Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 19, 1892, Image 1

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    tMt )
Vol.. 7 No. 60
Lincoln, Nicukaska, Satukday, Novicmiiicu 10, lBOli.
F'wtcifi Fivic ContH
m Tories
Why In It Mint tlio educators of our youth,
tho parents nml guardians, over choose music
an nn accomplishment In preference to art I
If a doting lather has nn nniount of money
to ox iwml on lifs faintly lio Immediately do
tides on music iir n luxury to lavish Uoii his
cherished ones, fondly Imagining that (level
opnieiit will umko nn tirtlst of Micin In Mil
specialty, A pmcnt spends hundreds of lot
lars In tho moderate education of n daughter
in music, only to see her come out, innko lnr
deliut not as n musician, hut as n society
girl. Sho then Riven up hor prnctlcu of past
regularity, censes to piny for her friends In
public, and booii growing rusty dislikes, mid
tienco declines tn piny nt nil. Utir rosebud
girl nnd muMclnii marries in time nnd In lur
household cares hu.lly engages horsolf. until
wo meet her n few years Inter on In lifo In u
pleasant homo, nun ountleil by a bright fam
ily: nnd nftor n while wo will boo her daugh
ter being given tho advantages of n musical
education llko unto her own. For what
reason or nlm such a task is assigned no ono
has renlly decided, but tho uautl conclusion
was determined from other precedent family
" ideas of culture, nnd so tho world moves on
and continues In its old rut.
If your child docs not show a special desire
and adaptability for music nnd its execution,
why wnsto your money and tholr energies
in the cultivation of n pursuit which you nro
sure they could not follow professionally,
nor oven be a skillful psrformor. lint if they
should acquire tho manipulation and usual
dexterity of lingering, through constant
thrumplng nnd practice without nascent
lovo for music and nn ear for tho symphony
of sound, buccosb will not crown their efforts.
Then after hours of laborious study of tlio
Czeruy and other five finger exercises, will
either become discouraged, from Inability to
cope with others in this Bphere, or from lack
of tlmo to devoto to daily practice, nnd wnnt
of application, our musical prodigy gives up
the coveted goal nnd retires from tho field
with the laurel crown of "what might liavo
been." After all that has been expended In
this luxurious attainment what has she to
khownsan acquired luxury! Naught save
"un old piano covered thickly o'er with dust,
tho keys are brown and yellow, and 'the
strings nro red with rust."
A young lady enters n studio from a lovo
of art and a deslro to become a true artist.
Sh will begin with the rudiment and foun
dation principles, cultivate tho eye and the
fingers to skillfully execute and detect good
work. She must aspire to original ideas nnd
then execute them In uu Idealization of her
tubject. Ono must work from casts and
from life objects, to perfect tho eye, to t,-nln
it in truo outline, proportions and perspec
tive, and afterward with an elementary
training ono can advancunud from tho sketch
class in black and white, curlculum easily
proceed to the stago of coloring tho still life
studies. There are few students (or peoplo,
in fact), who see objects alike, hence tho va
riety we observe in the various studios, of
technique, style and coloring. If our student
is still anxious to pursua her avowed pro
clivity and artistic proiiensitlos, with bor
rudimentary training slio will find herself
ably fitted to develop and elevate her chos-n
subjects. An urtlit, llko a poet, illustrates
from the homely ride of llfe.theieby enhano
Ing a virtue or exaggerates and magnifies an
evil. Thus we find an artist creating Ideals
and making a flue competence out of her
Again we will follow a student entering a
studio for the purpor o of doing a little deco
rative work, accumulating a few pictures
and odd bits of brio a brao and making the
family and her fi lends a few gifts of her own
work. Or mayhap she has a deslro for a lu
crative occupation, either ono of which if
properly applied mutt bring tho desired re
sult. She (the student) begins on some pieces
of canvas to be a- bright little study, or a
unlqus piece of china; no previous training
has prepared her, but tho teacher will either
assist her or sketch tho design herself, anil
then after f pending n few hours of labor and
a few dollars In money for tho decorative
fancy, her penchant taste is repaid doubly
in a charming bit of work which she can
display to her friends as a result of patience
and u trifle of adaptation. Sho does this
piece model atoly well and so may do several
others; and In tho end has a tangible evi
dence of tho "things of beauty and joy for
ever" to demonsti ato how her hmu s of labor
were actually tptnt. Our little artist friend
continues for n time In this work, makes
rome pretty 01 namentbl remembrances for
her friends, decointes hor ow;i "boudoir" or
hrme, cultivating her own eye fcr tho
beautiful and these with whom she comes in
contact by gocd taste in modes and style of
drefs, decomtlon and her leflued ideas of
beuuty, Bho finally drops tho palette, and
biuMies for a time, end perhaps months or
years Intervene ere tho opportunity or incli
nation to paint Is again offered. Is our little
friend at a loss how or where to begin I No,
indeed; sho is not awkward llko a musician
who leaves tho keyboard for a few weeks or
mouths. A musician, If absent for a time
from routine work, could not correctly exe
cute a harmony or even a few' melodious
strains If "out of practice;" the old com
plaint and thread-bare excuse of the pianist.
