CAPITAL CITY COURIER , SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1892 POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000. 0rnr I Oth and P Streets. DRY-GOODS onrry a larRO lino of Woolrn Dress Goods nml UlimiRFHliln Mlks, Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear, dimes, Hutlnii. I.llll'lll, etc. Agents for Dutterick's Patterns TAKE NOTICEI The Couuikii will not U nsoiiihui (or any debt made hy any mm in it name, uu- a written order neeoiniKinle tho same, Semi Annual Display of PATTERN HATS AND MILLINERY NOYELTIES -AT Til K- Ncxt Wednesday, Thursday mid Fildny, September not, aJijd mid 33. You are Invllcd to call. Tim Courier !hii lie F011111I At Hotel Lincoln Now Htinul. W Imino r Hotel Now Htniul. Capital Hotel Nown Htnml. Itetl Dmlo Clear Wore, llCUO Htrcot Kd. Younic. 1207 O Hlrcct. Clason, Klolohnr A Co.. MSI) O Htrcnt. Moore' Now Htnml. IM foulh lltli Htrrct. Casino Uigur More, llrnco lllook, 15th A O iTOUHEOrLE o o Tlic ImpploUnnd most blissful uvwiit of tho weekoeeuindnt tint nemo of Mr. Kiirliel Dmiirnw, I.MI lliliwl, Wednesday evening nt which Hum Mr Kliinr K. Hlovcnson mid Miss Kate K. Itommw worn milted In tint holy huniNnf wedlock. As the hour or nine nppioarlied (lie arlor wern llllttt with rela tive mid Intimate friends of tho contracting parties. At cxnctly nine to tho stuilli of the wedding march played hy Mis Mellek, the bildo In 11 coslunm of crystal silk, en trnhio descended tho stalls on the iiriiinr the woithy (loom who win nmiyixl In conventional hi 11 ok. They weio met nt tho f(mi of tho stairway hy llnv. (). A. William of tlm Flint Baptist church who conducted them tnllm pallor where mold llowrr mil friends he mnde thi'in mini mid wife with nil nipioslv.i hut simple ceremony. Ileorty cniigiutuliitlons wom offered, nflcr which n wedding mipHT was served. Tho happy couple ill mice repaired to tliolr lio nu, I I'M Fall Hats ana Furnishing Goods W. R. DENNIS & CO. 37 O Street "37 luteal and Personal. Wbltebrnut Col and Lime Compnny. Ik Barr, jeweler, removed to It 3.10 street Mann & Hall' new pharmacy 1800 O street. New location, L. Barr, Jeweler, HKl O at. Drew good at Winger & Co.' very cheap next. week. David P. Slut, dentist, rooms 43 and 43 Burr block. Dr. Ruth M. Wood, Brace building, rooms 410. 4U and 413. D-lO-ft Rector' new pharmacy, corner Twelfth and N it recti. Mra.8. F. Ryan, fashionable dress making, room 78 Burr block. Canon City Coal and Lime Coal Co. at the Whltebreast Mrs. Kate B. Cheney, teacher of singing, room SOS, Brace block. Sampson Bisters, artlstlo dross-making, 1123 N street, over Dorsey'. K C Baking Powder, SS ounces for 25 cents. Absolutely Pure, Have you tried HI "Getty's" flue confections, fresh every day at the Nutshell, Lansing theatre building. Misses Bogg & Caffyn, drew making par lore. Fine stamping. 1H11M St., 'phone 611). Mis Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. 11th & Pat, over Lincoln Savings bank, entrance on Pit, The Whltebreast Coal and Lime company la always at the front supplying the fluost grade of all kind of coal It I a noticeable fact thai Cook-Bailey Grocery Co. Is dally becoming headquarters for tine teas, coffees and spices. Mis C.J. Guilmette, modiste, Brownell Block, over Miller & Paine. Comploto lino of dm trimmings and linings. Take elevator. When you haven prescription to fill and want greatest care and accuracy exercised in compounding, take It to Hector's new phnr mary, comer Twelfth and N street. Coal of ereryslta from the best minus in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Co'oru do and Wyoming for sale by Geo, A. liny mer. Telephone !W0. Olllce 1134 O street. It you will make It a point never to got a picture framed until jou have seen the Lin coin Frame & Art Company's goods, you will always get the latest styles. Prlcei are always the lowest, Why have your horse feet butchered, have ame horse and have them sufferl Take them to Charlie Slattery' uew shop, 410 South Eleventh street, and such will never be the case. Chas. 81att.