Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 15, 1892, Image 1

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    W&&ffi$$jlF& &yG&tSy&S5$ --wAfaiE
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"v Popular paper of axppern -times "
Vol,. 7 No -4G
Lincoln, Nicokaska, Satumday, Ootouicu IG, I SOU.
Tho Irvlno murder trial opened with n do
cldodly sensational row niunuy tho attorneys,
nan result of which Hon. (). M, Lnmhcrtsnii
will crowded out of tlio case and n stigma
cast upon it professional uiiniu that has boon
nbovo suspicion through eighteen years of
legal practice, iteforo tliu llrst jmor hud
been culled tliu attorney for tho defendant
nicsl an objection to Mr. Mmhcrtson appear
ing for tliu state, iiIIoIiik that ho had lt'ii
retained tiy tho defense noon after thu inur
den mid was never released, Mr. Lntubei t
boh contended that tho claim was false, but
tho defense, made such u showing that Judge
Hull saw fit to bur Mr. LtmU-itson out of
the caso. To tho observant ones It was ap
parent front Mr. Mmhertsou' demeanor
that ho would not have been worse hurt Imil
Romeoiiu plunged a knlfo Into him. Ho Iihh
been mi exemplar of professional etiquette,
for tho full term of IiIh practice in Lincoln
and has over prided himself on his wide
spread reputation as not only an ublo but nn
honoiitblo lawyer. Those who know Mr.
MiiUertsou hot will nioro readily believe
that Judge Hall's decision wus not meilted.
And those who best know IiIh licensors will
roach tho sumo conclusion, somu of whom
have over been ojmmi to suspicion of that
trickery ho dangerously common among at
torneys on thu criminal bide. Of course Mr.
Mmhertsou appealed ut once to tliu supreme
court, but that body wits avcise to taking
action in tho matter until thu murder case
is over. Meantime tho murder case must go
on with tho state's counsel seriously crippled
by Mr. Mmbei tsou's removal and with tho
menace staring all in tho fnco that no man's
reputation is safe if lie stands In tho wuy.
Just what effect tho situation will have on
tho Irvlno trial It Is conjecture. There
are those who believe It will prejudice the
defense. One of tho attorneys for Irvine, In
speaking of tho decision, said that they hud
not expected such a dicisioii. "Wo thought
of course that Judge Hall would overrule
tho objection." This would have given the
defense it chance to pose as a umrtyied cause
and it would have had Its effect before tho
Jury. Thei o Is some question among nttor
noys that tho supremo couit would have
righted Mr. i.umbei tson after the trial, and
It would not be Mich u vindication us lie could
wish, as there would prcbubly beiioonothvio
to oppose it and the vindication would lack
that decisive I lug that comes from opposi
tion. In view of this fact and the further
fact that it decision could not bo reached in
timo to penult of his participation in tills
cae, and as the findings of the courtwere thut
Mr. Mmbertsou'ri employment by the stut j
was due to a misapprehension of facts on his
part, Mr. Luinbertsoii decided to withdrew
Lis action in supreme court.
If there Is an exasperating autocrat on
party it Is tho telephone girl. Tho hired do
mestic once held a royal throne of authority
tor years, but the dynasty abdicated out of
pure shame-facediiOM some years since In fa
vor of her hello sister. Tho telephone Is an
exasperating modern necessity at best, but
when it is operated by a girl who puts in
part of her tlmo attending the wants of tele
phone patrons and another part tiring sar
castic and discourteous remarks at them for
having wants, the telephone assumes a devil
ish aspect and often brings it patrons to
spasms. TIs true that patrons are often de
cidedly unreasonable and accommodating.
How easy it would bu for anyone wanting
the 'phone to gently ring up centi aland as
certain whether or not she was tired or hail
read to the end of her chapter, or had inter
esting company or any other nlveislou de
manding her time, and if eo Inform her that
ho would not disturb her, but would come
back In half an hour. Anil then when the
lire alarm sounds it would be so much more
accommodating If patrons would hire a mes
senger boy to ascertain whether his house,
wife and children were being burned, rather
than rely upon the telephone that lie pays for
and thus put the hello girl to some trouble.
