1 -(,. fc. m& a 'SSter3 1 ! V-' j," V'-IIM PoFaUAR' PAPEK'oPAvopcRri TIMES " Vob. 7 No 47 Lincoln, Nkbuaska, Sa,tukday, Ootoubk 20, 1SOU. Prick Pivic Conts BffflBfiriiaS? Jl jsiiCTW : , -TLVb wm umxmmmssm wii&Mg mffisa r? saiiKSBEKOTflOa' imilk(Slte A 5SMlliavilK5lflI,7 WBSM-jttttJrsx x iZsmssS'mmN: -- ...saMaBSKKrftvsi ffr"" --v. LIr ITsm-WW l-..! . . mmiTTP Ili- -' rr "(ft ip- TOWH TlMae A thrill of genuine Borrow swept out from (ho national capital , Tuesday morning niul vibrated through every city, vlltsgo and farm within tho confines of this untlon, at the announcement that Mm. Harrison, the queenly consort of tlio president, hnd closed her eyes to the triumphs nnd cares nf earth cf receive the crown eternal. Death was tin o to plumonury troubles Inherited, it In claim ed, from the family of her mother. Sho hiul been idling therowlth only since April, when sho was compelled to excuse herself at one of her popular receptions, since which time sho has Iteen seen by but few of her friends, as her malady hud grown steadily more pro nounced in splto of the most pntlent and tender care, frequent changes of cllmato and tho boat skill of the physician. Mm. Harri son was born at Oxford. O., October 1st, IK! J. Her maiden namo was Carrio Bcott, and she was tlio daughter of a Presbyterian minister who whs also president of it female college. Hho married Benjamin Harrison October i.0lh,18Kl.n It was a happy nihr- riage, crowned by n lovo that laughed at poverty and fuced tho future with conlldence. It is said that sho ami her husband began their niarrltxj life possessed of lex than (1,000, and that she was for years her own housekeeper, doing her own woi k and doing It well, oven after her two children' were' born. -From that time on until her death in spito of every sun oundlng thut comes with fiiuio and wealth Mm. Harrison has remain od a notablo example of iho most admirable qualities of woiunnhood, a true and loving wife, a kind ami devoted mother and u Christ ian woinanwhose inunysupeilor graces were as well known and generally recognized be - f oro as after her demtso. Sho has been n popular hostess ntthowhito house and even tho most avowed political enemies of tho president have over praised in terms of evident sincerity tho unvarying queeullnessof Mrs. Harrison. This nation Is not unmindful of it groat loss In the removal of this revel end lady from tho whlUi house and expressions of genuine sorrow havo pour ' ,eil iu upon tho striken president from every state anil city In tho union, especially touch ing and impassive being tho expressions fioin executive state olllcer. Aiuericau royalty tho souverelgu citizen will slmru with President Hurrisou tho vorrow of his great atlllction In the Ims of a helpmate who for nearly forty years hud lovingly shared his rise from poveity and obscurity to fame, wealth and power. Tho funeral occurred Thursday, and was conducted as quietly and uncerimoniously, according to tho president's wisher, as if deceased bud tieeu merely a mem ber of a private family. Theremalnsdld not even Ho in state. A double service was held, however, one In the white house and one in the First I'rosbytei luu church in Indian apolls, her home church, whither showus re moved for interment. The great Irvine trial is ended, and In the way that brings tho greatest joy to tho great est number of eople. The verdict of aa quital bod boen prayed for nnd anticiated by hundreds, but chiefly by the ladles of the city, who are ever rebellious against the stern demands of the law In criminal cases. The court room was daily thronged with ladies from the lest circles of society, und though It was not tho most refining plait) in the world, hundreds of young girls were attracted thither. Many of the ladies neg ItcUd no opportunity of