Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 22, 1892, Image 5

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OCTOBER 22 1892
If ..
I ,
' !
Miss Marian Kingsley
will be pleased
to meet all ladies who
desire to take
lessons in
Art Needle Work
at our Store
Saturday morning,
io to 12.
The Ladies'
1039 O Street.
Bon Marche
isse O atxaat.
Prices as low ns any store in America
on same qualities. During October, this
Coupon good at cash on each purchase of
one or more dollar's worth.
$t.v$ r
Good for
rv.V-s$ .-rft xtt st jfcjrf .sfcuGt
Advertising Rebate g.
The Bon Marched
Cut out and bring with you to the store,
at 1236 O street.
Will be Interested
to team tlmt n new process lias been Invent
ed for removing Hlotchrs, Freckles, etc., from
tliofucc, lcnlng tho skin elenr nnd beautiful.
Itlsdouo by the.
New Steam Process !
just Introduced by Mrs. J. C. Dell, nnd Is pro
vIiirii big success nnd very popular. All tbo
ntcst effects In
Sair Groods, Ornaments
and a full lino of most npproved Cosmetics
ny aiso uo iounu 1 nitre.
Hair1 Dressing nnd Manicuring done on
may also bo found More,
short notice nnd In tbo very latest styles.
114 North 14th st
F. C. Woodward.
F.J. White.
Woodward & White,
Local nnd Foreign collections solicited. All
work promptly attended to.
Room 3 Brownell Mock,
Telephone 673. LINCOLN, NEB
Ladles desiring stylish dresses at moderate
jirlcen call on
missjegrjie iry,
Itooni 121'olvln lllock, 131b nnd O Hts
TI10 1'erfectlou nud Taj lor
expand with every motion of ibu foot.
ouin or uis or. A very 11
worn. M st cninforlnulu known Try tliam
very narrow
shoo can be
nml sco for 011rself.
Kormilontfiar ty A. I.. OKIOKII, 1137 II t.
Hpeclul orders taken. Uheajior tnan others.
Dunlnp's Gossipy Ontbitnt loiter Pros
pective KiiKHKtnients nml n ttevlew
of Passing Kventsln Lincoln,
Special Couiueh Correpondenco.
New Yoiik, Oct. 1.1, 18W. Gotham Is eel.
bratlng tbo discovery of A in jr lea nml the
town It it whirlwind of festive excitement.
As, however, In nil celebrations where the
people wander through tbo irarlanded streets
during the day nnd ovoiiIiik, the theatre al
ways ' nil left," so to RAk, and depend only
on the regular local thentre-Koers . It Is
pretty hard to fight against free shows of any
kind, ami when they coino In thb st npo of
Columbian celebrntlons, It's useless. In spite
of the splondld attractions produced by the
Metropolitan managers for tbo millions of
stt angora that Imvecuiuo to town, they havo
refused to flock to the play house, m some
eipocted,nnd perhaps this will give tho rainbow-chasing
mnuugors who expect to mnko
n great deal of money during tho world's
fair at Chicago, imuw. At none of the largo
repositions, whether In London or I'm Is,
Vienna or Melbourne, havo the thottrcs done
anything like good business while tho fairs
were going on, nud the stieet filled with
great multitude who found enough to soe
wandering around Kven If they had inado
up thtir minds to visit a particular play, thty
felt too tired to do so, and when tho shades
of evening, electrified into daylight, again
lured them, tho weary crowd drifted along
tho arteries of tho great city until they
tumble Into beds at their dllToient hotels en
tirely exhausted. Tho grand festival pro
duction of Tho Triumph of Columbus, by
Silas U. I'ratt. at Carnegie Muslo Hall,
which ought to havo attracted all muilc
lovers, failed to draw as many people ns were
on the stage and In tho orcho-dra on Monday,
nnd so It had proven at every theatre, with
tho porslble exception of Hoyt's A Trip to
Chinatown, which has such a solid pull that
It overflowed the Madison Square Theatre
completely. In tho many good things pro
vided there was nothing absolutely new on
At tbo Star, Mr. Joseph Jelforson appeared
In Hip Van Winkle, and the renewal of the
play, after several years of disuse, was a
manifest satisfaction to everybody. Hip has
not changed nt all. Onca ngalii bis good
humored shlftlsssness, before the twenty
.years of sleep, nnd his piteous daze uKn
awakening, were portrayed with sucli n
nicety of naturalness as to mako the Irving
legend seem cpilto probably. The general
representation was quite ndequato Mr. Jef
ferson was received in i very friondly fash
Ion and bis acting met with full appreciation.