How divinely sweet tempered a patron of the
telephone ought to feel when be stops to the
'phone to Inquire the fire Is and finds that the
hello girl has avoided trouble by shutting
him out. All these are little Christian
graces which patrons of the telephone must
learn to bear as crosses If he would ultimate
ly reap1 the glory of being robbe'd monthly
by a bloated and soulless monopoly. And vet
people are often heard grumbling at their
tiivlaland numeious exasperating rebuffs
from central olllce, as If they were at all to
be weighed against the telephone girl's com
forts or tho fluanciul needs of tho telephone
coniaiiy, which is unable to hire more or
better operators.
It is probably a mighty good thing for tho
' community thut the Ilryan-Field debate of
Tuesday evening was tho last of the cam
paign. Weio there more to follow theie
would undoubtedly be some political red lliu
in this vicinity. The strong partisans on
both sides have been getting madder after
each dose and tneir temper has been soai ing
to the fighting point (Fahrenheit). If some
one had only the forethought to require
unreasoning partisans to stay from these do
bates they might huvu accomplished some
good, but as tho chequers for both Hides
turned out to contest lung power and vitup
erative capacities, tho debutes havu slmplv
resulted in Intensifying puitlsuu bitterness.
Republicans and democrats each defiantly
and triumphantly asset t that tholrjiesiiectlvo
champions achieved the victory, and both
are mad and getting madder when thev say
it. Neither eould prove it, probably, where
fore thoy mo safe except as to conscience,
for their opponents cannot disprove It.
Thoughtful people are y earning for the 8lh
f Novcmtter, when they may cast their bal
lots and avoid fuither contact with the howl
niKi aggressive, political pmtisu'i.
Illi its of u political feather do not, always
Hock together by any menus, for it often
hup's-us thut it lepubllcuu finds himself In a
crowd of his political bifthi'cu who mo not
congenial In eveiy minute way, and same
with democrats. Governor Fiiruker met
with Just such nn exvrleiieo In Lincoln
Dr. W. II. II Dunn Is an oil Mine Ohio ac
quaintance of Koruker, ninlin spite of the
ilesparlty In their ages, had been with him
enough to know hlspiedoilctlotis, Of com so
he culled on tho Ohio gentleman and of
course ho wus greeted with warmth. Ho
visited him nt u time when thu inner man
grow eloquent in his demands, and while tho
goxl lepubllcuu brethren were sitting uliout
Mr. Foritker discussing tho prospects In Now
York, Now Jersey and a few other back
nuuibor topics, Dr. Dunn sidled up to him
and whispered In his ear what any good and
hospitable democrat who hud turned hide
pendent would lo most apt to think of. It
wus what tho governor of North Carolina is
reputed to have onco remarked to tho gover
nor of South Carolina. It was noticed that
Mr. Fornker at once became a little nervous
and nppiiieutly desirous of ending tho meet
ing, ami ho uccotdliigly remarked it moment
later that ho believed ho would like some
oysteis. Mr. Atkinson heard it and pi o
Ksed to go nfter some. As thoy neared tho
door of tho ietauiiiut Dim Diiiiii, who was
urm-lii-urm with Governor Foiuker, politely
requested the lepubllcuu esoolt to step in
and order the oysteis and oxouso tho gover
nor for a moment. Of com so they did and n
few moments later a side-door squeaked an
iifter-hour tuno mid tho two visitors re
counted meinoiies of the mini over it bottle
of ale while their oysters woio getting into
Mania tr.iuiitorlu Is tho name of tho men
tal malady uku which tho attorneys havu
pinned then fallh us the one chance for se
curing his aequllal. It Is also known us
visual hallucination, and a few other names
for It can lie found laying around loose
among tho creations 1 authorities on lusanl
ty. One of tho attorneys for the defense, In
his otieniiig statement to tho Jury Thursday
nftornoou executed a novel bit of word
painting In ilesoribliu In detail thu sensa
tions and visions experienced by Irving on
the morning of tho murder of Montgomery,
which sensations and visions will bu duly In
troduced in evidence. Thu wiltlngs of
authorities on insanity in its vai lous and be
wildering forms, and tho personal knowl
edge of such noted expel ts as tho defend
ant's ample means will secure, will then bo
Introduced to show that tho visions and sen
sations which Irvine cxericnced were none
other than mania, trunsitoria. It may bo
injudicious to say it, but every indication
points to the probable acquittal of thu de
fendant, and really the Insanity phase of the
defense is Its weakest feature Hut thu ten
able attorneys conducting Irvine's rase are
shrewd enough to see that it can be utilized
by a Jury so dlsposM as about the only ex
cuse under the law for a favorublu verdict.
