimmings, white slippers und gloves, white roses. Miss IxximlB. yellow silk under cream lace, high corsago with black trimmings. Miss Nolllo Mullen, (lowered China silk deiollette, with cream slippers mid gloves. Miss Covert, black netting over pink silk with ribbon trimmings. Miss Hawley, whlto China silk, on traluo, round nook, whllo slippers and glovos. Miss Walsh, whlto silk, decollette, shoos nud gloves to match, diamond ornaiiients. Miss llaum, beautiful combination of blauk and yellow, jeiuiw roses, Miss Carson, llitht green crepe with cream gloves and slippers, diamonds. Mini .Shears, pale yellow crept) Willi whlto trimming, deeollelte, en t nil no. Mips Clark, combination of lilim and llutt silk, dccolletti', diamonds. Miss Mutioflclil, lavender silk with white crepe trlrunilnk'S loin? lavender Kloves, white shoes nml whlto roses. Miss llerllo Hurr, pink silk, docollctto, en tral no, (link rotes, diamonds. TI10 following Is n llt of thco presunt: Mo-his. nuil Mesdnmes C B Hull, II J Hull, O V U(ld. J A Iluokstiiir, K I) Mulr, O K. """ K K Hiiyilen, C 8 I.lppincott. J II . ' - ,M . - t it n.. .... 1....1...... I.' 1 "-"""'-" ',",.' ill lliirbi.p if I Imtilui Miiiwlli'lil of IVorla. Ni'l Mil lluuuiof Omaha, Htiuy Jones, lliilll.t Hooper, Amy Covert, Lulu Clurk, Dona Loonils, Anna Fimke, Martha Kunke, Jetinlu Under wood, Minnie DePue, Olive Iittu, Cora Tal bot, Margerltte Bngllsh, I.lllle Hoover, Mnud Uurr, Fnnnlo Hawley, llertle Hurr, Alice Cowdery, Claia Wo Mi, Nellie Mullen, Lula Hhearj and Maine Cdrxoii. Messrs. II T Westernmn, Geo U oods J J Pendilug, 1- G Zehnmg, O D Mullen, Clina L Hurr. 1 rank M uurr. uuas uawiey. jLnor iuumeii. s Kverts. Last Saturday evening tho young gentle men of the 1'hl Delta Thotu fraternity guve an Informal reception In honor of visiting Phis from the Stnto University of Kansas, who came up to see tho foot-ball gnino played Saturday afternoon. Tho I early pin t of the evening was p issed in de llghtt'ul conversation pleasantly varied by an liiformnl piogiam of music. Miss Ham I moiid nud MIks Hlfser each rendered a I hoaiitlful selection on the piano, Mr. Illg- ins, of Kansas. uuiUHed the company hugely with two humorous rucltitlous and n bong, and Mr. Jones, nccompauled by MIsm (Irljrcs. wing "Ijove Old Sweet Wong,' cliuriiiinir his hearers with his rich sweet voice. After pimple refreshments, served (,.. the young men theimelves, dancing wus i,l(ii(l-ot In on the floor or tho large hall, cnvasscl for the occasion II ; ut "Uw .next day ns Sunday" nud twelve o clock ' brought the festivities to a do.'. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Welch acted ns chaperons and contributed much to the enjoyment of the occasion. Those present wero Misses ' llder, Scuthoiii, Treemon, Oroh, Ilurkes, Jennlo Underwood, Mnry Umlernooil, Hroady, Oiiggs, Hammond, Kisser, Snyder of Mt. Pleasant, In., Jury, lau, Kuymoml, Heibchoy und Foi enee Winger. The gentle men "weio MebH. Hlgglns, Holmes, Le Nanl, Uillesiio, T, IniNanl, and McMasters, all of the University of Kiinsns, Weston of Heutilce, Palmbr of Omaha, Klcketts, M. Westernian, J, Westermiiu, W. Westonnau, Montmorency, Oulhnette, Lyman, Jones, Nusz, Fiunsworth, Hiiggard, Welch, Wing, Knymond, Pillsbury, Klliott, and Hotzol, Mr. ami Mis. It. 1). Stearns entertained a cougeiilul couipauv of friends at Ulgh live Wediii'Mlay evening at thtlr pretty liome D and Seventeeiilh streets. The houto wns very prettily deconit.'d throughout with loses mid clirjsaiithomums. Everything wus