Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 12, 1892, Image 4

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MQNDAY, , ; (
hi nnd Stumped Linen Hair, ' M
1)oyllc-Fringed mul Hemstitched,
In ilnlti FlguicilDuuuisk,
Lisik t the Prices, .
.1. 7t l. '5i &'. cncli, cheap nt
twice the pi Ice' ! (
Tray Cloihs, 1' hie rienislllclicd,'
Damask, l'lnln nipl Filnged, , .
In latest Designs,
?5. 35. W 730, actually worth "
Ipe to $i,iii cncli.
Lunch Cloths of nil klnd,
t 1 1
Fringed mul llcmslh'hed,
IV, 75, 07c, $1 . 19, woilli 75c 1i,,50!
Sraifs, In I'lnln mul rnncy Drown
Thieml, llem.stlicliedand Fflnged,
9, ry, 97c, 5.1,35 mul $1 .65, worth
750 to $1,35 eiiclt.
All our Finer Grades will receive
the smne intention .
Slumping Done Fiee on nil
good bought of u.
The Ladies'
1039 O Street.
Thanksgiving Day
may seem funny, but that
was what the people told of
in "A Misfit Thanksgiving"
experienced. The story will
be the feature of the feast
prepared in our
Thanksgiving Edition,
with other dainties to give
zest to the whole.
Order Extra Copies' at Once.
, w v'r.-v- -3fTslat
L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor
wi:hhki.ithvi:ns piusi'inu 00.,
tint N Hlryot.(
TolDpllOIIOHI-OlllCO. 'AVI. ItnslllillJO, 'J I .
Htilnrlirl'iil Itrttt. In .lilviiiirt.,
IVr minlltn -. Tliroo mnnius
Hl.x nioiillin
Mil HUmlo copies
Entered t tlm M,l()llliv' or Lincoln. Noli,,
11 second class mutter.
Get the Genuine only nt
1 1U11TOX, Managed
ii Block, cor. utlinndO Sts. Tel. 716
The Thanksgiving Turkey
will seem of better flavor to
the people
read our
who have first
F.nrniiiitrirs 11 lli.ii "I
"Oh, Tin ho tlrnll" 1111 Id Mm. Nobnoddy
at hinul'i'Dii mm day.
"What In tlm world hiivoyou hern doing
to make you tlrrtH" wiuUrliiKly Inquired
Mr. Nohinshly. "I pay fortlio services of
several servants, mid 1 can't imiiglnu how
a woman surrounded n you nru iniitiiiKt'N
lo weary herself."
"1'vu bet'U HlioppliiK, dear," 11I10 said
"Shopplngl" growhsl lie. "lust ni 1(
shopping In not 11 recreation Instead of
work. It's strange to 1110 how women
nmku no nincli of It. I'd like to do your
shopping for you, Just to show you how
men go about iinytlilnj,."
"It In very kinil of you, my dear, to offer
your services," hIio responded, "mid now
that 1 think of It, I fulled to get a yard of
silk which my dressmaker says I need to
IIiiIhIi 11 gown hIiu Is making for me. If I'll
give you n sample of tlm goods will you
bring 11 yanl of It homo with you thin even
ing and wivo 1110 going tlvr itr"
Mr. Nobnmhly wiih about to say ho was.
very biiHy, but Just then tlm thought oc
curred tohliu that It was 11 giMsl oppor
tunity to Impress upon his wife's mind
What u dimple thing It In to do shopping,
to ho replied)
"Why, certainly, my dear; It will only
tako half a uiluiitii of my time. I can just
an well net It as not."
A half hour later Mr. Nobnoddy laid a
sample of Just ordinary black nllk before
nuili-smaii, remarking ns Imdld no that he
wished 11 yard of the mimu material. Tlm
nalennmu studied tlm sample very care
fully, felt of it. held It Up to tho light and
dually linked;
"Wan thin sample bought herof"
"I don't know," unlit Mr. Nobnoddy,
wondering what In the world that had to
do with tho matter.
showing the niunpluto another nalenuian,
came biiek nnd said. "Very worry, hut
we've nothing In the store to match that."
