.SSKSWIHttWSRM CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURAY, OCTOBER 22. iHij? . J. iMWWWpiftHM,y- Pjm rl' fl 1' M Inf ,, P 1 ' 9BPHHHH A VIEW OF TENNYSON. MARGARET MANTON MKMHIIL DE I -SCRIBES A RECENT INTERVIEW. w th lol App'areil M ft Mauling nl Hi ttnjrnl Srtilll.h airntilcat Unci If In London MU lmirsW I'artan i Billy A llrlnf Cnnvrrsattnn. (Special CnrreKiiilvnce, Mrw Yoiik, Oct. 18. Alfred Lord Tennyson, who o recmitly laid down kit buy pon and closed his eye forovor, w lust Been In public, nt tlio Juno Meeting of tlio llovnl Scottish Geo- frunhlcal aocloty in London, nt which 1 (Ml I ho honor to bo n guest. Tlio present Duko nf Argyll, who in tlio president of tho nocloty, nut in hU ohnlr In front of n small library inula which wm placed upon n platfonn fauliiK tho Mdienco. Tlio poet lauroato Bat nt his right at tho ond of tho tablo. TRNNYBON AND AHOYM i a skstcli mitda on tho spot bjr Margaret Mnnton Merrill. 1 irroi 1 do not think any ono nnw him ontor ad take his neat. But when it wan whitpercd through tho audionco that Lord Tennyson was thero ho bocaino at once the object of every ono's attention. He teemed littlo interested in tho pro ceedings himsolf. Hit whole appear no indicated weariness and foeble hm, He sat with ono arm resting on she table and tlio other upon the arm of Ma ehair and his cane. His head was bent forward, and 1 had a good view of tho face of the poet as he looked at eighty-three. His hntr was Iron gray not whlto. It was brushod hack from a high, slightly receding forehead, and hung in thin, wavy locks down over tho collar of his cont. Tho pointed beard was more lightly touched with gray than tho hair. Tho lines in his face were numerous, but not deep, and bis eyes wore wonderful. They were large and full almost like the eyes oi it young man, They were dark gray in color, with heavy black lashes, and so full of expression that they teemed Indeed the windows of a poetio soul. He was dressed in a manner not egligeut I think negllgco would bo a better word. It almost seemed as if there was an air of weariness even about kit clothes. A dark silk tcarf was loosely Med under a Byron collar. His waist eoat waa buttonod high, and his long froek coat, nn fastened, hung loosely about him. At the close of the programme the Dnke of Argyll spoko of tho presenco of b .distinguished guest, and as ho did to the audience simultaneously, and it seemed almost involuntarily, rose to their feet, It was an unusual tribute from a gathoring of British pooplu, who are not as a rule demonstrative. Thero was a look upon tho poet's face indescribable Ho turned' and spoko to the duke, who immediately announced, "Lord Tennyson desires mo to say to job that he is ploasod and touched by oar courtesy, and that it would gratify Its very much to riso and speak to you, but ho says that it was a groat effort for him to be present with us tonight, and he begs you to accept hit thanks and ex ese him." I The words of the poet were not re eeired with applausei Tho feeling of the people seemed too deep for that. They were entirely satisfied to havo tee him to have had him sit with them. I It was my very great .privilege and tumor to be introduced to Lonl Tenny tea oa this occasion and to shako hands with him. It meant a great deal to hold the hand that had penned "The Idylls of the King." i "You will pardon an old man for not rhting," be said, I had recited during the evening an original poem, which I think I would hardly have consented to do had I known that Lord Teuuyson yra to bo present. But when 1' wum presented to him ho made very kindly mention of my work., MMKURRT MANTON MERRILL. I tad, "My lord, it is a great gratlfi twtioB to me that you should name any effort of mine a poem." "Ah," said he, with wonderful sim plicity, "the world is full of poetry and of poets." Then, turning to the distinguished president, he said quietly, "If your grace will kindly oxcuso me I think I'll retire." During the last year Lord Tennyson visited Ins old home at oomersby. Lin eokwhlre. He went over all the spots wMah a boy be frequented. While there he grew reuiinUcent and relutcd many incidents of his childhood. The jafe. i ' ' house whore ho was lxn still stands, li Is n very