CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATUUAV, OCTOBER 15, iSy? p r FAMED SANTA iMAlUA. COLUMBUS' FLAGSHIP COMPARED WITH MODERN SAILING VESSELS. ft Wintrier lo I Im Mm liter of TmUjr It Ion the NnvlRNlnr CriiMeil Ihn Orimn la III l.llllo Cnrnvel-A Knrilmlln for Mid Wtrl.' PHlr. Bpnln is now In Iho liildnt of 11 norloi of fotos in eointuoinorutlon of tho ilia eovcry of America which will hint till Ut in October. On tho Sid of AukiihI, 4te of tho milling of Uolutnbim from Pftlos, thu jubilation Im'khii, niul of all the rIkIiIh thu exact reproduction of thu flgliit of Colutnbtm, tho Santa Murlu, Molted incut nmnzoinont. Anions tho Mllorri in tho vast gntliurin thoro wan n loud chorus of nstoiililuuout anil unbo lief. Ahnont uunniinoufdy tlioy do ctored tlint micli a rdilp hail not done tho thing it was lniKnslblo. TIIK NICW SANTA MAlttA. It in indeed hard to bollovo that the little caravol of 240 tons at tho outside could havo mado nucli a voyngo, mid When 0110 compares it with tho largo ailing vessels of today ho may well Ih iaorcdulouH, With tho nclilovciiionta Of Btcaui and practical scinuco wo aro tolerably familiar, but tho fact then (though nailing vessels antedate written hktory, tho progress, therein slnco 1403 ta M great a in anything olso) conies to one as a great surprise Ooniparo thu little Santa Maria with, for instance, the magnificent Shenandoah, tho Ainori can four masted bark and queen of all ailing vessels, which n few months ago went from San Francisco to Liverpool With 0,003 tons of wheat on lxnrd. Consider ilret tho big Bailor. The heaandonh, commanded by Captain Murphy, was one or tho ilvo which left the Buy of Ban Francisco last year on the famous raco around tho Horn. They ailed at high tldo, of necessity, as they drew twonty'sovon feet of wotor. Tho weight of wheat nboard, 0,003 tons, was the greatest cargo of tho kind over placed in a vessel and equivalent to 199,733 bushoU, or tho crop of nn aver age agricultural county. An adequate description f tho Shenandoah would til n col nun. Sailor as hIio is, ho 'makes sail by steam," as sailors nay that is, the Bails tiro pulled into place by A little donkey endno. and of all lorious sights to tho seaman's eyo there ! 1' nono more glorious than to see her J fill $ MM if M non iiuiii uuru poics 10 lull rig or nowy sails in less than Ilvo minutes. Tho Sunt Maria might havo been placed on tho deck of the Shenandoah without adding jwrceptibly to her weight of cargo. Sho was a decked ves- " Ml, and while tho Spanish historians do ' not deal in exact measurements tlioy are o'mlnute in details of her capacity that her Biro is known. Captain Uuntavus i,W, Fox, after n very careful calculation, i, declares that her length was "03 feot , over all and 67 feot along her keel," with 20 feot beam and IQJ4' depth. Her crow consisted of 'fifty 'seamen, and in the list are found tho names of one ' Englishman and 0110 Irishman. It is really n pity that this list is not certain ly authentic; it would bo Interesting to know the iiamo or tho first Irish emi- . grant to America. This historic vessel . wuh wrecked on Christmas ove, 1102, on tho coast of Uispaniola, a calumity due , to the gross carelessness of tho Bailing muster. Small us nho was, her consorts, the Pinta and tho Nino, woro considerably smaller, being inero barks, called cara vels, without decks, unless the high prow and storn wuy bo to called, lu tho ""- i rauw - . f THE SHENANDOAH. center such a vessel was absolutely open ad in no resptct superior to the fishing craft and other light coasting vessels of today. Tihat men should have' been willing to dure the passage of tho ttormy Atlantic in such craft gives us a high idea or their courage, and as a mtter or ract only Columbus, Las L'asas, the Pitizous and two or three ether mad enthusiasts were willing. The crew consisted chiefly or desperato characters compelled to take the trip. Many wore relea.u-d rrom prison to go, nd some had been condemned to death nd voluutentd us a bare chance for life. Our ustouisnmeut is but blightly miti gated when we read that Columbus did ot ask for lurge vessels, for there were any in tho Spunish ports lurger than these. He firmly Idieved that the roygc would Ia comparatively bhort and tho