W, KV'-, . . 4Mf$ f . n VM .I'""'' i;1 O'OU'ti'O'Utit'iU'W T t F ( A-P6Pill5R' PAPER -or A9PERM -TIMES w Vol,. 7 No 46 Lincoln, Nkumasica, Satukday, Octouicw 'J'J, ISO 'J. Pwioic PlVIC ColltB JWAflfeK w m j i -' k i v hj'jrnr r- v i 'i jr r raj rar r mm. r-sra' i . "i irwrTW "c a&iiiHi' ti imiv 7v vi rriiifry) B r.iiji u. rv.! vi. An - . ihi wjhk-v- ii nsMKr'r'-r'iS?-a:-o . a.- .i7,--5-- .n-n rz z rsr fcyrr..v -.ij'.iysMffl ,' x . lMBWa z? fiiTT jitMUt it a -. i'imw".i i ram v " a,wW'iw!tJ!j:s-.J3!' w - il---- .4i nKvmr'. -& ArAt3Tvxanivti-xc- fcs..ii .fr ft ir Jk. v Kirr:"' 'ifttvspe'i i - m n mn r -.- a.- - j ti" l-m. -. - v . .a. : - j-h imv ivt v v 1 vi jjkii . . -- m v. imw raittiEtiswiWfi " ;cgj- -tf--j --- -lii, PHV'Khj J" jT 1 V- --,i,".'l' J , l'-i ". SuW "X1. 1 .l VV .J3Hh NiTUIIf .-. I -"Sffcj T.m 1 toMKTOIM WJ S&e& '-" xmmSSSR Town HUN Tho Irvlno case In drawing to n clow. It ii a remarkable ene, chiefly by reason of tho peculiar defense nmiti, Every Indira tiou points to nn nc(iilttnl, and everyono conversant with tho course of proceedings baa readied thnt conclusion. And yot, while everyone realize tlmt n verdict of dofond ant'a Inwnlty nt tho tltno of tho coiniiilsslon of thenct would he almost farcical, Mill few will find fault with any IliidliiK that will no quit Irvine, It ban certainly been shown that tli9 provocation wan Rreat, and no one would contend for a verdict nioro tvoro than would bo requited to euiliaizt tho wrong committed In tho taking of human life. "Thou Hlinlt not kllll" iaacomninud that isovory day mectinK with dtronnor lav or, and thero Is n largo proportion of civil ixod humanity that bulioveri totlny that no man can bo justlUcd in taking tho life of another except to Have his own, Tno pio portlon is growing larger as human Ideas develop. If thero be any other juntillcatloiift, tho invasion of tho happlucas and suuetity of ono's family relations is certainly foremost among them. The defense has certainly es tablished n very weak caso of Inutility. Thb story of his mental nnd physical exiwrleuoes told by defendant Is highly Improbable. Tney are unparalleled In the entire history of insanity and do not liiiriiionlzo with tho writings of any of tho great authorities. Hut to secure a conviction tho state undertook a mighty task. It became necessary to con vince every one of those twelve jurors, "bo yond tho reason of a doubt," that defend ant was sane nt tho time of tho uuirdor. If one juror of the twelvo hns not so been con vinced, the conviction cauuot follow. It is reasonablo to supKo that the halo of uncer tainty on thntolnt thrown around the case, by tho testimony, weak though It bo, and tho opinions of experts, even though they do not generally tit this cnu, hus furnished um pie foundation for n reasonable doubt In tho mind of at least one of the jurors. It is con ceded that the jury is friendly to ;the de fendant. Tho court has bcoti extremely generous to the defendant in IU rulings at every point nnd the prosecution has teen at a decided disadvantage. The prediction made In these columns over a week ago to the effect that Irvine will be acquitted can be confidently related alter hearing the tes tiniany on both sides, but It will not be bo causo tho defendant was insane. It will be because his story is one that appeals to hum an sympathy, regardless of the law, and the insanity theory merely furnishes the jury the excuse It may rely uiion to justify it in fol lowing the dictates of compassion. It is Te lle ved that within a short time Mr. and Mrs William H. Irvine will bo reunited. Sho Iu.h said, "I have caused tho death of one man; I do not want to be responsible for the death of another, and will give my testi mony in my husband's behalf if it U needed to save him." The heroism of the determi.i atlon and the terrlblo selfjstzrillco it prom ised, atoned for much of her sin. And in this connection It may bo wild that the testi mony is weak, except by the inferences it iKJlnts, that sho ever sinned unpardonably with Montgomery. The state was anxious to have her put on the stand by the de feuse, that they might discover whether or not she had so seriously transgressed us was buowii by Inference, but they could not call her, that power lying only with tno de fense. The board of education has just struck a severe blow at that much vaunted bulwark of Aniericen independence tho jury system. It has established a night school. If tho latter Is as successful as It promises to bo under the management of Secretary