Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 12, 1892, Image 2

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,1 t
TIik Hniiilrn f JSIrr(i, llMliylmi, Tyre,
Nlilnn mill Many Morn Wnru U Thl
Nnllmt l Attn IIitiiiiiIiik Corrupt mill
I.lrlillon "Krriinn U NiTcmnrr,"
HltooKl.Yfl4 ,Jov. (I Unv. Dr. Talmnun
txlity At'loctWl for hi Mrlnon it ftiihject Mif
uYlently nppmprinti for Ihrmi tlini,Vflii'n
throtiKutiulUio United State ureal pollt
leal iplrntlnnx nru Im'IiikiIIshinmM and the
nntlou In about to k to thn Imlliit box anil
decide who Klmll rule hi tliu neighborhood,
(own, city nml imtlnn. Tlio text chovti
wm Itovplntlon xvlll, 10, "Ainu, nlnn, Hint
Kivnt rlty Hithyton, Hint mighty city, for
In one hour 1 thy Judgment cornel"
Modern xclcnllut nru doing it nptrudld
work In excnvittltiKthotomhof itdoadMii
plrti hnldluK In It nrniH ndend city moth
or mill child of the Minis unins, Ilnhylnn.
Tim nnclriit tiioiinil Invite tho ipitdcfl.nud
Miovrlft nml rrowbiir while tho unwiuhrd
native look on hi nurprlno. Thimo kcIi-ii-lint
thiil yellow brick nt 111 Improved
with tho n n in o of Nuhiichiiilni'iixnr, nml
tliry ko down Into tho unrcoplniKUn of n
iiinnnrchy tmrltnl nioro thiin two thouiuinil
?rnr no. Mny tho exploration of Haw
Inoon nml Lnynrd nml Chevalier nml Op
itcrlo nml 1-ofHm nml Chrmixy ho eellpMil
by tho prrieut nrchivoloKlrul uncoverluKl
Uut in It )ohmI)Io thl Is nil Hint roinnhii
of Jlnhylon it city onco flvo tliiu-n turner
than liomlon nml twelve Union Inrwr thiin
Now Yorkf Wiilln threo hundred nml mv-enty-thivc
feet IiIkIi and ninety-three feet
thick. Twonty-llvo burnished nates on
ench aide, with MrtrtN running clear
throuuh to corrt-HpomlliiK K'lte tho otic
cr Mile. Hlx hundred nml twenty-live
MiiArpN. Mora pomp and wealth unit npUm
dor mid nlu than could bo found In any
llvo modem titles combined. A city of
induces ami temples. A city hnvltiK within
It h gnrden on mi artificial hill four hun
dred feet hlKh, tho sides of tho mountain
terraced. All this built to keep tho klnx'
wife, Aniytls, from In-comlng homesick for
the motintiitnou rental In which hIio IiiiiI
(pent her girlhood. The waters of tho
Luphrntea spouted up to IrrlKnto this nreitt
altltudo Into fruits nnd flours nnd urlio
reacence unlnitinlnitblu. A nroat rlvor run
titan from north to south clear throunli the
city, brldues over it, tunuels under It,
boat on It,
A city of bncnnrs nnd of market places,
unrivaled for nronmtlcs nml tiunticntM, nml
high mettled horses with Krooms by their
aide, anil thyme wood, nml African ever
green, ami KKyptlmi linen, and nil styles
of costly textllu fabric, and rarest purples
extracted from shellfish on tho Mediter
ranean coast, nnd rarest scarlets taken
from brilliant Insects lu Spnlu, nnd ivorta
brought from successful eleplinnt hunts In
India, nml diamonds whoso flush war it
repartee to tho sun. Fortress within for
tress, embattloment rising above embnt
Moment Great capital of the ages. Hut
one night, while honest cltltem went
sleep, but all tho saloons of snturnnlla
were In full blast, and at tho king's cnstlo
they bad filled tho tankards for tho tenth
time, and reeling ami guffawing and hic
coughing around tho state tahlo were tho
rulers of the land, General Cyrus ordered
hla besieging army to tako shovels nnd
padea, nnd they diverted the river, from Its
usual channel into another direction, so
that the forsaken bed of the river liecama
the path oa which tho besieging urmy en
tered. When tho morning dawned tho conquer
ors were insldo the ouUldo trenches. IJaby
Ion had fallen, nnd hence tho sublime
threnody of the text. "Alas, alas, that
great city Babylon, that mighty city, for
in ono hour is thy judgment cornel" Hut
do nations dlof Oh, yes; thero is great
mortality among monarchies and republics.
