Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 05, 1892, Image 1

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"v Popular paper or av?pern times
13 C M
Vol. 7 No 48
Lincoln, Nkukaska, Saturday, Novicmiiick G, lBOli.
Phioic Fivic ContH
J .tfWkyf$S!iJt UljiijgigjVi .;" uJZPStg sv , "Sffillel
Town mm
llcforo nnotlior Inuo of Mm Couiukh
rcaclioa Its readers another president of thu
United States will havobeen elected, or rath
cr n former president will hnvo liecn elcctd,
uuleM tho unlikely shall have occurred and
neither candldnto shall have secured n ma
jority of tho electoral college. Iu that cane,
of course, n president will not he electa! un
til congress meets. It would Imj futile for
any man to attempt to predict, with any de
gree of posltlvencss, who the new president
will be. The result In New York is wholly
doubtful. Iloth the republicans and demo
crats lay violent claims to victory iu the
pivotal Btnto. Tho matt who can toll how
New York will go can tell who will lie presi
dent, for the ono is practically equivalent.
It is conceited that it Cleveland curries Now
York, and his friends sny that with Hill and
Tnmmany at work for him he cannot lose it,
he will succeed Mr. Harrison. Hut Mr. Har
rison may carry New York and still not be
Micccisful, Indiana, his home state, is ex
tremely doubtful. Hoaro somo of tho w est
cm states usually reliably republican. Even
Nebraska Is doubtful. It is more than
doubtful as far as Mr. Harrison is concerned.
Kdward Itosewater, editor of tho re nnd
the Nebraska incuilier of tho national com
mittee, In nu interview last Tuesday with a
correspondent of tho New York W, said
that thero was no usuof his misfitting thu In
dication; that the elect oi al voto of Nebraska
will bo cast for Weaver and Field, tho Indo
pendent candidates for president anil vice
prtsldent. It In admitted that u lnrc.o ma
joi ity of tho democrats of tho state will vote
the independent electoral ticket In the hou
,of cutting oir eight electoral votes from tho
Harrison column, and if tho lmlccnhjiits
prove as strong as they were two yearn ago
and oven one-tenth of tho democrats voto
with them, it w ill swamp tho republican elec
toral ticket. Hlmllai conditions prevail In
other western state ui.d threaten to cut
down Mr. Harrison's rot in tho electoral
college to less than a majority, thus throw
ing the election into tho house of represent'
olives. As that body is overwhelmingly
democratic it would of course elect drover
Tho stato ticket, owing to tho superior or
ganization and campaign work of the lepub
licans, tho latter will probably bo victorious.
Such aro tho Indications, at least, but tho in
dependents clsmorouBly claim a complete
victory. It is hardly probable, however,
that tho Independents are ns strong ns two
years ago, which was an off year, and there
can 1m little aid exected from democrats iu
that direction, although It Is not considered,
that tho democrats aro materially iu it
Thero may be a possibility of tho election of
Van Wyck for governor, but the probability
extends no further down tho ticket. Hot
fights are being waged iu all of the congres
sional districts and no man in either party
can be considered to have a walk-away
Frobably tho hottest fight of all is tho one
between Hrj an and Field. As fur as demo
cratic aid Is concerned Mr. Uryuu has had to
make his light practically alone, but he has
made a brilliant ono and has every promise
or effective aid from tho independents,
Every assistance has been rendered Mr. Field
by his party, but It will bo surprising If he
bo elected. It Is certain that he will not get
the full republican strength, while Mr. Ury
an will draw both from tho republicans and
Independents. The siectaclo presented by
the Independent candidate, Mr. Shamp, is
sufficiently pitiful to draw tears from n stone.
Having laid himself open to the suspicion on
the part of his party leaders that he was
working In the interest of JuiLje Field and
merely to keep it. dependents from voting for
Bryan, ho has lcen unablo to satisfactorily
demonstrate his good faith, and therefore
finds himself deserted and lonesome In the
house of his political friends. Possibly he
may onco have expected to bo elected, but
his dream of bliss is o'er. There Is little
doubt that tho eutlro republican legislative
ticket In this county will be elected.