Bowers and Superintendent Strong, it will certainly be but a short time until it will be impossible to secure a competent jury in a criminal trial. The existence of night schools Is to tally incompatible with the theory upon which the modern jury is constructed. Tho dense segree of ignorance contemplated by the jury system cannot exist long where there are well regulated night schools in op eration and it it. hinted that there also may soon come a time when it will be impossible to find men in all rospects as well qualified as now to servo as members of tho city council, In view of these nprent facts, would it not be well to investigate the expediency of the night schools. The fact that 375,000 of Lincoln bonds were turned over during the past week to Mr. 11 rock, as an agent for eastern Investors, and the fact that they brought a premium Is apt to lead to some serious reflections among thinking people. It is conceded that tho present money market is not such as would appreciate the value of such I'onds uud yet it is known thnt for years, extending away back past tho years of confidence In western securities, bonds of thlt city have lieon sell ing at a discount. It was not called a dis count of course. It was termed n "commis sion" to the parties who negotiated them, always with more or less mlsterlousuesH. A good many people will wonder why, lu the midst of western pro.erlty, enhanced val ues and e istern confidence, our city bonds always went at a material discount, while now, with conditions much lesi favorable, they go at n little mom than p ir. Thuro U a bunco for those who hate been govern ing tho city and negotiating city bonds, to hire u hull and explain. Thei e is a Held for a Col. Ilewick in city tilTairu Meanwhile tho friends of Mnyor Weir cun extend thulr congratulations. He lias made a lucky strike 1 1 wit will atone for many shortcomings due probably to t luck of breadth In his viewsof tilvlul umtteiN. Lincoln needs no more olllcliil" who sell hur bonds at a ills count. Tho commissioners of the sanitary district have again started in with n view of stialglileniiu Bull Creek ami have asked In county court that a i-oiiiiiiisslon be appoint ed to appraise tho Kendall & Hmlth mill dam lor condemnation. Hy its recent lovy the sanltui'.t ooiiid hits soniuthiu like t'.M,0tH to Its oi win, and may diaw warrant to tho extent of IW per cent of that Mini. It Is thought thnt the dtm will not be appraised at a high figure, and some even put It as low as :i,lKK. It Is probable that If the appraisers get it down to three times that sum tho sanitary tMiard will accent It, do posit the money and proceed with tho woik. Tho dam lias long been a gieat nuisance and adetiluiout to the general health of the city. It iiiny have been (jfrom n realization of tliU fact that Its owners have Insisted on demanding a big price for It, holding it as worth U Uum as high as f.Vl.OOO. When the appraisers are apHlutd they will place an estimate on the vuliio of the dam. If It Is too high the sanitary commission say thoy will let It go nnd apply foi another commis sion. This they can keep doing until they strike an appraising committee that will put a price on the d nn that will be acceptable. Then the sanitary commission can deposit tho nmoutit of the appraisement lu court and remove the dam at once. If tho price Is un satisfactory to Kendall & Hnilth, they may resort to tho courts, but it need not delay work. The commission contemplates tho Immediate straightening o' tho crook only between tho Twenty-seventh street bridge and tho Northwestern crossing, alout u quarter of n mile noitlicust of the Twenty seventh street bridge. All of this right of way Is over Kendall & Smith's laud and the now ditch will cut out tho loop on which the dam is built. Toothing further will be done this side of that (mint, probably, until own ers of the land, to bo traversed by tho pro ved ditch, feel disposed to grant light of way aud waive nil dniiiHges as a return for the substantial bouellts conferred, If they remain oh gptsplug as they have hitherto manifested a disposition to be, their property will probably remain scarred as at present by thornmillcatlonsof the creek lied. It is believed by many that the removal of tho dam will accomplish every public purpose, and the Btralghteuing of tho creek bed is wholly a private benellt, that interests chiefly proiierty owners along its courses. Tho creek bed Is six feet higher nbove tho dam than below it, which will creute a sub stantial