Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 22, 1892, Image 7

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    ca,pi;pa,l city courik k ,
CIPITIL $200,000.01,
American i Exchange
National Bank.
L tCaWynoafi. . La wis Oratory
PtwfdMt. Vloi PrVstdsat
. at. atanham, 'D. O. Wine,
Oatllltr. AssuKuhlt
Uhmhk Mmi
Lincoln, : Nebraska
Officers and Directors,'
John H. WrlKlit, 1'rcs. T. R. Handers, V.-l
J. II. McOlny, Cashier.
PiE Johnson, 111' I.uii, Thus Cochran. K
;ll8lor, TWIowny, W I. Dayton
General Hanking Business Transacted
Collection n Specialty.
'German National Bank
l.tNCOl.N, NEli.
Capital . . . '. $100,000.00
Surplus .... 20,000.00
Joseph Uochmcr, President,
Herman II. Schabcrg, Vice I'rct.
Chns. E. Wnltc, Cashier,
O. J. Wilcox, Asst. Cashier
The Mist National Bank
O and Tenth Sts.
Capital, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000
ft. S. HAItWOOD, PrtnUUnt.
OUAti. A. UANNA, Vtu-PrtUUnt.
F. M. CUOK, OuMtr.
It. D. MIUjFAI, A'l CcuhUr.
O. V. Mohiikr, H. J. Wai.hh,
President, Vlco-I'rcs't.
H. O. Outoai.t, Cashier.
Capital $300,000. LINCOLN. NEBR
H. Almena Parker,
dramatic Header
Teacher of Elocution.
On farms In oastorn Nobrnskn mid Improved
proporty In Lincoln Tor u torm of years.
Lowest Current Rates
R. E. & J. MOORE.
Corner t th A O StreotH, Lincoln.
Real Estate and Loans
Bargain. In HaWthome. ""offeY.y
Havelock, nl,mv r,,lt'H
i&ftCTini. University Place
T. C. K6RN, D. D. S.
Rooms 35 and 26, Ihirr Block,
Has nt ureal ox
penso replaced hi
0 1 1 1 Instruments
with 11 now HhIIi-
myor, direct from London, anil Is now hotter
prepared limn ever to do tine work, from a
(oekot up to life size. Open from 10a. m, to i
p. in. Hnndavi..
Studio, 1214 O street.
TTRJ7F Tuition! fall term, In seven dltrer.
1'llUlw ont oonr('H. Only high radu In
dependent Normal In tho stnto. The KlncM
HnllillnK", Equipment, nd Ablest Normal
Kamilty, Nn experiment, hut an ctithllhed
miiUHKument. 4 count's, :v teachers nnd lee
Hirers a live school for llio masses Wrlto
orcutnloguu to K. K. HOUSE. MauiiKer.
Lincoln, Neb.
Ripnns Tannics euro tho blue."
Ilipans Tubules euro indigestion.
Ripans Tnlmloa euro torpid liver.
Ripnns Tabules : gontlo cathartic
NM lUoiMt deck of C4nl. you ry lianUlvd.
a vau mer Ml uuo ur iuuj
flosn llnllier Novel View of llio Csnr nl
Hussln mill AR'nlrs Oenernlly In Thin
Kmtlre Tim llrrHilful finnlnr lllt-r-,,
m om America.
Bihmikun, Oct, 10. Unusual Intercd
nt Inched to the sermon preached by lltiv
Of. Tnlmngu this forenoon, It havhiK Ixrn
announced that lie would devolo the entire
discourse to a review of hU summer's Jour
ney. The (treat Tnlernaole building wan
crowded early by an expectant audience.
Professor Drown, the organist, during the
service rendered the Russian nntloual air,
tho English nntloual air and our own nit
Clonal air. Among other hymns sung was
My country, 'tis of thco,
8vvcot Innd of liberty.
The subject was, "Observations In Hum
sin nnd Mrent Hritnln," the text selected
being Psalm cxxxl.x, 0, "If I take the
wings of the morning and dwell In the
Uttermost parts of the sen, oven them shall
thy hand lend me."
What an absurd bonk tho lllblo must he
to u man who has no poetry luhissoiill
"Wings of thu morning." Wlint kind of
a bird In it, nnd how long are Its wings
nnd of what color Ah, somo of us have
Men and felt Its wings. They are golden.