sea whom ho was going nlwny smooth, and ho particularly retpiwtnl such vemcli us would enable hlui to run cloo In along the idioien and nail up the rivers. On his third voyage, when lie actually reached South America, he complained of the hi 7.0 of his vessel which roudorcd coast exploration ditll cult. Tho Spanish authorities declare that tho Santa Maria of IHO'J Is an exact re production In every detail of that of 1403. It has the samo old fashioned fthnpo, tho snine primitive masts, rig glnga and sails, and even the same ar mameiit of falconets uiwl mortars, hnl bonis and arquebuses. Tho cabin of the commander is furnished in tho stylo of tho Fifteenth century, and its table Is littered with maps, documents mid nan tlcal Instruments of the period. Final ly, Its mastheads are decorated with the royal standards or Castillo and Leon, in exact Imitation of the flags which Co lumbus planted in the Now World on Oct. IS, 1 103, Tho vessel Is maimed by nu excellent ciow, obtained from among tho fishermen and sailors of Cadiz and San Fernando, and placed under tho orders of a detachment of ofllcors of tho royal navy. At tho opening of the Spanish fetes, on Aug. II, tho war vossels of all nations woro at Iiuelva to salute tho new Santa Maria on her first voyago down tho river and hor entrance into tho Hay of Cadiz was greeted by deafening salvos. Ah there was almost a dead calm, howover she had to bo taken in tow by a gunboat, which marred tho lepresentatlou some what. Later, howover, sho sailed out beautifully on tho route taken by Colum bus, and roturncd to receivo renewed salutes. At this naval congress or na tions the fact was humorously com mented on that Columbus took with him for interpreter a scholar who know Lat in, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Coptic and Armenian, in addition to Spanish; that this learned gentleman was a faliuro in the Now World, and that tho lirst to master any of tho Indian tongues woro tho most Illiterate sailors. But this is an oft repeated experience. J. II. Dkadmc. Drnn Iiik Mid Mho. "Why were you so cross to your husband at breakfast?" "I just couldn't help It. 1 felt as If I must scold at someliody or burst. Just, physical irritability, you know and then everything went wrong. Ureakfast was late, the steak burned, tho coffee thin and tho cakes heavy." "Then why didn't you scold tho cookr" "Oh, I couldn't. She'd leave." Life. Tho lliinhrul Mini llliiutlur. J A bashful young man had a tender ro ' gard for thu daughter of a certain farmer living not a great ninny miles from this city. The young man lu question hnd acquired thu habit of visiting on Sunday afternoon tho young lady who was tho subject of his alTectlon. As time woro on I the young man began to feel more nt homo ' on his visits to tho farmhouse, and from nn occasional stopping for supper it grow to bo tho regular thing with him to eat supper with his prospective parents-In-law. This was very agreeable to the young limn, but quite the contrary to tho parents-lndaw. He was treated coolly by the old folks, but tho waruilh of his own feelings for the young lady and tho reciprocity by thu young lady was such that a slight coolness was not felt. Upon one of tho occasions when tho young innn was taking Sunday supper with the family thu good house wife had prepared a bountiful supply of biscuits. When they had seated themselves at the table tho prospective futhcr-ln-law passed tho plate of biscuits to the bashful young man. "Have a blscultf" bo said. Thu bashful young nmn sot one of the steaming biscuits beside bis plate. "Have another; they're, small," the fathvr-ln-lnw said. The bashful young nmn timidly took an other and placed It beside thu first. "Have unotber; they're very binnll." Again thu young man, lacking tho cour age to declluu, took a biscuit. , Tho futhci-ln-law lo bo then dumped the wholu contenvs of tho plato in front of the young mail, with tho remark, "Take them all, you hog!" Thu bashful young man stopped, his vis its, uudbiseiilts for supper always cause a smile to go around.tho table, ut tho farm house. ludlaunpolls Journal, Tho Hear of tho Itimrilliig House. "Won't you ploy?" said tho young man who always puts his foot lu It. "Oh, certainly, since you insist," she re