Thoy have scented what Is deemed by all an
extremely frlendy jury. and huvingtlungdown
thu insanity theory as a ground Uon which
the Jury may base a verdict of acquittal,
thoy will Kund away at Montgomery's
Invasion of his slayer's homo as the means of
winning the Juror's sympathy. . As 'related
by nil attorney for the defense, the story
of Montgomery's abuse of his friends canll
duueu Is one that will appeal to a Jury, and
though It is not one upon which a verdict of
acquittal might under the law bo grounded
it will probably lead the Jurors to thu cpn'
vlctlonthat Irvine was a victim of the pe
collar soi t of lleelng insanity claimed.
There Is excellent riasou for believing that
Mrs. Irvine has consented to take the witness
stand mid confirm the story of her husband's
wrongs, and that shuts now in or very near
Lincoln awaiting tho signal of his attorneys.
If this be true it ought to come us near ston
ing to hut husband for the wrongs she has
done him as anything within her power.
No more paiuful or hiimllatlng act of
reieiitauco could possibly be invented.
Th progressive women of Nebraska who
have set their hearts o:i the attainment of
equal rights with those enjoyed by their male
consorts may rejoice with exceeding great
Joy. For the first time in the history of
Nebraska a woman has been drawn for ser
vice on a Jury, Out in Wyoming such soft
snaps as jury service' aud similar ''lazy
man's" jobs, ire en Joj ed by the fair sex on
equal teims with men, but Nebraska men
h tve never let go of nny of their boasted
privileges or perquisites. The honor of
being the first Invader of man's most coveted
and piofltuhlo perquisite of citizenship be
longs to Mrs. Crittenden of University l'lnce.
8ho was drawn as a juror In the Irvlno trial.
Her iiiimu got into thu hat Instead of that
of her husband, and sho was duly summoned
to apear by n deputy sheriff. Unfortu
nately she was ill and could not come In,
How her name got mixed up with thu jury
favorltetJ remains unexplained, as tho county
commissioners are presumed anil directed by
tho law to secure from the ill books tho
names that are put into the hut when the
grand ralllo for place in the bulwark of
liberty takes place. Commissioner Chur
chill hits doubtless had plenty of opportu
nities to explain how liucamo to gut the
name of it lady Into thu hut if ho took the
names from tho oll book.
Miss Alice Isaacs will not visit Lincoln this
fall but invites thu ladles to call nt her ele
gant t.toro, :K)7 South Sixteenth street, Oma
ha, to see her beautiful now line of fall and
winter effects In fine millinery.
Call up Cook-llulloy Grocery company,
phono !!! and give our older. It will re
ceive aspiompt and caiulul attention as
though ordered In ihtisou.
I')U mill Kttr Hurgeini,
Dr. W. L. I)n)tou, oculist mid uunst, IU0.')
0 street, telephone 1175, Lincoln, Nebr.
Do readers of Tiik CotmiKlti-vrr find can so
toanathemlr.t tlio (sillcol It Is to bo hoped
not. It is time wasted and without n shod
uw of excuse. If tho police are not always
whete their services uro most urgently re
quired they are not solely blfmit do, and per
haps not in tho lousts . Lincoln's policemen
huvu not been nlcssed any mom literally
with ubiquity than thohittsvtiuttnncd gentry
of other cities. Owing to the fact that Lin
coln's municipal hlstoiy comprises chiefly an
annual how of a shortage in funds, her police
foico has never attained half tho pmpi tlous
Iter sle, population and wealth demand,
Them Is not it city of thu slro of this, proh
ably In tho whole United Htutes, or any other
clvlllnsl country, thut bus not more than
double her ollcu force It is simply ridicu
lous to think of it force compi (slug n scout of
olllcers, Imi thuy thu most wakeful and vlgl
lent on em th, doing eMHcnl police duty for
a city of (J0,(HKI people. Woio they endow od
with optical powers that would enable thum
to see around corners at telescopic distances,
and then furtiMicd with tho seven-league
boots of thu fairy title, thoy might approxi
mate elllclent police service for a city of this
rite, A score of policemen to do the service
both day umt night, and still it taxes tho re
sources of thu council to provide moderate,
almost uslinonjus, salarlui for that smtll
number. Kvery now and then thu wall comes
dolefully soughing along thut we must have
fewer policemen, more mo toy or smaller sal
aries, or all of them. And yet ovpryonu
cries nt every successful depredation by thu
lawless, "Where are the police!" Mt us stop
abusing tho patient pollcemili a while aud
go after tho men who imposo upon him mom
work then ho can elllclent ly perform and
pay him less money than ho earns. Let us
eltut men to olllco who can run thu city us It
should bu run, on the same percentage of tax
ation that piovtiiW in cities thutitluwell gov
erned. o
If thu city council doesn't soon get down
to a systematic legulatlon of thu construc
tion and malntenan-o of modern, comfort
able sidewalks tho howl that will go up next
spilngwlll turn the hair of Its halting and
vacillating members gray In it single night.
