CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1892 .PI w , DR. HEKRT A. MARTIN'S Medical Institute KOIlTIIKt'UHKOF Chronic Diseases SPECIALTIES: Discuses of Women, Catarrh, Morphine and Opium Habits. Cure Guaranteed. Consullntloit Free. OHices, 141 South 12th Street IHllSIi COKSBMTORT of MUSIC net Ictdenic School for Girls, Uassta, Nebraska. All Branches of Mask, Art, Elocution, Lltsrature, and Languagss, M(M kf a Faculty of Hlateen Instructors. Bach Teacher an e-rw Irar ARTIST AND SPECIALIST. only Conservatory west of Boston owe own Duuuini ana lurnismnn, a re. ome ror isay students. Tuition rross sues per terra 01 10 wreai. uaiaiogue ami general iniDnaauoa. O. B. HOWBIiL. Director. Ladies' and Children's air Catting md Shampooing a Specialty, SAM. W EST ERFI ELD'S BURR -f BLOCK. Santa Fe Route I 1 h a. e ltcliisoD, Topeka ft Santa Fe R. R Tin PcyaUr Route U tk Facile Coast Through Pullman and Tourist Slceperi Btfwwa Ksnsss City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between a City and PUEBLO. COLORADO RINGS, and DENVER. Short UM to SALT LAKB WU'lf. The Direct Texas Route eJM Irakis Between Kama CHy and Oslvtstaa. The Snort Line Betweoa Kanaaa City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallae, Austin, Temple, Saa Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Point In Texas. lge OsJy Line Running Through Ike WLAHOMA COUNTRY. Tke Oailj Direct Line to the Texas rsWrlandl. For Maps aad time Tables and Interna Bon Regsrdktf Rates $ , . a4 Routes Call on , ' or Address ' ' . L. PALMER, Passenger Agesw, 13l$rarnamStr$U OXJk-H-A- it; JCMiNtlO OITM TM( MOMAnff or THt 0OUN1V Wltk MIUl nJ'MiM'Mkutio.nKMa itvoy at tmywwtw CbiGago(RjS)ckIslandi iri DIRECHf JCVmi t.i and HOCK lALANV', DAVKNTOIU i 1 if.". If m OHIOACa JE8 MOINER cjuwcix, ui-vrra. WATH.ltOWN, BIOUX FALLS. MHUIKAJ-OLIA. aVU'AVL, ST. J08- KP1I, AVUMUOIT, IB.VVI;i)))ilTlt KANSAS cirv toi)'.ka, jrvrJ!p.oiiAiX) bp-nos ass' laaruwu, SOLIQ VESTrlULIjJiPRESS TRAINS ct Through OmoImiU ilMpcn, Fru Hccllnlnii Cbiir Can htjI HMIhJ, Cars dall IU. cre dally bttw. cm- CAOO. SS8 MO.OiVU, OJUNCIt BLUFFS ant OKAKA. and en'.vJJ I Colorado ,lirum CHICAGO niul DBNVEU, ana rucuw via. nc and Tope. m Ths Albert Lea Route. Stoat Tviiraas TnUna dallr between Ciiler.KC and Mlnaaaaolla and St. Paid, with THEOUOH BecUnlaa Ohatr Oars OTRKUI to and rroiu tboav points and Tsnaaa CUT. Throuiih Choir Car and aUepa between reoria, bnlrll Lnko and Sioux Tails via, Sock laland. Vat Ticket, Map raider, or doelrod lnfornio tlon.applr at any Coupon Ticket Ollloe, or addreai I. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN. fleal ltanaer, Oen'l TUt, o Vaaa. Auu CUIOAOO ILL $3000 XfEAEI Ilatch eajr nlrlj lait liftui inou of tlib,, mi. who can it4 utl Mrli.ail Mao, ftr tu.inicllon.nlll Hwaluduilou.1, Itww la torn Tarta Ikvauiae bIUr. a. Year la laalrai.ali)iila..Hhtnfrlli.rh,a.l lll .iMfumlA keaUeaUoaartiuik,jririiiiKhlchx'.'arnikaiaaoiiat. HesaeMTaWmabalvaf ,ae.MnilacaUiv, l.liyaauqakhlv iaaratS I Saera l.y out woratr torn tatli illMrivl at cvualr, I ! raclflcRv aatealeiadjrttuvUI aa4 tirovldad wlu, tniitluiuttiii a Uifj It. wSk tra waalag ottt SHIS a a t.,L ImNKW 4 l., ,uriu.Ur.'MKI . AdJimaloao tcvAiaLkar. Bs . ami mim, ataisr WOMAN AND HOME. sERIOUS RESULTS WHICH OFTRN COME FROM CARELESSNESS. A rnnnl Hunt 'Itiilr fur (! Nina Mrnl. IIimv Mnllia Multiply A Word tup Wife nnil Mulder liiiiurliiiit nml liitrretllnji Matter fur tint Huiiivioaker. To Illustrate tliu ctilpuhlo carelessness of some nurses limy Im given the following true ntiiry ttilil liy the wife of nn eminent ph)slclnin "I have no doubt," she said, in thr coursuof louversutlon, "tlmt many of the distressing chronlu troubles of the splnu Mini It mure obscure ramification hiiiI manifestations might, If parent lint know It, Im-directly traced to some net of wanton thoughtlessness on the part of tho nursery imild. It liiilteilreadful to think of micli 11 delicate llltle piece, of mechanism being given over to the caru of an Ignorant, Indifferent person. TIio least sudden jiir, If the weight of the body In resting lit nil on the spine, might be exceedingly In JurloiiM, mid, for that reason, I would etinot n Inw, If I hud my wny, to abolish bnby carriages for Infants under a yenr old at least. "If your nurse In too laxy or too