At thoQnideii, Mine. Helena Modjeska em
ployed n role new to her, and one which had
not been acted In New York by anybody
since 1874. Tnis was Katharine of Arragon
In Bhakespeaie's very dull play of King
Henry VIII., a part associated in theatrical
history with materially powerful actresses,
like Fanny Kembleand CharloUe Cusbmau.
There was a special curiosity to soo whether
Modjcska's lack of physical force would pre
vent her from achitvlng an artistic success ,
but she did. The subtlety and sureness of
her acting sufficed. Of course her other
wise faultless elocution was greatly marred
by her foreign accent, and listeners had to
be Intent in order to get the full meaning of
her utterance. She gave complete expres
sion, however, to tbo sorrows of the wronged
queen, and her performance was one moro
triumph in her career of triumphs. More
than praiso of Modjcska's own acting is duo
to her for this rcproductbn of a play seldom
given on tho stage. She had put a great
deal of thought, taste nud monoy Into tho
production, and the good result of all tho ox
endlturo whs a really lino illustration of
Hhakespeuro's work. Tho scenery, tho cos
tumes, tho arrangement of tableaux an 1 the
movements of the people were truthfully
pictorial, and embellishing within tho bounds
of good judgment. -
Ye Earlle Trouble, which was seen 'or the
first time at the Twenty-third Street Theatre,
was tried at Boston last season, is from tho
not untrue pen of a native 'dramatist, Houry
Uuy Carleton, and it was put forward with
many advantages, derived from picturesque
scenery, brilliant uniforms, a large company
of well-liked actors and the presence of a
friendly audience. It did not gain a thor
ough success and not onco did It stir Its spec
tators to anything like enthusiasm. The
story of the American revolution does not
in many respects lend Itself easily to tho de
mands of tbo dramatist. Pet haps a dozen
plays have In past years essaj ed to clothe In
romantic and plausiblo garb soma incident of
that great contest, but it is not recalled that
more than fleeting j applause baa rewarded
any of these attempts. Mr. Caileton may
safely be congratulated for having aocomj
llsbed more than those "who preceded him.
Ho has made a play that is technically strong
at any ratef for Its plot is ingeniously con
trived, the exposition of it Is rapid proper,
the lanpuago is good and t'io lighter pissages
oro entirely felicitous. The liberties It takes
with history may lie kindly dealt with, The
revolution would make a grim stage plav,
indeed, if truth were adhered to In all tbo
It has no doubt been a gieat week for Now
York, but as a whole the theatrical profei
siou has not benefited by it to any great ex
tent. Dukloi-
Tho Lansing held a large'audlciico Tues
day evening, the occasion oihg Dote David
bon and llumlu Austen In Dangers ot a Gieat
City, which is made up principally of hair
brondtli escapes, sensational exploits and
deeds of darling. The heavy villain comes
In for a full slice of lecognttlon nud each ot
tho cast bus a varied assortment of eliuruo
teis usually found in society's chain from the
lowest in life to the highest element In the
human family. The two stars divide tho
hunois, each usduiuing tin en roles, Miss Aus
ten Impersonating ltuth Fielding, a New
Yoik glil; Meg Casey, tho toughest girl In
the Ueiid, and Alice, a sister of chuiity,
while Mr. Davidson, who does not appear
until the second act, ussuniea the following
roles; Ed Vnutrii, the detective; Molluo, an
Italian i ountei fetter, and rJlipiory Isaacs, u
Hebrew peddler, these all In disguises to gum
detective icsults. Thu scope depicts tho
wi ecks of Wall street uud shows the work of
ruin and leveugo for lost fortune. It is yeiy
sensational tliiougbout uud the woik of each
character was well sustained by a fair com
pany, several musical numbers bWug Intel
spvrsed thut relieved the touor of excitement
ot the pluy.
over the original, It substantially the tame .
