Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 22, 1892, Image 8

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i1 ftnfoitafriiriiiT "Jiffi i
- c ft, 1'
,tJ ,
5JJ5-r-TTrjva-- - r-v-iiSWRTA if. AWMWWMM.W'UV Jh lsWfKfia WOM VSrW?WSHffllJa?e aUit. MWWMWtWvwr'liawPlMir-y W7wfcHtiWl4i
saaTaBBaarit---M athJ eaBftw m 1
powlitim of liicolu 15,000,
Oerner .Ml mMI l .
eerry n Inri tin of Wnoli n
Dress Goods
ml Uhanicable llk, Honlerr, UorscU,
Underwear, Ulnve, notion.
l.lnnn.. .In.
ts for Butterick's Patterns
The Couataa will not imp respoti
eav debts mado by any one In Iwn
urible for
name, tin-
a written order accompanies
When Lincoln ladle want the
Litest and Correct Styles
they always go to headquarter,
which It the
Optra Houn Cor. la and O Sta.
tJSfltA u ft " l n
, Carrier Can be teaa1 Al
fetal Uaeoln New Island.
WlneW Hotal Nawa Htaad.
Capital HotelNewa stand. A
t&ii bade Cltar morn, lo O Street
SaaonrRlehar A Co., 1120 0 Street. ak Houth lltti Street.
Casino Cigar More, draco lllock, l&tlt A O
Fall Hats
' arii Furnishing
,,,, Goods
Geal eat Lima Company.
LtoonOaal Ca.. a.w . ear. 11th aad O at.
Ik Barr, jeweler, retaoveel to 11880 atreet
Kaw loeallen, L. Barr, Jawalar, 1MB O St.
David P. Mane, abate, roost at and 43
Barr Meek.
Dr. Hat X. Weed, Brae balkttaf , roeeas
410,411WkiM, t-tt.
lUetert aew yaanaaey, eoraoc Twelfth
plaa cl fBtPBB
DraatOertlsw pries to tttlt yea at J.
W. Wiaajar Co.
gtst,.mSO street.
Mrs. B. F. Ry aa, faiatoaaht draai mklag,
Cast CMf Ceal a the WUtobreart
Onl aad fiat lOa.
Mra. KateB. Cheney, teacher of stating,
rosea. MS, .Brace Mock.
Battptaa Bister, artlstlo dress-maklag,
list M street, over Dorsay "a.
a? OBaktegfowdar, M oaaeaa for Meant.
Aaaetately Pure. Have yon tried R
"OetUr V.Baa eeaieeMoaa. fresh every day
at te KeteeaU, Lansing theatre bvildtog.
laaawBeaaaatGaaTyR,draaa aMkbtg ver
ier. Ftaa staBg.- Mil M 8a., phoas US.
Mia Anna DickVModkte, con Uta ft P ata.
erer jiaeoln Havlajja baak, entrance on Pat.
The WkJtahraaat Goal aad Lime eompany
la alwaya at the front supplying taa Inert
grades of aUklada of coal
Mia a J. Onilwatte, atodiata, Browaall
Bteek.arerMittsr;Paiae. Conwleto Una of
dress trlwmi-g aad Untnga. Take elerator.
Waea yea kave a vreecripUon to til and
want greatest care aadaoauraay anrciatd in
oaaaanwdtag, take it to JUctor' aaw pear
aaaey, oeraar Twalfta and N atreeta.
Coal of every elae trees the best wlaea
la Ohio, Kantaaay, UUao, MlaKwri, Coora
doaBdWyaaasBgforaaW by Qaa A.Ray,
anar, Ttleaaona 88a Ooe US4 O street.
U you will wake it a point never to gat a
picture framed until yoa have asen the Lin
osto Krama Art Cowpany'a goods, you
will alwaya get the latest style. Price are
alwaya the lowest.