weak to carry her nursling, Rot another woninti, but do not expose jour helpless little tino to the jarrlug.movemcntsof oven the best springs In lifting the carriage across a curb, etc. Besides, tho actual heat of the liuiiinti InnI' Imii ureal protection against cold, hihI no amount of eiderdown or wool en will lake the place of the protecting wnrnitb of n kindly bosom and strong, tender arms. "I will tell you what I notunlly saw saw once," she continued nftern iiiouivnt'ii hesitation. "The Htory Im mo painful that I hardly like to tell It, but It may do goixl In showing young mothers tho actual dan Kern to which their babies are exponiil, I wnM walkliiK lu Htreut one afternoon when a uurxe who wan evidently belatitt paHxed me with a bnby wauon at n very .iilck pace, the little enrrhme, with Its HleepliiK baliy, HwnyliiK up anil down on Hh ey xprltiK with the rapid motion. 'On, do take care I' I exclaimed, tut nhe paMxed me with n midden Hwerve of the Utile Vehicle, 'you will hurt the child.' Tim jrlrl nave an Impertinent tos of her head ami muttered HomothliiK that I did not catch, turnliiK at the mime time Into the banemeut In rear of it I a rue, Due lioime, and without clieckhiK her career nhe bumped the carriage down the three or foumtepx that led to the Incliwure. '"I will do am I would like to bo done by,' I snld to myM'lf, on watching the perform ancu, 'althoiiKli It Im miinll lliankH that I will net, I dare Hay.'' So I ran iiplli'e Hten, rnnK tho bell, mid told the butler who enmeto the door that I winded to nee the lady of thehoiiHe. Luckily I found favor lu his Kindt, for without reinoiiHtrnuce Im showed me Into a little Hide library, and a second after a pretty young woman walked lu with an lniulrlliK exprcxNlou on her pleiiHiuit face. 'I U't your pardon for In trudluK,' I Ik'kiui, 'but I feel it Im my duty to tell you Hint your maid will do your child serlotiH Injury If she John down the stepn lu the manner I have JiiHt noticed,' and I wiut proceeding to kIvc her n llttlu Information nbout the delicate structure of the head, neck and itplue of youiiK in fantM, when her manner fro.e me at once. 'Thank you,' nhe Maid hauuhtily, 'but I think I can trunt to the experience of my nurne.' "Ah mIis h,ioke there came tliu Hound of a Hind of rapid footxtepn in the hall, and n maid burnt In upon iim. ',Mr. A , comu quick 1' Hde pnuttil; 'tde baby lin n lltl' lu an hiMtant the motlier was out of tde room and runnliiK down tde basement Rtull-M, wdlle I, feeling tdat I could I hi of no line, left the house, pitying the poor young tiling too much to blame her. The next day I panned by and noticed with a start of horror tde fatal luxlunhi of mourn' log on tho door tdo baby wIim dead. Did the doctor know, I wondered, that it dad been murdered?" A IVanut Hunt. A pleasant and easily arranged evening entertainment, suitable for winter or hum mer. Is prepared lu this way: First, put In order the room in which you Intend to entertain your guests, as Miy change tn the position of the furniture is undesirable after "thu party" is ready. It Is a good plan to remove any fragile arti cles of brlc-n-brac or furniture that may lie within ensy reach of the "hunters." Get a good supply of peanuts, aocordlug to the slse of the room and, the Btimber of your guests. , ' Count the peanuts and record thu num ber. Then let tdem Is? hidden In every Imaginable but particularly In every un imaginable plnce. Kxerclse all your In genulty.aud rememlM-r that wlta Justus bright as yours are to And what you have concealed. Home times, however, It hap pens that n very conspicuous place Is the last to be searched. Now prepare as many little baskets or receptacle of soma sort as you art) to have guests. The little "cat baskets" are very good for tdis purpose, but boxes or larger baskets will serve as well. A little decora tion of some sort enhances the pleasure of the seekers, and at the close of tho evening the baskets may be given' as souvenirs. The small baskets may be prettily grouped In a large basket, ami both may bo tied with ribbons. If the company I Inrge the players may be asked to "hunt In couples," and the ban kets may be arranged to match each other. When the hunt begins those who have placed tde nuts are to act as umpires, In case thero should lie any question as to