"Whatl" nalil Mr, Nolinodily inn dazed
HtAte of mind, "can't match common black
nllk V Mid hu hanteiii'd to another ntore.
Hero ft clerk took down about fifty pleeen
of nllk, all but two of which he-nut back.
Thono hu carried to tlm front of tho ntore.
Mr. Nobnoddy, who wiih lwcomlnji anxious
to (let ImcIc to hln ofllie, closely followed.
"Thin nlece."mild the clerk. "Is tho right
color, but in In too heavy; thin one In tlm
right weight, hut uot tho right Hhndc.
Sorry, but neither of them will do," and
Mr. Nobnoddy in 11 perplexed Mat oof mind
hastened on. At the next utoro thu unlCM
maii took a great deal of time nnd'weut
about the work of matching nllk an though
ho were tho only man 011 earth who knew
jiixt how ttnliould huiloue. From 11 largo
numlxlr of pleeen ho nulected(three, which
ho took to a iilacn where tho light was
good. Mr. Nobnoddy took 1111 active inter
est In the deliberations. "Thin piece
would do, only It In too heavy: this in right
iu weight, hut otT In color; this ono is rlolil
In weight and color, hut you nee it ban no
gloss. Very norry that none of them will
Mr, Nobnoddy groaned, remarked nome
thing uddrensed to 110 ono In particular
ami started on. The afternoon wan fast
wearing away and It wan licglnnlng to
grow lato. The ntores were crowded and
hot an ovens. Mr. Nobnoddy'n collar was
molted and hln ntock of patience wan re
ducexl to u remnant; but bo assured him
elf that ho would buy that yanl of nllk if
it took nil Hummer. In tho next ntore hopo
hone brightly (or an instant. "Thin piece
of nllk," nnitl the nalcHiuau, "In all right
in weight, color and gloHH, but tho twill fs
uot the name an the namplo and could not
bo nned with It."
From that tluio on Mr. Nobnoddy had no
recollection of what happened. Hln mind
eemetl to have become dnr.ed In bin mad
runh from ntore to ntore, and ho wan dually
taken in charge by the police, who con
veyed him to bin home. Ho in just now re
covering from hln no v ere, spell of brain
fever, but tho doctor nays It would prove
fatal If any one should mention shopping
to him during thu next nix months. Chi
cago Times.
'Not n Hint.
The tramp who knocked obtrusively at
tlm front door wan 110 longer young. There
wero fnrrnwN on his brow, nnd the dust of
several decades clung to hln countenance.
Tlm portal opened almost at hln touch.
Ho wan addressing mi elderly woman In
a black cashmere gown.
"I haven't had a mouthful toeatslncu
last week.'"
Tlm response wan Immedlato and cordial,
"Dear me. Coino right In, My diiiigh
ter'n married today, and tho Wedding
cake" ,
Thu tramp recoiled suddenly.
"on a minute, May I ask you a ques
tion or two, madam t"
Hu cleared his throat.
"My dear madam"
Ho evinced 11 considerable degrco of
"do you notice jmy thing about 'ma
that resembles featboriif"
Thu woman gasped.
"No-o-o," she faltered. ,
Tho tramp expressed satisfaction. ,
"See any wings on mot" ho demanded
with great cnulldence.
Tho woman shook her head and looked
scared. ,
"Thank you, madam"
Hu heaved a nigh of relief.
"I didn't know, from tlm drift of
your remarks, hut you took mo for an
ostrich, I hid you good day."
With n quick, incisive Head lie left the
spot. Detroit Tribune.
i:TtliliiK Corel. fii.
"Your wife's people," said tho man iu
tlm mackintosh, "live somewhere In the
east, do they not J"
"Yen," rtiplied thu man with tho creased
troiibern, "In New llinupshiic."
"Wasn't there nomu lotunuee connected
with yourmnrrlaguf"
"Wo runaway to get mairhd. That
was all. Thu old folks bllteily oppov-d
tho malrli."