humblo dwelling, for his fnthur, who wai tho rector of tho iitnull parish at Bomcrsby, win poor. Ho hud n large family of chlhlioii, to nil of whom Ik contrived to glvo nn education. Tin three elder nous Frederick, Clmrloi nnd Alfred woro all poets, and tho Hint ol Alfred Tennyson's published wot l w In a stnnll look which wns printed in 1827 by himsolf nnd Mi brother Cluirloi tho title of which was "Tho I'oomi ol Two Brothers." On tho occasion of his attendance ut tho Iloynl Scottish Geographical undid) Lord Tonnynon on his way to Mm car riago stopped a tnoinout in tho rcreptlor room, where ho was Immediately stir rounded by u throng of friends. Numcr oiih inquiries wore made as to IiIh health, To ono friend Tennyson said, "I nm realizing more nnd more that thoro is n limit upon human endeavor." To another ho rmuarkodt "I fcol n con tinual Sonne of oxtrome weariness ) think 1 shall soon bo 'crossing tho bar."' The bark of tho poet has put out tc ten thnt limitless sea on which thert aro no returning ships. MaUUAHUT M ANTON MkKIULU OEOROIE HAS THE CHOLERA." And Dill Jnn.tiu Unnrittitlnei Him In Mill I'nnil. sny goritlc, ncd bll Joiimoii 3 me Inlst mon dl, nlnt It turlluil a bote tho colury. how, I scd. . well, lui wd, If mil I gets tho eolery thay tnrn to group an dl. over In noo yorlk the nepol r a friule they wll al git It conn a hut lot ov botes down tlio river and a lull lot ov pepcl was on them wot had the colury thoB I scd, wot r wo gono 9 du with r tub 8 do. lets pin colvry, till ed. al rite, I sed. then bll sed, u must b a man wot has got the colory an u want 9 land out ov a bote. hay. yes, i mmI. so we wont down S the mil pond nn we maid n raft ov logs an I got on It. I had up a yeller papur on n stlk 4 a flag, that wan S let ovrl 1 no thny was eolery on tl raft, then I maid the raft cum In uei-u th the shore, an bll scd. sail ho. whnts the nalin ov that craft. this nlnt no craft Its a raft, I sod. wel, whata her nalm an what port do she cum frum. I scd, Its the rottcrdam frum dontglvca dam. al wel on hard, yclld bll. al hut me, I sed, an Itn nl alone, nl the rest dido cumin over. wats tho mater, bll scd. eolery from drlnklu Jorsee water, I scd. wel, u wll lialv 3 put balk 3 see, sed bll. U cant land here. so I maid tho raft go out In tho pond aganti, an hll net down an hiked acrost the pond out ov 3 old sody watr boltuls wat ho had 4 spl glasses. t got tired ov setln on tho raft In a. bo to 9 hours, an i scd. bll. I gei we lialv plade long enoff, lm cumin now an go home 3 suplr. ho, no ii dont, ed bll. lm the helth of ficii r ov this p rt, an u dont land hero a sprcd the eolery among our mint. I stnrtld 3 cum In, an wat did bll jonson du but throw atones at me. I hit moon the Islg an I comuiencld 3 crl. I want 3 go home, I crlde, u cant go. ii lialv got the worst kind ov eolery or u woodent crl with the pain llko that. that settled it. evrl tlmoltrldeS land oil fired st ouch nt me. wen It got dark I wdsorful skart on the raft an I herd pa calln me 4 suplr. Jest thosalui bll woodcut let rue go In. he ncd he nowed his dutl nn I coodent land If I won jlm corbut. bl and hi pa cum 3 Ink 4 mo nn bll told him I had eolery, pa got Heart an run awny nn bl an hi a amberlauso cum nn tuk me nway 3 n hoiwpldal, an I had 3 talk n lot ov niedlcen, 1 4 I cood go homo thay tuk ml close a way an burned em up. I wont pla eolery aid more. gorgle. Now York Mercury. Dickons Didn't Like It. When Charles Dickens wns In Washing ton he'inet one morning on the steps of the Capitol a young congressman from Ten essco whom the great uovellst had offend ed by his boorlshuess. That morning Dickens wan In great good humor and full of talk. "I have," said ho, "found an al most exact counterpart of Little Nell." "Little Noll who?" queried the Tonnes ocean. Dickens looked him over from head to foot and from foot to head liefore ho snorted out, "My Littlo Nell." "Oh,1' said the TenneHxeean, "I didn't know you had your daughter with you." "I am speaking of the Little Nell of my Action. ulr."Tvtfirtivl nickntm. MiihIiIiict. "Oh," said the Imperturbable Tennes- seean, you write novels, tio your uon't you consider that a rather trilling occupa tlon for n grown up ninuT' Dickens snorted like a quarter horse