Why have your borate feet buXhered, have
aaaebenee aad have thsaa sufferl Take
tarn to Charlie Biartery'a bmw ahop.410
oath BJeveath atreet, and aaeb will never
be the ease, "
Chaa.,8hvtf)N'y, profeatlonnl aorssehoer and
farrier. Dtasaes of the f set treated by tne
latest eeieatitc aaodea. Morass oallad for aad
returned. Mew bop 418 South Eleventh
On Monday rae eaTtr aa a leader twelve
pieoa eetuKM crene alhgator , cloth aad aII
faaov efoeodilaweavandiietdfrm ILaofet
NeMud.x rv? v'i
J. W. WlMOBR & CO.,
UWO street.
n ttfy rarabam Care
laasuMatioa free. - ateui
etae f itraaie at eee. OaVe hours 10 to 13
a. at 8 to .")., and '7 to 8 p. m. Buuday
tea: U i ', v ,
VOeek BaMey dreeery company eieaead4
rargreWilT"7rf'r rTrarT ,
i iml.l ' V t
, W 'l.awel Bttj urgea. , ,
r , U. ej(MS, wmbi wps iMMan, imm
Taa, tjiaeota, Aear,
The Hoti Fit cluli ommio.I It thlnl )
Tumday ovenln at which tlmo thoy were
entertalneil by Mr. nihl Mm. C. M. Kenfer at
their homo, 740 J utrcot, The niHtlnaof tlio
chili ilurttiK It pre vloiii enm)ii havo boon
iimrli(xl with n RliiKular tucceM autl coiiRnnl
allty, and many vlvaclou and Joyou com
jinnltx are tliorvforo aiitlclpatod for title win
ter. The illllgeiioy with whloli each Riitnt
labored to win gatiim showed that Interest
had laggeil not una whit ilnco the flmt or
sanitation of the club. Mi, ami Mr. Keefer
were very miccemful in making the evening
leaant for nil the guest. The hmite wa
very prettily dworated with cut flower.
Tempting refrenhineiil were eerved at tlio
card Utile. The price wero omethln new
and unlquo, n change from the nouveulr
poon. They eoimliteil of plcooiot china
ilecointed by tlio hiieteM, nnd are lit 'inoim
inent to her klll." The llmt royal, dell
rately wlnted cti and saucer, were won
by Mr. and Mr, lllllmeyer. The gentle
inan' second mynl, a china lien box, wn
carried off by Mr, llurlliut, nnd tho ladlr', n
pin tray, by Mr, Cowdery, The membuni
of tho club present were MeMr. and Mes-
danieaJ O Allen, A (1 lilllmeyer, HKCow-
A llurlliut, A K Keunanl, It K Moore, H K
Maore, O M TIioiiimoii, Cat ThouiMon, K K
llrown. The eueeta of the ovenlng were
Menraand Mtmtnme II U PatHck, Doug.
Hhilllng, Murk Tllton i Mime Clarn Cowdery.
Grace Anhton, Hattle Inland, Cora Tnltiot
Hello Hflbln of Ileal rice ( Menar. C O Cald
well, (leorgo Cook, K 1' Keefor, T J I'loruon,
O Hector and U K tValte.
A phaMint nfternoon card Mirty wn
given by Mr. I,. Wtmeljr,, nt IW7 I, street
o nacoro or more of friends, Thursday,
when tho evcr-faacinntliig Ktl,a ' hluli-llvo
wn the center of nttiactloo. At 3 o'clock
the ladle bad arrived, and wero toon seated
about entail table which wero arraiiKod In
thepnilor. About A o'clock tho hotoi an
nounced refrcshnionta nnd after Mrs. Dr.
Mitchell had been voted the winner of tho
royalprlie aeetof silver saltsnd pepper,
tho company repaired to the dining room
where a dellclou menu spread, mid snowy
linen and brilliant liver greeted the eye.
Those present ore Mesdatno M. Kohn, M.
A. Kewmark, Cha. Meyer, I, urucks, m.
Arkerman, Ham Weasel, I. Friend, M, Op-
Knhelmor, A. KaUdntelii,Jr L. Ilarr, K
iikson,L.Kseukky, H. Hellgsohn, A. Kro
ner, A. 11. Mitchell, J. Hpeer, M.- Well, L. M.
Colin, and Miwe Ida Friend and Amanda
Kohn. i ,
A very pretty weddlrg wn solemnized
Thuradny evening at tho residence of the
bride' iter, Mr. F C. Flslte, 1137 South
Twelfth treut, Mis Leattra Uurgewand Mr.
Charles Meshler, agency director of tho
New York Life Iniuranco company, being
the contracting partlo. Only the relative
and a few Intimate friend were present.
