Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 12, 1892, Image 3

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-faiitjlu , 1
fuurtrrn CllrU Klnrtrd tlm Sorlrtjf at
MmIIIii, ., In IHHR Now Tfmjr Have
a National Orxanltatlnn with Member
In Twenty Mate.
Maksuxon, Nor. 10. Ono of tlio re
BultH of the recent G. A. H. cncattip
Meat nt WiiHhington was tho bringing
into mora universal prominence and rue
ognition an association known as Tho
National Alliance of tho Daughters
of Veterans of tho United States of
America. Ah its imtno HUggestH, this
body is kindred to tho Q. A. II. This
order hart hurutoforo boon but llttlo
known to tho general public, and but
for tho fortuuato decision of its ofllcors
to hold their third annual convention in
conjunction with tho G. A. R. uncain
nicnt it would perhaps hnvo remained
in tho darkness of Hciuiohscurity.
The National allianco in tho outgrowth
of n hociety organised seven years since
in thin city, and tho formation of that
society waa suggested by tho daughter
of u veteran soldier, partly through a
good natured desire to rival tho efforts
of tho local Sons of Veterans' camp.
Thissuggestion,madeou Memorial Day,
188Ti, was acted upon, and six days later
tho iirst meutiug was held.
A permanent local organization was
effected on June 1U, and on Dec. 12 of
tho same year the secretary of atato of
Ohio granted tho society a charter. Tho
name of tho wife of Ohio's present gov
ernor was chosen as u title, and it is re
lated of tho apostlo of protection that
ono of the few occasions on which lie
lias exhibited signs of deep emotion in
public was when informed by n delega
tion of Daughters that their tent had
been named Mrs. Major McKinley tent,
Daughters of Veterans. Miss Minnie
F. King, u sister of tho present national
executive, and who died on May 10, 181)1,
was tho iirst president of tho original
tent, and tho other members wero Nellie
King, Bertha Martin, Harriet Knapp,
Olivo Ilowald, Lovo and Maudo Stevens,
Mamo Huber, Maudo Merrill, Frank,
Eva and Bertha Merwin, May Bowman
and May McMillan.
Tho littlo tent flourished under care
ful guidance, and its iufluonco soon be
came manifest in tho outside world. In
1887 tho Daughteis issued u charter to a
branch in Alliance, O. Tho newcomer)
adopted tho name of Mrs. John A. Lo
gan tent, No. 2. The honor was wisely
bestowed, for their namesake has since
shown her appreciation by innumerable
acts of kindness toward the tent. Tho
following year Prairie Depot, O., and
Quincy, Ills. tho latter named Caroline-
Scott Harrison tent wero char
tered, and Ada, O., followed in 1880.
When in the latter year an application
cuiiio from Keokuk, lit,, the necessity of
creating a national association became
obvious, and tho original charter of Tent
No. 1 was so amended as to adapt it for
such requirements.
A national constitution was adopted,
and Mit.s M. Estelhi McMillan, of Mas
sillon, O., was chosen piesidont at the
Iirst national convention held at Quincy,
Ills., in .Tune, 181)0. Only Ohio, Illinois
and Iowa, comprising 101 members, wero
represented at tho meeting. Thoframurs
of this constitution wero thoMisseaMol-
lie and Maggio Robertson, of Keokuk,
la.; Eva Ware, Roso Jansen and Anna
Wesselu, of Quincy, Ills.; M. Estella
McMillan, BcrUia ,,Martin and Viola
- Maiers, of Massillon, 0.'fiLizzi6-Beards-?ifoy,
of 'Alliance, 0 and Lizzie Davis, of
Ada, O.
Tho second national convention met
In tho birthplace of tho order, Massil
lon, July 28 to Aug. 1, 1801. Twenty
four delegates, representing thirtu i
tents in Ohio, Illinois, Nobrasku, Iowa
and Massachusetts attended, and Miss
Mollio Robertson, of Keokuk, Ia was
elected president. At tho third conven
tion, which met in Washington Sept. 20
to 23 of tho present year, eleven states
sent delegates, and the following states
wero reported as admitted during the
past year; Arkansas, Missouri, Penn
sylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin and Mich
igan. During tho Into meeting the
Daughters wero accorded much atten
tion by Um Grand Army members and
by tho cIMeciis' committee of Washing
ton. Th oflicers found it of great ad
vantage to meet with tho Grand Army,
and tho bouelits thus derived in adver
tising tho order were such that they
propose to meet at Indianapolis next
year in conjunction with tho veterans.
