CAPITAL CITY t'OUHIEK. SATURDAY NOVEMMCIl 19, 189a Mrs. J. C. BELL Has just received something en tire! v new nml novel for Indict' head ntttre. It Is the Borden J3ang llnvlnj; no network about It wlintevcr, the Imlr being last ened together by a newly pat ented Idea willed does not heat the head, us other do. A FULL LINE OF COSMETICS Hair ornaments, mid Imlr good. As't.Biml, wu lend in artistic hair, dressing mid manicuring. Cull mid see us 1 14 North Fourteenth St. I.mlli'N desiring sty llslulrejHCs at moderate prices call on Tu'ssjerwie igwy, FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER Itoom 12 l'otvln llloclt, 131 It and O. QHOES THAT DO HOT ft R ET Tho l'crfcctlou nml Tiiylor -tgg.pdju5tabl 81705 expand with every motion of tho foot. Don't burn or blister. Avery narrow shoo can bo worn. Mi Ht comfortable known Try them nml see for yourself. For unto only by A. I.. QF.ICIKH, 1137 11 Ht. Hpeelal orders taken. Cheaper than others. FREE a1! I Ion I Fall term, In seven cllller- courses. Only hiiMi crndo In- dependent Normal In tho state. The Finest iiunuinKS, l-.quipincntN, and AUIesl Minimi Facility. NoexiK'rlincnl.hut an estahllshed innnnKemcnt, 40 courses, :U teachers ami lee urcrs V vo seliool for tho masses. Write or catnloguo 10 F. F. HOUSE. Manager. Lincoln, Neb. MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. ltell'iblo I'l'nlers In Klrst-Class Pianos & Organs Wo carry the lamest anil best selected stock to bo found In any house In I he west, and sell at iiiuuufuclururi)' prices, for cusli or ou cusy terms Seiirnviy t Sons Win. Kitiibe d- Co. PIANOS PIANOS liehr Bros. Vose & Sons 1 Sterling Sterling Orvans at bed Hock prices mid on easy terms. Scamit Hand Oiyam, $U) up. .Second and I'Uuhh, tZ' up. Instruments rented nml rent allowod If pur chased. Cheap Hlenollled trash ho often I m posed upon buyers wo do not handle, nor rec ommend. A Hood standard miilco second-hand Instrument Is to bo preferred to iniiuli of tho now cheap trash sold. Call ami seo us or writo for catalogues nml prices. Your patron ago solicited and highly appreciate J. Max Meyer &l Bro. Co., 16h and Farnam, Omaha. DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Huccusior to Or, Charles BunrUo.) Cures Cancers Tumors Wens and Fistulas without Hie use of Knlle Chlororonn or Kther. Olllco UOfl O Street-Owen block. LINOOLN NEB. ,oa: fDESlGU! 'OOtTFfld, Bmm& SBIB.'Vc,vSi?:"-mcs-' BJSKpPV'giVkjvp' SjllP W ? jE? ' iTKsMMMMMfasssTy" S?t i, Til M HAG K FOIIGOLI). . Drt. TALMAGE FlplDS MANY LESSONS IN AARON'S GOLDEN CALF. Tfce Isiarlllrs .Siilleiril but fur a Short Time, but Millions Have Sultered .Slum ami Millions Art Suffering Not by Their Mad Worship or1 Hold. HttOOKt.YN, N'ov. 1.1. Tim subject of ills courso chosen by llcv. I)r, Tulmugu for his llrst sermon after tho national election was 0110 peculiarly appropriate to tint money making spirit of thu times. It wax "Tho Golden Calf." tins text selected lielng Kxo rlus'xxxll, S!0, "And tin took lu 'cnlf Which they had Hindu and burnt It In thu tiro, and ground It to ponder and strewed It upon tho water and made the children of Israel drink of It." " '" i'coplo will have a god of some, kind, and they prefer olio of their own making, Hero comu thu Israelites, breaking olT their golden earrings, the men as well as tho wo men, for itt tliosi. times there weru it linuirivrcil usfeiiiluluedccorutlutis. Where did they get these beautiful guld earrings, coming up us they did from tho desertf Oh, they "borrowed" them from thohgyp thins when they left Kgypt. These car rings aro piled up tuton pyramid of gilt toring beauty. "Any inoro earrings to bring?" says Aaron. None. Flro Is kin died, tho earrings uru melted and poured Into u mold, not of 1111 ruglo or a war rhurger, but of a calf: the gold cools olT, tho mold Is taken nway, and tho Idol is set upon its four