Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 19, 1892, Image 4

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II 1
L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor.
CUfford Blackman
A otton Boy's lyeslght
avd-Perhapa His Life
Br Hood's Snrsnpnrllla-lllood PoU
oned by Canker.
Bead the following from a grateful raothwi
"Hy tittle boy had Hcarlet Few when years
old, and It tottlilro verr weak and with blood
pWa4 wllk caakrr. lilt )CS becamo
ao Inflamed that hU sufferings were lutcnie, and.
for savrn weeks ho
Could Not Opsn His Eyss.
I took him twice during that time to the Ere
and Kar Infirmary on Charlea strait, but their
remedies (ailed to do him the faintest shadow
ot good. I commenced firing him Hood's
Sartaparllla and it soon cured him. I hate
,1131 N Hired.
Toleplionesl-Oltlen. SVl. Ilesldinoii, J 1 1.
Htilnorlprlnii little. Ill Advrtiiee.
I'or nnniiiii. . , ,J.0i) I Thno mnnltm ....
Hlxinoi' a l,()Hliiul" 'I'll'
Knlereil at the piislnltlro of Lincoln, Noli,,
ns second climv nuillor.
STsr daunted that It htss fcia aiM. area
t hie verr ' You mar Vie Uils tes
Mstonlal In any war T" choose. 1 am always
ready to sound the praise ot
Hood's Sartaparllla
because of the wonderful good It did my ton."
anta K. Ulackman, 388S Washington Bt,
Boston, Mass. Ost HOOD'S.
HOOD'S PlLLM are hand anad, and ara see.
feet In composition, proportion and appaaraaoe.
1039 O Street.
Wc cannot quote prices
On our entire stock,
Hut call your attention lo
Our grcnt leader,
35 Heavy Black Melton,
33lnchcs long,
Manufactured to order for
$6.50, and cheap at that.'
Our price this week,
Beginning Monday, Nov.
Corresponding reductions
On all cloaks,
And special sales In
Every department, to make
Room for Holiday Goods.
Town thug
Kitntcrn soclnl economists nro Just now ills
cuvilng with considerable fervor thf nilvlnn
lilllty of relieving materially tlm oxchmlve
ness of M)lltn society. Tlm tendency has been
to make wealth tliu prislonitnutlnn tett of
one's social standing, and while there were,
of courso, n few pooplo of nfltiionou who
could not. if they so ile-ilnnl, secure ndnils-
slon to tlm best circles, still poverty was oven
n more cITix'tunl bar than n questionable
character. Tlm lower, mliMIe nnd upHr
clasne In hoc lot y have for centuries Ihuii
measured by n lluiuiolnl tenia its oxnctlug ns
Hint which requires tun mills In every cent
nnd ton dimes In every ilollnr. A reform is
proiKwod iih likuly to Imi conducive to tlm
pleasure and prollt ot nil concerned. It is to
mnko respectability the test, with dim regard,
of course, to mental fitness. Could such n
reform bo Inaugurated, who mil say thnt It
would not provo n blessing to nil! No trim
Amrricmi can doubt that it would. It
would bo a social reform entirely In hiirinoiiy
with tlm principle upon which this grand
Hovel iiinunt is founded. Arlstocrnoy Ispo
cullni ly ft garment of monarchy, mid is dls-
tnstetul to tlm unit of n republic. As mi
in ittocrnuy is iMnentlnl to tlm preservation
mid poi petuntlou of roynlty, so must lis so-
einl contmst bo found in time, if not nhio
lutely essential, at least most coudiiulvo to
tlm erpotuallon of a republic. Tlm idea
thnt ouo mnu or one woman is liottor tlinii
nnotber simply by icason ot surroundings or
ponnemlons Is not republican nnd linn no
rightful place in American social regulations.
3 1 st,
The Ladies'
1039 Street.
Get the Genuine only at
P. BARTONManaser
' ii Block, cor. tath and O Sts. Tel. 716
Thanksgiving Da;
may seem junny, but thaf
-' was What the people told of
inr"A Misfit Thanksgiving"
experienced. The story will
be the feature of the feast
prepared in our
Thanksgiving Edition,
with other dainties to give
zest ,to, the whole.
Order Extra Copies at Once.