Col. George H. Skinner may not be dis
posed to admit, but it may bo chronicled as
a fact, nevertheless, that he has devised a
great invention. Ho was Impelled to this
great mental freak one day during the past
week by the sight of n huck-slrlver who was
diligently stamping his feet on the stono
pavement to keep them warm his feet,
Tho colonel's idea Is to so construct stones
sldowulksus toleuvo a continuous area be
nenlh them, through which n current of hot
air may be pouted In winter to keep tho pavo
ments warm, and a current of coldnlrin
summer to keep them cool. He would have
them so regulated that one could tap the
stream In winter for lieat with which to
charge foot-warming pans for livery pat
rons, or In summer for cool nlr with which
to batho n throbbing brow. As soon ns tho
colonel has secured a patent on his Idui he
will present his scheme for the consideration
of tho city council. When It comes down
to inventing Col. (leorgo II. Hklnner can bo
safely relied upon us strictly in It,
That always chaimlug season of the year
In Lincoln when tho maple worm and the
cockioach abdicate In favor of tho member
of the legislature, who is usually big enough
to fill tho places of both, Is r.ipldly npproncli
Ingaiid owncis of hash hotiv uud looms to
rent aio w sxltig Joyful ut tho prospect. Ah
a rule Lincoln peoplo hoie and pray that the
legislature will not lo lndcondent this year.
This Is not altogether owing to any violent
general prejudlco against the principles ad
vocated by Independents, butchielly ttecauso
independent legislator ns a rule don't stml
any mcro money than Is nbsolutoly necessary
during their olUcial pilgrimages. It is a fact
that during tho lost session of tho legislature
most of tho lndeK'iulents hoarded their sal
nrlea with n xenl that could easily have lead
ono to Mlovo that they wero hero chlelly for
the money thero was In It. There were very
few of them who apicared to know how to
spend their money had they been so disposed,
nnd it Is reasonably certain that most of
them wero drawing better wages than they
havo ovor enjoyed In their lives before,
Many of them wore oven parsimonious nnd
appeared to deny themselves thu mildest lux
uries, or even tho ordinary comforts. Of
course such men wero not such ns Lincoln
tradesmen llko to sou occupying tho leglsln
tlvo chairs. As a rule legislators aro liberal,
nnd many of them profligate in their expen
ditures, and local trndo Is considerably stim
ulated during tho sosslous. About nil of thu
increased activity in trudo during the last
session, however, was duu to thu lobby and
unofllelil visitors attracted to tho city.
Therefore It Is that Lincoln Ksplo ns a class
do not wish to see another Independent legis
lature elected, and this consideration Is prob
ably us Kjtent us tho election of n United
Stutos senator. Thero nr a good many peo
ple till over the state whostiare this dislike to
olllclol simplicity that savors so much of
stinginess. They are of both soxes. Hut
oven tho pronounced parsimony of legis
lators during thu lust session did not pruvuut
thu usual scandal, us oven tho Independent
exemplars of olllclul economy and personal
morality could not all withstand tho blandish
uunts of tho adventuress, who nlwnys hovers
around tho plucu where statesmen nui)t.
Hut the coining session will be a lively ono,
whoever may lw elected, ns thero Is a senator
to elect, which always draws a crowd.
Thero is little, question that the republican
legislative ticket will bo elected In this
county, but there is ono nnmo thereon which
ubovu all tho others thu peoplo of Lincoln
should remember to vote for. It is that of
K. E. Moore, candidate for state senator. A
man of undisputed Integrity and suierlor
intelligence, and more than others a warm
friend of this city nnd county, where his
largo Interests lie. His election should be
practically unanimous. Certainly no demo
crat or republican can afford to vote against
Took L.
Omaha's Lending Hotel.
Tho I'nxton hotel, for eight years under
tho management of Kitchen Uros., has again
passed into their hands nnd is now belne con
ducted in tho same excellent manner that
gave tho house Its renowned reputation years
ago. Air ltalpn Kitchen, who is well known
In Lincoln and throughout the stato, hav
ing foi merly had the management of the
Capital hotel iu this city, has the manage
ment of the l'axlon. Llncoliiltea and Ne
bruskaus in general will fine the I'axton ful
ly In keeping with the loading hotels of tho
country and a most excellent place to stop
nt wuue in uinana.
Society ladles andchlldren uro respectfully
Invited to attend 1'rof. Johnson's dancinp
academy Saturday afternoon. Private In
struction can tie had by calling at the aaid
emy at any time.
A cai load of new Colorado potatoes just
lecelved at Cook-Daily Grocery company's.
They won't last long. Also a carload of fine
Iowa potatoes.