That night will Ut the night after the day of
election. None of the pieseut members of
thu council have ever yet realized what u
viciously effective ciiuvass can ba undo by a
constituency enraged by sore and lacerated
feet. It Is just possible that Iteforo election
toteis may nearly all bo hobbling around on
clutches, but they will get to the polls some
how noil i egister a vote for good sidewalks.
It seems us if no city novel ninent can bo
chosen that Isn'tulwajs running the city into
additional indebtedness far out of proportion
with the bcuellts enjoyed, aud citizens might
as well drop the economy Issue and take up
something practical. Let us havu a street
sweeer that has a midnight conscience ami
sidewalks tint are not fit league with tho sur
geon, thu coin doctor and the undertaker. us tiuvo our stieets designated by con
spicuous signs aud our stunted and rocky
walks vacated by Hie goods boxes and the
titiek tlenlprH. lift fur thu luiliM nf Hiilfer
ing humanity kick for a few small favors for
which to bo thankful, Iet us, while tho
eternal howl of iuuuiciial siverty goes on
from year to year, havu a few Inexpensive
testimonials that people imy taxes, not ex
uctly for publication, but us uu evidence of
good faith. Let us have better sidewalks
mid let us have them uniform, regurdluss of
the rich itiun's trees and ambitious lawns.
Speaking of mania trunsitoria, one Is foro
blv imiiiussixl with the Idea that the iiin'l
who invented the existing laws for tho regis
tration of voters must havu had it bad. It is
not the way (u which it provides that voteis
shall be reglfcteied, but the times at which
the registrars sit would befuddle the Invent
or of the flfteen-foui teen puzzle. Tho zigzag
plan must have been suggested by something
at least as uncouth as a mil fence. Beginning
four weeks before election the registrars tit
one da -Tuesday. The next week they sit
on Wednesday, the next on Thuusdny, and
during the week prior to election they st Fr
day and Saturday. The Tuesday date has
gone by for this ear, but those who contem
plate registering may remember that the
books will bu open again next Wednesday.
Men who do not register anew this mouth
will experience some embairassmuiit when
they match up to too polls ou thu eighth of
November to vote.
Bpeclul CoUHIKU Correspondence.
Within tho last year Oumliu has taken such
rapid strides toward Incoming a metropoli
tun city thut its Inhabitants huvu sudleuly
awakened to thu fact. Thtf moH
noticeable changu u in thu attire
of both sexes. There is uu iiidescriluhle dlf
fei euce, it cxt tuiu elite, a chappy combina
tion of colors, a breath of ozone, or whato'er
it may be, which tends to dUtiiigulsh our
city belle from her country sister. It has
become almost an axiom, a self evident
tiuth, to connoisseurs of fttmulu loveliness
that Omaha and homely women aie syn
onymous. Whenever you sec it pretty girl
ou thubtieet you mty safely wager that she
Is either fiom Council Muffs or u st lunger,
(f i om Lincoln, Editor,)
The expiession, "There is no ticounttiig for
a woman's taste," has lieuu exeaiplilled dur-
'ing Hie pust week by thu announced engage
ment of Miss Coru DtfW lit, it lively, Mitltu,
vivacious tyMj of girlhood, to C. (lea Wo, a
Chinese doctor of i eputo. Can such it tiling
as lovuexist in the heart of it tuiu Ameilcan
gli I for one of the-o rat-eating celtwtluls or
U it another Mtcilllcu on tho altar of Mam
mon f What will not it worn tu do lor money f
Kho will sell her soul to deck her body. I'ho
wedding occurs Monday with the consent of
the brido's mother.