letting tho jurors, who were not blind, discover where their sympathies were, by means of divers and . sundry nods and shaking of heads, tears and ill-concealed anger or frowns. Of couise their sympathy was with the dofeudunt. It always Is. It wus so In the Sheedy trial, and it was even fo in tho Ed Nell tilal In Omaha, where as brutal a murder was involved as was ever committed by human Mng, And Ed Nell hail untl(X),000or more behind him. He was simply dusliing, Immlsoino Kd Nell, a brutal murderer, hut there was no tima duiing hlstiial when tho ladies present, ami they were numerous and aristocratic, wore r not iu full sy in phthy with his course. The ;jury iii'iuo irviue case was not rnr dauuiu ' the ladles, and unless one bo so uncharitable to presumo that they violated tho oath they took to try the cast) on tho law audtheevi deuce, they reached the conclusion that Irviue was iupuiie. Of course there Is no way of determining upon just what ground (hey reached their verdict, but llw.v ennui lawfully reached it only Uhihhici c i.n-iiirlnii, and that would Ik) tlui defeiiilinit'n ii Minlt Whilothey might l-ire Ultima him Jim I fled in HllliK A'oi tgin fry I y euiiut nut jeqiilt Ii in in lluit K'-cii id nil I piy tlio slightest legal d tor their oath, usthey wore sworn to decide tho cim) according to law. Mania trnusltoria will doubtless becoiuo henceforth u populur fad In medical juris i prudence. Poor old Htitchlnsou had to got out of court, braudeil as n common, ordinary, every day lunatic, but he is probably iho last of the ppecies in local criminal tribunals. The trunsltory theoiy is so much more con Aeulent, effective nnd desirable, its victim need only to bo crazy long enough to ac complish his puiosoiiud there need be no necessity of his guln to tho luuutlo asylum to ttvCHim resioii8lbility for the consequences of his fury. Meantime liisaui y in either of iU numerous t pes is likely to bo an expen sive luxury in pjlut of niouoy, us well us iu re.ioct to liuiunii life. The Ii vino ti fill has piobtttily cost the county Uf000 or Jl,(i00. And it does seem as if thrru is no uio of cum butting ueforo a jury tho theory of a defen dant's insanity. We can buvo inoue) by fiaukly and rttudllv uckuowledglng it to be theihluiug Ciiaiucteristluof every destroyer of human lifu ami turn theuilooM) uxii matter of economy, 'iho mujiMy of thu law will notsulfer hulf sotoveruiy as by ouu of t ho trials we have U-en having. Or else wo might acquit that thero are Hrsoual or domestic wrong which Justify murder, cat alogue them and savooxpuo of tiials. V Tho Irvine trial tins not been so much an orderly proceeding In a UMiiple of justice as a drama acted ii)on the boanls of a theatre after numerous lehoarnil. It was a great passion play, lusting two weeks. If the accessories of tho stage, tho glare of the footlights and line sconlu ehTcts were absent, the play was not wnutiug In dramatic action. Tho rnngo and compass of tho theme was ns broad as tho passions of the human soul. Tho furious waves of feeling, sentiment nnd sympathy were now tossed nloft to tho heav ens, and again disclosed the profoundest depths. There was tragedy to begin with, comedy iu the middle nnd n rattling farcu at tho end. Tho halo of lis I light at night nnd the black cloud by d.iy about tho central llgure, and tho collision between them wheu, In n fit of unconscious or "transitory" frenzy, Montgomery was killed, were worthy tho genius . of n Poo, or iho author of tho "Ancient Mariner." There was n touch of tho fantastic In tho dream of the hero, wherein Marguerite and Mephlstopheles chasrd each other across tho disordered vis ion, while tho reference to Oram! Pre, where the scene of longfellow's "Evangeline" was laid, wus decide lly roiuiutlu and worthy tho poetic