That such n reform would be productive of
great good to all classes needs no deep argu
ment to provo. lly 1 oasou of its very ex
cluslveuess society's tint circles nro losing
their brightest charms ami mutt In time
lapse into insipidity. The modern dude, so
utterly out ot tuuo with everything Ameri
can except bis feminine consort In the social
scale, is a product ot our present social sys
tem, lie Is probably the horrible ezamplo
that has aroutod tho American pooplo to a
cbntemplatlon ot the social aituatiou. If ao,
he has not boen evolved In vain. It may
sound harsh to say that the best heads in
ultra-exclusive social circles have concluded
that in order to secure re-iiiforcemeiit of
brains, now elements must bo Injected into
their ranks, but it is true thnt such n situa
tion confronts them. The brain ot the mod
ern creation ot social excluslveuess has be
come "nlunllled," and needs rejuvenation.
There Is an equally potent consideration on
tho other side. All respoctublo pooplo would
welcomo more general recognition In what
may be known as Io;al social circles, and the
hone ot teeming It only through strict io-
tpectabllity would encourage right living.
There would be Immeasurably tower outcasts
were right-living euro to wiu social recogni
tion. The inducements to gain positions of
affluence would not be so apt to tempt to slu
lu its various forms uud degrees, mid social
rottenness in shining raiment could not sneer
at respectability In plain attire. Men would
not so readily sell tlulr integrity, aud women
their honor, tor gold, were integrity and
honor the hailing signs ot society rather than
gold. Tho social leaders who would attempt
such a leform are philanthropists ot the
most pronounced degree, and when they
have Inaugurated it, it they may ever hope
to do so much good, will have done more to
better humaulty than all other elements of
the social fabric will have. done. It Is to be
regretted that many ot those. Indies and gen
tlemen who aspire to prominence as mission
ai let for the christianizing ot the world not
only recognise but practice aud encourage
aristocratic lleas of social excluslveuess. and
a ply lo their associate a gold test as rigid
aud exacting as if an assayer wire stationed
at their door as inside guard. Were the
rich mid tho poor In Lincoln, or tho respecta
ble elements, regardless of wealth, 011 better
terms socially, who cannot see that Lincoln
would be the more delightful for ill
However, If peoplo will bear lu mind tho
opinion of the court nnd fortify tliPtuoelveii
for attacks from vicious chin, tlioy can i!on
Hi cat work lu abating n great uulAimco
which (hit city council Is afraid lo tackle. It
might Ik) n goiKl Idon to carry nlong sotno
bait, however, with which to coax tlm victim
Into tho public road,
Although Imhnshnlil the nttontiou of tho
civilized world by hlsolllclnl c.lieor since hit
ilepai led his homo lu this city, Hon, I'litilck
Kgan may ell feel proud of the respectful
nttentloix shown him by 111' foruior mH;li
lxrs upon his letiirn for 11 visit Inst Tuid iy
evening. It was nil cxpicHlon of regatd for
him thnt limit hac touched tho heart of
any man It was not 11 political lmoutrn'
Hon, for although republicans iintiiintly felt
tlm moit prldo lu his infer and were
piobably mot anxious to uttct It, still
many of llm foieiuoNt tli'mm-iut In the city
Joined ith fel'MMit good will In tlm f ,'leudly
exiieslou. -Mr. Knu was welcomed, not
exclusively us a republican, but as an Amor
lean, n Nulunsknn and 11 vitlen of Lincoln,
Tlm warmth of fi lendshlp of Lincoln pen.
plo for their distinguished fellow cltlreii
penetrated oven tlm stubbcii 11 wall of politi
cal ilvnlry. Iluudieils of people, lidlus nnd
gentlemen, met him ut tlm tialu uud vied
with each oilier in extending greeting and
assurances of welcome. It is safe to say
that lifter tho banquet to lit) tendered Mon
day at Hotel Lincoln In his honor, by the
board of trade, real extalo exchange ami
cltlseus, Mr. Egau will return to his far
away post of duty nnd honor with ie
kindled warmth in his heart for tho memory
u! his Nebraska homo, no that when Im slnll
have fulfilled his mission In Chile his llrst
thoughts, when he starts upon his lettiru,
will bo of Lincoln uud his many warm
friendships here.