Iter. O. A. William of the First Daptiit
church officiated. The bride wore a simple
costume of whlto crepe de chene. After the
ceremony and congratulations, a tempting
wedding nipper waa aerved. ine nappy
couple left on the ten o'clock train for Chi
cago; from where they will probably go to
New York. They will be gone about two
weeks after whloh they will be at home to
their friend at the residence of the bride'
mother, 1833 C atreet
The aooial circle thle week baa apparently
not been so large aa that of last week or aa it
promises to be next week. The dedlcatjry
axeroieeeof the Columbian exposition haa
called many of our people to Chicago, over
900 Liucolultea having witnessed the festlvi
tivea. Wedding aad partUe made last week
one of unusual Interest to movers in aoclal
circle. The Lansing called out au exceed,
ingly fashionable audience Friday evening,
and Hoi Smith Russell' preformanoe might
well be classed "at home," for every mem
ber of the large audience seemed to be his
friend, and so evident wa the congeniality
between actor and audience, tbae the separa
tion of footlights waa quite forgotten. A
number of receptions and weddings of in
terest are announced for the tutu re.
In reporting the oard party given by Mra
O, M. Thompson, an acoouat of which ap
peared in thio column last week, the Jour-
nai made a mistake last Hunday , and instead
of printing the list o( mbms at Mra. Thomp
soa'a party, the shears slipped aad caught the
Uet of name of the preceding item, which waa
one containing the list of members of a Den
ver club composed of Llnoolnitea. The er
ror, which shows just how the Journal gets
much of Its society news, waa commented
upon by many, but ia nothing un usual. Nu
merous other Item appeared ooatalnlngone
or two error which crept Into our report.
Afternoon receptions are becoming quite
numerous and Lincoln ladles are becoming
more metropolitan in their taste and ideaa
aa to entertaining. Orchestra muslo for theee
occasion are new to Lincoln, hut the addi
tional pleasure afforded the guetts at several
during the past week has furnished a prece
dent tor others and it u more than likely
that muslo at all the receptions during the
social season will geneeally prevail this win
ter. It ooate but little more and adda won
derfully to the delight of an otherwise beau
tiful affair.
Aa Thb Courikr goes to prss Temple ball
ia the scene of an animated oompany. The
newly organised Ravota club are giving
their opening dancing party of ,tfe meson.,
All the gentlemen have not yet arrived with
their ladles, ro that It is impossible to give a
complete Uet of the oompany. A partial
list or the members, however, include Messrs
John Lottrldge, Homer Honeywell, Frank
Kitchen, Foster Beach, Harry Evans, Will
Raymond, George Johnson, Harry Harley,
Park Garoutte, Arda Chapman, Archie
Vaughn. Wilson Winger, C. Shaker and
Ernest FoUom.
A very informal neighborhood party wa
given Monday evening by Mr. and Mr.
Pbelps Paine iabonorof their Uter, Mrs.
Mary Minor of Monmouth, III. Progressive
high five absorbed the attention of the guests
until the time when dtlnty refreshment
were passed to which all turned their Inter
est. Those present were Messrs. and Me
dames Cbarlee Hammond, W. E. Kirker, W.
C. Pomfort, W. A. Preston, H. B. Patrick,
A. S. Tibbett. Dr. Hill. M. H. Evartt; Mlasee
Stoddard, TibbetU, Morrlseyand Mrs. Minor
of Monmoth, IIL
. A novel party was. given by. Mis Nau
Frankieb, 1818 Proxpect street Tuesday evening-
Tbe guest spent the first part of the
evening in roasting merthmallow after
which they told ghoet stories, producing an
altogether weird effect. Refreshments were
served and all spent a delightful time. Those
present were Mr and Mrs Horton, Misses
Carrie Bryant, Anna Dunn, Delia BcoteM,
Edua Shepherd. Mable Lindley, Joy Web
ster, Helen Her wood, Bessie Turner, Edith
Floyd and Helen Uregory.
. Mr. auJ Mrs. John B. Wright entertained,
in honor of Mr. and Mra. Frank Bheldou, a
merry party of frtendc at dinner at their
eosy home on M atreet. The favored gueete:
Mr and Mr Sheldon, O O Burr, Beeeon,
Leonard, Frank Brown. BuoksUff, F W
Utile, Green, Ladd, C H Llpplncott, Ml
llertto Hurr. Mr Frank tlurr, Mr O K
VatiMj Mr ltoblnsoii nnd Ml Daisy Robin
son of Chicago.
Mr. K. It. Guthrie I Jmt In trnduoltiff a
new Rambler Hafety. HUfor rnclng pur
KMe nod meet with the greatest uocu4 for
rontest or frntt rldinx, It I easily iaudlel,
welliliig but thlrty-threo nnd oue-hnlf
IkhiimIn, nnd when supplied with rnclng tire
neigh but twviity-nltio Hiund. It I culled
tho Diamond Rimbler No. II, and Mr,
Guthrie will bo plenscd to have nil Inter
rated call and ) It.