hgs. An ultnr is built in front of tho shining calf. Then Iho people thiowup tlieirarius and gyrate mid shriek and daiico mightily and worship, .Moses lias been six weeks on Mount Slnal, and ho comes back and liearH thu howling and sees thu dancing of these, golden calf fanatics, find hu loses his patience, and he takes thu two plates of stono on which wero written tho Ten Com mnmluicntsnuil Illngs them mi hard against u rock that they split all to pieces. When n man get mnd hu is very apt to brenk nil tho Ten Command incuts. Moses rushes in, mid hu takes Jlils calf god nml throws it Into a hot fire until it Ik melted all out of shape, and then pulverizes it not by tho modern appliance of nltro muriatic acid, but by the ancient appliance Of niter, or by the old fashioned Hie. lie makes for thu people a most nauseating draft. Ho takes this pulverized golden cnlf and throws It in tho only brook which is accessible, and thu people are compelled to drink of that brook or not drink at all. But they did not drink all tho glittering stuff thrown on tho surface. Sutuu of It flows 011 down tho surface of tho brook to th river, mid then Hows on down the river to tho hcu, and tho sen takes it up and bears It to thu mouth of all tho river, and when thu tides set back the remnins of .this gulden calf arc cur ried up into thu Hudson, and tho East river, and tliuThnmcH, mid tho Clyde, ami tho Tiber, nml men go out mid thoyttkim the glittering surface, mid they bring It ashore, mid they make another golden cnlf, and California and Australia break off their golden eurrjugs to' augment the pile, nud in tho fires of financial excitement ami struggle nil these things are melted to gether, and while -we stnud looking and wondering what will comu of it, lol wo find that tho golden cnlf of Israelltlsh wor ship has become thu golden calf of Eu ropean mid American worship. TUT. MUDI'.IIM IUOI.ATICY. I shall describe to you thu god spoken of lu tho text, his temple, his altar of sacri fice, tho music that Is madulii his temple, nud then tho filial breaking up of the wholu congregation of idolaters. Put aside this curtain, mid you see tho golden calf of modern Idolatry. It Is not like other idols, niudo ott of stocks or Stbucs, hut it bus mi ear so sensitive that It can hear thu whispers on Wall htreet and Third htreet mid Statu street, and the footfalls in tho bank of Kngland, nud the llutter of a Frenchman's heart ou Uiu, Bourse. It has mi eye so keen that it can see the rust on thu farm of Michigan wheat, nud thu Insect lu thu Maryland peach orchard, and thu trampled gruln under tho hoof of thu Kussiati war charger. It Is ho mighty that It swings any way It will the world's shipping. It u'lis it foot on all thu merchantmen nud thu steamers. It'stnrted the American civil wur, mid tin der Cod stopped It, and it "decided the TurkoKussiun contest. Ono"l)rok'er in September, ttW'J, in Now York, akoutcd, "One hundred nud sixty for a million!" nml the whole continent shivered." This golden calf of thu text has ltV fight front foot lu New York, its left frootfoot Chi cago, its right buck foot iii'CUarteatob, Its left back foot lu New Orleans', h'lid'when It khukes Itfcelf It ahakes thu world. Oh, this is n mighty god thu golden calf of the world's worship! Hut every god must havo its temple, and this golden cnlf of tho text is no ex ception. Its templu Ls vaster than tit. Paul's of the F.nglish, and St Jeter's of tbo Italians, mid the 'Alhnmhm of the Spaniards, and the Parthenon of thu Creeks, mid tiiu Taj Mahal of the Hin doos, mid till tho other cathedrals put to gether. Its pillars aru grooved mid tinted with gold, uud Its ribbed arches aru hover ing gold, and its chandeliers aru descend ing gold, and its floors uru tessellated gold, nud its vaults aro crowded heaps of gold, and its xplres and domes uru soaring gold, and