Miss Nellie A. King, who was chosen
national president at Washington, was
born in the cradle of tho order, Mnssil
Ion, where sho is a teacher in the public
schools. Sho is twenty-ons years old
and is a charter member of Mrs. Major
McKinley tent. Sho vas elected na
tional vice president last year, and her
universal popularity is attested by the
fact that her recent nomination was en
tirely tho work of the Massachusetts
delegation, and her election was made
unanimous by her fellow delegates. She
is an enthusiastic worker and her capa
bility is unquestioned. Her father, now
deceased, was Valentine It. King, an
honorably discharged member of the
Ono Hundred and Seventh Ohio Volun
teer infantry.
Tho captain who was placed in com -maud
of tho national bark when it wn
iirst launched Was Miss M. Kstolla Mc
Millan. Shb also is engaged in educa
tional work in Massillon, and she was
largely instrumental in tho formation of
tho national department. Her reward
was tho first presidency of tho order,
and last year sho acted as treasurer.
Sho possesses a wonderful capacity for
work, and has much executive ability,
Another national officer, tho secretary,
Miss Bertha Martin, resides in tho samn
city. Sho is a charter member of Tent
No. 1, and besides her national position
is tho present mustering ofllcer of Ohio.
Sho is an earnest and prominent worker
in the order, and has always beon iden
tified with its more important measures.
Tho reports of tho last convention
show a membership of 1,100, with tents
in twenty states. Fifteen hundred dol
lars wereuxpomldl for charity last year,
besides $700 for liowers for veterans'
graves. The Daughtersaro by no means
an aggressive orgaulzati m, their prin-
clpal aims lieing of a charitable nature
and a coinmeudublo desiro to keep green
the memory of their fathers.
Anrrilotti of Sir IMnlli Arnold.
ISpeclul Correspondence.
San Fuancisco, Nov. 5. Tho cele
brated author, Sir Edwin Arnold, is a
very charming man, endowed not only
with polished manners, but with a very
large idea of his own powers and capa
bilities, and in this connection a jour
nalist just returned from Japan tells the
following story:
It must bo prefaced that tho Japaneso
tongue presents extraordinary difficulties
to westerners, as one set of words and
phrases is used upon ceremonious occa
sions, and quite another among friends.
There are distinct forms for superiors,
equals and inferiors. So much is this
the case that men who have lived twen
ty years in tho country feel a certain
nervousness when addressing strangers
or speaking in public.
Knowing this, iniagiuu tho journalist's
surprise to hear that Sir Edwin, just ono
year in chrysanthemum land, had been
delivering lectures in the vernacular at
tho Kyoto university. Travelling from
Yokohama to Tokio tho news gatherer
had for companions an Englishman who
hpoke Japanese fluently and a native
student of the aforesaid university. Nat
urally tho journalist inquired how tho
students enjoyed Sir Edwin Arnold's
Tho Japanese nro a pro-emiuently po
lite nation, and tho student looked tin
happy, wriggled, drew in his breath,
then ti.'tirt:
"S,ir Arnold is u very fino man a very
great man: ho admires Japan." This
with pride. Then a look of yearning
and anxiety cauio over his face. "His
lectures uu very fine beautiful but,
oh, wo woi , 1 like so much to know what
he lecture., about."
To cap tho climax, the scrllKi was in
troduced tho next day to Sir Edwin him
self, and almost his first words wore an
apology for not calling as "ho was go
ing to lecture at Kyoto university."
The journalist had considerable diffi
culty iu maintaining u decorous gravity.