Tills depirtmeut wns a llttlu premituro
last, week III accepting ns likely the preten
sions of republican party leudera, who
claimed that t-o coming legislature will bo
controlled by republicans. However, thoro
Is soino consolation lu knowing that it will
not bo nu Independent legislature. Tho
count of tho otesshow that there 1110 tlueo
parties in tlm coming legislature, the demo
cratic contingent holding tlm bilauco ot
power. This being tlm case, too coming ses
sion promises to be the liveliest ever held ill
tho state. Tho light lor tlm United States
senatoi-shlp will bo a hummer. It now looks
as If a republican cannot lie olteted, as tho
Independents and democrat combined have
a majority of tout on joint ballot Thcicls
no Independent mentioned for the phce who
could secure tho support ot the democrats.
There nre, however, two men who can draw
suppoi t Imtli from demcsi nts nnd Independ
ents. They nre W. J, llrynu nnd O. M.
Hitchcock. The latter, through his paper,
the Omaha Worhl'lhraUl, has won many
friends among inle)eudauts, although he is
presumed to tie a democrat. Uryan stands
oveu better among the Independents, and it
may occur, ami It indeed seems likely to
occur, that they will conclude to support
linn. Aud then what a wrestle would occur
when it came to tho election of hti successor
as congressman.
In Aitvit in.
Itii'Hi II Sago lias fur some years been In
tliu Iiiihtt of glvliut five dollar nucu a year
to 11 friend of hi boyhood days. Thlsyciir,
when the pensioner made his annual visit,
Mr. tinge was nimble to II ml live doll.irn In
his roll of bills and was on I ho point of
putting his old friend off when the latter
exclaimed! "Hut I am In more desperate
need of money thnn tiver liefav, Mr. Hugo,
Whv not glvo mo one of those ten dollar
blllsf" "Well, I ni'vcr thought of thnt,"
replied Mr. Hugo in n mutter of fact wny,
"here, you take this ten ilollarn and glvs
uiu a receipt for two years." Argonaut.
Too I'llltrtlo.
. J- -- -- 'USv.. '.-JU
i "tMsBSt JfsF j
17 XJF
in K MftlY.l
11 hi VmiV'lUWM f, r
-lH' Wm J
Fall Business
-1 r
Is now In full swIiik, nnd while the Incrcatc In
Uic volume of our butlncss has been highly
satisfactory, wc nre striving lo still augment
the popularity of our establishment by selling
ft:;!, jel
A good many politicians am hoard com
plaining beoausa one cannot, U'idur the pres
ent law, vote a straight party ticket by 'u
simple scratch ot the pen, but must'mark an
X opposite the namo ot each man tor whom
he wauls to vote. This need be no just
cause tor complaint. It was tho wise de
sign ot tho frumers of the law to compel
each voter to rcud over tho names, hoping
that he would thus be induced to vote for
the best men. It Is only when u candidate
cannot bear comparison with his rival that
he clamors for the strulght ticket method of
"Iseo," leinarksuii old-lime campaigner,
"that a local editorial writer, in dilating
with great verbosity upon what a magnlll
cent statesman Benjamin Harrison has
proven himself to be, elves him credit for
having suppresses! the Sioux ghost dance out-
bieak. I had always thought that tho credit
tor subduing the Hloux belonged to VV. K.
Kelly and Bob Molteyuolds."
Ono ot the proprietors ot Burlington
beach recently ran t for olllce. Ho was
elected. There are 4UU colored votors ill .the
city. Next year Burlingtoii bench will
have twilbtng quarters especially prepared,
and set apart for tho colored people. The
ballot is a powerful argument.
In the advertised list of letters uncalled
for at tho Lincoln post olllce during the past
week was one for D. Q. Courtney, It Is
more than probable that Hon. A. W. Field
could tell where the man lives for whom
the letter was Intended. M
Hill Thero'H n denl of poetry about the
moon uftcr nil.
Tom There nln't no poetry In nothlnk
when It gltH down to Us last, quarter. Life.
Ho I.OTdl Children,
After alio had Heated herself In tho ferry
boat little Wllllo broke away from her
and hcgmi rolling nround In the dust and
dirt before us nil.
"Ah, minium," whispered tho old stentlo
mnu, "do not try to Htop llttlo Willie. I
lovu to aco tho child have fun."