They nro like Individuals in th fact that
they are Iwrnj they have it middle life; they
have a decease; they hnvo it cradlo nml a
grave. Soma of them nru OHSusst tinted,
some destroyed by their own hand. Let
me call tho roll of Miineof the dead clvlll.a
tlons ami some of tho dead cities nnd let
tomo ouo answer for them.
Kgyptlan civilisation, atuiid up. "Dendl"
answer tho ruins of Knrnak nnd Luxor, nml
from seventy pyramids on tho east slduof
tho Nile thei e comes up n great chorus, cry
lug, "Dead, deadl" Atyrluu empire, Maud
up nnd answer. "Dead!" cry the charred
ruins of Nineveh. After nix hundred years
of magnlllcentoppoitunlty, dead. Israel
itlsh kingdom, nt and up. Aftor two hun
dred and fifty years of ill vino Interposition,
and of miraculous vicissitude, and of heroic
behavior, and of appalling depravity, dead.
riKi'iitcIa, stand up nml answer. After in
venting tho alphabet and giving it to the
world, mid sending out her inerclmtit earn
vans in miH fltivctttin in p.iirrul .tut., n.t.1
M-ndiug out her uavlgutora to I ho Atlantic !
ocean in another direction, dead.
Pillars of Hercules nnd rocks on which
the. Tyrlnn fUhoruinii dried their neUwill
Mistier, "Dead lMiwulcln." Athens, after
I'lddlus, after Demosthenes, after Mil
tisdes, dead. Sparta, after lA-ouldas, nf Ur
Kurlblndes, after Sabimls, after Ther
mopylae, dead, ltoman empire, stand up
nnd answer empire, onco bounded by tho
British channel on tho north, by tho Kit
phrates up tho east, by the great Saliar.t
desert In Africa on tho south, by tho At
lautlo ovwt'u on the west; homo of three
great civilisations, owning nil tho then dis
covered world that was worth owniug
itomsn umpire, answer. Gibbon In his
"Rise and Fall of tho Homan Um
pire" says, "Demit" and tho forsaken
ents of tho ruined Coliseum, mid
the skeleton of the aqueducts, and
the miasma of the Cainpagim, and tho
fragmenU of thu marble, baths, ami the
useless piers of tho Hrldgo Trlumphalls,
and the Mauier.tlne prison, bidding no mora
postollo prbipuen,anil the silent Forum
ml Basilica of Constuutine, and the arch
o( Titus, aud the Pantheon como in with
frreat chorus, crying, "Dead, dead." After
Horace, after Virgil, niter Tacitus, after
Cloero dead. After llorattus on thu
bridge, and Cinchiiintus, the farmer oli
garch, after Pompey, after Sclplo, ufter
Casslus, after Constnutlne, nrter Cirsar
dead. The war eagle of Itouie Hew so high
lt was bliajkavMif tthn mu and camu whirl
log down tl.Miugh thu heavens, mid tho
owl of desolation nml darkness built i(s
eat in tnt fi rwtkeu eyrie. Mexlcau em
piredead, t-'rcueli empire deail.
You see, my friends, It Is no unusual
thing for a government to perish, and in
tbe'aanie necrology of dead nations mid lu
(ha same graveynrd of expired govern
ments will go tho Upitcd States of Ameri
ca unless there be somo potent voice to call
a halt, arid tint ess Uod lu his mxrey Inter
fere, and thioiigh a purified l.-tllot Iwx
aaVwidekpiead nuhliu Christian seiiti
cnaat ibecatiMtiophu bo averted. TIiIhiih
tioa is about to o to the ballot bov to ex
erciso tho right of r.ulVnige, id I propow
to net befoiv you thu evils that threateu to
destroy thu A iiierlcaii goverumrnt nml tf
nnnlhllatti Ameileaii histlliitlons, mid (
GimI will help inn I will show you before I
get tliniugli the lundo In which each nnd
every ono may do something to arrest that
uppnllhig calamity, And I shall plow up
the whiilii Held,
The flint evil Hint threatens tho mini
hllatlon of our American Institutions Is
tho fact that political bribery, whlch.ontii
wnscoiisldeiisl aclinic, has by innnycouui
to he coiisliliiriij a toterabln vlrtucv Thorn
Is a legitimate iimi of money lu elections,
In tliu printing of Mll!lra! trncts, mid hi
thn hiring of puhllo ImlU; nml In the ob
taining of rmiipaluu oratory, but Is them
any liomunrnliis who supposes that this
vast amount of money now lielng wised by
tho JMilltlcal part les Is going lu it legltlmatn
dlrectlonf Thu vast majority of It will go
to buy votes.