For ladles' superb halrdresslng, hair orna
meuts and hair goods always go to headquar
ters Mrs. Gospers, 1114 0 street.
Hector' New I'hariuaoy.
Sunday hours: 0;U0 to la.SO a. in., 2 to 5 and
7:0 to OiliO p. m.
Dr. FmtiiIihiii Cures
chronic diseases and blood diseases Itlch
urd's block. Lincoln, Neb.
Starting Monday we ofTor Cloaks at f3.50,
$4.50, 5. 0.75, I7.WI, tu.AO and I2. No such
values ever offered before.
J. W. Winukk & Co.,
110UO street.
If you enjoy dancing go to your druggist
uud got a bottle of Positive Corn Cure, which
Insures comfoit.
Hock Si'Iiinoh Coai, at tho Lincoln Coal
Co. Phono 440.
If you miss tho bargains offered for next
week by J. W, Winger & Co. you will ro
grot it,
Mrs. S, F. llynn, fashionable dress umklnz
room 78 ilurr block.
Mrs. Gosisir's Is n popular place for tho
ladles. They get their nobby hendwear
thero and likewise have their heuds uobbily
embellished there. Heel
Iadles make big money canvasslm; for
Tiik Cai-ital Citv Couiukh If you wan
ulco pi oil table work cull at tho olllce, 1 131 N
street, for particulars
When you want real values for vnur
money, In Jewelry, call ou i II. Hauls, ny:
O sheet.
Our coal is well full ..i,.i,.
guaranteed and delivery always piompt.
Call up Lincoln Coal Co. Phono 110.
There Is no use denying tho fact that If
Mavor Weir Is again a candidate for tiwycr
in thn spring, he will stand n mighty good
show of Mug elected. It will not I hi U'Causo
of nny prremlnontnhlllty manifested by him,
cither. It will tie because of circumstance
over which he has no control, It is gener
ally understood that Exciseman Kelly has
directed H)llce nITairs for mouths past, nml If
ho had started out to ro elect Mayor Weir ho
could not havo gone about It In n inoie ef
fective way than tho course ho has puisued
iu relntion to Kllco affairs. It lias been np
I nrent all along that the saloonkeepers and
gain biers of tho city havo Iteon getting about
all tho prlveleges thoy desired. They are
getting them now. Gamblers have pllisl
their vocations without any Interference
from the police whatever, and saloonkeepers
have kept open with Impunity long uftor
hours and especially ou Sundays. Wlno
rooms are oieuly maintained by many of
them, which are patronized by men uud
women ntall hours. Ono need not stand
long at the door of any of these wine rooms
without seeing women passing in and nut,
and as a rule thoy are women who do not
rank among tho lowest as lar as reputation
goes. Many an unueecting husband would
bo shocked at what he might encounter at
tho doors of tkeso wine rooms that Is, if ho
would watch and were p ikscsmxI of any bet
ter powers of eiceptlon than tho (X)llce.
The police, as a rule, don't see very much,
and thero are not enough of them to consti
tute any appreciable annoyance. Peoplo
who watch the trend of such affairs will
hardly auction the workot the police pow
ers that bo, and will liar lly stop to couIdor
that Mayor Weir, although he is known to
disapprove of these things, bus never lifted a
hand to stop them since he was warned by
the supremo court that there wero laws for
his own regulation as well as for tho regula
tion of police uffairs, saloonkeeiiers and gam
blers. Mayor Weir appears to have again bitten
off moiu than he can conveniently chew.
Ho has undertaken to secure the absolute
ownership of the police foice by declaring
John Doolittle's sent vacant by appointing
his son-in-law, Mr. Stull, to succeed him.
Had Mayor Wlerread Thk Couiukh with a
better understanding of its uccuiucy he
would have known that Mr. Doolittle hud
not ouly not renounced his citizenship In
Lincoln but was u candidate, for major of
this city, Mayor Wier must have learned
this fart, whether ho lead it iu The Couiukh
or not, as it has of late been generally re-
ortsl, and his effort to declare Mr. Doolit
tle ucltUen of Chicago looks llko a mighty
cheap attempt to dli-po) of an opN)itlon
candidate for major. Hut why does Mayor
Wier desire to own the police foice. bisly
and soulf Is it simply un uiibellUh desire to
see the laws enfoicidf If hu Is so anxious to
have the luws eufoiced, why don't ho usotho
present jkiIIco forcef It has novei'dihobeynd
Ills orders, and stands ready now toobevanv
onier no may issue. That niuy be Ills excuse,
but It will be upptileiit to many that he
wants to make out of the ollce force a rote
rloof iKilitlculstilkers in his own behalf
just whut tho luw putted by the lust legMu
lure wns Intended to piuunt. Theie is no
reason why a major should bo eiupoweicd
to create out of any city government un ele
ment torthe ei puliation of disown Hjwer,
Hut Mayor elr Huiidsu mighty poor show
of obtaining tho absolute power hu ciuvc
over tho police f ice, for jut ns hi, hud in
uugmuted his movement to decline Mr. !),,.
