Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 15, 1892, Image 5

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will be welcome
at any time
now, at
our New Store,
1039 O Street,
next door to
Webster &
Shoe Store,
Announcement of
our Formal Opening
will soon be made.
The Ladies'
Bon Marche
XS30 O Stxaat,
Prices ns low as any store In America
on same qualities. During October, tills
Coupon good at cah on each purchase of
one or more dollar's worth.
J$r-rf v 4f
3 Oood for
Advertising Rebate .
jj !5e' The Bon Marche
Cut out and bring with you to the store,
at 1336 O street.
Will be Interested
to learn Unit h now process bns been Invent
eU for removing blotches. Freckles, etc , from
tlio face, leaving the ukln clear and beautiful.
It Isdono by tlm
New Steam Process I
Just introduced by Mrs. J. C. Hell, mid Is pro
vlnun bin success and very popular. All tlio
Hair fioods, Ornaments
nd a full line of most approved Cosmctlci
may also bo found there.
If air Dressing and Mnnlcurlnir dono on
liort notice and In the very latent Htyles.
114 North 14th st
F. C. Woodward. F. J. White.
Woodward & White,
Local and Foreign collections solicited. All
work promptly attended to:
Boom 3 Drownell Block,
Telophone 073. LINCOLN. NEB
I-ndlmdcslrliiB stylish dresses at moderate
prices call on
iTiissJerjDie iniy,
Itoom laPotvlii Block, ISlh mid O Hts
Tho Perfection aud Tnylor
-eefrdju5tabl $1705
cxpmiil with every motion of the foot. Don't
bum or blister. Avery narrow ,lino can bo
worn. Mi st comfortable, known Trv them
uihIhoo for yourself.
KnrHiilu only by UKIOKIt, 1187 II Ht.
Hpeclul orders taken. Cheaper than othori.
A YKAL t 1 UtliUrUka In l.rt.ft.
ittitli m fairly titif Hkm.i rx.n t-f ul.n
!. MllO frill rfttl flltl Mlllv.aii.l uU
I tftrr huirurtion, will vwk htduairlouilr.
riiuw la am 1bra IkuunkJ Iwll... .
teZ .!. ",... ".v.". ..... T"- '". " "
irsrniiHi'irown uMiiinvi niiwrrriiify mr.i him UorurnUh
lli ltullytorriii1..;iitri(,tHl.lrh).1urinriMl.l mount
No niv fwf nivunlrMMirt raaful hut r I msIIi ul milrklr
ItiniwI I tlrliut uii wuikrr rtoni r(i illiiiliiurifuniv I
tutatlrra.ljMiuilil bii.I ruiMr.l Hltli 1,. inmf l-.r
miniUr, Htii r im Mm otrr ttwnt ) rmh litjtl'iv
va - t " trl,r,u" ": Aii.iirM.iui"
M't'.AIJJ, II 41IO, jtn( uiu, JUuliV
A Vivid Drsrrlptloti of tlin Anrlriit Hmt
Atllir Month of (lid Vrsiivlus C!ii.
toiim ttf tlm !tnMiMilitt'il
Town, I'.lc,
London, Aug. 'J7, IMtt. Dear Cotmmii
I presume that yon nro nwara that KunM)
)omvbsch many wonderful and Interesting
tilings and the best way to understand them
Is to eomo nnd hoc them, which Is n com
pnrntlvely easy matter If one liai tlm where
withal. You pay tlio money and the rest
follows. To say that 1 have had n very good
time Is cxprexslng It very mildly. "To mo
tlio gem of pleasure Is to travel and esKel
ally In foreign lands. Of the thounud and
one places I liavo seen I hardly know which
to you would bo tho most iiit;reiiting, lint If
I carry you back to n kji lod before Christ
was iMlrn it will bo pleasing at least and
again because you aro about to have nil ex
hibition In Lincoln of 1111 event, which hap
pened nearly S.OOO years ago, perhaps an ex
cursion from Homo, Italy, to 1'oiuhII and
tho Hay of Naples nnd the ascent or Mount
Vesuvius would entertain you as fully as
many others which I could 1 elate. Hay we
relate In detail the grand and uitiKulllcMUt
ruins of the Coliseum, which tills 0110 with u
deep feeling of tenderness when seen by
moonlight, tlio gorgomis fountain of the
Trevl whose waters Into which. If n iet.ny
be thrown, wl.l Insure the travellers leturn,
the dark and damp catau nubs, tho ancient
crumbling walls, the beautiful chui dies and,
above all others, Ht. Peter aud the Forum,
with Its ruined temples, nothing of which
now remains to tell the grandeur of its edi
fices save a few broken I'ohimi.s and frag
ments of marble walls, all of which me only
n few things In that old city of Home.