genius of foreign counsel. This great drama was only Intended to lie played to a select number, consisting of twelve (lersons, who weio to piss upon the merits of tho pet forumuco, but an Impatient public and an inqortunut populucu throng ed the seats ami aisles, and overflowed tin sacicd precincts of tho judgment seat Itself. Thero they sat, smiled and frowned, and cried In sympathy w'th tho hero of the virtu ous act so that justice might bo done. Llttlfc Flossie's nnoxpsitol advent into the court room, straight to tho nrms of her fathor; her druuiutla presentation to tho jury just a trlllo over-acted .vid tho appeil mndo Iu her behalf by eloquent counsel; tho cheering and uppluliso that followed n telling point in the speeches of advocates; the tears of the men, the sobs of the women nnd the manifestations of sympathy shower ed upon the accused ut the end of each day's trial; the thunderous applause with whMi the verdict wus greeted, followed by em braces and kisses, bestowed upon the accused by th lair and virtuous, all lead to the con clusion that the curtain was ruiig down on a great drama, and not upon tho closing scene of a proceeding Iu a court of Justice, whore court, counsel and jury were engaged iu tlio solemn duty of vindicating the law, The ovation extended Irvine at the closti of the trlul and the subsequent reception were worthy tributes to his herolsu iu shooting down a man agalnss whom ho said on oath he had no Ill-will, with nit giving him a chance to tell his Btory or defoud himself. Hyron speaks of tile ecrtacy of tho first kiss of lovo, but that is not comparable to the unutterable delight experienced by the blushing maidens and the unblushln; matrons who put up their llpi forakhu from tho erson who had shot his man. What a glow of conscious pride mantled the breasts of these women 'as they contemplat ed their own moral exaltation and exhibition of vlrtuel They ware so. surprised to llud such novel sentiment' anil noble sympathy leaping to tho trout of being, demanding display and parade, that they besome enam ored of their own selves and actually suffer ed from excessive dlstentian by reason of having gorged themselves with an overdose nf molality and virtue. As the wild African hangs by some artMo of his apparel and worships it as a deity, so the people elevated themselves to a high moral pedestal and then prostrated thomselvos before it In self laudation and worship, then wont from the court room straight to their homes, put ting themselves on the bond, eager and cove tous of praise for the hlh moral sentiment und action they had just exhibited. The Lincoln Light Infantry has apparently reorganized with tho design of staying this time. This oniuiNiuy was organized almost u year ago, but a luck of interest iu the work was encountered early nnd It fell by the way side. Hut it fell only to rise aguln with re newed zeul. Considerable pains will be taken to seo that none secure admission who havo notn natutal taste for military work, and us it is designed to bo something of n swell organization, further caro wl!l be' exercised to conform to a high social standard ns well. The boys have determined that th ey will bo In no hurry iu completing the company's muster mil, Tlwy propose to inaugurate NMiii a wiI.