Thore It little or no plot to the piece, but It
affords a numUr of clever people ample np
xrtumty In which to demonUrate their
talent and ability. Master and Mis Fergu
son, two of Hartley's children, are new In the
cast, both, however, adding to the features
of the play. The young man has a good
voice and otherwise does some meritorious
work, while ht sister It a !ettlo little artiste
that knows how to handle htr feet to excel
lent advantage. The part of Mr. McCarty
was In the able hands of Mr. Feigusouaud
found a satisfactory exponent in tho charac
ter mado famous by him after having played
It for seven yoirs. He h virtually the same
rollicking, mirth provoking Irishman as of
yore. A very fair performvico was given
and tlioso present attested tholr satl faction
of tbo work by frequent applause.
llarrel ot Money, tho great sensational
melodrama, hns Uhmi playing to largo houses
at the Funko for tho ast two nights, tho en
gagement oienlug with a full house Thurs
day evening It is 6uo of thoiii pro luutlous so
often scon uowndnya depending nlumit solely
on sensational feitiirm and startling scenic
effects, though a strong plot runs through
the piece. Tim scene Is laid in Vermont In
one of its manufacturing towns, wheio the
nbor element forms thu larger part of 111"
pipulatlon, but where, as usual, tho vaga
bond nnd loafor are ever at hand to do mis
chief. Tho boiler room scone, as also that of
the machinery at work, nnd the climax
showing a female form tied to a revolving
engine belt about to make Its round over a
hugo pulley nre all exciting nud called forth
applause at proer Intervals. Tho comedy
parts are well taken and tho dramatic work
Is represented by a fair cast of characters.
Barrel ot Money will lie given again this after
noon at a grand matinee, when sioclal prices
of 85 and GO cents will be offered. The en
gagement closes tonight, tho regularly estab
lished prices of the house prevailing, vizi ',
60 and 75 rents. In this connection it might
be added, In Justice to tbo Funko, that this
attraction, when list seen here, played to
full bouses at CO, 73 cents and $1 , The pres
ent management desires to call the attention
ot the theatre goers to the fact that notwith
standing this company played in Lincoln
heretofore at one dollar for liest seals, the
uniform opular price for this engagement
has been only 75 cents. This rule will pro
vail throughout the season and the Lincoln
public will therefore bo given dollar shows
regulaily for 75 cents.
Mnnnger Church visited Omaha Tuesday .
The Bpooners will come to tho Funke next
week for a run.
I'nttl Howl's Dolly Vnrdon Is tho success of
her theatrical career.
Barrel of Money matinee at Funko's today
for ladles and children. Prices, 'Si nud 00
Tho Funko't first November booking is on
the third instant, when The Colonel, a now
and successful Gorman comedy, will be
Miss Vance, a ceusln of Manager Martling
now presides at the Funke ticket ofllce. Hho
is a charming young lady and will undoubt
edly bo a drawing card.
Thero may have been handsomer treasurers
in tho box ofllce of Lincoln 1110811-14 in tbo
past, but certainly none were ever moro ac
commodating or bettor liked by patrons than
Mr. John Dowden, the Lansing's new nnd
popular manager of tho ticket window.
John has had a long and varied exierlence
in local theatrical circles, knows nearly ev
ery one, Is polite and courteous to ull aim
Manager Church is to bo congratulated on
this appointment.
The Ensign, tho new naval pluy which Is
to be given lu first production lu this city
on Monday evoniug, was llsrt tried in Minne
apolis by Messrs. Llttnnd Davis last summer.
It waacust with some of our best actors, then
lieloiiglug to Mr. Lltt't stock company, and
scored a gi ntlfying success. The formal pro
duction of The Ensign occurrod in Washing
tnn, where, thero ore more naval critics than
in any other American city. It mot with in
stant success thore and was pronounced a
perfect reproduction of naval scenes nnd in
cldonta by men high in official circles. Since
then it has been presented In Chicago, Bosten
and other cities, nud everywhere has been re
ceived with enthusiasm. In the navy, Mr.
Haworth, the author, has Invaded a now
Held, and one that Is full of excellent ma-
to. NN
A VI'.AKt Imiiltrtakitotritflf
lUachtujr filrl Inlt llprnl r,t iioftitliri
I..., w iiu ran imu .1111 viii,aim who,
.itrr liittructloii.nlll Murk IniluilHoiialv.
Piiiim In ran, lhraa ll.MM.aail llullara a
Yrarlltlllvlr Jttnlixallllaa MlirrarartliavlW., I Mlllal.n
Slit aUuallun omul I PHlit.atMliltliymranrariill alatiiunt.
S.0 ixoiiaa fuf m milro aurira.hil ai alin.a I aill; an I iulcl.l
Irarnatl I ila rM lull una Murkar from tatli UlalrUli rruuHtv,
liaiaalrtalr l.utlil ami ru,lilil nllli un lijt.irnl a i.ira
numUr, v In art maklnrom I"MI a tra ll.,:V
W.I . I ull 1 arllrulara KM 1:1 Ail Irr.a al nn.