its organ pipes aru resounding gold, and its pedals me tramping gold, ami its stops pulled out aru Hashing gold, while standing at thu head of thu temple, as thu presiding deity, aru tho hoofs uud shuul del s ami eyes uud ears mid nostrils of the culf of gold. TIIU CIIUKI.TV OF AVAUICE. Further, every god must huvo not only Its temple, but its altar of sacrilice, and this golden calf of thu text is no exception. Its altar is pot made out of stone, us other altars, but 'out 9! couiithig room desks Uud llrcproof sufes, uud it Is a broad, a long, a high altar.' Thu victims sacrllled otl'lt are innumerable. What Hoes tins gist care ubuut thu groaut. nud struggles of thu vic tims beforu itt ith cold, metallic eyu It looks ou uud yet lets them sutler. Oh, heaven uud earth, what mi nltail What a sacrifice of body, mind and soul! The physical health of a great multitude is flung ou this tmcrlllcial altar. They can not sleep, and they take ohloral ami mor phine nud ititoxlcuuts. Some of them struggle in a nightmare of stock, and at one o'clock in thu inoriilui; suddenly rise up shouting," ''A thousand shales ot railroad stock one hundred and eight and u half; tuku it!" until thu whole family is uftiightcd, mid thu speculators fail hack ou their pillows anil sleep until they aru awakened again by a "corner" or 11 sudden "rlsu" lu something else. Their nerves gone, their digestion gone, their bruin gone -they die. Thu clergyman coinus in mid rends the funeral service, "Blessed are tliu dead who die in the Lord" Mistake. They did not "dlu in the Lord" the golden calf kicked them1 The trouble Is w lieu men sacrdlce them- selves on this altir suggested In the text they nut only sacrlllie themelves, but ihey Htiei ill eo their families. If n man by nn III coitrtii Is determined tu go to perdl lion, I ou will have to let him go; hut lie p'Hs his wife and rhlhl renin an eipil page (hat is theatuatemeutot thuavuiiueii, ind the ill her l.ishes the buisiis into two wlihlwlhds, nud tho spokes Hash lu thu sun, ntullliu gulden headgear of the bar tiess gleams, until llbick Calamity takes thu bits of the and slops tlieiu, mid shouts to thu luxutlou occupants of the niulpage. '(Jetoiil'" They get out. They get down. That husband and father Hung his family so hard they ueer got upagnln There wan the maik 011 them for life thu murk of u split hoof thu death dealing hoof of the golden rnlf. Solomon ottered lu one sacrifice, ou one occasion, twenty-two thousand oxen and one hundred and twenty thousand sheep; but that was n taluu s.teilllce compared with thu multitude of men who nrusneil fielug themselves on Ibis altar of thu gold en calf, and saerlllelng their families with them. Tin-soldiers of Oeneriil Havelock tu India walked literally auklu deep tu thu blood of thu "Iioiimi or massacre," wheiu two bundled women uud children had been slain by the Sepojs, but thu blond mound ulmut thlsulturof the golden calf flows tip to thu knee. Hows to the girdle, Hows to the shoulder, Hows to thu lip. (i rent ( tod of heaven and ijii th. have mercy ! The golden calf has none. IICAtlTn IIIIOKI'.N FOIt (101.11. Still I he degrading worship goes on, and the devotees kneel mill kl"s the dust, and count I ! golden beads, and cross them selves with Iho blood nf their own siuil lire. Thu music lollson under the arches; itlsuiaduof clinking silver ami ellnklhu' gold and Hie rattling specie of the banks mid brokers' shops and thu voices of all I hn exchanges. The sopraiio of the wor ship Is carried by thu timid voices of men who have Just begun to speculate, wniiu the diep bass mils out flom those who for ten icurs of lnl(tilty lmvo liven doubly damned. Chorus of voices rejoicing over what they have made. Outrun of voices wniling over what they huvo lost. TI10 temple of which I speak stands open day and night, and theru Is thu glittering god