S. M. Dixon.
Teaching In "pain Ii Tovrly l'iC,
The condition of the public teachers iu
Spain is not to bo envied. Tho payment
of their salaries is almost always far iu
urrears, and a case camo up the other
day of a mun who had not received a
farthing fflbih 4hu government; fpr"ove
teeh years. Tie toJitylVinaujit of back
salary ut present duo'to teachers is about
f700,000. Iu some cases tho sufferers
are sustained by charity, and in others
are compelled to send their children out
us servants. Many schools have been
closed altogether.
A IIlK Clientiiut Trr-.
The circumference at tho foots of a
chestnut tree at Mansfield, Conn., is 54
feet, and tho diameter of tho spread of
its branches in one direction is 100 feet.
It is 80 feet in height.
The supply of potatoes has beon bo
great this year at Buenos Ayres that
tho surplus is being shipped to Monte
video and Rio do Janeiro.
Intellectual (Irowtli Will Not Make
Wiimm l.ena lnit Mure l'onitantonahle.
Ilrlitlit Wunli train a Thoughtful Woni
an A Joy t Wirt ami Mother.
The advantages of what President
Dwlght calls "Intellectual onenfM" in mar
ried life are probably obvious to all; but I
may say that lltejr nro tho most obvious
when we leave unhappy marriage out of
light, as very possibly duo to tuner causes
thnn intellectual disparity, and contrast
linppy married lives devoid of true com
panionship with happy married lives which
include It. We have seen many happy
marrlnges where, there Is no more Intellec
tual kinship between the man and his wife
than bctwt en hint and his little children',
butt hem are kinds and degrees of eon
teutnieiit, satisfaction and active enjoy
ment. Love which peislsts In spile of (11 v
pnrltles, limitations and hindrances, niul
love which persists with full Inlellet dial
sympathy, true comradeship, ucutiluc
fileuiNhlp, are very unlike In I lie measure
of happiness they can bestow. As It Is be
tween wife and liush.inil, so It Isofcntiisr
between mother and ehlhlieii. .Many
mothers who have no Intellect, ut all and
scarcely even a tlnctuie of common seno
are fondly loved by their Intelligent sons;
but docs such love as this profit them or
prollt their sons, even in the way of liapil
ness, 1 ml r so much as the love between an
other mother mid the sons who Unil her
their Intellectual equal, their Intelligent
companion, their imiil sjmpuihctiu friend
The higher education, tightly pursiud
and really gullied, Is not an Influence that
will make woman pedants, prudes, prigs
or bllicatockiUKs,shlevs,aumlis or haul,
cold, scmlmusculliin monstrosities. To he
broad minded, clear mludeil, free mlnihil,
active minded is not of necessity, nor even
of likelihood, to h.ihtrnug minded. Indeed,
the more a woman knows of life, the better
she uudcrMatidH the past and present of
the world and the extierletiees and couelii
slousof its greatest thlukeis, the less likely
she will Im to confuse the masculine and
feminine ideals or to underrate the latter
In comparison with the former.
It Is the narrow, superficial education of
women which leads them to maintain that
there Is "no dilferencu" between them
selxesnud men, or that men's normal op
portunlties are loftier than their own, and
which consequently make them envy men
and desire to step Into their place. The
really educated woman, the onu Svhose
mind really knows and thinks, can eO'in
prebend better than any onu es the true
meaning and glory of womanhood, (he
true Importance of its peculiar responsi
bilities, the true value and charm of lis
peculiar privileges; for she alone is ublo to
attest and appraise these things, and, moi e
over, she has learned that the growth of
civilization implies a progressive special
izution of capabilities and efforts, and that
tho advancement of women has meant a
steady departure from that primitive bar
baric state where men mid women wete
not more wildly differentiated than are
mule and female animals today. If she
claims a share in the man's right to a
higher education, it is first of nil that she
maybe fitted to do work which a man
cannot possibly do, and may help the
world aloiiK in a way tliut Is parallel, not
idem leal, with his.