plied. "What would you llko to hear?" Aud the bachelor, who doesn't mind 1h ing disagreeable, said, "1 think 'Heart Howed Down by Weight of Woo' would lie as appropriate as anything." Washington Star. A Chronic Proposer. "William." said shosoverely, "how many more times aro you going to usk mu to marry you " "Clara," said ho, "I can't answer that question, but I think I'll not bother you much longer. One of the other three girls I'm proposing to shows signs of weaken lug." Texas Sifting. In Union Is Strength. First Itlval (sadly)-Well, old man, 1 suppose I mustcoiigrutulatuyou. Sho liar declined me. Second Itlval (mournfully) Why, she also refused mo last night. It must be 13 row ii. Hoth Let's go and lick him, New York Herald. Almort a Hint. "It's a lieautlful day for a walk," she said, looking out of the window. "Indeed It Ik," he satd, doing llkowlse. "Would you like to take, a walk V she continued. "Above all things." "Theti why don't your" Hxchange. 5k STltirKS AND PLAIDS. THEY WILL DE EXTREMELY POPULAR THIS SEASON. The I'liilils Are of the lltitilmt niul I'mlllvn l)i-erlitliin, lint TIh-j l.iinl, Bljfllnh Varieties In Htrlt Tln l.iiti-i. list NnvelllMi. IHpeelnl CorrrNixitiiliinre.) Nkw Yoiik, Oct. 111. To say that stripes ami plaids will bo worn to r, greater extent than plain goods this fal and whiter would perhaps Imj rather tix swooping nu assertion, but they will Is very popular, pattlcularly among youn; and slender persons as . LA IDS. Tho plaids leave no ono in doubt oi their being plaid, us tho outlining is ol tho boldest and most positive. Tliero ii no indistinct or broken figure ainoiif thorn. They aro largo and obtrusive nnd while tho lover of truo Iteauty maj find fault with thum they do ccrtnlnlj look stylish. Somo aro mado on tin straight, somo bias, nnd others ugnii have combinations of plain goods mad( up with them. Ono very stylish gown for a youiifc lady was of black biarritz cloth, ricl and fine. The skirt was plain fourreat sliapo, fitted to tho hips, aud buttoned nnd on tho front were two printed out lines of soutache braid, and there wen four similar braids suwed around tho hot torn. A wrinkled biisIi was around tin waist, which was mado of regular tar tan plaid in red, bluo, yellow and black A flat piece of biarritz reached up tin front of tho waist, and u tiny shouldei capo added piquancy to the whole. A plaid zephyr cloth for u quite youti girl was cut en princesso, with a Wattoai of brown velvet down tho middle of tht back. Tho putts to tho sleeves were ol tho velvet. Thero was a bertlio of lact over tho shoulder. The material wm light brown, with white plaid and white indistinct Unworn in between, with haiij effect. Another plaid gown for the prom enado was of dark brown with plaids oi yellow, white, red aud green lines. Tin skirt and waist wero cut bias, uud th corselet of gray astrakhan and V front were tho only trimmings. There wort enormous dlrectolro lapels. Tho liipoh havo very stlir crinoline in them t mako them stand out firmly. Tnko notice of the hats worn wit! these costumes, for they mo tho noweal for fall for young persons. Ono has i bow Hourly half n yard across. Tin middle ono is just too lovely for any thing Or that Is what our gient-gruiid mothers used to say. It is of plush felt with bows of ilbbon and u staiidinj.' branch of drooping flowers that bol about with every motion. Tho other I. mado of n thick frill or black lace it front, nnd n red silk crown with twi curled feathers. Tlioy nre tho kind o hats that help his satantu majesty, pat tlcularly when worn in tho theater. Ni human who hasn't somo occult mean of vision can scoovor, through orurouiu them, 'and it provokes nu-Chrlstia. thoughts to sit behind them when tht play is interesting nnd you can't bee it BTnil'KS. The Btripes cmi bo worn by oldet ladles with good effect. Stripes whei judiciously managed give apparent slenderness to quite a stout figure, but tlioy are apt to bo conspicuous. A very handsome pieco of goods has altermitt green and black stripes, a sort of twist ed outlino of frosty whito hairs edging tuo uiucK and curling over onto tht green. Every other green stripe hud twe lines of blnck. A dress made of thiu had a Figaro jacket of black passementerie and tho forearms were also