They nro buoynnt. They are swift. They
are widespread. Thu ICtli of last June I
took "tho wings of tho morning" nnd
started for Europe. Juno SO, on "the
wings of tho morning," I started from
Liverpool. July 1'.', on "the wings of thu
morning," I entered Germany, tho laud of
Martin Luther and many of that Ilk, living
nnd dead.
On "the wings of tho morning" I entered
St. Petersburg, Hussla. On "tho wings of
tho morning" I entered Moscow. On "the
wings of the morning" I entered thu pub
nccs of Hussla, greeted by tho emperor nnd
empress, surrounded by a lovely brood of
princes nnd princesses. On "tho wings of
the morning" I entered Inverness, tho cap
ital of the Scottish highlands, country of
Robert Hums and Thomas Chalmers thu
ono for poetry, tho other for religion. Sept.
21, on "tho wings of tho morning," I en
tcrcd tho Attest haven of all the earth
Now York harbor and looked oft toward
the most interesting place I had seen in
three months I South Oxford street.
Ob. I like "the wlmrs of tho inoraimr."
I am, by nnture nnd by grace, n son of the '
morning. I think I must have been lxirn
In tho morning. I would like to dlo In thu
morning. I have n notion that heaven is
only nn everlasting morning. In tho sum
mer of 18yj my text wits fulfilled to me
again nnd again. "If I tnku tho wings of
the morning nnd dwell in thu uttermost
parts of the Ken, even thoro shnll thy hand
lead mo." Yes, ho led me as ho always
bos led mu since I took my first walk from
tho cradle to my mother's lap nt Hound
I J rook until this pulpit where I now stand,
and ho will lend mu until I stop for all
Urne aliout threu miles out yonder, where
the most of you will bo my fellow slum
be rent.
You nil know why I went to Hussla this
summer. There arc many thousands of
people who have n right to say to mo, as
was said in thu Dlblu parable, "Givo an ac
count of thy stewardship." Through The
Christ iun Herald, which I have thu honor
to edit, wu had for months, in publisher's,
In reportorlnl nnd editorial column, put
before the people thu ghastly facts con
cerning twenty million Russians who were
starving to death, and subscriptions to
thu relief fund had come by letters
that seemed not so much written
with Ink as with tears, somu of thu
letters practically saying, "Wu find it
hard to get bread for our own families, but
wo cannot stand thlscry of hunger from be
yond the seas, njd so plensu to receive the
inclosed." And others had sent Jewels
from their hands and necks saying, "Sell
these nnd turn them into bread." And
another letter said: "Inclosed is an old
gold piece. It was my mother's. She gave
It to mu and told mu never to part with it
except for bread, and now I inclose it."
Wo had gathered thlrty-flve thousand dol
lars in money, which wo turned Into three
million pounds of (lour.
When I went down to the board of trade
at Chicago and left Ave thousand tlol
of the amount raised with a prominent
Hour merchant, taking 110 receipt and
lenving all to him to do the !cst thing,
and returned, It was suggested that I
bad not done things in a business way.
How could we know what sort of flour
would be sent? Thoro nro styles of flour
more (It for thu trough of tho swine
than tho mouths of hungry men and
women. Well, as is customary, when the
flour came to New York Itwns tested,
and wo found indeed they had cheated us.
They gave us better flour than we had
bought. I bought in Chicago fine flour,
but they Kent us superfine. God bless the
merchants of Chicago!
Now wo know nothing about famine in
America. Tho grasshoppers may kill the
crops In Kansas, thu freshets mny destroy
tho crops nlong thu Ohio, tho potato worm
may kill thu vines of Long Island, thu rust
mny get Into the wheat of Michigan, yet
when there has been dreadful scarcity in
somo parts of thu hind there has been
plenty In other parts. Hut In districts of
Hussla, vast enough to drop several
nations Into them, drought for six con
Bccutlve years has devastated, 'nnd thosb
districts were previously thu most pra
ducttvu or an thu umpire.