niinnged witli a vlow to the pleasure and convenience of the guests, and all truly enjojed themselves. A toothsome repast wns set veil In the middle of the evening. Mrs. Frank Hrown who proved horwilf to lie the most skillful lady player of the evening carried uwuy a handsome Wedgewood olive dish us a monument of her skill. Mr, Hen tol) fur )til prondonoy in the art of mmlpu B . laiingcaids, received a hammered sliver match sale mid whist counter, After play ing wus llulshed it cuko containing a conso lation prize wus cut und eacli guest received it piece. Mrs. llelwig, much to her delight, found the pi tee, a silver oueu!r spoon, in her portion of cuke. Those present weio Messrs und Mchdumes 12 K llrowu, HuckstulT, O M Thompson, Frank llronn, llulbuit, Hlgnell, Oeo Hrown, Hoiilon, Wheeler, Tiup liagen, Klggs, Stiode, It H Mooie, Davis, Helwlg, Kwiiig, Dr Hillings, Mist Delhi Hculleld, Mr J K Knox. Mr Hiishuoll und Mis Herwlck. A cougeiilul couiNiuy of fi lends gathered at the homo or Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Duhl Filday, which wus tlio twenty llftli unnlvor siiry of their wedding. Tho evening was very pleasantly spent In social Intercom so. A delliihtful supper was served. At a late hour the guests, departed leaving behind them many vuhmblo presents to ox i ess their good wishes and ruugrutulutioiis. Tiiosj pieseutwero Mess'and Mosd lines Husterduy, riohus, Hanson, Cllsteiiseu, Kilckseu, Wilton, JoIiiimiii, Jliadt, Kussiiiusson, Uioti, Hister ilny, Misses Ktstei day, Kinney, Mis. Uiau dall, Messis Fiiucke, .lesu, Hancock, Kchmldt. Heverul of the gueU weiMfioui out of the city. t Iku Mtiii.l.i 1 limiiiiniiil ftieii it vitrv ill I ..., .,...w .... n.. . - .. .,, llghtful Intoiinal pui ty ton number or her university friends Inst evening, Tho lime as spout In can I playing and dancing. Dainty refreshments were solved to which all the guests did nmplo Justice. Tho even lug pinwd unusually fmt to MIhm Jo TiM'iunii, Mnttln Hutchinson, Nolllo Coch rane, Stella Klrker, Lrim Denrese, Mnry Jones, Iluulo (Jelinu, Mnttlo Htiiks, Cluin Hiiinmond, Huminors. M.ssrs, Julius Westernian, Tom Wing, Dnn Wing, James Cnnllcld, W. II. Wynn, I.nn roucu Pills burg, A, K. Uulleitu-lte, Clins. Jones, Will Hnmmond nud Montmorency. Mr. mid Mrs. Mno Finland enteitnlned n whist club Wiilnislay evening nt tlitr sjhu'Ious trsldeiico on South Poui'tcentli stieet. 'Ihn club Is newly oignulrod this winter nud whllo II has gone through Villi the formality of nil nt gaiilatlou yet It can not boast of any rules or even of n name. The club Is delightfully lufoiiual, mid Is hem illy enjoyed by tho inomU'is all of whom ntn lovers or whist. Those pieseut wero .Micsik. nud Mesdames H. V Holmes, A, S. ltajumuil, Will llieeu, Kd (Ireeu, Flunk Hall, (lliriu Jaiison, HiiiImiii Iiuhnir, II. A. Lipplucott. Miss Jiannetto Wilson nud Mr. Frank Cook. Miss Mutllda Friend wns given u delight ful surprise pally Tuesday evening at her homo on Nineteenth stieet. About eight o'clock n number of friends us-emblisl ut the house and after making themselves at home nud nriauglng things generally the honored guest who, by special rrniuge moid, had been invited out, was sent for and the picuMiics of the evening were vigorously 311 ton d into. Charades, cauls, and ro fifslimctits occupied the principal part of the evening. I ho nlHilr wns gotten up In honor of Miss Friends birthday anniversary. Mr. nml Mrs. 11. M. Klco very pleasantly entertained a number of their friends at a dancing pirty Friday evening at their cosy lionio on J stieet. All enjoyed themselves Lugely. Tempting refreshments were sei visl which added to the pleasure. Those pieseut were Messrs and Minimum Dillon, Hale, Tiffany, Tutlle, Spencer, Lyons, Knton, Mellck, Smith, WIckerHhum, Dyer, McDon ald, Meer, llarlier, McCaudlms, Mlses Voung, llowers, Sliavv, Lucy unit Lottie Fulton, Messrs Sulshury, Hose, (luy Hale, How It mid Kelm. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Moore entertained tho Hop Mf club with a few fi lends Tuesday evening ut their spacious homo on F street. Pleasure reigned Mipiume tlnoiighoiit tliu evening. dimming refresh men In were served at tho card tables, thus lidding to the pleasuieof all. Those present worn Messrs ilml MoMliiintti T 11 Henton, .Murk Tlllon, F W Helwlg, Warren Stearns, Ilrown, Patrick, OM Tliomiisoui Cul TliomiiMin. llulbuit. Hlllineier, Kerfor, Cowdery, Mrs Cantleld and Mr Kverells. Tho Levata whist club held its initial meeting of tho season it the hnuie of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis, 'J12., A stieet, Monday. Tills opens the seventh season or the club and every member wus pieseut. Skillful games f whist wero played the Hrstpurtof the evening, after which nil elaborate supper wus wived. The w hist players were Messrs ui.d MttHlniiira A W Field, A 11 Weir, U T Hoggs, 1 W Lansing, W 15 Klrker, J J Ollll lun, F A Ilrown, W A Lindloy, Waugh, Will Hoggs. Osgood und Miss Hoggs. The F street club will be entertained this evening by Mrs. C. It. Manning. The usual high live will be played und tempting re freshments will be olfered ns a diversion. A pleasuut evening Is anticipated by Messrs. and Mesdaine F. A. Hrown, Holms, Hutch ins, Clark, Helwlg, Swan, Mills, Warren, Sawyer, Typling, Cnsobeor, lllbnor, Hauls. Miss Gertie Aikeus, Miss Grace Aikeus, Miss Furstand Mr. Woodbury. Mr, Edward Wessol and Mr. K. Hlrch o Omaha were Sunday visitors this week In Lincoln. The Kgau banquet at the Hotel Lincoln Monday evening will be the IliicHt uiralrof the kind ever given in this city. Arrangements for a very elaboratj spread are being made and tlio committees uie ar ranging ii most uttiuctive progiam. Outers for nearly two bundled covers have 'ihcudy beeu tin unged lor. ' Mrs. Mary K. Van Uiuntuud Mrs.Hutgors Van Hi nut entertain a number or ladles Wednesday afternoon. Tho Invitations read, "A Harvest Hunt," mid have uroused the curlousity und Interest of the ladies who were foitunato euotigli to receive uu In Vltutlou. It will lie u uniituu entertainment. Ileautlful souvenir spoons mo now being given to new subsoil lurs to tlio CouillKlt. Present subscilbeiH uiuy ulo secuie one of menu uaiiiisume pi emiunts ny paying u yenr in advance und arrears, if any. These are not cheap trashy "poous, but just tho same us jenelcis soil fur $J or nioio. Mrs. F. W llelwig very agreeably enter tallied some ti lends ut dinner Salurday evening in honor of her sis tots, the Misses Altken. Govern weio laid for twelve and a splendid dinner served. The remainder or tho evening passed very speedily with cards. Mr. und Mu. K. Ii. Oakley were at home toil company of trleuds Wednesday even ing. Pi ogrcsiivo high llvq wus pru ed and In terest waxed high. Mr. K. U, Hi own and .Mis. Clias. Hi own vveiu declared the skilllul pluyers. All pieseut enjoyed themselves. Mis.