Mr, K. K. Baxter, treasurer of the Baxter
Htovo comiMtiy, manufacturer of the Ban
nr tove, wn a Lincoln visitor for a week,
having returned to Cleveland Tuesday
Whl It) here Mr. Baxter closed arrangement
whereby Mrfwra. 11. J Hall gc llro., will
repreeotit Nebraska and Wyoming for th'ilr
proiluct, thereby making Lincoln supply and
torngo liadiiiartor for all the trado of the
two states.
Mr, I). M. Croiino loft Monday ovenlng for
Hterllnz, III., whoro on Wednenday he wa
mnrrled to Mb Martha L. Anthony. Mr.
and Mr. Crouso nronow enjoying a biidal
lour, having loft after tho wedding for Port
land and the northwest. They will bu nt
homo In this city after November 'JOtli nt
Seventeenth nnd l'oplar treet in n new
borne that I Just receiving Its finishing
Mr. J, F. Morris, treasurer of tho company
of Rudge & Morris, was happily united In
manlage to Ml Clara Bingham of Toronto,
Caiindu, last week. Tho ceremony wn ht
formed in the prewnco of a number of friend
nt tho Kplscopal church of East Toronto,
Rov, Chommack otllcintlng. Mr. nnd Mr.
Morrl nro now at homo to friend nt the
Mndell hotel.
Tho Haydon Art club will gtvo n reception
Tuesday ovenlng In the senate chamber in
honor of Bnrnh Wool.Moore. A short pi o
grammo will bo given. Mis Moore wn one
of tho prima mover iti tho organisation of
that club 11 vo yenr ago, nud tho member
appreciate I ho earnest work thai she ha done
for the progress of nrt.
Mr. Charles Hall, junior member of the
firm of II. J. Hall ft llro., loft Thursday for
Cleveland, Ohio, where on next Wednesday
ho will be milted In holy bond of wedlock
to Miss Myrtle Byrne, an accomplished so
ciety hollo of that city. After a short trip
Mr. ami Mr. Ilnll expect to lie nt home in
this city at 1405 G street,
Lincoln lodge No. 140, Swltclimen' Mutual
Aid Association of North America, will en
tertalu tholr friends and tho public at their
second annual ball Wednesday ovenlng, No
vember D-'M, at Mason lo Temple. The hall
will tie .nicely decorated for tho occasion.
Irvine's orchestra will furnish the music and
a good time generally Is in itoro for nil.
Tho ladles of Holy Trinity church are ar
ranging to give n grand botar at Masonlo
Temple during the second woek in Decem
ber. Among other attractive feature will
be seven booths, representing tho seven
ages of woman, each booth being presided
over by ladle n presenting womankind
from infanlhoodto grandmother.
Cards of Invitation have been received at
this office for the wedding of Mr. Edward
Ambrose Brown, editor of the Nebraska City
lYtn, and Miss Emma Adele Belters of Os
kaloosa, la., the ceremony to take place at
the home of the bride's parents October 96th.
Mrs. C. C. Burr entertained a merry com
pany of friends at seven o'clock tea Wednes
day evening lis honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Sheldon. The evening was snt at cards
and elogant refreshment added to another
wise delightful affair.
Mrs. O. J. Daubach, accompanied by her
two on, I vliittng in Chicago, where Mr.
and Mra. Daubach were wed. Such visit,
when coupled with tbe honor of witnessing
the dedlottlou of the World's fair, must be
doubly enjoyable,
The La Veto Whist club which claims tbe
honor of being the oldest card 'dub in Lin
coln will reorganise for It seventh season
Immediately after the election, when politics
will no lonzer demand the attention of the
Mrs. F. W. Little gave a very charming
!unch-n for Mrs. Frank Sheldon at the
Lincoln Hotel last week, those present be
ing, Meedamea Sheldon, Beeson, Green,
Toonard, Laid, Wright, Buckstaftand D. E.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Wilson, Mr. and Mra. J. H. MoMurtry, Mr.
and Mrs. G. B. Chapman departed Monday
for Chicago to attend the dedication of the
Columbian exposition,
Mrs. Klngaley, an expert teacher in art
needle work, will receive interested ladle t
this (Saturday) morning from ten to
twelve, at J. H. Mauritius & Co's. store,
1038 O street.
The regular annual ball of tbe Lincoln Are
departmeat takes place at Masonlo Temple
Thursday evening, November 3d and the
boys are making extenslv e arrangement for
a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. John B.Wright, Mrs. Rob
inson, Mr. O. E. Yates, Mrs. R. A. Perry
and Mum DsUy Robinson departed Monday
for Chicago to attend the dedication of tbe
world' fair.