"Kver been back there?"
"No. They sent us wind they never
wanted to nee us again."
"And they have never forgiven your"
"Why aw yes," said thu man with tin
creased trousers, "They forgavn us about
tin re mouths ago. They're mining to tin
World's fair nuxt year. "-Chicago Trib
No Use.
In Hcrmudii, nays Mrs, Knllliis, jour
driver and your washerwoman In lug you
every day bunches of Dowers that In New
York would cost live or nix dollars; but
not even live or six dollars would liiduic
them to hurry their horses or change the
day for bringing back the wash
In the shops dealers almost lesent your
demands upon their ntock, and the story N
vouched for of one slioplueper who ex
tiln I iiihI IiU liir.k nf kitlm-l h Imlt llinllll ihI Tor
Then tlm clerk, after ,(J, tlu traordlnnry statement'
"People kept coining mid coming Tor It
and bought us all out just as last ns we
got It III, so wo stopped keeping Hi"
Youth's Companion. '
Tor Hie Ilulldii Triiile.
Customer That "boy's tool chest" 1
bought of you was a fraud, Tlm tools
didn't last' 11 week.-
Dealer You must have been using
them yourself.
"Of couri.e."
"Thoso tools wero Intended for boys, not
men. They would have lasted jour boy a
year nt least."
"I handled them more carefully than a
boy would."
' "No doubt, lint you used lliem a weeK.
Ahoy would have tired of them In two
days and a half." Huston tllobe.
Tlm I.nwjrr from Ht. I'liul Could Not Ho
In 11 certain village which rejoiced In the
possession of only one lawyer nn action
was commenced before Justico 8., nnd
W.i tho locnl attorney, retained by the
plaintiff, The defendant employed coun
sel from, the county neat, buti.tho, return
day ciitiiu nnd ikj. lawyer iipiicnm, Do
fepdant, ill distress, was relating his woes
to a group of Idlers on tlm lookout for fun
and inlsclili'f, when n stranger appeared
wearing a suit of black with silk hat nnd
gold headed cane. This was ono A., 11
"trtsi peddler" from 11 neighboring town, a
fellow of much versatility and acumen,
aipl wlthaj consldvrabluof ftjyag.
Some ono of iliogfoup," seeing sport
head, told thu defendant that A. was
Judge X.. ft great lawyer from St. Paul,
and that If thu judge could be prevailed
upon to taku bin casn victory was sure.
To carry out the Joke tho defendant wan
introduced to thu pscudo judge, and ex
plaining tlm situation besought his aid.
A. condescendingly replied that, although
ha had long since ceased to practice in
theso Inferior courts, he appreciated the
hard situation of his would bo client, nnd
would consent to iindertaku hln defense.
When ushered Into the presence of tho
court ho was Introduced to hln honor an
Judge X., of Bt. Paul. S., highly elated nt
tho honor of having such eminent counsel
appear Iu his court, at onco called thu case.
A. arose, inadu 11 motion to dismiss, and
argued with great pomposity nnd at con
nlilerablo length, ipiotiiig pretended de
cisions of tlm supremu courts of thu United
Htates and the statu of Minnesota, refer
ring to Hlackstouu and every other law
writer of whom hu had ever heard, and not
omitting tlm most open mul shameless Mat
tery of tlm magistrate. When lie con
cluded nnd sat down, W., tlm local coun
sel, arosu to reply, whereat tho Justice
smotu thu table a thundering blow and
cried Iu a voice pregnant with righteous
Indignation: "Sltdown, slrl That Is Judge
X., of St. Paul. Don't you suppose In.
known thu law? What do you mean by at
tempting to contradict hinif Thin case
will bo.ill.Hinlsscil." (.reeii lln.
If j oil lift's the bargains offered for next
week by. I. W. Winger & Co. you will re
Mix. H. F. Ityaii.fiisliloiiiihlitdriw linking
room 78 Hinr block.