Our theatres have been playing to good
homes this week. At thu Furnam stieot
theatre Alba I ley wood has been delighting
laigenudlenc.M with his excellent Interpre
tatloil of Hoi Hiultll llussell'd feign wood
Folks, while tho only Hoi rimlth llusell has
packed lloyd's now theatre fi mil pit to dome,
standing room being decidedly scarce. U'Ui
lldentof his own ability lusphes coulldeii'o
lit his auditor and hlsieallstlo liuKnimi
Hon of homely, but honest rural characters
villi utes n sympathetic cord III our uatuie
and wo feel thut tho picture before us Is one
of real life. Miss ltadellir, it condensed bunch
of female loveliness, was like a ray of sun
shine aud shared tho honots of Mr. itusscll,
The Harvest Moon will hold tho boards of
lloyd's new theater tho balance of tho week.
Next week the lloyd will pmsoiit Aunt
lllldget's llaby, 17th to lllth mid Dure David
ion In D.iiueis of a Great City lllth to lllth
Fiituum Htiect Theatre will put McCarthy's
Mishaps ou thu boards all uoxt week.
F.ll Wl'SHKI
Omaha, Oct. lllth, IWrJ.
Modern l'-lltlrs.
Tho maiuier of riqiortlug thu Killticu1 uuws
thut happens in our modern times does not
seem to stand compuilsou. Ilolow wo give
tho headlines ucd over two exhaustive ac
counts of tho last Fleld-llruu dchulo, which
occuiied Tuesday evening III this city, You
prepare your ballot and take your choices
Oin-iha U'orlil-llmiUI:
Fiki.Ii O.nuk Moiik Collides VV mi Hiiyan
With tiik Oi.ii Uhhult.
wivan htii.l htanp.s ami juikii; kii-m won
1 dk.iih "wiikuk uk ih at."
The K-rjilmlfd Theory Thut the Foietyner
Jiysthn Vila" . A of .SVefc
Thl$ Debate.
S7ifi ntiriiiif;
I'ikld'hGiikat Anhwkk to Kuvan.
The loiuiy Jfc llryan llatlly liruirea fit
Ihiul-Fnll nf Ilia Own Cimntmetlon.
He 1'ropiiumln a Lint of Question unit
Jtulyr Field AnnctfB Kvery One
With the Force of u File-
l)rirerllryitn,a An-
yry Itejolner,
How's This?
Wo offer one hundred dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that cannot bu cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. ClIKNKY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F, J.
Cheney for tho last fifteen years, and believu
him perfectly honorable in all business trans
actions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
Wholesale Dlllgglsts, Toledo, ().
Waldinii, K inn an & Mahvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly ou the blood and mucous sur
faces of thu system. Testimonials sent free.
I'l Ice ?5u per bottlo. Hold by all druggists.
Oiiiiih' Leading; Hotel.
Thu 1'axtou hotel, for eight years under
tho management of Kitchen Ilros., hasajulu
passed into their hands and is now Udng con
ducted in the same excellent manner that
gave the huum Its lenowued reputation years
ago. Mr llalph Kitchen, who is well known
In Lincoln and throughout the state, hav
ing foimerly had the management of the
Capital hotel In this city, has the uiNiiage
lllelit of the Paxton. Llncoliiltes and No
biaskans in general will flue the 1'axton ful
ly III keeping with the leading hotels of the
country mid a most excellent place to ston
at while in Omaha,
K C Iluklng Powder, 'S ounces for 'Si cents.
Absolutely I'll re. Have you tiled It f
Iterlor's New riinrniMC).
Sunday houm: UiliO to 'i.'M n. m ',' to 5 and
7!M) to Ib'W) p. in.
KC linking Powder, 'i-' ouiiim fori') cents.
Absolutely Pure. Have you trmd It f
If you miss thu bargain offenM for next
week by J. W. Winger & Co, you will ru
grot it,
Orchestra Music,
Irvlno's new orchestra furnishes nierlor
music, any numler ol pitHt-s, for concerts,
receptions, balls, jwit tits, etc. U-uvoordeis
at CouillKR olllce, IIIH N sheet, telephone
lr. I'ariihani Cures
blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung,
nervous, rectal and skin diseas-s. Ilooius
Nos. 14 ami I .I, HlchunU block.
Wedding cake Imixus, wisldiug invitations
and announcements, the lie. vest for IbW it,
uro now lielng sliiiwu by the Wessel Stevens
Pi luting (oiiiMiuy.