How about our little artist! When she Hint
picks up her brushes and colors, feels her
work (s a trllle crude, aim in tho use of her
brushes unable to hold them as surely as
when last In uto, thestiokesu little unsteady
at first will improve, and in u very short
period she must and will (like Hlchard), be
herself again.
1 do wish tluit the parents would see tho
'plausibility of this theory and allow the
i children the privilege of a choice. Kcouoiny
has long been pieuched and tho prevalent
idea that painting Is an exiioiislvo luxury fow
caimll'onl Is u mistaken theory, For every
dollar sjient In nrt tho followor derive Im
medtntfl valuo for value rendered. A picture,
it piece of pottery with sotno quaint decora
tion, a protty pleco of china or porcelain, nil
of which sponk for themselves In value, ns
compensation for exonso, tlmo and lulxir.
Who was ever so stupid that If once In life
they hud painted nnd been n declplo of nrt
could not ngnln reproduce similar effects.
To decorato ono does not need to possess tal
ent or genius. A neat workman, small
amount of originality, moderate degree of
patience, you or any ono can, under a fair
teacher, reach the acmo of your ambition
and do "soiuo pretty things."
Which will you choose to Iwn mechanical
musician or n airly good decorator! Iloth
are lino and worthy accomplishments, and
nro luxuries, not necessaries. Hence, from a
point of economy, wo cannot recommend
either one. Wolgh tho mutter well for your
self or child nnd follow tho lient of Inclina
tion, Surely nothing is n success unless en
tered into heartily, with manifest spirit.
Experiment with your children, soo If they
would enjoy tho pursuit of music or nrt, and
if It ensues not, drop it as n hopeless task.
Hut If Interest Is shown, sulllclout to denote
n lovo for either one, thou cultivate, on to
success and f.imo if K)sslhlo.
Mrs. MaJ. Ilohaiinn Is visiting In 1'eorla,
III., with friends.
Mrs. Will Wlttman Is busily etigngod do
lug some tapestry figures.
Mr. Will Oreen has boon doing some nice
decorative work recently anil his head Is full
of new Ideas.
Mrs. J. W. McDonald has been actlvoly
working on some delicate and unique after
dinner coffee cups this past week.
We dropped in on Mrs. K. K. Lowu tho
other day and found hor surrounded by a
large clas working in nil linos of nrt,
The many friends of Mrs. W. A. Preston
will bo pleased to learn sho Is doing some
exquisite pluses of china for Xmns re
membrances. Miss Resale Tuttlo is located at Rushvlllo,
Neb., now. From the orders she recently
sent In for materials, we judge sho has a
nourishing class at that little city.
l'rof. Bagg in tho IMchards block is as
busy as ever. He has several nice order
pieces in course of construction and a flno
working class to claim his attention.
Mr. Will Donnnhuo is dovotlng tho mest
of his time now in completing some crayon
orders. 'Mr. D. does excellent work and
can no longer bo classed with tho aumtuers.
Miss Mary Chapln devotes two days in tho
week to oil at Lincoln Normal and tho re
mainder of her time sho is to be found in her
charming little studio at the McMurtry
Miss Ilarton has a fine class engaged In
clay modeling. This class is beginning with
the fundamental principles and If they do
not progress it is noc the fault of tho
Theio is n lino lino of odd pieces In chlun
for decorative use, nt "Studio Hevera" UW
south l-'th. Any ono who U in search of a
novelty or souioumquoplocos will do well to
call and see the new Hue. Fresh invoice re
ceived weekly.