fall and Insure an appreciable cur rent. Iot tho good work go on. Tho spectacle afforded an enormous au dience nt the M street ball park yesterday was oiio of unusual Interest and will long remain green In the mouiory of all those prosent. What can bo imaglntd prettier, sweeter, or more interesting than five thou sand school children marching, and singing, their sweet, melodious voices filling the air with charming song) It must h'jvo been quite an undertaking to drill so many voices, and to Mrs. Jennie M. Handorsou be longs tho credit. Hlio was ably assisted by teachers in the various departments, and the result was pleasing ami sticsdssful. The "Songof Columbus," of four verses, was sung with such harmony thit tho effect was as though ronderetl by but a few Insteid of thousands. The ooniug chorus, ".Salute to the King," was no less charming, and tho vast niidionco fairly went wild with ap plause nt its close. Its like was never be fore heurd in the wet. The other exerclnes were in keeping with the ocohIji, and al together it was an event lu full keeping witn tno great celebration. A most amusing caso of mistaken Identity occurred in tlieolllce of Hotel Kyan of Ht. Paul tho other day, siys the IHorrer-Prta, nnd goes to destroy one more of the old Ideas that no two things are exactly alike in this world. A neatly dressed gentleman entered the hotel, proceeded to the desk, was bunded a (ten by the gentlemanly clerk, and regis teiedW. Newell, New York. The clerk called the uniformed attache known by the nom do bote of "Fiont," and had him show the guest to a room on the (mrlor floor, About fifteen minutes later his exact conn terpart, dressed exactly alike lu every de tail, even to n rose in his buttonhole, walked up to the desk, picked up a pen and, before the clerk could stop him, registerel themH tic name, W. Newell, Now York. He also asked for a room. The clerk looked his mini over, and when he could recover hi-, speech, said; "Why, what do you want, the earth J I have just assigned you to one of our best rooms." The gentleman drew himself up, nnd with a severe look, replied: "You are mistaken; I have just arrived in town and never saw you lu my life before." At this the clerk nearly fainted, but fortunately for all concerned the first gentleman came out of the elevator, crossed ovjr and addressed his brother. The consternation on tho faces of tho clerk, bell boys and surrounding guesta can better be imagined than described. The men were none other than Willard and W illium Newell, the only twin actors in tho world, whb are starrliu In Newell Brothers and Dinklus' scenic production of The Oper ator. They look so much alike that It is said that their own relations don't know them apait. Ono of them is engaged to bo mar iled, untl the only fear tho young lady has is that sho will marry tho wrong man by mis take. Truly Popular llostlary. The new Lincoln stables on O street near Seventeenth are gaining juow laurels every day and if popularity continues to fasten itself upon that well known horse report In the future, as in tho past, another story or two will have to bo added in order to hold the buduesM. Landlord Dave Fitzger ald, l.ns taken peisouul control of his beauti ful stiiblo, and a decided change tins come over tho place. Everything moves liko clockwork and all patrons seem to bo thor oughly pleased with tho treatment that they themselves, as well as their horees, get. lUgs always leave thu stables handsomely clea ned, the horses properly groonio 1 uud in the very bcHt of condition, It Is therefore a pleasure to use such pioiwrty jiud Mr. FiU,'r.ild Is receiving pralsu on every hill I fir tillable manner in which tho stible Is l))ln' uu lu tod.Mi. Frank Himsijy, an exin-rleiuvd and polite foreman, is nlwais on hand and no stablo In the city If abld to give bitter s inf raction to patins than this one. Should J on bo in any way dUtntUlled with the treatment of jnur horse at its present abode Or if VOlir ril? does not ii mi ii'it ,if li r... bio properly oleuiied.und lu nlco shape, It gjcgjjKFHNibMCP vy the Youth's Coaniq7??7 "God helping tno," cried Columbus, "though fair or foul tho lircozo, I will sail nnd sail till I find tho laud beyond tho western hchhI" So nn caglo might leavo ita uyriu, bent, though tho blue uliould bar, To fold iU wingH on tho loftiest (leak of nnuiiiliscovureil Htarl And into tho vast and void abyss hu followed tho Hotting mini Nor gulfs nor gnlos could fright Ills wills till tho wondrous quest was dotio. But