Mis. Ons'ierV Nil tsipulnr plneo for tho
ladies. They get their nobby heailuenr
them and likewise have their heads nobblly
eiiilielllslii'il tlieie. Seel
Fall Business
1 XT,
Is now. In full nwtiii!. and while the tnerense In
the wiliinii! of our business has been highly
"nitlsfnetory, we are striving to still augment . , .
' the popularity of our establishment bv selling , .
Dress Goods, Cloaks,
Ladies' Furnishing Goods,
and Dry Goods,
' of every description, nt popular and extraordi
nary) low prices Interesting bargains Iu every
department . Wc will not bo undersold. We
want your trade and will make It profitable and
Interesting to everyone who calls at the
"Progressive Dry Goods Emporium,"
11 1 1 and 1143 O street.
New lino of picttiii moulding nt CowlisV,
IIP South Twellth Miei-t.
Hock Srm.Nos
Co. Hion.i-HO
Coal attbo Lincoln Coal
M, Ii. Trmter makes people happy by sell
Ing them lumber and coal at 1 1 III O street.
Card ciwex and ladles coin and 'speelo
pulses hi morioeo, llnsslaii leather, dongolar
kid nnd French calf at Hector's I'liarnmey.
Ask your groceryinan for
Holler Mills" Dour. Clias.
prietor. Kuquliofor
'M.lttlo Hatchet,"
"Nlckle IMiitu" and
"linker's Constance."
Kvery ruck win ranted.
the "Wllber
Harvey pro
A carload of new Colorado 'xitatoen Just
leeelvisiiiiUiNiK-iiaiiy urooery company s,
They won't lust long.
Iowa prtatoes,
Trester has the prettiest display of any
dealer In Lincoln at 11 10 O stieet.
One hundred do.eli ladies1 hand Inltlii
handkerchiefs, iinrin.v hem worth -I) een tn
or Monday at. 'icents each. No Mich value
over offered before.
.1. W, WiNor.H & Co.,
1101) O street.
Mrs. (io4ei' lead In millinery, as who nl
ways has. The new Invoice or line pattern
hnts just received convinces every ono more
than ever of that fact.
When j 011 want real values for your
money, iu jowelrj , call 011 K II. Harris, lliil
A dw
.. . w
a i
TV. j rv-U5MT i8I ' B , ,'
Upon the purchasu.of nil Overcoat and wish to save from two to five dollars, wc
can put hi 01tr way the best
Money is wortli
as much for ns
than ever, and
you can get for love or iiiouev, and save you just what we claim,
what It will buy, and money fs an article which you want to get
on can You inn buy n better coat from us with less money
much nctter than von can anv place else
we can also save you a nice Mini. Wc
do not wlli you to take our word
alone, sec for yourself. Let us con
vince ou by bbowlng you the goods
. . in r... .1... ..!.. v..:. ...111
nun leuinc vou me prices.
be w III be well satisfied if you do, so that it will pay you to buy of the
On Boys' Overcoats
and Winter Suits
You will
You caunlwajsget froih biead at the X.
Y. bakery. They balio twleo dally.
Also a carload of lino
The wise man will provide
extra' copies for his guests.
Order now.
For ladles' supeib haiulio.sing, hair orna
incuts and hair good n' ways go to headipmr
tors Mrs. (lospers, IIU O street.
Hector' New l'liuriiiiiey.
Sunday bonis: 0:U0 to I2.!!0 n. in., 'J to ."i and
7:.mtoU;.;o p. in.
Itr.den. . AV. I'liriiliiini Cures
ehronie, lilmsl, heait, liver, lung, rectal,
klu, mule,, feinnlo and nervous dlwases.
Uleliaid block, Lincoln, Neb.
Kyu nnd Ki.r Surgeiiii.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oeullst and aurist, VXM
O street, telephone nTft, Lincoln, ISelir.
Cook Pulley Oicit'iy lonqmny are head
quaiteis for dellleatesscn nnd line goods.
M. L. Trester, building
IUOU stieet.
unteriiil and,
Uenevn Mills
"Purity." Dour sold every-
OsJ rev of iImiok icct(- (Juarlertr
SQ ever pubUtted.