the first finders, and they must also notice whether all tdu nuts have been found, and so determine thu end of the game. Sometimes a single nut is dipped In ink or dyed red and hidden away very securely, and the person who finds this particular red or blnck nut Im the winner of the game. Uut generally the prize Is given to the per son or thu couple whose basket shows thu greatest number of uuta. Youth's Com pauion. Rules for Cooking Meat. The orthodox rule for the cooking of meat, fish and fowl is to allow a quarter of an hour to every pound; yet this recipe needs to le mixed with brains. Some families like rare, others well done meats; again, a joint may be unusually thick or remarkably tdiu; again, full grown nnd mature meats, sued HHwef and mutton, are best wjth red gravy ooziug from them, while Immature or white meats, such as lamb, veal, tork, etc., are absolutely dan gerous miles done through to thu Isjue. A good rule to allow twelve to fifteen minutes, acci rding to thetasteof thu fami ly and the thickness of tiie joint, for the rooking of every pound of Is-ef and mut ton; fifteen to eighteen minutes for tde rooking of every pound of pork, veal, lamb, haul, bacon, tlsh and every kind of fowl,, AccldeoU Hppeti, however, the oven may be too hot or too cool, the lire too slow, and what uotr Ho m cook should learn toktiow by the nppenraiice of the lili'Mi iihcii Mien 11 ik niiiiicinniiy cixircti. Ilinv can thlr. lie donef lly carefully olf KervliiK the Appearance of the meat around the center hone or boiicM. If the learner Im) lu doubt, the blade of a knife can be run lu about an Inch to the bone, nud the meat Allgdtly raled and examined for a moment or two. After one or two trial, tdln will be found to lie an infallible method. It Im iptlte right that next tn the bone beef and mutton should be re-l and juicy, but If I lie beef be blue or the mutton Iiiih tdat Ktrauge, raw look K'cu liar to mutton that hiiMJiiht felt tho heat of the lire, tde Joint need n llttlo more rutiklr.ii wlilli. ivlilti liii.nlfi Mlifilllil Im 1 white, even to the hone, with the excep 1 Hon, pcrhatw, of lamb, willed many peo ple prefer wild a little pinky juice oorllig through. Oood lloiihekeeplng. How Motlm .Multlptr. It Im now a clearly defined fact that there are three dlNtliielnpeciet of wool destroy lug mot d common to this country. The com mon specie are light brown In color. They begin to appear late in April and may oc casionally Imi seen about nn late anAugust. They pair off and tho female then searches for suitable places for the dispo sition of her eggs, working her wny Into dark corners, crevices of tliu walls, cracks In the floor, or deep Into the folds of gar ment, apparently choosing by Instinct the least consplciioiiM places. The moth lays from eighteen to one hun dred and forty eggs at n time. From these eggs hatch, I u a period of three to seven days, the white, soft larvio or worms, all of which begin to ninko a case for them selves from the fragments of tho cloth Upon which they feed. Tho case Is In Hie shape of a hollow roll. The worm reaches Its full growth lu thirty-six days, and then, crawling Into some yet more protected spot, remains tor phi during the winter within Its case, which by this time Is thickened and fastened at either end and Im tho full sized cocoon. It Im the thirty-six days' period from tliu time the egg are laid to tho time thowoim or grub rencheM full sire that the damagu Is done. After a thorough airing of a woolen fab ric for the purMwe of driving out any con cealed tnotii for n moth abhors light and after time ha been given to the develop ment of any concealed egg, yon niny, Im reasonably sure t hat there Is nothing harm fill on the fabric, then It is as safu douu up inn paper parcel as It would be If saturated and burled beneath all thu antlinolli remedies in existence,. Philadelphia Up- uoisterer. A Word ror the Wife anil Mother. No one love lelter than tlui writer to seeneat little homes arranged with tastu and care: to read,of neat llttlo wivea' trip ping to meet their husbands, their glossy hair neatly brushed, a dozen pies on An' pantry shelves, four loaves of bread, beau tifully browned, on thu kitchen table, thu kettlesiiigiug, tiie steak "doing" and every thing humming as merrily us a top. It Is the reverse of