Hundreds nnd thousands of men will
hnvo set Itcforo them so much money for
I a Republican vote, mid so much money for
n wuiinMTiiuu Tine, mill ill" superior iiiiaii-
clal Inducement will decide the, notion.
You want to know which party will carry
tho doubtful states day after tomorrow?
I will tell )ou, Thn party that spends thu
most money, This moment, while I
speak, thu peddlers carrying gold from
Wall street, gold from Third street, gold
from Htato street and gold from tho Brew
ers' association, are In nil tho political
headquarters of the doubtful states, deal
lug out tho Infamous Inducement.
There used to Im bribery; but it held its
head In Minnie. It was under tho utmost
lecrecy that ninny years ago n railroad
company bought up tho Wisconsin legls
.'ature anil many other puhllo ofllclaU In
that state. Tho governor of tho statu at
that time, received ttO.onO for his signa
ture. Ills private secretary received M.OOO.
Thirteen inemliers of thu seuato received
17.0XI among them in bonds. Sixty
members of tho other house received from
tAOOO to tl(),(XK each. Tho lieutenant gov
ernor reeelvtsl f 10,000. Tim clerks of thu
house, received from .1,000 to 110.000 ench.
Tho bank comptroller received 110,000.
Two hundred and lltty thousand dollars
woru divided among thu lobbyists. You
see tho railroad company was very gen
eroiis. nut all that was hidden, nnd only
through the severest scrutiny on tho part
of n legislative committee was this in
iquity displayed. Now political bribery
defies you, dares you, Is nrrognut, nnd will
probably decide tho election next Tuesday.
Unless this illalxillsin ceases hi this coun
try Bartholin's stnlnuon Bed loo's island,
with uplifted torch to light other nations
Into tho harbor, had better bo chaugisl mid
the torch dropped us it symbol of universal
Unless this iiurchaso mid salu of sufTrima
shall ceaso tho American government will
expire, ami you might asjrcll bo getting
ready tliu monument for another dead na
tion nml let my text Imtcrllx) upon it these
wonts, "Alas, nhis. for Babylon. Hint urent
city, Hint mighty city, for lu ono hour Is
thy Judgment cornel" My friends, If you
have not noticed that political bribery Is
ono of thu ghastly crimes of this day, you
navo not Kept your eyes open.
Another ovll threatening tho destruction
of American institutions is thu solidifying
of thu sections against each other. A solid
north. A I'MId south. If thlsuoes on we
shall after awhile have a solid east ngulnst
asoiiu west; wo shall have solid middle
states against solid northern states; we
hall have a solid Now York against n
olid Pennsylvania, aud it solid .OhlongnliiKt
a solid Kentucky, It is twotity-suven
yenrs since thn w arcloud, ami yet at every
presidential election thu old antagonism is
aroused. When Garfield died nml nil the
states gathered around Ills casket In sym
pathy and in tenrs, and as hearty telegrams
of coudolenco came f nun New Orleans nnd
Charleston as from Boston ami Chicago, I
said to myself, "I think sectionalism i
dead." But, alas, nol Tho dlfllculty will
never bo ended until each statu of the na
tion Issplltuplutotwoor threo Kreat po
lltical parlies.
This country cannot exist unless It ex
ists as onu body, the, national capital, he
heart, sending out through all thu nrteiles
of communication wtiimth and life to the
very extremities. This tuition cannot ex
ist unless It exUU as ono family, and you
might as well hnvu solid brothers against
solid sisters, ami a solid bread tray against
a solid cradle, mid a solid nursery against a
solid dining room, and you might as well
have solid ears against solid eyes, mid solid
html ngiiinst solid' foot. What is tho in
terest of Georgia is tho Interest of Mas
snchUKctts; what Is tho inturcst of New
York is thu 'intenvst of South Carolina.