An "Nancy" predicted, there has boon a
number of nice parties given, and china
souvliicrs wore the prizes mid we now know
o( four more in contemplation where some
elegant odd ploctu ot porcelain will reward
the worthy.
Tho china craze seems to continue march
ing onward. Tho fever has struck a goodly
number and the epidemic is still with u.
Many ladles who never aspired to do any
Artwoik are now dabbling in the mineral
paints, dolug a Utile decorative china.
What do you think of the present drop
curtain at the LaiiBlugl I think it too bud
some of our amateurs could not have tho
opjwrtunity to correct the bad drawing,
aud arrange proportions and respective
for the assumer who put on the brilliant
draperies nnd color tones.
IturllUKton Itoiito-Wintur Tourist I tales.
Special low round trip rates are new in
effect to Austin, El l'aso, Houston, Lam
pases, Corpus Christi, Galveston, Laredo,
Rockport, San Antonio and V fiasco, Texas,
also to Doming mid Eddy, N. M., and to
New Orleans unci Luko Charles, la. These
tickets are good for return until June 1,
181KI. For tickets and further Information
apply to agent li, & M. depot, or city olllce,
corner O nnd Tenth streets.
A. C. Zikmek, City Passenger Agt.
Orchestru .Music.
Irvine's new orchestra furnishes Buperior
music, any number ot pieces, for concerts,
receptions, balls, pni tits, etc. I-envoordeis
at Couiiikr olllce, 1KH N street, telephone
Genevu Mills
"Purity," Hour Bold every-
Full lino of artists materials at Lincoln
Frame nnd Art company's. 2M South 11 ill
KC Unking Powder, 'J5 ounces for 25 coats
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried it!
Mrs. S. F. Ryan, fashionable dress making,
room 78 Uurr block.
K C Raking Powder, !M ounces for 25 cents.
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried It!
F, II, Harris, the Jeweler, Is showing some
beautiful now designs In bilverwuio, just tho
thing for presentations,
Uknuink Cannon City Com, at tho Lin
coln Coal Co., southwest corner of Klevuuth
vml O stieets.
Mrs. J. II. Hlair, tho
South Kloveuth street.
Lincoln milliner, 117
'cmcRGO' ram
(Special CouniKH Corrospmdonoc.1 I
ClllUAdo, Nov, 7, ISW. Ham deserter, am
I not! Well, I cannot help It. tfyutilmdu
World's Fair dedication on your hinds, with
a lnigoshaie of the earth along with It, as
well ns Miudlplumathcorpinnd Mrs. Potter -Palmer,
you would not have time to write
news letters for oven the best newspaper In
Nebraska, any more thnu "Chicago"' him,
What a picnic we hud, and you would have
thought It a real boiri lido picnic, minus Hill
ing worms and spiders, If you could have
stood with me nt the Neluaskii building and
watched tho pcoplollto in that giwit gateway,
armed "cap nqioo" with umbrella, camp
stool, wiaps, lunch baskets. And speaking
of lunch baskets, I must toll you n J ke on a
ery handsome and accomplished woman
who was a member of (lov Moles' party
from Iowa, and with that I promise, not to
say anything more nbout the time worn,
throndbaie subject of tho dollcntnry oxei
clses. 'I his young woman, w ho Is very
stilklug in appeaiiinco and would Induce ad
miration In any company, was arrange I In
"purple and line linen," bout on conquest.
In tills fame p.irty a queer old fashioned
little lady, who happened to ocupy a seat In
the samo carriage with tho young woman.
As the carriage took Its position directly be
hind the one containing Hie chief executive
of the state of Iowa, and moved in procession
out .Michigan avenue and Oratld lloulevard,
out to the Midway I'laisaiucu, tho yoiingjr
women did her best to entei tain tho little old
lady, In her own charming way. She had
noticed that a queer looking bundle rested on
the lady's lap, but thought nothing about it,
A pause caiiie at n distance of several lols
from the gateway, occasioned by a blockade
of cairltigcH. When under thu direct gnzi of
tho thousntidsof Moplostniidiiiglu llnenlong
tho Plal-ainco, slowly, nnd with great effort,
tho given string wustintle.1 and four huoiom
ham sandwiches wuro produced. As one
man that crowd waved their hats and yelled
"Iliinali for the Iowa hum sandwiches!"