Far from being unlucky as regards pes
Blblliticb of Intellectual cultivation, the
women of America seem to mo lucky above
their brothers. They can develop them
selves as individuals without thinking of
wagu earning, and if they must develop
less quickly they have time iu moru than
the needful proportion. Nor does this ap
ply merely to the years of early prepara
tion. i:cntlie busy mother of u fundi),
unless sho Is so poor that all the domestic
work falls upon her own hands, has at
least as many free Iioui-h in the day as her
husband; and although her day's work Is
at least as important and significant as
his, it docs not exhaust her brain as most
kinds of money making do.
And when the minds of women Inteiest
anil satisfy men as much as their bodies
and souls, I think the fundamental, mil
ersal sentiment will persist and even de
velop, that the stronger kind will ho better
regulated and that thu uioiii foolish kind
will decrease. Married men, I am sine,
will be happier with their wives. Unmar
ried men will, choosi) their wives more
wisely; or, if tho llulitulliK of lovo stili
strlkesat laudoiu, the bolt will mote often
be thrown by a sensible us well as a charm
ing joung woman, And when associating
with women whom they do not think of
nun rymg, all men will bu less npt than
they nro today to feel that sentimentality
Is expected of them or Is likely to be of
feredtothem. And, once more, as It will
bo with men, so, conversely, it will bo with
women. Often today there Is small com
moti ground for that intimacy between
men and women to which nature prompts
except sentimental ground. Widen t'e
field of companionship and the danger of no
undue cultivation of the sentimental t wt
will bu decreased.
When women have taught men that
they want and valuu leal fiieudship, thai
they can bu loyal, interesting and proflt.i
ble friends in thu same sense that men are
to one another, yet always with that dell
cato flavor of dillcrcucu which will make
femiuliiu friendship desirable, no matter
how much masculine friendship may bu at
hand, then men will not lm so ready to
drop luto thu attitude of lovers or make
belluvu lovers. Vet there will lie .lovers
enoiiK'ii, for this Instinct is even more Im
perious than the Instinct toward frieud
(hip. And oucu Uio lover Is transformed
ltit thu husband, there will bu a butter
cliMiut of llfelotue "onstaney.
Bid -All thu youog girls feel about their
will' .ulon ns the pressure of piihlluonliilon
m.tkes all 'noyalt't I, were it properly begun
at as early nu ao as it is with Ikij-s, a"d
wero It systematically pursued In a w.t)
adapted to their physical characteristics,
they would absorb It as easily, wear it as
naturally, profit by it as generally as their
brothers, and whatever their future life
whether devoted to thu normal tasks of
women or to more exceptional intellectual
tasks, they would have iccelved thu Inst
possible prepnrfttlfm for it.
Of coursul do not mean that the hlgliei
education would make all women wise and
leuslhlc, useful, happy and charming, or
that no woman can he thesu thing's with
out it. I only mean t hat If It were general
ly is'stowed all women would ho much
moru likely to achieve such qualities than
they uiu today. Nor do I mean that, our
men have such well developed minds that
our women should merely aspire to equal
them. I mean that their minds arc, at nil
events, lietterdevehiied than their sister ',
anil that even a uulUution of cqiuilit)
would vastly prollt them as well as then
sisters. My plea is Indeed quite as muel
for our boys as for our girls, since it 1st
plea fur the Impiove mcul of their motheis
ulsters, wives and friends. Thoo who ll
to seu u class of highly educated womei
with really "knowing ami thlukliu
minds" will sou the usefulness and iiuji '
ness of American women. Mrs, U. van
Heu&hvlucr in For n in,
Tltn WroiiK t'nriU.
A joung married lady had just acquired
anew coach and a now footman to match.
"John," slip said tine day, "we will drlxe
out to make a few calls; hut I shan't get
out of theearrlnge. You will therefore take
tho cards that are on my dressing tablennil
leave one of them nt eneh house we stop
at." "Very good, iim'itm," answered John
ii nd ran up stairs to fetch the cards. After
I y hnddrlU'ii about a considerable time,
slid cards hud ls-en left at sccral houses,
the ltdy remnrked, "Now- we must call at
I) M, K 's, V ', etc." "We can't
ilo It I" hen In oke in the footman In alarm,
"I have only the aee of spades mid thu ten
tif tilths left!" Instead of the visiting
rards lie had brought, a pack of playing
cards. Scottish American.