and hurried dowu tho avenue. Argonaut. Old Acquaintance. First Amateur SKrtsman Who wns that old peasant who greeted you In so friendly a manner Just uowr Second Ditto Ha, hat An old friend of mine. I shot him three tlmea last year. Gewerbezeltung. No Veil, No .Trade. First Ofllce IJoy That dentist in room 48 doesn't seem to do much laisluuhs. Second Ofllce Hoy Wliyf First Ofllce Hoy 1 never hear anybody yelling In there, Yankee Ula'de. The I'roper Para. "So you have n now servant girl," said one housewife to another. "Ye8." "How does she like you?" Washington BUr. , Oat Credit. PerdlU I'll give him credit for getting me an engagement ring. Penelope 1 understand that's what the jeweler did too. New York Herald. Disaster. Why did tbe maiden softly sigh And lower her lovely face, And why did tears come to her eye And lean Ihilr telltale trace? "Oh, dear," sho cried, "I ue ver thought" - Iler lips expressed a pout "You bad your trouhcr creased so nice. And I have them out." -Detroit re I'l Mettled. Yeel Shakespeare wrote the plays 'tis clear touio. Lord Uacon'a claltn's coadeiuned before ll:r bar. He'd not have penned, "What fools these uior talshel" Bot more correct-"What fools Iheaeiiinr taUarel" -Harper' liaiar. VALE VIVANDIEKK. THE TRENCH ARMY LOSES ITS M031 PICTURESQUE FEATURE. The !mitlnlera Mystem In IN tUifn-n Willi Tlii VUinillTH Wax a IViullm Milium of lliti MUter of Merry anil lh Opera ItmiR'n Uneeii, lHrclnl Con conclrnco.l PaMh, Oct. 13, Ono of tho most pic tnrcfliuo features of tho French aiiiiy li about to disappear, for slnco tho ainbu lanco systum has bcon (icrfuctod tin "cnntiuloro" tins gradually loit much ol her importance, nnd it is rcporto.l tluil sho Is now to b tllsK)IISCll w 1 1 1. nltogothor. One cannot help ro grettliigthlifnut for tiothlug wat prettier than tht gay ami brilliant figuro of tlif Fronch cantl nloro as she marched past nt tho head of the regiment with hor short skirts, long red trousers, plumed lint jaun tily cocked on ono side, and with tho little barrel hanging l ii-j '"T ironi nor Hiioiii' w' dor by n tricol VIVANDIKKK, 1703. orod scarf, and which always contained a reviving draft of brandy for hor beloved "chib dren," ns sho called the Boldiors ol Franco, No liotter description hns over Immjii given of tho cantiuloro than is to bu found in Ouida'a popular novel, "Undei Two Flags." Clgin-otto, tho horoluo, is tho truo tyiw, if somowhat poetized, of this vivacious, joyous, plucky, un daunted nnd mischievous member of the fair sex, who hns for ro long a period followed tho Fronch army to glory, nnd, alas, of Into years to defeat. Evet cheerful nnd bright, the cnutintero has flitted on all tho battlefields of Europe, tending the wounded, feeding tho hrii gry nnd moistening tho parched lips of tho dying from hor over ready little barrol. Sho wns n peculiar mixture of the Bister of mercy nnd of tho opera boufle queen a bird with guy plumago, but pos sessing nil tho sterling qualities which uphold sinking energies, nnd infuse now life in those who lire wenry unto death namely, resolution, courngo touching to temerity, and completo devotion to suf fering humanity. No wonder that tho army of Franco should bo repining over the loss of so useful and so nttrnctlvo, not to say so beloved, a personality, nnd that tho Hat which has gono forth ro. gnrding hor has snddoned so many n bravo heart. Countless nro indeed tho deeds 01 vnlor nnd abnegation which can bo laid nt the door of tho "enntiniero" during tho din of bnttlo, for sho feared nolther bullets nor Hwords, nnd utterly regard less of her own safety eho wns nlwnys to bo found whero her tender, If some what rough, ministrations' were most needed. Olio of tho veterans of tho corps of enntinicres is Mmo. Vinlar, a Lorraine by birth, who is now Hearing her six tieth year. Sho is n widow nnd bos Been much servico. When only twenty- two years of ago sho accompanied hor regiment, tho lUlst, totho Cri mean, and by hor Intrepidity under flro earned the ad miration of both officers and men. "Indefatigable in gJ5 her devotion so ran tho address presented to tho French govern ment on hor be half "this bravo woman was con stantly in the trenches when duty called the regiment tliltlicr, sucuoTlng tbe