Ionian tic, it Im realistic, it Is brutal, to stale that all till costs money lu hand; tdat if you live, from hand to mouth from day today your stove would splutter ' and refuse to bake anything: your pies I would be horrid, your bread heavy and, sour. That the little wlfu would have no time to brush her hair nor bake plea. She would no seiner get the baby to sleep than Johnny would come in with his one pair of trousers torn sous to demand Immediate, attention, and his uolsu would waku the baby up again. IMesI It takes a domestic amazoii to do tde hundred and one things our I'ltiltau greal-graudmotderH aru said to have done. I don't beliuve they did 'em, myself. Who Is it says: Income 100, expendi ture i!IOO Is., result misery. Income the saine.expendltiirei'UHlOs., result happiness? Dickens, Is It not? He was right of courso. The principle Is correct. Cut yourcoat ao acconling to your cloth. Hut If It Im to bu of homespun wear it ghully and call it homespun. Don't buy broadcloth at homo spun prices and call the world to witness how advantageously you spend your money. Mary Abbott in Chicago Post. A Word About CaUe Hair. False hair In an abomination. Of course thero comes a day when age has swooped down upon the once luxuriant growth and carried off great handfuls of glossy tresses that must be replaced through the agency of thi dealer tn lilrsiite adornments. Then and then only Is false hnlr justifiable, yet It Is a fact that ninny women not more than thirty-five years of age wear false bangs because It Is such a trouble to fix their owii. This Is a terrible mistake, nnd wo have no doubt that where these lazy ones are married this very question of false hair has had much to do with cooling the ardor of the husband, who perhaps was attracted largely by the pretty and becoming style In which his wife arranged her owu glossy locks before marriage. If a woman's crowidng glory is her hair, why not make the most of it, Instead o' lecause she is tired or it is not actually curly resort to a f tinned on affair, guaranteed for a few dot ars to withstand dampness. These bangs never deceive, any one, and thu transformation at uigbt, when my lady takes It off and reveals a plain, smooth pate that Is woefully unliecomlng, Is enough to shock any man. Outside of all this, a man thinks that a women who tries to deceive about her hair will likewise in dulge lu little deceptions on other points, and the false bang always proves a setback to admiration, no matter how benutlfully It may 1ms adjusted. Philadelphia Times. The Ttiyalque of the Girl of Today, The American girl of today lias more arms, neck and bust than formerly Twenty years ago her arms were apt to bo skinny and the bones In her neck showed To a certain extent these things are true now, so It W often remarked that Kugliwh young women have ln'tter necks and shoulders than those of this country, though their faces aru not so pretty. The present style of corsage makes the bust seem high and the waist as long as possible, the latter effect being heightened by making thu corset so as to repress and confine loth bust and hips. One must commend the first point, which is an tin provement on the old fasdlon requiring that the bust must Imi low. A low bust is a mark of jiii Inferior physical type.-aa you may observe lu many tribes of savages. In that respect It Is like an overlong waist, which can never properly Im considered beautiful. After awhile we shall see a revolution in the style, which will demand that the hips shall appear as high as possible, so as to glvu apparent length to the legs and the most graceful effects of druery. I.ook at the Greek stiuue and understand what I mean. Young I n lies' llazar. The Heat i:erili for Women. A celehtausl physician on bei ng asked, "What Is the exercise most conductive to physical beauty In women?" replied very decidedly, "Walking." Teunls hu declared t0 too t0,t,and too much of It Is like- ly to lengthen tde arms and make the height of tho shoulders uneven. Cycling renders women awkward lu their walk; they g'-ndmillycouie toiilovo with a plung ing kind r.f motion tho reverse of graceful, and frequently cultivate weakness of back which makes them hold themselves badly. Hiding Is one sided, and women who Imve habitually ridden for years usually have one hip hlglier than tliu older. Croitiut really dwn not give exercise, nnd after a survey of all tliu ways he knew in which women take physical exercise, he considered uotiu so conducive to health nnd lieaiity of form a walking. It ought to he persevered In and done lu nil but tho worst weather, and particularly in winter. It Is the cheapest and safest too. A woman tuny be hurt with a ball at tennis, injured off a horse or tricycle, or recelvo a blow on Hie head from a club at golf, willed Is now being Indulged In by females. 