little a I'lheu of Chicago, that gentleman
lutiiructto Lincoln on hunduj lust, and on
Monday joined with Mr. Kulley in u meeting
ottl.oexciso Isjiud, nt which Major Weir
was not pii-M-ut. 'I ho niujur is still holding
thu nick. Hut nu wlilgouutuiiiihy torn
ale sjinpallij loi ltiiiiselr by cluliuiug that
hu liieiuly deslied to obiiiln absolute coutioll
ol the poucu lorce sothiit he might hau tho
laws enforced, Every limn to whom ho tells
this pitiful tale should ndc him first what
law mo being disobeyed, nnd If thero aro
any, then why ho doesn't order tho police
force to slop It, Ho cannot excuse himself
for not u-lng thn power he has by claiming
that I tf is nolonoiigh. Ho has innio oworlii
thu control of thu police foice now than lis
tho ma) or of Un nha or almost any other
western city ovet that drpaitmetit of their
rostieotlve city governments. The police are
ruidy to obey,
n'pooplo of I.lniolu havo ichsoii to bo
thankful that the jmiugiiinn who liinugurn
luted jsomu llmo slnrn a riiiPitdn against
white jdiocs, Is now out of a job, so far as
tho looul Held Is conrrriiiil. It wns the silli
est anil most unwniinuted ciusado ever In
numtrnted by n man dlgullled by a job in
journalism. The ladles of Lincoln do not
look nt nil out ol plow iu white shoes, or red
shoes.Ior J i How shoes, or, In fact. In idiocs of
- Stc IhtatilcaWrjit.
nny color fnncilonpil by fashion. There is
no reason why white shoes should not bo
worn ns gmeiiilly ns 'black shoes, oxcept,
lierhups, it 1m that white shoes may bo mnro
exM)uslvipr Neither tho laws of tho country
nor the luws of God huve sanctioned black
shoe ovor white ones. Human nn.l divine
law-makers liaxe not jet seen fit to preterits)
the color of n man's clothing. Nomorohuvn
they the colors of a woman's rnlment,
and tho, young man who presunusl to set
himself tip ns n dictator In the matter of
color should have lM?gun earlier and rovnlu
tlniihted or amended the solar siiectrum
Women have a faculty for dressing In such
colors osclmrm the masculine eyo and heart,
and theyjweieou the right track when they
dnnut red and white and yellow shies. If
the young man who protested was not suited,
so inuc i the. worse for the joung man. Still
many f the best ladles of the city wero
forced jo swallow his Insulting remark. Iet
it bo r corded hereafter that that a ersou
may wi ar shoes of whatever color ho or she
may pli use to wear, mid If the youug-mnu-out-of-i
Job desires to go without shoe no
one will say him nny. It Is time that n
y 'ling i inn, or an old man, who essays jour-null-nil,
n digiiillod and honorable calling,
should learn that there are higher and no
bler ends to conserve than can l,o romiMiKsed
by vulgar criticisms of people's attlro.
Tie smoke nuisance Is getting to be un
hcurnbbtlu this city. Dining dump and
windy diij s the dense volumes of stilling
smoke from the sheet railway ower house,
the Lincoln hotel, the .Itiurnnl building and
liuiuei on other Imildings where steum is re
quired, lire often more than nnnoylng. Many
cities of the sI.m of Lincoln are evolving
scheme to rid themselves of tho nniiojuiice,
nnd it U to be Imim d that Lincoln city au
thorities will Keep ubieust of the times in
this matter and not delay for a single mo
ment any action it can Hud to be of advuii-
fflL-n III iiiritrilhtt- sti.titlsu w... .......