All Klegitnt Soinenlr.
Tho Western Ilesort Hook, a finely illus
trntcd publication descilptive of all the west
ern rt suits along the lines of tho Union Pit
cillo system. Kent fris- upon lecelptofslx
cents in stumps. J. T. Muslin, C. T. A.,
1011 O stiist. !:. A, Klosson, (leiieui! Agent,
Lincoln, Nob.
Tho crowded house which greeted Hoi Hmlth
ltussell at Ihe Lansing lust evening and the
euthlislsllo reception accorded this greit
comedian wrionllt" loredlluble to the tasleiind
eultureof thelilg uuillimeo aed llullerliiK lo
the nrtor. Mr, Itusscll bus earned a place
peculiarly his own In tho uilcolloiiuio reuurd
of discriminating- tbratre-noers. No iietor
now ou fbu American sluiinuun coininand n
larger hearlim or u more sjnipalhetlc iittenl
lout cerlululy nonii deserve it more rlehly
for none Is closer to imturo or more delicate
and subtle In his art. Humor and pathos are
his huudmuhts, while his faculty of quaint
and ercontrlo ehiiruotnrlriiihm, always ru
fined, ulwitjs deft und delicate, hut by no
possibility tnmo or Inolpld, amounts f o posit
ive genius, lr ho bus his limitations ho also
bus tho good strong good sense and ripe Judg
ment lo know what these limitations itru and
lo keep within them at all Mines. To know
mid todo thlslsln llselfiin mihloveiiiuut. Mr
llussell Is scon at his best In 'A Poor Itelat
ion," The play has been revised and strong
tliencd since Its last pindiictlott In Lincoln
Noah Vale remains the same ciintnil tlgure,
losing none of tho pithetlo and humorous
qualities which have made the chnruefur so
acceptable herolofoie, but bearing it more
harmonious rulnni to tho story ami its
movuinuiil, Tho play Is well cast throiiuhout,
ho scenery exeellenl, and the general elleet
In nil respects satisfactory. Mr. Itiissel was
culled before the curtain and i lo one or his
characlerlstle speeches with tin usual fellelt
puis result. The fault to bo found with thu
company Is thut tholruiigiiguiuot was for hut
one night only,
The Lansing Theatre will ring with Imihg.
tor 'I hursdity evening, whou lliirury Fergsou
mid oiio of tho strongest organlriulou pres
enting farce comedy, will endeavor to euro
..ii ,...., ...,, ,.-. .... . .. . . ..
in ijiiii-iii leeiiiiiis uy ineir interpretations Of
"wri. any .iiisnups," 'Jiie play in Itself ru
mains tho nunc, as heretofore the runny sit
uufltlons, umiisiiig Incidents mid witty dial
ogue, seivlngnsa vehicle upon which Hie
mi Is bused. New songs, new dunces and
new races, and that the illllorenl characters
will bo portrayed, Is assured by a review or
tho players. Harney Furgmou, who has In
gratiated himself with theatre-goers by hi"
original metlusls reputation mid pecular iter
sonullty. James l'.Post, Is the "Miilllgnn',
itchnriieterlzulluu or thu lyplotl Irishman
James llrlltlu has created it grout reputation
by his correct liultiiliuu or the" lato J K,
Kminel. Charles II. t-lanley, a clever mimic
mid little Klchunl Furglisuii, a hid who coin
noses his own songs and slugs thont In it way
that Is remurKablo for one so young, make a
trio of excellent entertainers. I.lzzlu Conway
a delineator of eel Ho roles, who Is always
clever, and Carrlu llulir, it bright, pretty and
unctions soubretl aru prominent members.
Marguerlto Ferguson, tho wonderful contor
tion dancer, whose marvelous work Is tho
present sensation of theatricals. Is with tho
Tho Winston ()H-ru company made Its
initial upis-uranco In this city nt the Funko
the first Ihrtsi evenings of the week and pre
sented Kan Hebu.tluu, Ln Purichole and
Pi luce Matnusalem res-srctlvely to ptor
houses, Thu rouqiaiiy and the 0H?ru pie
scnted are very entertaining consldei lug the
prices charged to get through the gate and
when one does pass Ihe eagle eyed gentleman
at tho door to witness so commendable hi, en
tertainment at popular prices he feels at
peace with himself, the world and a iUhIio to
again hear the bright and animated Jeunnle
Winston who is so admirably adapted to the
mule iuitiersountlou whish she assumes. Per
haw the most attractive feature In each pre
sentutioii Is ih solos tendered by J, Itomiell
Ualfo who possesses a magnificent bass voice
and renders his selections in it manner that
would cause many attaches ot the higher
priced operas to blush for their inferiority.