-k nf Mi'iul Miit u tiiuiii-tits that w ll KIVm Hid O'X'ltll.: Illo.l ii leiMn zd plu M I'l MS'lltV. Jll t Wllllt III III III-.' Will tjillH hl nut i) 'ii il.',lull"lv mi 1 1 1 lojil, Int It! win -iii minir ii. n Kjrix n. gfnnl lii in n SMI -jlllhlll) I'll MM t-l'. Wit I lllll ieU i Ulniis, Pending t.ie f nfn ill i nf m.' liifOiii'i paliy willenj y a ,.. Ii ii x. Al'ildi)' eve- nlnjr nt tlu Ijiiiiii:, whii HiiuimI Ks will piescnt "Innocent as.l L'tiiih," Mueh an organlzitlon ns Is proiiosed would undoubtedly hu n timely mid valuable au quisition, not only In a soclnl way, but (hero nte frequent occasions when a well-drilled und nicely uniformed company of nillitlu would bo of great service in public deinou stiations. Nothing that could be devised would ufford a bettor way of at t: net lug attention toward Lincoln thin to liuvi) a cluck nillitlu company to send ubioud oucuslonally. All honor to tho state university foot-hull emu, mid may it go on ailihiviug new honors, Last Monday it conferred ilUtlno tlou ukjii tho statu of Nebraska by wresting ut Lincoln park, a decisive victory from the champions of tlio sucker state, wh ) cum representing the Illinois suite iinlveivily, located ut Chuiiipuigu, Few expected to see the Neluuska bo swiu, uud the atmosphere .ill. UlM Willi l i iu i . 1 1, in ui.Hmm.m when they brought iu tno Mucker sculps. They lll try to repent their success In Don ver today, where they meet the team from the university of Colorado. If they don't fall victims to the light ntmosphero they may Imrellol upon. If there were a fow more men iu Lincoln like J. A. HtickstnfT this city would not long occupy a bnck seat ns n manufacturing and jobbing center. It Implies one with conll dence and rcupeot for tho man's burliuxs genius to contemplate his numerous b'g en terprises now nil in successful oeratlou in this city, and tho number of men to whom they furnUli employment. The man must lay awake nights trying to discover now ways of putting another laboring m in at work In a way that would lie lucrative to hlmse.f nud his employer, ns his pay loll con tinues to Increase. Not satisfied with en larging his own pay roll, he Is ever scheming to induce others to establish ludustr.'tH heie and pay rolls to match. Ho has just fixed a big wholesale Implement house at the corner of Sixth nnd L streets, one which will furn ish work for fifty or sixty eople, and has licgun the erection of a big four-story brick block for its occupancy. Ho bus several other big euterprites in view mid will bo heard from aguln iu the spring. Ho believes in turning our own money over iu our own hands ns often and as long ns possible, and establishing paying Industries here ut home. Took L. Ossir. llnlliliiy rrepiiriitlnn. Another year is ubout to go Into hltory, the holidays are fast npprnaclilng and oro another sixty days rolls on Christmas of VI will have also lieeu added to tho events of the past. Hnllett, tho Jeweller, ever with ii keen foresight bus boen laying Ills pbttis dur ing the summer for a grand holiday trade and tho result is now evident to the naked eyo of all who enter his beautiful place of business at 1111 North Eleventh street. At the recent auction salo nearly all of his old stock was disposed of, and in consequence thereof u complete lino of now goods now adorn the shelves and showcases. Part leu nily iu new watches, diamonds, oieru glasses, souvenir spoons and goldhoidol canes has his stock bejn ln,)rove 1. Iu thote , well as the newest designs nnd novelties in silverware, does the stock show up magnifi cently. It would bo useless for us in this Imlted space to enumerate or describe the hundred and one new things that are now being, or have lately been opened. Mr. Hullett requests ut to sav to all CouiUEH readers that he desires them to call and look through his cases, and though you may not wish to buy tho sight seeing will ufTord you much pleasure. First Ueliersul fur "Hen llur." Those that have been aiked to take part will meet the drill muster at the Masonic temple at three p. in. Moudiy next. School children nt four. Omaha's LeuiltiiK lintel. Tho Pax ton hotel, for eUlit yrnis under the management of Kltch-n Urn'. , Ii i-iunl i pussed Into their hand-. niul is now heliumo dticted in the sumo exivlluit iiunum- Hint gave the house