Here wenru inn "inall compartment, one
of three, which compoHollie available accom
modations of travel in n car on an Italian
railway. These pens or stalls hold from
eight to ten people nnd some of them are
quit comfortable A train of hoiiio thlity
coaches pulls out of a long g.ass-roof depot,
quite modern in apiiearauce, ami we are
seeding among the buttle Ileitis of the early
Hoiuaus and pass the stone arch viuducls
built by Appius Claudius centui les ago. The
country presents 11 barren npiearauco, en
tirely destitute of trees and somewhat hilly,
although the pastures are green and in small
heids we see white cattle with very lot.g
horns, feeding. A few of them take the
trouble to raise their heads to watch us pass
by. In two hours wo aro shaded by tall mid
slim poplar trees. Fields of hemp, grape
vines, swinging like bowers from treo to
tree in the orchards, peasants in the Holds
and odd looking houses and farm yards greet
tho eye as our little wugon bears us along.
The air is clear and tho heat is not so intense
as it is oppressive. It makes you feel stupid
and dull rather than uncomforiabl 1 warm;
you tiavn no ambition and you don't caro
whether school keeps or not. Our tialn
stops evjry now and then at small towns
and villages and I was surprised at one place
to tee small girls about fifteen years old car
rying heivy holds of brick and morter to
the tops of buildings. Hard work at the
least fot girls. Instead of resting the weight
on their shoulders thoy would pick up tho
round basins 01' morter or brick from the
ground, give It a long swing and set it on
top of their head, which was protected by it
thick round pad. Too women of Italy work
like men as they do nil through Germany.
When I see these poor easaut people here
from early morn tu late at night I can better
realize what it is to be truly oor.
In four hours after leaving Home we are
in Naples, aud transferred to another car,
wo are going to the long buried city of Pom
pell. It is very Interesting now. To tho
left we see the volumes of smoke anil ashes
rolling from tho crater of Mount Vesuvius.
At. times tho smoke appears very thin aud
again it has increased to n large, rolling
cloud, which curls and w hides away till it
has faded from view. Tho mountain Is
about fifteen miles away. To our right
within a stone's throw is the shore of the
beautiful blue waters of tho Hay of Naples.
Fisherman's boats are pulled out on the
beach, tho smoothness of which is broken
every now aud then by the black moss-grown
rocks, where the water dashes and throws
out sprays like pearls. We pass ninny pecu
liar houses and tangled villages whose roofs
of dome shape are covored with macaroni
drying In the sun. The low coast range of
the Appenlnes mountains ure in vjew. In
an hour we are at the small station of I'om
peii, and, winding up a narrow roadway,
we stop at n small hotel to wash the. dust
from our faces aud take a Ugh repast of
soup, beef, chicken (J) and macaroni and n
species of bread best described perhaps as
several air holes with a tough knotty dough
around them. Tho butter could speak tor
itself. As wo ate wo listened to strains of
inusia from a violin and a guitar played by n
man and boy who were as ragged as they
were dirty. They stood by the doorway of
the dining room, which opened Into the street
and wheu they bud finished one of their soul
stirring sonatas the man gathered his slouch
hat together and pasted it around the table.