A reception at the home of Mr. F. A,
Brown Wedneeday afternoon will be one of
.tb event '.In society -next week. Irvine's
orcuestra will lurnlsii the music.
Miss Sarah Harris is entertaining Mrs. D.
D. Muir of Denver. A very delightful thea
tre party was given Friday evening iu her
honor by Hou. N, S. Harwood.
Mrs. Cal Thompson and Mrs. E. E. Brown
took their departure Tuesday for Chicago.
Mr. J. 8. Moore and diughter, Mis Etta,
left Wednesday for their home in Fremont,
Ohio, after a pleasant visit ot sovei al weeks
with Mr. Cal. Thompson.
Mr. and Mr. C. E. Hickman left Thursday
for their borne, (it Lake CbarU, L., after a
pleasaut visit of several we.k with friends
and relatives In this city.
Mr. Lou Kennard Rlgg will entertain the
Entre Nous club thl evening at cards.
rtalA Baking
06iUttllaaM Homag 40 Yin tfn SUndajd.
Mrs. Frank QheMon, now a New Yorker
by resident, ha certainly been shown many
friendly courtesies by her Lincoln friends, n
our columns will show,
Mr. J. If, Mnurltlus arrived home Sunday
after a pleasant visit of two woek with
friend ami relative In Kansas City nnd
Mr. Jeff Jones took her departure Sntur
duy ror her home lit uamoron, Mo., arter n
pleasant visit with lior sister, Mrs, P. W,
Mis Lydln V. Kay and son, Allen, re
turned Wednesday, after a month' pleasant
sojourn in Oihkonh, Mllwnukeo nnd Ct i
Misses Nannie Llllibrldgo nnd Gortrudo
Mnnpiett left Thursday for New York,
where thoy will spend the winter In study.
Mis Daisy Tuttlo, daughter of Judge Tut
tl , left Saturday for New York, when alio
will contlmio her studies In vocal music.
Mr. T. II. Mainland left Tuoaday for
Spokane Falls, Washington, whore ho will
visit hor daughter, Mrs, Kthol Drain.
Borosl will meet with Mr. A. J. Sawyer
Mommy arternoon. Tho silver question will
absort the attention of it members.
Mr. T. 11. Hlckey left Wednesday for Chi
cago to attend the Columbian festivities n
nn ofllcor on Governor Boyd' staff.
Mr. nud Mr. M. W. Woods left Wcdnos
day for Chicago, where they will attend the
opening exercise of tlio exposition.
Mr. A. O. Brown and Mrs. J.R. Gieone
left Monday for Chicago to attend tho Co
lumbian dedicatory exorcise.
Mis Ssrnh Ilarri will entertain tho
"Patriarchs" one evening next woek 1st honor
of Mr. 1). I). Mulr of Denver.
Mis. Anna Pholp attended tho annual
meeting of the Congregational missionary
society at Omaha this week.
Mr. O. H. Llpplncott gavo n charming
luncheon Thursday afternoon In honor of
Mr. D. D. Mulr of Denver.
Mra. A. 8. Raymond Wt Saturday for
Chicago, where die will nttend tbe formnl
opening of tho world's fair.
Prof, nnd Mr. N. 8. Jonea cimo home
f rom Co'orado last woek. Prof. Jonei I
greatly Improved In health.
Mr. 8. E. Moore will b9 at home to a
party of friends Monday ovenlng, when high
live will reign supremo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. It. Miller nnd Mra. O.
B. Hauiey of Cheyennb left Saturday for a
visU In Atchison, Ka.
Governor James E. Boyd, wife and daugh
ter nnd nn joy lug the festlvltiosof the world's
fair grounds this woek.
Mr. nnd Mr. W. Q. Bell returned Tuesday
from Minneapolis, where they have been
pending the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomoa Cochrane loft Mon
day for1 a visit In Chicago. Bushuell and
other places in Illinois.
Mrs. C. E. Elliott departed Monday for
Chicago to be In attendance upon the Co
lumblan dedication.
Miss Grace Griffith loft Wednesday for
Chicago, from where she will start on an
extended eastern trip.