It was like what we would have In Amer
ica if the hunger (lend somehow got out
of hell and alighted In our land, and swept
Ills wing over Minnesota and said, "Let
nothing grow here," and over Missouri ami
said, "Let nothing grow here," and over
New York state and said, "Let iiothlmn
grow here," and over Ohio and Georgia and
Massachusetts unit I't-nnsylvanla and No-
hroska and Dakota and the Carolina anil
said, "Let nothing grow here," and thu bun-,
ger (lend had Hwcpt thu snmu withering and
blasting wing over the best parts of Amer-1
lea In thu years I88T. ItfcS, IBSU, IbOO, 1831 mid
lBttt, and Anally all our families weru put
on small allowance, and we all had ilsen
from the table hungry, and ufter awhile
thu children had only quarter enough, and
after awhllu only ono meal a day, and after
awhile no good food at nil, hut a mixture
of wheat and chaff nnd bark of trees, and
then threu of thu children down with hun
ger typhus, and then all the family unable
to walk, and then crawling 011 hands nnd
knees, nnd then one dead In each rixim,
nnd nulghhnrs, pot quite so exhntistid,
coming In to bury them, nnd nlieiward
thu lioiisu becoming thu tomb, with none
to carry thu dead to more appropriate
Hcpulchcr-whole families blottid out.
HASH b Will). I
That was what occuircd In Russia In
homes more than were ever counted, In
homes that vterumicu as comfortable mid '
happy and bountiful as you is or mine, iu
u .... ... I
u'Miirn nn Yirtuim lis jours or Ulllll', in
homes where Ood Is worshiped as much
as In yours or mine. It was to do n little
something toward beating back that arch
angel of wretchedness and horror that we
went, nnd we have now to report that, ac
cording to the estimate of tho Russian
famine- relief committee, wo saved the Uvea
of l'AOOO people. As nt tho hunger relief
stations thu bread was banded nut for It
Was made Into loaves and distributed
many people would halt before taking It
and religiously cross tbemwlves and utter
a prayer for the donors.
Some of them would come staggering
back and say, "Please tell tis who sent this
bread to us." And when told It came from
America they would sayt "What part of
America? 1'lcase give us tho names of
those who sent It." Ah, (list only knows
thu names of those who sent It, but hu cer
tainly does know, and tunny n prayer Is
going up, I warrant yon, day by day, for
those who sent flour by the ship Leo. Per
haps somo of us nt our tables rattle 11IT a
prayer that may mean nothing, although
wo call lt"saylng grace," but 1 warrant
when thosu peonlu who received the bread
which saved their lives "said grace." it
meant something.
Our religion may not demand that wo
"cross ourselves," hut I have learned that
while crossing onu's self in somo cases mny
mean nothing but mere form I belluvu in
most cases It means, "Oh, thou of tho suf
fering cross of Calvary, have mercy on mu
and ncccept my gratitude." Prefer your
own form of religion by nil means, but do
not depreciate the religious forms of others.
From nil 1 can learn there wero several
good people before wu wero born, and I
rather expect there will bo several left
after we aru dead, I have traveled in many
lands, but. I tell you plainly, as I told Km
pernr Alexander III In the palace at l'eter
hoir, that 1 had never la-en so Impressed
with thu fidelity to their religion of any
peoplo as by what I had seen in Hussla,
and especially among her public, men.
I said respectfully to n Russian when I
saw him cross himself, "What do you do
that for." "Oh," hu said, "when I do that
I always say, 'God have mercy on met' "
I hold in my hand something very suggest
ive. Whnt does that black and uncomely
thing look llker That Is what Is called
hunger bread from Russia; that Is what
millions of peoplo lived on for months Imi
fore help came from Kngland, Scotland,
Ireland nnd America; that Is a mixture
which seems to have in it not ono grain of
sustenance. It is a mixture of pig weed
and chaff and the sweepings of stables.
That Is something which, If dropped in the
street, your dog or cat might sniff at, but
would not eat,
That was tho only food on
which millions of men and women lived.
You must look nt that hunger bread of
Russia before you can get proper apprecia
tion of whnt nn attractive and benutiful
tiling a good loaf of bread Is. It is so com
mon to us we cannot realize its meaning.
Stop and look nt It in a bakery window or
see It on your family table I mean an hon
est loaf of bread, white ns a ball of packed
snow, with a crust brown as the autumnal
woods, and for a keen appetite more nro
mntlo than flowers a loaf of bread ns you
remember it in childhood, when thu knife
In thu hand of your father or mother
cut clean through, from crust to crust, and
put lieforo you, not a quarter of a slice ore
half a slice, but a full, round slice, and an
other and another, just suited to a boy al
ways ready to eat nnd for tho most time
hungry, even in a well supplied house. I
remember and you remember, if you bad a
healthy childhood, just how It tasted. My!