covered with passementerie. Another hundsomo striped gown hail stripes of two shades of brown, seal nud faded leaf. Around tho bottom of thfr was a full niching made or bows uud rosettes or seal brown satin riblsui. Certainly it must requite a bundled yards or ribbon to tm.ko this niching, which uUo encircled the neck an.) wrists. The wholu gown, like the nthr, was cut on the bias, and altogether gave a kind of tigerish appearance morostrik ing than e'.eguut. A lovol ft'hite crew do chine gov. i has tho entire front baud einbroldeieu with golil thivtids. uud ut the bottom t u delicious Half of lace and crape u 4K2JL (C3f'( 3,ta I? I,A X fffllt "f i If IJM-M , -Y'.f ill ill - ,' 1 ft flottnro. The luck Is ornamented dow" the middle seam with it cnta'ade of gold ombroldcred crape. The sieves at e ol canary velvet, high puffer, with thp forearm of gold embroidered crape Canary ribbon crosses rrom under the arms to thu middle or the buck between tho shoulders, ending under u rosette Tho front Is of Urumels point luce and embroidered crepe do chlno, forming u "baby waist," below which is draped u canary sash held to n point by a quilling with a bono, I notlco among tho novelties feather boas at (ll.riO, seal capes reaching to tht waist lino cut exactly like tho coach man's capes, gauntlet gloves whore the wrists look like old boot tops, stockings with coloied butterflies worked all over them, and yellow silk garters which you can buy "by tho ono," Tor tho left stocking for good luck Two are not Woril Ol.lVK llAltl'I'.lt RAILWAY ADVERTISING, It InvoUci mi I miiiiiH4, Ktprnilltnre, Him It In MniniK'il. HhtIhI ('iiricxiMiniU'iH'o.l Omaha, Oct. I!!. Have you ever stopped to think, while you lazily tnrned over u pile of advertising mutter tempt ingly displayed on tho counter of some railway ticket olllco.or tho tlmo. trouble and expense involved in its preparation) Tho chances are dollars to cents that you have never given tho matter it thought. If you hao. tho probability is equally great that you havo nover looked into it deeper than to wonder vaguely If these tunny lined, sturtllng posters, these dainty guidebooks, these cumbersome (and mystifying) time ta bles nro of any real servico; if, ufler ull tho railway companies recoup them solves for the money they spend in gel ting them up If some one who know were to tell you thu exact stun that tho railways of this country uimuully Invest in uilvor Using, you would doubtless look umiii your informant us it past grand master in the art or romancing. Wiiat the amount really is cannot bo stated with any degree or certainty, but it ussuredl exceeds (213,000,01)0. Yes, indeed, 23,000.000 shining dollars aro expended every year by tho railways or tho United States for tho solo purpose or keeping themselves borore the public Nowadays every well iiianuged road tins its own advertising department Sometimes tho head or this department is given a title: ho is then known us gen oral advertising ugont. More often however, ho is simply it superior clerk who, po-sessed of originality uud lit entry tendencies, is Intrusted under the supervision of the general passenger agent with the duty or reaching the eyo uud our or tho outside world, uud ot making known to it thu advantages of his particular lino. Very frequently tho "advertising tuun" bus had u jour uallstic experience of greater or les duration something which, it can oiih ily bo seen. Is of almost Ineuleuluble value to bini. Tho devices by melius of which u mil road endeavors to secure public utteii tion nro utmost past reckoning Beside: tho everyday medium of newspaper ad vertisiug (undoubtedly the best method of reaching the people) they take uu immense variety of forms. At the mo incut tho writer tecalls without' trouble tho fact that iiiomuruuduiu books, fans watebsafes, buttonhooks, pincushions paperweights, theiiuoinoters, chrouios calendars, playing curds, checkers ami checker boards, photographs and paper cutters have all within the last few yeurs been hsued for free distribution by ono or another railway company As to tho cost of ruilway advertising When ono considers tho item of time tables nlono the results of investigation am ustounding. Tuko, for example u road of, say, a.000 miles. It will issut every month rrom l5.000toU0.000 -local folders." the number depending, of course, very largely upon the volume oi travel patronizing it. Tho cost of local folders will bo roughly about ij&'iO a month or $3,000 a year. Tho "through folder," being intended to favorably im press truvelets living ut points distant from the Hue issuing it, is u more olal orate and expensive utTair; more uie needed and the cost runs all the wuy from $7,000 to sM'.'