---O"-- -"--"rt ..v.. .',v,n,
though jliobably not entirely successful In
every respect In that they huve not reached
II Ktuto of s,Aiii1lltr tiel faction, nm r..nt'iiliul
us a public; necessity and ninny cities are re
quiring owner of steam plants to take care
of their smoke and soot. No one would rule
to woik any hardship ou Lincoln industries
In thiitlespvct, but the public cannot U ex
(Hii'tcd to shoulder all tho hardship going
l)i:.TKIl SWII'KS.
F. It. Harris, the leweler. is showing some
, I
Is'autiful new designs in silverware, just the ,
thing lor presentations.
Oiibisllii .Music,
li vine's new oivhnhu luinUhi Mipeiloi
music, any number tit pleiis, for concerts,
I icepl lou., balls, pm tits, etc. U'liMMiideis
ut Couiukh olllce, HIM N sheet, telephone
Weilillug c.ike boxes, wtddlug ililitiitiotls
and iipiiouiiceiiieuts, tho ne et for Ib'.r.'-il,
ure now Is-itlg i how it by the Wisvl Kteielis
l'rlutiiig Cmupaiiy.
nm ToncsB
Mr. Oscar Wlldo who a few years ago did
so niucli lo enthuse nu nrtlstio cram ami
create a decorative style has gone to the ex
tout of declaring that Ufa Imltnte art, that
life In fact Is tho minor nml acta the reality,
and ho sets out to prove tho truth of this
paradox Iu a very amusing ways n contrlbu
tlou in tsxik form recently issmsl, Listen
"A gi eat nit 1st Invents n tjKi and life tries
to copy It, to reproduce It In a popular form
llko nn enterprising publisher." Wo know
that neither Holbein or Vnndyck found In
England what they have given us. They
brought with them their t)'cs, Llfa with
her kivn Imitative faculty sot herself to sup
ply tho masters with models. The Greeks
understood Wildes' theory welt, nnd Iu their
bride's chamber set the statue of Hermes or
Apollo Hint she might hear children llko the
works of art with which she was surrounded.
They knew Hint llfo gains from tot not
merely sentiment, spir'ltmllty, depth of
thought nnd passion, soul turmoil or soul
K'nce, but that she can foi in herself un the
very lines nnd coloisof art, and can repro
duce the dignity of I'heldies as well as tho
gracoof Praxiteles, Hence en mo their ob
jection to realism. They disliked it on
purely social grounds, l'hey felt that It
Inevitably makes s.'ople ugly and they wero
nodoubt ciind Iu their Ideas of Impression,
No great artist ever did or over will sue
thing as they really wero mid ure. Life is
real life in earnest, niid Iu nit things aro not
what they seem. Soma artist ha a bright
Idea, a virtue to express, a charity to unfold,
n bniuty to Impress, or some characteristic
to Idealize. They hike this theme In embrlo,
and turn and twist and enlarge uud expand
until the mission Is put formed nnd tho pic
hue Is done. A wrtrnlt painter must give
a goisl likeness, one that tho enemies can
not sny is (lattery and the friends will like.
TIioJuimiihso artists have created a ceilulu
Japanese people, who In reality never ex
isted, for in truth tho race of Japan uie no
different Iu general than aro our own white
citizens of Ameilcii or Euroie. Haxeyou
over stopped to think when gar.lng upon
some of tho PomH-lnu scenes with their
beautiful slrrliuund the exquisite poses and
diapcile of tho conventional Gieek goddw
Iu I ho Grecian works of nrt, or wondered
how near they came to the women of that
locality! Do you look at the stately Athenian
women nnd luiiiglnu you know any thing of
their people I If so you uro deluded. Thos
stately women of the Piirtheau gulze has
represented cannot form you nu accurate
of tho period when Alliens niid Koine wor
In the height of their glory nnd splendor,
you inny readily guess that they wero formed
lor their magnificent physique and propor
tions of figure audi face. Hut now turn to
some authentic historian ; we find that instead
xf the gowns of (lowing graceful dniKrles
and loose girded waists, wo have tight luced
women, highdiealod Issits, dyed their hair
yellow mid puiuttsl their briuen faces with
much rouge, uud weio Iu fact more gaudy
Iu their dress and loud In their actions, oven
more so than the silly fashionables of our
present day. Iu tho art woild as In all
other professions, jieoplo rise up uud are the
craze and tho lion of the day, and while
thus riccepted u mo,t deploiable consequence
Is the overestimating of tho artists enjoying