its lenniM nl ii pntnllnn enr io. Mr itnlpli Kil"liHii, w in i well known ii l.liio !u mill tliioug'.nut th' stiite, liav i g lornu-rly hud i lie iiimigeuicir, nf the t'.i.ll il 'i jinl In tills clfj, lets urn iiiauage- net t f tin 1'iixloii. LlucnluhvH und No hriiskuut in rent-la! vt I linn the Pnxton ful 0 m kefjiin wliii tlu leading hotels of tho ci unttv niul a mest excellent plucotostop ul uln.o In IJninha. Ileer I'm-Vuinlly Ue. For fumily trade the John Uund Urowlng Co. is now deliveilng u superior grade of ex tin pule beer iu either pint or quart bottles. This beer for table use has no -qu il uud Is meeting with popular favor with nil the best trade of the city. Prices us cheap us tint chnrged for Inferior lieer. Leave ordeisat olllcv, ail Noith Ninth stroot. 0mi- lieu ik, agent. Oiu-e tried nootlier lieor will IsiumsI, Why not order n wimple cuko of It. Miss Alice Isaacs of Omuhu bus JiHt re turueil from Nuw Yoik after a seven wouks purihuslng visit. Her.jitoro.ut, Omaha, 307 Mouth Hixtoeuth stieet, contains all tho lute-a novelties iu ixittern bonnets nlid-h nr lim,r onVisd ut lovest prices with u guarantee thut every nut is mo correct style. Our coal is well icroened, full weight K'Ui t ed und delivery uluys prompt. Cull up Lincoln. Coal Co, Phono -HO, The Late Mrs, Benjamin Harrlion TIAE T0 KlCKs Without Intended disparagement of some nf the numerous organizations of that nature now in the city, the Klckoe can well growl at the fact that there Is not a brass baud In Lincoln that Is In any way n credit to n city of (10,000. Noliody can tell just why, but It Is n lamentable fact. And tho bands Hint nro hern seem to get siorer each year, Instead of better. With nil the pleasure resorts, state meetings, celebrations and other demands for such nnrirgnulrntlou, one would think that Lincoln ought certainly to havo a creditable baud, at least as good ns cart be supported at York, Nebraska City or Archer, And yet the brass bands from those pirns can play all around anything In Lincoln. This situa tion Is not due to uny luck of excellent per formers hero. The woods nro full of them. There nro brass bands hero "till you can't lest," and the words nro not designed to Is) Interpreted figuratively either. They are so numerous, so changeable nnd so devoid of merit that ono cannot distinguish ono from the'other. This is mostly duo to lack of liberality on tho part of tho public , though perhaps partly due to need of a capable busi ness nnd ' professional manager. People In Lincoln nr to firmly grounded In the habit of hiring bauds of indifferent merit that a first-clans bund would ordinarily Iks deemed an expensive luxury. Even ut tho two parks, both of which realized handsome dividends, Improvlshed bunds were engaged the last season, bnuds wlilch the management of Hther ought to have hesitated before plac ing In the publlo service. The tlmu Is ilpo for souii enterpilsl ng iiiuuiiger to organize n creditable band In Lincoln, one of wlilch the people need not bo ashamed cither at homo or abroad, Lincoln ix-oplo will see to It tliat such mi organization lecelves tlio nutiomiuii it mei its, and those who exjust to gainer dividends from public imuseineuts will U called to account if th-y luoro it. il o It will be a remnrkable freak of the blind goddess thut no one need leasonnbly expect If this city Is not soon mulcted In n good round sum for damages Inflicted uKu busi ness Ir.teni-ts In the vicinity of Twelfth uud O jtieetshy defective tewers. It has been durjioustrated time and time again that the cutbh-lms ins or the sewers ut thut xlnt me not sufllcleut to carry away the Water cen tering there after u heavy rainfall, and every nojv nnd then u pretentious hike forms at out of, tho most prominent business coriieisiu the entire