Good oK-rn at popular prices would surely
bun financial and social success, although
me v iiision engagement was not as great a
success as it should havu been. The reason
given for thu lacu of ousluess done might lie
explaintd by the fact that It was the com
imiiij' llrst apearaiicu hem. Another rea
son Is that eople fern that oiwiu at popular
prievs would not Iw well put on, but in this
Instance It was well staged and excellently
snug. T he cttstumiiig was fairly atiraclive.
but what might have been lacking in ibis
pHlticuliir wits uioiethuii made III) in the
meiltorioiu vocal w oik, there being seVeial
voices in tbe cast that Hiulully isiual to tliiMu
seen iu thu best opeiasin tliu mini. The
COUIUKII i egrets excetsliugly the poor bust
ness done by thu company, but believes llmr.
if Its inei its were umru fully known to the
Lincoln lovcis of oiieia they would bo well
putioiilzed. The comiHiny tilayexl ait extra
night nt the Iaufi)g Thursday evening, pre
senting Tho lloheuilaii Girl, but only toa
small house, althought the work was ex
cellent and well n-ceivisl.
Tho Knslgn Is to bo produce.1 nt the Lans
ing Theatre Mondii iilght, Octolier rMth.
This new caiididnte for spiilar favor is a
live-act nautical diituut fouudeil tqioii the
Nasou-Blldell ephxsle of 1NII. The actlonjof
the piece is mainly ou shlpls)nti uu I Its
diamatlc persoime urn mostly mnn-of war
men, There Is a decided novelty about an
American naval drama which will be appre
ciated nil the mom generally hec-tiiM of the
leeent extraordinary Inteiest In our naval
iiffults, Tho Mvuery of Tiio KiuUu Is netvs.
surily novel, elaboratu and expensive, It
has been paiutisl by the oest scenic artist.
One m cue by John II. Young represents a
MCth mil view of the mitu-of-nnr Htu Jacin
to, illustiittlugn double action in the pity.
The main and gun di-cks of the ship aieex
misisI to the audience just as these sections
of u buttle ship am workisl ut sett. To se
cure an mvuiute leprt lou of the lute
i lor of u war Nesscl it wus neceivviry for tho
nitlst to visit a ship In commission and ob
tain photogiuphs aud studies in color. From
these it model nus construcled, giving tho
scene coin lute iu miniature and tills watt
dually transferred to canvass. The result
are stage cffivts that will thrill even thu man
of.warsinnn with delight, Tho sale of seats
wlllos.'ii Friday.
The Funko has mi attraction billed for to
night In the way of nllrslclass minstrel show.
It Is said to be a goisl company and fiirnidioa
it varied eutei till cut of burnt coik, okt-
title ami llnospcolulty business, Thu Wooster,
Ohio, iiH AVti's Muks ns follows of the nt
tinctl mt "Wooster wus given something of
it diversion iu tho way of entertain incut nt
tliuoM'iit house last night, tho attraction Iw
Ing tho lb st lulnstiel show of the sea
son, Clutiles K. Kchllliiig Is not wiill known
to the theatre goets Iu this locality, but our
ssiple hail sulllclent conlldelicu iu him to fill
tho house, mid they were not illsupixilnUel,
for all worn unanimous In expi easing nulls
faction and pioiioiiuclng tliu porforinniico
uu excetsllngly clever one. In orgnnlrlnK
hlr company Mr. Kchllllng has shown ruro
Judgment, and bus succeeded Iu making ev
erything In the show good, Nothing Is tol
erable, but first cluss, and every ait and spe
cialty was enthusiastically received by thu
The Funko will entertain Its iwttrous next
week with four Ksrforinances of "A llauel
Money," coinmeiiclng Thursday evening,
when tho well-known spectacular seiisailoii
will bo given with a cast fully as strong iw
that which pluyed the piece heru lust season
"A Itnriolof Money" is one of ihoso, plays
which affcrds exclteineiit one moment wel
ou to despuir nnd i uverscs thu condition of
tilings to luiighter tliu next. Tho iceiilu
effects are mugnlllceiit und wonderful, tho
mechanism being purtlciilury grand ana ef
fective. Speaking or tho Nuw York success