Does tho Ohio river change its politics
when It gets below Louisville? It is not
possible for these sectional aitttiKonisms to
continue for it great many years without
permanent coiiiMiuml fracture.
Another evil thn'utrnlog thu destruction
of our American Institutions is tho low
itatoof public, morals.
What killed Babylon of my text? What
I'liwuleinr What killed Home?
Ihelr own depravity, ami thu fraud, and
tho drunkenness, and tho lechery which
nave iiestroyeii other nations will destroy
Diirs unless n merciful (iod prevent. To
thowjou tho law statu of public morals I
have to call your attention to the fact that
many men nominated for offices hi differ
ent states at different times nru entirely
unlit for thu positions for which they have
been nominated.
They linvn no mora qualification for
them than a wolf has qualification to be,
professor of pastoral theology In a Hock of
theep, or a blind molubas qualification to
lecture a class of eagles on optics, or than
vulture has qualification to chaperon a
love. Tho mere pronunciation of some of
their names make it demand for carbolic
kcld and fumigation! Yet Christian men
will follow right on under thu political
I havu to tell you what you kuow al
ready, thul American politics hnvu sunken
to such a luw depth that theru Is nothing
beneath, What wo see in some directions
we see in nearly all directions. Tliu pecu
lation aud tho knavery hurled to the sur
face by the explosion of banks and busi
ness firms are only speclmuus of great Co
topnxis and StroinbolU of wickedness that
boil and roar and surge beneath, but havu
not )et regurgitated to thesurfoce. When
me iitavuu tiehcuutletl Democratic party
enacted the Tweed rascality It seemed . to
iclipsu everything, but after nWIille tliu
heaven descended Republican party out
witted pandemonium with the star route
My friends, w e havu In this country people
who say thu marriage Institution amounts
to nothing. They scoff at it. We have
people wul king hi pulitu parlors In our day
who nro not good enough to be scavengers
.ii Sodom! I went over to San Francisco ten
or fifteen years ago that beautiful city,
that queen of thu Pacific May thu bless
ing of God como down upon iter gieat'
churches and her nohlu men and women!
When 1 got into lliu city of Han Francisco
the mayor of tliu city ami the preMitent of
the board of health called on mo mid In
listed thul 1 go And sis) Hie Chinese qtiur
Ur, no doubt m that on my return to the
Atlantic coast I mlglit tell what dreadful
people tho Cliluee are,
But on thn last nlnhtof my stny In Smt
Francisco, before thousands of pcnpln In
their gieat opera house, I said, "Would
you like inn to tell joii Just, w hut I think,
plainly and Imni-stlyf" They said, "Yes,
yes, yes" J said, "Do ou think you can
stand It nllf" Thoy snld, "Yes, yes, yes'."
"Then," I said, "my opinion Is that thn
curse of Sail Francisco Is not your Chlnejii
quarter) hut jour uiljlloiialry libertines!"
l,tHK!ITINIB IN 111(111 PI.ACKH.
Ami two of HieuiMit right before piu
Felix mid Drtisllla. And mi It Is In nit thu
c(tes. I never swear, but when I sro n
man go iiuw hipped of Justice, Inughhig over
Ids shame nml calling his ihiuiuuhlo ileedi
gallantry and peccadillo, I am tempted to
hurl redhot anathema ami tocoticludu thai
If, according to kudu peoplu's theolog),
there Is no hell, theto ought to bo I
Them Is enough out and out licentious
ness In American cities today lo bring
down upon them thu wrath of that God
who, on tho IMth of August, 79, burled
Ilercubineillii mid Pompeii so deep lu
ashes that thu eighteen hundred and thir
teen subsequent yenrs have not been ahld
to complete thu exhumation. Thero urn
In some of thu American cities today wholu
blocks of houses which thu authorities
know to Ins Infamous, and yet by purchaso
they are silenced by hush money, so that
such places are as much under thu defense
of government as puhllo libraries aud
asylums of mercy.
These u leers on the body polltlo bleed and
gangrene away tliu life of thn nation, and
puhllo authority lu many of the cities looks
thn other way. You cannot curu such
wounds as these with a silken bandage.