4-C Al.l.i:, lit 440. A'U lain, Mull
turl,l '), tho Industrious drnmnttst. We
n.v' HiJffJV war dramas, but for some reason
tin M'.ry bus until this time esouwd tbo dm
matfst. The churncters in The Ensign are
unctious nud the geneial tone sound nnd
healthy. The Hceneiyln which it is set Is
novel, striking nud beautiful. There are fl o
great seines, anil ery onoof them original.
Each MMiio duals with unoriginal subject,
and treats tlmt subject in a masterly man
ner. Tho giuud harbor of Havana, tho
Cuban Ilia, the sectional Internal view of
a man of-war, the president'' private library
thy spar deck of u buttle ship mo splendid
subjects for tho scene painter. 1 bo details
ota limn nf-wur are presented with life,
like fidelity. In fact, they mn actually io-
produced Iroin photogiaphs and color studies
taken by nil artist on board a United Htutes
vessel lying at the Brooklyn navy jnid.
The big guns, the coils ot rope, the brasses,
tho limiting, the oilier nud men all nre
brought out only us conscientious studies
from real life by a competent artist could
brln them nut. Ily this sectional view la
presented a double scene In tho play. The
effect Is necessarily powerful. The advance
sale of seata has lieeu very large,
The Operator, which it to be produced nt
the. Lansing Woduesday evening, It n melo
drama with a variety of plea lug features, It
it Mid. Heveral passages, as thatof a ship
wreck In mldocsan nnd a railway locomotive
crashing through a tressle, are of thrilling
Interest. But music, singing and dancing
form adjunct to the play. Comedy elTecU
nre plentiful nnd tbo twin brothers, William
and Wlllard Newell, who carry the principal
parts lu tho play, to closely resemble each
other that they confute the other players, at
well at the audience, with their Individual
Ity. The Chicago Timet, speaking of the
play, sayst "A new melodrama entitled,
The 0Mrntor, was brought out Hnturday at
Alhambrn, by the 'twin stars,' Wlllard nud
William Newell, backed by a company of
good actors. Tho play Itself is lealistlcally
spectacular, and as such Is cleverly devised
and carried out. Tho Newell brothors nre
surprisingly iillke, and both ctuter melo
drnmalla actors; their striking resemblnnca
to each other Is n constant source of Interest
to the nuillonce,'1
Tbo stnld old Now York 6'nu says; "Tho
only twin stars, tho Newell brothers, Will
iam nnd Wllllard, oiened their season nt tho
Empire August tlftb. They wore greeted by
a large audience. Tho 0ierator Is a thor
oughgoing melodrama. The flrst act bat
murder, n rnblwry and an abduotlon, and tho
second a shipwreck followed by a railroad
wreck. Of course all tho troubles of tho hero
and the berolno are hoalsd In tho last act.
The play was received with enthusiasm, and
the Newell brothers nud Dinkius, tho owners,
should make monoy. The advance sale of
seats opens Monday.
It Is hnrdlynecossnry forus to give an ex
tended notice of the coming return engage
ment ut the Hpooner Comedy company, for
the moro fact to announce that they will
open at tbo Funko Monday evening will bo
sulllcient to crowd the house. The opening
bill will be Kathleen Mavorneen, and each
lierformanco will see a chnngo u( program.
Monday evening will bo ladles' fieu night,
eucb lady accompanied by a gentleman hold
ing n thirty cent tlckot being admitted free.
Tho same iopulur prices ns 011 tho previous
engagement, 10, !20 anil 'M cents, will bo in
force. Following Is what the Burlington
Dally (litzrtte has to say of tho attraction:
"The xpulnr Spooner Comedy company
oned Its return engagement nt tho Grand
oiera house last evening to nil audience that
packed tho house and nearly filled the aisles.
It was n grand reception, an enthusiastic
ovation. Tho hold that this sterling little
company has secured upon the affections of
Burlington theatro goers Is unusual and re
ntal knhle. Wlutsr or summer, tbev play
heie ton full bouse. It makes no difference
what attraction precedes; them or what
comes after them. They draw just the same.
and they never fail to please. Miss Edna
May and Cecil Spoonor won new laurels In
their rol"H nud thelrHiocinltlos."
Pardonable prldo Is Indulged by the man
agement of I'utti Ilosa as the career of this
well known nud favorite urtisto is called up
in retrospect From the unostentatious and
unheralded beginning of six years ago, she
M been seen to giow and expnud.tuot alono
In artistic excellence, but ns well In popular
estimation, until today she Is one of tbo ac
cepted representatives of the school of dra
matic art to which she applies herself. The
plaudits of her admirers and the colli', re
flective judgment of the most eminent critics,
both of this country and of England, have
united In awarding her the mood of pre-eminence.