Myl Plum pudding does nottuste ns good
now as that plain bread then. It, was then
bread nt the table, nnd bread between
meals, and bread before breakfast, and
brend beforo going to bed.
Why does not somu poet ilng a canto on
n loaf of bread, or Mime modern Raphael
paint It, or somu lilstorinn tell its history r
Noticed nil over liku wedding cake, or (lot
ted llku many articles of food, pretentious
nnd with fantastic Ingredients, but that
grandest product of the earth; that richest
yield of the flour mill; that best benediction
of a hot oven a God given loaf of bread.
Hut thu rhythm of it, thu luxury of it, thu
meaning of it, tho benediction of It, tho
divine mercy of it, only those know who
havo seen n famine. No wonder Christ
put this food Into tho sacrament mid said
of a broken loaf of brend, "This is my
body." Thank God that I ever saw that
trnnscendent nnd compact klndn.-is of the
Infinite God n loaf of bread. And it was
our joy this summer to hand over a ship
load of material for gladdening many thou
sands of Russians with such n licatitude.
Hut I have been ntked by good peoplo in
Great Britain and America, again and
again, Why did not the prosperous people
of Russia stop that suffering themselven,
making it useless for other nations to helpf
And I nm nlways glad when I hear the
question asked, because It gives mo an op
portunity of explaining. Hnvu you any
idea whnt It requires to feed twenty mil
lion people? There is only one being in
thu universe who can do It, and that is the
Heing who this morning breakfasted sl.
teen hundred million of thu human race.
Tho nobility of Russia hnvo not only con
tributed most lavishly, but many of them
went down nnd stnld for mouths amid the
gluihtlinsss, and tho horror, and the typhus
fever, and tho smallpox that they might
i administer to tho sulfering.
i I sat nt the dining table in tho house of
1 ono of our American representatives be
'side a baroness who had not only impov
1 cribbed her estates by her contributions to
I tho suffering, but who left her own homo
and went down into thu worst of thu mis-
J try
until prostrated with fever, then re-
vlvltiK nnd tolling on until prostrated by
I the smallpox. She had come homo to get
1 a little strength, and In n few days sho was
going down again to thesulTeriiig districts,
1 and she commissioned me to execute in
America a literary enterprise by which she
expects with her pen more money, nil of
which Is to go for 1 1 read to thosu who lad;
it. Then there are tho Hohriiiskies, They
nro of thu nobility not only thu nobility of
earth, but the nohlllty of heaven. You
know we have In Ainerka certain names
which are synonyms for benevolence
George Peabody, James Lenox, William K.
Dodge, Mr. Slater and soon. What their
names mean iu America liobrlnskl means
In Russia.
The emperor has tnado Inrger contribu
tions toward this relief fund than any
monarch ever made for any cause since
the world stood, and thu Mim-rli kindness
written all over thu faces of emperor and j
empress nnd crown prince Is demonstrated
in what they havo already donu and are
doing for thu sufferers in their own coun
try. When a fow days ago I read In thu
papers that the emperor nnd empress,
hearing nn explosion, stopped thu royal
mil train to find out what accident had
occurred, and the empress knelt down by
tho side of a wounded laborer and held his
head until pillows and blankets could be
brought, and the two wounded menweie
put upon thu royal train tube carried ton
place win re they could bu Itettcr cared for,
1 said to my wife, "Just like her."
When I saw n few days ago In thu papers
that thu emperor anil empress hud wnlktMl
through Urn wards of tho most virulent
cholera, talking with the patients, slinking
hands with I hem and cheering them up, It
was hOMurpilso to me, fori said to myself,
"Thnt Is Jtut like Ihem." Any ono who
has over seen the royal family will bellovo
anything In the way of kindness nscrllied
to them, and will join mo in tho execration
of thnt too prevalent opinion Hint a tyrant
la on the throne of Russia, If God spare
my life I will yet show by facts beyond
dispute that the most slandered nnd sys
tematically lied nlsttit nation on earth Is
Russia, and that no ruler over lived more
for tho elevation of his peoplo In education
nnd morals and rullglou than Alexnnder
thu Third. So I put nil tho threu prayers
together God savo tho president of tho
United States! God savo tho queen of
Knglnndl God savo tho emperor nnd em
press of Russia!