tliu Itrcimlev fays: A llauel ot Money wus)
the title of the piny and there was several bar
rels In tho packed house thut that cuinu to sew
its llrst production. Nona of thu pluys In
volving Intrlcntu stugu effects und mm'huiiU
al ucces'Oi lis have gonu further into tlw
lealmof reullsiii than ''A Hanel ot Money,
IheliouMIU scoiiulu which thu horoluow
boiindbythnvllhlanto the lailt of it steam
eiigluulwas tlnillilig enough, and there werti
many tsiunlly stuilllng effects that went
warmly appreciated." The wile of seuu koo
on Wednesday moinhu. and prices wiiiikj
same us those esUbllsheil by the Funke
SO and 75 cents. Mil lea should remember
the grand Barrel of Money matl nee noet
Saturday, when. prices will o ! and 60 cnU
The next attraction at the Musing Is an
nounced for Tuesday evening on which oo
cntion tho great spectacular sensational
drama, DangeiHof a Great City, will m put
on for one night. It will Iw tho llmt presen
tation of this well known eastern suocohii,
and at Cincinnati Inst week turned peoplo
away nightly. Their engagement at Indian
nK)llst this week was likewise succos-fuL
Several weeks ago this company opened tho
season at Havlln's beautiful theatre In Chi
cago and tho Isix olllce statement showed
the Urgent week's business ever done by this
ixipular house. eaklng of the conqiaiiy a
success iu New York, the lleruld says: "Miss
Ibunlo Austen and Mr. Dom Davidson were
the bright ptrtlcular stars or Dangers of a
Great City which madu Its first appearuuoo
In thu metropolis last night ut the People's.
Through four acts the misery prevailed by it
largo majority, but iu tne end the Innocent
convict was cleared of the stigma upon him
the villain died by a spent bullet from a pis
tol Iu thu huiidiof his bride, uud Mr. David-
sou and Miss Austen, each ot wnoni nail
lo' i doing tho detective unknown to the
other, thus saving from prlwua brother anil
bi other In-law, embraced and lived happily
ever thtfieufter." Heats go on sale M onday
in lining at regular prices.
The Anna Teresa llerger company ami
Mura Dainty will give a delightful enter
tainment at Association Hall, 1 oung Men's
Christian Association building, tills evening.
VV hlle every member of the couqiany is ail
artiit. Miss iiurger and Mis Dainty are ex
ceptionally good. Tickets have been placet!
at fifty cents for reserved seats, so that all
may have an opp irtunlty of hesrliu one of
the best entertainments ever give i In
The SKX)iier Comedy company opens a
two. weeks' engagement ut the Funko Oc
tober tilth.
Dora Davidson, who appears at the Mu
sing nxt week iu Hungers of a Great City,
is the most versltlle actor in America, being
good Iu comedy as fit tragedy, and sways an
audience from laughter to tears.
Capt. (Schley, commander of tho Haiti more
during the recent Chilean trouble, and now
stationed on Mug Island, went to Hrtxxlyn
from his station, a distance of ten miles, ouu
night In it tmious storm Iu a small to
witness a jierforiuaiiee of The Ensign. The
captain was anxious to see a play that ho
nan been tola represented faithfully lire in
the United Slates navy, and which also con
tained a litiikfug scene huvsl uikui thu insult
or the Ameilcnn Hag iu Valparaiso. At tho
conclusion iff tho n-i fornmuce he is quoted an
saying: "It is a kplendiil production an I a
perfect In naval details as it is possible t ob
tain it ou the stage or any wheio else exevpt
on board ship." Llucolnites ought to Is? glad
at having mi oporiunlty of Keingthis gitvtt
phiv nt the Now Lansing Monday eveiilue.
i October ','lth.
Flue I'U) ing Cauls.
Send ten cents iu stamps to John Sebw
linn, general tl-ket und Mtsenger ngetu C,
U. Lit P. railway, t hicugo, for a mckor
the "Hock Island" playing cuiik Tin-yarn
ucknowledged the U-t, and worth five limeo
tho cost. Semi money order or -Hist il unto
for fifty cents, and we will send tlvepteks
by express, pu(ald.