lie was not any cologne bottle, but we were
used to any kind of smells, s wo ate on un
moved The present buildings of PoniK)il
which lie outside of tho burled city from Ve
suvius, which is about six miles away, are
low, two stories high aud built of stone and
stucco, a sort of moi ter, and are nil of a
dirty creamy color. The placets small, with
no public buildings or anything of that sort,
being mostly dwelling houses; the streets
shutlelesM. The Inhabitants are very poor
and just how they all live I cannot say, Not
walls of children and tlio shoutsof men. One
was calling a father, another n son, (mother
a lfe;Hoplo could one another
by voice. Many besought aid of thu gods,
others fancied that they no longer lived and
believed this to lie the last nnd eternal night,
when the world was to disnpHnr into Its
Wo wlllnnw walk through it modern street,
and pass within the walls of the old city and
thence Into the shade of a narrow alley over
n rough pavement which was once a street
of I'omiH'il and enter a small building where
we ihhi IkhIIos of men, womou aud dogs that
have Ihwii dug from the ruins, and who were
caught beneith the sea of nihoi and lava
over 1,800 years ago. On exhibition also are
long glass case full of broad, ra'xr. and fruit,
sittery and cooking utensils and many other
things that were In use when the catastrophe
happened. Pompeii was In every way a Hu
man town. The streets nro mved with large
xil)gonal blocks of lava anil at each Inter
section aie two largo stepping stones on
which the people stepped to keep mil of the
wet In 1 ulny weather. The nlleys weie not
over fourteen feet wide aud tho sheets nel
dom wider than twenty-four foot. Tho ruts
worn in tho stone pavement by the wagons
are plainly seen. Tho sidewalks In many
places are barely wide enough for one per
son, Tho city, ns wo walk through thenar
low alleys and streets and between the half
standing walls of houies. from room to room,
picscntsn desolate and foreign appearance..
None of the orlgliiul roofs of the buildings re
main, but we occasionally see tho ceilings of
some of tho rooms nut niiiiy of the frescoes
leiuulu on the walls, though' dimmed miine
what by long helri? burled In tlio ashes'. Tho
princlnl dwellings piesent a very lonesome
OKioet to tho street. They have no windows,
nothing but n bare wall, once gaily painted
in red and yellow. The entrance is made
through a. narrow vestibule over mosaic
lloois of various designs to nn open court
with 11 tqiiuro re-ervolr, into which tho rain
fulls dining n shower. Theio Is 110 loof over
the com t and the rooms Unit face It on the
four si loi receive from It their light. Many
of tho houses weie ilehly decorated with fres
coos, statuary and fountains. Along tho
streets where the small shops were located
wo soe tho largo bako ovens where thirty or
forty loaves of bread were baked at one
time, old stouo mills for grinding tho grain,
jars for wine, etc. Kxcavatlous nro now be
ing made aud the view of tho city from tlio
embankment above Is curious indeed. Tlio
city was buried to a depth of twenty feet.
In order to make the ascent of Vesuvius that
day I was obliged to hurry my Interesting
walk in and around these old ruins nnd get
onto n horse nt the village with a guide aud
stmt for theeiu'or.
Tlio lieggars In Italy are something awful
and one can hardly move without being
nsKea tor n jieimy or so, aud they will take
advantage of you lu every way In order to
get a fee. Wheu I mounted my noble steed
which had lieon named "beefsteak" by some
other rider In-fore me, a small boy with whi
in hand hold tho bridle and Ik-oiiiho I didn't
see lit to hand him 11 few iienules ho began to
whip the horse, which made him dunce
around lively, much to my dlscomllture, for
I am no equestrian of note and it wim with
great diflkulty that kept within range of the
saddle. He made 1110 feel hoi ry that I had
not given him anything which evidently sat
Istled him, for he let mo go. Ho had it all
his own way aud not being able to talk my
language I could not argue with him success
fully. He hud 11 whole lot of fun with me
und I know it. U'u will soon gallop over it
dusty road. I can gallop tlrst class and when
it comes to a trot, why, I can always meet
tho saddle halfway. Boon wo leave the
main mud and enter it narrow lane, with
high stono walls on either side, over which
hung vines. Past fields of grain mid in vine
yinds, of which there are many in Italy. A
stop is made at a small town for our guide to
change his shoes for odes with thick hobnail
soles for climbing over the lava beds. We
had trouble heie. He Insisted that It was
necesarv to huvo it torch to light our way
down, for, as he salJ lu broken English, "The
road very bad, very bud; impossible go with
out toche. Very dark; have toclio 'two
franca. " We, for Frank was with mo, In
sisted that we dll not want any torch nnd he
insisted that we did, and It took it good ileal
of Insisting on our part to convince him that
we didn't. Tho Italians try to work all sorts
of dodges to extort money from foreigners,
but wo tlgmed that if he could return with
out a toicli, why, we could ulso. More boys
grabbed our horses hero and wanted a fee,
but we got nway alive and proceeded on,
leavlug Milud tho rough paved streets of
this stono house town and were soon riding
through tho underbrush and over beds of
ashes probably hundred of feet deep. The
trees were very few- and no giowth but small
bushes, from which I occasionally biokeolf 11
switch with which to slup the back of my
slow conveyance, Hfsteuk.