"Three cheeis for tho old lady!" and, well
there sat the young woman, and sho refuse, I
to out the sandwich ollered her. Thus end -eth
tho (list lesson.
Dear old Tims. Keeno has Immmi hero for
two weeks. Richelieu, Mellaril III hit best
play, Hamlet, Othello, Merchant of Venice;
we have seen him In all of them, and havo
admired him very much. Tho audiences
that greeted him tested tho capacity of
McVlcker's theatre, nnd went away, some
pialslng, some ciiticlziiig. Ah ltlchclioil,
Othello, and Richard III, he Is perfect. I
have not seen him ns Shylock and his Ham
let I do not llko. He does much fine work in
the part, but it seems that ho makes,,., effort
to please, nnd does so quite naturally. HU
company h n splendid one, w 1th ono of who...
I... lhL. i.i, Vi.i. .' r. ..."
he shares his honors. This one is Julliu
Scott, who tnkes tho part ot tho King lu
Hamlet, of Iago, tho basest villain Shakes
pear ever created, and he is duo. One feels
that it would be u positive pleasure to "iniir-
ther" him. Miss Cralgen, as Dehdcmoiiu, I
mil peifectly willing to see choked, but as,
UM?hll(i she is splendid. That Is, I do not
wish to bo unjust to thu lady. Her acting is
very clever, but hor appearance Is against
her. Tho Inter-Ocrnn has lioeu very adverse
in Its criticisms of Keeno during this last en
gagement of his. 1 think it unwarrento I.
Hearing tho dato of October t'tli comes a
wee card from Mr. mid Mrs. William Mor
ris, on which is engraved the name or their
blessed bnby, Lloyd Guthery Morris. May
ho live to be as charming as his parents. I
ho)o soon to see them, as tho company plays
here again In "Bottled Out of court" next
month, when I shall pay my rcsjiecU persou
ally to small Master Morris.
It waxes late au revolr. Truly yours,
William Dean Howells, the novelist, pays
this graceful compliment to .lanms Whit
comb Riley; "Tho fnct U, our Hoosler Poet
has found lodgment in pooplo' love, which
Is a much safer place for any poet th.iu their
admiration. What he has said of very com
mon ospoct8of life bus endeared him; you
feel, lu reading his vorse, that there Is ono
of the homeliest souls that ever uttered itself
in that way, and that he is truo to what we
all know because he has known It, and not
beruuio ho has just verified it by cIoju ob
servation." Mr. Riley will read now and
highly attractive svloctious from his own
works at thu Lansing theatre MomWy even
ing. November Ulstt.
Ileer I'or l'anilly Use.
For family trade tho John Quud Hruwin
Co. Is now delivering a siqierlor grade of ex
tra pale lieer in either pint or quart bottles.
This boor for table use has no -quil and is
meeting with popular favor with all the best
trade of the city. Prices as cheap as tint
charged for inferior ivcv. Leave orders at
ofllco, ail North Ninth street, Owsar Hon -k,
agent. Once trltsl no other lieer will bo nets I.
Why not order a sample case of it.
An Souvenir.
The Western Resort Hook, a finely Illus
trated publl cation dcH'ilptlve of all tho west
ern resorts along the Hues of the Union Pa
cific system. Sent free ujion receipt of six
cents In stamps. J. T, Mastlu, C. T. A.,
1044 O street, K. A. Slossou, General Agent,
Lincoln, Nob.
IliirlliiKloii lloute I'luyliig Cards
New design, round corners, flexible linen
stock, permanent colors, worth 60 cents. .We
sell them at 10 cents. Good scheme to buy a
lew pucks; might need them this winter;
euchro, whist, high live, etc.
A. C. ZlKUKlt, City Pnsi. Agt.
After Twenty Years.
This Is the title of ti renowned literary
work that has been rend the country over.
"After twenty years," lu Lincoln, would
ulso make u decidedly Interesting work, with
Kiigeuu Hallett us Its leading lUure. Mr.