"Yes, Indeed."
"It docs my old heart good," he went on
nu Wllllo turned n double somursault', "It
carries mo back to the early days. I tell
you, ma'am, there la nothing Hko youth."
"That Is true, sir," hIiu said awcctly.
"It recalls to me, madam, tho old farm,
wliero I onco romped, n enro free mortal all
tliu livelong day."
"Wllllo Is Hiich n good boy," alio ven
tured as William yelled "Hntsl" three
times and threw up his hat.
Tho old gentleman suddenly let out a
ronr thnt echoed over tho river.
" Wow-wl" ho gasped, howling with pain.
"Mercy, mel" exclaimed the woman,
"Why don't you tepch your boy some
manners? Ho has just stuck 11 pin In my
"Hut ho tt only a hnruilcsa child, nlr."
"And his conduct carries you back to tho
enrly days."
"And youth fades so quickly, sir."
"Wow-w, ma'am wow-w, I say!"
"And it reminds you of the days down
on tho old farm."
"That will do, ma'am," ho gasped, ris
ing and glaring nt uh all. "I see, mn'am,
that I am in the presence of a spoiled
child your sweet William. You expect
wo should nil sing nnd dniico, but you nre
mistaken, ma'am mistaken to tho ut
most. I predict, mn'am, thnt your boy
will grow up a burglar nnd n horso thief,
and it ho doesn't break his mother'H heart
before he la twenty-one my name Is mud.
ma'am, mud, I sayt"
And he flung himself out the door.
Then mamma took llttlo Willie to her
arms and did exactly what all mothers
would under tho circumstances.
She called William her darling boy and
kissed him on tho dirty nose. New York
Other Material at Hand.
Colonel Gllkerson's wife nnd daughter
returned yesterday from their first sum
mer at the seashore. Tho colonel was at
tho depot with the family carriage to meet
thorn, and nfte. tho first eff uslvo greetings
wero over he turned his eyes indulgently
on tho tall, beautiful girl nnd said:
"Well, Angeline, how did ye like itf "
"Oh, popper," she exclaimed, "it was
juBt heavenly! I never enjoyed anything
so much."
"H'cml" observed the old mnn reflec
tively, "did ye get to Move old ocean and
Its roar' an all thnt sort o' buslnessr"
"Oh, no, Indeedl I didn't have any time
to lovo that." Detroit Tribune.
Dress Goods, Cloaks,
Ladies' Furnishing Goods,
and Dry Goods,
of every description, nt popular nnd extraordi
nary low prices. Interesting bargains In every
department. Wc will not be undersold. Wc
want your trnde nnd will make It profitable and
Interesting to everyone who cnlls at the
"Progressive Dry Goods Emporium,"
1141 and 1 143 O street.
A Triumphant Success
Such Is the verdict accorded by everyone on the present engage
ment of
larke & Cox's Spectacular Pantomime,
Last Performance tbis Afternoon and To-Night!
The production is the grandest ever seen on the local stage, and Is
under the auspices of the Women's Christian Association.
For to-day will be as follows: First lloor, 75c; Balcony, 50c; Gallery, 35c. Children
25c to all parts of the house.
HT" No reserved seats for the Matinee so come early.
Manufacturers of
( Wholosalo Dealers In HADDLKH nnd Manufacturers of -K-
Vitrified Brick and all Kinds of Straw and Wrapping I'aper.
OIUces-730 to 741 O street.
His Fatal Mistake.
Whyte Why, old man, what's the mnt
tcr with you f I never saw you look so dis
consolately seedy In my llfo.
Browne Matter enough, dear lxy. I
bet five dollars on tliu races last week, and
tho horse I hacked got left.
Whyte Five dollars? Well, whnt of
thatf The loss of five dollars didn't break
you, did it, old man f
Browne No; thnt didn't break me, of
course. The troublo was, I tried to get
square. Somervillo Journal.
Too Late.
Kodakflend Say, Biggs, I would like to
Come up nnd tako your house. It would
make a charming picture.
Biggs You are a llttlu late In asking or
you might.