Approximating to tho diatom.
"Ilrmtdeiii, l'e so Indlspogcd wld tie
rumatlr. ills imiwiilii I lluds myself unable
to stun up an talk to je, an so lax de
congregation ter stun up Instill whilst I
dlsco'se," Harper's llaur.
After T11 til iik.
"Hello, Smith, old boy I Where have jou
"Just returning front my two weeks' va
cation." "Aru 3 011 f (Jot back front mine Just two
weeks ago,"
"Did, chr Had a flue time, I presume?"
"Simply Immensel How have you en
joyed yourself r"
"Grandly, Howl bate to come back to
the din and dust ngaliil"
"Seems perfectly horrible, doesn't It,
after two weeks in the country? Oood fish
ing where J on weref"
"Splendid! Caught wagon loads of Ih-iiii-tle',1
Suppose ) on did too,"
"Well, I should say sol Hauled them
out till my arms were about ready to come
"Have good acconitiKsh.tlour"
"First clussl Large, usl, airy rooms;
lots to eat and well cooked, and everything
lovely and not very expensive,"
"Same way with mu exactly. Ily thu
bye, where were your"
"At Mr. Skiuein's place, near Jarvllle."
"What! Old Sandy Skiuein's place on
tho sand hill?"
"And you had that corner room looking
out across the barnyard to the horse pond
full of polllwogs, where you caught your
big flshf"
"Hi y-e-s."
"And tlieiu wasn't enough shade within
three miles of the place to cover a ham
mock; jou didn't have a decent restaurant
meal wlille you were there, and you paid
fifteen dollars a week for It?"
"Kr y-e-s; but how do you comotoknow
so much about the place?"
"1 spent my vacation there. Hcastly,
wasn't it r The thought of ft makes me
tired and hungry jet."
".Me tool ('nine with me to the fifteen
cent tcstiiurunt, where we'll get some nice
fresh country vegetables and fruits, and
jollify oer thu fact that we won't have to
go on another vaeat Ion trip for a whole
year." Chirac" Times.
llm Dancer if lleluy.
"ficorgel" shu screamed. "My nick!"
"What's the matter?"
"Theie's a plllneutter"
"A what?"
"A tuppekiller"
"What Iu the world do you mean?"
"Oh, dear," shu moaned as she clutched
him frantically. "A kltterpullerl You
know, (icorite! A pulterklller!"
"()hl"suid Cisirite, with evident relief,
and ho piocecdnl to blush thu fiituie
butterllyawuy. Life.
An Interrupted ('cleliriitliin.
I.lttlu Hoy (weakly) Maiumii, am I 'most
Muininu Yes, my pet; thu doctor bus
got all the powder out of your face, and he
says he can sae ,our cjcslnht.
l.lttle Hoy Then please move my bed up
to the window
Muminn What for, my cherub?
Llttlo Hoy I want to shoot oil the test
of those lliictaekers. (iood ;ws
rem rui 1
Hriggs That fellow ('ust.wny hud it
had case of delirium tremWis tin. olbei
night. Went home unil cut up terribly.
Griggs How sail! Did he imagine he
saw snakes?
Hriggs Wotse than that. He thought
he saw a lot of his wlfu's new bonnets on
thu floor. Cloak Review.
Little Hob has been missing thecomfiirls
of home, especially iu the culinary depnit
ment, while awuy from this city on an ait
lug. Tho other evening In thu midst of
prayer Hob said with devout earnesints:
"Oh, Lord, I thank thro thutwulvivea
good cook- III Washington," WtMUlngton
I'ur l'rrulltir Conitlliivney.
"Alfred, dear," said the poet's wife,
"does your poutlo license allow you to
rhyme, 'frozen' with 'do.en? "
"Not iisuully. Hut this Is for Thu Deaf
nd Dumb Magazine, see? And as long as
It looks all right, that is enough." Indian
a polls Journal.
; llHrkliHiiil-tHh, txju,
Illack How do you do', Greenf I'm
quite iisltamed of myself for not calling
before. Hut I've put it off and put it oil
until it iliil seem that I never would call.