Halleit started business In Lincoln over
twenty ytnrs ugo, having established his
well-known jewelry house here in 1871,
Since thou lie him kept npnee with every pop
tltur movement and progressive strido made
by tlio town, ami like the city, Is o msl lored
the most prominent In the state, When new
novelties were a.-nouticcd, llullt'tt Ins al
ways been tho Hi ist to show them, and as for
tho newest of Mm standard linos of goods,
Hnllott has ulwaya kept a leprrsijntntlva
stock. Ilallolt's career of twenty yems of
business In Lincoln has iimdii many ft lends
and n large patronage for hhii.
Mis. drowning' llulilts.
Mrs). Drowning woto her hnlr In long
ringlets, which, fulling very much over
her face, and when seen In piiiHIe suggest
ed the utiplciislug Idea of blinkers that
harshly cut n cross the graceful curves: ot
brow and check. It was this stylo of ar
ranging the hair that Hindu Mrs. Drown
ing look, nut old fashioned for Mint would
have given u touch of seiitlinciiL but
strangely out of fashion. Her slight, pret
ty figure was rather disguised than set olT
by garments that fell lopping nbout her,
but, thank heaven, she was entirety free
from thu bad taste of the self styled clever
women w ho acknowledge themselves to be
failures ns women by uplng n inascullno
style of dloss and address.
in conversation Mrs. Browning seemed
reserved, with a certain proud aloofness of
inantier; atthu hiiiiiu tlmo Micro was n lis
telling reticence In her attitude that did
not help tho playful tossing to and fro of
talk. Occasionally sliu Hung her remarks J
Into thu midst of thu discussion, and such
remarks, cro weighed, measured and full
of sense and purpose. It was evident that
.Mrs. Drowning had not thrown off the
habit acqitltcd In tho years of sllencolti
her darkened chamber of conversing In a
a ono sided way with the best hooks, wh'.ch
Is vastly dllTcrent from conversing with
the hot men, Chicago News.
Ileum Dressmaking.
Tho sensible woman, she who lias the
best taste and knows just how to make the
best of It, is learning, If slio doesn't thor
oughly understand It already, to have her
dresses- made at home. Thorn never was a
tlmo lu thu history of clothes when ho much
dressmaking was dune nt home. Women
have grown tired, oh, so tired, of thu same
ness of custom dressmaking. The mistress
of the household selects Rome young girl
or woman who Is handy with her needle,
then she goes studiously to work and plans
her own wardrobe. First of nil, slio tries
her hand oil an Inexpensive, dress, rind If
she makes n niicccm of It, which she is
very likely to do, she goes on from ono de
gree of perfection to another.
Three-founts of the difllciilty nbout
dressmaking likes in tho fact that women
do not realize what absurd figures they
' ?' '" th P1"1''1" "?, IT'V "CU 'h tho
consclo.snosH of MiIhiIuwi, on them
,n, l ', " otk ,H ,,!,I'BS f.or ,UV n, """"""i
will tl'y consent to look ridiculous-, or
what' is even worse, commonplace, while
harmony, symmetry mid beauty can be
had by working for It; for whatever her
follies nud vanities may be, the American
woman Isn't lazy, especially when It comes
to mntters of adornment. New York
What m Wise Hlolher Van Uu.
A wise mother can take ten minutes
every day and rend to her children a few
words on astronomy, geology or physiolo
gy. Not dry statistics, which carry no
knowledge to the little minds, but the
names of planets and stars, tholr places
mid the mythological story connected witli
them; stories of the strata of rocks, with
coal nud other minerals buried beneath
clay and stones; how the hot waters aud
the cold are deep down under us, walling
for man until he needs them and discovers
their hiding placer; stories of our own
bones and nerves, muscles ami bloisl; the
courts of our food from thu mouth to the
stomach; how fresh air invigorates us, and
stimulants dry up the tissues It Is aston
ishing how easily little children learn the
long words nnd use them Intelligently.
All these subjects nnd a hundred mora are
brought before them everyday in a rightly
conducted kindergarten. Home Journal.