Kodakflend What, has some ono else
taken Itf
Blggs Yea, tho sheriff. Chicago Intor
Mot Difficult.
mm tmwmrmm
-L Uitcit (Bvevm in
. Wants to buy her Gloves to match her - --
dresses. With this object in view we have -
- - purchased n stock of Kid Gloves, which - -
for Its variety of styles and shinies, wns
- never shown before. We can mntcli - --
every color, may It be dark or light.
We call special attention to a New Glove
Mrs. 8. R Kyati, fashionable dross making
room 78 Burr block
Mrs. Oosper's is a popular place for the
ladles. Tliey get their nobby headwear
there and likewise have their beads nobblly
embellished there. Beef
The supreme court has recently reatllrnied
the opinion that any dog running at large
without a collar bearing thereupou the name
of Its owner can be killed "without fear or
compunction, as no action can be maintained
for the killing, and that any dog found upon
a public road, no one having control ot hi in
being near, Is running at largo. This is law
that is acceptable to everyone, unless it be to
the owners of curs, who are indeed legion.
Another section of the same syllabus some
what ambiguously provides; , ,
A dog that "persistently assails people psss
Ing along a public road In a threatening man
ner Is a nuisance and may be killed by any
peison ao assailed.
One would think that If a person pertltt lu
passlugalongapublloroad In a threatening
manner, auy dog which has the courage has
a right to assail them, but that no dog with
good canine instincts will do so. People who
pass along public roads In a threatening
manner are none too good to be assailed by
dog. The supreme court probably Intended
to say that any dog which persistly assails.
In a threatening manner, people passing
along a publio road, is a nuisance and may be
killed by the person assailed. This Is another
Instance where the omission of a dlmlnltive
comma, or a careless arrangement of words,
put Into the mouth of a aignuieu inimnall m. L. Trester, bulldlug material and coal,
.i,i,ln. It had not designed savbur. ' 1140 O ttreeL
New line of picture mouldings at Cowlo's,
110 South Twelfth ;streot.
Rock Shunoh Coal at tho Lincoln Coal
Co. Phone 441),
M. L. Trester makes people happy by soil
log them lumber und.coal nt 1140 O street.
Oftl-d rjuuss anil IaiIIam nnln nml '
purses 10 morroco, Russian leather, dongolar
kid and KrenclTcalt at Rector's i'iiurmaoy.
Troster has the prettiest display ot any
dealer in Lincoln at 1140 O street.
Mrs. Oosper leads In millinery, as she al
ways has. The new invoice of flue pattern
hats just received convinces every one more
tban ever ot that fact
'which wc have the exclusive sale. This Is an article made of the
SFrcnch Kid, without scams on cither hide of the hand and conse-'
auently cannot rip where most objectionable. Please call and inspect
them and see for yourselves that wc can please evcrybdy, whether you
wish to buy a pair for 98 cents or the most expensive one.
1023 O Street.
WhenlyouJ want real values for your
mcuey, In Jewelry, call oirFrB.Harrls, 1 lil
O street. ''"1"TiSSt;
Youcanalways',get freih jbreaij at thai W.
Y. bakery. They bake twice daily,!
1 , -
Cholly Clever woman, that. She la
really short and squatty, but by means of
her train and carriage, she makes you for
get It.
Dick I don't see anything clever nbtut
that. With a carriage and a train ono run
carry anything oil. llnrper's Bazar.
That Horrid Child.
"Good morning, my boy; Is your futher
"No, sir; papa has gone to the dentist's
to have mamma's teeth attended to."
"Oh, indeedl"
"But mamma is in." Petit Parlslen.
What Was I.efU
nriinrs I bear you proiKwed to Miss
Money penny the other night.
firiuin Yes.
"How did Jioii come out with your suit J"
"I aaved most of lu" Clothier aud Fur
A Harah Method.
Maud Now when 1 am asked to sing 1
never sny, "Oh, I cnu'tl" but I ulwuys sit
light down at the jiluiio
Mamie And let the audience And It out
for themselvesr Yes Truth.
MMsnBnBnH iBnanacanMcws
Boxes, Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce
ments, Reception and At Home Cards, handsomely
engraved or printed,
Invitations, Badges, Souvenir Dance LUte, and ev--erytlilng
necessary for the enjoyment of the Terpsc
chorcan art,
Wessel-Stevens Pt'g Co.,
1 134 N Street,
"""""" " - r