wounded under the enemy's flro, or lavishlmr her enro on them, cantiniere, 1848. whether on the Held of Maslak, during tho Yeuikalo and Dahlnr- oxpcHlltions, or during tho slego of SeviiBtapol." During tho Fruuco-Ucrinnu war sho enrncd fresh laurels, and as tho result sho was deco rated with tho military medal which now hangs ou her breast next to tho Crimean medal, which she bad already received. Another woman who deserves tho most enthusiastic mention is Mine. Louise do Dcaulieu. Sho lost nn arm during tho Franco-Prussian wnr of 1870-1, and besides tho military medal sho possesses eight "Meduilles do Sauretngo" (medals granted for having saved lives ut the peril of her own) nnd tho cross of officer , of the Legion of Honor. Sho distinguished herself at tho bat tle of Nnuterro, of tho Dourgot, of Bry-Bur-Mnnue and of Villiers, searching for the wounded ull over the bloody Held under a hail of bullots and balls, and at Champigny, on tho 3d of December, an obus shattered hor right arm while sho was bending over a dying man. Even this did not stop her, for she remained to tho lust moment nt Oroslny bandag ing the wounded with ono bund and tying ligatures with her teeth! Sad to reluto, Mmo, do Deuulleu is to day very poor and earns a precarious living by selling cheap toys on the boulevards. IMoro the portals of the Grands Mag aztnu du Louvre in the Ruo de Rivolo is to be observed every afternoon a very old woman whose uncovered head is now white. Ruin or shine, she sits there, offering to tho passersby tiny lit tle bunches of violets for two cents, On lift -vast shine 6v or six military med (3 als, among which niothowof thoCrimi t of Italy nnd of tho Medjldle. Hho i niiother rello or bygono days, n poor ol cniitliiieio who followed tho thon tr umphaiit flag of Franco from west I enst, but who is now forsaken nnd fo gotten, for, cruel ns it may appear, I her noblo women who havo sacrificed the whole oxlstuuco to their country hid i. entitled to rcccivim (tension fiom t, government. A moat touching incident wai relate to mo a few yours ago by General Con., do Koratry, audit Is soc'ttractomtl that I cannot reilst tho temptation u transcribing it here, It hnpiHMicd during tho Kabyllun ox pedltlous at tho timoof tho Algerian i i suriectlon. One day a detncliiiiont ol Jotiavos and chasseurs d'Afrlquo wu sent to reconuoltur tho position of tin enemy far Into tho desert; tho soldlev were accompanied by their cantlniun ami by her wagon filled with provisions On tho second night of tho march Mk littlo troop was suddonly surrounded 8,000 or 10,000 Arabs. The mon tool rof ugo behind it tnnglo of stunted mliiio:a Soon tho fray grow fast and furious. Un fortunately but littlo ammunition luul boon brought by tho French detachment and after it fow hours of hard lightiu". tho officer n command found to his hor ror that tho position could not bo held nny.lougor, nnd that In splto of tho ul tuoHt incredible valor of his mon death was staring them in tho face. Being given tho force of tlio nttuckiu j party, it was useless to think of attomp;- ing n "troueo,' nnd tho you. if captain therufon gave tho coui' maud to draw swords and to re celvo on the point of tho bnyoiictf tho howling, i;ch ticulating crowd of whlto bur noused Arabs, who, noticing that the euo..iyV flro was slacken ing, wore evi dently making preparations to invndo thoii thorny retreat. At this truly tor rlblo moment th utterly unex- cantiniehk dr cav- pected sound ol KLUIE. 1850. French bugler reached tho curs of tho besieged, and a regiment of chasseurs charged nnd routed the followers of tho prophet in less time tbun it takes to relate ihU short episode. It wus only when calm had Ix-eu ro stored nnd when tho prisoners capti..ed in tho short combat had been iKiund hand and foot thnt the cuptuin of the detachment discovered bow this rci ment of chasseurs had cotno to his as sistance nt so timely a moment. The cantiuloro at tho beginning of the en gagement had jumped on a liorce, mid galloping ull tho way to' tho encamp ment of Mcdcah, situated somo fifteen miles distnnt, had summoned help. In so doing bIio may bo said to havo carried hor life in her hand, for it was only with tho greatest difficulty thnt sho avoided tho Arnb