Tim Hecret of llntertuliilng,
A man does not enjoy the feeling that
what interests a girl he has no knowledge
of nud rather than make mistakes will re
main silent, for men are very sensitive to
rldlcu'e nnd are not going to let a girl
laugh nt them If they can help It, but touch
on his favorite hobby nud he will think
you charming, simply because you have
Introduced u topic on which he feels i
home. No mutter what it is, if you simply
arrive at the keynote there will bo no trou
bio about conversation, and in this easy
way you will lmv established your repu
tation as a charming, intelligent, well lu
formed woman, when. In all probability,
you will only bo permitted to nod appiovul
or say yes nud noat proper Intervals, New
York Commercial Albert Iser.
Women ami Men.
Ah n rule women require ono hour of
Bleep more a day than men. Fewer of the
latter roach the age of fifty than the for
mer, but afterward the sterner sex has the
last of It. It has ulso hcciiound that sin
gle women live longer than single men,
while married women on an average live
two years longer than tdngle ones.
A woman's chance of getting married U
calculated to be only !! per cent, when
sho reaches her fortieth year. As there
are still more men than women in the
United States, more of the fair sex should
emigrate. As it Is four men emigrate to
three women. There Is said to lie only one
sadden death among w omen to eight among
men. Chambers' .Journal.
When Whipped Cream Is Nice.
Whipped cream Is a delicious adjunct to
deep npplo pie, and should bo sent to the
table In a glass IkjwI. It Is nice with any
told dessert, jelly, blano mange, etc., with
a little Jamaica ruin to tlavor It. New
York Journal.
Fine picture fi anus made, to order at II.
W. Cowles, 110 and l'.M South Twelfth treot.
In a recent Issue the CoifiilKU gave cur
rcticy to some of the imnieroiiH nnd earnest
complaints against the exorbitant prices be
ing paid for electric lights, n word of criti
cism that has mot with the expressed ap
proval of many patrons of tho gas and
cltctrlo light company. This expiosslnu has
biought out the Information that the com
pany which has a monopoly of the lighting
business In this city has ts-en reaping enor
mous pi ollls from Its Investment. A gentle
man who lins investigated tho matter says
that outside of Its building, the electrlo light
company has an even ff0,0(X) Invested In Its
plant. It has bonded Itself In thu neat sum
or $11X1 (KH) mid llHcd of Its bonds to
rasUru Investois, and Is now paying a divi
dend of !iS per cent umiii tills iiiioriiious
amount of stock, or almost Ills) upon tier cent
the actual Investment. Tho result Is seen lu
tho pi Ices extol ted'froui tho publlo for elec
Mo lights, lii'uudcscout light', which In
eastern cities, where they are Inn nisi until
1 1 o'clock, cost sixty cents a mouth apiece,
niii chargisl for hero, where fluty are
burned only until liMIH), nt the rate of 'J: 1.1
pel mouth. One consumer declines that ho
pays II cents per night for each light whli'h
could be had ahmst nnywheio else for six
cents each per night. The system of metois
supplied by tho ci.inpnuy Is causing n gloat
deal of complaint because of lis luelllcloti'y,
or lather its over-elllclency. One patron
of the company who took tho pains to In
vestigate tho working! of thu machine
rurtihhid him, found that It kept Itself dill
giutly at work all day when no lights weio
burning, so that a place of hiislucts which
was a lew yeais since lighted for about lf
inn up li bill of alsiut 45 by the meter.
Such little Incidents as the above are uum
einus, nnd ale arousing a great deal of
antipathy nnliist tho company which is
reaping such a rich harvest therefrom, so
that hundieds of people will welcome the iu
foi million that men of means have lu
toicstod themselves In the orgnnbatlon of n
new comi'iiny that will lie heard ft em soon,
ii company that lias arrangements almost
completed for putting In it plant that will bo
the Pest that money can buy and will fur
nish the competition now so much to bo
do sited.