PAfKHS la NorW Amiki Ktvt coaipUaMttd
this publicntioa during in 6nl yrv.i 1 uot
vert ly concede Uul iu number! lord the
brisbiMt sad Boat aaierulBli r41ac Uut
PubTiS ut day of September, December,
Mixta nnd Jwae.- , . -. .
Aik Ne tdealer (or it. or tend tk price,
OO aanta, in tump or poeul note to
JjrowN TOPICS, (
anrestm ASt.. New Yorh.
4 . t '
tm Tkd brillUnt1 Diurterly U mtde up
from the turnul yeirl ittuctof Town Tone,
but cootslm .the beat, uorlei, ikelcbet, bur
loquea," pMaM, whtkbaM, etc., from the tmct
numttri plutkiuuskjiac JQunu), adaittedhr
the critpest, raciest, moat complete, and to all
NKN NB.WOMKtVthe mot Interet.
iag wteWy ever leaued. '
"-SliiftcriptiM Price:.
M!mTntMy.aryMr, IM
prem4gysiiib 'poetpaU, c raniri f
Mary Vndantooil.
"Mary," aald her mistress, "I under
stand you had two visitors Inst night."
"Yes, mum," repllisl Alary, with au up
ward inflection and u smile.
"Wuseltherof them the young man who
culled last week, Mnryf"
"Oh, no, mum,"
"Or tho one that eauiu but Sunday?"
"Oh, no, mum nor him neither."
"Well, who was it, Maryf"
"Jea' two boyH from home, mum Tam
my Kennedy an Willie Murphy."
"It aeems to me you have a great many
beaux, Mary!" bevcroly.
"Sure, thlin's not me beaux nt all,
mum," replied Mary with dignity,
"And what do you call them, then,
"Jes1 boys, mum. Sure, if they was
beaux, mum, woqld I be bavin them roiuu
two at a time, muinf"
At this evidence of Mary's sagacity, her
mistress retired from the field. Eleanor
Kirk's Idea, s -(
V. Which Oaat
If you enjoy danelng goto your diiiggUt
and get a bottle of Positive Corn Cure, which
insures comfort.
liiidles make big money canvassing for
Tiik Cai'ITai. City Coukikh. If you wan
nice profitable work call at tho office, 1 lit I N
t icl for pnrtleulars.
Full lino of at lists material at Lincoln
Kraino and Art company's. 'J .11 South lltli
stieet. .
ICC linking Powder, : ounce for'J'i cents
Absolutely l'ure. Have you tried it
Mrs. S. F. Hyan.fushloimblotlres making,
loom 7S Uurr block.
The candy sold at the New York bakery is
all mnilo on the pi tinlse mid is guaranteed
pure anil frtsh.
Our coal is well icieened, full weight
guaranteed and delivery always prompt
Call up Lincoln Coal Co. Phono 140.
Wedding cake taxes, wedding Invitations
and announcements, tho newest for 1KKI-3,
aro now belug rhown by the Wessel-Btevens
Printing Company.
II. W. Cowle, funeral director, euecor
to Fred Thomas. Embalming a specialty,
HO South Twelfth street.
j '--- ft
' 1 ' Ir.t-i sit 1, lVjl I
'Vtv '! rAv.-i
Four Nights and Matinee
Wednesday, November 16th
Clark & Cox's Spectacular l'antomime
She Well, if I can't lire (011. ray income
and you cua'tllve on yours, where would
be the ad our marryiBg t
He (tiiouBbtmiUilTrJv.Mli y pnitiug on
1 . ''. n ylilkl la olll
Fine picture frames made to order at H.
W. Cowlee, llOuud li South Twelfth ttreet.
Full line of fancy feathers Just received,
Mi-s. J, H. nialr, 117 South Eleventh street.
Just leceived, a large assortment of felt
hats in the very latest styles, at Mrs. J. II.
DI1.I1', 117 South Elevhnt street,
Mrs. J, H. lllalr, the
South Eleventh street.