-rs. Flunk Zehiuug, A. (1. Heesou und K. J. Gieeii leave tuuioriow tor Chicago and Laluyette. They expect to letuiu In ubout ten days uccouip inled by Mrs. llessnian and Mrs. Uieeu who have beeu visiting iu La luyette. Mis Paulino Mayer of New York and Mrs. Schlessiuger of Kinporia m rived Wcduesduy fioni the east unit are visiting at the homo or their brother, Mr. Clius. Muyer, tllll South Eleventh stieot. Mr, J. A. Dorsey's Micrillco sale of ladles' under w ai e, udveitised on this page, will ceitaiuly ultruct the attention of our fair leaders. Tho advertisement Is ceituiuly worth I calling. Sorosls held mi iuteicstlng meeting Mon day afternoon at the home of Mis. Hodg man, Mrs. Mutito Ied the meeting witli u discussion on "A Century of American Literature. Mrs. I. Hrurks will entoitaln u company of fi lends tills afternoon in honor of Mrs. Schlessiuger of Kinporia and Miss Pauline Mayer of New oik, two visiting sisters. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cochiauo nud Miss Nolllo Cochrane me iu Omaha today, I 25ozs.for25- Absolutely Pure JustTIiyIt. a Great Sale of Underwear Seventy-five Feet of Over-Taxed Fixtures Go Down Underwear Department SUFFERS 35c Vests and Pants, 50c Vests and Pants, 75c Union Suits, 00 Wool Vests and Pants, 50 Wool Union Suits, ?' J. A. DORSEY, 1121-1123 Miss Nellie Morgan was tho victim of a Jovial surprise party which wns successfully given at her home 151 I) street Thursday evening. Miss Morgan wns atlendlllg a class nt tho night school und on harv 'return uhoiit nine n'clo-K found u scjro or more of her friends In waiting. Curds mid tmislu made the time pass very pleasantly nud It wns not until after midnight thrt the iu vaders took their loivo. The party was comprised or Misses May nud Angle O'HIiun, ICittlo nud I. Illlo Klyuii, Maggie mid Minnie rCelly, Mollln Djau, May Kra.ler, Htella and Nolllo Morgan. .Mrs. Annie Thompiu. Messrs H iy King. I.uto Morse, V. A. Mo Oulston, H. Wluslow, .1. Kloiuor, V. .Mills, Ora Ward, .1. Daws I). Nightingale, V. Richardson, (loo. lliuke, Tom lllordiu, .1. Kmllli, A. (loHsellu and K. Kelly. Mr. nud .Mrs. II, II. Newman, iiiiisn und liahy, are guests of their parents, Mr. and Jim. I). .Nomn.'in, who nro at present renld lug with Mr. Henry Hartley, 171 I . street, the Newmnii residence lielng under nipalr. Mr. nud Mrs. Newman will he pleased to welcome their friends whllo In the city. The principal event or tho week among young society people Is Hen Hur. Nearly two hundred of Lincoln's prominent young insiplu have tukeu part In the production, which, including tonight, will mike live presentations. Curds have heen received 111 tho city an nouncing the marriage of Mist Jessie Kt-telle Hnively to Mr. Joseph Clnggett Hencrest which is to take place Tuesday evening tho 'Jttli at Hhady Urovo, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Uurr gavii a dinner pwty Thursday evening to a iiumhcr of friends. An elegant dinner was served after which the remainder of the evening wus spout with cards. Tho editorial department of tho CouillKlt urder the title or "Town Talk" which has apKared on our Hist page will hereafter ho found on page four, which will be known us editorial page. Mr. and Mrs. It. O'Neil will ho at home Wednesday evening to a iiiuuhor of Invited friends when a snou o'clock tea will ho eujiivod followed liy ugiimeuf cuds. Mrs. John McClay entertained a few rrieiids ut dinner Tui'iliiy evening In hunoi or the birthday mmiveisary or their sou. Covers wore laid for six. Mr. mid Mrs. Hmly Kehlueuder will enter tain a company of fi lends Tuesday evening, u phantom party being the ultructloii. Mrs. (leorgo Alton accompanied by Misses Vine and Hello Alton left