"Yes, my dour Imy," replied n well-p(Hited
father to nn inquiring sou, "physicians
abuse ench other, not exactly for advertis
ing, but for paying for thu advertising they
manage to squeeze out of the piisrs, When
you get into the newspaper huslncfs, ns 1
hoHj you will someday, ior all truly good
nud gloat nit n get theie sooner or Inter, you
will learn how ensy It Is for a doctor to
howl against ieriulttliig his rival to adver
tise ami immediately call up tho editor br
telephone and seductively Inquire: 'Don't
you want a personal, Just to help till up! I
wish you would say that Dr. nud
wile have i etui ned from a professional trip
to Fooltown. I want my patients to know
that I am on duty.' And, my boy, It you
should chance to ever wi far forget yourself
ns to be a doctor, i.Htenirof n id jo, generous
editor, don't ever do that. If you wnnt
your patients to know that your fame Is so
wldo-spiead that you huve been called to
Fooltown to smooth some one's way to tho
grave, put n notice to Mint elfect in the
paper nnd pity tor It, or write them all per
sonal letters nnd tell them about It In a
friendly way. Or better yet, send them a
bill for your hist visit. This is the best way
to lemiiid thnu that vou are ut home. Hut
don't ask the new ipnper to do fieu for you
that which you thl.ik should be paid for by
others. In other wolds, If you think a hue
In tho newipas-is will do you good, don't
iifck It lor nothing. Newspniers do not
gion-Jon trees. They cost money, jutt as
little pills do, and while a good many of thu
cditoiB live on wind, the men Mint work for
them have not advanced that far in the
profession and insist ou having their bread
aud sometimes plo."
About the most aggravating thing that
one can encounter in a day's travel is the
plioiugiaplilc music Imx that grimly le
ceives one's nickel and absolutely declines to
lender value ncel veil. If there is event
time when the germs of anarchy and hlt'or
hatrfd of monopoly spring Into full-blown
aud buxom maturity aud tills him with the
passion for the wilful destruction of prop
erty, it is when ho sees his nickel bring no
lerponsu fioiu the symphunetlo wizard.
Theio are several of those traps for the un
wary nickel In this city, and it Is no uncom
mon thing to toe a number of very angry
piM-ipIo a.ound them. Wht-n adults ate the
victims it Is nil very funny, hut Inst Tiles-
day evening a little girl who had droppisl
hor nickel Into nn unicsiKiusive slot excited
couslileialile compassion and . . utile no
friends for the machine or Its owners. It
may he piikumisl that one of these dumb
machines may rnko in a good ..mny un
earned nickels iiuring a day and it ought to
lie ectnlilli-lad Mint any victim had the right
to bin st it op., aud extinct Ills nickel.
Five cents Is a small sum, hut no man likes
to roallzo that he has la-en robbed of even
that mite. Some one will establish a much
needed piecedeut some day nud go after his
nickel with uuuxe.
"I have attended n good mnny sessions of
tho legislature lu Nebraska," said a lady nt
ordinarily keen powers of observation and
a high sense of personal honor, "and I am
convinced that some rigid steps should lie
Inaugurated to disinfect tho moral tone of
the galleries and fcomo of the adjoining
olllce that lire populated only during the
session. It Is disgraceful to think that a
lady of respectability cannot attend tho
sessions without being brought In contact
with such wo. noil as have boon wont to
liuunt tho gallflies, with the sanction and
open favor of members, There should lie
loss ground for the U'undals that alway
llngr around the legislative halls. There
was Ices of this objectionable phase ot slates
mniithip appai out during the hut session
tho lndoNudout legislature thnu during
any of It prodroosors for many years, hut
even the last session hail Its disgraceful
scandals and the sturdy Independents wnro
mixed up In them."
Now that the campaign is over one mny
Iioh, without Incurring tho suspicion that
lie Is piojudicod on account of politics. Hint
some of the men who forced themselves to
tho fiont during the boat of tho IiIimhIIom
f i ay and succeeded In making thrco-rlngod
chouses of themselves with doleful regular
ity, will subside Into the particular rf-cosso
of obscurity that were apparently built
especially for them, Ks0()lally shoiild some
ot the young men who have been endeavor
ing to shoulder the burdens of the entire
political campaign got In nut of tlio wet, as
tho fool killer Is known to materially abate
Ids leniency just after uvory slltlcnl
O to can not but admire tho enterprise Mint
affords visitors to eastern and Kuropeiin
cities oonivolctil guides to show tlmui
whither they want to go. A tirin who has
been much abroad suggests that there Is u
Hold for such uu agency In Lincoln, us we
need 'em. Tho stranger who would under
take to thread the Jungle of old herdlcs,
superannuated hacks, cripple I wagons nnd
ci a.y buggies on South Tenth street 'would
certainly welcome such a inotropjlluii con
venience hhii guide who was fimlllnr with
thu by. paths.