with his four feet ou broken hcutts, nud theru Is the smoking altar of sacrifice, new victims every moment on It, nud theru are the kneeling devotees, and the doxbl ogy of tliu worship rolls on, whllo death stands with moldy and skeleton arm beat tug tlniu for the ehoi us "Morel morel more'" Some people aie very much surprised at thu actions of folk on thu Stock exchange. Indeed It is a seine sometimes that para dcseiiptlon, mid Is beyond the Imagi nation of any one who has never looked In. What snapping of linger mid thumb nud wild gesticulation, mid raving like hyenas, and stamping like bulTuloes, and swaying to and fro, uud running onu upon another, nml ilinfeiilmr utirour until thu president of the exchange strikes with IiIh mallet four or lvo times, crying, "Order! order!" And tho astonished spcclutor goes out lnt tliu fresh air feeling that ho has escaped from puudeinoiilum. What docs it all incunr I will tell you what It means. The devotees of every heathen temjiluiiut them, selves to pieces and yell tinil gyrate. This vociferation and gyration of the Stock ex chuiige Is all appropriate. This is the wor ship of thu golden calf. 1'M'THCItACV ML'BT I'Elllbll. Hut my text suggests that this worship must hu broken up, n the behavior of Mones lu my text indicated. There ure those who say that this golden calf spoken of in my text was hollow, and merely plated with gold; otherwise, thuy say, Moses could not huvo carried It. I do not know that, but somehow, perhaps by thu assistance of Ills Irlends, hu takes up this golden calf, which Is an insult to Cod and man, and throws it into thu lire, mid It is melted, mid then It comes out and Is cooled oil, and by some chemical appliance, or by mi old fashioned llle, It Is pulverized, and it is thrown Into thu biook, and as a pun ishment the people uru compelled to drink thu nauseating stuff. So, my hearers, you may depend upon It that God will burn and he will grind to pieces the goldru calf ot modern Idolatry, nml he will compel the people in their agony to drink it. If not before, It will be so 011 thu last day. I know not where tho lire will begin, whether ut tfie Mattery or Cent ml jiark, whether ut Hrooklyn bridge or ut Husihwick, whether ut Shore ditch, London or West J2ud, but (t wjll be a very hut blaze. All the government se curities of tho United Suites nnd preut Britain will curl up In thu llrst blast. A)l thu money, safes and depositing vaults Will melt under the first touch. The sen wiii hum like tinder, and the shipping wili be abandoned forever. The melted gold lu the broker's window will burst through thu melted window glass und Into tliu street, but the Hying population will not stop to scoop It up. The cry of 'JFlre!" from the mountain will be answered by the cry of "FIrel" In thu plain. The conflagration will bum out from the continent toward thosen, and then burn In front the sea towanl the hind. New York and Loudon with onu cut of the red scythe of destruction will go down Twenty-live thousand miles of conflagra tion! Tliueurth will wrap Itself round and round in shioudof llaiuu and lludowulo perish. What then will become of your golden culf t Who then so poor as to wor ship it? Melted or between the upper nnd the nether millstone of falling mountains ground to powder. Dagou down, Moloch down. .Juggernaut down. Golden calf down. liOD'H JUIHiMKNT.S AUK NKIII. Hut, my friends, every day is a day of judgment, and God Is nil the time grind ing to pieces the golden calf. Merchants of Brooklyn and New York and Ivondon, what is the characteristic of this time in which we live "Bud," you sny. Profes sional men, what Is the characteristic of tho times lu which we llvof "Bail," you say. Though I should bo in a minority of one, I venture thu opinion that these, aru thu best times we havu had, for thu reason that God Is teaching thu world us never