city, flooding all cellars In the vicinity which mo not built on stilts. Hulls havo been filed upalust tho city by six firms who have sulTertd heavy damages from flooded cellars, and judgments uie more than likely to be secured sggregHtllig a laigesum. Yet no one has heurd any of the sapient city senators iidvocutilig meusuus to prevent a recurieiice of the double mid damage. It is not ut all likely that Lincoln tuxuyers want to be culled upon every now uud then to put up heavy damages to merchants in that vlcin- I'.v, nor aio they likely to wish toseebusl-iii-ps men suffer loss through the fault of the dty. The city puld enough, no one will deny, to have good sewers where she has any, but If she hasn't got good ones now tho ought to bo getting them. The council ought to be held guilty of mulfeusutice iu ofllce for neg lecting such iuiK)rtnut mutters us this, and tlie)- will bo held ubout tho first tlmu thero is a damaging recur leucu of those floods. Now mid then In tno anient jiolltlcnl cam paign one rubs up iigulnst u cuse of coercion us rank mid despicable us I lint ntti Hinted to the southern stute. Tho crack of the wirty huh having failed to drag nil iicalcitniiits buck Into line, posit he coercion is being le sorted to. Men me nuw being threatened with the hs of their situations right here iu thfsclty of patriotic piide. education nnd vuuutcd liberty, If they do not vote this way or thut. That this is u fact is Indeed deplor uble, but il is it loot susceptlublo of eusy pi oof, especially iu i elation to one candidate Hut this is but the uutuiul result of the dom inating and entiiely too popular principle thut to the Hilll(i'ul vlctois belong the spoils, and the guieial deciding of civil set vice leform pili.ciples. The man who would threaten to dtpilvo unotlier of his situation, or cause such a threat to U made, should never bo elected to olllcu. but under cm i cut Hilltlcal touching It is his piivilege, und some me nuveii enough to exeiciso the privilege for ull thero is in it. ti What do Iho hounil iiioiiiIh-is of the bar of jjUUCUKler county prnpo.o to do utKiut the lllliiored luibiiig of juiors by or thiuugh mtiiibeis of the loUsMimf Can tho liutti uity, or (he lepulnble majority, ulfoul to let such tumors go undisputed I Cuu the largo iiuiulH)',of reputublo nnd honest lawyers afford to have their professional and peroi. ol reputations smlrchnil Ihk-uiiso n few ol their number too frequently lay themselves open to suspicion! If tho rumors art) ground lens, the fact should ho demonstrated, If It Is) posjiiblo Iu nny way to tin so. Thero Is mi question tliat there Is a coterie of nttornnys In this city who owe their professional repu tations entirely to their success In securing favorable Juries, ami out) often hears It nsscitcd with morn or less posltlvenuss, that this Jury or that Jury has been picked or purchased, As long ns this rumor Is heard Iheiticnubo little confidence reposed In uourls, Juries or lawyeis. No ono needs to Imi reminded of the enormity of the wrong or the extreme danger of Jury bribing. Tho bur of luucnter county should p!nco Itself above susplcluu by making mi example of tho man who dares to approach a Juror to currupt, mid of the juror who cuu hu up pioiiched, and above nil should both lawyers mid tho publlo look to It that no man ns oeuila the bench who Is not entirely clean Iu this resct. An honest lawyer who would not stoop to coiruptlon of Jurors stands lit tle show of success Iu it court of u county where Jury-llxing goes unpunished, ind tho learned ndvocnto Is nt the mercy of the sneaking shyster. He tw feu Two Dangers. Frtddlo (imy uud his Aunt Helen, who was vlsltlni; the firnys ut their summor homo, were one day crossing a pasture together. When they were half wuy across, the lady noticed