1'lttsburg Dispatch. Itiml Devonshire Crenni, Any American housekeeper may have Devonshire cream on her table if mIiu will take tho trouble to prepare It. Most peo ple have the erroneous notion that It Is tliu particularly rich cream of tliu county from which it is named. Hlch, new milk Is put into a very shal low vessel witli an extended surface, nnd Is then set on thu range, whero the milk will be warmed, but on no account boiled or even scalded. Thu heat will cause all thu cream to rise to thu surface lu a very short time, and tde pan I tlien taken off and placed in tliu Ice box or some other cool place. When thoroughly chilled thu cream may be taken niT, and will bo nearly of thu con nlsteucy of newly made butter. This Is put in jars, and at breakfast Is served with u spoon, and Is delicious with oatmeal, Isir rles, jam with everything, in fact, with which ordinary cream Im eaten. Its peculiar merit lien In thu fact that it Is not only tliu richest of cream, but will keep sweet for 'two or three days. New York Tribune. I'liiiiuua Women's Hiiuill I'nmllle. Among famous women wlio were, mother of small families comes KlUubcth Harrctt Drowning, who had only one sou. Mrs. Somerville, Hie mathematician, had two daughters and one sou only, though tdiu was twice married. Mine. George Sand had two children, u sou nnd a daughter; so had Lady Mary Montagu, whose "let ters" are so admired in literature, and Mine, du Sevlgne, writer of equally fa mous "letters" In Frcnvh. Mine, du Stncl had three children In her early married life. When forty-eight years old sdu mar rltda second time and then had another sou. George Kllot (Mrs. Cross) was child less, and so was Mrs. Craig, the author of "J oil 11 Halifax." Mrs. Harbnuld, whoso prase and poetry weru both much admired in the Inst century, had no children, nnd the same was thu case with her equally praised contemporary, Mrs. Opie. Ex change. How H Woman Can Make a Living. I liavu a scheme for some woman who Is wondering what sdu sdall do to maku n living. Let her get up u business card stating that shu will do all kinds of mend ing for gentlemen, work to bu called for and returned, and leave tho cards with some self addressed postals witli tho land lady of every good housu she knows of, to bo distributed among thu men whose laun dresses can neither darn, mend nor sew buttons on. If shu does it in a business like way and at reasonable rates she ought to get up enough trade to employ two or threw girls. A man dates to throw away a silk handkerchief because tho hum has raveled out, or give away garments that' hnppeu to have a silt in the wrong plnce. Now York Recorder. Water the Iteet Cosmetic. An authority warns women who would preserve or enhanco the beauty of their complexion and what woman would not? to use rnln water, if possible, to wash their faces in. If this Is not procurable, boll the water before using It. With this good soap should bo used, as the basis of all beauty Is cleanliness. It Is a mistake to fancy that oils and unguents will cleanse the skin. A few women still cling to this most mistaken Idea, nnd there never was a greater delusion. Water Is the best of all cosmetics. To Sick Students. Mrs. President Dwight, of Yale college, originated the Idea of a "Yale home" students who may need medical care r nursing. Mrs. Dwight, with the assistance of many ladles of New York, among ther i Mrs. William C. Whitney, obtained funds for the erection of tho building. There every student who Is 111 can bo under the care of a matron and physician, and receive all the attention which could be given bin at his home. Hoston Woman's Journal. Lady Tennyson's Culluarjr Hklll. Lady Tennyson das always been a notable housekeeper. Early in his married life her husband said jestingly Hint should litera