Oh, tho weary vigils, tho murmuring, torturing days, Till tho Pintn'tt gun, nnd tho shout of "Landt" net tho black night ablazol Till tho shore lay fair an Paradiso in morning's balm and gold, And a world was won from tho conquered deep, and tho taloof tho ngen told! Uplift the starry Buunorl Tho best ago is begun! Wo aro tho heirs of tho mariners whoso voyage that morn was dono. Measureless lands Columbus gavo and rivets through zones that roll, But his rarest, noblest bounty was a Now World for tho Soul! For" ho sailed from tho Past with its stifling wails, to tho Future's open sky. And tho ghosts of gloom and fear wero laid as tho breath of heavon went by; And tho pedant's pridoand tho lonlllng's scorn wero lost, in that vital air, Ad fogs aro lost whon sun and wind sweep ocean blue nnd Imro; And Freedom and larger Knowledge dawned clear, tho sky tosn:in, Tho birthright, not of priest or king, but of every child of inant Uplift tho New World's Daunor to greet tho exultant Mini Let ito rosy glcnina still follow his beams as swift to west thoy run, Till tho wido air rings with shout and hymn to wolcomo it shining high, And our caglo from lono Katnhdin to Shasta's snow can fly In tho light of its stars as fold on fold is flung to tho autumn sky! Uplift it, Youths nnd Mnidens. with songs and loving cheers; Through triumphs, raptures, it has waved, through agonies nnd tears. Columbia looks from 6ca to sea and thrills with joy to know Her myriad sons, as ono, would lenp to shield it from n foot And you who soon will bo tho Stato, nnd shapo oach great decrco, Oh, vow to livo nnd dio for it, if glorious death must bo! Tho bravo of till tho centuries gone this starry Flag hnvo wrought In dungeons dim, on gory fields, its light and peaco wero bought; And yon who front tho future whoso days our d renins fulfill On Liberty's immortal height, oh, plant it firmer still! For it float for broadest learning; for tho soul's supremo releaso; For law disdaining liconso; for righteousness and peace: For vnlor born of justice, nnd ita amplest scopo and plan Makes a queen of every woman, a king of overy man! While forever, liko Columbus, o'er Truth's tin fathomed main It pilots to tho hidden isles, a grander realm to gain. Ah! what u mighty trust is ours, tho noblest ever sung, To keep this Banner spotless its kindred stars among! ., Our fleets may throng tho oceaiib our forts tho headlands crown Our mines their treasures lavish for mint and matt nnd town Rich fields and flocks and busy looms bring plenty, far and wido And stntolier temples deck tho lnnd than Rome's or Athons' prido And science dnro tho mysteries of enrth and wavo nnd sky Till nono with us in splendor and strength and skill can vio; """ Yot, should wo reckon Liberty nnd Manhood less than theso, And slight tho right of tho humblest between our circling seas Should wo bo false to our sacred past, our fathers' God forgetting, v This Banner would .lose ite luster, our sun be nigh his lotting! But the dawn will sooner forgot tho east, tho tides their ebb and flow, Than you forget our radiant Flag and its inntchless gifts forego! Nay! you will keep it high-advanced with over brightening sway Tho Banner whoso light betokens tho Lord's diviner day Leading tho nations gloriously in Freedom's holy way! No cloud on tho field of azure no stain on tho rosy bars God bless you, Youths and Maidens, as you guard tho Stripes and Stars! EDNA DEAN PROCTOR. "- ttSkisSllfiM-t lSSSbill 4m ,n rt a a will piy you to look for new and comforta ble quarters at the Lincoln stables. All horses delivered and sent for on request la telephone ViU, or otherwise, why not con suit your own interests and call for particu lars as to rates, etc., nt tho Lincoln Btables Omaha's LeHilIni; lintel. The I'axton hotel, for eight years under llio management or Kitchen liros., hasaaiu passed into their hands and Is now twlng con ducted in the same excellent manner that gave the house its renowned leputatiou years ngo. Mr Ilalph Kitchen, who Is well known in Lincoln nnd throughout tho state, hav ing formerly had the management of tho Capital hotel in this city, has the manage ment of the ruxloii. Lincoluites nnd No hraskuus In general will fine the I'axton fill ly in keeping with the leading hotels of tho country nnd n most excellent place to slop at while lu Omaha. Our coal Is well screened, full wxtolil guaranteed and delivery always prompt. iau up Lincoln uoai uo. mono () Mr. Gosper leads In millinery, as she aU ways has. The new Invoice