Mr. Fritz Wosterman left Wednesday for
Chicago to enjoy the festivities of the Co
lumbian exposition.
Col. J. J. Kelly and Mr. W. E. Kirker left
Monday for n business trip to the western
part of the state.
Misses Mary Belle and Carrie Blerbower
of Denver are enjoying the hospitalities of
Lincoln friend.
Mrs. George D. Camp left Sunday for
Clarence, Iowa.
Mr. and Mr. C. H. Gere left Tuesday for
Chicago to enjoy the festivities at the world's
fair grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sanders left Tuesday
for Chicago to witneaa the opening of the
world's fair.
Mrs. J. H. Cobb of New Orleans, but form
erly of this city. U visiting with H. T. Hette
and family.
Dr. and Mrs. C, F. Ladd departed Thursday
for Denver, where they will visit for about
two weeks.
Mr. John M. Thayer, jr., accompanied by
his wife and daughter, left Friday for La
Port, Tex.
Mr. and Mra. M. Healey. accompanied by
F. C. Bartholomew, left Friday for Toulon,
There will be several theatre parties at
the Lansing Monday evening to see "The En
sign." Mr. Frank Gregg of Salt Lake City spent
tbe week In Lincoln renewing old acquaint
ances. Mr. J. D. Kleuuch, accompanied by his
daughter, Ml Katie, left Tuesday for Chi
cago. Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Bennett are entertain
ing Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyd of Marlnetta,
Mrs. J. L. McConnell entertained tbe En
gleslde club yesterday afternoon and even
ing. Mis Carrie Dennis spent the greater part
of last week with friends In Beatrice.
I Tbe Beta literary olub will meet with Mra.
Henry Hai tley Tbeedgy 'afternoon.
Mr. E. P. Ewlngand Mia Lillian Sterling
left Tuesday for a visit in Topeka,
Mr. J. W. Dlxou departed Wednesday for
Chicago to view the festivities.
Mr. and Mm, D. W. Moseley departed
Wednesday for Chicago.
Mr. F. A. Koraemeyer I enjoying the
featlvllles iu Chicago.
Mr M. W. Brown took hi departure for
Kansas City Monday,
Mr. James lieatoucame home Saturday
from hi eastern ti Ip.
Mr. F. W. Baldwin went to Chicago Tues
day, Mr. T. H. Beuton has gone to Chicago,
mmmr mr m;i,:VKae.vajE
Fur which wc linvc the exclusive sale. This I nn article mndc of the
best French Kid, without scams on cither side of the hand nnd conse
quently cannot rip where most objectionable. Please call nnd inspect
them nnd see tor yourselves that
M to buy n pair for 98 cents or
1013 O Street.
1 :bt vrr,fjt Wixtviav
Tho Closest Buyers are the
The House
is all powerful In It drawing capacity. Watch the crowds that throng
our Millinery Department every morning and afternoon.
Uhat lauded It?
The .Goods
Your choice of any Wool Felt Hat
you $1,00 and $1.35.
You will find it to your advantage
L.ELADINQ department
1124 O STREET.
This Straight
Will give you good wear either for,treet or school service.
Derby Last. Welt Sole. B to EE,
Get your black Overgaltcrs.-the weather's cool.
1 129 O Street.
For Pure Ice Cream and
Delicious Fresh Oysters V
The Bon Ton
Telephone AH7. 1202 P Street.
Geo. Meiofeirleire, Propr.
Coffee and Light Lunches at all Hours
Five Per Cent, on Deposits
S. E.Cor. 11th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in afe Deposit Vaults.
HF.NllY E. LEW1B, President A. P. . 8rEW AllT, Vlco-Pre. II.WE..0H, T
Sewing Machine
and Gun
We have Just employed a sktllful workman from the Eat, who is fully competent
to make all repair In the above lines. T. J. THORP & CO.,
310 South Eleventh street
aV '
Wants to buy her Glove to match her
dressc. With this object In view wc have
purchased n stock of Kid Gloves, which
for It vnriety ol style nnd shade, wn
never shown before. Wc :nn match
every color, may It be dark or light.
We call special attention to a New Wove
wc can please everybody, whether you
the most expensive one,
"!;::! ii:m; msms mmmvm:
Cheapest Sellers.
In Position to
The Prices.
v H
in the house 69 cent. Others ask
to give us a look the coming week.
to v S
r v 1
Jy J
Jr )7 'lam
yf )K .
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