ture fail Ids wife would keep tho family from poverty by her culinary skill, nnd ho added, "I nin sure the Tennyson tea biscuit would prove a success." lieforo her mar riage Lady Tennyson was Miss Emily Sell wood. She was a uieco of Sir John Frank lin. Exchange. How tha French Iron Nupklne. In France, Instead of using sfirch on table napkins, after they are washed and dried and ready to bo ironed they aru dipped In boiling water and partially wrung out between cloth. They are rapidly Ironed with as hot a tlatlron as passible without burning them. They will be beautifully , stiff and glossy, Now York Journal. Sick children are sometimes overfed and overstimuluted. Milk, beef Juice, mutton broth, winu wliey, oatmeal and barley gruels usually furnish a sufficiently varied menu and are more likely to agree with the stomach than Ice cream or wluu jellies. The Brooklyn hospital for women and children has a board of sixty women man agers and a hospital staff of twenty-two women physicians. It is tde only hospital In Brooklyn where women are permitted to practice. For a best all black dress get tho cork screw repped beiigallue ami make with spangled jet vest uud sleeves. Have a hat of .black braided felt trimmed with wings and 'a velvet torsade. Thu potent factors In women's tempta tions to driuk me declared to hu "doctois orders," grocers' licenses, want of employ raeut and "louellut-bs." Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett says that shu lias iniide up t-torlts ever since she can rcmcmlwr ili thing, and that slum site was seven yeara old sde bus w rltten them. In Franco tberonre (If teen women among I the thirty -six factory Inspector. Now'stheTimetoBuy! BXT" Manufacturers Agent ! I have just received at ny repository, direct from the factory, n largo line of FIItST CLASS ll'Oth', nnd nin offering tlicn at prices that positively dis tance nil competitors. Sec my line of Phaeto Su And all the Intcst Novelties in tliu Carriage,' line. Hclng manufacturer's ngent some of the greatest factories, I am in n position to offer goods nt closer figures than retailers. It will pny you to call nnd see my ' ArBr LINE before making purchases. E. R. GUTHRIE, 1540 O STREET Sewing Machine and am We have just employed a skillful workman from the East, who Is fully com pn tec to miike nil repairs in the nbove lines. T. J. THORP & CO., 320 South Elctcnth ftrcct I Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. Nono but experienced men employed. Latest dovlcos for moving Machinery, Hafos, and otlier Heavy Articles. Bljt BurIii)$toi8 Serritory AIRr-WnroMM Danoi des Alphabets. r. MIM SBbbSL rtmtiin rraat PaNtr Can U fafst fesss Traeka CI$t9Cnn$$titn$ Mining Can Vnha Dipota Mftl Raila Tkrough CoacAee Quick Tlmt Chair Cara Air trakta rmi uweexw omotsi DM.OANDIOth, Maw B.M. DEPOT. THERE CAN BE NO MISTAKING THR MUELNGTON'Sn POSITION "AT THE RAILROAD WORLD' IT II -ALWAYS WAt ALWAYS WILL BE A LEADKH . J.PRANOIS, MN'L PASSENGER AOINT. OMAHA. spS15IBSSlf rso: ns, IN for - 1540 O Repairing ! Telephone 176. Office 1 00 1 O St. rreys AUAMT, ATCHISON, ALLEOHKNY AMD AU8T1W. ALTIMOAB, BOSTON, BUFFALO AMD BURLIMOTOIf. OHMAfJOt COUNCIL BLUVFS, CINCINNATI AND CLKVBLAaTat dlabwoob, dbtkoit, dbs moinbs amd dbmvbr. kvansyillb, bris, blmira amd bau clair b. Fall river, vitchburo, fond du lac and fortwatmbV qalvbstom, aeoroetowm, grand rands, oalbssurs). Halifax, Houston, hot sfrinos and hannibal. i ronton, 1ndianafolis, iowa city and indbfemdems Jersey city, jackson, jolibt and Jacksonville. Kalamazoo, keokuk, kankakeb and Kansas city. l.badvillb, little rock, louisville and lincoln. Minneapolis, mobile, Milwaukee and Memphis, nsw orlban8, nantucket, new york and nashvtluu Omaha, osiikosii, oswego and oodknsuuro. Peoria, pittsduro, Philadelphia and Portland, queretaro, quincy, quebec and quitman. Rock island, Richmond, rockford and rochestbk. 8acramknto, salt lake, san francisco and st. paw Tallahassee, terrb haute, Toledo and tavmtom. Ulysses, ukiiana, unadilla and utica. Viroinia CITY, VICKSDURO, VINCENNES AND VANCOUVBS). WlNNIPKO, WASHINGTON, WINONA AND WORCESTER. Xenia JUNCTION, XKRXI'.S, XR.NIA AND XENOPHON. Yl'SILANTI, YONKKP.S, YANKTON AND YOUNOSTOWM. ZON, XUMUUOTA, KACATECAS AND ZANESVILLB. A. C. XIEMBJt. (NTT PASSENGER UNOOLN. (1 r 8&iQW1t1mptmjMna&lmtmimb&b&a