of line puttern bats just received convinces every one more than ever of that fuel. If you enjoy dancing go to your dnnrirlst nnd got a bottle of Positive Corn Cine, which insures couiioi t. If you IUI-.H tho baignlus nlleied for next week by J. W. Winger K Co. you will re giet It. Oi vilest i a .Mimic. Ii vino's new oi client) n tin ulslies siiiei lor music, any uuiulier ot pieces, for concei t, reception-, balls, piuths, elc. l,eavo onleis at L'oimiKn olllce, 11!H N stieet, telephone ,), Dr. 1'hiiiIihiii Cuius blood, chronic, feniile. heait. liver. Iiinir. liei miiis, lectal and skin diseases. Uoou. Nos, 1 1 and 1A, HlchanU block. t. -MHmr-f Kji.ua am v . fcx3R23BKESSnBK&tt &&fi&&$r TIAE T0 KICK- Tho council at Its last meeting fullfllledlts threat to leduco the pollco force, and the people of this city find their destinies for weal or woe, so I'ar as pollco safeguards nre concerned, in tho hands of sixteen policemen , of which ten aro nsslgned to night patrol duty, five for day patrol and one does do tectlvewoik. Just think of it, ye who are wont to grumble at the tardiness of tho h licet Fie patrolmen for day work in a city of 00,001) MMpc, and n ten itory of upwards of twenty square miles. Is It any wonder that each policeman has not found it Kwible to spread himself out over four or five squnie miles so as to bo at every portion of It at the sumo time. Further than this, there Is Capt. Carder, who is llccnto collector nnd is not available much of the time for ordl nary police duty, although lie is included in I ho five day men. Then thero Is one re quired most of the time at the station, so that tin stt patrnlriiien me left to cover tho twenty square milts during the day. For night duty theie me ten imtrnhucn to cover this ten itory. Of course they do not go over much ot that teiritory, but their as signed bea h eoiiipi I mi about lttt blocks of streets, or a mile and a quarter each. The largest beat comprises tho territory Iwtweeu M and Q stieets ninth and south and Twenty 111 st and Tnenty-Mivcuth east and tt, a little ii. utter of Iweuty-rmir blocks. This man also goes ii'M ih on Twenty -seventh stieet to tile Mivoutl I'.icilio track The smallest lsat Is M and Q stieets north and south mid Tenth and Tnellth wist and west. Tills territory, eight full block, composes tno heals, so that eiu thre, In tho very heiul of the clt, the policeman, when ho reaches tlioioiiicr n TvM-lfth and (j is not in a vciy good Ii cilit) to inn down a miiiileier nrubiiiglni at 'leulli mid O, the opillo i oilier ol Ins beat. Thus tar, Km, the coun cil has falKd. in ilto of lis oveiioweilug whdoui, to ttlntlisli mi) iceue foi evil- doers leipili lug them, when about to com mit a burglary or murder or a hold-up, to dug the llienlnriii to bring a Klleouinu to thosMt. It has fulled to reipilro these ilia models to submit sealed plans nnd specifica tion of their promised cuterpi lue, or oven H.-rvo notice by publication. Hence It Is tlmt when any of tho nocturnal gentiy do strike a Job It Is Justus HkI.viu not, and a little moie so, to bo nt the oposltn corner of a large ten llory from any pollceumii. Kveiy patrolman Is expected logo over his entire teiritory Just after going upon duty nnd Just befoio going oil" duty, trying the back and front doors and windows of liusl ticKM houses to sio thnt they lire safely locked. That If that, vt III ye, and proclaim the wis ilom of our city council And, gentle reu.ipr. when next your house Is burglarized, your barn llrtsl, your family Insulted by n llbor tine or your own face disfigured by a foot pad, don't come down (own next morning shouting, "Whom was the police?" but shout your auger out at the council and go after them, This city ought to get up a church so cial ami puss tho lint occasionally to enable it to npeur respectuhlo. Herloilsly, there should be an Increase of the slleo force If it must bo paid for by siibcilpttoiis. Then tlieie should Ikmi city council elected next year that wilt stop running out of funds and howling calamity, o Tho kicker cannot possess his oul In K'aco If coniH'lhsl to traverse the walks In either the state house gi minds or poct-olllce square. They area dlsgraeo to the state mid the na Hon. llefore the walks in the eapltol grounds were Mulshed It was apparent that they weie worse than worthless, but they were now and therefore tolerated. Hut now hi wet weather they are simply an aggravation, They are considerably lower than tho swiud on either side, and the water simply flows from nil over