Green Don't mention It, my dear fel
low. You aru very kind, I'm suru, llo
ton Globe.
A Hllni IMet.
Guest I haven't any appetite ut all to.
Walter Not feelln well, salt?
Guest I'm about half sick. Can't touch
moru than a mouthful. Hring mu a coupl
et spring chickens, New York Weekly
lie If I kiss you uguiu will you tcreauil
Bhe Ywt, I'll do auythiug ou wlsh,
Nw York Ilerald.
$50,000.00 TO LOAN;
At six per cunt, pur iinmitn and a ensh commission
or al eight pur cunt, no commission, for periods of
. three or five years on well located improved real es
tate in Lincoln or Lancaster county.
Union Savings Bank,
1 1 1 South Tenth Stree t
Industrial SavingsBank
Capital Stock, $20,000. Liability of Stock holprs $500 00c
INTI1RI1ST l'AII) N Mil'OSirS, '.'. '
Wm. Stum., Pres. J. H). IIiu., Vicu-Pres.
Louis Stum,, Cashier.
Diukctows. D K Thompson, K Montgomery, Geo II.
Hastings, llll Shabertf, W II Mercery, J C Allen, T E San
tiers, J K HilljWm Stull, Louis Siull, Geo A Mohrenstecher
ttrjAi s'.u?.t.s$L-h ir-$t it it s.jtf
I Tki.. iWl
iRvmn-ORCffiSTitn t
$. . gjrrittttct fpivcctcv
iflerli'ii vi-iirs nriii-llvn work ullli tlin Mmlenl Union Orchestra.
orOiiiiiliu. us lllreclor. iliirhnr wlilelt tliiiu the above Orchestra fur
nished iiiiimIu for nil tho prominent cvontM.rccleiill , theatrically, etc. f
I eomn to l.lneulii loeiiuiiKitperHiiniilly In Oirliestra IiiihIiiouk, f.elliut
conlldcnt lliul I can fimilKh Its elllrciiN Willi Hie Im;mI of mimical miy -
tiinil all tliin. for terms anil Information, cull ut olllce of CAl'lTAl,
Cirv t'oUlciKK, li:ll N street, or Telephone, 'iVl. F
HAVINd just assumed personal control of my handsome new stables, It will he
my aim to conduct a first cht-s cstiibllnhmcoi, giving hot of care and attention to
horses entrusted to our keeping,
Single 01 double, and it flue line of wcll-truliicd horses for llcn use, fur
nlslicd, day or night.
FRANK RAMSEY, Foreman. Telephone 55b
Stnblos 1639 and 1641 O Street.
m ii yy..
1 lPm'
-a ..-.n-.--". 1.
5 5-olliKi2v''''5,- " I'iiajv
Ht-SZ -r-"; '-
Lincoln, Neb
An Old School ina New Location
Ninth Year. 25 Departments. 30 Teachers
Kenutifiil, be.iltln locution, innguilirent building, fine equipments, superior accom
initiations, ttioug iicnltv. comprehensive curilculum, thorough wotk, Itlgh moral and
christian nn.1 low expenses make this
A practical education) without uccdlcts waste of time or mone Is fnrnUhed li the
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You can Enter any Time and Choose Tour Studies
This great school Is located in Hawthorne, three utiles southwest of the post office and
will be connected by electric street car line, YOUR CAR FARE I'AID. In order
that all may see our many advantages in thu way ot buildings, equipments faculty ,etc
we will pay your car fare from your home to Lincoln provided you arc present on the
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K'iid naiiie anil addnxseH of W youiif people unit wu will send you choice of ritio 15-Inch
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I.OUUKSA'JDCIUOUI.All, KUKB. Aildres M'M. M. CltOA.N, Pres. or
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Finest in the City
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Atchlson, Leavenworth, St. Joeph,Kantu
City, St. Lout and all PoInU South
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Tho direct line to Ft. Scott, Panons.
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The only road to the Great Hot Spring
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City Ticket Agt Utn'l ml
--i-." 'sVr-ztc! -