be Co iv that old fashioned bom-sty is the only thing that will stand. Wo have, learned as never beforu that forgeries will not pay; that the spending of fifty thou sand dollars on country seats nnd a pala tial city residence, when there aru only tidily thousand dollars income, will not pay; that the appropriation of trust fundi to our own private speculation will not iny Wo had u great national tumor In the Miupe of llctlllous prosperity. Wo culled it national enlargement. Instead of cull ing It enlargement wo might better have called it a swelling. It bus been u tumor, and God Is cutting It out has ut It out and the nation will get well and will comu back tu the principles of our fathers and grandfathers, when twice lluee iiiailu six Instead of sixty, and when the apples at thu bottom of thu ban el wcie just as good ns the apples on thu top of the btrrel, mid 11 silk hnuilfichicf was not half lottmi ami a man w ho wore a llvu dollar coat paid for was itioio honored than 11 man who woro a fifty dollar cent not paid for Tlio golden e.ilf of our day, like the onu of thu text, Is rrv apt to hu mailuout o( bun owed gold, The-e Israelites of tin) text burrowed the eairlMRs of the ICgyp Hans mid thin meltid them Into a. god. That Is the w.iy tin golden calf Is m nhi nowadays. A gieat ninny housekeeper, not pitying for tlieailletes they get, bonow of the grocer, and the baker, and the bilteh' er, and thcihy goods seller. Then thu re tailer borinws of the wholesale dealer Then the wholesale dealer borrows of thu capitalist, and we borrow and boiiownud hnriuw until the community Is divided Into two cluivn-1 hose who bonow mid those who urn borrowed of-and uftir awhile tho capitalist wants his money nnd be rushes upon the wholesale dealet, nnd the wholesale dealer wants his money mid lie rushes upon the retailer, and tin) lelalhr wants his money mid he tnshei upon the consumer, and we all go down to gel her Theio is many a man In this day u le rides lu 11 carriage and owes tin black' smith fur thu tlie, uud the wheelwright for the wheel, and I he tiluimer for I In curtain, and the di Iver for unpaid wages, mid I he harness maker for thu bridle and the flirtler for the tube, wlillu liom tin tip of thu cairiagu tongue clear hack ( the tip of tho shawl Hollering out of tie back of Hie chiclc everything Is paid for by notes that have been linen limes te Hewed. It Is tills temptation to borrow and bor row and bonow thai keeps tin people) everlastingly praying to the golden mil' for help, nnii Just, at Iho minute the) x Jieel Hie help the gulden calf treads nn them. The Judgments ot Gisl, like Mum -III the text, will rush lu mid bleak up tbl-. woishlp; and I say, lei the work goon up til every man shall learn to speak tiulb with Ills neighbor, mid I hose who make engagements shall feel themselves bound to keep them, and when a man who will nut repent of his business Iniquity, but goes 011 wishing to satiate his cannibal ap petite by devouring widows' houses, shall by thu law of the land he compelled In ex change his mansion for Slug Slug Let the gulden culf perish! I.AV UP lltl-.AKL'IU: in iii:avi:n. But, my f 1 lends, f wo have made this world our god, when we comu to dlu we will see our Idol demolished. How much of this world iiiejou going to lake with you into tliu tiexlr Will you have two pockets one ill each side of jour shroud? Willjuti cushion your rolllu with bonds and moitgugcs m celtllliates of stock Ah, mil Thu ferryboat that crosses this .Ionian takes 110 baggage-nothing heavier than 11 spirit. You may perhaps tuku live hundred ilollaiM with on two or thieu m tic-, In the shape of Itineriil trappings, to Greenwood, but you will huvo to lcuc them there. It would not be sufu for jou to lie down theru with 11 gold wale h or a diamond ilng, it would ten temptation to the pillagers. Ah, my friends, If we havu made this woild our gisl, when wu dlu we will see our idol ground to nieces by our pillow, il we will have todrlnu It in bitter re .ts for thu wasted opportunities!)