the stpiaro down Ukmi tho walks and seeksaloug their respective courses nnd outlets to tho streets. During every rain one needs a pilot to navigate theso oxHnslvo gutters, and oven ling after a lain great puddles nro eucoiiuteiisl where some of the rocks hnvo nink below the surface of their companions. Hence it is that In many places the w'alks nnd broad plazas are undermined mid have failed Into the ditches In a pitiable state of dilapidation and decay, Tho board of public lands and bulld'ngs, or the legis lative gentlemen fiotn this ballwlck, should go after nn appropriation at the approach lug session with which to replace the dis gracefully constructed walks with service able nnd substantial ones of manufactured stone or Its equivalent in durability nod Unuty, if not with something even better. The walks in government jqunie nre oieu to the mi mo criticism as to their altitude. Thoy ai e set below the surface and servo for sew ers rather than as walks, However, they are of durable material nnd need only eleva tion. Tho contractors who put in the walks In those two square could learn something from tho men who laid the court house walks. '1 he latter are not only nbovo ground, but they aro handsome and promise to lie dur able, although ominous cracks In the street wnlks have necesidtatetl some ieairs. The powers that be should see to it that the state bouse and government square walks uro put ii a servicuble iniiiuer. Let tho good citizens of Lincoln who pride themselves on the beauty of tho city stroll down Tenth street some day and note the apieuraliceof that thorouglifnru fioni N to L street. Tho sidewalks, unoccupied side walk space and even the pavements nro lit teied nnd blocked by phantom echoes of the one-horse show, by crippled wagons, untl. quatisl henlfcs, broken buggies, dismantled vans and every characteristic of a junk shop with a long time leaso. This wrtlon of that stieet has not presented a resiectableapiear unco for years. The street has uppireutly Iwcii pre empted, and In a few jears more may Imi presumed to have liee'i vacated lie cause of undisputed occuiaiicy. Why not clear it up before the occupants acquire an absolute titlo to Itl This is one of numerous similar sections of tho public streets. Thero Is another question tion which tho city council may need a little bracing up. It Is the question of ridding the city of the annoyance Inflicted by it myriad of howl ing curs. A long-sulfering community must sooner or Inter rise up and do a little howling Itself. Kvery one will admit that some pie buvu valuable dogs that Inflict uo discom forts us)ti Msiple in their vicinity, but that fact should not sufllce to Justify the flooding of the city witli a horde of midnight elwr that have not been nnd cannot be educated In metroHjlitaii proprieties. Tho energy ruined by lo-sof sleep from their ill-timed night disturbances would pay many times over a reasonable tux on decent, law-abiding and order-loving dogs, Im us have an en forced dog tax, and let it be understood that no dog Is so valuable to its owner that he will be Kimlttis to ruin tho rest of the eo pie in the neighlKithood. If necessary In order to get rid of th-t dog nuisance, let u I'avo a commissioner to examine into the mei its and habits of dogs nnd make due prep arations for the obsequies of the noisy and worthless ones. Why uottstablishit tax and eufoice it, to the end tlmt we may have more policemen and fetter curs. Theie is one Intercut or branch of business lu the city that Is not uvci'M) to thedlmimm tlou of lhuH)hco foice. It is the coterie of gentlemen who oiieinte the side-door joints. The industl ions disH-nsers of schooners and cocktails me not pint ial to a sUhi abundance of M)licemeii. 'lis tl net lie oicomen do not npH-ar to have caused them any great de gleo of nnnoanco of late, but It would be Jit-tHs well, nnd a little hotter, ft there were ho iHtlleeincu mound, It would lie ridicubus to iiNtuuip that, if the police force comprised but oi..