Tho coming legislature should adopt some
plan for si curing scodlcr nnd moiu ac
curate lotuins from elections, ns numerous
other states Ituvo done. There is no souse In
being coihOIciI to wait a week boloru It en. I
bo told who Is olccUsI, And some more
stringent Miles should be adopted to secure
coiusiteut election boards, lu one of tho
prccincu In this city whole there were but
lit) votes cast, was not completed
until seven o'clock the morning nftor elec
tion. It makes one weary to see some of the
election and registration olllclnlsut work.
I wmitd lint,, ti, ill,. In unrlriirtlliin '
- -"' '"" ', n ,
dieainlly sighed a pisjtlc, soul, "because you
know It Is to wet and disagreeable, .an 1 you
know It is Mich n long, long way between
tho pavemant nnd tho cemetery. There
would bo no comfort in dyiu in Lincoln
except lu a droughty hummer.
Didn't Search Ills I'uoksts.
Kghert had la-en nway from homo eight
years. Hut in nil that time his love for
Lis only sister had not grown less. Often
his heart had spanned the intervening
leagues and lu his imagination ho held her
hnnd ns they wandered over tho familiar
hills together. Shu was ever In hi
thoughts. Ah he ilea red homu the bright
fjit vision that came to his mind was ot
Hose, now just budding Into womanhood,
running to greet him. Ho had been her
companion, playmntn and protector from
Infancy. During their long yearn of so
nratlon no stronger passion had comu to
drive her from his heart. Hu was
nil Impatience to see her. She would
throw her arms nlHiut his neck; her klssot
would fall upon his face; she would plead
with him never to leave her again. Would
sho scutch his pockets for bonbons as In
the old duyhf They were there ready for
It wah dusk when hu swung wide tho
gatu of the dear old country place nnd
dashed Up the graveled walk. Ills .aged
parents worn ut the ihxir to greet him.
It was a great Joy to meet them, but the
scene was not im he had pictured li.
"Where was Rosnliclr"
"In the orchard, Kgliert, but"
"Oh, we'll bo back in a moment," and ho
flew down thu path, throwing back a kiss
to tho dear old mother. He waa a boy
again, full of tho joy ot early youth.
Out under thu trees he ran, looking hero
and looking there; n glance nt the great
apple tree where thu big swing used to lie;
through the little grove of plums where
the hammock always hung; past the
rustic bench at tho foot of the el pis. Not
there I Ah, sho must be under the grape
arbor by thu hedge! On again. He saw
something whltu glimmer through tho
vine; sliu wns there. Parting the leaves
ho rushed forward with u glad cry to em
brace her.
"Thu dov"
"Why, Kgbcrt, isityouf Mr. Do Dan
derly, this is my brother." Detroit Trlb
vuo. Troubles of Childhood.
Dorothy, eight years old, is not only in
dolent but has ii Hoinuwl.ut "snarly" dis
position. Thu other day her aunt heard
her saying querulously to herself:
"Oh, dear! oh, denrl I don't kuow what
i to do I"
"What is the matter, Dorothy!" her aunt
"Oh, mamma told mo I might go over to
Jennie Crossley's and my hands are dirty,
and 1 don't know whether to wash them
or put on my gloves!" Youth'a Compan
ion. DMi.gers of limiting;.
Clara When George aud I are. married
I'm to havo my own way lu everything.
Dora Guess, you won't.
Clara Indeed I will. Thnt's tho bar
gain. Don't you remember I told you he
iiroposed to mo in n ruwboat, and asked If
'd float through lite with him just that
"Well, ho was rowing, but I was steer
ing. "-Now York Weekly.
An Ornlthnloglcitt Item.
Tho small daughter ot a well known
Boston physician went to visit her grand
mother in tho country recently, and being
town born and bred the singing of the
birds was u new seiuatlou for her. "What
is Mint nolsof" she Inquired. "Minis sing
ing," replied her grandmother. "That is
a golden robin." Thu next day the midget
Informed her mamma sho would llko to
ear that ngnln. Dooton Herald.