! a life time. Soon wu will be gone. Oh, this ls a fleeting world; It Is a dying world' A man who hud worshiped It nil his days, lu his dying moment described himself when he said, "Fooll font I fool!" I want you to change temples, and to give up thu worship of this unsatisfying and cruel god for thu service of tliu Lord Jesus Christ. Here is thu gold that will never crumble. Here are securities that will never full. Hero uru banks that will tiever break. Here Is an altar ou which theru has been onu saciillcu once for all Hero Is a God who will comfort jou when you aro lu trouble, nml soothu you whei: you are sick, and save jou when you die. When jour parents have bleat bed their lust, ami the old, wrinkled and trembling hands can 110 inoru be put upon jour head for a blessing, he will be to you fat Iter mid mother both, giving you the defense of the one and the comfort of thunthcr; ami when jour children go away from j-ou, the sweet darlings, jou will not kiss them good by forever. Hu only wants to hold them fin J oil a little while. He will give them hack to you again, and he will havu them all wuitlng for jou at the gate ol eternal wei come. Oh, what a God lie is! He will allow you to come so cloie this morning that you chii put your arms around his nick, while he lu response will put his arms around your neck, and ull thu windows of heaven will be hoisted to let tho redeemed look out und seu the spectacle of a rejoicing fa t lu r and returned prodigal locked Inglori 011s embrace. Quit worshiping the golden calf, and how this ilny before him lu whose presence wu must all appear when the world has turned to ash 11 and t lie scorched parchment of thu sky shall bu tolled to gether like nn historic scroll. Tuberculosis In Cows. Tho danger of milk from tuberculous cowh Increases with the hot weather, mid theru in 110 way of spreading this disease ho generally in 11 city in summer time 11 s through the consumption of milk from emaciated und diseased cows. No other animal is capable of bearing tho disease, so long without exhibiting evidences of it us the domesticated bovine, and for this rea son it is dilllciilt to ascertain thu source of tuberculosis in many cases, Tim normal temperature of thu cow Is over 10-,' clegs., mid this high temperature makes it possi blu for her toendiiie tliu processes without HUtTeriug to any great extent. It Is rarely that thu human temperature rises much above this dining tliu stngrtot nctivu tuber culization. Dairymen theteforu often seu their cows performing their functions properly, uud yet tulwictilosls is present without their knowledge. The disease Is only uscei tallied by them when the animal is sick ami grows thin, and ields small iuuntltle of milk. Tin fact is, when tuberculosis de velops so far as to make tliu cow emaciated theiu Is no danger from thu milk, for It Is entirely dried up and none Is given The danger Is from tliu animals when they aru lu uppuicut guod health, Yankee Blade. Multkii Inter. lew ed. Once when the field marshal win stay lug for tlie baths at Itngatz, hu went alone through tlie woods to I'failYrs, As It wus 11 hot, thirsty day he stopped at a wayside inn for refreshment. Tho landlord hailed him with, "Bather at KagaU, aren't your" "Yes." "Moltku is ssid to be there, ehf" Yes." "How does hi look J"' "Well, he looks much us you or I look," answered the field marshal, Ou a Inter day the landlord was surprised to find ho had been Interrogating the great general himself. Pall Mall Gazette. Illludtess 1111 the llecreuse. Though we an told that blindness is on thu decrease, It is sad to 1 elicit that H00.000 people in Km ope sutler fiom litis dreadful iitlllctlou. Spain appeals 1 Is- the givat est sulTcier lu this ie Vi oculiH tells us that si at eel 1 twenty of wutehmukers sulTer ir ... eytn,- CliambcrV Jourptil. 