-ry, professional horseshoer and farrier. Disease of the feet treated by the latest scientific modes. Horses called for auil returned. New shop 4IU South Eleventh street, between K andL. Nothing so nice for table use as uiinera water. Cook-Bailey Grocery Co. have a largo line of the most nourishing goods, In cluding the genuine Imported Pollinaris Re gent Boring from Excelsior Springs, Mo., uipoited Ginger Ale, et street, which hit been so splendidly titled up with it view to their every comfort mid pleasure. They weio handsomely remember ed by their frlon li, tho prmeuti being such 111 will not only IwiHcfiil but orumnuiitnl in their new houm. Among Him guests from abroad wrin Mrs. August Richmond, How md, Miss Hnttie Jean Drew, l-ri Mnr, lown; mid Mr. Piitiimn, I .end City, Houlli Dakota. Mr. SluvriiMin Is well 11ml favorably known In tho city, hiivlng been city tieasurcr tor several years. Hy Ins manly unit com icons heating liu I1111 won tho rospeut nnd enteeiu nf n host of peoplo not only In tills oily but all over tho stutn. Tlm brldu has llviwl In Lincoln fo. 11 number of years, and Is 11 young Inndy of culture and lellneinent, pon. ses-lng every grnoo to 111 iko it hniiiu cheer ful and uttmctlve. Mis. C. K. Yates. iiHslstisi by .1.0. Phllllpiw of Uiunliii, guvo an unlipiu party yesteiday nflernoon to 11 number of lady friends. On vntm lug tho parlor each gueitt was given a enrdon which wns printed "A reiniy ior your Thoughts," and to this emd wns attach. m) a penny and u ik-iicIi KxiiiiiIiio the penny minutely and onellndstliu answer to the ques tions, some of which are, tho iinuiu or a trull the date; it plaoo of worship the temple', a part of a hill tlm brow; a iuei.onger-nnc s(c)eilt; the n.iine of nil animal it hum. Tho lady answering tlm greatest iitimlier nf ipms tlous iwcIvmI 11 pr r.a. Mis. Ynti s' 11 edit as 11 hostess needs 110 comment, as her ability to entertain guests Is thoroughly known among Lincoln jieopK Borosls held their llrst meeting to re-or gaulro for thu season at tho residence of Mrs. W. Q. Bell Monday afternoon. Several now members were elected and tho gelieinl wot k for thu year wns arranged. Tho plan of work Is much tho snuio its Inst year. Tlmy will meet unco In two weeks, mid 0110 mem -ber, acting its leader, will dovoto tho time to the discussion of somo live topic ot her own selection. Tlm leaders nro chosen nlphnbet ically and tho work is arranged three mouths In advance. Thu ardor and enthu siasm ot the old ns well ns tho new members given promise of a years work which will tie notoulv a nleasure but also it bouotlc. Tho next meeting will lie held October 17th nt tho homo ot Mrs. A. J. Hawvor. at which lime sho will dls:uss the silver question. Mr and Mrs. Thacker and daughter, Myr tle, who have lieeu visiting their relatives, Mr. auil Mrs. Milton Scott, left Wednesday for a visit of several weeks in Denver after which they will ho back lu Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Montgomery rf New Lex ington, O., who huvu also been visiting them, left Friday in compnny with Mr, nnd Mrs. Scott for several days in Hot Springs, S, I). Mr. Julius Spier ot Chicago, formerly o f Washington, Kans., has purchased the Nes bit stock of IkmU nnd shoe. Mr. Spier is a man of menus, having several other stores throughout the west. Ho has decided to lo cate In Lincoln and will occupy 0110 ot tho uew residences comer Seventeenth and K streets, his family having already arrived In tho city. The ladle ot tho First Baptist 0 hurch ten dered a reception to tho students of the var ious colleges Tuesday evening at the resi dence ot Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Williams, Over a hundred guests were present. With inuslo ami conversation the evening passed vory quickly. Refreshment were served during the evening and a pleasant time had by all, Dr. and Mr. C. F. Ladd entertained a plea ant theatre party at the Liming Monday evening on which occasion "Jane" by Froh man's company waa presented. The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. J, A. iltickstaff, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Groeno, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Heeson, Mrs. Frank L. Sheldon and Miss M. Olive Latta. Ladles will be Interested In tho now adver tisement shown today on page four by Illoch & Holm, the progressive dry goods mer chants. Tlm will make a series ot an nouncements In that spnee regularly and it will pity our fair readers to keep at least 0110 eye on It every week, Mr. and Mrs. J.