Tuesday for a visit iu Colorado Hprlug. Mrs. P. V, M. Raymond visited Omiihii Thursday and uttoinlod tlio Ax)llo club con cert ut Ho) ds in the evening. Pay up your subscrli tlou a jear iu ml vunce mid gut one of our beautiful souvenir sMions free of charge, Mrs. Oeo. O. Ill-slur left Tins lay fur Cameron, Mo. to visit with her sister Mis. Kuuico DeHtolger. Mis. W. A. Kuyder returned homo Mon day after a pleasant week's islt with rela tives Iu Omaha. The South Lincoln CluuiUiuipjii circle was entei tallied by Mix W. A. l.iudley U'clnes day evening. Dr. F. , Tucker is eiiteitaluiug Mr, and Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Ueoigo Pratt of Hast ings. Mr. W II. KhilichofHt. Joseph, brother of Mis. L. Wessel, Jr. is visiting In Lincoln. The lion lloinio cooking club was enter talnisl by Mis. C. A. Keith last evening. Mir 8 Ktiie, 'J'J-18 Holdrego street, euU-r-tains her friends Wednesday evening. Miss Kali Hawley is eutertuiuing MUs Kutherlue Darker of Omaha. Mrs, A. N, Wiight dep-irted Tuesday for Portland, Oivgou MUs Leila Shears spent the week with friends in O.ualm. Miss Then Laws expects to leave Tuesday for California, Mr. and Mrs, It. K. Misiro entertained a luige iiuiuber ol fi lends last evening. Mrs. Kva Ilarnwell depnrttxl Thursday for a visit iu Pittsburg, P. A cui loud or new Colorado potatoes just iccclvcd ut Cook Rally Oroeory com puny 's. They won't lust long. Also a carload of Hue Iowa potatoes. Cook Ilailey llrocory company aie heud (pun tern for delhcnteNeii and Hue goods. BAKING .POWDER r.r.jAauci acq. kahsaj MOST 1 6c 2.(0 6yc N Street. K GREHT HIT Thai's what wc arc. making with our If they arc not the lilt of the season, no season ever had a lilt. Hotter than the best you can't have, hut if It's the host you are after, that's just whero tliev come In. Thejr are at the top nud there's nothing else near them for the money or for more than the money. It is sensible to put money in your purse, hut it Is anything but sensible U keep It there when for lO, SIS OIES $515 You can get one of the finest, well made nnd finely tullored OVKR0OAT3 to be had not only for the price, but for three or four dollars more. Our Men's and Boys' Suits Will also please you In quality and price. We cannot tell you nil about them now, call nnd see them ut the GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, . Corner Tenth and O Streets. Funke's Opera House One Entire. Week--8 Performances! Six Nights, Thanksgiving and Saturday Matinees Commencing Monday, Nov. 21st, Return Ungagcmcnt of the Favorites, Corse Payton ? Comedy Company '"SSriSS- Miss ETTA REED The opening bill, Monday evening, will be Mr. Payton'.. great Success, entitled in which Is rim a patriotic sentiment, cqnulnlng trong dramatic work throughout. On the opening night one lady and a gentleman, or two ladles will be admitted on a 30 cent reserved scat ticket. Prices for the entire engagement 10, 20 and 30 cents. Matinee prices io'and 20 cts. 1 Ac I RE you a 1 of The Cost Cuts No Figure i Soiled and Mussed In the Domestic Department Table Oil Cloths, - . 5 c (Most quality, worth 250) yc nieaehed Muslins, - 5 c 10c Canton Flannels, 5 c 15c Tickings, - 6Jc J. A. DORSEY, 1 121-1 123 N Struct, Sp.s . oJTHf' Overcoats! and .1 Company of Merry Cornelians. Reciiar Reader this popular Family Journul? If not, why notr Anyone can alibrd 60 cents for threo mouths, or f l,oo for l months, for A CLEAN, SPICY, RESPECTABLE NEWSPAPER',',', for Sunday Heading Send your niimo either by mall or telephone.