I will, whether in sermons or lectures I
have not yet decided, show that n'neteon
twentieths of all tho things written and
published nualhst Hussla nre furnished by
men who have been hired by other coun
tries to "wrlto up" or rather wrlto down
Hussla, so as to til vert commerce from that
empire or because of international jealous
ies. Russia being larger than nil tho rest
of Kuropo put together, you can seo how
natural would Imi tho jealousies. I know
of two prominent European nowspapers
thnt keep men on salaries to catch tip
everything unfavorable In Russia nnd
ma-Ay I fy tho Incident, And thu stereo
typed stories of Siberian cruelty in one
case out of n hundred is true, but in nine-ty-nlno
out of n hundred cases they nre
fabrication. And In tho one caso ns soon
as It Is reported tho ofllclnl Is discharged,
They who havo liven sent "to wrlto up"
Russia and Sllierla havo donu as that man
would do, who, sunt to "wrltu tip" New
York, should write up thu slums ns a sjmjcI
men of what New York Is, or, sent to wrltu
up the American congress, should wrltntip
somo depraved politicians ns n specimen of
American statesmanship, or, sent to write
up tho sanitary condition of this country,
should send n kodak picture of nil thu
wnrts and carbuncles ha could find ns n
specimen of American health, I believe I
can rev rsu thu opinion of any man antag
onistic to Russia who will glvu mo nn
honest hearing, as my own opinions hnvu
been reversed by whnt I recently saw ami
Heforo passing to tho other field of my
summer observation I glvo you one little
specimen of the falsehoods about Russia.
I stood In London with my tickets for St.
Petersburg, Hussla, In my pocket. It was
two o'clock in the afternoon, nnd nt three
o'clock I was to take the train. An Amer
ican physician camo In nnd said, "You cer
tainly are not going to Hussla." I said,
"Why not?" Then a morning paper was
shown me, saying thnt In St. Petersburg
thoro weru two thousand, cases of virulent
cholera; the city had been divided Into
bospltnl districts, nnd thu doctors weru nt
their wits' end what to do with thu number
of patients. The population was flying in
terror. It was almost as bad In Moscow.
While reflecting on thesu accounts two
messages arrived frotnothei friends protest
ing ngnlnst the fool hard In ess of my rushing
Into the presence of two thousand cases of
cholera In one city. Of course I halted. I
halted for four days. Meanwhile n telo
gram from St. Petersburg encouraged me
to go. 1 went. Tlieru was not a single
caso of cholera in St. Petersburg or Mos
cow, nnd there was not n slnglu case In
either city until four weeks after I left
those cities. Hut the continental false
hood had done Its commercial errand.
Tens of thousands of Americans and
Englishmen who proposed to summer iu
Russia turnid in other directions.
At the large hotel Iu St. Petersburg at
which I Mopped, though capable of hold
ing live hundred guests, and mouths beforo
every room and every hallway nnd every
mattress nnd every pillow had been en
gaged by telegraph by sightseers, all the
orders were canceled, and instead of live
bundled guests I should think about
thirty, and thnt Including our party. And
so It was In nil the hotels Iu northern Rus
sia, and the subtraction of that amount of
commercial profit from thosu cities you
may imagine. Hut that whole subject of
systematic fabrication I adjourn to somu
other hour. Yet 1 must tell you of 11 pic
ture of pathos and moral poier Impressed
upon my mind, mj that neither time nor
eternity may ctl'aco it.
Thu ship Leo swung to thu docks a few
miles below St, Petersburg loaded with
flour from America. Tho sailoi 4 on board
huzzaed as they camo to the wharf. From
a yacht on which wo had descended thu
river to the sea tho prominent Icltl.ens of
St, Petersburg disembarked. The bank
wns crowded by prosperous citizens, who
stood on thu wharf, and back of them by
poor laborers, who had come down to oiler
their services f reu of nil charge for thu re
moval of thu breadstuffs from tho ship to
thu Imperial freight train that took the
Hour to tho interior freo of chnrgu. While
wu stood tlieru thu long freight train rum
bled down to thu docks, thu locomotl vo nnd
each cur decorated with a Hag thu Amerl
can flag and the Russian flag ultcrnatlng.