-E. HoutE and daughter, Laura, who expected to leave for their new western home Saturday have been detained 011 account ot the sicklies of Mrs. H011U. They wilt probably not leave for bevernl days. Misr. Fred White mid Fred Woodard, two young men well known In Lincoln, will open it collection agency in tho Hrowuell block next week. Helm- trustworthy and backed by strong references they will certainly do well. Mr. 1. P. Keuuard left Friday for Indiana where he meets bis daughter, Mrs. C. D. Pitcher, who has been spending the summer in the east. They w III both return homo after a few weeks visit with relatives. Mrs. J. II, Mauritius Uft Wednesday to Ik gone severnl weeks, during which time she will visit In tonvouwnrtli nnd Kansas City. MImUIiiiii Cnrmody returned Saturday f mm her vacation trip nnd hits again re- sinned her duties nt the capltol. Mr. nnd Mrs. IirinUi ot Dcs Molnos, In , returned limmi Tile-slay after 11 pleasant visit with Mr. mid Mrs I). L, I-ove. Miss Nellie Falrclilld of Valparaiso, Imll nua, Is visiting ut tint homo ut her uncle, Hon. N. H. Ilnrwood. Miss Cm lie Wasmerof Grand Island ar rived In the city Monday and Is vlidtlng with Mls Nelllo .Vhlte, Homo very pretty new designs for rccre cauls nro being sold by the Weasel-Steven printing company. MNs Hachel llrock left in tho early pa it of the week for tho east, where she will attend school this winter. Mrs. .1. II. Clink, who has been sxudlug tho summer with friends In Michigan, came Inline Saturday. Misses Anna Fiinko nnd M. Olive Ijitta returned Monday fiom Alliance and their Illack Hills tilp, Mr, J. K. ICii'ileii of Clinton, III,, wns 11 next of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. l)clevlsu pmt of thu week. Miss Sadie Ginham will entertain 11 com piny of friends at her home on L Street Fri day evening, Fiieudsof Miss Then Laws will be ple.isisl to learn that she Is iccovei lug from her ser Ions illness. Mr. M. P.Mniirltlimieturued I'llday from the wet after a moi. Ill's Hip which '.mis most successful. Mr. and Mis. W. II. Turner, accompjinled by J. T, Tinner, left Monday for Tienton, Missouri. Nis. U. II. Tlmiiipsoii teturned Tuesday to her lioine lu Topeka after it visit with her husband, Mis. A. J. Shilling Is visiting fi lends In Illinois, where sho Intends to remain about a mouth. The lllgger-lllll wedding occurs Wcdues pny at tiio Initio's home, .Seventeenth and L streets Misses Annie Fiinko mid Olive Lnttn have rctmuei from 11 plemaut tilp to the Black Hills. Miss Clara Smith depm ted Monday for St. Louis wheruhu will visit during exMsltlou week. Mr. T. A. Brown 1 el timed from Kansas Satin day where he sient the pievious week Mrs. M. A. Herd Is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs, J, M. Howmd of Illinois. Mr. and Mis. O, M. Thompson will enter tain tho An Fait club Monday evening. A FINK PLAY. " a: ' m mnm ! im m i mm m t m : irava vm i vm, m Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Llppiucott nro ut home after several weeks visit lu New Yo.ik. Miss Bessie Tuttlo left Tuetduy for n visit In tho northwestern pnrt of thu stnto. Mrs. Simon Mayer leaves for New Yoik next weet to visit with her pnreutH. Mis. II. II. Carter and Mr. C. I). Carter departed Monday for Philadelphia, Mrs. L. C. Burr lft last weok for mi ex tended viHlt in Olympia, Wash. Mr. William Clark left Wednesday on n business trip to Toiekn, Kan. Miss Naomi Weaver has