two oxeu and paused doubtfully. "I don't know ubout going past those oxeu, Freddie," sho said. Freddie tightened his hold on her hand encouragingly. "Don't bonf raid of them, Aunt Helen," ho said. "They won't hurt us. Tho first tlmu I ciiino down bcr(sxl was nf raid of them. I didn't daro UiMn behind them, nnd I didn't dare to in front of them. Ami I didn't want to go back mid never go through thn pusttiruntnll. Sol thought of u way to get by," and tho thrco-ycar-old sago looked brightly up Into Aunt Helen's face. "I just crawled under them." Youth's Companion. II Wasn't doing. s Sho Must you go so soon, darling? It Is only 10 o'clock, und father won't object if you stay until VI. He True, my own. Hut that only gives tno two hours iu which to say good night. Life. BUT LITTLE BEAUTY IN OMAHA. Our OiiihIim. Correspondent's lliulgrt Hatlsfactlmi at llrurhiK Irvine's Arqultlal Tim Tliestrrs, Nfiws Nntrs, Htc. Omaha, Oct. Ji5. My last letter, which coiniiienti'd on the back nf beauty of Omaha's fair sex called forth tho Ire of the lady read ers of Tiir CouiilKK iu this city; some going so fur mid forgetting their self iiwpect, by wounding my pride Iu culling me it cynical aid bachelor. My age Is hut twenty-six and befoio n scorn more years pas over my lieud I expect to make kudo girl either miserable orhiipjiy. Heauty may be one consideration but not the upermost necessary quality. I may have been u little harsh on the dear girls as on closer otiservatiou I did really seo three excellent sM-clmens of female loveli ness on our streets )esterday. While it Is true thut beauty attracts u trait which Is more lasting than Ixviuty of jutsoii and one which Is admired by every level headed son of Adam, Is beauty of mind. The moral is, educate youtselt even lliough you urous fascinating us Clisiputru. The Baptist ministers of Nebraska hel I their annual convention here Monibtv Mid Tuesday, About fU lleli-kiites Hlli-lidol, many uecoinjuinisl iy i iei w vh mhi tlaughtei'-. I ne.r .linill . I nptij,i-i.i j i und nhlte badges tllitliigulslieil t limit from the multitude. Ollicers electwl for the ensuing year weie: Mr. Frank Carpenter of Lincoln, pit-sldont; W II Perry of IKvi trice, vl s jire Ident; Miss Lattiu I-g of From mt treus urer; Mrs 11 M Hixl.uick of Central City, lecordlng Mvrutnry; F I) Audeisou of Omuhu, coriesK)iidlng secretary. Executive tKmril, Iluv J E it FoUmi, llufus Hentiey, C H Ueuu, Mrs A W iboit and lUv Fits I Iti tt tit in. Among those from Lincoln who weie notlcisl weie .Mr und Mis W Jones, Mrs and Miss Klude, Itev Douugut und Messrs lleutluy. Oitrvey uud Tinzley. Tho Omuhu kennel club bus now In prog- ess n tlo show, Dos from Hiaui, liuug Kong, J.tpuu, Mexico and Alaska; terilers, pugs and cuts, little dogs and big doe's, n tliousuud il would seem, ull contained In our luige exposition building, Tho nir is tilled witn buik uud tim key to their voices is liaitly tontaineil between A minor uud , major, Iu every wuy it is a dogmatic success. l'bn veiilitt iu Ihe Irvine inuider tilttl wus I revived with evident satlsfuctroii, uud op- ,,,t V , WW - titnr sentiment npprovtsl the finding of tho jury, What little vnluo seems to bo placed on human life when twelve Intelligent f men proclaim Irvine "not guilty." Tho crlmo committed was murder and Is not Justlllablo under nny condition, Thn attractions of the week at lloyd's New Theatre were Clara Moirls Monday nnd Tues day mghls, Pattl Hosn Friday, Huturduy and Holiday, (Jlui n Morris drow forth largo and fashionable audiences for both H)rfurmancos. On Tuesday ulRht Claire, an adaption from the (lermnii, was presented for tho first time In English. The Farnniu (Street Theatre has lieen doing Itr usual good business during tho past week, with "A Hum-lot Money" tho first four