The lieds of ashes are black like coal, and
Huh as gravel. We soon upproach chunks of
lava and our itli or narrow tiai) winds and
winds up the mountain side. Heie Is a largo
slide of shuggy pieces of lava all piled and
strewn in confusion. Much of it lias the up
earance of once liemg it boiling mass and,
suddenly cooling, was vomited forth from
the crater nbove and scattered around the
sloMi of the mountain. After a 1 ide of two
bom s or so over fields of rough lava, sharp
u'd Irregular winding in aud nut, we reach
the foot of the cone where wo dismount and
start on foot up a very stenp incline. It looks
nlmnst directly up. In some places we walk
on ashed, but mostly stepping from one piece
of luvu to another like a stairway. Four
men with straps and a walking stair, wished to
assist us in the climb, which is really it hard
und tiresome one nnd when we told them that
we did not need their assistance thoy laughed
and kept on with us thinking we would tire
out. Hut "lien it comes to climbing moun
tains I am right there nnd I fooled them it
trip, lhey finally got tire I out nnd returned.
many eople nro to bo seen on the stieets; 1 As we approached the crater wo could hear
those wo do see aie coarsely dressed and their I the roar within and when ulnut itOO yards
faces have a rather hard ai d iiutrustful look
As we look at Vesuvius wo wonder how it
could have bulled the place where w stood;
It seems too far away. What a terrible and
tremendous night it must have been and
what const eruuliou aud confusion must have
been among the 30,000 people that then in
habited the doomed city. Fling, the younger,
describes it us follows;
"It was ulreudy seven o'clock In the morn
ing and yet there was to be seen it faint light
like that of twilight, The buildings were
shaken by such heavy shocks that there was
safety nowhere, We resolved to abandon
the city, Ariivod without thocity wo paused,
The sou seemed to be turned buck upon
itself and to retreat. Over and against us
au awful cloud fell to wtch covi lug the sea.
Tho ashes begun to fall )iKn us. Turning
my head I perceived 11 dense smoke, which
was following us and spieadlug itstdf over
the ground like u torrent, While wecouU
still see I udvised my mother to leave the
principal road, lest the ciowd wkloh was fol
lowing upon our stop should ciudi us in thu
durkness. Hardly had we left it when the
durknesHKolufieused tliut we seemed to be
not mi involved inn black moonless night,
but shut Inn chamlior wlieio every light
had been extinguished Theio tin nothing
to be heaid but the lamenting of women, the
irom ine top we niti to pick our way among
tlio fliure where the hot smoke, sulphur and
ashes cam J forth. I placed my handkerchief
on my face to keep out the fumes ot sulphur.
The ashen 011 which w 0 now walked weie very
Hue like dust, ami In a few minutes we stood
011 the brink of the yawning crater looking
onto u roaring, surging, fuming, foaming
mass of locks, lava, water, sulphur und
steam nil v with Humes of tlio. A Inrgo
burning cauldron filled with a boiling mass.
Huge masses of black nnd flerj Ingredients
vomit forth nnd fall back Into tho scathing
abyss. I should say the crater was a thou
sand feet lu diameter aud looked nearly
round. It was somewhat dark wjion we
reached tlio crater; the sun had only it few
minutes ago set behind the hill, but we could
see perfectly well. Kino ashen worn falling
over us. We remained hero about live mill
llUssund then started down by another path
over n sen of ashes' or crumbled luvu beds.