publla favor and tho values (false) placed
upon many of their (Mentions. Many have
reullred largo foi tunes, and Iu cousvqilBUc
the publlu hnvo imagined that any painter
may easily Income famous. Serious aitlsts
will smile nt this sort of thing mid think It
stupid. Few of tho ci Itlcs of ui t productions
reallxu the mlieut labor aril long training
Involved ere an artist Is able and willing to
place a canvass bcfoi e you. It may seem uu
easy task to accomplish and hence the would
be purchasers lefuse lo pay according to ser
vice requited iu completing u ci cation, u
picture. As a member of the royal family
recently tried to purchase u small muriile
statue of Humes that the sculptor had only
sMMit ten dajaof actual labor upon. The
pi luce only wished to pay him n pittance as
n competence for ten days. Tho sculptor
de"llned Ids offer nml tritely remarked:
You lorget that I have Uen thli ty years
learning to make that bust In ten dnys. This
Is very often the case Iu tho studio. The world
wishes to pay for work nt the rata of any
other daj lalorur or bread winner, not cal
culating the time, expense nnd energies sont
elo such a soflblllty Is completed. The long
apprenticeship iu tin Atoldiirs iniler ex
pensive tutorage. We artist) should have a
standard for our woik and inantain prices
for estimated value, and time employed on a
piece of work. Art is Indeed a long labor
no matter how nmply nature has endowed
th.i nrtlstlc faculty. Wo uro all compelled
to servo a routine, tiresome as It Is, ever
found an excnlve knowledge to gain. We
must ut tho outstt deny out solve and suffer
privations for tho good of the cause. Tho
live of many of the great nrtlsts prove that
In despite of outward circumstances, genius
aided by Industry, will bo its own protector,
and that fume, though she comes lute, will
never ultimately refuse her favor to leal
merit. He to jourself true and thou canst
not thcnls) untrue to nny other man." That
"houisty is the best sjicy," is rurellist Iu urt
ns well ns iu all business transactions. Theie
Is honor Iu art us Iu other piofcssions, and
,1x011 artists, must each Individually main
'tain the high standard of perfection, and
giudu of cliiiiucter. Whodveris resolved to
excel In urt, or lodes! Iu any pursuit you
limy choose to pursue, must tiring nil thuir
tendencies to Invar ilsm that one object, uud
uiuko it their momentous study trum the
minute of using until the hour or leliriug,
You must woik diligently uud earnestly
morning, noon nnd night, witli u llrui pui
potc Iu v lew , and you will Uu I it Is no play,
but vir.v haul labor. The gift of genius
cumts by liahiie, jet the it-clpleiil of such a
favor can do much In thu iterlectton of siiiuu
by elf ciiltuie, which will lie of more uwill
limn nil tho lniuiitu. education of ail
mIiuoK Is It not lemiiikiible taut the most
dibtlugiihhtd aitistsot both the pie-cut and
pNt dt cades have been born and leausl out
side of uu in lis. to spheiu nml nhuosphtruf
Even thn surroundings wero unfavorable to
tho culture of nu artistic genius, Many
times tho one child of n large family Is
desirous of an education, hut from poverty
uiinblo seemingly to obtain it. As wo glauco
backward Iu thu biography of many wo sen
them through an Indo multnhln Mrsor vcrnnco
and a llxed ambition, forcing their way up
ward In splto of thn tunny obstacles, priva
tion nnd manifold obstructions. They , tho
masters, were often I linos tho sons of hardy
hamhsl tollers, tradesmen nnd mocha nlcs.
Hut thoy had ambition nnd sufllclnn t will
IKiwer to carry them through nnd thoy won
tho coveted treasure, ndmlttnnea In somo of
tho famous galleries, and their tin mo and
fame, wns tholr own,
Mrs. Ida Hiirnett has Just received nu
order from thn governor of Kansas for n Una
largo picture In oil,
MIm H. M. Ilrock I n successful ton cher
Iu tho China crnzo nt Wostern Normal Col
lege. Miss Harbour of State University, has n
das doing ndmlrnblo work In China uud
carved wood,
Mrs. J. W. McDonald Is still busily en
gaged In creating some beautiful pieces of
decorative brlc-n-brac.
Mis Chnplti has boon taking up thoorninla
nrt preparatory to tilling tho placo in tUat
department nt Lincoln Normal,
Several orsonals havo Imkii sent In this
woek. That's right, keep It up and we'll
hnvo a lino nrt department soon.