nights. Wlllnid uud William Nowoll nro playing "Tho 0Krator" the remaining three nights this week. The success which this house has nttnlned ,ls title pilnclpaliy to the muiiugerlnl elforti of Mr. Uurgess. Its business Is phenomenal. Thn fore part of next week Julia Marlowe, Ihe young mid beautiful tragedienne, will present n series of Hliakespcaro's plas. Her principal success Is"As You Like It," mid those who have seen It certnlnly do like It Edwahii Wkkhku F, II. Hants, the Jeweler, will Innugiirntn u siMclnl salo Monday, to run ono week,on all lines of Jewelry, watches, clK:k4, etc. Call nnd get prices.' 1 U';i O street. Call up Cook-llitlley Orooery company, phono 411 uud give your order. It will re ceive ns prompt and careful attention as though ordered In sjrson. , For ladles' suHrb linlrdrrasliig, hair orna ments nnd hair goods always go to hoadquar ters Mrs. Uospcrs, 1114 O street, Iteetor's New I'linruinny. Monday hoursi 0:30 to I'.MtO n. in., 'i to ft ami 7:110 to (1:110 p. m. Mrs. QosHr leads in millinery, ns sho al ways has. The new Invoice of flue pattern huts Just received convinces every one mora than ever of that fact. If you enjoy dancing go to your druggist niul get a tiottle of Positive Corn Cure, which Insures coinfoi tt If you miss tho bargains offered for next week by J. W. Wingir & Co. you will re grot it, Orchestra Music. Irvine's new orchestra furnishes superior music, any number oi pieces, for concerts, receptions, balls, parties, 'etc.- Leave orders at Courier 'office, 1)84 N ttreetj' telephone 'jra. Dr. FuriiltHni Cures chronic diseases soil blood discuses Rich ard's block. Lincoln, Neb. .Miss Alice Isaacs will not visit Lincoln this full but Invites the ladles to cull nt her clo guilt iitoro, 807 Kouth Sixteenth street, Oma ha, to see her beautiful iietf lino of fall ami winter effects Iu lino millinery. Btai ting Monday we offer Cloaks at I3.C0, 14 W, r. 10.75, tl.M, t".M nnd I3. No such valms ever offered before. J. W. Winokii & Co., II0UO street Mrs. H. F. Hyan, fasliloimliledross uitkln g room 78 Purr block. WHiitetl. We want many more rooms for teachers nnd students, both furnished and unfurnished rooms ami houses; we will want them September l'J, IbVJ; call at ouoe at the otlloj of tho Western Normal College, rooms till and IIS llruco bulldlnir, and give loca tion of houies ami looms, and prices asked for same. 0-1-tf. Mrs. Gosper's is a opular plare for the Isdles. They get their nobby head wear thero and likewise have their heads nobbily embellished there. Heel One hundred dozen ladles' hand inltla hamlkercbiefs, narrow hem worth IX) ceuU or Monday at 5 ceuts each. No such values ever nfferud Ix-fore. J. W. Wi.Noeu & Co., 1100 O street. Ok.nuink Cannon City Coal at tho Lin coln Coal Co., southwest corner of Eleventh ami O streets. Wedding cuke boxes, wedding Invitations and announcements, the newest for IKrJ-l, are now belug rhowu by tho U'easjl tt,-j h 1 rlntiug Cniupany. Hock Hi'HlNOH Coai. nt the Lincoln Cul Co PnotiiHIi Mrs. H. F. Hynu.fnshiouubledrisii inikiii, ro m 78 llurr block. CLOAK8I CLOAKSI CLOAKBI CLOAKKI CLOALSI CLOAKSI CLOAKSI CLOAKSI CLOAKSI at J. W. Winger & Co. K C Making Ponder, SiS ounces for 'JO cents. Absolutely Pure. Have you tried Iti Miss Alice Unites, the O nana iiilllmur, who has a lurgo number of nitrons Iu l.loclon. diwlres to announce that owlni tiarushof liusliiessat thestoio sliu will bo unable to visit this city, but Invites Lincoln ladles to visit her store and o Ihe most elegant Una of lino pattern huts mid full millinery ever orougi.1 to ttiu west. Prices are oxilnily low mid styles guaranteed correct uptodato. Itdies make biir inoimv ixnivuulnv r,.,. Th k Capital City Couiukk. If you want ulco pruiltaolo or' ctll t llu ollljj, U'Jl N street, for particular.