Though n (lag to somu eyes Is only a
floating rag, you ought to see bow the
American flag looks live thousand mile
from home. It looked that day like 11 Mo
tion of heaven let down to clfeer mortul
vision. Addressesof welcomunnd responses
were made, and then thu work began, the
only contest helug who should lift the
hardest nnd be most expeditious. From
ship to rail train. From rail train to knead
ing board. From kneading board to oven.
From oven to thu white nnd quivering lips
of tho dying. Upon nil who, whether by
contribution smnll or lnrge, helped make
that scenu possible may there comu the
benediction of him who declared, "I was
hungry nnd ye fed me."
oui:at mkktings in oheat diutain.
Hut I must also glvu a word of report
concerning my other errand-tho preach -
lug of the Gospel In Great llrituln Jan
summer. It was a tour I hud for many
years aiiuciptuvu. uu 1 no memos 01 me 1
Gospel 1 confronted nioro people than ever
before In thu same length of time multi
tudes after multitudes, nnd beyond any-'
tiling I can describe, Thu throngs in nil
thu cities weru so great thnt they could be '
controlled only by nlatoons of police, ho
that nono should be hurt by thu pressure, .
each fcervlce imlmirs followed by a service '
for tho waiting throngs outdoors, and both
by handshakings to the last point of phu-
teal endurance. I
From thu day iu which I arrived at noon
in Liverpool, and thnt night addressing
two vast assemblages, until I got through '
my evangelistic journey, it was u see no of 1
blessing to my own soul and I hnpu to
others, I missed but threu engagements
rt nil 11 till tliiM tsittlt lutltur'
.ii. . 1 iti.i .1 .1 ., '
too tiled to stand up, At all llie assem
blages large collections wero taken the
money being given to local charities, feeblu
churches, oiphan asylums or Young Men's
Cliristlnn associations my ncrvlces being
entirely gratuitous. Hut what asummerl
There must have been much praying hcru
nud elsewhere for my welfaic, or immor
tal could have gone through nil 1 went
In every city and town I had message
poured into my ears fo: families In Ameri
ca, Oh, pons of Scotchmen, Englishman,
Welshmen and Irishmen, thorn nre htnrta
on the other sldu of the sea lientlng In affec
tion for you nnd praying for your present
and eternal welfare. They wanted mo to
give you their love, and here It Is by tho
Wholesale, for I cannot give It by retail. Dis
appoint not thu old folks on thu other side
tho Atlantic. You will probably nuvcr see
them again In this world. Their hair Is
whlten'Mg, and their step Is not ns firm ns
when ) ,1 saw them Inst, So live thnt you
may meet them In heaven. Wrlto home
often, nnd while you know they are pray
lng for you, do not forget to romcmlier In
your prayers thosu who wero your llrsl
friends, and friends than whom you wll!
never havo liettor I mean your old fnthei
and mother,
l)y tho memories of the old Scotch kirk,
where you were haplUcd, and of tho Eng
lish fireside, by which you played, nnd ol
thu Welsh hills nnd valleys, among which
you roamed, nnd the old hoiios on th(
banks of thu Tweed and the Shannon ami
thu Cl de, I charge you Imi honorable and
true and Clulstlan. You have good an
cestral blood In your veins. Prove yoitrsell
worthy, It seems to mu that tho Gospel It
making mighty strides over there.
Only ono thing I saw In thu chapels nnd
churches I did not like. That Is a lack til
npireclatlou of each other as between the
nntloual church mid the dissenters. Now
each Is doing iv great work that thuothci
cannot do. God speed them nil they ot
the episcopacy nnd they of tho dissenters.
Somu need the ritual of tho national
church and others thu spontaneity of tht
Wesleyan, In thu kingdom of God there
is room for nil to work and each iu Ills own
way, Somo people are Inirn Episcopalian
nnd others Methodists and others Haptlstt
and others Presbyterians, and do not let
us force our notions on others,
As for myself, I was born souenr tin
lino Hint I feel as much at homo In onu de
nomination as another, nnd when In tht
Episcopal church thu liturgy stint my soul
so that I cannot keep hack tho tears, nnd
It overwhelms mo with Its solemnity nnd
its power. When In an old fashioned
Mcthodlstchurch the responses of "Ameul''
nnd "Hallelulahl" lift me until, like Paul
lam in blessed bewilderment as to "wheth
er In the body or out of the body, GimI
knoweth." Andns for the Haptlsts, though
I havo never Imcii anything but sprinkled, I
hnvu Immersed hundreds andcxJH'ct to tin
niorsu hundreds more In the baptistry tin
tier this pulpit where I now stand.