returned from her two months visit in Denver. V. E. Nichols of Stroms-3 Crg, Neb., was Lincoln visitor Thursday. Mrs. and Miss Perry of Ohio are guests of Mrs. M. G. Hotitz. Mr, nuil Mr. J. H. llensley lest Wednes day for Chicago. v Mr. It. D, Stenrncs mado a business trip to Chicago Miss Mary Donahuo departed Tuesday for Sacramento, Cal. Tho Beta literary club will moot next week to ro-orgnnlzo. W. J. Coates left Saturday for 11 visit in Kansas City. Miss Mary Meyer left Sunday for a visit in St. IOtiis. Mis Katlo Cam iron left Weduorday for Colorado. Mrs. S. J. Burrus left Tuesday for Min neapolis. Mr. Hetzel ot Auburn is visiting Mrs. A. M. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Lash left Tuesdny for Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Wolff departed Thursday for Denver. The F street card club will reorganize soon. MU Archibald left Wednesday for Den ver. Mr. 8am Weasel visited Denver this week. Mrs. L. C. Clark left Monday for Chicago . Mr. A. Morris left Monday for Chicago. It will pay you to look Winger ft Co.' cloak stock, money by so doing. through J. W. You can save Miss Alice Isaacs, the O.uaha milliner, who hits a largo number of patrons In Llnclou, desires to announce that owing to a rush of buslues at tlm store she will be unable to visit this city, but invite Lincoln ladles to visit her storo and kh the most elegant line ot tine pnttirn hats and fall millinery ever brought to the west, .Prices are exceedingly low and style guaranteed correct up to date. All wool storm serge at 45c per j aid next week at tlm store of J. W, Winger & Co. 1100O street. Mrs, S. F. Ryan, fasliioiiabledress miking, room 78 Burr block. Dr. Fariiliaut Cure chronlo disease. Consultation free. Medi cine furnished at office. Office bourn 10 to 12 a, re 2 to 8 p. m., and 7 to 0 p. m. Sunday 4 to 0 p. m. To Trade for a Llnculu Ixit. Will trade a block nf good Hasting lot for centrally located residence lot in Lincoln Call or addM L. WmmI Jr., 1184 N street, city. Mrs. John It, Clark and Miss Lulu Clark came homo this week from tho vast. They have been spending the summer in Etito. Misses Bertie and Daisy Claik remained lu Kin lice to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Watt are entertain lug a iidw visitor that arrlvod at the family t evidence on G street lu tho weo sum' hours ot yesterduy morning. It' a boy ami looks Jiut like papa. Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Lau came homo Satur day from their European trip. They left their daughters, Nellie and Anna iu school In Germany wheie they will remain for a year. Mr.. M.S. Seville ami daughter, MissMlu-' tile, left Tuesday evening for their home lu ' Ixmlslaim after a pleasant visit of some week with Mr. K, K. Hay den. The Delta Tuuta fraternity gave a very en joyable party last evening to their lady friends, at their hall lu the First National bank building. Mr. A. J. Blair left Monday for Chicago. Kyo itml Kur Nurgooti. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist mid aurist, I'-XK) O street, telephone :175, Lincoln, Nebr. (Continued from llrst page.) William Morris) I Hknl his work, 1 adored his diameter, I admired thn man, I wiole, asking for mi interview which he kindly ip pointed nt his hotel, Hotel Woodruff, which ptnee has been his Chlcngn home for many yenrs. I look with me a friend who is 11 lino slemurapher nnd wo went "piepared for war," We dl(" not have It. We uxNWtod to learn his whole history. We did not do It, Weweretolsi formal, business-like. 