Tho guide led, I followed and Frank camo
behind. At each step our feet sank In the
fluosolt IhsI nenrly up to our knees nnd nt
each step we cohered fully a distance nl
thirty to foi ty root. You know how it Is to
step down n stoop sand bank, how the whole
bank slide with j oil at each stop and your
foot go way out of sight, W11 presented a
curious siss'taolo plunging down with tremen
dous Mtrldes. Occasionally the guide would
warn us of a hurled rock, for If we fell where
would we stop,
It took us llfty minutes to make the ascent
of the cone aud only twelve to descend,
teaching the place w here we had loft our
horses, we mount and lu an hour Hud our
selves on level ground, covered completely
fi mil head to foot with dust nnd nshes. I
cannot tell you how beautiful was the view
of the Hay of Naples by moonlight, with Hit
lUr..lliig shore light and shining waters an
we r. I g Jigged down tho mountain side. It
was enchanting. I have now spun out my
little txcuiflon too long, I nm afraid. I lu
tended to take you to n little sail on the liny,
visiting the lllue Orotto, which Is moio Uuu
tlful than can os'(hly bo Imagined, and have
dinner on the Inland of Capri, where the view
of the bay Is unexcelled, I had heard much
or tho Is'iiuty or tho Ilriy of Naples nnd I
will say that It fur exceeded my expectations
it thousand times over. Ho nuy one contem
plating a trip to Italy, I would say, don't
rail to vl'lt Naples and the bay and sniiiiI a
few dollars for coral and shell combs, which
can be bought for a mere song.
C. Y. Hmitii.
Miss Alice Isaacs of Omaha bus Just re
turned from Now York after n seven weeks
pui chasing visit. Her store at Omaha, 1107
Mouth Hixteeuth street, contains nil tho latest
novelties in p ittern bonnets which are being
olTcred at lowest prices with it guarantee that
every hat is the coriect style.
Hurting Monday wo offer Cloaks at f.'I.W),
tM.fiO, :.. 0.75, t7.50, $U.M and l!5. No such
values ever offered lefore.
J. W. Winoku&Co.,
I100O street.
Few lit ins have como to the front in so
short n time us the Cok-Hnlley Grocery com
puny. A Hue line of goods ut low prices and
reasonable treatment is what brings patron
age to their Hpular store at '2H O street.
Mm, H. F. Hyau, fashionable dress uiiiklu g,
room 78 Ilurr block.
No such Hue of lino manicure goods were
ever seen in Lincoln before ns are now being
shown ut Hector's now pharmacy, corner
Twelfth and N streets.
Wo want many more rooms for
teachers nnd students, both furnished and
unfurnished rooms and houses; wo will want
them September 1'-', 181U; call at once nt the
olllcj of the Western Normal College, rooms
till and 112 Draco building, aud glvo locu
tion of hou ten nnd looms, nnd prices asked
for same. ll-l-tf.
Twenty-five dozen chiffon handkerchiefs
never woitli less than 40 cents, MnuJay nt -"J
cents each.
J. W. Winokii & C.,
liner For Family IIe.
For family trade the John Uuud Ilrewlng
Co. is now delivering 11 suierior grade of ex
tra pale licor in either pint or quart tattles.
This beer for table use lias no qml and Is
meeting with opuInr favor with all the best
trade of the city. Prices as cheap us that
charged for inferior tieer. Leave orders at
onioe, JI 1 North Ninth street. Oscar Heu.-k,
agent. Once tried no other licor will be used.
Why not order a sumple case of it.
at J. W. Winger & Co.
Have You Itrnil
Hights and Scenes in Idaho nnd Montana,
Sights und Scenes in Utah, Hights and Scenes
in California, Sights and Scenes In Oregon
aud Washington, Hlglita and Hcouei In Alas
kit) This Is it sot of six books, beautifully
illustrated, full of story aud legend as well
as valuable Information for the tourist, pub
lished by the passenger department of the
Union Puciflu system. Hdiit free 011 applica
tion and tho receipt of two cents for encli
book to cover sstugo.