Lincoln milliner, 117
at J. W. Winger A Co.
K C linking Powder, 'St ounces for 2." cents.
Absolutely i'ure. Hae you tiled IU
Jtccr I'or riinilly Uie.
For family trade tho Jolm Guild lire wing
Co. Is now deliveihig a siqierior grade of ex
tra palo lieer iu either pint or quart Isittles.
This beer for table use lias no quil and I
meeting willi popular favor with all tho liest
trade of the city. Prices ns cheap as that
charged for Inferior beer. Lnavo ordem at
ofllce, -1 1 North Nlntli stnsit. Oicir Ueunk,
agent. Onco tried no other beer w III bo uieil.
Why uot onlor a sample, case of It
No such lino of fino manicure goods wore
over seeu ill Lincoln before 111 tiro now being
hhownat Rector's new pharmacy, corner
Twelfth and N streets.
An Klegant Hmivenlr.
Tlm Western Hesort Rook, a finely Illus
trated publication descriptive of all tlie.west
eru resorts along the line of the Union l'n
cillo sysluin." Sent free upon receipt ofsix
cents In stamps. J. T. Mastlu, O. T. At,
lull O street. K. A. 8losoir, GeneriU Agent,
Lincoln, Nebj
J lliirllimton Itmite I'laylug t'artl.
New deslen. louiid corners, Deslblo liueul
stock, iieriuaiieut colors, worth f0 cents. We
sell them at 10 cents. Good scheme to buys
few packs; njgbt need thorn this winter;
euchre, wlilit, high five, etc.
, A. C, Zikiieh, City Pass, Agt.
Twenty-five dozen chiffon hnutUeruhlois
never worth lesi than 40 cents, Moil lay nt 'Si
cents each.
J. W. WlXOKIl & Co.,
Auspices 0 Women's Christian Association.
Endorsed by (Sen Lew Wallace, the author, recommended bv Harper Bros,, pub
Ushers of the work. '
A carload of Ilcnutiftil Scenery, designed and painted by Thoi. G. Moses, Cos
tutnes I lUtorlcallv Correct.
Seats mav be icscrved Monil.iy morning at y o'clock at Ilo Ofilcc.
New line of pattern hats Jut received by
Mis. J. A. lllulr.
iHcomei touether'one of .ns votilll be
The largest and best selocteil stock of ex
elusive millinery goodi can be found nt Mrs,
J, 11. Wall's, 117 South Eleventh street.
Finn riaylng Cauls,
'Send ,ten cents iu slumps tn John Sebas
tian, general tl'iket and passenger agent 0,,
H, 1, K I . ruiiwuy, uiuaK", i" iw.v i
the "Hock .Island" playing cards. Tliey.are
acknowledged the best, and worth five times
tho vast. Bend, money order or postal note
for fifty cents,',, and wo will send five packs
Low Priced Millinery flense
OIF1 II2SrC03-T.
OUR MOTTO Hood CJoodi at Reasonable Prices.
You will find our styles and workmanship equal to any.
Those not having already visited our Millinery Department will find It to'thclr
iritcrcst toglycusacall. , , ' , , , .
We stake our.rcpuinnon on mutiny anu price.
' Wool Felt Sailors 6yc. '
Queensware arid Lamp Department.,
.. fl -..
' 111 'i
-mU j.
1 jJi Mil.
by expiess, epuid.
You will find this Department greatly enlarged, iluylng directly
fncturers enables us to quote you priced that'othcr houses cannot touch.
Wc invite nn inspection whether you wish to purchase or not.
Decorated Stand Lnmp, 8 inch shade, $1.15.
Decorated .Stand Lnmp, 10 inch simile, $1.59.
Decorated Library Lamp, 14 Inch shade, $1.50,
Banquet Lamp, llrnss, $j,n5 with fancy Linen shade, worth 5,50
Wc will have n grnnd stock of Novelties to show you,
-ia-s--ai .Visitors always Welcome
11 f
( to live at any rate. Life.
Vi. fr - V