'Tvvns an Impi-sslblllty. Wo decided wo should ask hlmllistnne question. It wns to be this, "Are you mill rledi" He did not ulveusthe chance. A muimurtsl "Miss llonuell, I be lieve," and then "Mrs. Moirls will be in lu a few moments. ' Alasl the day, sown thought, befoie she tame, lint when she came whom should she pi live to be but Cinders, delight ful, lefieshlng I'ludeis, who dellnes"Pall-n-dice" ns "Unit plncf. wheie two blokes weio hi clover anil didn't know It nnd got tin on 11 out fcr eatln' green anples." Tho sinio Cin ders "who'd bluwed If tho potato they put on Billy's plate, when lie came to peel it, wasn't i-c-uo r-en-ni "ami on hem lug that wild lllly infuse to eat might but Ice cream, tears frantically from the room, shouting "That Ixiy'll o uigeal his Innards." And here sho was, her own piquant, bright little helf, and when wo saw them together we wcrj glad, and lu our hearts congratulated tho 11 Ixilh, How welcome they ucido us: busimss was fin gotten, mutual iicqimlntiiuco' dls coveied and for (I mil ashamed to confess It) mi hour ami a half we wero most dimming ly iiitertiiluetl. William MorrU Is a nnble man, 11 Hue character off the stage as well us on. He makes up not at all on the stage, ho Is uiiiisnmlrig at home and as ho sat there that morning two weeks ago, tlressisl inn liain.'hoino black suit talking to me with love coming lu his eyes whenever they rested on his dainty bride; It was a positive pleisuro to watch him, They have been mairled not quite a year, their iiuulvcrsary 1 cctirrlng iu Octolier. They 111 the kind of professional people one likes to meet, after hem lug of lieairico l.aiimi on' troubles ami tliat ller beitlvelcey beats his wife. People say all actois are alike, William Mori Is, with Mis. William Morris at hit, side, proves that a lie. 1 intended to tell you of him ns he Is on the stage, lteally I have told you when I tell how he Is at home. He has been on thu stage (If toon yenrs. He must have started when h wns ten or twelve years old, for li o cannot be over twenty-seven, he looks not 11 day over twenty-live, but he may be thirty. I cannot tell nnd I forehore to ask. Good ot me, wasn't it f His llrst stage experience wns with the Boston Museum compnny, which company, by the way, Hint presented this play last Api II. Ho played with them lor three years, after which his experience was varied, us dining that tlmu h traveled through not only California, but South America and the West Indies. For two yenrs ho wns Madame Mod jeska's leading man, ami since then lias been with Fiohmuii. Hols an actor with a peisonallty peculiar to himself. Ho lias the sympathy, the ndmliatlou of every woman lu the nudlcuce from the mo ment he Hist makes his npenrmico. He has personal magnatism and sinking of that quality Bab has said, "There is another who has it mid tins it most when ho is perfectly still. (Perhaps you don't know him. hue you are foolish if you don't go and see him some time) ami that is a man named William Morris, who played iu "Men and Women" last year and fought with theduvil iu sileiico live minutes, mid during that live minutes overy woman iu thu audience was helping him to got out of his trouble anil guvo a great sigh ut satisfaction when ho lietl most nrtis tlcully," I have not Bab' genius, I hnvo no genius lu fact, but iu my own way I wish to pay my tribute to handsome William Morris and his charming wife. Thoy treated mo splendidly nnd It. was with regret tluit I at last left them. Before I left Mr. Morris gave mo Ills picture and Mrs. Morris gave 1110 tiers. Across the front ot each Is written iu their own hnndwrltiug, "To Miss Bonuell, with my bst wishes," and then their autographs. I shall prize those pictures and somo day soon when Mr. Morris mid his petite wife shall lie tho two actors of the laud I shall be proud ot the pictures even as I am now. I wanted to get their pictures half- toned mid show what they are liko better than I can tell you, but my getting into Chicago so late prevent my so doing in time for this letter. Perhaps next week 1 may have them. Etta Hawkins (or Mrs. Mori is) is a St. Paul girl and us their vacations are spent there usually I may stftno duy have the pleasure of repaying them for their charming courtesy to me by entertaining them nt my twn home In tho saintly city. I lioie I may. And now Mr. and Mrs. Morris farewell for the time being, or rather au revolr, though 1 write of other you are not forgotten. We enjoyed a