In America her name Is as a house
hold word, and iU mention conjures up tho
evenings ot pleasure spoilt within tho witch
ery of her presence and under the dominant
sjiell of her art. In casting tbo horoscope
for the coming season, the msungoinent sues
new conquests gained; old friendships
strengthened and now ones made; now beau
ties shown In thut magic mirror so deftly
held up to nature.
I'attl Hosn's musical menu Is an attractive
and melodious one, embracing .among others
the fqllowiug delightful airs: Over tho High
Brick Wall, -Maggie Murphy's Home, Hweet
K11U1 Connor, Ho Never Cittno Buck, Taking
In tho Town, Banjo Medly with Concertina
Medly, Picture That Is Turned Against the
Wall, Pardon C imo Too hate, Funny Little
Fellow with u High, High Hut, Meet n Coon
Tonight, etc. Thes? and other popular num
bers will be beuid in Miss Komi's clever com
edy, Dolly Vurdeu. Tho company Includes
Me-urs. John Dunn, Gerald Gilllln, Edgar
Halsteud, Marcus Morinrty, Jou Cnwthurn
nnd Misso Gruce Clarke, Carrie FruucU,
Fniinle Jacob, and Irene lioyt. Ed Phelps,
the old reliublo music director, still wields
the baton and the fact that Will O. Wheeler
Is MIsh itosu's manager Is sulllclunt guaran
tee thut Dolly Vurdon will receive it delight
ful piesuiitutinii. This engagement Is for one
ulglit only Thursday next.
1010 0 Strut
Hock Ni'iumih
Co. Phone 4 10
Co At, at tho Lincoln Coal
Mrs. H. F. Hi an, fashionable dress nuking,
rom78 lluir block.
Mrs, Gosper's is a (Kipulai' place for the
I idles. They get their nobby head wear
there nud likewise havo their heads nobbily
embellished tlieie. Keel
MtCuity nud his Mishaps was the founda
tion lor muob mil tb uud meiilmeiit ut the
Lansing Th ursduy evening, liamey Fegusou
nnd n cvpublo company giving a funny uud
Interesting delineation of ibis old time fa
voiite. McCarthy's MUtmps Ims been given
seveiul limes in Lincoln and the premlatlm
of Thuisdny evening, usldu fioiu u lerv ultei-
utlou, which, however, ui u 110 Impioveiueiit J
Absolutely Pure JustTIiyIt.
Nisbet Stock of
Boots and Shoes"
which Is considered one of the Best Lines of La
dles', Misses', Chlliln n'a nml Men's fine Slioct In
the ell', nt n great bargain, we make our bow to
von at one of your permanent merchants, and to
stnrt your pntronngc with us, wc will,
Til D
Commencing Saturday, Oct. i tfh
(to day), give every purchaser n discount of
on every pnlr of Khoct. Each shoo Is marked... ftu
plain figures, nnd the distinctive rule of Strictly
One Prtce to all, will nlwnyt prevail.
Make 80c. buy a Dollar' worth of Footwear
. This Discount lasts but ten davt. and It's vou
chance to buy a winter's supply nt a bargain, nnd
get a selection from the finest fine of Footwear In
Lincoln. Mcp In and sec , ,
"Speier, the Shoe Man"
Correct Styles nnd Perfect Fitting,
NUbct'n old fttnnd. 1015 O Street.4'
19 Different Patterns
. loll
8 Different Sizes
FOX 1002-03
Tbe Improved Garlands
Large Line of Wood and Coal Burners.
The finest ever made, and the most popular range on the market,
of them In use In Lincoln than all others combined.
for a
All slxei, shapes and prices.
A now lino Just received. It
you nre. flaurlngon getting
married, It will pay you to
call and soo us anyhow. You
will want
Ml'. -W I ..
Wedding - Invitations
Announcements, Cards, etc.
This Is Just tho plaoo where
you can depend upon gottlng
correct styles und only cor
rect form. We can be of
service to you It you are
thinking of marrying.
Wessel-Stevens Ptg. Co
Courier Office 1134 N St.
'Howe Ventilator
Is better than steam or hot water, and less expensive than a hot air furnace.
Our system of Introducing Pure Air to jour home Is the best In the world.
Nothing like It In Ameilcn. Wc guarantee satisfaction Call nnd see the
New Heaters. Also send for your Kitchen Utensils. We arc adding fresh
goods every day.
1305 O STRS9T.
All Filling! at Lowest Rates.
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94. 95 and 06, Burr Blk.
3 A j A