You will hnvo to euro theut by putting
deep lu the lancet of moral surgery, mid
burning them out with tho caustic of holy
wrath, and with most decisive amputation
cutting off tho scabrous and putrefying
abomination. As the ltninans were after
tho Celts, nml as thu Normans werunfter
thu Milton, so there are uvlls after this
nation which will attend its obsequies un
less wo first attend theirs.
Superstition tells of a murine reptile, tho
ccphaloptern, which eiifolilisl mid crushed
nshlpot war; hut It Is no superstition when
1 tell you that thu history of many of thu
dead nations proclaims to ipt tliu fact that
our ship of statu is In danger of being
crushed by thu eepluiloptura of national
depravity. Where Is tliu Hercules lo slay
tills hydra? Is It not time to speak by pen,
by tongue, by ballot box, by thn rolling of
thu prison door, by hangman's halter, by
earnest prayer, by Slmiitlo detonation?
A. sou of King Croesus is said to have
been dumb mid to have never uttered a
wonl until he saw his father being iut to
death. Then he broku tho shackles of
slleiieu nnd cried out, "Kill not my father,
Cruutusl" When I see tliu uheatery and
thu wantonness and thu manifold criiuu of
this country attempting to commit, patri
cide yea, matricide upon our institu
tions, It, seems to nietbat lips that here
tofoio have been dumb ought to break tho
slleiieu with caiioioustoucH of fiery protest.
I want to put all of thu matter Wfont
you, so that every honest, man ami woman
will know Just how matters stand, mid
what they ought to do It they vote, and
what they ought to do if they pray. This
nation Is not going to perish. Alexander,
when ho hcant of thu wealth of tho Indies,
divided Macedonia among, Ids soldiers.
Some onu asked ill in what ho had kept fur
himself, nml he replied, "I am keeping
hope!" And that Jowol I keep bright and
shining in my soul, whatever else I shall
surrender. Hope 'thou In God. Hit will
set back these occlude tidcs'of moral dev
astation. Do you. know what Is the pri.u
for which contention is made today? It is
the prize of this continent.
Never since, according to John Milton,
wnen "satmi was hurleil, headlong flaming
from thu ethereal skies lu hideous ruin and
combustion down," hnvu thu powers of
darkness been so determined to win this
continent as they now are. What, a Jewel
it is a Jewel curved lu relief, thu cameo of
this plauetl On onu slduof us tho Atlantic
ocean, dividing us from thu woruout gov
ernments of Hunipc. Oiithuothersltle the
Pacific ocean, dividing us from thu super
stition of Asia. On thu north of us tliu
Arctic, sea, which is thu gymnasium hi
which tlie explorers anil navigators develop
their courage. A continent, 10,500 miles
long, 17,000,000 hqtmre miles, and allot it
but about ouu-suveiith rapahlu of rich cul
tivation. Till: OltlUT NATION.
One bundled millions of population on
this continent of Noi th and South America
one bundled millions, ami room for many
hundred millions more. All tloia, and nil
fauna, all metals, ami all precious woods,
tind all grains, ami all fruits. Thu Appa
lachian raiiuu thu backlioiio and the rivers
thu ganglln, carrying llfo all through and
out to tho extremities. Isthmus of Darlen
thu narrow waist of a giant continent, all .
to bu under ouu government, and all free.
nml All Christian, and thu scenuof Christ's
personal lelgu on earth If, according totbo
expectation of many people, hu shall at last
set up his tlirnnu in this world.
Who shall havu this hemisphere? Christ
or Mitanf Who shall havu tho shore of I
her inland seas, tho silver of her Nevadas.
thu gold of her Colorado, thu telescopes
of her observatories, thu brain of her uni
versities, tho wheat of her prairies, thu
rlcu of bur savannahs, thu two great ocean
beaches thu ouu reaching from Ballln's
bay to Terra del l'tiego, and thu other
from Behriug straits to Capo Horn and
all thu moral and temporal and spiritual
aud uvurlastitig Interests of a ixipulatioii
vnst beyond all computation save by him
with whom a thousand years aro as onu
Jay? Who shall hnvu thu hemisphere?
You and I will decide that, or help ro tie
cldu It, by conscientious tote, by earnest
prayer, by maintenance of Christian Insti
tutions, by support of great philanthro
pies, oy piuiiug iKHiy, mum ami soul ou
thu right sidu of all inoia), religious and
outional movements.