What is the use of controversy about
anything except how woshnll keep close tc
tho cross and do thu most for helping peo
ple for this world nnd the nextf May there
come in England more cordiality between
the nntloual church and the dlssontefs.
Although 1 would be called a dlssentci
there, almost my llrst step in Kngland wai
into a banqueting hall tho lord mayor't
banquet, given to tho bishops nnd high of
ficials of the national church, tho grunt and
good nnd genial archbishop of Canterbury
at their head, and n more magnificent group
of folks, intellectually and spiritually,
I never got among, and I found that
though wo had never met beforo tho arch
bishop and myself weru old friends. Hut
all up and down Great Hrltalti I found 11
niultitudu that no man can number en
listed for God and eternity, and I tell you
the kingdom Is coming.
If the pessimists would get out of the
way the people who snivel and groan and
think everything has gone to tho dogs 01
is about to go 1 say if these pessimist!
would only get out of the way, tho world
would soon see thu salvation of God.
Christianity Is only another nmu for ele
vated optimism. Was Isaiah an optimist!
S-o his deserts Incarnadined with red roset
and snowed under with white lilies and
bis lamb asleep between the paws of 11
lion. Was St. John nn optimist? Read
the uplifting rfplendors In the Apocalypse
and tho halleluiah chorus with which tht
old book, which they cannot kill, closes.
The greatest thing I can think of Would
bu to hnvu n.trlplu alliance of America,
Kngland mid Russia in complete harmonl
Eutlou, nud then to have upon all of them
comu u deluge of thu Holy Ghost. Let the
defamation of other nations cease. Peace
and good will to menl For that glorious
consummation, which may I hi nearer than
we think, let us prny, remembering that
God can do morn iu live minutes than man
can do In llvu centuries. If the consuim
motion Is not effected In our day 1 shall
ask tho privilege of coming out from
heaven a llttlo while to look at this old
world when It shall have put on its mil
lennlol beauty. I think God will let ui
come out to see it at least onco iu Its per
fectcd state before it is burned up.
I should not wonder if all heaven would
adjourn for 1111 excursiou to this world tc
see bow n shipwrecked planet was got oil
the breakers and set afloat again amid the
eternal harmonies. Meuuwhlle let ui
do all we can to make it better, and It
will somehow tell In tho filial result,
though it bo only a child's sob hushed, nt
a trickling tear wiped from a palo face, 01
a thorn extracted from 11 tired foot, or a
sinful soul washed white ns the wool.
May God help us to help others! And so
these lessons of gratitude and sympathy
nnd helpfulness nud vindication I have
brought you on the wings of this morning.
I'rrmiitliMiH Tlmt Should lie Taken.
The world was never so small as It is to
day. Means of rapid transit aro bringing
nil quarters of thu globu closer and closet
together. This result lias Its dangers as
well as its advantages. The recent out
break of cholera In European Russia, of.
whoso dally advance we are mudu aware
by cable, warns us that wu have dangers
to fear from u too close International rein
Tlio grave resiKinslbillty of keeping from
1 ,;,"', ,,
L. . .. ... .. 1
our land the dreaded scourge of cholera
thu sanitary inspectors of 0111
for It Is only through a fow
great talcs of commerce that wu hnvu rea
sou to fear Its introduction.
Reieut exiM-rieuces with typhus fever Iu
tho port of New York havo shown that
there are weak ihdIiiIm in our quarantine
defenbes which should bu remedied, When
once these bulwarks aru passed, thu laboi
of disinfection Is Increased a thousandfold.
It should bu tbu duty of thu nuthorltlc '
to prepare beforehand for thorough Inspeo ,
tiou of all arriving vessels and for complete
disinfection of nil suspected freight and '
paxiicugers. 1
Tho usually easy going American should
not allow his good nature to modify the
stringency of his maritime sanitary regu ,
lations. Europeun oflklals are to he com-,
mended for their increasing vigilance iu
this respect, for it is by their etTorlsthat
the dlsrasu may bu kept fiom shipping
ports, v hence, It might be distributed by
commerce. Youth's Companion. ;
The Kind of sv Man Needed.
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keeper? 1 thought you told mu ho worked
liku a trooper. ' !
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XW This brilliant Quarterly is not made up
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