-in. hi t iiiuld ful to observe, tho osu and continuous violation of the law by tho side door, back-door nnd cigar nnd res taurant annex resorts, They nre almost public nnd apparent as the corner fruits land The present mlleo force Is dotr.it loss figuring, on increasing Its friendships by nou Inter feieuce in the matter of those violations of law, but they will lecoguln sooner or later that ho who enfoices tho laws laid down for his guidance has tho most friends In the end. Thus far It has been dlllluult to discover whether this short slglitislneis on tun pntt ot the police is designed for tho political ad vancement of Kxclseman Kelly or Kxclsaiimn Doohttlc, hut It Is toasoimhly sure that one of them expects to prollt by It politically. The recent ngltntlou of tho sidewalk ques tion by tho local pi us has Induced the city council to make a new start lu tho right di rection, At Its last meeting It ordered tho removal of a lot of oorslilewalkiu business nnd generally travelled sections. Thero worn only twelve victim selected, however, out of the hundreds available. Now that an ex ample has been csbtbllihod let there lie uo backward step, uo more vacillation. Do not make fish of one and flesh of another prop city owner wluxe paislmony leads him to disiegard tho comfort and safety of his neighbor. When n taxpayer provides a good sidewalk, a every dutiful property owner will, ho has a right to demand n simi lar comfoit mid measure of safety from his neighbor. Home members of the council nro on the right track lu demanding better walks on lines of uniformity and people should lino up behind them. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr, and Mrs. It. O, Dawes aro enjoying a few days In Chicago. Mrs. lllaucho Hhephard has gone t.o tlio Dakotn Hot Springs. Miss Sarah Harris Is entertaining Mrs. D. I), Mulr of Deliver. , Mr. F. I). Htouo departed Wednesday for Coliimbur, Ohio. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K. Hill started for Chica go Weilnesdnv. Mr. T. A. Cnruthcrs left Thursday for riilladelphin. Mrs. Frank Van Horn left Tuesday for Casper, AVyo. Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Hiis?rt went to Chi cago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J, (Jlllllan left Wednesday for Chicago, Mr. Kdwnrd Heed started Tuesday for Minneapolis. Mrs. Alice C. Hart left Monday for a vislc in Wisconsin. Mayor A. II. Weir Is out of the city on business. Mrs. J.N. Converse left Wednesday for Chicago. F. Council Zcnruiig spent Wednesday in Omaha. Mrs. Tom Moore left Monday evening for Pueblo. Miss Agues Karle left Wednesday for Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs. ii. H. Wilson havogoue Cnl cago. Mrs. J. L. Kennedy left Friday for Chi cago. Mr. O. K. Smith left Thursday forKansu City. Irvine t'tn.vlcted. This will be sad news to hundreds of Lin colultes, and if it were only true, it might cause general regret. Hut such, however, U not the caso. but we hail to do something extraordinary to attract your attention and now that we've succeeded, we'll ask you to call iuanlsee Hallett, the old reliable anil popular jeweler, on Eleventh street. HU stock of last season's goods was almost en tirely sold at the recent auction salo, and now the beautiful store presents a hand somer apiearanc than ever before. Tho large wall cases have been refilled with mag nlllcent new designs in silverware, and a moi o attractive display it would lie dlfllcult to find anywhere, In the counter stiowcmos aro now seen a new line of the latest styles In watch cases, Jewelry, etc, and tho as sortment of spoons for souuenlrs and ordin ary use nre oltlvely beyond description. It is not Idle talk when we say that Hallett's new Hue Is without doubt the largest, most varied and most elegant stock now to bo seen lu the state and an early Inipectiou is Invited. fleer For Family Use. For family trade the John Guild Drewlug Co. Is now delivering a suierior grade of ex tra pale beer lu either pint or quart bottlca. This beer for table use has no -quil and is meeting with opular favor with all the Inwt trade of the city, Prices as cheap as that charged for Inferior In-er, Lnvo orders at otllce, till Not th Ninth street. Oscar Ueuek, agent. Once tried no other beer will be used. Why not order a sample case of it. For ladles' siiH!i b halrdio-ssiug, hair orun incut and hair goods always go to headquar tersMrs, (losier, 1IU O street. Hector's New liiarumcj. Sunday horns: 'J:'M to I 'J .ISO a. in., 'J to 3 and T:.'!0 to H:!) p. in. Staiting Monday we oiler Cloaks nt 3.50, It. SO, f.'.. (11.75, t7.50, (U.50 and ll'J. No such valms ever ollered before. . J. W. WlMlKlltt CO., MIMO street. Mivs Alice Umcs of Omaha has just re turned from New Yoik after a seven weeks put chasing visit. Her store at Omaha, 9)7 South Sixteenth stieet, contains all the latest novelties in pitteru bonnets which are being nlfeiwd nt lowest pri'vs witlin guarantee that over hat Is tho correct styld. Mrs. S. F Hyau, f.ishiouible dress uiiklng, room 78 Ituir block.