.OOO or $13,000 it yeur Then there's the question of limps Mups nro expensive. A fairly respectu bio one can be had, if purchiiaud in lot or 3.000 or 10,000. ror ubou't twenty cents upleco An energetic' company ensily disposes of 10,000 in u yeur uud thus go another $2,000. Guidebooks nro another item Involv ing heavy expenditure. If they aro to bo effective they tequlro in tlioir piep.i ration the finest kind of paper and the most original designing, all ot which costs money. A thousuud dollars is u mere bagatelle lu the first cost of a "Book of Summer Tours." As instanc ing this, it tuny be said that a certain western road, less than 300 miles lu length, recently issued a publication that cost over $IO,000, And so it goen As most people know, the ureater nait j or railway udvottising in country ami , city newspapers is paid for in trans ! portatlon. Tho tesults. from the rail I way's standpoint, aro good. No money is i paid out, and "yo country editor" isilis l posed to look kindly upon the toad ovui I whaso tracks he rides on a mileage ImoI; Tho approach of the -World's fair has already called into being a very large ninouut of advertising matter, and will yet bo responsible for much more, it very large percentage of which will in ull likelihood never bo seen in this country for tho reason that it is being prepared for the benefit of the people of Jther lands than ours. Europe and South America are already being besieged by great quantities of folders, while even Australia, China, Japan aud the South Sea islands have not e.-i-aped, Practically the railways of the conn try have taken upon their shoulders tin duty or noising abroad the attractions or thegieat tatr, and so lie.utilyuietlie) entering upon the pcifuimuiiceof then task that it may well lie doubted if they are not attending to it m hotter manner than could bo done by the commissioners themselves, .1, M CaMI'Iiki.i. RE you a Cost Cuts No Figure PALL 1892 BEFORE BUYING YOUR Carpets :; 1111 See our Large Lire. A. M. DAVIS & SON, 1112 O STRG6T, uQir Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. SNAP HERE'S a We have just placed on sale a lot ol Fine Gorrespondence Papar x x x cither Ruled or Plain, with latest shape Envelopes, Also 200 boxes of FAIRMOUNTCRRAM LxAIO In Plain or Ruled, with Envelopes same style a, Laliclle France Linen. These arc offered now at 25c PER BOX MILLER-Grocer 143 S. 1 1th Street. Telephone 39S. tint, just received Nabob Sweet Pickles, Imported Chow Chow, -Sweet Blossom Peas, -Fancy Queen Olives, Fancy Small Olives, - M. Y. Full Cream Cheese, 4 Extra F'cy Sliced A FULL LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. tsrow&t EAiti.r. j, miILLERi HERCULES T Gas or Gasoline ENGINES Makes no smell or dirt. For Simplicity it Heats the World. No Batteries or Electric Spark to care for. Just light tho Uttrncr, turn the Wheel, and It runs nil day. No double or false Explosions fre quent with thu unreliable spark. It runs with u chcap-jr crude of Gasoline than r.r.y other Engine, Regular Reader flhlsponulnr Knmlljr Jotirntlr If not, why not? The '1 Anyonecainirronl DO coins for throo months, or I,00 for K mouths, for a CLEAN, SPICY, RESPECTABLE NEWSPAPERS',', forHiuiitiiy Hmillng Hfinl your nnnie either hy mall or telephone. d Curtain X Comprising 300 Hoxcs of I labelle FRANCE 1 LINEN 8 pACIl Dox contains a full quire of Paper, and the same number of Envelopes, and they are jut as good as what you usually pay 50 ccntsfor. ThU I a bargain worth looking Into. Wessel-Stevens Printing. Co., Courier Office, 1 1 34 N St. a lot of new 25c qt. 25c " - 25c can 40c qt, 20c " 20c lb, Pineapple 26c can Send run IixusTnATrn Pkvckhtivk ClllCULAIl TO H. P. HALLOCK & CO. I'rojirlttori of t!io Alantic-PaciSc Type Foundry, no. 1013 nowAaa sr. OJtAHA, JIKII. WT ljl 3-TJf) v ; v 0' 'ft- 1 ' n