Miss Clara Vulsh brought buck with her
from St. Louis somo very pretty decorative
bits of Krcelulu wuru that shu executed
while thero.
Mis Lulu Murphy nt Cotuer Unlvorslty,
ha a largo class marching right along nml
rapidly picking up th,u rudiments of (oitho
tlclsm and nrt Inro. :
Mrs. Dr. Manning presented u very unique
badge at Miss Mooie's reception the other
evening. "Tim" was her preferred artist,
his masterpiece the human face."
"Nancy" spout a very pleaunt day In
Omaha this week at Llniugern nrt gallery,
and will be pleased to give her art readers
a criticism and somo commonts on same era
A pleasant afternoon can bo secured Iu n
visit to Miss Hartou's studio. This Interest
ing teacher has nu especially attractive class
of life workers Just at present at the BtaU
Mrs. O, M. Metcalf, ono of our enthusiast .
-tolttHVt-)-wH aVwrf-freiier- '- .
atiou, ' Mrs. M. has a correct eyo for tho
lieautlful and the skillful fingers to execute
the designs.
Miss Gertrude Marquette has returned to
New York to study In soma of the fine pri
vate studios. Miss Gertrude did somo good
work from life last winter during her so
journ In the metropolis,
"Ituphaul" was the Kipular artist chosen
nt the Hiidou art reception last week. M Is
Hrownell, Miss Hlggp, Miss Nlssley, Miss J.
L. McCounell, Mis Uphaui and others wore
budges In honor to this great artist.
Prof. Hogg has several good pieces of work
In embrlo now. We noticed ono especially
ou the easel at the shldlo recoltly, but will
allow tho professor to present It to the public
eiu we hike further notice of its merit i.
Mis E. K. Iowethouit teacher at Wes
le) an has a very laigeaud Interesting class
present. If there Is talent nml genius iu the
students Miss Uiwe has the faculty of dis
covering and cultivating tho sumo.
Thuruaro quite a number of pirties in
contemplation for which some unique ami
lieautlful prizes are iu couraa of preeratioii
In the Ceiamic art. Efery body wants to
play their best so as to carry off the honors
of tho evening uud a friends work at one
ami the same time.
Mrs. J. Kdward Higgs entertained a
charming party of guests at her hospitable
home Inst Friday evening. The trophies of
the evening were secured by Mrs. O. M.
Thompson, first royal, a la-autlful Dresden
cheese dish iu garland design, and Mrs. E.
It. Slier second royal, a conventional scroll
and enamel card tray. Mr. O. M. Thomp
son a lloial decorated ash tiay for Unit, and
Dr. Dayton a Dresden plate.
If any of you artists would be kind enough
to wnil "Naucj" word of whut you and
jour pupils are doing from time to time.
Sho would bo only too happy to notice tho
same iu Art Topics. The COUIUKH is anx
ious to represent you nnd the urt lovers in
this deiiarhueiit; so why cunuot you aid the
enterprise by jour personal movements in
the Ateleurs, and by sending In your sub
scription to the CouhikrI
Mihs Nancy.
H. W, Cowle, funeral director, successor
to Fred Thomas. Kmbulmliig n spoclultj,
110 South Twelfth street.
"Oil What h lleuuty."
Such remarks uro heard daily at Eugene
llallett's jewelrj' store, nnd it's no wonder.
Hallett's roses now present u most attractive
npHMiruiice. Tho beautiful new patterns In
silverware aio true artistic gems and for
presentations nothing prettlercould ho Imag
ined. It would be almost useless to attempt
giving a list of them. Why not cull and seo
them J Ami iu opei a glases it's a display
that baffles description. There ure dozens of
styles In fully ns many sizes and qualities,
among them Is-lug many of the newest pat
cuts, Including IhosewUh permanent handles.
Theie is one pair lupailicular that is u veri
table ilivuiu of loveliness and would mtko
almost any damsel huppj. It is made en
tire 1) of is-url, including a latent handle
which Is attached, mid wlier not Iu Use lii'ij'
be folded mid placed in a pretty Usg.
There's lots to feast the eje UK)il at I billet's
and you'll not I egret the lime spent by mak
ing ii cull nt I III North hluveiith street.
Gkm'Ink C.v.nmi. City Coai. utthe Lin
coln Coal Co., southwest corner of Eleventh
uu I O streets.