visit with Mr. Reeso last week, ho going farther east Sunday night. He finishes his law studies iu the spring ot IK ut Aim Arbor. Frank Russell is back once more nt his work at McCormick, and Gale 'I ate enrolls his name on tlie list of the Chicago University. Mrs. W. R. Dennis has beu for it short time my guest, and it is a mutter of regret that I cannot keep her here all winter. As soon as her preseut course of inuslo Is llnislied she expects to re turn to Lincoln. Her progress in uuislo.par tlculai ly her vocal work, has been very gieat indeed, and sho should be flattered by her success. She' entertained Dr. ' mid Mrs. Bailey ut tho theatre, world's fair, etc, during their vUit here. At pres.-utshe is very hap pily locatvd iu tho house ut Mr. and Mrs. John lloff.iimi on tho north side, wore she will be for seveial weeks. I see that Mr. Wessel refers to me us the "unsuspected." He did that before ho saw the size of this lettrr, for I know ho suspects me now of tr)lngto decieuse his circulation by sending such a poitentlous document. Pai don and I'll not trnusgies again, for hIisI I cannot wiite overy week of William Mortis. But I am going to tell you soon about the new Schiller theatre which, thanks to Mr. Munis' routtesy, I exm.'t soon to visit. Well, I'm done, Yours, Clllt'AOO, P. 8. No, I'm not, either, I must say to Mis. Maxwell: My name is Bonuell forat least u limited length of lime. ypjm 1 s 1 W: TIME IS NOW AT HAND jsS Wnnts to buy her Gloves to match licr dresses. Willi this object In view wc linvc purchased a utock of Kid Gloves, which for its variety of styles nnd similes, wns never shown before. We :an match every color, may it be dark or light. s s :).- We call special attention to a New Glove THE JOSEPHINE "SEAMLESS. For which wc have the exclusive sale. Tills is nn article made of the best French Kill, without scams on either stile of the hand nnd conse quently cannot rip whcio most objectionable. Please cnll nnd Inspect them nnd see for yourselves that wc can please cveryb:dy, whether you wish to buy n pair for yS cents or the most expensive one. 10J3 O Street. TH8 BHZHR, iiBiiiiiui ; .i:' miMWK'iavmi w:: :,'; :1!!W;'iw;:m:km:!l :! MiDM LOOK FOR THE NUMBER 1124 O ST 3 5. f. Broad. LOOK FOR THE NUMBER 1124 O ST Largest Dept. Store on 0 St - MILLINERY We seek to give you the best quality nt the lowest prices. Wool full hnts, nil new shnpes 95 cts. Fine French fur felt $1.10 to $1.65 Just opened n lot of extra line fur Beavers. Very nobby shapes. 20 ilo7cn Prince of Wales tips, 50 cts, worth 95 Ostrich tips 50 cts nnd upward OUR IILIIMRT LEADS. rrockcry JgcFartmcnt. Thin clilnnnfter dinner cups nnd saucers 19 cts, wortli double. Lnrgc size thin china cups mid saucers, 29 cts, worth 50. . Individual butters 3 cts e.ich. Pure porcelain. Decorate J bisque lamp shades, to Inch 98 cts, worth $1.50. lampc Decorated bisque lamps, simile and fount to match, 10 Inch shade, No. burner $1.98, This is the house that quotes you the lowest prices. STRICTLY CASH. ONE PRICE. Wedding Cake Boxes The Newest for a New Season JP jV" All slzej, shapes nnd prices. A now line Just received. If you aro tlgurlngon getting married, It will pay you to eall ami eo us anyhow. You will want Wedding - Invitations & Announcements, Cards, etc. This Is Just the place where you can depend upon getting correct styles and only cor rect form. Wo enn bo of service to you It you aro thinking of marrying. Wessel-Stevens Ptg. Co Courier Office 1134 N St. PRICE'S neamBaking UJCPowder (Jvd i Million! of Hornet 40 Yeam the Standard. ror rure ice Uream and Delicious Fresh Oysters ! -HALL AT- Tlie Bon Ton 1202 I3 Street. Telephone Am. Geo. Meicfeirlgirc, Propr. BHKERY CONFECTI0N6RY Coffee and Light Lunches nt all Hours Five Per Cent, on Deposits PAID BY TUB LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK AND SAFE DEPOST CO. S. E.Cor. 1 1th and P Streets Boxes to Rent in afe'Dep osit Vaults. HKNIIY K. t.KWIH, President A. P. H. BTEWAHT, Vlce-Pres. H.WKLCH.T Lt4-