Ab, it will not be long beforo it will not
maku any diflerouce to you or to mu what
becomes of this continent, v far as earthly
onitort Is concerned, All wo will want of
It will bo seven feut by thn'e, and that will
tuku lu thu lurgest, ami there will bu room
Mid to spare. That Is all of thlspouuiry
wo will need very soon, tho youngnst of u.
Hut wo have an anxiety about thq.welfare
tud thu happiness of tho generations that
ire coming on, uiuHtwilt bu a graud (hlng
if, when tliu 'archangel's trumpet aouuds,
we find that our sepulcher, llku:theouo
Joseph of Arimathca provided for Christ,
is in thu midst of a garden. By that tliuo
this country will bqttll pnrndlsu or all dry
iortugus. Kternal ,(iod,.t(i thiu "wo com
Jilt thu destiny of this people! ' ,
Light from Celestial llmllxs. '
Light travels at the rate of 213,000 miles
i second, it velocity which cause tho rays
trout the moon to reach us iu a llttlu less
than a second and irqiutrier. Thu rays of
Jupiter nro flftj-tw'o minutes hi reaching
us. It would tako millions of years for1 thu
tame beams to reach us if their starting
point was from ouo of Hta fixed stars. St.
trills Republic.
llrllllnnt Vnuiiv Killtor of Tim Re
view of Uut lew.
Imperial ('orresHinilciica.
Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 10. Dr. Albort
Sluiw, who turn scored such it brilliant
success us editor of Tlio lloviuw of Uic
vlows, was born in Hutler county, O.,
July ,2:1, 1857. Ho was graduated from
Iowa (c'ollcgi), (Jrlmiull, la., in 1870.
Soon aftor leaving collego lio entered
loonl JonVimllsiii in Iowa for tlio pur
poso of learning tho mechanical nful
business brandies.
HltMitroiigest tuMtos King for ixdltlcul
and LTonoiuiu- sciences, lio took long
leaverf from bin newspaper work to go to
tilling Hopkins university for post grud
jjmtti study in history and political sci
ence.1 In I88!l lie did editorial writing
o'n tlio Mhnujuixdls Daily Tribune, but
returned to Johns Hopkins to complete
liis courso thero and received in 1884 thu
degreo of I'll. D., having accomplished
work of n high order in constitutional
history, international law and ixjlitlcnl
Ho returned to Minneapolis ns chief of
tlio editorial stall of Tlio Tribune, hold
ing that position until tlio closo of 1800
with tho interval of over a year spent
in Europe In tlio ineniitiiuo Wq. hnil
earned it distinguished roputatiou by his
contributions to Tlio Contemporary lie
viow and Fortnightly Heviow in Eng
land, treating of various phases of west
ern constitutional nnd legislativo experi
ence. His stay in Europe in 1888 anil 1880
was spent in tlio study of municipal gov
ernment In Urent Drltuin nnd in tho
lurgo cities of tho continent, nnd in
study of European constitutional systems
nml general iolltlcal conditions. When
lio returned lio resumed editorial charge
of tho Minneapolis Trlbuno nnd gave
lectures at Johns Hopkins, Cornell and
Michigan universities upon municipal
government in Europe. Ho nlso wrote,
by invitation from The Century, a num
ber of articles on tho government of the
principal cities of Europe, which nro to
bo published in lxok form.
Tlio Chautauqua Magazine printed a
series of interesting and Instructive arti
cles from his lien on tho political and
social conditions of the Servians, Turks,
Bulgarians, Greeks anil other nations
tho result of tils travels and researches.
During his residence in Minneapolis he
wroto it monograph called "Co-opcrntion
in n Western City" afterward enlarged
ami reprinted as n part of tlio "History
of Co-operation in tho United States"
which excited admiring attention Irotb
at homo anil abroad. His thesis in 1881
at Johns Hopkins was entitled "Icaria:
A Study of Communistic History," aft
erward translated and published in Ger
many. In tho year 1888 lio edited a volume
entitled "The National Rovenuos," to
which a largo number of leading ecouo-
mists contributed. IIo was elected in
181)0 professor of political and munic
ipal institutions and international law
by Cornell university, having frequently
declined most fluttering invitations from
other institutions.