outposts. Sho suffered fright ful fatigue in this mad race across the burning sands of tho dosert, pursued by tho awful thoughts that should sho not nrrivo in time her beloved "comrades' would bo butchered lieforo sho could rescuo thorn, and yet it wus sho who led tho rescuers back to tho spot whero u handful of braves hnd been struggling for six mortal hours with an overpower ing' number of enraged Arabs, and it wus by her energy nnd well nigh in credibjo force of enduranco that many n valuable oxistonco wns saved that night. Tho Duchess do la Rochefoucauld, mother-in-law to tho young American duchess of the samo name, nee Miss Mitchell, is nlso an ex-cantintero. Of her birth nnd origin It is impossible to speak extensively, inasmuch as she was u foundling, and as soon us sho at tained womanhood sho becamo n vivan dlere or cantiniere of tho reglmont in which her futuro husband was serving as odlcer. He married hor whllo campaigning in Algeria, and tho mesalliuuco created an enormous sensation nt tho time. Indoed for u enntiniero to marry u commissioned officer wns nn nbsolutely unheard of oc currence, for tho highest rank in which women of her class bad until then been accustomed to look for a husband 'was that of corporal. As I said nbovo, although in times of peaco the business of these vlvnndieres was restricted to dispensing liquor at tho canteen to tho men, yet in warfare their duties becamo of n far more exten sive nature, partaking more of thoso of Sisters of Mercy or ambulance nurses. They wero subjected to a very severe discipline, und being on terms of camaraderie with tho men their langungo was apt to be pictnrosquoly graphic and ns highly colored as thnt of tho ordi nary trooper. It may there fore bo readily imagined li o w great was tho shock when the, head of the an clout and noble house of La Rochefou c u u 1 d attempted to in troduco Into the Faubourg St. Germain tho ex vivnndiero whom ho bad made his cantiniere de zoo duchess. I need AVE3' 1B00' scarcely say that hor reception by the ancient aristocracy was not of an ex ceedingly cordial nature, und both she and her two tons havo always been subjected to a sort of semiostruclsm on tho part of tho other brunches of the family. MAitquisB de Kerqoet. "VU MMi KJtv WW til Wk YV i 1 JfJCXX RE you a Regular Reader of this The Cost Cuts No Figure PALL 1892 BEFORE BUYING YOUR Carpets and Curtains Sec our Leirgc Line. M. DAVIS & SON, 1112 O STR6ST, . it- USf1 Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. MILLER-Grocer 143 S. llth Street. Telephone 398. has just received a lot of new Habob Sweet Pickles, - 20c qt. Imported Chow Chow, 25c " Sweet Blossom Peas, - - - 25c can Fancy Queen Olives, - 40c qt. Fancy Small Olives, - - -20c " N. T. Fnll Cream Cheese, 20c lb, Extra F'cy Sliced Pineapples, 26c can W A FULL LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Xg-OHDElt EAltl.V. j, 7WtIILLBR. SNAP HERES A Wc have just placed on sale a lot of Fine 5 $' -5 GorrespondsDGe n ' rayT xxx either Ruled or Plain, with latest shape Envelopes, 'Also 200 boxes of FAIRMOUNTCREAM LAID In Plain or Ruled, with Envelopes .same style as handle France Linen. These are offered now at 25c PER BOX vi' l HERCULES Gas or Gasoline ENGINES Makes no smell or dirt. For Simplicity it Bents the World. No Bnttcrles or Electric Spurk to care for. Just light tho Burner, turn the Wheel, nnd It runs nil day. No double or false Explosions, fre quent with the unreliable spark. It runs with a cheaper grade of Gusoline than any other Engine. Knot, why not? Anyone can afford GO cents for throo months, or 11,00 for six months, for a CLEAN, SPICY, RESPECTABLE NEWSPAPER',',', for Hominy Hendlng Hcnd your name cither by mall or telephone. -v0T i Comprising 300 Doxcs of labelle FRANCE f LINEN popular family JoiirnilT T r?ACIl Box contains n full quire of Paper, and tho same number of Envelopes, and they arc jiift as good as what you usually pay. 50 cents'for. This is a bargain, worth looking Into. Wessel-Stevens Printing, Co., Courier Office, 1134 N St. nl ,..l 1 , -; "l .i .' I ' 4 Bind roa Jllubtiuted PescBirnvx Cincunii to H. P. HALLOCK & CO. J'roirloUir ol t!io Alantic-Paciflc Typo Foundry, No. 1013 HOWARD 8I OMAHA, NKH. 'ii m imri- mmwi wmimmniW