J. T. Maktin, C. T. A., 1014 O Htreot.
K. U. Huohhon, Oeneiul Agent, Lincoln,
Mrs. S. F. Hynu,fashlonabledress making,
room 78 Hurr block.
Notice of I'libllcalioii.
Lloyd M alone. Cotton Maloue. Flora Hollo
M alone, Iviity Maloue. Alburl ttiiluuu, Harah
A.Shoonhell and Frederick O. Kills will take
notice that on the iKth day of .laiiimry, lhOI,
the Nebraska (Stock Yards Co., of Lincoln,
Neb.. pliilutlll' herein, lleil Ins petition In tho
district courl or I jincasler county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and prayer
of which nro to foreclose u certain morlgaKO
executed by Samuel McClay to this plaltitllV,
iiK)ii tlio following described real estate.
Uils three CI aud four I. In block nine '0)
and lots nrteen MS) and eighteen (IS) lu block
twenty-two ,) in West Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska to securo the payment ol
two certain promissory notes, dated 011 tho 'Jlst
duyofJiily, iss. lortho stun of UH.75ench.
and due anil payable In two und three years
from tho dalo thereof; upon tho said notes
nnd liiorlmiKos there Is now due and payable
the sum 01 live hundred nnd lltly-two dollars
and wvouty-llve cents (YJ.7A), for w hlcb sum,
with interest from this date, plntutlll prays
for it doeree, and thai ilefen hints I mi required
to pay the same, or that said premises may bo
sold to satisfy the amount found due. Von
ure r-quired to answer said pelillon on or bo
fore the tilxl day of October, IS!U
Of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Ily IU sttorneys,
Dawes, r iiiroth A. OunnluRliaui,
listed the 1'Jlh day of KepleiuKT, ly, ll-'.'l-l
. T T T T
1015 0 Etr at
1 L
Nisbet Stock of
. i
Boots and Shoes
which Is considered one of the Ilcst Lines of La
dles', Misses', Children's and Men's flue Shoes In
the city, at n great Imrgaln, we make our bow to
.uni ns one of j our permanent merchants, nnd to
start your patronage with us, wo will,
Commencing Saturday, Oct. i sth
(to day), give every purchaser n discount of
on every pair of Shoes, F.ncli shoo Is marked In 'J
plain figures, and the distinctive rula of Strictly
Our J'ticf to a1, will always prevail.
Make 80c, buy a Dollar's worth of Footwear
This Discount lasts hut ten
chance to buy n winter's supply nt n Imrgaln, and
get n selection irom me finest in
get n selection from the finest
Step In and sec
nays, nnd It's vour
ne ol Footwear In
"Speier, the Shoe Man"
Correct Styles nnd Perfect Fitting,
N'lsbet's old stand. 10I5 O Street'.
19 Different Patterns'
8 Different Sizes
ron 1002-03
Tbe Improved Garlands
Large Line of Wood and Coal Burners.
The finest ever made, nnd the most popular ranee on the market. More
of them In use In Lincoln than all others combined.
I I l8-1 122 N STREET.
Lincoln : Needs
F. E.
Practical Furrier
After twenty years of active experience In tl
manufacture of all kinds of Fur Goods, eight years
of which was In Paris, latter In New York, and
lastly in Omaha, I beg to announce to the citizens
of Lincoln that I opened a complete and perma
nent stock of Furs und Fur Goods
Tuesday, Sept. 2oth,
In the west store room of the new Y, M. C. A.
building, corner 13th and N Sts. All kinds of re
paring neatly done, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Y. M. C. A
'Howe Ventilator
Is better than steam or hot water, and less expensive than n hot air furnace.
Our system of Introducing Pure Air to your home Is the best In the world.
Nothing like It In America. We guarantee satisfaction Call and see the
New Heaters. AIho send for your Kitchen Utcn6ll. Wc are adding freh
goods every day.
- 1308 O STRE9T.
Absolutely Pure Justify It.
All Filling! at Loweit Rates.
rrMauci .co. kamjaj
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.