4 At six pit cent, per annum nntl a cash commission or at eijjht per cunt, no commission, for periods 6f three or live years on well located itpproved real esi tate in Lincoln or Lancaster county. INTKKKST ALLOWKI) ON SAVINGS DI.I'OSITS DJU'USITOUS IIAVIC AII5JOMJTIC SICCUHITY. Union Savings Bank, 1 1 1 South Tenth Street. S't. I ndustrial SavingsBank IilJCVIJNTH AND N STUKICTS. ri Capital Slock, $250,000. Liability of Stockholcrs $5po,ooc intiiRIjst paid n DiU'osirs, Wm. Stull, Pros. J. 12. Uii.l, VicoPrcs, 4 Louis Stull, Cashier. Dikisctoms. D i Thompson, J5 Montgomery, Geo II. Hastings, II 11 Shaberg, VV II Mercery, J C Alltin, T E San tiers, J li Mill, Win Stull, Louis Stull, Geo A JMo'hrensteeher yO?z aitsvtxit.x't lr-xii ir .it ,J tki.. 'in. - ' iRvinn-ORCiran $. . Swim, fptvtfctov V- utcrlcn vcars of active worlc Ji ofOimilm, us IHieetur. during whleh tlmii the above Orchestra fur- L M nlshicl iiiuslu lor alt the prominent events, rcrlcull , theatrically, etc. i J, I eoimi to Lincoln lo engage personally In Oichrslru business, frilling W. 1 conn, lent thai I can furnish Its eltlens ilh Iho liest of music ut any f jJ and nil times, I'or terms ami liifurmutlou, call at ollleil of Uapitai. H. i Lirv CoUiUK.n, Hill N nti cct, or Telephone, 'iVI. J sW H AVI NJ just assumed pcrsonul control of uy handsome new stablct, It will be nn- aim to conduct a firkt-cln.. establUhmei'i, giving heft of care and attention to boises entrmlcd to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, and a Hue line of well-trained hones for II cr; uk-, fur uislicd, day or night. DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. FRANK RAMSEY, Foroman. Telephone 550 Stablos 1639 and 1641 O Stroet. Western Lincoln, Neb- An Old School in a New Location Ninth Year, 25 Departments. 30 Teachers Beautiful, health v location, magnificent buildings, fine equipment, superior accom inodiition, stiong faculu, comprehensive curriculum, thoiougli woik, high moral and chiicllan influences and low expenses make tills The SCHOOL FOR THE MASSES A practical education', without needles woste of '.line or money U lurnUhfd bv the j ' Western Normal College ! You can Enter any Time and Choose Your Studies iTItU great school is located in Hawthorne, three miles southwest of the post office and 1 will be connected In electric street car line. YOl'K. CAR FAKK I'AI I). In order that all may see our tnnnv advantages in the way ot buildings, equipments faculty.ctc. i we will pa our cur fare" from jour home to Lincoln provided you nre picscnt on - the I opening day of the fnll term. Sept. i8oj. Write for particular ' n..iul Vin 01.. nml uddressrs of 'Si young people and wo will send you eholeo of fine Hi-Inch . mUr Hie "no i o or M?'a Vulwlwloii lo our lllusirate.l educational monthly. C.VTA- I!o(uY vl A !' li ' ei I UUM.A HS.KIlKli. Address WM. It. UUOA is. I'rcn. or WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, Lincoln, 2tefri wM m Iti fci3re 1 TO LOAN -vrrT- h.sit.ii - it-Cr.V., itjrW music tt. ma GONOtllT ff MUSIC job conomiti ntcrrrioN DANOCI.IIO. i with thu .Musical Union Orchestra, r Finest in the Qity THE NEW LINCOLN STABLES. Normal College Neb. .1. K1NSI.KV. becrelury and Trenmrer FAST MAIL ROUTE I 2 DAILY TRAlNS-,2 -T0- AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joeph,Kana City, St. 1-ouls and all PolnU Southj Kait and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parson. Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal points In Kaunas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs I Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers ana FrM Reclining Chair Cats on ull train. J. B.R. MILIAR, H P. R. MILLAR, City 'Ucket Agt. Gen'l AgMtl.