IIo did not accept tho call to Cornell,
but was induced by Mr. W. T. Stead,
the eminent London journalist, to found
Tho American Heviow of Reviews, to be
1 dished and edited in closo association
ivitll Mr. KtonilV P.lioliuli imiirn-rliwi of
tll0 8ill0 Ilnlll(, Tho ,iew Roviuw ,,.
peareil in 1801. edited by Mr. Shaw in
Now York, and in a year's timo hud
gained it circulation of 70,000 copies, a
most unprecedented triumph in serious
periodical literature, and it goes with
out saying that Mr. Slmw is entitled to
a largo sharo of tho credit for its re
markablo success.
IIo till holds lectureships at Johns
Hopkins aud tho WiucouHiu Statu uni
versity's school of historical nnd politi
cal science, and frequently lectures on
his favorito topics in other institutions.
Ho contributes to leading periodicals
nnd does a large amount of work every
month for his own magazine. Mr. Slmw
is unmarried, and seems wedded to his
aspirations nnd work for reform and
progress. Mkl R. Colquitt.
Poet Illley's Practical Jokes.
Many amusing stories aro told of tlio
practical jokes tlio celebrated poet James
Whitconili Riloy used to play on stran
gers to draw them out. Ono was to enter
a town us it blind painter, led by a boy,
nnd do sign painting that nnuized tho
natives. Tho blindness part of it was
I only half it joke, for without powerful
glasses iMr. Riley's vision is mostly
limited to a ioiv roils. Ho says Unit
if rho detects any signs of apathy in an
audience lib simply takes off his glasses,
und then ho sees no audience "they
may be cnthusiu like till possessed for
t i
''Matches Made of Compreiued IVat.
'Jn consequence of tho growing difti
onlty of procuring wood sttltiiblo for tho
manufacture of mutches, German fac
tories are now making tluvi of com
pressed pent, which is said to bo an ex
cellent substitute.
, No Iltniicr, No Drink.
illy u liquor law recently put in forco
in" Capo Colony no tiavclercan boBup
pJ,vl with drink unless with a bona tide
diaiiur or luncheon.
1 I I 1
PALL 1892 --
and Curtains
See our JLeire Li:ne.
1112 O STR96T,
Ot"Special Inducements to Cash Buyers.
Recently opened in the new V M. C. A. Building on N Street. Mr, Voclker is
pleased to announce that Ills business lias steadily increased since the first day he
opened, that his trade is of the very best character, and is receiving the best of
workmanship and standnid tallies in Furs and Kur (lOotU of all kinds.
Tailor-Made Fur Garments
made on the pieuilses fiom mntcrlnl all lu stuck, and guaranteed to he a perfect lit
and o.itlxfnctorv In every particular. Whv, then, send out of town for SiA.Sh'iV
iAC.XH'iS, Afl'WS, CAP US, A'Olil'iS, CLOAKS, HTC, liTC.t
Repair Work of All Kinds
You are hit ited to call and see my stock of (ootU, nnd jjet inform, ition as to tailor
made older'- and repair work.
F. E.
Practical Furrier
Pure Ice Cream and
Delicious Fresh Oysters !
The Bon Ton
Telephone 1G7. '20'2 P Street
Geo. JVLeicfeirleine, Propr.
Coifeo ami Light Lunches nt all Hours
J43 S. 1 1th Street.
'.' hns just received
llahah Qwoat DirkUc
t w
nuuuu unuvi, tivniuu,
Imported Chow Chow,
Sweet Blossom Peas,
Fancy Queen Olives,
Fancy Smalf Olives,
M, Y. Fall Cream Cheese, -Extra
F'cy Sliced Pineapples,
Sewing Machine
We have just employed n skillful workman from the hnst, who Is fully compntcc
to make all rcpnlri in the iibdVe Hiich T. J. THORP & CO.,
3:0 South Eleventh ftree
Monday, Nov. 14th
and continuing for onu week.
50 UphoUteFcd'Kockcrs at
3 5
3 00
3 89
This is only one-half of their orlg
hull value. Come early and get
(list choice.
Ucm mlicr this price will only be
iod one week.
Rudge & Morris Co.
1118 to 1122 N Street.
It Supplie5 a
- Cor pelt Uapt
Y. M. C. A
Telephone 398.
lot of pew
- - 25c qt. '
25c can ,
40c qt.
20c "
20c lb,
25c can
Repairing !